Processing twitter4j query with only Geolocation -

OK every time we get only 100 tweets, I want to show them on the map based on geolocation. Is there any way that I get 100 tweets, everyone with whom has geolocation? Because now only 3 out of 100 is geographic location.

I filter some examples, but have read with processing, throws an error as unknown to me.

Here's a work example. It was tested using Twitter 4J 4.0.2

Interface-based listener is where you can do whatever you want with your tweets ... It is such that they arrive

< P> Using Stream API:

  import twitter4j.util. *; Import twitter4j *; Import *; Import Twitter 4 JP *; Import twitter4j.conf *; Import twitter4j.json *; Import twitter4j.auth *; TwitterStream twitter stream; Double [] [] bounding box = {{-180, -90}, {180, 90}}; /// whole world; Zero setup () {size (100, 100); Background (0); OpenTwitterStream (); } Zero draw () {background (0); } // Open it Open the stream Television Stream () {ConfigurationBuilder CB = New ConfigurationBuilder (); Cb.setOAuthConsumerKey (FILL_IN); Cb.setOAuthConsumerSecret (FILL_IN); Cb.setOAuthAccessToken (FILL_IN); Cb.setOAuthAccessTokenSecret (FILL_IN); Twitter Serial Twitter Stream = New Twitter Stream Streaming ( ()). GetInstance (); TwitterStream.addListener (listener); FilterQuery filter = new filter (;); Filter.locations (boundingBox); TwitterStream.filter (filter); Println ("connected"); } // Implementation StatusListener Interface StatusListener listener = new StatusListener () {// Public Zero Override on Status Status (Position of Position) {Geographic location loc = status.getGeo location (); System.out.println ("@" + status.getUser (). GetScreenName () + "-" + location); } // @ Override Public Wide On DelegationNotice (Status DelegationNotation StatisticationNotissation) {System.out.println ("A Status Deletion Notice ID Was Found:" + StatusDeviceNotis.getStatusID ()); } // Override the public override at @trackLimitationNotice (int number published) {System.out.println ("Track range notice received:" + numerical status); } // @ Override Scrobozio at public zero (long user id, long upstatusId) {System.out.println ("Disturbance scrub_geo event userId:" + userId + "upToStatusId:" + upToStatusId); } // // Override Public Wide (System Alert) on System String Warning on @@@ Stow Warning {System.out.println ("Stall Warning Found:" + Warning); } // @ Override Exceptions to Public Zero (Exception Existence) {ex.printStackTrace (); }};  


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