spring boot - GroovyTemplates properties configuration -

I am trying to configure the properties of GroovyTemplates I checked the document, but the formatting options are not available through the application.properties file. I did the following to optimize some other properties.

  @EnableAutoConfiguration @Configuration @ComponentScan implement public class application CommandLineRunner {@Autowired private GroovyTemplateAutoConfiguration.GroovyMarkupConfiguration configuration; Public static zero main (string [] args) {SpringApplication.run (application.class, args); } @Override public void run (String ... strings) throws Exception {this.configuration.groovyTemplateConfiguration () setUseDoubleQuotes (right). This.configuration.groovyTemplateConfiguration () setAutoNewLine (true). . This.configuration.groovyTemplateConfiguration () setAutoIndent (true); }}  

I can see double quotes in the rendered HTML files. However, it is still unchanged.

So, I have two questions first, how can I fix the properties properly? Most probably, what I did was not fair. The second question is, why do I still get unchanged HTML?

docs it says

  in spring.groovy.template. Configuration * = # See TemplateConfiguration the Groovy  

So I think that the property is incorrectly set (what you are doing, it is not necessary, but it may already be too late to affect If you were you, then I will be with the application.properties behavior at the runtime.


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