jquery datatable editable Feature not working after calling fncleartable -

I have data, its 24 hour data in initial loading is a search criteria based on search criteria, which Need to refresh the data. The problem here is that there are many columns, are editable. When I redraw the table, the editable feature is missing. I do not know where I'm using this error:


jquery.dataTables.min.js (1.7.2)

jquery.jeditable.js (1.7.3)

jquery.dataTables.editable.js (2.3.3)

Here is my code

  var table = $ ('#'). Details Table ();  


  table.makeEditable ({sUpdateURL: "update", aoColumns: [null, null, null, null, {}, null , {}]});  

Update table data:

  $ Ajax ({url: '/ search', data type: 'json', async: true, type: 'gET', data: dataobages, success: function (data) {table.fnClearTable (); table.fankdata (data) ; Table; Fan Draw ();}}); 

The fnClearTable () function is bad, please

 table.clear () Instead of 
table.fnClearTable .


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