Get maximum daily concurrent users with MySQL -

I am trying to get more concurrent users per day to get more problems for our application.

I have a timestamp, concurrent and a server_name in each record

I have tried:

  select timestamp, max (concurrently) From the log where '% XXXX%' server_name;  

This gives me a timestamp and more than ever concurrent

I tried this:

  Timestamp, Max (Concurrent) with Gss_performance_log G, where '% turk%' group by timestamp, such as server_name;  

This gives me and lots of concurrent lots of timestamps with multiple timestamps in one day,

How can I get a maximum concurrent for each day is?

Any advice would be appreciated


Take the time to select part date ()

  from your timestamp, based on the date (timestamp), Max, where '% of Turk% 'Server_name like gg_performance_log (timestamp);  


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