amazon web services - Trying to create a cloud-formation template with SNS and SQS works, but messages never arrive -

After going through Docs, I wrote the following cloud-building templates to create an SNS topic, create an SQL theme and subscribe. Subjects of the SQLS queue:

  {"AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", "Description": "SNS theme, SQS queue and examples that will serve the custom resource queue" , "Parameter": {"environment": {"description": "environment to manage queues", "type": "string", "default": "qa", "allowed value": ["development" "QA", "staging", "production"]}, "emaildude": {"description": "email sent to notifications", "type": "string", "default": "example {"CustomResourcesQueue": {"Type": "AWS :: SQS :: Queue", "Properties": {"ReceivMessageWaitTi" "" "", ["Cloud_form_custom_resources", " {"Ref": "Environment"}]]}}}, "Customsassons" ":" "" AWS :: SNS :: Subject "," Properties ": {" Membership ": [{" Endpoint ": {" Ref ":" Email "}," protocol ":" email "}, {" endpoint ": {" FTN :: GetAtt ": [" customer ssquiew "," warn "]," protocol ":" ss "}]} }, "SNSTACCPOPC": {"Type": "AWS :: SQS :: QueuePolicy", "Properties": {"Policy Document": {"ID": "Pushmessage T "{{" Sid ":" permission-s-s-to-dispatch-message-to-sx "" "" "" "" "" "" "", "version" , "Condition": "action": ["class": "" "," principal ": {" AWS ":" * "}," resource ": {" Ref: "" CustomResourcesTopic "}," condition ": {{"Ref:": "CustomResourcesQueue"}}}}}} {"String avaloes": {"AS AS: source ARN": {"referee": "customsourcetopic"}}}}}}, "queues" / Code>  

Cloud-build has been successfully created, but whenever I publish a message on the SNS topic, I only receive email T, the message never arrives at Skyui line.

Am I missing something on the policy here? Is there any other way to use cloud-structures to tie SNS and SQS?

There are some things that "resource" in my queue policy: "*" is.

  • I have ArnEquals

  • instead of StringEquals instead of condition ( But I think it does not matter).
  • You only "Action": ["sqs: SendMessage"] .

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