
Showing posts from January, 2011

Regex, I just don't get it right -

मुझे बस मेरा रेगेक्स सही नहीं मिला: मेरे पास निम्न टेम्प्लेट है: & lt;! - टैब के लिए टेम्प्लेट परिभाषित करता है। - & gt; {{Tmpl: आयात = .. / .. / .. / .. / डेटा / टेम्पलेट्स / रिबन / tabs.tmpl; नाम = टैबस}} & lt; div class = "tabs" & gt; & Lt; ul role = "tablist" & gt; {{BOS: अनुक्रम}} & lt; li role = "tab" class = "{{TabType}}" id = "{{tabId}}" & gt; & LT; अवधि & gt; {{TabFile}} के & lt; / span & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; {{ईओएस: अनुक्रम}} & lt; / ul & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; {{}} को {{BOS कोड>, {{EOS , {{TMPL , {{रेंडर यहां कुछ दलील आती है: प्रयास 1: ({{)। * (}}) यह सभी के बीच का चयन करता है {{}} टैग, जो अच्छा नहीं है। प्रयास 2: ({{) [ ^ टीएमपीएल] [^ बीओएस] [^ ईओएस] [^ रेंडर]। * (}} इससे वह {{TabType}} और < कोड> {{TabFile}} अब और नहीं चुना गया है और मुझे नहीं पता कि क्यों। कुछ अन्य रेगेक्स के साथ, मुझे वह {{TabTyp

javascript - Reload a page inside iframe -

I have an iframe and I want to reload the currently displayed page by pressing the button . HTML: & lt; Iframe id = "webView" & gt; & Lt; / Iframe & gt; JS: function reload page () {var webView = document.getElementById ("webview"); // CODE} under the reload page () method I tried various solutions: reloading the call < / H2> webView.contentWindow.location.reload (); This does not work because the pages loaded inside iFrame are from a different domain than the main page. set webView.src = wevView.src; This returns the wrong result because it contains the initial URL which I set on an iframe, not currently. Set the location webView.contentWindow.location = webView.contentWindow.location I get it from a different domain with the URL Expecting not to work (similar to calling for reloading), but in fact it works and it also gives a good result. Good, but not correct: The location object contains the c

c# - Capture event involving the scanner -

I'm trying to write an application that shows a warning when a user tries to scan something Is there an API that allows me to do something like this in C #? Keep quiet until a user starts a scan from the hardware (scan button, aka "push" scan) Capture and pause the scan. Show a warning with the release button. Resume or cancel the scan after the user input on the alert. It can also be used with other 3 scanner software. For example, both Adobe Acrobat and Microsoft Paint provide an image from the scanner button to draw an image from the scanner. I do not want to lose any functionality with my custom app

android - Best way to make a video merging mobile app -

I am trying to create a mobile app which will allow users to take an X number and it will add them together Make a single video Users can also choose what to place between each video recording and background music. I have more experience with original Java / OBJ-C with Zaminin / C #, but the only way I found it online is to complete it with FFMPEG with the original use Will happen. Is this the case? Is FFMPEEEG also going to work for it? Is there a way to use Jamalin to fulfill me? Thanks Take a look at AVMutableComposition and its related sections. Here's an example, about half of the page: It seems that it is covered by Xamarin:

php - MySQL left join count with condition -

I have two tables: cc_videos: ID, challenge_id , uploaded, owner_id fields ID, video_id, vote_date of Field "ID" "Cc_videos" corresponds with cc_video_votes select join cc_videos cc_video_votes *, COUNT (video_id) cc_video_votes on left as votes_count the cc_videos =: an area "video_id" "cc_video_votes" In and I have made such a statement .. The number of orders by orders Video_id GROUP Now it works fine - the most votes were sorted according to the first video with rate lists all the videos I Where "cc_videos" matches challenge_id variable "$ challenge_id" want to keep the condition of the video listed only, but when I put the condition like this it returns 0 results. cc_videos *, COUNT (video_id) cc_videos where challenge_id = "$ challenge_id" left = cc_video_votes.video_id Group votes_count by ordered by cc_video_votes desc JOIN as votes

Having both C and C++ files in XCode project failing -

I am trying to use information from the SQLite database in my C ++ project. I downloaded the sqlite amalgamation and added sqlite3.h and sqlite3.c to my project, and #include "sqlite3.h" Added precompiled header file. However, Xcode no longer receives standard headers like algorithm , cassert , cfloat etc. The specific error is: Lexical or preprocessor digit - 'algorithm' file not found If I remove two skeleton files from this project, then Headers can meet again. If I change the sqlite3.c file to .cpp file, then get the header again. Removing #include "sqlite3.h" does not change anything. However, I can not leave it as a .cpp file because it returns because it is some things that are not compatible with C ++. Is there a way to have both C and C ++ files in the same XCode project? (Or else another way to include the Sakleite Library?) To work, attach me All had to do with my #include with a #ifdef __cplusplus and e

html - python BeautifulSoup how get values between tags? -

मेरा html संरचना है: और लेफ्टिनेंट ; Div वर्ग = "लेआउट 4-पृष्ठभूमि" & gt; & Lt; h6 वर्ग = "खेल" & gt; गेम 1 नीचे सभी सूची कैसे प्राप्त करें और वर्ग "गेम" को असाइन करें? & Lt; / h6 & gt; & LT; ul & gt; & Lt; li वर्ग = "लिस्टिंग" & gt; & Lt; / ul & gt; & LT; ul & gt; & Lt; li वर्ग = "लिस्टिंग" & gt; & Lt; / ul & gt; & LT; ul & gt; & Lt; li वर्ग = "लिस्टिंग" & gt; & Lt; / ul & gt; & Lt; h6 वर्ग = "गेम" & gt; गेम 2 नीचे सभी सूची कैसे प्राप्त करें और कक्षा "गेम? & Lt; / h6 & gt; & lt; ul & gt; & lt; li वर्ग =" लिस्टिंग "& gt; & lt; / ul & gt; & lt; h6 class =" game "& gt; गेम 3 कैसे प्रदान करें। नीचे सभी लिस्ट पाने के लिए और क्लास "गेम? & Lt; / h6 & gt; & LT; ul & gt; & Lt; li वर्ग = "लिस्टिंग" & gt; & Lt; / ul

iOS Venmo SDK Send Payment Issue: Invalid recipient (Please enter a valid phone, email, username, or Venmo user ID) -

I integrated the VENOMO SDK and I am facing a problem while sending payment. I have everything properly configured that I click on payment via the Venmo button -> App Redirects -> Approval -> Returns to send the payment screen. When I click Send Payment I check an error "invalid recipient (Type a valid phone, email, username, or Venmo user ID)" I check the "sendPaymentTo" field which is the correct phone number Have a right, and even a note field (IBAction) sendAction:. (Id) this {zero (^ handler) (Ventransaction *, bool, NSError *) = ^ (VENTransaction * transaction, BOOL success, NSError * error) {if (error) {UIAlertView * alertView = [[UIAlertView alloc] InitWithTitle: error.localizedDescription message: error.localizedRecoverySuggestion Rep: AutoCodeButtonTitle: otherButtonTitles zero: @ "OK", not equal to]; AlertView.tapBlock = ^ (UIAlertView * alertView, NSInteger buttonIndex) {[alertView dismissWithClickedButtonIndex: animated butto

tfs - HRESULT: 0x8007000B VS Team Explorer Pending Changes/ Commit -

When I navigate to the Team Explorer / Pending Changes window, I currently receive this message in Visual Studio 2013 Pro I am here. An attempt was made to load a program with a wrong format. (Exception with HRESULT: 0x8007000B) Although it does not stop me from blocking it, it prevents me from adding working items. I am currently running Windows 8.1 with 64 bit architecture. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

angularjs - html partial is not loaded into ui-view -

I posted a sample on plunker: I got an error Not found in your browser console. I want to see when I see the view of the day / week / month by pressing the button under the button The reason for this is that the day, week And the controller of the month can not be hit in the code, so why not. So my question is why the controllers have not been loaded or replaced ui-view with the actual HTML partial. I do not know the real reason why I have to ask for both matters. 'Strict use'; Angular Rune (['$ Rootscope', '$ State', '$ State Parameters', Function ($ Rootscope, $ State, $ Statapm) {$ Rootscope $ State = $ State; $ rootScope. $ StateParams = $ stateParams;}] {function ($ state provider, $ urlRouterProvider) {$ urlRouterProvider. Otherwise ('/ dateplanner / day'); $ stateProvider .state ('date', { Url: '/ dateplanner', abstract: true, idea: {'menu @': {templateUrl: 'menu.html'}, 'content @'

Android background services (like Viber) -

I am developing a small VoIP application and I need to stay connected to the server. A push notification is used first (to wake the device on incoming calls), but Android push notifications are not reliable due to very long heartbeat intervals. The second solution was that start startground () . This method works, but leaves an icon in the notification bar (I know it should be, but please read). If I startForeground () then sleeps as soon as T phone. TLDR: There is no background service without Viber () but it still works if the phone is sleeping and accepts incoming calls (even here That with push notice disabled) how do they do this? I think they hold a permanent TCP connection and AlarmManager To take the phone with the interval (let's say 5 minutes) and keep the connection alive. Check.

sorting - Can an ArrayList of objects be sorted by a custom method in VBScript? -

First of all - the language I am using is VocScript, which is used with Windows Scripting Host. Actually there is no alternative to changing it and using something else. At this point, I have several records with many fields, read from the file. I want to print them in several commands (first, in alphabetical order; second, grouped by location and then sorted according to the characters according to the letters etc.). Records are stored in an Arrayite. If I was using Visual Basic instead of Vibispiti, so I know I can create classes which I iComparer implements the interface, and then a Orectori when I sort order you did not want to (use the alphabetical object of the first type, the second type of location-Tntuelfabatikl object etc.) However, I'm trying to go crazy so Mitigation is something similar in one way or VBScript, which language I actually available to work with. I have adopted the infinite combinations of "VBScript", "array", "sort"

c# - How to create a vector of strings from multi dimensional arrays? -

The basic problem is that I am reading a large chunk of binary data from a device that is developing. My goal reading data and human readable text such as The csv file is to be parsed, so I have to adjust that data. In the form of data samples, floating, long or ints or whatever, the multi-dimensional array, and because the device is under development, the size and dimension of the arrays can range from one hour to the hour! (For example, now I can get samples of 2 * 2 metrics, from now on, change the data structure to an array of 1 * 4, or 16 * 12 * 128. .) A part of the problem. Generate the header line of the CSV file. I need a method that can generate an array of strings like this: <2p> For 2: 2: data_0_0, data_0_1, data_1_0, data_1_1, and 1 * 4 : Data_0, 3 * 4 * 2: data_0_0_0, data_0_0_1, data_0_0_2, ...., data_2_3_0, data_2_3_1, and so on, data_1, data_2, data_3, And ... Only from the tool all the time can I get that the information is dimension and size of

sql - Joining tables on multiple conditions -

I have a little problem - since IM is not very experienced in SQL - about being included in the same table at many prices . Imagine table 1 (strings) named: value of id 1 value1 2 value2 and then table 2 (maps) ): Name of ID Description 1 1 2 Hence the name is mentioned in the string table, as is the description of the string table referencing Without the second area, this will not be a problem, id just enter an internal entry at strings.ID = But now ID wants to get the actual string for description too. What will be the best way for a selection which gives me both? It looks like this now: select, strings.value as mapName from the string INNER strings on =; But this is clearly included in only local names Thank you in advance. You can do this in two tables together: SELECT, sname.value as mapName, sdesc.value = INNER JOIN strings on Ons = m.description; Note the use of table aliens to

c# - Destroy objects per instance -

I have many more complex answers for a simple question, so I ask about this question because of my situation I can not know what to do on the basis of those other answers enough . Garbage collection looks like a danger zone, so I will make a mistake in favor of caution. I have a measuring object in which there is a quantity object and a weight object depends on the manufacturer, I would like to destroy the opposite object, that is, if a user adds a larger measurement, then I would like to eliminate the weight element of that example, because at that point there is only bloat. What should be done? was edited for clarification: public class roenggyant {public string name {get; Set; } Public measurement measurement; Public Raw Industry (String En, Double D, Measurement Volume Unit Unit) {name = n; Measurement Volume.amount = (decimal) D; Measurement.volume.unit = Unit; // I want to get rid of the weight item on this example of measurement} Public roinggentant (string n

c# - Alternate AddMonth functionality -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 6 जवाब एक व्यक्ति में एक तारीख में प्रवेश करती है प्रणाली, वह 28 फरवरी का चयन करता है, यह मार्च 28 को पुन: पेश करता है। लेकिन मेरा लक्ष्य महीने के अंत, मार्च 31 को हासिल करना है क्या अगले महीने के लिए महीने के अंत तक एक स्निपेट को शामिल किए बिना स्थानांतरित करने का एक तरीका है, दूसरे शब्दों में क्लीनर विधि? if (Date.Month == 2) तिथि। AddDays (31) और अगर (Date.Month == 3) तिथि। AddDays (30) < पी ... आदि ... किसी भी सुझाव या सुझाव महान होगा, साफ कोड हमेशा सबसे अच्छा कोड है var d = नया दिनांकटाइम (...); Var newDate = नया दिनांक समय (डी। वर्ष, डी। मौन, 1)। ऐड एमथ्स (2)। ऐडडिसेस (-1); यह भी काम करना चाहिए: var newDate = नया दिनांक समय (d.Year, 1,31)। AddMonths (d.Month-1);

c# - IndexOutOfRangeException: Get Array's Name -

I recently inherited the C # (.NET 4.0) project. This line of project 400k + code and very large, older Uses / catch that block access to the any never catch the exception, but an index Outofarenz throws an exception, and my boss has asked me to try an easy way to highlight the name of Array who threw the exception. (Such big try / catch block can have multiple arrays.) I know that I can use when IndexOutOfRangeException throw is to trigger the code to execute FirstChanceException event. For example: class ExceptionTest {public static void main () {AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FirstChanceException + = new eventhandler & LT; FirstChanceExceptionEventArgs & gt; (CurrentDomain_FirstChanceException); Int [] arr = new int [0]; Advent [0] = 0; Console.Read (); } Static void CurrentDomain_FirstChanceException (object sender, FirstChanceExceptionEventArgs e) {if (e.Exception.GetType () == typeof (IndexOutOfRangeException)) {Console.WriteLine (e.Exception.StackTrace); }}} Unfor

html - Need to make <td> tags into external links using HTML5 and CSS3 -

I am trying to allow visitors to click on a link within a table using CSS3 animation classes ... I can not make the image of the DV background seem to be a link ... see below HTML and CSS3 ... I can call each & Lt; Td> would like to create a link ... I received the & lt; Td> to Tried to surround the tag ... to < & lt; Td> Code inside the tag> & lt; A & gt; Tags Thank you for your help ... Please see this Bela - HTML: & lt; Div id = "partner_holder" & gt; & Lt; Table width = "75%" height = "100%" range = "1" cellpaction = "2" cellpadding = "2" & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td class = "showbox slideright" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "partner_holder_1" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; Td class = "showbox slideright" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "partner_holder_2" & gt;

In mutual authentication/two way ssl over HTTPS, is the client certificate passed each time to the server with every call? -

Also, is every server certificate passed for every proof? And is there any special link / book where I can read more about these things? Thank you. The entire certificate has been moved with a complete handshake. If the SSL session then closes an appropriate SSL before ending the built-in TCP connection and if the customer and server support this session then it can be restarted later. In this case only session tickets are exchanged and then the full certificate is not available. There are so many resources in that you search for "SSL handshake", e.g.

c++ - How to let a base method be defined only if the derived class does not define a method of the same name -

I have a templated base class, which defines some kind of default functionality A templated derivative class overload if it wants to do this "default" functionality takes any argument as a fractional template function. If a user fails to properly define the prototype of the uplifted class then the base class method will inadvertently be called. On the contrary, if the authors of the derived class want to apply a new prototype for an existing work, then the base class will become obsolete for that function name (this will not provide the usual "fallback" for other derivative methods, Do not choose to define prototypes). So ... instead of the monster I give an example of what I am trying to do: template & lt; Typename derived & gt; Class Base {template & lt; Typename ... Args & gt; Zero Hook 1 (Constant Argus & amp; ...) // - & gt; Std :: enable_if (derivative :: hook1 does not exist) {// nothing} template & lt; Typename ... Ar

python - Working with namespace while parsing XML using ElementTree -

This complies with the question, I now get the namespace in my XML I am trying to understand the answer but the lower is more. XML file. & lt; Project xmlns = "" xmlns: Xsi = "" xsi: schema location = "http: / /"> & Lt; Grandparent & gt; & Lt; Parents & gt; & Lt; Children & gt; Sam / Astronaut & lt; / Children & gt; & Lt; / Parent & gt; & Lt; / Grandparent & gt; & Lt; / Project & gt; Import xml.etree.ElementTree after viewing ET as empty space = 'xmlns' My Pyro Code:' http: // Maven.apache Org / POM / 4.0.0 ',' Schema Locations': 'http: //'} tree = ET Find ('parent') for b in parse ("test.xml") a = tree .findall ('child', name space = spaces))

.net - @Html.RenderAction and Action always return "Input string was not in a correct format." -

I'm actually stumped on this one. I am searching for everything and trying what I can think. My job or rendering always gives an error "Input String was not in the correct format." I have a MVC 5 page with the following code @ Html.Action ( "GetSocialLinks", new {constituent presentation = Modlkkanpanent presentations, customer id = 501}) < / code> I've also tried @ {HTML.RenderAction ( "GetSocialLinks", new {constituent presentation = Modlkkanpanent presentation, customer id = 501} )}} the controller action looks like this: [ChildActionOnly] public function GetSocialLinks (IComponent presentation component presentation, Intel client id) {// some code here Nshik Return View ( "social links", social links); } I've verified that the action is called and just runs fine. PartialView runs the call right and I can run the value after it runs. I have also removed all the HTML from SocialLinks can see to make sure th

c - Storing a large hash on HDD -

About 80 GB size on hard drive, I'm trying to store a simple large handtable (64 bit key, 64 bit value) I If I want to get the best performance, what's the most effective way to do this? Are completely random to look and I have to see every 10ms? Is C / Linux available as a library, which is the key to map / hash for logical block address of HDD so that access can be done faster? Please give some guidelines. You can use the memory map file ( mmap ), this By the way, your data is such that you will only read one page for each lookup. This can be done through all the keys given in the file, and then there is a memory index that holds the first key of each page.

pymongo - Sorting nested fields in MongoDB -

मेरे पास निम्न डेटा संरचना है: {'url': 'www.example ('नाम': 'abcdefg'}, {'nmr': 'hijklmnop'}], [{'नाम': 'हिजाकमलमॉप' '', '' एनएमआर ':' एबीसीएफजी '}]]}, {' url ':' ',' शीर्षक ':' यह एक शीर्षक है ',' डेटा ': [[[' 'नाम' : '[' 'नाम': 'एबीसीडीएफजी'}, 'एबीसीडीएफजी'}, {'एनएमआर': 'हाइजक्लम्नप'}], [{'नाम': 'हिजाल्मन्नप'}, {'एनएमआर': 'एबीसीडीएफजी'}] 'डेटा' में नामों की कुल संख्या के अनुसार मुझे 'यूआरएल' (अवरोही क्रम) के आधार पर क्रमबद्ध करने की जरूरत है I {'nmr': 'hijklmnop'}]]} मुझे ऐसा कुछ देखने की उम्मीद है: 3 2 किसी भी मदद की अत्यधिक सराहना की जाती है। < / P> आप ऑपरेटर को एक सरणी फ़ील्ड के आकार तक पहुंचने के लिए aggregate में उपयोग कर सकते हैं और फिर उस पर $ sort

r - Dataframe shape when using directlabels + ggplot -

मेरे पास निम्न डेटाफ़्रेम है # डेटा वर्ष & lt; - c (1500,1750 , 2000) देश 1 & amp; lt; - c (10,20,30) देश 2 & lt; - c (30,50,40) df & lt; - data.frame (वर्ष, देश 1, देश 2) < P> जो मुझे # प्लॉट की आवश्यकता है (ggplot2) myplot & lt; - ggplot (डीएफ, एईएस (वर्ष)) के साथ साजिश है + geom_line (aes (y = country1)) + geom_line (एईएस Y = देश 2)) + प्रयोगशालाओं (y = "गायों") सभी अच्छे तब मैं लाइन 'लेबल जोड़ना चाहता हूँ और मैं कोशिश करता हूं # लेबल जोड़ें (directlabels) direct.label (myplot) जो फेंकता है त्रुटि Direct.label.ggplot (myplot) में: डिफ़ॉल्ट सीधी लेबल अनुमान लगाने के लिए रंगीन सौंदर्य की आवश्यकता है। मुझे लगता है कि समस्या यह है कि मेरा डेटाफ़्रेम ggplot के लिए अच्छा नहीं है क्योंकि मेरी लेबल कॉलम के नाम हैं। क्या मुझे अपने डेटा ढांचा? reshape2 फिर से नवाचार करने का सबसे आसान तरीका (मेरी राय में) / कोड> पैकेज df & lt; -data.frame (वर्ष = सी (1500, 1750, 2000), देश 1 = सी (10, 20, 30), देश 2 = सी (3

c++ - draw multiple circles and move them -

I am trying to create a small game where a man shoots "bullets" (which are just circles). I have tried to do this, when someone drugs a mouse, then many divisions will lay eggs. Currently, only the cycle when the mouse is released then travels I added one for the loop, when I pull the mouse, 30 circles will be egged (clip size) - but when I test it, then The circle can be born, but until I release the mouse, the circle only lives next to the man. if (drag == true) {for (int i = 0; i <30; i ++) {gl: color (color (0, 0, 0)) ; Gl :: DracedDrilchal (VC2F (X, Y), 2); Gl :: Color (Color (1, 1, 1)); }} This is my first time making a game with C ++ or Seandor, so I'm sorry if I put something clear (only put in, I'm not very much a knitbish on coding ). thank you in advanced! Are you looking for an MouseDrag () event?

How to link to packages in static libraries using Visual D -

I am using VisualD and DMD to write D in Visual Studio 2012. My solution looks like this in Solution Explorer: ConsoleApp1 (name of the solution) - codecmable (a static D library) - - http (folder) - - - Package D - - - Request D - Malacca (console project) - - Main D codecrambl My static D library codecramlib The building on the right is the source here: package.d module codecramlib.http; Public import request; request.d module requests; // Temporary filler code class request {public int imaraequest () {return 13; }} When I right click on codecramlib and get this output in the console vs. - - --- Start construction: Project: codecramlib, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ Building Debug \ codecramlib.lib ... ========= Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 Up-to-date, 0 skip ========== Malkai (main project) main D: Import std.stdio; Import codecramlib.http; // also tried import codecramlib; Int main (string [] argv) {writeln ("Hello D-World!&quo

android - Using keyboard with stateAlwaysVisible, after touch any letter the showed AlertDialog opens selected, why? -

I have only one button in my layout 10 activity after count of (five keyboard touch) a alertcard . To show the keyboard, windowSoftInputMode = "stateAlwaysVisible" After touching the problem, any key on the keyboard is only one button: the activity on the manifest is android. Selected. In the blue, the entire button is like "Highlighted". I can use the code at the bottom of the layout to solve the button problem: android: focusable = "true" android: focusableInTouchMode = "true" / Code> but for AlertDialog , it will open when selected. Also with AlertDialog , it opens with a button. But I do not want this behavior, how can I avoid it? Below are my code: Clear: & amp; Activity Activity: Android: Name = "Main Activitist" Android: windowSoftInputMode = "stateAlwaysVisible" & gt; & Lt; / Activity & gt; Activity: public class extends the main Gtividhitakt activity (stable Int co

html - CSS Header not stretching across browser? -

I have a very strange problem that I can not seem to find. JSFiddle: I have a simple device with all the 'NAV' IDs, then I have the following in the CSS. #nav {width: 100%; Height: 50px; Swim left; Background color: # 000000; Color: #FFFFFF; } Actually I'm trying to create a simple header which is spread across the page. However, no matter what I do, there is a place around the header like a transparent border. I can find all the tutorials and posts I have, and no one does not feel like trouble. : ( What am I doing? This browser executes the default 8px margins around body . Therefore, you have to reset it to 0: body {margin: 0;}

scroll - NiceScroll disables mousewheel on edges of page -

I am using the NiceScroll library and there is some problem that is specific to Google Chrome When the cursor is on the left and right sides of the page, the mouse wheel does not allow the page to scroll. If I see the "overflow" tag "hidden" from "hidden", two scroll bars (NiceScroll + Basic). Under this regime, the mouse wheel then works on the edges of the page. However, this is the original "jumpy" scrolling. This suggests that NiceScroll controls the scrolling controls on some limits. How can I change this limit? & lt; Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; >. The issue is this "interval" For some reasons this area has been ignored by NiceScroll and avoid the correct call to scroll through the API. So if you have a cover (like a screen body> Div) then it should work.

python - Checking input values to methods to reduce the number of computations -

I have several ways that are independent of each other but collectively necessary to calculate an output. Thus, when any method changes in one variable is said in the calculation of all the methods which is slow and expensive here is a quick passcode-code which I have: # o one The original variable represents the value A # represents A variable which can convert def (O, Value A): # Return return result A def b (O, valueB): # Return return result A def c (o , ValueC1, valueC2): # Return return result A def compute (A, B, C1, C2): A = self.a (O, A) two = self. For example, when the value of C1 changes, when compute calls, all the methods of a & amp; ; Due to no change in the value of A, B, C1, C2 , each call of value change between compute There is no way to check that has been given. I have considered defining a list of values, then on next call it is being compiled by comparing new values ​​to compute for example, call 1: List = [1,2,3,4] 2 call on list [[1,

python - Error "__init__ method from base class is not called" for an abstract class -

मेरे पास वर्ग ए (ऑब्जेक्ट) है: def __init__ (स्वयं): raise NotImplementedError ("ए") कक्षा बी (ए): def __init__ (स्वयं): .... और pylint कहते हैं __ init__ विधि आधार वर्ग से ऐसा नहीं है I तो मैं क्या करूँ? (मैंने कोशिश की और मिला अपरिभाषित चर 'abstractmethod' pylint से, इसलिए यह एक विकल्प नहीं है)। का उपयोग करना < कोड> एबीसी मेरे लिए काम करता है: आयात एबीसी वर्ग ए (वस्तु): __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta @ abc.abstractmethod def __init __ (स्वयं): पास वर्ग बी (ए) : Def __init __ (स्व): सुपर (बी, स्वयं) .__ init __ () मुझे चेतावनियाँ मिलती हैं, लेकिन abc से संबंधित कुछ नहीं या माता पिता का __इस में C: 3, 0: अमान्य श्रेणी का नाम "ए" (अमान्य-नाम): सी: 1, 0: अनुपलब्ध मॉड्यूल डॉसस्ट्रिंग (लापता-डॉसस्ट्रिंग) C: 3, 0: सी: 3, 0: गायब वर्ग डॉसस्ट्रिंग (लापता-डॉसस्ट्रिंग) आर: 3, 0: बहुत कम सार्वजनिक विधियां (0/2) (बहुत-कुछ-सार्वजनिक-तरीकों) सी: 9, 0: अवैध वर्ग नाम "बी" (अमान्य-नाम) सी: 9, 0: गायब वर्ग डॉसस्ट्रिं

Is it really impossible to make a string into a variable in c++ -

Both the answers say that you can not use a string after compiling time. However, they mention that high level languages ​​such as Python as I understand it, Python has been written from C. So if Python is written in C, and it can use the string as a variable, then why do not people do it in whistle. I think the question is not clear. By analogies in comments, If Python is composed of C, then I think that some functions are written that allow Python to be dynamic. So why not the functionality can be written without all other parts of Python. CPththon implementation - implementation of Python written in C. - C language can be used for a certain type of variable lookup Which uses Python to behave like a python and does not say, C or Basic. So, you do not expect C ++ just compiler to recognize C or String-named variable lookup, because it's C / C + + Not part of the language End product - compiled execution - However, this concept will support. For example, in C +

python - How to refactor a large method when its components don't make sense on their own? -

I'm looking for a very large method to reactor on a diego models.Manager . For clarity (also my discretion), I would like to break it into my component parts. This method takes an object, uses that object's information to load that webpage, and gives it a new or existing object from the database based on the content of that page. We think that I'm trying to get vehicle the web page. In addition to other things, this may include: Loading the page in question Finding the vehicle's name from the page If any class vehicle manager (models. Manager): def getForSale (self, sales): # lots and many codes I would like to break it in smaller methods, each of which will be one of the bullet points . The ideological problem that I am facing is that I am not sure where small methods are kept, they are not related to vehicle manager / because: There are no things I do do a set of code vehicle objects (e.g., Vehicle.objects.findNameOnPage

gruntjs - Working Directory is not a Cordova-based project from Grunt -

I have a web app that I create through Grunt Now, I use PhoneGrap / Cordova I want to bundle that app as part of build processing. In an effort to do so, I have included the Grint-CordoWeekly module and have a goal called 'Deanati'. Deploying such setup: grunt.registerTask ( 'posted' [ 'construction', 'cordovacli: add_platforms',' cordovacli: add_plugins', 'cordovacli: prepare_ios',' cordovacli : Prepare_android 'Cordovekli: Tayar_vindo' Cordovekli: Bild_aios' Cordowkali: Bild_ Androdaid 'Cordovekli: Bild_vindo']); I have confirmed working to load the content in my browser. My CordWevelly task is configured as follows: Module Exchange = function (config) {return: {path: '/ distribute'}, Cordowa: {options: {command: [ 'Platform: [ "iOS", "Android", "Dblupi 8'] Keywords: [ 'device ',' 'Ready', 'Platform', 'Plugin', 'Build

Segmentation fault in Matrix - C -

Partition error occurs while running this code. I could not find anything unusual and changing the mat if I change the mat [3] [3] Please tell what is wrong, thank you contains #lt; Stdio.h & gt; Zero getdata (int ** mat) {int i, j; {For (j = 0; j & lt; 3; j ++) mat [i] [j] = rand ()% 3; for i (i = 0; i & lt; 3; i ++); }} Zero putdown (mat ** mat) {int i, j; For (i = 0; i inside main , mat1 And mat2 will decay an indicator in int [3] , which is not the same as int ** . Therefore, getdata () and putdata () will actually treat the value as a different type, which can be undefined behavior. int mat1 [3] [3]; Int (* decayed_mat1) [3] = matte 1; Emphasis (decayed_mat1 == and matte 1 [0]); In ACC, the "reference" is passed. In fact it means that the function parameter is declared as an array type, in fact it is on the decay type. zero getdata (int mat [3] [3]); Zero (* funcptr) (int (*) [3]) = getdata; Changing your function parameter

c# - How to convert List<T> to an Object -

In unity, I have decided to create a custom editor for my component. I have a list of objects in the component. I have declared it as a list. The editor targets this way: myCustomList = serializedObject.FindProperty ("myCustomList"); The problem is that when I use myCustomList myCustomList .objectReferenceValue = ModifiedCustomList tries to get / set value as a list / lieutenant ; MyCustomObject & gt; tells me that the list & lt; MyCustomObject> can not be inserted as an object. I tried setting values ​​through my custom = named goal (as TargetClass). MyCustomList, but (of course) when I press the play button, the objects are reset to reset a new new list. How do I list an object? Or to use the serialized object to get data types, such as lists? You'll need to iterate such an object ... Serialized property my customist = serialized object.fidpropy ("mystimlist"); For (int i = 0; i Since SerializedProperty is not UnityEng

javascript - Is there any console log in Dreamweaver CC? -

Every time I want to test some javascript code, let me open a browser window to check the console log Required Using console.log ('needs to be checked'); Is there a console log inside Chrome in Dreamweaver CC to give more flexibility to web developers to check errors in Java developers? Thanks a lot if anyone can help! This can be done by navigating Finder / Explorer Right click on it, and choose to open it with DW. Or, in the DW Files panel, browse the log file, right click and select Open with the Dreamweaver. Or you can setup it to:

scala - Vaadin - how to pass actors into UI elements -

I have just started using Wadiin and I have a simple Webdunia project that has 2 servlet and its related daily UI Defines squares. My question is how to design a "push" style system to give information among UI examples. The first servlet is responsible for collecting data of users (a DataUI , then it is stored in a database. The second servlet graph Etc. It is responsible for reporting on the data gathered ... etc. (through a ReportUI ). For various customers who set different data for different users, Examples can be. I have a Vast Art wanted where a centralized actor system creates (sitting on the server) and passes ActorRef example it is created as each DataUI When DataUI collects some data, sends it through its ActorRef as a message and then closes. Similarly every ReportUI A ActorRef has been passed in which will listen for new data related to its report, And according to this, the UI will update. My problem is that I do not understand the wad

java - Strange array copying error -

I am writing a Java3D program that draws a 3D graph I hold the points of the graph in an array and pass it to a createMesh () and createGraph () function. Here's how I get graphs of the points: double x = xmin; Point 3D [] corner = new point 3D [graph. Length * graph [0]. Length]; (Int i = 0, index = 0; i & lt; graph.length; i ++, x + = ((xmax-xmin) /graph.length) {double y = ymin; For (int j = 0; j and lt; graph; i] length; j ++, y + = ((ymax-ymin) / graph [i]. Length), index ++) {double z = monastery .sin (math.paw (x, 2) + math.paw (y, 2)) / (Mathpaw (x, 2) + Math. Pow (y, 2)); Point 3D Point = New Point 3D (X, Z, Y); If (z> zmax) zmax = z; If (z & lt; zmin) zmin = z; Corner [index] = new point 3D (X, Z, Y); }} createGraph () method, I need to set the y-values ​​of points to 0. To keep the original shorts array unchanged, copy the passcode copied to I createGraph () such a method: Make a personalized size 3D graph (point 3D [] Temp) {point3d []

javascript - How to render dynamic generated key in mustache -

I have a Jasonson data with fields. I want to present it to the mustache in JS. But one item from the problem list is being dynamically generated. How can I iterate this item? I used the given code '{{#view}} {{#.}} & Lt; Td class = "number" & gt; {{.}} & Lt; / Td> {{.}} {{/ View}} '+' {{#comment}} {{#.}} & Lt; Td square = "number" & gt; {{.}} & Lt; / Td> {{/}} '{'} '' {{#rating}} {{#.}} & Lt; Td square = "number" & gt; {{.}} But this [object Object] as rendering How can I resolve this issue? . to run again through an array of strings, so your template will not work, however, you can process before it can be parsed always template to your data / modified: < data> in the data (code) {if (key == 'comment' || key == 'rating' || key == 'scene') {// Change it to an array temp_array = []; (Key [data [key] in) {// This is not to make objects tha

How do I add a reference to a mono assembly in vNext -

So I installed vNext on my Linux box and is playing around with it. I have everything set up and can build and run MVC applications. I am creating a console application and need to refer to an assembly in Newgate. I want to add a reference for mono data. SQLiteClient for my project Jason knows the path to the Assembly /usr/local/lib/mono/4.5/Mono.Data.Sqlite.dll. How do I add references to dll? My project The JSO file currently looks like this: {"dependencies": {"System.Console": "", "Dapper": "1.27", "Mono Data." "," Configuration ": {" net45 ": {}," k10 ": {}}} I got an answer on ... In short, you can only reference your DLS if they are inside a new package ... (I hope this correction will be improved. This is a troublesome IMO.) Long story: OK, after so many fencing, it seems The way to do this is to create a new package using DLL (I will use quartz ve

python - AssertionError: 200 != 403 -

For this, Django app and a test I'm getting the error: traceback ( Most recent call final): file "../support/", in line 17, foo self.assertEqual (response.status_code, HttpResponseForbidden .status_code) AssertionError: 200! = 403 Code for testing, which causes trouble: feedback = self.client.get ('/ support / download / bar / ') Self.assertEqual (response.status_code, HttpResponseForbidden.status_code) I do not understand that routine is the problem to diagnose it, where There was no help in browsing the web for a similar problem to start looking at. It looks like the URL / support / download / bar / ? P> What are your tests doing in Self.assertEqual (response.status_code, HttpResponseForbidden .status_code) You can go to URL / support / download / bar / one HttpResponseForbidden Checking the response (code 403). Apparently, you have successfully displayed the page (code 200), which tells your error: Ass

playframework - Use existing database without creating it through models in play framework -

Then I have my database already created and I want to create an application in the game framework which uses the existing data Existing database and display it on my view I have read that the default in the game framework creates a database through the defined area in the Ebene square? But if I want to use this existing database without having to recreate it. Is this possible? Can anybody help me. Thank you All you need is to disable evolutions plugins, change your conf / application Go to evolutionplugin = disabled Definitely represent your DB To do EBi usage in any way, the tables will have to be written.

Adsense instead of the images -

मेरे पास एक व्यावसायिक निर्देशिका है प्रत्येक उपयोगकर्ता अपनी छोटी तस्वीर गैलरी बना सकता है यदि उपयोगकर्ता कोई चित्र अपलोड नहीं करता है, तो मैं छवियों के बजाय ऐडसेंस को दिखाना चाहता हूं। क्या यह संभव है? यहां कोड है जो छवियों को प्रदर्शित करता है: यदि ($ this- & gt; config- & gt; getTemParam ('skipFirstImage', '0') == 1) {array_shift ($ this-> gt ;इमेजिस); } गूंज & lt; div class = "row-fluid" & gt; '; अगर (! खाली ($ इस- & gt; चित्र)) {गूंज '& lt; div class = "span5" & gt;'; $ This- & gt; loadTemplate शामिल करें ('sub_images.tpl.php'); गूंज & lt; / div & gt; '; } गूंज '& lt; div class = "span'। (! खाली ($ इस- & gt; छवियाँ)? '7': '12')। '' & Gt; '; गूंज & lt; div class = "listing-desc" & gt; '; मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूं? यदि (! खाली ($ इस- & gt; छवियाँ)) {गूंजती '& lt; div class = "

ruby on rails - Check item is in Cart -

मेरे रेल ई-कॉमर्स साइट में, मुझे यह रेखा है: @cart = (सत्र [: cart_id]) इस लाइन को कॉल करने से पहले मैं 'सत्र [: cart_id]' को 'कार्ट' में कैसे देख सकता हूं? एक खोज विधि एक वस्तु को प्राथमिक कुंजी के उपयोग से प्राप्त करने के लिए है यदि यह मौजूद नहीं है, तो आपको एक ActiveRecord :: RecordNotFound त्रुटि मिलेगी इसके पीछे का तर्क यह है कि ज्यादातर मामलों में, यदि आपकी प्राथमिक कुंजी है, तो ऑब्जेक्ट मौजूद होना चाहिए। आप अभी भी ऐसा कुछ कर सकते हैं: शुरू @cart = cart.find (सत्र [: cart_id]) # गाड़ी बचाव के साथ # काम कुछ ऐसा नहीं है जो अंत नहीं मिला लेकिन यह एक सामान्य मामला नहीं होना चाहिए।

angularjs - How to assign an ng-class to a column of jqxgrid in a controller -

I've imported the necessary script for angular, bootstrap and jqwidgets. I want to hide a special column of jqgrid using the class hid-LG in the grid controller. $ scope.gridWidth = "100%"; $ Scope.column = [{text: 'Col1', dataField: 'val1', width: '30% '}, {text:' Col2 ', datafield:' val2 ', cell form:' C2 ', cells: 'Left', width: '30%', template: '& lt; Div data-ng-square = "hidden-LG" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; '}, {text:' Col3 ', dataField:' val3 ', cell format:' C2 ', relative:' left ', width: '40%'}]; After a long research on this, Regards, I came to know that it can be sorted out like this $ scope.column = [{text: 'Col1', dataField: 'val1', width: '30% '}, {text:' Col2 ' DataField: 'val2', cell format: 'c2', satellite: 'left', width: '30% ', cell classna

database - how to run the Stored procedure . for inserting the Values -

This is my coding ... if I execute the stored procedure which means that in the stored procedure (usually everything It is working but if I can run the stored procedure on the outside side, try this exec uspGetAddress 'CDB0001', 'Bevcon Wires Pvt Ltd', 'C' like this But that is not working. NOCOUNT DECLARE @Cuscode varchar (250) DECLARE @CustomerName VARCHAR (250) DECLARE @Custype varchar (250) DECLARE @Cur_Product Cursor set cardcode, cardname, cardcope for ORCD Open @Carbrid Set up @Cur_Product from @Cuscode, @ customertName, @ custype at @ @ FETCH_STATUS = 0, after the custom start-up (encoded, CNN, CETEP) value (@cuesod, @Custom NoteName, @Castipay), from @Cur_Product @Cuscode, @CustomerName, @Castip and close @Cur_Product Developer @Cur_Product Before making this call, you must create a stored procedure: Create process usgGetAddress @ Cuscode varchar (250), @CustomMartName VARCHAR (250), @steppe varchar (250) After Set DECLARE @CUR_Pr, set th

php - file_put_contents not saving text to file -

मेरे पास एक सरल कोड स्निपेट है $ data = '[' तिथि ('डी-एम-वाई एच: आई: एस')। ']: यूआरएल पर ऑपरेशन टाइमआउट' $ इस- & gt; curlInfo [ 'url']; प्रिंट करें $ डेटा; File_put_contents ('/ लॉग / curl_timeout.txt', $ डेटा); प्रिंट निम्न करता है [01-08-2014 09:42:05] URL पर ऑपरेशन टाइमआउट < / कोड> मैं लॉग इन के अंतर्गत स्थित फ़ाइल curl_timeout.txt में इसे सहेजना चाहता हूं। दोनों फाइल और फ़ोल्डर में 777 अधिकार हैं। हालांकि यह अभी भी काम नहीं कर रहा है कोई पाठ वहां सहेज नहीं है > लेकिन यह अभी भी फ़ाइल को पाठ को नहीं सहेजता है। आप अपनी फ़ाइल पथ को गलत तरीके से निर्दिष्ट करते हैं: /logs/curl_timeout.txt ', $ डेटा); मेरा मतलब है स्लैश का मतलब, उस मामले में आपको पूर्ण पथ को निर्दिष्ट करना चाहिए: / var / www / public_html.._ आदि .. तो रिश्तेदार पथ का उपयोग करें: शायद ../../log / curl_timeout.txt ', $ डेटा); भी अनुमति समस्या हो सकती है इसे भी जांचें < मजबूत> समाधान होगा: लॉग पथ को परिभाष

xml - Sed: substitute pattern, not limited to matching line, but to another pattern -

I want to enclose many words with quotation marks. Sed and worked easily with the group. Except that my words are located in the attribute of an XML tag. & lt; Daddy & gt; & Lt; Son name = "blabla" & gt; & Lt; Related = "car cat doll" color = "yellow" /> & lt; / Son & gt; & Lt; / Papa & gt; I want to postprocessed the attribute to "car" cat "doll" " . is a specially affected attribute name. Therefore, there is no risk of matching this word only, it will automatically be a part of a related tag, I think it is a good start That you are able to use here, and do not do harsh things with heavy equipment, and XML reader. Take my first attempt To filter bins was to match the pattern, and try to surround the words but it surrounds them, matches the whole line, and not only in the first pattern, which I wanted. sed "/ having = \" [az] \ + \ "/ s / \ ([az] \ + \) /

javascript - date format validation with jquery -

I am trying to validate the date format (from datepicker) if the date format is correct then false then the next step Go to Warning if ($ ("# date"). Val ()! = (/ ^ \ D {2} \ / \ d {2} \ / \ d {4} $ /)) {$ ("#date"). CSS ('background-color', '# FF 20000'); } And {warnings ("good"); } but this script does not work Should: if (! / ^ \ D {2} \ / \ d {2} \ / \ d {4} $ / test ($ ("# date"). Val ( )) {$ ("#date"). CSS ('background-color', '# FF 20000'); } And {warnings ("good"); } You can assign a string to == or ! = can not compare a RegExp object with operators, methods you have to use Reggae.

rhel6 - How to upadte a PRM package in a RHEL yum repo? -

I am managing RHEL 6 Yum repo, the repo source file was just a local copy from disk ISO, and for some reason I need to replace some RPM package in this repo with a new version of RPM, I try : 1: Create a new RPM package in the package by Chapter 2: "createrepo". But when any customer installs yum, it still gets an older version of RPM, I this How can I expect? Thanks Use the

java - Not loading a Spring bean when a certain profile is set -

पृष्ठभूमि: इसलिए, मेरे पास कई सेम हैं जो इंटरफ़ेस बाह्य सिस्टम हैं विकास के लिए, बाहरी प्रणालियों का मजाकिया करना आसान है और कुछ कार्यान्वयन वाले अंतरण पक्षियों को प्रतिस्थापित करना जो अधिक या कम स्थिर प्रतिक्रियाएं उत्पन्न करते हैं। तो मैं जो कर रहा हूं वह एक इंटरफ़ेस, वास्तविक कार्यान्वयन और इस तरह एक स्टब कार्यान्वयन करना है: सार्वजनिक इंटरफेस बाहरी सेवा {// ...} @ सेवा सार्वजनिक वर्ग ExternalServiceImpl ExternalService लागू करता है {// ...} @ सेवा @ प्राथमिक @प्रफ़ाइल ({"stub"}) सार्वजनिक वर्ग StubExternalService लागू करता है ExternalService {// ...} ... और यह काम करता है महान : यदि स्टब प्रोफाइल मौजूद नहीं है, तो स्टब-बीन बिल्कुल भी लोड नहीं होता है। अगर यह मौजूद है, तो @ प्राथमिक भाषण के कारण यह अच्छी तरह से वास्तविक कार्यान्वयन को प्रतिस्थापित करता है। समस्या: अब, हालांकि, मैंने पहली बार एक स्थिति में जहां मैं वास्तव में एक ही इंटरफ़ेस के दो वास्तविक कार्यान्वयन मिल गया है उनमें से एक को प्राथमिक के रूप में परिभाषित किया गया है, लेकिन दूसरे को भी इसका उ

authentication - Ember.js update model after save -

I am currently adding a small amber app to the certification with a simple API in the background: App. Login = DS.Model.extend ({username: DS.attr (), password: DS.attr (), token: DS.attr ()}); Administrator App.LoginController = Ember.ObjectController.extend ({// execute your controller verbs here: {submit: function () {var Auto = this; var login = self.get ('model'); login.set ('username', self.get ('username')); login.set ('password', self.get ('password') ); (). Then (function (result) {// do something here?});}} }); Any other advice other than 'return an id' which is easy to get the code created before saving, or to return a new code token to add a new one Can not get it, but it seems that when it comes to any such ATP Android endepam, I do not believe it best. So I added a custom comfort adapter to finish it: < Code> App.LoginAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend ({host: '

C# Error: interface members cannot have definition -

I'm new to C #, and I do not know why I can not do this. One can provide a link or example that will get the same result. Public Interfaces IEffectEditorControl {object [] EffectParameterValues ​​{get; Set {isDirty = true; }} Bool isirty (mill); Set; } {IE; Set; }} Your compiler is correct, interface Can not have a definition in defines contract for a class, that is, a list of properties and methods that should be implemented by the class in your example isDirty = true; The statement can not contain the actual code. In other words, you should change it in: // It only lists all the members who have to implement a class, // if they If you want to implement the interface and pass the compile the public interface, then IEffectEditorControl {object [] EffectParameterValues ​​{get; Set; } // & lt; - statement was removed from Isdirty {get; Set; } {IE; Set; }} and then there is a definite class implementation by providing the required code: / / Anyon