
Showing posts from January, 2012

jquery - FadeTo not properly working -

I do not have to work as a problem of my little code because I want it to be the first code I'll post. $ (function () {$ (document) .ready (function () {if ($ ( "#skillelementwithme") .hasClass ( "skillelement_collapsed")) {$ ( "#skillelementwithme ") Kklik (function () {$ (" #skillelementvithme ") Ktoggleclass (" Skillelement_aktiv_vithame ", 500); $ (" #skillelementvitheu ") Kfadto (1000, 0);});} else if ((" #skillelementvithme ") Khsclass (" Skillelement_aktiv_vithame ")) {$ (" #skillelementvithme ") Kklik (function () {$ (" #skillelementvithme ") Ktoggleclass (" Skillelement_kollpsed ", 500); $ (" #skillelementvitheu " ) .FadeTo (1000, 1);})}}})}); Now while fadetotransparent work perfectly fine, I can not get Fedeto back to become opaque "skillelementwithyou" class. Perhaps I understood something completely wrong with these actions. I hope

javascript - Get all div's that doesn't have an id -

What is the most efficient method to get all the divs on that page Jquery or just vanilla js Using an ID if its more efficient I know that I can get all the divs and loop through them and can check whether they have set IDs. I am just curious if the DOM API or Jquery such There is a customized way to do it. just do (jQuery): var divs = $ ( "Div: no ([id])"); Or, as indicated by @Type well document.querySelectorAll ('div: not ([id])')

c++ - Why does "#define WC(p) L#p" not work in GCC and Clang? -

डेमो प्रोग्राम: #include & lt; iostream & gt; नेमस्पेस एसटीडी का उपयोग करना; # परिभाषित WC (p) L # p int main () {wcout & lt; & lt; WC (XXX); } यह पूरी तरह से ठीक दृश्य सी ++ पर चलता है, लेकिन लिनक्स पर क्लैग और जीसीसी दोनों पर संकलन करने में विफल रहता है। त्रुटि (वर्ण 3.4, लिनक्स): file.cpp: 8: 11: त्रुटि: अघोषित पहचानकर्ता 'एल' का प्रयोग file.cpp: 4: 15: नोट: मैक्रो 'डब्ल्यूसी' से विस्तारित किया गया यह क्यों असफल है? सी परिभाषित करते हुए मैं एक चौड़े-चौड़े स्ट्रिंग कैसे बनाऊं? इस तरह की क्षमता मेरे मामले में कोड दोहराव को काफी कम कर देगी। पूर्वप्रक्रमक टोकन के अनुक्रम पर चल रहा है। / P> मैक्रो WC (p) की परिभाषा में, प्रतिस्थापन सूची में तीन टोकन हैं: एल , # , और p । # निश्चित रूप से एक ऑपरेटर है, जो निम्न टोकन को "स्ट्रैव करता है" महत्वपूर्ण बात यह है कि एल स्वयं के द्वारा एक टोकन है WC (XXX) पर मैक्रो प्रतिस्थापन का परिणाम है दो टोकन: एल और "XXX" । दूसरी तरफ एक चौड़ी स्ट्रिंग, एक एकल

javascript - I'm having some issues to see some flags dynamically added on the highcharts -

The thing is that when I add a vertical chart to the dynamically, By doing so, the flags are not drawn on the chart until there is something that refreshes the chart (for example, drag the mouse on some buttons with tooltip). I have found that there is something like this with the fact that I add flags to a point click event. point: {events: {'click': Function () {}}} I think this is the case since I code I add flags to charts in the other parts, they appear instantly. What could be the reason for this behavior?

ruby on rails 4 - How do you use Active Record Enum Radio Buttons in a form? -

In my app, there is a comment section on the articles I want to make the user comment with 3 different options Have the potential To activate it, I am using an active record Enum. Please note that comment sections have been nested under articles. resources: article, only: [: index, show] resource: comment ends migration: Class AddEnumToCommentModel & lt; ActiveRecord :: Migration change def added_column: Comments,: post_as,: integer, default: 0 and end comment model: enum post_as:% w (Username, Onliner, Anonymous) I tried to add it to the content view, but lost I guess I have to do anything in my controller, but not sure. Attempted to view: This comment was restricted from saving: & lt; / H2 & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt;% @ comment.errors.full_messages.each do | Message | & Gt%; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt;% = Message% & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt;% end% & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt;

windows - C - inputting correct code but receiving no output -

When I run the following code and input a sentence, I have not given any output. The cursor just goes into a new line I copied it directly from the book and double it for the mistakes (first edition of C programming and language) and < Code> #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; Int main () {int c, i, nwhite, nother; Int ndigit [10]; Nwhite = nother = 0; For (i = 0; i <-10; ++ i) ndigit [i] = 0; While ((c = getchar ()) = EOF) if (c> = '0' & amp; lift; = '9') ++ ndigit [c-'0 ']; And if (C == '' || C == '\ n' || C == '\ t') ++ White; Other ++ Nobhere; Printf ("numeral" =); For (i = 0; i <-10; ++ i) printf ("% d", ndigit [i]); Printf (", white space =% d, other =% d \ n", nwhite, nother); Return 0; } Since you are testing a program copied from another source, I think you do not want to change it, but understand it getchar () gets the same 1 character from the standard input, w

c - What are the values in a struct when uninitialized? -

मान लें कि मेरे पास एक स्ट्रेट है: typedef struct {int a; फ्लोट बी; } सामान; अगर मेरे पास कोड है: सामान myStuff; Printf ("% d", myStuff.a); मुझे क्या मिलेगा? क्या क्षेत्र हमेशा 0 से आरंभ होगा? सी 11 में, किसी भी स्ट्रक्चर सदस्य जिन्हें स्पष्ट रूप से प्रारंभ नहीं किया गया है ( जैसा कि आपके लिए मामला है) अनिश्चित मान C11 6.7.9 / 10: यदि किसी ऑब्जेक्ट में स्वत: भंडारण की अवधि को स्पष्ट रूप से प्रारंभ नहीं किया गया है, तो इसका मान अनिश्चित है। ऐसे अनिश्चितता को पढ़ना मूल्य अपरिभाषित व्यवहार उत्पन्न करता है C11 यदि लावल्यू स्वत: भंडारण अवधि के एक ऑब्जेक्ट को निर्दिष्ट करता है जो कि रजिस्टर स्टोरेज वर्ग (कभी भी इसका पता नहीं था) के साथ घोषित किया जा सकता था ), और उस ऑब्जेक्ट को प्रारंभ नहीं किया गया है (प्रारंभकर्ता के साथ घोषित नहीं किया गया है और इसका कोई असाइनमेंट उपयोग करने से पहले किया गया है), व्यवहार अनिर्धारित है। अंत में, अनुबंध J.2 (अपरिभाषित व्यवहार) यह स्पष्ट करता है: व्यवहार निम्नलिखित परिस्थितियों में अनिर्धारित है:

c# - How to use TinyMCE with entity framework entities -

I have an entity class created using the entity framework that is in my domain project system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Public Partial Classroom Test {Public Entry ID (Received; Set;} Public Diagnostic Exam [Received]; Set;} Public String TestName {get; Set;} Public String Initial Description {get; set;} Public string EndDescription {get; set ;}} And in my MVC application I am creating a view model which I use in my approach public class testview model {Public That test test {get} set;}} Now I want to create a field related to "StartDescription" and "EndDescription", because it is trying to use TinyMCE. / P> The problem is now in the "[AllowHtml]" attribute in MVC but my real entity is in another project I am following this tutorial. < Instead of being an example of test instead of your visual model it should be in the properties which you can see in the view If you want to use it then you can add properties to your

ios - How to implement push navigation when using UISplitViewController on iPhone? -

I would like to implement a UISplitViewController which runs on the iPad and the iPhone. While running on the iPhone, I only see one view controller at a time, so when the user taps into a cell in the master view controller, it should be pushed to reveal the detail in view of the controller. I've pulled an UISplitViewController in the interface builder and working on the iPad. When I tap a cell, it updates the detail view controller's information through a protocol. It only calls the method about the representative and sends it in the appropriate information, and the representative method just takes the data passed and reloads the table. Because both are on the screen at the same time, it works great But when I run an app on the iPhone, when I select a row, the methods are still explicitly called but The extension view controller does not push the screen. It seems that when you tap a cell, then nothing happens. I think it is automatically used when using the split

statistics - WebRTC getStat() API Set UP -

I am trying to use getStat () from the webRTC API to see if it has any useful information The solution provides latency and other video streaming data. The problem is that there is not much information about how to use it. Even old current examples are very rare but the API has changed since then. For example, my set up: coworker .getStats (function (statistics) {console.log (statistics);})); This gives an RTCstats response object with 2 functions RTCStatsResponse {Result: function, nameItem: function} Trying to call that result () returns an array of RTCStats functions. For the object type type 'googLibjingleSession' with the report object and for the second object type 'googtrack' Trying to call the other name item function When doing this it is not undefined [RTCStatsReport, RTCSta TsReport] Any information that is available (from), I would have found a lot more RTCStatObjects with more useful information I am currently receiving What Does a

Apache can't execute Python scripts -

I have a dragon script that I try to execute from an html page. I setup Apache CGI I like to execute the dragon simple article like hello world and can work fine but does not work with cx_orracle module but i need to update and retrieve data from the oracle database. Script ( import json import cx_Oracle import cgi import cgitb lst_proveedores = [{}] conn_str = 'user / pass @ databse' con = cx_Oracle.connect (conn_str) c = Conn.cursor () c.execute ('select id, mon_proveedores to nombre') For line c: record1 = {"id": line [0], "nombre": line [1]} lst_proveedores.append (record1) json_string = json.dumps (lst_proveedores) print conn.close json_string () When I try to execute from the browser, I see error 500 in the Apache server log shown in this: traceback (most Recent call last): In the file "/var/www/cgi-bin/", line 2,? Import cx_Oracle ImportError: No module script header header cx_Oracle designated end time:

twitter - R tm In mclapply(content(x), FUN, ...) : all scheduled cores encountered errors in user code -

When I run the following code for the first line from the end, I got the warning message: In mclapply (content (x), fun, ...): All scheduled core errors occurred in the user code When I run the last line, I got < / P> \ "character \" \ n "attr (," class ") There is no applicable method for the 'word' applied to the object of the" try-error "class. I I start learning R. and I will appreciate your help. (DevTools) install_github ("Twitter", user name = "geoffjentry") library (Twitter) setup_twitter_oauth ("API key "," API Secret ") rdmTweets & lt; - userTimeline ('rdatamining', n = 200) (nDocs & lt; - length (rdmTweets)) for rdmTweets [11:15] (11:15 i) (Paste ("[[,", "," "]" September = "")) + writeLines (strwrap (rdmTweets [[I]] $ gettext (), width = 73))} df & lt; - ("rbind", lapply (rdmTweets, a

ios - How to override getter of IBOutlet -

I have an IBOutlet inside a custom table view cell. @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIView * innerContainer; I want to override the gate as - (UIView *) innerContainer {UIColor * shadowColor = [UIColor colorWithRed: 199 / 255.0f green: 178 / 255.0 F blue: 153 / 255.0 f alpha: 1]; _innerContainer.layer.shadowOffset = CGSizeMake (0, 0); _innerContainer.layer.shadowColor = [cinematographer CGColor]; _innerContainer.layer.shadowRadius = 4; _innerContainer.layer.shadowOpacity = .75; CAGRT caffe frame = _inner container.layer.bound; CGPathRef ShadowPath = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRect: shadowFrame] .CGPath; _innerContainer.layer.shadowPath = shadowPath; Return _innerContainer; } But there is no effect. On the other hand, if I add shadow to innerContainer - (UITableViewCell *) tableView: (UITableView *) tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) indexPath So the effect? I tried to add @synthesize innerContainer = _innerContainer but that made no differe

java - Running program in a random minute of an interval -

I am looking for a tool to help me solve the problem of the subject. I have an interval (say, one hour 8 to 9). And I have to run it in a random minute (java) program. Cron looks like a proper tool, but I do not see any random work. I am pretty sure that smart devices are being used for this, so I want to learn this during the development of this training project. I also want to know, which is a better production practice: a custom schedule (for example) using Exclusive Access Service or Cron like Peripherals? 00 8 * * * sleep $ $ [random \% 90] m; CmdHere This will run once after 8:00 after one delay of 8 and 9

osx - How to show a NSWindow (not fullscreen) and turn all the rest of the screen darker Xcode5 cocoa -

I am developing an app for Xcode5 for MacOSX which runs in the fullscreen app I show some NSWindowControllers required times for which will help to focus on not and I need to deepen their background so that the user critical information in fullscreen as other NSWindowControllers Could I, the NSWWO Contro Looking for a way to modify the shadow of R but I could not find anything, I'm not sure how to get it: Current window: desired effect This is the code used to open my NSWindowController: < pre> - (IBAction) showMyNSWindowController: (id) sender {if (! _myNSWindowController) {_myNSWindowController = [[MyNSWindowController alloc] initWi ThWindowNibName: @ "MyNSWindowController"]; [_myNSWindowController.window setback color: NSColor.whiteColor]; } [_myNSWindowController Delegate Set: self]; [_myNSWindowController initializeData]; [_myNSWindowController showWindow: self]; } Edit: I can work by doing this AppDelegate.m < Code> Typing

amazon web services - elastic ip for ec2 AMI? -

I have just created an EC 2 AMI Linux to host an elastic search setup. I see a public IP allotted for example, but I believe that this is not a static IP when I have and elastic IPS and gt; Assign new address . It makes one, but then I can not associate it with my EC2 AMI which is running. Edit You do not need a static IP For most purposes It is intended that you CNAME can setup that indicates your AWS host name, which in turn resolves the IP. Your DNS does not include AWS IPS, only CNNS mapping for host names of AWS To create a CNAME, just go to your DNS provider, login, enter a new CNAME record with the name you want (like "www"), then specify the host name for the AWS as a target .

templates - Fast image similarity scoring -

I would like to compare images to give a kind of score for the likeness of a target image, below the example (score Only chosen to give an idea about a similarity which I am doing later.) Score shows a kind of editing distance. All images will be set of short words or similar characters, and Only the number of black and white elements can vary - e.g. Below there are 9 elements but this can be different. The comparison should be very fast - the other part, which I consider to be the rule from the OCR-based approach. Is there anything that can be used in some kind of library such as a template ...?) Or is it a difficult problem? I think I can see the classifier but I still do not want to go that route.

r - Adding hours to DateTime values from different time zones -

I have many informational posts related to POSIXct and other time functions in R. Time is struggling with time conversion with fields. My time is stored as a number from an Excel file, in GMT, and included below. data & lt; - Structure (list (DATETIME = c (40,361.584526, 40,361.667836, 40,361.751285, 40,361.834421, 40,361.9 17 9 86, 40,362,000 9 72, 40,362.08447 9 , 40, 362.1673, 9, 40, 362, 25, 22, 40, 362.335301, 40, 362.417211, 40, 362.500 926, 40, 362.585185, 40, 362.6687, 96, 40, 362.751655, 40 , 362.834664, 40,362.9 17847, 40,363.001007, 40,363.084641, 40363.1675, 40363.334803, 40363.417616, 40363.502095, 40363.584514, 40363.7650625, 40363.834225, 40363.917743, 40354.335405, 40737.501782, 40603.917292, 40604.000556 , 40604.083808, 40604.167292, 40604.250579, 40,6 04.33375, 40604.417164, 40604.500625, 40604.584074, 40604.666 9 68, 40604.750613, 40,604.834306, 40604.91 7211, 40,605,000625, 40 , 605.083 9 58, 40605.167245, 40605.250567, 40605.333 9 24, 40,605.417488,

PHP associative arrays -

I have some problems in specifying prices for the PHP array. I have read the help files and several articles here. And I'm even more confused I have an HTML order form that is processed by PHP. The user enters the quantity, and, if necessary, a free text description of the item. Not all items contain a free text description. Post output is: [_ POST] = & gt; Array ([items_1] = & gt; [items_2] = & gt; [items_21] => [items_68] => [objects_94] => [items_501] => 2 [txt_501] = & Gt; lagerjet [items_510] = & gt; [txt_510] => item description [items_511] = & gt; [txt_511] => item description [place order] => place your order The item element is non-zero if the user has entered the amount on the form. The value of the .txt element can be entered by the side user or the default field description can be made. Objects end with array of those objects In the ideal format, "array number = count, txt" where the item is part of th

c# - OneNote API Create Image showing red x -

Trying to capture an image on the OneNote API, using the Windows Store instance, is proving to be a bit tricky I'm getting "red x" instead of image. It looks like the image source is not correct, but I've made several changes. Below is my code: (any help Will be appreciated) private async zero btnCreatePage_Click (Object Sender, RoutedEventArgs E) {CreatePageWithImage () awaiting; } Private async works CreatePageWithImage () {var client = new HTTP client}; Client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add (New MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue ("App / Jason")); If (ASApronic) {client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new authentication header value ("bearer", authClient.Session.AccessToken); } Const string imagePartName = "property \\ asthma .jpg"; String date = getdate (); String Simple HTML = "& lt; html & gt;" + "& Lt; prime & gt;" + "& Lt; title & gt; A simple page created with an im

c - Loop to create random numbers, read from existing array, then create new array -- Stuck in While-Loop -

I have the dodgy of a puzzle conceptually, I think I know what I should do. Code-wise, I'm not so sure I go through the AVAIL_NURSE_W1 [] array (which holds the number that corresponds to which the nurse is available on Week_1 ), In order to decide on a slot in order to generate a random number that array (if the slot has zero values, then generate another random number and try again), take that number (which is a Nurse), and put it in the Monday [] array Received. Related-code: int main () {int randomNurse (); Srand (time_t (zero)); / * 0 = Dennis, 1 = Inja, 2 = Jane, 3 = Karen, 4 = Maggi, 5 = Margaret, 6 = MJ, 7 = Queen, 8 = Sherry * / / * ----- WEEKLY_ASSIGNMENT - - - / * AVAIL_NURSE_W1 [] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}; // Nurses that work in the first week for each week / * holds numeric values ​​of the scan (; column & lt; integer column = 0 4; column ++) {(for integer number = 0; number From & lt; 9; number ++) {if (AVAIL_NURSE_W1 [num] == [0] [select c

jsf - Caused By: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener -

I want to create a project with primosources, I have created a simple example of Hello world, but I do not deploy the war I'm building, I did it with eclipse and weblogic, when placed in the server, I get the following error: Reason by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun .faces.config .configureListener What am I doing wrong? New I'm sorry if this is something very basic Thanks! Hello everyone, I found the answer !!! Maybe someone can get help !!!!

write and read a structure into a file in C -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 1 उत्तर मैं लिखने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ एक फ़ाइल में निम्नलिखित संरचना और इसे वापस पढ़ें। मुझे जो समस्या हो रही है, मैं नहीं जानता कि फ़्रेड और फ़्रेम के कार्यों को ठीक से कैसे उपयोग करें! struct M {char एल्बम [50]; चार कलाकार; चार श्रेणी; फ्लोट की कीमत; इंट स्टॉक; }; स्ट्रेट एम [10]; मैंने यहां पाया कुछ कोड की कोशिश की, लेकिन फ़ाइल से आउटपुट में अजीब अक्षर हैं I मुझे लगता है कि यह ठीक से काम नहीं कर रहा है। आप शायद कलाकार चाहते हैं और श्रेणी भी सर की श्रेणी बनने के लिए। struct M {char एल्बम [50]; चार कलाकार [50]; चार श्रेणी [50]; फ्लोट की कीमत; इंट स्टॉक; }; स्ट्रेट एम [10]; तब आप इस तरह से फ़्रेम का उपयोग कर सकते हैं फ़िलिट (आकार, आकार, 1, फ़ाइल); या समतुल्य फ़िलिट (s, sizeof (M), 10, फ़ाइल); आप उसी तरीके से पढ़ सकते हैं: fread (s, sizeof (s), 1, फ़ाइल); या equivalently fread (s, sizeof (M), 10, फ़ाइल); लेकिन आपको फ़ाइल FILE * file = fopen ("thisFile", "bw")

java - Javafx Gridpane Cell Background Colors -

Then I have a JavaWiki program that processes the text nodes and incorporates them into the gridpan, each of these text The node has been given the CSS class. I used a stylesheet so that the cells of each class can be tried to make a different color. However, I can use only the -fx-fill property to change the text color, which is good, but as a way to change the background of each cell through CSS or Java I can not find anything online I have tried the property in the CSS fx-background-color , but it does not work any assistance will be appreciated; Thank you. You field , or to set the background color> area Either: Use label instead of a text . You can set the background color with -fx-text-fill and -fx-background-color . Or: Create a stackpan for each text ; Add text to stackpan and stackpan to GridPane . You can set the text color from -fx-fill to text and background color with -fx-background-color StackPane . You will probably need t

php - GD library installed but not working on ubuntu -

मैंने जीडी स्थापित किया है और निम्नलिखित को चलाया है: php -i | Grep -i gd जो देता है: /etc/php5/cli/conf.d/gd.ini, जीडी जीडी समर्थन = & gt; सक्षम जीडी संस्करण = & gt; 2.0 gd.jpeg_ignore_warning = & gt; 0 = & gt; 0 मैं apache2 के उपयोग के बिना, nginx के साथ PHP5-fpm चलाता हूं। मैंने भी sudo /etc/init.d/php5- जीपी सक्षम है यह जाँचने के बाद एफएमएम पुनः आरंभ करें। तो यह सक्षम है, लेकिन जब मैं जीडी के साथ कुछ करने की कोशिश करता हूँ तो यह कुछ भी नहीं करेगा कोई विचार? धन्यवाद। phpinfo जीडी जीडी समर्थन सक्षम जीडी संस्करण 2.0 फ्रीटाइप समर्थन फ्रीटीप्पे फ्रीटाइप संस्करण 2.4.8 T1 लिब के साथ फ्रीटाइप लिंकिंग सक्षम किया गया समर्थन सक्षम GIF समर्थन सक्षम GIF समर्थन समर्थन सक्षम करें जेपीईजी समर्थन सक्षम करें libJPEG संस्करण अज्ञात पीएनजी समर्थन सक्षम किया गया लिबपीएनजी संस्करण 1.2.46 WBMP समर्थन सक्षम डायरेक्टिव लोकल वैल्यू मास्टर मूल्य gd.jpeg_ignore_warning 0 0 अतिरिक्त .ini फ़ाइलों को पार्स किया गया /etc/php5/fpm/conf.d/gd.ini < / html>

html - Css Selector - Hide repeated elements from same class -

I am having trouble hiding the search results again and again. Here's an example: Say I have a website where I sell cars. I allow users to search on certain features, such as brands, models, etc. ... and then I add all the cars for the result (the user can do multiple searches) I Looking for "Brand A" and I get results: car-id-1 car-id -2 car-id -3 car -Id-4Car-id-5 Now I do a new search for "Brand A" and "Model A", and I get repeated results Is: car-id-1 car-id -2 car-id-3 I have my HTML: & lt; Div class = 'car-id-1' & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = 'car-id-1' & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; / * Frequently * / & lt; Div class = 'car-id-2' & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = 'car-id -2' & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; / * Repeated * / & lt; Div class = 'car-id-3' & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = &#

c# - Intercept (and redirect) style sheet, image and font loads from Gecko -

I have a C # application using Geckofx, as the title says, I get images, fonts and style sheets Loading and redirecting (possibly loaded from a database) I have tried to use SetParentURIContentListener, but this is only active for the main page, any advice you are welcome The source of my pages is actually my application The application is based on Lipcode and is a prototype for an advertisement-taking app that can create and edit ads for print and online usage (probably) Pictures The app will create the original HTML (or load) from this database). I want to specify the URL to reference style sheets, fonts and images, and the app loads them as needed.

dependencies - Calls to `composer install` should only ever use satis dist zip files, never source -

We are using a satis repo to host the zip file dependencies. The repository array of our composer.jason file indicates satis repo and disables the packager. But when we run updates Composer, Sngeetkarklok still listed under the original source "source" (a list that satis.json under repository). Which problem is listed under Satis "dist", because the composer will download a call source to install. How do I call for composers? Download only the set gist file and nothing else? If you have an old Sngeetkarklog setting file that sets And had disabled access to the package, this is normal. and will continue to do just trying to update the existing installation loaded incorrectly If you want to start completely new, both composer.lock and vendor folders and run Composer Update . To ensure extra, Composer Update - Preferred . If it still does not want to do for you, you probably have to take a look at dependency versions. Are there any branches requi

qt - How to init tableWidget? -

I have just started with QT. I saw some articles, but one thing was not understood. filesTable on this link comes from anywhere. I do not understand where it is Another example. void MainWindow :: on_pushButton_clicked () {ui- & gt; Table-> setColumnCount (''); UI- & gt; TableWidget- & gt; SetRowCount (''); } What is tableWidget ? I mean, how can I make it? Sorry for such a question. I want to do. filesTable can be declared in the header file. If you are new to C ++ , you should first start by learning C ++ , and then start using Qt needed. tableWidget is a variable that indicates QTableWidget type object, which was created in. This was declared in the Yuri header file, for example ui_mainwindow.h . This is a file which is usually auto produced by QT creator.

php - Passing xml to url -

I'm new to XML and I just want to pass an object in the url and want to parse it in the array . Do not know what to do Here is my code: $ xml = "& lt; user & gt; & lt; name & gt;" $ Name "& Lt; / name & gt; & lt; Balance & gt; $ Balance" & lt; / Balance & gt; & Lt; Address & gt; ". $ Addresses" & lt; / Address & gt; & Lt; Mobile & gt; ".. $ mobile .." & lt; / Mobile & gt; & Lt; / User & gt; "$ simple = new simple assemment ($ xml); $ Simple2 = $ simple-> asXML (); $ Sample = simplexml_load_string ($ simple2); $ Url = $ global ['urlPath'] 'Webportal_sqlanywhere / xml.php? Id ='. $ (. My xml); $ Path_file = file_get_contents ($ url); echo $ path_file;

rails skip records that are addressed by named scope -

I have an area where one section is used to narrow down the results where a specific parameter is defined as. Posted in RB area: nav, where ("not priority") This opportunity is being used to access this site. Navigation with, however, indicator controller action requires the release of these records. Is there any way that I can use the same designated area to drop these records with my nomination action? Or do I need to write another scope, which is the inverse of the previous one? DIF index @posts Post. RB area: nav, - & gt; (Not_null = true) {Not Null? where. No (priority: zero): where (priority: zero)} in the controller: DIF index @ posts = post.order (created < / P>

Ternary operator to return value- Java/Android -

बस php से जावा में स्विच मुझे निम्न समस्या का सामना करना पड़ा मैं चाहता हूं फिर से लिखना यदि (usrname.equals (उपयोगकर्ता नाम) & amp; (passwd.equals (पासवर्ड))) {वापस सत्य; } अन्य {वापसी झूठी; } के रूप में (usrname.equals (उपयोगकर्ता नाम) & amp; passwd.equals (पासवर्ड))? सच वापस लौटिए: वापसी झूठी; यह काम नहीं कर रहा है (वाक्यविन्यास त्रुटि) हालांकि, int a = 1; Int b = 2; Int minVal = a & lt; बी? ए: बी; काम कर रहा है कुछ स्थिति के आधार पर मूल्य लौटने पर टर्नरी ऑपरेटर सही ढंग से व्यवहार क्यों नहीं कर रहा है संपादित करें < / P> वापसी (usrname.equals (उपयोगकर्ता नाम) & amp; passwd.equals (पासवर्ड)); समाधान हो सकता है अगर वह बूलियन वापस आती है। मुझे कहने की ज़रूरत है (usrname.equals (username) & amp; amp; ; Passwd.equals (पासवर्ड))? वापसी "सदस्य": वापसी "अतिथि"; आप कर सकते हैं return (usrname) बराबर (उपयोगकर्ता नाम) & amp; passwd.equals (पासवर्ड))? सही गलत; true और झूठे को आप जिस रिटर्

amazon web services - Trying to create a cloud-formation template with SNS and SQS works, but messages never arrive -

After going through Docs, I wrote the following cloud-building templates to create an SNS topic, create an SQL theme and subscribe. Subjects of the SQLS queue: {"AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", "Description": "SNS theme, SQS queue and examples that will serve the custom resource queue" , "Parameter": {"environment": {"description": "environment to manage queues", "type": "string", "default": "qa", "allowed value": ["development" "QA", "staging", "production"]}, "emaildude": {"description": "email sent to notifications", "type": "string", "default": "example {"CustomResourcesQueue": {"Type": "AWS :: SQS :: Queue", "Properties": {"ReceivMessageWaitTi" "" "", ["Cloud_form_

c - how to write order preserving minimal perfect hash for integer keys? -

I've searched stackoverflow and google and I do not know what this is: I Byte is a set of unsigned integer keys, one million or more, I need to use the table as an index. I will be the easiest to use keys as an array index, but I have a 4gb array Do not want to go when im just going to use some couple of entries Be received! Table entries and keys are sequential so I need a hash function that keeps the order safe. For example key = {56, 69, 3493, 49 9 56, 345678, 345679, .... etc} {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, .... etc} The key can be potentially integer, but no more than 2 million in total May be. The number will be different as keys (and related array entries), but the new key always holds a higher number than the previous highest number of keys. In the above example, if the key 69 was removed, then the hash integer hashing returned to 3493 should be 1 (instead of 2) because it becomes the second lowest number again. I hope that I am right to explain this. Is it possible

javascript - Jquery get image id of next element -

I have a list of images, I try to use Jquery to find the next image ID from the current element I am But I can not seem to work for Jquery & lt; Div class = "grid" style = "position: relative;" & Gt; & Lt; Div class = "preview" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "1.jpg" id = "175" alt = "" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "grid" style = "position: relative;" & Gt; & Lt; Div class = "preview" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "2.jpg" id = "176" alt = "" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "grid" style = "position: relative;" & Gt; & Lt; Div class = "preview" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "3.jpg" id = "177" alt = "" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; javascri

Is there a javascript bind like function in java -

I am new to Java and I want to know that Java has some similar functionality like Javascript Tie. ex: function x (shared ARG, AG1, AGR2) {} X. Bind (this, 'bounded erg'); X ('arg1', 'arg2'); Update: A good example would be in the callback function of the event. What if I have an object / argument available in the actual event, the callback context, which was previously available at the time of setting up callback in an event. In Java, you do not have to pass around "callback". You pass some object examples that implement some callback interface. For example, interface clickth handler {void handleClick (event) Event); } // and then the last string someStateIHave = "Hello"; MyButton.setClickHandler {void handleClick} {System.out.println (someStateIHave);}} As you can see, there is an object instance of ClickHandler (In this case unknown intrinsic class, but it is not necessary). UI Framework can then call the h

c - Can't understand x *= y+1 output -

I have a problem understanding code output. Please clarify any ... # Includes & lt; Stdio.h & gt; Zero main () {int x = 2, y = 5; X * = y + 1; Printf ("% d", x); } Output is in the form of 12. But according to my understanding, x * = y + 1; is x = x * y + 1; but according to the preference of the operator, x * y should be evaluated after which add 1 , so it should be 10 + 1 = 11. But this is 12 - can anyone please explain? What's happening here is the order of operation in programming. Yes, if you have this equation x * y + 1 then it will be (x * y) + 1 and the result is eleven. But the equation on the right side of the = symbol is resolved before being modified by the = symbol in the programming. Signal In this equation it is multiplied. then x * = y + 1 is actually x = x * (y + 1) which will be 12. = ^ In this case, asterisk (*) is multiplying the whole equation by x on the right hand and then specifying the result

sql server - Select Column if Unique in SQL -

I'm looking at a way to select only one column value if it's unique. Example of data in the table: City name ----------------------- James New York 20 Charles New York 21 Tom New York 22 Example of the output of all the queries to choose: city name -------- -------------- James New York 20 Charles New York 21 Tom New York 22 But if Charles lived in London then I would not print a city Should have a default value Example of data in the table: city Name the name ------------------------ James New York 20 Charles London 21 Tom New York 22 All An example of selecting a query. City Name ----------------------- James / 20 Charles / 21 Tom / 22 < / Ex> I hope you can do SQL magic ... I tried to do it with a case structure but without any success I am using SQL Server. Use joining other cities, and mask the duplicates: Specific P. Choose the name, case when is not zero then zero and PIIT City ends, P.G. P. Names on the name = P. 2.

Cannot find table error when inserting data into database Android -

I am using datbase to store group details and contact information in the database, but whenever I am in databases Insert some data. I'm not saying "no such table" error. What have I done wrong? Public class GroupDataBase Extended SQLiteOpenHelper {Personal Static last int dbVersion = 1; Personal fixed final string dbn name = "hssecurity"; Private static final string tagname = "group description"; Private static final string groupId = "groupId"; Private static final string groupname = "group name"; Personal fixed final string created = "created"; Personal stable final string createTable = "create table" + + tablename + "(" + + groupID + "integer primary key auto increment," + groupname + "text," + created + "text" + ")"; Public group database (reference reference) {super (references, DBN name, blank, dBearsean); } @ Override Creature on Public Zero (SQLiteDa

css - HTML how to make each row of a table scrollable? -

I have a table, I want to "overflow" the CSS: scrolls "in each tray, but does not work Here's my code. HTML & lt; Table & gt; & lt; tr & gt; & lt; td & Gt; hai & lt; / td & gt; & lt; TD & gt; hellow & lt; / td & gt; & lt; td & gt; shcjbjs & lt; / td & gt; & lt; td & gt; DVKD & lt; / TD & gt; & lt; / tr & gt; & lt; TR & gt; & lt; TD & gt; Hai & lt; / TD & gt; & lt; TD & gt; hellow & lt ; / TD & gt; & lt; TD & gt; shcjbjs & lt; / td & gt; & lt; td & gt; dkkd & lt; / tid & Gt; & lt; / TR & gt; & lt; Tr & gt; & lt; TD & gt; Hai & lt; / td & gt; & lt; td & gt; hellow & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; td & gt; shcjbjs & lt; / td> gt; & lt; td & gt; dkkd & lt; / td & gt; & lt; / tr & gt; & lt; tr & gt; & lt; TD & gt

c# - Deserialization of properties won't work, but works in TestProject and Generic-Lists -

I have an application that is a rally funny problem with deserialization of my application settings-class. The square resembles the following: [serialable] public class ApplicationSettings {public string selected settings {get; Set; } Public string selected settings {get; Set; } Public string selectedDatabase setting {get; Set; } Public string selected computing setting {get; Set; } Public listing & lt; General Settings & gt; General Settings = New List & lt; General Settings & gt; (); Public listing & lt; Checking & gt; CheckSettings = New list & lt; Checksetting & gt; (); Public listing & lt; DataBaseSetting & gt; Database Settings = New List & lt; Database Settings & gt; (); Public listing & lt; Compare & gt; Compare = new list & lt; Compare & gt; (); Public application settings () {}} The serialization of this class works fine, but deserialization will not work, the general settings selected in the public proper

Java TreeSet sorting -

I found this question from a book, but it was difficult to understand the way behind the answer. Comparative of public class drink tools {name of public string; Public Ink Comparison (Object O) {Return 0; }} and: one = new drink (); Two = drink new (); = "coffee"; = "tea"; Treceet set = new tree-set (); Set.add (a); Set.add (two); If a programmer repeats on a tree asset and prints the names of each pie object, what is the result of it? Can someone please help me in answering the path behind it Only "coffee" ( a ) is added to the set, because TreeSet equals according to compareto () , and since the element is already set, So when you try to add two , the notice will take place. P> From Java Docs: Note that the order created by a set (even if a clear comparator has been provided) is equal Should be compatible with this if the set interface is implemented correctly (see comparative or comparative for an ex

reverse engineering - Extracting data from Filemaker application -

I have an end user version of an application written in FileMaker 10 (FML10.dll) and I have data behind software the wanted . Any way to remove any data? It appears that the USR file contains data, but I do not know how to open it. There is a way to query thought C # C: \ Program Files (x86) \ ASAS 2013-01 Asa 2013-01.exe Asa 2013-01.USR DBConverter.dll DBEngine . Team Domsupportkdl Fnll0kdl Fmlyutkdl Fmolekdl Fmpa Aknovledgementskpeedif Fmrsrskdl Fnskriptkdl Fmussermodelkdl Fnvrprkdl Gdiplskdl Hbmkdl Libay32kdl Mfkkrkdl Nsviawskdl Omnidinamic4kdl Omniorb4kdl OmniThread.dll PlatformSupport.dll ProofReader.dll ssleay32.dll support.dll uninstal.exe uninstal.ini XalanDOM.dll XalanExtensions.dll XalanSourceTree.dll XalanTransformer.dll XCore.dll XDraw.dll Xerces.dll XercesParserLiaison.dll XFC.dll XGRFx dll XMLEngine.dll XMLSupport.dll XPath.dll XSLT.dll XText.dll extension Langs and etc .. Microsoft.VC80.CRT ... Microsoft.VC80.MFC ... Microsoft.VC80.MFCLOC ... T that as of 2

mysql - PHP "Simple" query takes massive time -

I have a question about performance, I think I am doing something wrong. I have a table with items, and one with categories, any item can be in multiple categories. Now I want to show all those things which have not been included in any category. The connection table contains Items_Categories (just with ID_item and ID_category ) I Created query: as item ID_ item as id (items_Categories from item ID_item) Select this works , But it is very slow it takes a few seconds, and my DB is not so big. I have around 3000 items and 200 categories. Any better solution? You probably can use a join and find people who have a match is not. SELECT i. * Items are added to item items i.id_item = ic.ID_Item on I .ID_Item IS is null

gruntjs - Why is PhantomJS hanging when running Jasmine tests on RequireJS project with Grunt? -

I am trying to use the open source project, described in this. I ( e7e6b15c2f) and remove the package. I had to update the dependency to the following, as listed in: npm installation grunt --save-dev npm gnaw-contrib-watch --save -dev npm Install Kadahi-contrib-jshint --save-dev npm Install Install Stiff-vomit-pseudo-save-dev npm Kadahi- contrib-requirejs --save-dev npm Installation Ghurghur - Currieb-SAS - -save-dev npm Install Kadahi-pattern-Mahina-save-dev npm Install Kadahi-contrib-htmlmin --save-dev npm Install Kadahi-contrib-connect --save-dev npm Installation link Install Mela-contrib -Jesmin --save-dev npm Kadahai-templates- jasmine-requirejs --save-dev npm install grunt-template-jasmine-istanbul --save-dev npm Installed load-grunt-actions --save- Dev npm installation time -grund --save-dev Once completed, when I run Hour Junket PhantomJS seems to hang first This step Er in: tom ~ / _tmp / grunt-boilerplate-master ϟ grunt jasmin & gt; & Gt; Local NMP

sql - PostgreSQL if temporary table is dropped query is empty -

I am working on a simple homework assignment where I have to get some data which complies with some parameters and then The second goes to the query on the query that was selected in the previous query. I am creating a temporary table and generating it with the results of the first query and then run another query on the table. Then I leave the table. Here's the problem: If I leave the table, the second question is empty because the result is abandoned. I do not understand this. I do not use a temporary table for selection, only for data validation. And even if the table is dropped at the end of the query query, the query is empty. If I do not leave the table, then it works fine but if I run the query again, it says that the table is present. What am I doing wrong here. Here's the code: Select the temporary table TMP from the edge where the weight> 100; Choose Graph from TMP, Graph Grapho = and gesm (graph. Gno) & gt; = Select all from the graph (SELECT mvc - Pass list with Jquery -

मेरे पास यह कोड है: $ ("# allphotos")। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन (); $ ("& Lt; div & gt; & lt; / div & gt;") .addClass ("संवाद") .appendTo ("body") .dialog ({close: function () {$ (this) .remove (); }, मोडल: सच, ऊंचाई: 1000, चौड़ाई: 1000}) .लोड ("/ होम / सभी फोटो", डेटा);}); और इस पद्धति: सार्वजनिक कार्यप्रदर्शन सभी फ़ोटो () {var listof Photos = RavenSession.Query & lt; ContentPage & gt; ()। जहां (ओ = & gt; । Template.ContentPageType == "aPhoto_web.Models.Photography, aPhoto_web")। एस्प्रोजेक्शन और लेफ्टिनेंट; फोटोग्राफ़ी & gt; () .ToList (); Var avm = नया AdminViewModel (); Avm.Photographys = listof फोटो; वापस आंशिक दृश्य ("_ allphoto", avm.Photographys); } विधि फ़ोटोग्राफ़ की एक सूची देता है कि मैं एक संवाद में प्रदर्शित करने के लिए Jquery को पसंद करूंगा। मुझे पूरी तरह से यकीन है कि यह पंक्ति: .load ("/ होम / सभी फोटो", डेटा); क्या समस्या है देखें: @ mo

xcode5.1 - Lost .m files after XCode crash -

I'm on the brink of a nervous breakdown. I am currently working on a project in XCode, Had crashed. When I started the encoded, my two files were completely depraved. Unfortunately, I have not given any word yet ... if it is possible to recover these files any thoughts?

Get maximum daily concurrent users with MySQL -

I am trying to get more concurrent users per day to get more problems for our application. I have a timestamp, concurrent and a server_name in each record I have tried: select timestamp, max (concurrently) From the log where '% XXXX%' server_name; This gives me a timestamp and more than ever concurrent I tried this: Timestamp, Max (Concurrent) with Gss_performance_log G, where '% turk%' group by timestamp, such as server_name; This gives me and lots of concurrent lots of timestamps with multiple timestamps in one day, How can I get a maximum concurrent for each day is? Any advice would be appreciated thanks Take the time to select part date () from your timestamp, based on the date (timestamp), Max, where '% of Turk% 'Server_name like gg_performance_log (timestamp);

c# - Difference in referencing an assembly in web.config and project reference root? -

I am creating this project and I have an external DLL. I want to add a reference to the root reference folder. I have not tried it wrong though. But there is a clear answer to this question on the Internet that let me down the web. In the configured assembly file, reference must be given to DLL. I want to know why we need to do this? What is the difference between the two methods? the web Confidential section Assemblies define a collection of element assembly names, which are used during the compilation of an application. Generally, there is no project file to store the location of contexts using the Assembly Elements Web Site used in Web site projects. Project references do not apply to a web site Because there is no appropriate project file to store them, so the web. All referenced assemblies must be stored in the config. Something interesting, although not directly related, you can use both assembly elements and project references in the discussion web app

jquery - Check touch device using javascript -

I have a small function that determines whether my user is on a touch device that works perfectly ... function is_touch_device () {return ((in 'octchurch' window) || (navigator.maxtouch points> gt; 0) || (navigator.mmtouch point & gt; 0 )); } If (! Is_touch_device ()) {window.location.href = 'index.html'; } I would like to add a condition if the device is an iPad, then do not take the redirect again. I have tried ... function is_touch_device () {var isiPad = navigator.userAgent.match (/ ipad / i)! = Null; If (! IIPD) {return ((in 'octchurch' window) || (Navigator.maxtouch points> gt; 0) || (Navigator.mms metouach point & gt; 0)); }}; If (! Is_touch_device ()) {window.location.href = 'index.html'; } But it stops reducing the touch device, in fact all, any thoughts? There is no need to function and try this script; if (/ Android | WebOS | iPhone | iPod | Blackberry | IEobile | Opera Mini / iTest (Navigator user agent

screenshot - How to capture Android framebuffer in nexus5? -

I have to test the test in Nexus 5 (Android version 4.4.4), but the Nexus 5 Android framebuffer (/ dev / graphics / Fb0) Access method does not work in the past. (Nexus 4, ngps, a ..) There is an empty data captured (black screen) So, I have to find out how to capture a framebuffer in Nexus5. Using the system to capture the currently used root visit, but the framebuffer can not write data The roots, Jenny (application) / P> How to reach the Android screen framebuffer? [My final goal is a framebuffer when image processing (gray / color model change etc ..) to rewrite my image. Framebuffer] Thanks.

sql - Difference between two columns in mysql -

I have two columns (credit and debit_mount) and I want to calculate the difference between them. Only need to get more records than zero or if the debited_amount field is taped, no matter that value is zero. Here is the sculveer I have tried. Please help SELECT `p_Id`,` user_id`, `doc_id`,` credit`, 'ap_data`,' end_on`, (credit-debit_man) as a credit` wp_loyalty_credits` From where `expired_on` & gt; Now (); You just in section: debit_mount or debit_mount is empty); Redefines your query credit in select . However, this is irrelevant, because you can not specify a column nickname in the where section, therefore, this column is credit which it is used if you add the table nickname So it is clear: select lc.p_Id, lc.user_id, lc.doc_id,, lc.app_date, lc.expires_on, ( - lc.debited_amount ) As `wp_loyalty_credits` LC WHERE lc.expires_on> Now () and (> lc.debited_amount or lc.debited_amount is zero);