
Showing posts from June, 2011

Android In-App Billing app works in some phones and stops in some another -

I resolved, but the app stops again, the app works properly on some phones, but in some others Closed there is logkat: 07-31 23:58 58: 50.780: I / Process (10251): Send signal PID: 10251 SIG: 9 07-31 23:58 58: 50.780 : E / AndroidRuntime (10251): Fatal Exceptions: Main 07-31 23:58 58: 50.780: E / AndroidRuntime (10251): java.lang.RuntimeException: Initial Initial Activity Component- info {ir.aiga.apps / ir.aiga .apps.MainActivity}: java.lang.IllegalStateException: The IAB Assistant is not set up. QueryInventory 07-31 23 :: 58: 50.780: can not take action E / AndroidRuntime (10251): 58 :: 50.780: E / AndroidRuntime ( on 07-31 23 (10251): ( at 07-31 23: 58: 50.780: E / AndroidRuntime (10251): $ 600 (less than : 123) 07-31 23: 58: 50.780: E / AndroidRuntime (10251):

git - How do undo a merge or move my master branch forward? -

I have two branches: Master AddEmailPickUpService I addmaster to AddEMailService Before joining some of the commitments I should have added the AddEmailService to the Master How do I get a Master for AddEmailService? < Div Class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> Simply merge the branch into master : & gt; GIT Checkout Master & gt; Git Merge AddEmailPickUpService This should be done faster

apache pig - Pig reverses order of grouped tuples -

I am running a pig script that flattens a bag, filters it, and saves it back together A UDF issue is so that I can pass it to the last date [before the last value] DESC is in order, when I want them in the ASC order EX: ((RRRRRR #, T2, 19840101011), {(RRRRR #, T2, 1984 840101011-3.04.25,01-01-2014, 31-03-2014,01-03-2014-201010101197) , (RRRRRR #, T2, 1984 840101013-3.03.75, 01 -01-2014, 3 1-03-2014,01-02-2014-201010101197), (RRRRRR #, T-2, 1984 840101011,3.0,3.75, 01-01-2014, 31-03-2014, 01-01-2014, 20140101197 What I need: (RRRRRR #, T2, 19848401011), {(RRRRRR # , T2, 19840101011,3.0,3.75,01-01-2014, 31-03-201401-01-2014,20140101197), (RRRRRR #, T2, 1984 840101011,3.0,3.75, 01-01- 2014, 31-03- 2014, 01-02-2014-201010101197), (RRRRRR #, T2, 1984 840101011-3.04.25 ,01-01-2014, 31-03-2014, 01-03-2014, 01010101017, 7)}) // "It is necessary ORDER Is there a way to order a tuple in a bag? If not, how can I prevent group commands from sorting them like this? . So you

julia lang - Is there a package for approximating a function using Chebychev Polynomials? -

Is there a package to estimate the function using chebbecue polynomials? I was previously using matlab and there was a package called CompaCon which could predict a function using Chebecave polyonomials. I am thinking that there is a package similar to Julia. Or is there a package in C or Fortran or Python that can do this? Thank you very much! You might want to see, it can be relevant.

windows - Powershell script to change the Recycling Time on Application Pool -

I think I need to use that code, but the thing is that not working. > Import-Module WebAdministration $ AppPools = Get-ChildItem "IIS: \ AppPools \ Application Pool set ItemProperty -Path $ AppPools -nam recycling.periodicRestart.time -Value 1.00: 00: 00 but I'm getting this error set ItemProperty: could not find path 'C: \ SysWOW64 \ WindowsPowerShell \ v1.0 \ modules \ WebAdministration \ Windows \ Microsoft .IIs.PowerShell.Framework.NodeCollection 'because it does not exist on line: 3 char: 1 + set ItemProperty -Path $ AppPools -nam recycling.periodicRestart.time -Value 1.0 ... + ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo: ObjectNotFound: ( Minister: \ Windows \ SysW .... NodeCollection: String) [set ItemProperty], ItemNotFoundException + FullyQualifiedErrorId: PathNotFound, Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetItemPropertyCommand I know that this is a path The problem is not it works. Set-item

perl - Mojolicious getting not found on routes -

I for Mojolicious using moojo ​​for myapp MyApp The default setup is established I can reach the root of my application (i.e. index.html), but when I go on the '/ Welcome' path, it says' The requested URL / reception was not found on this server It was. ' I have started the app using the morbo myapp which is in the / script directory and got this error Can anyone please help? Well, many problems with the routes I can not find while using Getting / Welcome Root does not exist when default setup starts. welcome.html.ep Template Route / Normal route for # controller $ r-> ; Receive ('/') - & gt; From ('Example # Welcome'); and you can reach index.html , because it is a static file under the public folder. Just like your stable js or css files.

java - Jars needed for JasperReports? -

I downloaded the JasperReports jar (from and ends All jars in the Dist folder. These are the files to be added to my project: Jasperport-5.6.0.jsparaportPort-applelet-5.6.0.jserportport-fonts- 5.6.0.jsparport-jawaflo -5.6 .0.jar But when I try my code, I always get this error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org / apache / commons / logging / logfactory UPDATE 1 I solved that error and I have too many missing zeros Please send me JasperReports Using Sector all indicate additional jars required. OK, just like I said that I have distributed distributed zip (as in question Shown) and to solve all my problems, I added the next jar from my pocket to the Lib folder: JasperReports 5.6.0 - ... ... poi-3.7.20101029.jar ... Commons-Binutuals -1.8.0. Jar ... Commons Collection- 3.2.1.jar ... Commons-digester-2.1.jar ... Commons-Javflo-20060411.jar ... Commons-Logging-1.1.1.jpg ... Groovy-All -2.0.1.jar ... iText-2.1.7.js2.jar ...

ruby on rails - SQLite3::SQLException: near "CONSTRAINT": syntax error -

Can you help me with this problem? First of all I have created a migration that generates three tables. Then I try to execute a SQL query but for some reason an error has started. I'm a newbie. I'm reading this rail guide in four editions (4.0.6 rubles on-rail) < Pre> class examples migration & lt; ActiveRecord :: migration def up_table: Categories | T | Make the end_table: User | T | T.string: email end create_table: products do | T | T.references: Follow the End of the Series & lt; & Lt; -SQL ALTER TABLE products add constraint foreign key (category_id) fk_products_categories categories (ID) SQL add_column manual user ,: HOME_PAGE_URL ,: string rename_column: The users ,: email ,: EMAIL_ADDRESS end def liter; # Execute a foreign key below and adding lt leave -SQL ALTER TABLE products foreign key fk_products_categories SQL rename_column: The users ,: EMAIL_ADDRESS ,: email remove_column: The users ,: HOME_PAGE_URL drop_table: products drop_table: those

php - Why is my foreach loop not working as expected? -

I am quite new to PHP development, but I think I'm picking it up at speed, but when I took XAMPP into a real host, then I hit a bit of a problem. I am trying to do something like that. $ cast_list = mysqli_query ($ dblink, $ sql); Foreign currency ($ cast_list $ as role) {resonant "<<"> $ Role ['December_'] "& Lt; / td>"; } It works on XAMPP which is installed on my home PC, but this does not work on the hosting system I do test with. The actual query is working perfectly, so there is no problem. I can see the correct results on XAMPP in PHPMyAdmin and when I change the code as follows $ cast_list = mysqli_query ($ dblink, $ sql); $ Y = mysqli_num_rows ($ cast_list); {$ Role = mysqli_fetch_assoc ($ cast_list) for ($ X = 0; $ x & lt; $ y; $ x ++); Echo "& lt; tr & gt; & lt; td width = '50%' & gt;". $ Role ['Dec_as] "& Lt; / td>"; } The second code block will produc

Rally - Dashboard Apps -Defect App Query -

I am trying to blame the app to create a very basic query (original = My Name), but when I save I, the following message is returned: could not be parsed: unknown operator "by" You can view all the available fields on the defect here in the document:

windows - Multiple line batch file -

I am new to the batch, so I was playing with the command and I came to know that to write command lines in batch I do not give examples for for example. Start cmd.exe / k "ipconfig & amp; andami & amp;; amm; getmac & amp; netplwiz"% windir% \ system32 \ wuapp.exe This would work fine, but I was thinking how to make it easier to read and with comments, and I can not understand how to do it. Here's what I tried to do start cmd.exe ^ / k "ipconfig ^ & amp; amp; & amp; amp; amp; & amp; amp; amp; & amp;;; and & quot; & amp; amp; amp; getmac ^ & amp; Netplwiz ".windir% \ system32 \ wooup.exe So this does not work me know the symbols ^ line is the continuation of it showcasing in cmd but workup for ipconfig The commands are ignored for doing so. Here is an example with many rows and it works fine set wind =% windir% sets works winsys =% windir% \ system32 rm checks whether A browser is currently running. If s

ruby on rails 4 - Why do these models and methods crash my server/stack level too deep? -

I am new to Ruby-on-Rail and it is slowly trying to understand how everything works But I have taken part in this, a brick wall at this point. I have models class users & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base Valid: Username, {: uniqueness = & gt; True: Attendance = & gt; True} validates_presence_of: password_digest ,: on = & gt; : Making has_one: player, dependent: deleted has_secure_password has_many: through planet, :: player end class player & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base has has_many: Planet, Dependent :: deleted is_to: User validates_presence_of: race, on: create end squared planet & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base is_to: player end In my UserController I create a user with login and password and it works just fine then I redirect to my player controller where I have There is a simple radio button to select the race (just one now) and then make the player and add it to the current user. This also works fine too. Now the problem is that when I try to add the player to

python - what is the order in which glob.glob reads files? if there is no specific order, can one be specified? -

I use the following commands to read the names of all the files in a directory in Python: < Pre> import glob list_of_files = glob.glob ("... / * .txt") However the elements of the list "list_of_files" have no special order at least Nobody I can tell I-A do they read in alphabetical order? Or in the order of the last modified time stamp? globe uses Oslistdir To get the filename to match, the document reads for listdir : "Return a list containing the names of entries in the directory given by the path. The list is in a voluntary order." So you can not rely on any order - even if no one exists, it can be platform-specific and unbelievable. You need to sort the list of files based on criteria you want. As far as I can see, there is no code in glob that changes its results. This is actually a very small module if you read it If you want to see what is happening under the hood.

laravel - Complex Multi-level Laravel4 Eloquent Relationship -

I am trying to print a page that shows to all users that users are registered for an event "Officers" are defined as if they have the privilege to be present, and each officer is a student (but a student may possess any position in more than one club). These are my relationships: Class Official Extra Extensible {Secure $ table = "Official Events"; Public $ timestamp = false; Protected $ primaryKey = "oveventID"; Public Function RSVP () {Return $ this- & gt; Haminde ('official atentrvp', 'event id'); }} Official RSVP for Events: Class OfficerEventRSVP extends clues {secure $ table = "officerEventRSVP"; Public $ timestamp = true; Protected $ primaryKey = "rsvpID"; Public Function Officer Event () {Return $ this- & gt; Affiliation ('official event', 'event id'); } Public Function Officer () {Refund $ this- & gt; Retail ('Officer', 'CWD', 'Officer CWID'); L

javascript - Name Attribute of Clicked Element -

How do I get the elements clicked using Java Script My code: document.addEventListener ('click', function (e) {e = e || window.event; var elementname = e. ????; warning (elementname);}, false); If you use jQuery, you can do this: $ (document). Click (function (e) {warning ($ ( .attr ('name'))});

javascript - Have newer versions of Internet Explorer fixed circular references memory leak? -

I am currently working in a project with Long Expatriate Pages (LLP), about the performance and memory leaks There is a need to worry about After reviewing some people, I have found that this may lead to a memory leak: function addHandler () {var el = document.getElementById (' El '); El.onclick = function () { = 'red'; }; } At first I did not understand, but it was easy to get many explanations for it. I have got a more detailed explanation on CodeProject and it is from Douglas Crockford. Now my question is: As far as I can understand, this specific leak is a IE-only bug Is it true? And, more important: As long as we do not have a version of Uncle Bill's company from Dear Blue Browser , then should I be worried about this leak? Edit: References about reliable final questions are desirable. Edit # 2: Maybe I'm wrong, but I think using the 'new' standardized interface for events, we get the same problem

javascript - Paypal lightbox: does not permit cross-origin framing -

I have tried to go about using the PayPal Lightbox in a slightly different way to trigger an AJAX call. Uses a button which then generates PayKey and if everything goes well, then the form is triggered to create and submit the form (from the document). When I make the button lightbox html but the content is not loaded in it. Instead, I get an error: Rejected by Load X-Frame-Option: Failed cross-original framing My code: & lt; Head & gt; & Lt; Script src = "" type = "text / javascript" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; External script: $ ("#outoutout"). Click (function () {var id = $ (this) .data ("id"); if (id) {payee}}}}; Function Payment (id) {$. AJAX ({url: 'PayPal / pay-chain.php', type: 'post', data: "id =" + id, success: function (data) {var

java - Cannot resolve reference to bean while setting bean property -

Can you help solve the error below because I am setting an example for the first time . While Tomcat 6 seriously I started getting error: Context initialization failed org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: ': could not be solved in terms of beans' probablyPrimeSerivce Error in making bean with name'restContainer '[0]; Setting Bean Property' with Service Key Beans' [0]; Nested exception is rg.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: no beans 'probablyPrimeSerivce' is defined name I beans.xml & lt ; Bem xmlns = "" xmlns: xsi = "" xmlns: reference = "http: // www. springframework. org / schema / reference "xmlns: jaxrs =" "xmlns: CXF =" "xsi: schemaLocation =" http: / / www / schema / beans

Processing twitter4j query with only Geolocation -

OK every time we get only 100 tweets, I want to show them on the map based on geolocation. Is there any way that I get 100 tweets, everyone with whom has geolocation? Because now only 3 out of 100 is geographic location. I filter some examples, but have read with processing, throws an error as unknown to me. Here's a work example. It was tested using Twitter 4J 4.0.2 Interface-based listener is where you can do whatever you want with your tweets ... It is such that they arrive < P> Using Stream API: import twitter4j.util. *; Import twitter4j *; Import *; Import Twitter 4 JP *; Import twitter4j.conf *; Import twitter4j.json *; Import twitter4j.auth *; TwitterStream twitter stream; Double [] [] bounding box = {{-180, -90}, {180, 90}}; /// whole world; Zero setup () {size (100, 100); Background (0); OpenTwitterStream (); } Zero draw () {background (0); } // Open it Open the stream Television Stream () {ConfigurationBuilder CB = New Configura

Lambda equivalent from Python in PHP -

मैं इस कोड को PHP में दोहराने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं: pool = ThreadPool (num_parts) (lambda f: migrate (client, user_id = user_id, files = f), all_files) पीएचपी में उपयोग करने के लिए समतुल्य संरचना क्या है जो कॉल करने के दौरान एक सरणी पर पुनरावृति करता है समारोह? PHP पर बहु-थ्रेडिंग के संदर्भ में इसे उपयोग करने के लिए डबल बोनस अंक:) पायथन में, डीफ़ एफ (x): वापसी x * 2 या: f = lambda x: x * 2 दोनों एक फ़ंक्शन बनाते हैं f देता है x बार 2, लैम्ब्डा को छोड़कर एक गुमनाम कार्य बना सकता है, जिसे किसी चर के लिए असाइन किया जा सकता है या कोई नाम दिए बिना तर्क के रूप में पारित किया जा सकता है। ऐसा ही प्रभाव PHP की तरह इस तरह पूरा किया जा सकता है: $ f = कार्य ($ x) {return $ x * 2; } अब वेरिएबल $ f फ़ंक्शन को रखता है और इसे $ f (value) के रूप में इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है। उसी तरह से अजगर के रूप में, आप इस गुमनाम कार्य को एक चर के रूप में प्रत्यक्ष रूप से एक चर के रूप में निर्दिष्ट किए बिना या इसे एक नाम दे सकते हैं। उदाहरण: $ arr = [1, 2, 3,

ios - NSURLProtectionSpace - Handling sub directories in the same host -

Is there any subdirectory to store when saving the security location in NSURLCredential storage Tried Sub-Closing NSURLProtectionSpace but no results to reach property. Retrieve the domain by adding the postfix to the host property and dividing the host's string. But the result repeats the same protection space in the NSURLCredentialStorage ; Under the same host there must be a separate security location for two virtual domains. Ex: To host hosts for a host without Postfix , especially when looking for credentials, the domain must be checked. In advance thanks Someone has the same problem, here's the solution. You can use the realm property in NSURLProtectionSpace for this purpose. Reference:

java - is there any other way of converting tiff into jpg without using JAI or JAIImageIO -

I'm not able to add jai libraries in jdk, I've already set it on the right position everywhere. I need to read the TIFF image but it is not working so I tried to convert the TIFF file to JPEG. But still the same error is happening. Classpath set everything is fine. Compiling the code I found on Stackflow: import; Import; Import; Import java.awt.image.RenderedImage; Import; Import *; Import; Import; Import; Import; Import; Import; Import *; Public class TiffUtils {Public Static Zero TiffToJpg (String TIFF, String Output) throws IOException {file tiffFile = new file (TIFF); SeekableStream s =

spring boot - GroovyTemplates properties configuration -

I am trying to configure the properties of GroovyTemplates I checked the document, but the formatting options are not available through the file. I did the following to optimize some other properties. @EnableAutoConfiguration @Configuration @ComponentScan implement public class application CommandLineRunner {@Autowired private GroovyTemplateAutoConfiguration.GroovyMarkupConfiguration configuration; Public static zero main (string [] args) { (application.class, args); } @Override public void run (String ... strings) throws Exception {this.configuration.groovyTemplateConfiguration () setUseDoubleQuotes (right). This.configuration.groovyTemplateConfiguration () setAutoNewLine (true). . This.configuration.groovyTemplateConfiguration () setAutoIndent (true); }} I can see double quotes in the rendered HTML files. However, it is still unchanged. So, I have two questions first, how can I fix the properties properly? Most probably, what

javascript - How do I "undo" "return false;" for following links? -

I know that before this question has been asked, but I still can not work it There is a nested list that is used as an index / navigation. With the link at the fourth level, it is 4 levels deep toggled using high level jQuery. To make JavaScript work, I have to use "return false"; But then the links do not work. How do I work again on the fourth level, i.e. "return true"; Thanks in advance! HTML: & lt; Ul class = "nav" & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Navi 1 & lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; NAV 1.1 & lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; NAV 1.1.1 & lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "" & gt; Google & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "" & gt; Amazon & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; &

match trailing slash with Python regex -

I try to match a previous / this way: type ( Re-match '/ $', U'https: // xxx / ')) & lt; Type 'Any Type' & gt; However, it matches any: type (re-match ('. * / $', U'https: // xxx / ')) & Lt; Type '_sre.SRE_Match' & gt; The use of the first parallel pattern is: perl -e 'print "true" if "" Again Match Find the string from the beginning of your string Since your string '/', again Mitch ('/ $', u'https: // xxx / ') does not start with does not return anything. You need to use ('/ $', u'https: // xxx / ') to search your previous slash.

objective c - Hide a phone call iOS 6 and 5 -

I have seen this question and have responded a few weeks ago and I have tested it and its answer works well: The author of the answer (cracker) says that it can be done in iOS 6 and iOS 5, but compared to iOS 7 Is more complex. I have tried to port it to iOS 6 but it is very hard to find the right sections and methods. Does anyone know what the right classes and methods are for hooking up in iOS 6 and iOS 5?

belongs to - Grails findBy belongsTo gives JdbcSQLException -

Ask for a system, I had student and user objects, such as: User {} student {user user // is not frozen steady = [user]} teacher {static belongsTo = [user: user]} I have written a lot of code against these models , And many dynamic finders in it def U 1 = new user (). Save (flush: true) New student (user: u1). Savings (flush: true) ... def s = Student.findByUser (springSecurityService.currentUser) //s may be Rick def t = teacher.findbius (spring security service service.) / T can be zero if (s ! = Null) // something with 's' if (t! = Null) // do something with 't' ... And it all worked fine. But I want to update my domain model to increase user access to students. So I did this: User {Student student // nullable} And I will save a user like this: New User (Student: New Student ()). Savings (flush: true) But the problem is, when I 'like' as I did above. P> If Student.findByUser can find such a student, then it works. But if it shoul

amazon web services - AWS iOS v2 Video uploading issue -

After using the ADS SDK for iOS v1, I want to upload the video file to the S3 server [S3 PeteObject Array Stream] property. AWS SDK version was deleted for properties like iOS. I came to know that there are some classes in the new version that can handle it [AWSKNNESSIS] Are I right that this class is suitable for uploading videos to the S3 server? If so, then someone offers some examples. You should use the AWSS3TransferManager uploading movies in your S3 bucket It shows how to use the Transfer Manager.

firefox - JavaScript+iMacros if-else -

I have some problems with iMacros in Firefox. This is my macro "test.js": Miscellaneous macro; Var macrocon; Var s_n = "\ n"; Var getExtract; Var i; (I = 1; i & lt; = 3; i ++) for {macros = "code:"; Macros + = "SET! ERRINIGNORE YES" + s_n; Macros + = "SET! EXTRACT_TEST_POPUP not" + s_n; Macros + = "SET! Datasource testing \ .csv" + s_n; Macros + = "SET! DATASOURCE_LINE" + i + s_n; Macros + = "SET! VAR1 {{! COL8}}" + S_N; Macros + = "add! Extract {{! VAR1}}" + s_n; GetExtract = iimGetExtract (1); IimDisplay (getExtract); If (getExtract == 1) {macros + = "url goto = {{!! COL5}}" + S_N; } And if (getExtract == 2) {macros + = "url goto = {{! Coal 6}}" + s_en; } And if (getExtract == 3) {macros + = "URL Goto = {{!! 7}}" + S_N; } Macros + = "end seconds = 1" + s_n; Macrosrun = iimplay (macros); } and this is "test.csv" 1, "test&qu

How do I reconfigure WSO2 API Manager Publisher to show more APIs per page -

When I install a new WSO2 API Manager, it comes with several demo APIs. When I browse again in the API Manager Publisher, it shows only 10 API per page, is there any way to increase this number? Carbon me No reference can be found in Xml or api-manager.xml. Thanks, Marco This is not configurable. You can set items per page by modifying the Publisher App, follow the steps given below. Find $ APIM_HOME / repository / deployment / server / gurgaon / publisher / site / block / listing / block.jag var item Change the default value 10 to the desired value. Then, $ APIM_HOME / repository / deployment / server / jaggeryapps / publisher / site / themes / default / template / listing / template.jag steps Repeat 2 and 3.

ios - How to create a view for settings of my iPhone apps in Xcode storyboard -

I'm new in iOS programming and I (like a picture of what I iPhone settings for your app) a few rows Other ideas will be called upon when tapped in and second will not What is the best way to do this? I thought of TableView with prototype cells, but what is the best way to do this? Or do I want to do one best practice? Or maybe an online tutorial? fastest way Use a UITableViewController, make it static and use the GROUPED style (all in IB). You can also setup cells to show the disclosure indicator (or not) in the IB. If you want to go where the straight lines or Uaitibl Viuaiaks controller, If you segue from UITableViewController, apply "didSelectRowForIndexPath" method and accordingly calls "performSegueWithIdentifier" Please.

json - Java Jackson - prevent float to int conversion when deserializing -

मेरे पास निम्न संरचना के साथ एक JSON पेलोड है ... {"age" : 12} ... जो निम्न वर्ग से मैप किया गया है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग छात्र {निजी पूर्णांक आयु; सार्वजनिक पूर्णांक getAge () {वापसी उम्र;} सार्वजनिक शून्य setAge (पूर्णांक उम्र) {this.age = उम्र;}} फिलहाल, उपयोगकर्ता के लिए एक नाव मूल्य प्रस्तुत करता है, तो आयु , दशमलव को अनदेखा कर दिया जाता है और केवल पूर्णांक भाग स्वीकार किया जाता है। मैं क्या करना चाहता हूं उपयोगकर्ता को उम्र के लिए एक फ्लोट मान के साथ एक पेलोड सबमिट करने से रोकता है (नीचे देखें) और एक अपवाद फेंकता है (फ़ील्ड 'उम्र के लिए अमान्य JSON मान' पंक्ति 8 पर) col 5 "- {उम्र": 12.7 // 12 छोटा कर दिया जाएगा} मानक संदेश है के रूप में अक्रमांकन में विफल रहता है जब) । " मैं संख्यात्मक मान के लिए एक कस्टम deserializer को लागू करने की सोच रहा था, लेकिन अगर वहाँ इस लक्ष्य को हासिल करने के लिए एक सरल तरीका है सोच रहा था। < P> उस कोड का उपयोग करते हुए json ऑब्जेक्ट में json स्ट्रिंग को परिवर्तित करते समय सेटर विधि से बुल

c# - Graphical representation with drag and drop functionality -

In my web application, I want to create something similar to the user, and the list of boxes (blocks) for the user I can pull connectivity and save, I should be able to get sequence like the predecessor of that block that the user has created. Can you suggest me how to do this? There are several ways to achieve this functionality. It depends on who you want to choose. You can use .

saving email body as tiff php -

मैं tiff प्रारूप में ईमेल बॉडी (ईमेल की सामग्री) को सहेजना चाहता हूं > मैं इसे डाउनलोड करके इसे txt के रूप में सहेज सकता हूं: $ data = imap_qprint (imap_body ($ imap, $ num)); File_put_contents ($ फ़ोल्डर। $ टाइमस्टैम्प, $ डेटा); लेकिन मैं इसे टिफ़ में सहेजना चाहता हूं और सामग्री का स्वरूप बिल्कुल वैसे ही बनी रहना चाहिए जैसा वह है। कोई भी विचार कैसे PHP में करना है? धन्यवाद। मान लें कि आपने स्थापित किया है: $ txt = $ फ़ोल्डर $ टाइमस्टैम्प; $ झगड़ा = $ txt '.tiff'; $ Cmd = sprintf ("पाठ परिवर्तित करें:% s% s 2"> / dev / null ", $ txt, $ tiff); Exec ($ सीएमडी, $ आउटपुट, $ रिटर्न_वर); $ Return_var == 0 या मर ("रूपांतरण असफल \ n"); मुझे लगता है कि बहुत सी तरह की कठिनाइयां हैं।

python - Get combinations of words lists -

I am trying to write a small script (bash or python) which will combine the word lists into formats The output is as follows. list 1 | List 2 Like list 3 Big | Truck Hate | Medium | Cars | Short | and return results similar to the following: Like big mid-mikes like big trucks like big cars like small cars like medium cars Hate small truck like small cars like big cars hate big hatred medium hate small hatred big truck hate big cars hate hate middle truck hate middle car hate small truck hate small cars big truck big cars middle truck middle cars small truck small Cars Trucks Note that the list of words to be in the same order that they have come you can be done in dragon very easily. <['Trucks',' car '] sub-23 = [' '' '' ',' '' hate ''] list 2 = ['Big', 'medium', 'short'] list 3 = ['truck', 'car']. Join x (x) for x in ['.join (x)] itertools.product (list2, li mvc 4 - layout of Namevalue collection retrieval in mvc view as html table incorrect -

While referring to the link I tried to apply a dynamic table. But the layout / structure of the table is incorrect. The value, which should be in the form of different rows, is shown in a row in which the comma is created in the table. Check the attached screen shot! Really should look like this: NAME crocin maxgalin abc bdf The code in the view is like this: @model [key] & lt; / Td> } & Lt; / Tr & gt; & Lt; / Tbody & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; Whether or not the NameValue collection can pass more values, so that the dynamically created table columns can be 1 or more. Please help .. I want all the names to be coming in columns as separate rows. TIA

search - Elasticsearch Integration in Spring MVC? -

Does anyone know how to integrate spring MVC and elasticism? I want to apply a web page like the normal web site (google, yahoo search engine), is there any tutorial or sample code? See Spring Data Flexible Detector. is a sample app.

how to get/know google calendarID and eventID -

I am doing tutorial for Google Calendar so that I can put it on my project. But for this, a Google Calendar ID I need to get events in my calendar. My question is, how and where do I get the calendar and event ID? I'm doing tutorials GET events/ eventId this is it The place where I have the Calendar ID and the Event ID The Calendar ID is the email address of a calendar if you enter your primary If you want to access the calendar, you should use your email address. Otherwise, you can find it in the Web UI in the Calendar Settings page. Another option is to perform CalendarList.list () operation and check emails there. Similarly for the event you can conduct a list on the event collection and learn the ID.

Nagios plugin gives “no output returned” using compiled perl -

I have a custom Nagies plugin that is written in Perl. For complex political reasons, I need to hide the source code of this plugin. "Takes a single pearl script, converts the block using a simple encoding" An optionally defined key. The script is decoded on runtime and it is fed to the Pearl library, so that it can be in the hands of the user. " The problem I have is that Nagois" no output returned from the plugin "when I used the compiled version of the plugin, the raw Pearl source works just fine. After debugging for a long time, I narrowed the problem down to exit in Perl. Ie It works fine when compiled. print "OK : Everything is working fine. \ N "; Although this does not work and does not return any output from the plugin" print "ok: everything works fine Is doing. \ N "; Exit 1; No matter how I get out (0 1/2 or 3) I still have the same problem. According to , this issue was resolved by enabling autofla

ruby on rails - find_by_sql which model should I use? -

तीन तालिकाओं हैं: उपयोगकर्ता शेड्यूल schedules_users उपयोगकर्ता-मॉडल और अनुसूचित-मॉडल में प्रत्येक के पास है_और_बेल्ग्स_टो_मैं - संबंध। अब मैं बस चाहता हूं ऐसा करने के लिए: user_id_binded = अनुसूची / उपयोगकर्ता / ऑब्जेक्ट / # मुझे नहीं पता है! #। Find_by_sql ["शेड्यूल_उसेडर से अनुसूचन_उसेर्स.युसेर_आईडी चुनें, जहां schedules_users.schedule_id =?", शेड्यूल.आईडी] @user_schedules_binded = User.find (user_id_binded) लेकिन पहले find_by_sql का रिटर्न-मान एक मॉडल होना चाहिए, जैसा कि मैं रेल की समझ। एपीआई ठीक से। यह न तो एक उपयोगकर्ता-मॉडल-रिटर्न-मान या शेड्यूल-मॉडल-रिटर्न-वैल्यू है। Schedule_users-table में उपयोगकर्ता और कार्यक्रम के बीच सभी रिश्ते हैं। Br> इसलिए मैं उन सभी उपयोगकर्ताओं को प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं जो एक विशिष्ट कार्यक्रम में बाँध रहे हैं। पहले मैंने सोचा था कि इसे हल करने का सही तरीका होना चाहिए, लेकिन उस पल में मुझे नहीं पता था कि रिटर्न वैल्यू एक मॉडल होना चाहिए। मैं इस समस्या को कैसे हल कर सकता हूं? ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि आपके

eclipse - Servlet and html form for calculator -

I want to create a calculator which basically connects two numbers, subtract, multiplied and divides. To get this all before, I have designed a form in HTML and have felt the desire to count the answers on the server, so I have written a code on servlet, but when I press the submit button of my form Nothing will happen. Note: I am working on eclipse, so you have been requested to answer my question regarding eclipse. Calculator. Java: package mypackage; Import * *; Import javax.servlet. *; Import javax.servlet.http.http. *; Public class calculator HTTerviewretlet {Public Zero Document (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {try {response.setContentType ("text / html"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter (); Int a1 = integer. Parsient (request.getParameter ("n1")); Int a2 = integer.print (request.getParameter ("n2")); If (request.getParameter ("r1")! = Null) {out.println (&q

Listview and Action bar TRANSPARENT in android -

There is a list view in my activity and action bar for transparent and activity set on the UP navigation. The results are displayed properly But the first thing is visible below the action. Like the image below: I am using the bar to make it transparent: getWindow (). RequestFeature (window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR_OVERLAY); ActionBoard ActionBar = Matching Actionbar (); ActionBar.setBackgroundDrawable (New ColorDrawable (; ActionBar.setStackedBackgroundDrawable (New ColorDrawable (; GetActionBar () setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled (true). GetActionBar () setDisplayShowHomeEnabled (incorrect). SetContentView (R.layout.invite_friends); For the invite list, .ML: & lt; LinearLayout xmlns: android = "" Android: layout_width = "fill_parent" Android: layout_height = "fill_parent" Android: background = "@draubable / blackback ground"

javascript - How to concatenate json data into string? -

I have {"title": "movie 1", "year": "2013"} Jason Data I have to get a string "Movie 12013" for that Jason how to get it? Try it, var json = {"title" : "Movie1", "Year": "2013"}; Var append = ""; $ .each (Jason, function (key, value) {append + = value;});

c# - Trigger HttpHandler on specific URL -

I have created a HttpHandler , which I request from a specific URL in the browser. I tried to register it like this: & lt; System.webServer & gt; & Lt; Operators & gt; & Lt; Clear /> & Lt; Add name = "png" verb = "GET, HEAD" path = "* .png" type = "MyProject.HttpHandler" /> & Lt; Add name = "jpg" verb = "gET, HEAD" path = "* .jpg" type = "MyProject.HttpHandler" /> & Lt; Add name = "jpeg" verb = "GET, HEAD" path = "* .jpeg" type = "MyProject.HttpHandler" /> & Lt; Add name = "gif" verb = "GET, HEAD" path = "* .gif" type = "MyProject.HttpHandler" /> & Lt; / Operators & gt; & Lt; System.webServer & gt; This works on all the URLs, except that I have to work for it. I want to handle the request when the browser makes a request for the image. It looks like:

java - Why does the second JFrame does not show components? -

I already have jehfram and it works fine when I press a button, it shows a JPP , But I get empty jaffram I open it with p = new progress ("1/3"); P.setMax (2); P.setprogress (0, "Receiving Bytes ..."); Why do anyone know? Edit: I'm going to explain in more detail (because someone wrongly misinterpreted my post and corrected my post) - in my main class I start the first jfram: new crypt (); and in the crypt class I have registered a button action killer onClick it opens a second geometric but it is empty : p = new progress ( "1/3"); P.setMax (2); P.setprogress (0, "Receiving Bytes ..."); I have registered in the crypt class One Button ActionList OnClick This opens a second GeFram but it is empty Runs the swing listener on the applicable code Event Dispatch Thread (ADT) . ADT is responsible for the painting of swing components. Since your code is executing a long-running function on ADT Y9, so as long as the wor

java - Performance using async rest services -

I am trying to understand JAXRS 2.0 async settings so that I can create a Justice Run of Jersey 2.1 and GlassFish 4 I am using. The service that is sleeping a thread in the payload. Using @GET @Produces (MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @ManagedAsync Public Zero Received Profiles (@PathParam ("Value") Last Integer Value, @Suspended Final AsyncResponse Res) {// It executes the method by a separate thread {Thread.sleep (1000); } Grip (Interrupted E) E. {// TODO Auto-Generated Catch Block e.printStackTrace (); } Res.resume (value) value * 2); } {/ Code> and @GET @Produces (MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public integer getExamples (@PathParam ("value") last integer value) {try { Thread.Sleep (1000); } Grip (Interrupted E) E. {// TODO Auto-Generated Catch Block e.printStackTrace (); } Return (integer) value * 2; } this web.xml & lt; Display-name & gt; Jersey 2 Example & lt; / Display-name & gt; & Lt; Description & gt; An example asy

java - MimeMessage.setContent() takes filename which contains html code -

I have a html.txt file that contains html code in it to send me a mail as my Java code below Should: MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage (session); Msg.addHeader ("Content Type", "Text / HTML; Charset = UTF-8"); Msg.addHeader ("Format", "Flushed"); Msg.addHeader ("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "8-bit"); Msg.setFrom (new Internet address ("")); Msg.setSubject (subject, "UTF-8"); Msg.setContent (body, "text / html"); I want to read the html.txt file above and send the mail in HTML format. How to do this You will read your html.txt file in a string scanner scanner = new scanner (new file ("& html; txt; lt; pt;");); Stringbilder sb = new stringbiller (); While (scanner.hasNextLine ()) {sb.append (scanner.nextLine ()); } String body = sb.toString (); and then setContent method msg.setContent (body, "text / html; charset = UTF-8") ; Please

Media Query Browser Smart TV -

Is there a CSS media query for Smart TV? I tried this way but it does not work: @ Media TV and (minimum-width: 700px) {body {border: 1px solid red;} } ex> @ media screen and (minimum-width: 1240 px) {...}

android - Changing XML color from java code -

I want a button size as a circle, which I call my Java file I dont want to use circular images which will fulfill it because I want to possibly use any hex color and I still need to change many images. I've created a XML file named Roundabutan, which displays a round button using the scope of the corner, but I have the color attribute ( android: color = " # Ff0000 "My Java displays the round button right now but only, the color I have set in the xml file is displayed if I use from buttonname.setBackgroundColor for example) (Color.rgb (0, 255, 0)); The circle will be replaced by a square, so the XML color attribute will be used if I can replace it with .java ! Im changing the color of this round button on the press of any other button. Hope this makes sense, thanks in advance! XML Circle: & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Size xmlns: Android = "

android - store custom size of image immediately taken by camera -

I am taking pictures from the camera using MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE and as a database < Using the code> blob cursor. Later, I am uploading it to the web. > ("Data"); Bytereon output stream stream = new byteOutStream (); Bitmap.compress (bitmap.compress format.jpg, 100, stream); Byte ImageInByte [] = stream.toByteArray (); // dumbing image inbit db, later i'm reaching the same byte array and sending // more network , but the problem is that the size of the image is 144x192 which is quite small, for example 300x300 Try small and large size picture capture example in this example will help you take a custom size camera picture

R: Extracting the index of the final / last minimum value in a vector -

मेरे पास एक सदिश है y & lt; -c (10: 1, c ( 0.10.1,0.1)) अगर मैं करता हूँ तो .min (y) , यह सूचकांक 11 देता है। हालांकि, मैं इसे अंतिम / अंतिम इंडेक्स वापस करना चाहता हूं, जहां न्यूनतम देखा गया है। मेरे पास ऐसा करने का अनाड़ी है, जो है: rev (जो (y == न्यूनतम (y))) [1] लेकिन मैं सिर्फ अपना उपयोगिता फ़ंक्शन बनाऊँगा < Pre> जो.min2 & lt; - फ़ंक्शन (x, last.index = FALSE, ...) {if (last.index) अधिकतम (जो (x == न्यूनतम (x, ...))) अन्य जो कि .min (x)} जो.min2 (y, TRUE) ## [1] 13 जो .min2 (y) ## [1] 11 यह भी काम करेगा अगर आप आपके वेक्टर में NA s है y & lt; - c (10: 1, c (0.1,0.1, एनए)) जो .min2 (y, TRUE, Na.rm = TRUE) ## [1] 12 जो .min2 (y, na.rm = TRUE) ## [1] 11

c# - Getting totalminutes without decimals -

मेरे पास यह कोड है: टाइमस्पेन = एंडटाइम - स्टार्टटाइम; MsgArea.Items.Add (time.Spent.Hours + "घंटे"); मैं इसे मिनटों को पूर्णांक के रूप में वापस करना चाहता हूं, दशमलव के अंत में। मैंने कन्वर्ट की कोशिश की। ToInt32 (...), लेकिन अनुमति नहीं है। अभी यह एक उदाहरण के रूप में 0.0023304343 लौटाएगा, यदि यह 1 मिनट से कम है मैं इसे सिर्फ 0 मिनट का कहना चाहता हूं अग्रिम धन्यवाद अगर आप दशमलव स्थानों में दिलचस्पी नहीं: दशमलव d = 0.0023304343m; Int i = (int) d; लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि आप अपने TimeSpan को इस रूप में प्रारूपित करना चाहते हैं: स्ट्रिंग आउटपुट = string.Format ("{ 0} दिन, {1} घंटे और {2} मिनट ", (पूर्णांक) समयकुछ कुलदिनों, समयस्पेति। अपने, समयकाव्य। विवाद); जैसा कि आप देख सकते हैं कि कुल ... संपत्तियां जो यूनिट की कुल राशि को दोहरा और घंटे / < कोड> मिनट आदि गुण जो एक पूर्णांक लौटाते हैं उदाहरण के लिए: 36.1234 हो सकता है घंटे हमेशा एक int / कोड>, दिन का भाग, मिनट घंटे आदि का हिस्सा यह ध्यान देने योग्य है कि जब

mysql - COUNT not working in Query with JOIN (SQL) -

I tried to add a COUNT to my MySQL query, because I want the amount of all the rows . Original: SELECT a. *, B.device_name, FROM (ID select from DESC 500 by qslist order) a. Devices = B.ID New: SELECT a. *, B.device_name, as a.COUNT (ID) from a join device b on A device (from selection * to qslist order by IDSEC Ltd. 500) = B.ID < P> Unfortunately, the new query has not been executed, the following error message is shown: # 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; To use the nearest FROM (SELECT * FROM qslist Order ID IDEC Ltd 500) near a join device b on line '1 line', check the manual related to your MySQL server version for the correct syntax . What's the problem here? outside is a reserved word in MySQL, or you can save it Can give some more names: SELECT a. *, B.device_name, COUNT ( from AS cnt (Select * ID by DESC 500 500 by qslist command) a.device = on an added tool b; Additionally, a. Goes ahead of id , no co

javascript - Delete confirmation - pass data from html when modal popup is opened -

I have a deleted confirmation popup that has been opened on the click of the deleted link. My HTML: & lt; Div id = "deleteModal" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Are you sure & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Ul data-bound = "foreach: activelist" & gt; & Lt; Li class = "add ICN" data-bind = "click: function () {$ root.deleteFileAsset ('image', $ data);}" & gt; & Lt; A data-bind = "click: function () {$ root.deleteImage ('image', $ data);}" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "../../ css / images / delete." / & Gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; B data-bind = "text: title" & gt; & Lt; / B & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; My JS files do (such as clicking on the I deleted, called the method below): var _deleteImage = function (colist, data) {window.event.cancelBubble = true; $ ('# DeleteModal') dia

Rails comments gem Acts_as_commentable on pins -

I have a rail app where users can upload the PIN, I [works_as_commentable_gem] [1] / code > To allow users to comment on the PIN, here is my configuration: App / Model / PinRB class PIN & Lt; ActiveRecord :: Base acts_ass_cableable app / controllers / pin_controllerRbb die show @ pin.fand param [id ] & Lt;% = form_tag "/ pins / add_new_comment"%> & Lt;% = hidden_field_tag ​​"id", & gt; & Lt;% = text_area_tag "comment [comment]"%> & Lt;% = submit_tag "Pin Comment"% & gt; & Lt;% end% & gt; App / Model / Comment RB class comment & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base includes the works Am Commemeneble :: Comment related_to: commentable, polymorphic = & gt; Correct default_scope - & gt; {Order ('created_at ASC')} Note: If you want to vote on the quality of # comments, then install the works_as_votable plugin. #acts_as_voteable # Note: Comments related to a user

jquery datatable editable Feature not working after calling fncleartable -

I have data, its 24 hour data in initial loading is a search criteria based on search criteria, which Need to refresh the data. The problem here is that there are many columns, are editable. When I redraw the table, the editable feature is missing. I do not know where I'm using this error: jquery1.7.2.js jquery.dataTables.min.js (1.7.2) jquery.jeditable.js (1.7.3) jquery.dataTables.editable.js (2.3.3) Here is my code var table = $ ('#'). Details Table (); Editable: table.makeEditable ({sUpdateURL: "update", aoColumns: [null, null, null, null, {}, null , {}]}); Update table data: $ Ajax ({url: '/ search', data type: 'json', async: true, type: 'gET', data: dataobages, success: function (data) {table.fnClearTable (); table.fankdata (data) ; Table; Fan Draw ();}}); The fnClearTable () function is bad, please table.clear () Instead of table.fnClearTable .

php - Extract specific part of URL from string -

I need to remove only parts of a URL with PHP, but I set the point where the clearance off I'm struggling for. I have used a regex to remove the entire URL from a long string like this: $ regex = '/ \ b (https | FTP | file?): \ / \ / [- a ? Z0-9 + & amp; @ # \ /% = ~ _ | $:.,;] * [One-Z0-9 + & amp; @ # \ /% = ~ _ | $] / I '; Preg_match_all ($ regex, $ href, $ matches); The result is the following string:;sa= U & Amp; Amp; Ei = a4rbU8agB-zY0QWS_IGYDw & amp; Amp; Vedas = 0CFEQFjAL & amp; Amp; USG = AFQjCNGU4FMUPB2ZuVM45OoqQ39rJbfveg Now I just want to remove this bit I basically & amp; How can anyone get this idea? Do I need to run a regex or can I add in the initial one? After "text" itemprop = "text"> will be regex below string end after getting rid of everything your PHP The code will be, Explanation: & Amp; ; Amp string

Google Drive SDK (Java) service account upload file and access from browser -

As I have mentioned in the headline, I am uploading a gzip file from my Java program as below: /p> Enter a private static file (drive service, string title, string description, string parent ID, string mimetype, string filename) {// file's metadata. File body = new file (); Body.setTitle (title); Body.setDescription (description); Body.setMimeType (mimetype); // Set the original folder. If (parentId! = Null & parentId.length ()> 0) {body.setParents (arrays.asList) (new parent reference. SetId (parentId)); } // File contents fileSource = new (file name); FileContent Media Content = New File Resource (mimetype, file resource); Try {File file = service.files (). Insert (body, media content) .execute (); Return file; } Hold (IOException e) {System.out.println ("An error occurred:" + E); Return tap; }} Public stable drive getDriveService () throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException, URISyntaxException {HttpTransport httpTransport =

How to use couchdb-python to call a view with a list of keys? -

I have this view define : " "Model ID" "Model = View Definition ('Model', 'By_Atters', '' Function '') (If (Doc. Type ==" Definition ") {for (var i = 0; i I'm calling it this way: (script; i ++) {var author = doc. Authors [i]; Principal for principals models = []: Model + = [D.Value model for D in the model (self ._db) [Principal] .oroz] Return list (set) < / Pre> Instead of how can I ask for a list of keys and call it like this: model = [d for views.models d. Value itself ._db) [* principal] .org] Good solution is very simple Apart from this, I have to read the source code to be able to find it. Model = [d.value (auto_db, key = principal) for d in views. Daily]

java - Replace all instances in string with unique replacement -

I am trying to replace all instances of a specific string with a unique replacement. What do I need: If I have this string: string test.script = "while (true) {} While (10 <7) {} while ((10 <7)) {} "; I want this output: while (arg0 <5000 & true) {} while (arg1 <5000 & amp; Amp; 10 & lt; 7) {} while (arg2 and lt; 5000 & amp; nbsp; (10 & lt; 7)) {} What do I have : However, the string is not found again in replaced all (I now think about it). while (arg0 and lt; 5000 & amp; true) {} while (arg0 <5000 & amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; 10 & lt; 7) {} While (arg0 <5000 & amp; amp; amp; (10 <7) She goes. SSCCE: public static zero main string [] args) {int counter = 0; String test.script = "while (true) {} while (10 <7) {} while ((10 <7)) {}"; String out = testScript.replaceAll ("while \\ s * \\ (", "while (RGR + (counter ++) +" & lt; 5000 & amp; amp;;