java - Jars needed for JasperReports? -

I downloaded the JasperReports jar (from and ends All jars in the Dist folder. These are the files to be added to my project:

  Jasperport-5.6.0.jsparaportPort-applelet-5.6.0.jserportport-fonts- 5.6.0.jsparport-jawaflo -5.6 .0.jar  

But when I try my code, I always get this error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org / apache / commons / logging / logfactory


I solved that error and I have too many missing zeros Please send me JasperReports Using Sector all indicate additional jars required.

OK, just like I said that I have distributed distributed zip (as in question Shown) and to solve all my problems, I added the next jar from my pocket to the Lib folder:

JasperReports 5.6.0 - ...

... poi-3.7.20101029.jar ... Commons-Binutuals -1.8.0. Jar ... Commons Collection- 3.2.1.jar ... Commons-digester-2.1.jar ... Commons-Javflo-20060411.jar ... Commons-Logging-1.1.1.jpg ... Groovy-All -2.0.1.jar ... iText-2.1.7.js2.jar ... jcommon-1.0.15.jar ... jfreechart-1.0.12.jar

Hope That it helps someone!


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