
Showing posts from September, 2012

Passing array between php and jquery back and forth -

I am creating a notification system in which I get the user's line number from the table, whose new notifications came in the bus. I want to save those line numbers in the array and pass it to jquery which tells php to get line numbers ... this works perfectly, I want to know that Jason has a different Return the object with all the array values ​​on the php page and get one value after that array and do some work on each value .... How can I do this? I have searched a lot, but there is nothing available to meet the requirement. Can somebody help me out? If I understand you correctly, then you have a JSON object in javascript / jquio and You want to send it to PHP again via Ajax, so why do not you do it like this: In Javascript: function sendJSONToPHPAgain (jsonData) $. Ajax ({url: 'endpoint.php', data: {Json: JSON.stringify (jsonData)}, content type: "Application / Jason",}); } In PHP (endpoint.php): $ json = json_decode ($ _ request ['json&

vim - Custom language highlighting to existing language? -

I am working in a language called Sidona, which is similar to C #, and wondered if there is any way : set syntax = "text"> LanguageName To force Vim to use that type of highlighting. Then you will use : set syntax = cs to implement C # highlighting. Then you can use C # syntax for the following in your vimrc. Asadona files: C # syntax for all files with Force.Wim.Cdnuu Bufride, BuffenFile * .sedona: set syntax = cs To use highlighting or you can insert the C # filetype for CDO files (everything that is C #) in your vimrc: "All the Sidonna files Associate with C # file type AU bufferide, buffanwayfile * .sedona setfiletype cs

Django - wrap child blocks with loop in template -

I am quite new to Django, and although I know that you have several blocks with the same name in a template Can not be (without some hacking), I am looking for a way to do the following: for #parent template {% block% item} & lt; Div class = "outer" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "inner" & gt; {% Block item%} {% endblock%} & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; {% Endfor%} #child template {% "parent_template"%} extends {% block item%} & lt; P & gt; Fu goes here & lt; / P & gt; {% Endblock%} {% Block Item%} & lt; P & gt; The bar goes here & lt; / P & gt; {% Endblock%} And so on, where the result will look something like this: & lt; Div class = "outer" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "inner" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Fu goes here & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "external" & gt; &

Java app connecting to SQLite database -

I am developing a small Java application for people on my network. This all accepts the option for user input, takes data from multiple SQL Database (there is no update in the actual database!), And exits a calculation that works well in eclipse but I have to do this for an integrated application No solution can be found to run in the form, which I can distribute to my colleagues. I'm reading that JDBC is not able to query the database inside the jar. I am also reading that it is dangerous and slow to keep the database on shared networks. In the end, I have been told that when the program runs, I can make a temporary database, but I do not know that the database How to copy in temporary people, if the program is not able to find them in the first place. Syntax I am using to access the database: connection con = DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc: sqlite: src / productLine.db", config .toProperties ()); The database is located in the SRC folder. My questions

php - Doctrine 2, how to add custom attribute to array result rows? -

मेरे पास यह कोड है: $ content = $ em- & gt; createQuery (" मैं जोड़ना चाहता हूं; कुछ क्लास से चयन करें \ टर्मिनल पी WHERE p.user = 1) - & gt; getResult (); $ प्रतिसाद = नया प्रतिसाद (json_encode ($ contents)); $ Contents मेरी तालिका में नए कॉलम जोड़े बिना के अंदर ऑब्जेक्ट के लिए और अधिक विशेषताओं, मैं सिद्धांतों वस्तुओं में कस्टम गुण जोड़ने का कोई तरीका नहीं ढूँढ सकता। मैं हर बार कुछ अतिरिक्त विशेषताओं को जोड़ना चाहता हूं मैं इन ऑब्जेक्ट्स को सरणियों में कनवर्ट करता हूं। धन्यवाद।

sass - how to take common factors out from css where it is separated by comma (,) -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 2 जवाब मैं इस कोड को कम करना चाहता हूं । मैं टाइप करने के लिए हर बार #panelbar नहीं चाहता उदाहरण के लिए: #panelbar .col-MD-1, #panelbar .col-MD-2, #panelbar .col-MD-3, #panelbar .col-MD-4, # पैनलबार .col-md-5 {---------------------- गुण ----------} क्या इस कोड को कम करने का एक तरीका है ??? इसके बारे में क्या? (कक्षा नाम वाले तत्वों से शुरू होता है ... col-md - ) #panelbar [class ^ = "col-md-"] {// गुण} या एसएएसएस / कम शैली: # पेनलबार {[class ^ यदि आपका तत्व एकाधिक वर्गों का उपयोग कर रहा है, तो आपको कुछ फ़ॉलबैक की आवश्यकता है: Pre class = "lang-css prettyprint-override"> #panelbar [class ^ = "col-md-"], #panelbar [class * = "col-md-"] {// गुण} डेमो: संगतता तालिका: लेकिन मैं ऐसा करने की सलाह देता हूं @ मार्कम का कहना है (अधिक तेज़ और पुन: प्रयोज्य)

mysql - How to queue a shell command if [conditon] is not fulfilled? -

I am uploading data from a shell script (from cron) to MySQL database every 5 minutes. But if my connection stops, he does not include it in his database. I would like to try to insert the script repeatedly (for example every 30 minutes) until it is not successful. And if my connection is less than 5 minutes, then I want to stand in line for these requests and move on as I move forward. How can I do this? Example code: #! / Bin / bash cputemp = $ (some commands ...) / usr / bin / mysql -h -U administrator-pipepassword -e "usi logs; cputemp values ​​INSERT ('$ cputemp'); " You should know it by writing it in that code in your logic It can detect, sleep it, try again.

javascript - Merge many arrays in one array -

मेरे पास 3 एआरए जैसे a = [1,1,1]; बी = [2,2,2]; सी = [3,3,3]; मैं एक सरणी में इन सभी सरणियों को मर्ज करना चाहता हूं जिससे कि परिणाम होना चाहिए d = [1,2,3,1,2 , 3,1,2,3]; मैंने ऐसा फ़ंक्शन बनाया है जो: फ़ंक्शन मर्ज () {var परिणाम = []; Var maxLength = 0; (तर्कों में कुंजी) के लिए यदि (तर्क [कुंजी]। लम्बाई & gt; अधिकतम लंबाई) maxLength = तर्क [कुंजी]। लंबाई; जबकि (maxlength--) के लिए (तर्क में कुंजी) यदि (x = तर्क [कुंजी] .shift ()) परिणाम push (x); वापसी परिणाम; } समस्या यह है कि जब मैं फ़ंक्शन कॉल करता हूं मर्ज इस तरह d = मर्ज (a, b, c) ; यह d वेरिएबल पर सही सरणी देता है, लेकिन जब मैं a, b, c में है उसे प्रिंट करने का प्रयास करता हूं, मुझे सभी मिलते हैं उनमें से खाली एरेज़ हैं, क्योंकि मैंने shift () का उपयोग किया है। फिर मैं इस बग को arguments के अन्य एरे और मूल्यों की नकल के द्वारा सही करता हूं उस सरणी के साथ फ़ंक्शन मर्ज () {var परिणाम = []; Var maxLength = 0; Var arg = JSON.parse (JSON.stringify (तर्क)); के लिए (अरजी में कुंजी) अगर (आर

c# - Sharing a memory-mapped file from disk between processes -

I'm experiencing problems which seem trivial when using the Memory Mapping feature. My goal is: I have a file on disk, we say file.dat I have two separate processes (they are one Whatever is already started, it should be loaded into memory in the file, then use it for operation, the second process checks that Whether or not the file has been loaded on startup, it sees that it is actually, so it only works for its function I Currently, I have seen the MemoryMappedFile.CreateFromFile function, however, this is a way to check whether some other process file Whether or not it is already loading in memory. In violation of the sharing violation in an attempt to load this file with two processes at the same time. There is a CreateOrOpen function, but it is available only for non-permanent data which is not mine case. I have envisioned a mutex-like API, where the function will throw an exception on an attempt to create multiple files with the same name or do something

itextsharp - How do you add references to dlls in visual studio? -

I used Nugget to successfully install the iTextSharp XMLWorker extension in my project. However, I can not use the ITextSharp XML Worker dll in the "Solution Explorer" for my project file, at present, "Reference without any reference" Clicking "I Want to Choose and Add Reference" From the list of available assemblies, I can not find anything called iTextSharp or XML Worker Do anyone know what I am doing wrong here? For the sake of new visitors, who may have the same problem, Package Manager Console < / Code> meets the objective. Tools & gt; Nugget Package Manager & gt; Go to Package Manager console . For the ITextSharp library, run the command. Install package iTextSharp For the XML worker, install - package iTextSharp.xmlworker On success, build should be able to find your project and reference you.

c++ cli - Passing a native pointer function to a C# method -

I have a C ++ project that uses a non-administrative class method to display the string in the user interface Done: zero MyProject :: displayIHM (std :: string mystring); This project has been compiled with CLR because it makes another call made from C # / .NET 4.0. The aim of the .NET project is to do heavy calculation tasks. During computation, we want to return some information to the user interface. My idea was to create two new methods in the C ++ - Clei project: zero MyProject :: displayFromDotNet (string ^ migrating) {displayIHM (ToStdString (mystring) ); } String ToStdString (string ^ s) {const char * chars = (const char *) (Marshall :: StringToHZylobal NSCI). ToPointer (); String os = character; Marshall :: FreeHGlobal (IntPtr ((* Zero *) character); Return os; } So far, everything is fine, but now the hard part: how to display. My idea was to provide function pointer in the .NET class constructor and then launch this process: void (MyProject :: * pointeur

Jquery slideToggle not applied to children in menu? -

Sorry, but I'm a jquery / js noob I have this html for toggle menu Is the structure. & lt; Li class = "topnavtopitem" & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Topitem & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Ul class = "topnavitemtoggle" & gt; & Lt; Li class = "toponvsubitum" & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Subtitle & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li class = "toponvsubitum" & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Subtitle & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li class = "toponvsubitum" & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Subtitle & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; My jquery is: $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ("topnavtopitem"). Click (function () { $ (".topnavitemtoggle", this) .slideToggle ("normal", functi

javascript - How do I make data-parsley-errors-container="#element" go away after all errors are resolved? -

How do I set an error container style after all the error messages have been resolved? I am using the data-parsley-errors-container = "# element" to create a div field at the top of my form. I will give it a background color I want to apply, but when I do, messages of all errors ; Li & gt; after deleting me all & lt; Ul & gt; I have a blank div area of ​​a colorful background I am impressed with Something similar was the problem, my job is below: $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ('# formId'). Parsley (). Subscribe ('parsley: Field: Error ', function () {$ (' # ErrorDive '). CSS ({"Display": "Block"})}} $ (' # formId '). Parsley (). Subscribe (' Parsley: Field: success', function () {var totalErrorCount = $ ("# filterErrorDiv li"). Length; if (totalErrorCount == 0) {$ ('# errorDiv'). CSS ({"display": "none"} );}}};}); If there is an error in

directory - How to create a new folder in %APPDATA% using C++? -

I have included the IOUtils library and tried to use the CSIDL command, but it is not working ... < / P> Here is the part of the code that it does: // ------------------- included in Is --------------------- #include & lt; Fmx.h & gt; # Include & lt; IOUtils.hpp> #pragma hdrstop #include "Unit1.h" #include "Unit2.h" #include "Unit3.h" // ---------------------- End - ----------------------- // ---- On the form show (Bug event: it does not make the necessary folder) ---- Zero __fastcall TfrmInicio :: FormShow (TObject * sender) {if (TDirectory :: exists ( "CSIDL_APPDATA \\ Nintersoft \\ Ninterfin")) {if (fileexists ( "CSIDL_APPDATA \\ Nintersoft \\ Ninterfin \\")) {MmInfo- & gt; Lines & gt; LoadFromFile ("CSIDL_APPDATA \\ Nintersoft \\ Ninterfin \\"); }} Else {TDirectory :: CreateDirectory ("CSIDL_APPDATA \\ Nintersoft \\ Ninterfin"); } } //-------------------------- - Extend non-client area on form with custom drawn titlebar -

I used a great tutorial to create custom non-client area controls in my form, it looks like this now: < / P> I would like to do this so that non Client area can start the tab control page all the way, so the logo is completely in the non-client area and the window is not gray at the top. Search this line in the code of the form: dwmMargins CytopHeight = nccsp Rect2.Top - nccsp.rect1.Top Now you should add several pixels that you want: dwmMargins.cyTopHeight = nccsp. Rect2.Top - nccsp .ct + x

javascript - JQuery - Run once per session -

I have a function triggered by the "calculation" button I just need this line Once per session (session can be 1 day or until browser is reloaded). $ ('popup-to-form'). MagnificPopup ('open'); This opens a magnificent popup. Once this function is executed (popup opens), if the "count" button is pressed again, then I do not want to open the popup again. JS / JQuery code: function stateChanged () {if (XmlHttp.readyState == 4 || XmlHttp.readyState == "full") {$ (' .popup- with form ') magnificPopup (' open '); Document.getElementById ("CalcSum"). InnerHTML = XmlHttp.responseText; Document.getElementById ("CalcSumPopup"). InnerHTML = XmlHttp.responseText; }} PS I know that many of these questions have popped up, and I tried various ways of working, but since I " Code-invoice "and do not know JQuery or JS I can not understand it I know that in JQ there is a .one "thing&qu

performance - Jmeter unique session identifier for each time the same test runs -

I would like to know whether in the jumper, I have a Test case which I have to run 3 times a day, it is possible jtl Or in the csv output file, if there is a way to identify the running of the trial prior to: If I run tests for 500 users for the first time, then the result 1 should be specified as some value} as 1. And if I run the same exam for a second time, then we should specify {some values} as the result 2 {2} ... .... If I run the same test for the 50th time, Some values} should be specified as 50. Is it possible that we have a solution that we can customize with jmeter properties? If so, please let me know. Alternatively, You can use the time function which will present the current timestamp as the current peak point, then you want whenever you want.

cocoa touch - Core Data NSFetchedResultsController code shortenning -

Then the core is quite new in the data and you have decided to use the magic record to reduce the LOC. My first scene is, I have a list of companies and each company has N sum of users Currently, it was all successful, but My code is ridiculously long. What I have to do is to reduce the code, because I know how I can do it, I am not sure how. If you see the code below, you'll see a common line when calling NSFetchedResultsController [self.fetchedResultsController.sections [0] objects] < / Code> Is there a way to reduce it, so I have to use index of NSFRC? self.fetchedResultsController = [self.fetchedResultsController.sections [0] objects] Thanks for your time Update: I think I can only get an array from the controller of the results obtained and use it? NSArray * Companies = [NSArray arrayWithArray: [self.fetchedResultsController.sections [0]]] Objects; Will my objects still maintain the same memory address? #pragma mark Fetched Results Contro

How to use variable to get the for loop's value in PHP? -

How to use a varible to store the value of the loop For ($ I = 1; $ i & lt; = $ var; $ i ++) How to get the value of $ i and store another value Do and show results for? I am starting PHP and I want to improve my concept, if anybody can help you, I am so grateful! Do you want a dynamic variable or just a normal variable that will be passed out to you 12345678910 & lt; Php $ var = 10; $ One = ''; For ($ i = 1; $ i & lt; = $ var; $ i ++) {$ a = $ I; } Echo $ a; ? & Gt; Output: Or use the following code to create a variable if you want a dynamic variable $ {"Num_". $ I} = $ i; will output $ num_1 = 1; $ NUM_2 = 2; $ Num_3 = 3; etc.

unicode - How to Encode Thai Characters in R -

मैंने read.table का उपयोग करके पाठ फ़ाइल में पढ़ा है। समूह & lt; - read.table ("Sample_No2.txt", हैडर = टी, सेप = ",", स्ट्रिंग्सफैक्टर = एफ) जब मैं ग्रुप वेरिएबल पर क्लिक करता हूं, यह अक्षर देता है, जो अंग्रेजी में नहीं हैं (ये थाई भाषा में है), अजीब चरित्र में (नीचे आंकड़ा)। मैं सॉफ्टवेयर को भाषा को कैसे पहचानूं? धन्यवाद

Address of a variable in C program -

#include & lt; stdio.h & gt; मुख्य () {int i = 5; Printf ("% d \ n", & amp; i); } क्या उपरोक्त कार्यक्रम का दोहराया गया निष्पादन चर i ? हाँ, यह कर सकते हैं यहां एक समान प्रश्न से एक स्पष्टीकरण दिया गया है: यह दर्शाता है कि आपका प्रोग्राम प्रत्येक बार जब आप इसे चलाते हैं, तो उसे एक अलग (वर्चुअल) पता लोड किया जा रहा है। यह एक विशेषता है जिसे सबसे आधुनिक ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम कहा जाता है। यहां से:

regex - Javascript regular expression prevent matching inside tags -

I have to match the string that is not inside the tags. I am working on projects that I have a back-end There is no control over the HTML rendering code. What I need to do is to add a hover functionality to many dynamic words. I have created a script that will search for those key words in specific elements and add their description to the title tag for hoverMy problem is that if other keywords are found in the title tags of the second keyword. My JS: var str = 'match & lt; Span title = "no match here" & gt; Match & lt; / Span & gt; Match '; Str.replace (/ match / gym, 'okay'); I do not want to change the word "match" in title matching, my desired result is: 'ok & lt; Span title = "no match here" & gt; OK & lt; / Span & gt; OK ' How can I do this with javascript? I tried the expression below but it is not working for me: ^ ((!! (". +") Match) * $ You need to be a

Unable to retrieve json output from python to php -

I am trying to create a webpage that takes me into the file and sends the file to the Python program, manilizes it And sends back results on php and then displayed back on the webpage For now, I am displaying the code as a webpage which takes a file into it, sends it into the python, the file's Name, sends it back to php and prints it in the webpage. I have not been able to get the result back to my webpage or my php page via python for phonphs to json. Here are the codes: test.html & lt; Form action = "test.php" method = "post" enctype = "multipurpose / farm-data" & gt; & Lt; Label = "file" & gt; Filename: & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Input type = "file" name = "file" id = "file" & gt; & Lt; Br> & Lt; Input type = "submit" name = "submit" value = "submit" & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; test.php & lt ?? Php if ($ _

java - Passing javascript array tojava servlet -

I have received any other questions about this but I still have problems, when I getParamerterValues ​​< / Check the code>, it always comes back to null , and I think IM has trouble redirecting my controller. New with me, in the web app arr = []; $ (Document) .on ("click", "# idhere", function () {$ .post ("servlet.html", "id =" + arr + ", function (response) {});}); Or is there something like changing the array of JavaScript into an array in the array, so can I pass it in my servlet? string AR [] = request.getParameterValues ​​("id"); if (arr! = Null) {// This line does not return true then my array also includes items} change string array [] = Request.getParameterValues ​​("arr"); to string array [] = request.getParameterValues ​​("id");

php - Handling array values using specific array element -

I have an array value like this, I tried array_search and it is no use, just what I want only The array value is to filter which is the position value. Array ([author] = & gt; Author 1 [book] = & gt; Book1 [position] => 1 array ([1] = & [2] = & gt; Array ([author] => author 2 [book] => Book2) [3] => Hey ([author] => author 3 [book] = & Gt; Book3 [status] = & gt; 1)) expected output array ([1] => Oh ([author] = & Gt; Author 1 [Book] = & gt; Book 1 [Position] => 1] [3] => Hey ([Author] => Author 3 [Book] => Book3 [Status] = & gt; 1)) If more candidates have a proper number sequence in the output, then I would be more happy. In the above case there are two array with array number [1] and [3]. If possible, I would have to make it as [1] and [2]. Any help would be very helpful. Thanks, Kimz You can do this foreach ($ my_array $ arr) {if (isset ($ arr [status']) & amp; $ arr ['position&

recursion - Rebuild BST from preorder, error in logic -

I'm trying to wrap my head to correct my code, but I get stuck during the implementation I go. When I step down through the code given below, then I can reinstate the BST portion from the pre-order traveler. But at some point, I will be like a function call: recon (preOrd, 2,2) resulting in not identifying a leaf is. I still know how to fix it. I have seen other threads on this subject but want to exclude my problem, so I can actually learn this concept of rebuilding the BST. public static node recon (int [] preOrd, int start, int end) {if (start == end) {return null; } Node root = new node (preOrd [start]); Int div = start; (I = Start + 1; i & lt; = End & Preord [i] & lt; preOrd [Start]; i ++) {div = i; } Node left = rebuilding (pre-start, + 1, div); Node correct = rebuilding (previously, div + 1, end); Root.setLeft = left; Root.setRight = true; Return route; } It is very easy to get out, updating the lead nodes, correcting my thinking. public s

php - How to get all rows from database -

On my site I'm trying to get custom table data in WordPress. I have 5 entries in my table, but it only shows the first entry. Why? Any suggestions I want to get all the rows from the table? function value 22 () {global $ wpdb; $ Result = $ wpdb- & gt; Get_results ("SELECT * FROM wp_savans"); Foreign Currency ($ result as $ line) {$ sitemap = ' Try it, function View 22 () {global $ wpdb; $ Sitemap = ''; $ Result = $ wpdb- & gt; Get_results ("SELECT * FROM wp_savans", ARRAY_A); Foreign Currency ($ result as $ line) {$ sitemap} = $ Line [name]; } $ Sitemap echo; }

hadoop - Error: E0902: Exception occured: [User: Root is not allowed to impersonate root -

I'm trying to follow the steps Note: I am not using Cludera Distibusn of Hup Similar to the above link, but with more descriptive I think, however, I'm getting an exception by running the command as a root user. /bin/ sharelib create -fs Note: I have two surviving node shown in Dfshealth.jsp and I Core for three (including namenode) with assets such as the following Site.xml has been updated & lt; Property & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; Hadoop.proxyuser.root.hosts & lt; / Name & gt; & Lt; Price & gt; * & Lt; / Pricing & gt; & Lt; / Property & gt; & Lt; Property & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; Hadoop.proxyuser.root.groups & lt; / Name & gt; & Lt; Price & gt; * & Lt; / Pricing & gt; & Lt; / Property & gt; I think this is the point where I'm wrong someone could please let me guide Stacktrace org.apache.oozie.service. HadoopAccessorException: E0902: exception: on org.ap

ruby on rails - Alert messages do not always show up on production (Heroku) -

There is a bit of code from the controller here: flash [: warning] = "please specify input" redirect_to (root_url) And I present it with the following code in application.html: ! - Display Notices - & gt; & Lt; Div class = "& lt;% = 'shift_no_breadcrumb' if yield (: crumbs) .blank?% & Gt;" & Gt; & Lt;% Flash. Key, value | & Gt%; & Lt;% = content_tag (: div, value ,: class = & gt; ("alert alert - # {key}"))% & gt; & Lt;% end% & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; It looks very spatial on production. Out of 10 attempts to perform the same exact action, the message can be seen anywhere from 3 to 6 times. I also checked the source code and can verify that the message sometimes appears and sometimes Does not happen. Is there anything in the order in which the assets are full? I am very worried about this issue .... Does anyone have any information about what is behind this?

html - How can I mark it up? -

I have a photo and it looks like this: And I want to mark it with HTML and CSS. I always want to place the curved section at the center of the screen and I think the flat screen depends on the breadth of the user screen width. How can I do this? Can someone provide me examples? You can use this html #test {width: 50px; Height: 600px; Background: green; Status: Completed; Top: 0; Left: 0; Correct: 0; Margins: Auto; Display: Inline-block; Webkit-Conversions: rotate the translation (300px) (90 degrees); -webkit-change-origin: left top; } #Test: After {background: white; Height: 600px; Width: 100px; Range radius: 100px 0 100px / 600px 0 0 600px; Display: Inline-block; material: ''; Status: Relative; Left: 25px; } It is therefore necessary that the last html & lt; Div id = "testbefore" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "test" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; css body, html {margin: 0; Padding:

python - How to Mask an image using Numpy/OpenCV? -

I load an image I: im = the cv2.imread (file Name) I want to put that image in the center of the image. I have created a circle in the area as a mask that I want to keep. I made a circle with it: height, width, depth = im.shape circle = np .zeros ((height, width)) (circle , (Width / 2, height / 2), 280,1, thickness = -1) Can I mask out the original image? masked_data = im * cycle does not work. Of data p outside the circle of <> cv2.bitwise_and and mask Chakra passes in the form im = cv2.imread (filename) height, width, depth = im.shape circle_img = np.zeros ((height, width), np.uint8) (circle_img (width / 2, height / 2), 280.1, thickness = -1) masked_data = cv2.bitwise_and (IM, IM, mask = circle_img) cv2.imshow ( "masked", masked_data) cv2.waitKey (0)

javascript - By click on an icon it should change to another icon -

Click to change the icon to another icon if I click on an icon If this is to be done after clicking "cat" then it should be changed to "rat" Using mostly junkies. Try it (jQuery code): $ (function () ($ ('. YourIconClass'). (Function () {$ ("# yourIconId"). ('Src', "img / picture1.jpg"); return false;});});

r - Contour plot with 90 degree angles -

I have a matrix, say cmat & lt; - Matrix (c (0,0,1,0,1), 1,0,1,1), 3,3) and with those precise I would like to plot shapes The lines that I get when using a contourplot (cmat) , instead of running tiles properly, instead of a type of "smooth" contour Defines what I want, a graph that is made of vertical and horizontal lines only. Do anyone know the function to do this? Thanks in advance, Renzu

selenium - PHP stripping letters with accents/weird letters and changing them by normal letters -

I am using PHPunit Selenium WebDriver from Sebastian Bergmann. So what I am doing basically is: I get a random name of the random name generator and I get it for example: Josh Parker < / Em> I blast them in the first and last names $ fullname = explosion ('', $ thename); $ Firstname = $ fullname [count ($ fullname) -1]; $ Lastname = $ fullname [count ($ fullname) -2]; // I should name the name and weird letters By using this name I create an email to fill out a form. The email will be: The issue is that the fields do not accept any accents or strange letters on letters like ä ö ô è é ù etc. ... so if I get a random name: Rage Olivier When I put it in an email $ domain = ' @ '; $ Array5 = array ($ firstname, $ lastname); $ Fullname uuser = intestine ("-", $ array5); $ Array7 = array ($ full nameserver, $ domain); $ Genemail = implode ("", $ array7); The result will be: Olivier.R

aptana3 - Aptana 3.6 not showing connections -

I have just been updated to version 3.6, but I have lost all connections in my projects. In addition, new projects will not just show the connection line anymore. I have found the answer to see Aptana's ticket system connection, you have to change the project format from PHP Or have you activated in the web. Only he. It does not matter a lot, but how does it work now. To change this you have to go to the properties of the project -> Project Natural and only check the Web and make it Primary, all other nature must be unchecked.

javascript - Clear session on window close -

I am working on an exam project, when the user starts a trial, then open it in a new window by window it happens. Open () If the user closes a test before the end of the session then the session creates a problem, so I want to end the session when the user closes the browser window or close / disable button before the trial is complete Closes. Whatever you do not have here, it will not be exaggerated by the user; Welcome to client-side programming (actual browser "close" button is not within your reach) You can tap in (To do so many sites to confirm a ("Do you want to leave this page?") to pop up the dialog) But even so It is very easy to bypass any person how to open a browser console (for example, F12 on each browser), because they can only redefine the window.confirm = ((=) => true) Are; and are not bothered by the confirmation dialog.

javascript - 3D model rotation on HTML with JS -

Referencing, I'm unable to see a cube that should be here. The code causes these 2 errors: Done: Three. The cube gimetry is excluded instead of three. Use box-geometry. Three.min.js: 634 Unwanted Reference Reference: Content Not Defined Code: THREE.CubeGeometry has been deprecated, which means that you should indicate it what the error says: three. Box Animation . Do: var geometry = new three. Box Glomptary (100,100,100); Instead of : var geometry = new three. Cube Geometry (100,100,100); View Issue 2: On the second error, you have a typo using content instead of content Do it: var mesh = new three Aries (geometry, content); Instead of : var mesh = new three. Mesh (geometry, content);

regex - Wild match any characters for file name search as in Sublime Text editor -

In an outstanding text editor, after ctrl-r is pressed, a search panel will appear, then some characters try to keying in / li> node_runner. Js debug.js I was wondering how it is implemented? Probably using Regex? If someone can tell me in the right direction, thanks. Thank you for bringing the word "Fuzzy Search", which takes me to: @ Hjpotter92 thanks, - liquid

Same query ran on the same database on two servers returns different order -

I have a query that I run on two databases, restores two SQL Server 2008R2 instances and they are different Returns with orders (on one server they are ordered by ID and others are not ordered on them) Select as CID, format format BankCode C Join Inner Bank Formatted F On (c. Format = F.ID) < / Code> As you can see that there is no order in the query, but the results are being displayed, it is different. I have tried to recreate the indexes for two tables, but it is not working. The order of the above queries is done on the server, where the code is based on the SELECT * bank code , the result is not ordered (by the primary key column), but After joining ING with bank format table, results are ordered. I do not know what else it is to explain. Can someone suggest what may be the reason for this? Can this be anything related to database collation, indexed or primary / foreign key? Why data is returned from the database in a particular order, When you

How can I get app's resolution in android by command line or another app? -

In the form of a title when a game is playing in full screen , how do I resolve it Can i do Can I type commands in terminal emulator to get it, or any other app? If I understand your problem correctly, you should try this code. It gives the screen dimension in pixels DisplayMetrics metric = new display metric (); . GetWindowManager () getDefaultDisplay () getMetrics (matrix). Metrics.heightPixels; // Here is the height of the screen metric. Width pixels; // Here is the width of the screen Note that the width and height values ​​are changed according to the screen orientation (w> l in the landscape and w> h in the landscape orientation < / P>

objective c - NSOutlineView: how to make parent items bold? -

I have an NSOutlineView with a list of parents and list of children. What is the easiest way to create parental things (people with opening arrows) in bold text? Thanks If you are using a cell-based outline view, You can use this representative method for bold parent items: // Suppose you see NSTextFieldCell - (Zero) outline: (NSOutlineView *) outlineView willDisplayCell: (ID) Cell forTableColumn: (NSTableColumn *) tableColumn item: (id) item {if ([self outlineView: outlineView numberOfChildrenOfItem: items]> 0) {[(NSCell *) cell setFont: [NSFont boldSystemFontOfSize: (NSCell *) cell ). Font point size]]; } Other {[(NSCEL *) cell set font: [NSFTIN SystemFontAffice: ((NSCell *) cell). Fontpointsis]]; Otherwise, in a visual-based profile view, you can: - (NSView *) Outline view: (NSOutlineView *) Outline view viewForTableColumn: (NSTableColumn *) tableColumn item: (id) item {NSTableCellView * cellView = [outlineView makeViewWithIdentifier: @ "MyIdentifier"

iOS send jSOn array in POST -

हैलो मैं निम्नलिखित संरचना का एक json array बनाना चाहता हूं: "खाता बनाएं ": {" रजिस्ट्री संख्या ":" "," लोग ": [{" लोगआईडी ":" "," ईमेल ":" "," पास ":" ",}]} मैं इसे करने के लिए folllowing कोड का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ: NSDictionary * content0 = [NSDictionary शब्दकोश के साथऑब्जेक्ट्सऔरके: @ "लोगआइड्", @ "0", @ "ईमेल", @ "ईमेल", @ "पास", @ "पास", शून्य]; NSArray * peopledetails = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: content0, शून्य]; NSMutableDictionary * peopleDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; [लोगों को सेट ऑब्जेक्ट: @ "content0" के लिए की: @ "लोग"]; NSMutableDictionary * विवरण = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; [विवरण सेट ऑब्जेक्ट: @ "रजिस्ट्री संख्या" के लिए: @ "रजिस्ट्री संख्या"]; [विवरण सेट ऑब्जेक्ट: @ "लोग डिक्ट" फॉरके: @ "लोग"]; NSMutableDictionary * मेनड

jquery - How to use the .serialize() method to send form values to PHP via an AJAX request -

I am using the .erialize () method, sorting the values ​​of my form And send them to my PHP script in an AJAX request. My form: & lt; Form name = "myform" action = "" method = "post" class = "form" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" name = "one" value = "" /> & Lt; Input type = "text" name = "two" value = "" /> & Lt; Input type = "text" name = "three" value = "" /> & Lt; Input type = "submit" name = "submit" value = "submit" /> & Lt; / Form & gt; My AJAX request: $ ('.form') .on ('submit', function (e) {$ .ajax ({type: 'POST', url: ajax_url, datatype: 'jason', data: {'action': $ action, 'querystr': $ (this) .serialize ()} ... In my PHP script, I was hoping to do something like $ one = $ _REQUEST ['a'] but wh

javascript - Lengthening MIDI.js piano note duration -

I am using MIDI.js to create a music app that allows users to play piano via their keyboard. Allows Everything is working, but the problem I am facing is that the notes (called from the MIDI note) only in the last 3 seconds, just cut it off. I am trying to find a way: 1- Make this note longer. 2- Do not make anything to fade notes, just protest to bite. Can anyone tell me in the right direction? Very few documentation & amp; Discuss MIDI.js Thanks in advance! EDIT: Device name acoustic_grand_piano notep at the right time In practice, this is: // FIX: Need some kind of easy to fade in. Root.noteOff = function (channel, Note, delay) {// var source = sources [channel + "+ note]; // if (source!) Return; // source.noteOff (delay || 0); // Return source; };

how to join computer to domain through powershell -

I have just made a new installation of 7 windows, and I want to connect to my PC via parcel, some error here Code I am using Ady-Computer-Computer Name HMD-PC002 -domain -nameMyDomain -CreditentialMadman AdministratorEd Computer: Computer'HMD-PC002'Domain Failed to join 'Mydomain' below your current workgroup 'WORKGROUP' With error message: unknown error (0xa8b). On C: \ Users \ Hmdpc 002 \ Desktop \ Add-PC_to_ Domain.ps1: 8 Characters: 1 + Adi-Computer-Computer Name HMD-PC 002-Domain Domain Name -Creditential Mydomon \ A ... + ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + Range Infoso Operation Location: (HMD-PC2002: String) [Ed-Computer], Invalid Operation Expansion + Fullquacious Arorid : FleetozoindomainFormWorks Group, Microsoft. PowerShell COMANDS ADCOMPUTOR COM << code> Its an easy solution, I did not configure my DNS server I had to change it manually and after populating two fields I

apache - Error executing a program using system() from PHP: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error' -

Here is a piece of code in my index.php Php / * CMD One program is subtle by other people, which I do not know much / $ CMD = "FullPath / CMD"; $ Retirement = 0; System ($ cmd, retired); ? & Gt; & Lt; P id = "return" & gt; & Lt ;? Php echo $ rate? & Gt; & Lt; / P & gt; If I run the program in a command line like this: $ absolutepat / cmd and then resonance $? I get 0, which is correct If I run index.php in the command line like this: php -f index.php me And In the output, which is correct. However, if I open the web page (both Chrome and IE) in the browser, then give me the & lt; P id = 'return' & gt; 134 & lt; / P & gt; and error message: The end of 'std :: logic_error' is said after throwing an example - what (): the original string: _ S_construct null valid is not valid The problem looks like this one which I've found stackoverflow: While exception is thrown is differen

Populate a table by using Single pattern in Java -

I have created singleton design pattern in my Java program private entity owner; Private string owner name; Private string owner; Private string owner address; Private Ent Chartel; Private string owner email; Private string owner; Private stable owner ing example = new owner ML (); // coosntructor to make private so that this class can not be personalized Private OwnerML () {} // Find the only public available public stable owner GetInstance () {return example; } Public int getOwnerId () {Return OwnerId; } Public Zero Set OwnID (Int Owner ID) {this.OwnerId = OwnId; } I have used a different method to call the visual method public AERLIT & lt; Owner MLA & gt; SelectNonData () {Aare list and lieutenant; Owner MLA & gt; Owner List = New Arrestist & lt; Owner ML & gt; (); Try {Connection Con = DB.connect (); String selectQ = "choose from owners"; Prepared place PS2 = con.prepareStatement (selectQ); Results set rs = ps2.executeQuery (); While (rsne

winapi - Why does repeating call to createBitmapIndirect in WM_MOUSEMOVE eventually returns NULL? -

I am writing a complex color editing dialog box which includes a list view control and a Photoshop-style HSV color picker. This dialog will be used as described: The user clicks first on a particular item, then adds the cursor to the correct color for the item on the color picture, then clicks on another item and repeats the process is. My Hotspope Stable HSV color picture is divided into two rectangles - 1. 256x20 color ramp that shows the full 360-period HUE 256x256 window that is currently selected Shows all the values ​​and saturation variations of the hue. Axes: I have done some research and have decided to use GDI bitmap so that I fill the GDI bitmap structure, get DC, get comaptable DC, and CreateBitmapIdirect by hBitmap Create: Case WM_INITDIALOG: bitmap_hsv.bmBits = & amp; Bits_hsv; Bitmap_hsv.bmBitsPixel = 32; Bitmap_hsv.bmHeight = 256; Bitmap_hsv.bmPlanes = 1; Bitmap_hsv.bmType = 0; Bitmap_hsv.bmWidth = 256; Bitmap_hsv.bmWidthBytes = 256 * 4; HDC = GetDC (

sql - Getting new coordinates based on merged table number -

There are two tables that have a base table with 'table information' for a visitor center and others include 'business information'. The basic coordinates (X, Y) recorded for each table in the base table structure are however, during businesses, a table or two can be merged with the other. In such cases, I want to get a separate table list with new coordinates. Base table coordinates can not be changed or updated. In some way I am not going to the results yet, you can see that the table 7 and 9 are merged. 7 has been merged with 9 main table and both the coordinates of Table 7 and 99 should be. TABLE_NUMBER T_TABLE TABLE_TYPE LOCATION_X LOCATION_Y 1 (zero) rectangular 49 74 2 (zero) rectangular 68 101 3 3 rectangular 49 107 4 4 rectangular 24 80 5 (zero) rectangular 82 80 6 6 Round 29 197 (empty) round 1398 8 round 66 109 9 round 112 1697 round 112 16 Expected results: TABLE_NUMBER TABLE_TYPE LOCATION_X LOCATION_Y 1 rectangular 49 74 2 rectangle 68 101 3 r

Show list of wishlist members in wordpress -

I'm working on the wish list in WordPress, I need to show a list of all the members of a specific level on my template page. Anyone can help me how I can list all the members I have written this code before I get a list of all the WordPress users and then the level is being examined. & lt ;? Php $ wp_user_search = $ wpdb- & gt; Get_results ("Selection ID, $ wpdb-> from display_name> Order ID by users"); Forex Currency ($ wp_user_search $ as userid) {echo $ user_id = (int) $ userid- & gt; Id; $ User_login = stripslashes ($ userid-> user_login); $ Display_name = StripSash ($ userid- & gt; display_name); $ Return = ''; $ Refund = "\ T" '& lt; Li & gt; '. $ Display_name '& Lt; / Li & gt; ' . "\ N"; $ Check = wlmapi_is_user_a_member (1340726008, $ user_id); If ($ check) {echo $ user_id; Echo do_shortcode ('[wlm_firstname]'); } Else {echo 'User is not a member'; }}? & G

join - display method in grid is showing the same text in all rows -

I have a very simple display method on the table to display on a date week: < Pre> Delivery date name day () {weekday workday; ; Weekday = this.TransDate; Return enum2str (workday); } But for some reason when I use this method on a particular form on a grid, the text displayed in the grid uses the first record for all the rows and when A new line is selected, the line is updated with the correct text and the prevoiseli selected record is updated with the value of the new selected record. As can be seen, the data source is connected to another data source, but it seems that it has been installed correctly, You have tried different settings but nothing has helped or When a demonstration method is placed on the form. For display methods, they should be kept on the table, and most commonly these codes should be put according to the best places. I believe the reason is that it displays the same value for each record, because the record being presented is not what

Trying to set up an SVN server on Ubuntu 14.04 but can't check out an svn -

I have installed subversion and libapache2-svn on the Ubuntu server 14.04 I can check out a svn locally without any problem so that I know that Subversion is working. I'm trying to use TortoiseSVN on this Windows machine, but when I get the following list of errors: connect to a repository at URL Unexpected HTTP status on '/ svn / testproject' '500' internal server error ' Additional errors: ' / svn / ' The test request failed on 'testproject': 500 internal server error in test project , my passwd file is as follows: [user] username1 = password1 and my authz file is as follows and / etc / apache2 / mods-> [groups] username {1_group = username1 [/ svn / testproject] Dav_svn.conf is as follows: & lt; Place / svn / testproject & gt; DAV SVN SVNPath / SVN / Test ProViewing AuthType Basic Ethnem "MyProject Subvision Repository" AuthUserFile / svn / tesproject / conf / passwd Valid-User Requi

javascript - Anchor tag is not being recognized when inserted into a dynamically generated cell of a table -

I am trying to insert an anchor tag inside a cell in an HTML table. Below is the code, somehow the tag is not being recognized and I do not get a hyperlink for that cell. What's wrong with this syntax? $ ("# tranTbodyId"). Enclosed (' & lt; td & gt; & lt; a href =' pagecontonte.request.contextPath '+ "/ FciDetailDescription.spr">' + key + '& lt; / a & Gt; & lt; / td & gt; & lt; td & gt; '+ value.tradeDate + Please provide your suggestions. Thanks. / P> < P> You have some incorrect quote characters $ ("# tranTbodyId") .append ('& lt ; Tr & gt; & lt; td & gt; & lt; a href = '+ pagecontonte.request.contextpath +' "/FciDetailDescription.spr"> '+ key +' & lt; / a & gt; & lt ; / Td> Note: pageContext.request.contextpath To get the value of var path = "$ {pageContext.request.contextPath}&qu

c# - Grid.Mvc table css class -

Maybe I am blind, but I have not been able to know how to class CSS class antibate for the whole table Have to change Default CSS class setting: & lt; Table class = "table table-stripe grid-table" & gt; And I want to edit it. I have a workaround in JavaScript, it works but there should be some better solution on the server side. I understand that a ~ / view / shared (< Code> _Grid.cshtml ), you can edit the entire grid there.

ios - Cell spacing in UICollectionView minimumInteritemSpacing -

How to set cell spacing in a section of the UICollectionView? UICollectionView is a property minimumInteritemSpacing , I need to set 1.0, still this will not work. And I implemented the delegate method - (CGFloat) View the collection: (UICollectionView *) collectionView Layout: (UICollectionViewLayout *) Collection ViewLayout Minimum InteritemSpacingForSectionAtIndex: (NSInteger) section {return 1.0; } To test how your collection cells look, you try it You can do storyboard with the help of storyboard, just for the sake of check, some stationary cells like it in your collection visual controller so that your screen looks like this: No, you can see the cells and the space between them. In your case, the cells as shown above will appear with inappropriate vacancies. So now open this screen with open, open Size Inspector above your interface builder. This will look something like this: Now you can see some options in the shape inspector window, you can adjust the s

javascript - ccs3 property backgroundsize:cover mechanism -

I've used background size: the image is covered to work perfectly but the problem is that Size of any screen for how to get it after the image size. I want to calculate the height and width of the image provided, I have the original image height and width, the screen size with me var screenview = 1366; // Screen width or element needs to show var screen = h = 768; // Height is required to show the var or wreal = 800 to the original image; // Original Image Width var Original ImageHit = 600; // Original image height vertical background, background, background; // default scale by the height of the screen background; Light = screen; BackgroundWidth = BackgroundHight * Original Image Image / Original SixSite; If ((screenwidth - backgroundwidth)> gt; {// if the width of the tile images is a small screen show, then the width starting from the breadth width is Width = ScreenWidth; BackgroundHigh = screenwidth * Original ImageHight / Original Image Wide; } Then use the C

not able to add line breaks in xml node in php while writing xml file -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 4 जवाब मैं जोड़ नहीं पा रहा हूं Xml फ़ाइल लिखते समय प्रत्येक नोड के बाद लाइन ब्रक्स Xml फाइलें उचित तरीके से लिख रही हैं जैसे मैं चाहता हूं। लेकिन मैं प्रत्येक नोड के पूरा होने के बाद एक लाइन ब्रेक जोड़ना चाहता हूं। निम्नलिखित XML संरचना के लिए मेरा कोड है & lt;? Php // डेटाबेस कनेक्शन बनाएं $ mysqli = नई माइस्किली ('स्थानीयहोस्ट', 'यूजर', 'पास', 'डीबीएनएन'); अगर (mysqli_connect_errno ()) {गूंज "कनेक्शन विफल:"। mysqli_connect_errno (); } / * यदि (! $ Mysqli- & gt; set_charset ("utf8")) {printf ("त्रुटि लोडिंग वर्ण सेट utf8:% s \ n", $ mysqli-> त्रुटि); } अन्य {printf ("वर्तमान वर्ण सेट:% s \ n", $ mysqli- & gt; वर्ण_सेट_नाम ()); } * / $ Xml2 = नया सरल एक्सएमलेमेंट ('& lt; xml / & gt;'); $ Xml2- & gt; addAttribute ( 'एन्कोडिंग', 'UTF-8'); // $ xml2- & gt; formatOutput = true; // $ xml2- & gt;

java - change ActionBar layout when click on button -

I want to change my actionbank for an actionbar with custom layout when I click on a button. I could not find the solution. I tried getActionBar () SetCustomView (R.layout.actionbar_layout); But it does not work. Thank you for your help! Try this code: getActionBar () SetDisplayShowCustomEnabled (true); Layout Inflight Inflator = (Layout Influenza) getSystemService (References LAOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); View View = inflater.inflate (R.Let.actionbar_layout, empty); GetActionBar () setCustomView (see). I hope this will help you.

javascript - Why does this call to my controller not work? -

मेरे पास MVC4 प्रोजेक्ट में मेरे दृश्य पर निम्न जावास्क्रिप्ट कोड है: jQuery.ajax ({Url: "/ ऑब्जेक्ट / गेटमैय ऑब्जेक्ट्स /", डेटा: {__RequestVerificationToken: jQuery ("इनपुट [नाम = '__ अनुरोध विन्यासटोकन']")। Val (),}, प्रकार: "पोस्ट", पारंपरिक: सत्य})। सफलता (फ़ंक्शन (डेटा) {sfds = JSON.parse (डेटा);}); और ObjectController में निम्नलिखित विधि: [HttpPost] [मान्य एंटीफ़ॉर्गरीटोकन] सार्वजनिक कार्यप्रणाली GetMyObjects () {var sfds = _db.SFDS.ToList (); वापसी देखें (एसएफडीएस); } जावास्क्रिप्ट चलने पर नियंत्रक को क्यों नहीं कहा जाता? यहां तक ​​कि जब मैं मान्य एंटिफॉर्जेरटोकन निकालता हूं तो यह काम नहीं करता है। पाठ "आइटमप्रॉप =" पाठ "> आप JSon नहीं लौट रहे हैं आप एक दृश्य वापस कर रहे हैं (या वापस करने का प्रयास) आपके नियंत्रक में, आपको कुछ ऐसा चाहिए कि: रिटर्न जेसन (एसएफडीएस, जेसनयूएफ़ेस्ट बीहीवियर। एलोव गेट); और, इसे अपने .ajax () गुणों में जोड़ें: डेटा प्रकार: "जेसन",

php - Magento overriding the core files -

I have problems overriding core files App / code / core / pigment / catalog / block / product / List php My module structure is: CompanyName / My files: App / etc / modules / CompanyName_ModuleName.xml & lt; Config & gt; & Lt; Module & gt; & Lt; CompanyName_ModuleName & gt; & Lt; Active & gt; True & lt; / Active & gt; & Lt; Codeple & gt; Local & lt; / Codeple & gt; & Lt; / CompanyName_ModuleName & gt; & Lt; / Module & gt; & Lt; / Config & gt; ../ CompanyName / ModuleName / etc / config.xml & lt; Config & gt; & Lt; Module & gt; & Lt; CompanyName_ModuleName & gt; & Lt; Version & gt; 1.0 & lt; / Edition & gt; & Lt; / CompanyName_ModuleName & gt; & Lt; / Module & gt; & Lt; Global & gt; & Lt; Block & gt; & Lt; CompanyName_ModuleName & gt; & Lt; Classes & gt; CompanyName_ModuleName_Block & lt; / Squ

php - Unreadable (???) Postgres exception messages in Symfony 2 based project -

replaced with I unreadable exception is getting the message where almost question the letter application based on Symphony 2.0 mark (?) Go. 18 and Principle 2.1.7 Here is an example: SQLSTATE [08006] [7] ?????:? Pg_hba.conf ??? Pyramid Validity ??? Transcript ? Transcript "" ??? Reciprocity "User name", ???? Line "Dbname", SSL ???? I am not worried why I am getting this exception, I just want to know how to make it readable. Here's my theory configurations: # principle configuration principle: Dbal: Default_connection default connection: default: charset: UTF8 driver:% emp_database_driver% host:% emp_database_host% dbname:% emp_database_port% user:% emp_database_user% password:% emp_database_password% orm: auto_generate_proxy_classes:% kernel.debug% entity_managers: default: connection: default auto_mapping: true mapping: Stof Dottriks extension bundle: false Any thoughts? Change you must console encoding but I tra