Trying to set up an SVN server on Ubuntu 14.04 but can't check out an svn -

I have installed subversion and libapache2-svn on the Ubuntu server 14.04 I can check out a svn locally without any problem so that I know that Subversion is working.

I'm trying to use TortoiseSVN on this Windows machine, but when I get the following list of errors:

connect to a repository at URL Unexpected HTTP status on '/ svn / testproject' '500' internal server error '

Additional errors:

' / svn / ' The test request failed on 'testproject': 500 internal server error

in test project , my passwd file is as follows:

  [user] username1 = password1  

and my authz file is as follows


and / etc / apache2 / mods-> [groups] username {1_group = username1 [/ svn / testproject] Dav_svn.conf is as follows:

  & lt; Place / svn / testproject & gt; DAV SVN SVNPath / SVN / Test ProViewing AuthType Basic Ethnem "MyProject Subvision Repository" AuthUserFile / svn / tesproject / conf / passwd Valid-User Required & lt; / Location & gt;  

I have little importance that I should be sufficient to check my SVN at the above URL. TortiseSVN is pushing me to enter a username and password but the combination in my passwd file does not work

I get lots of mistakes and mistakes and wrong meanings

  • If your repository does not do sv svarrve, then plain- Text passwd-file will not work : You <
  • authz with htpasswd
  • - else in the file
  • Your condom Understand, because you have not enabled AuthzSVNAccessFile

with subversion, Apache provides route-based access control via the mod_authz_svn module, which is loaded by the Loaded Directive Httpd.conf should be loaded through the same fashion that mod_dav_svn loads itself. To enable the use of this module for your repository, you will add authzSVNAccessFile directive

  • [/ svn / testproject] authz-file too Is the completely incorrect definition, because it defines your / svn / testproject inside your single repository , not the root of the repository , As you expect. Excerpt from

If you are using SVNParentPath instructions, it is important to specify a repository name in your sections. If you leave them, a section such as [/ some / dir] will match path / some / DIR in each repository. If you are using the SVN Path instructions, however, it is OK to provide only paths in your sections - after all, there is only one repository.

A make sure to restore minimum functionality is PP.1-2


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