iOS Venmo SDK Send Payment Issue: Invalid recipient (Please enter a valid phone, email, username, or Venmo user ID) -

I integrated the VENOMO SDK and I am facing a problem while sending payment. I have everything properly configured that I click on payment via the Venmo button -> App Redirects -> Approval -> Returns to send the payment screen. When I click Send Payment I check an error "invalid recipient (Type a valid phone, email, username, or Venmo user ID)"

I check the "sendPaymentTo" field which is the correct phone number Have a right, and even a note field

  (IBAction) sendAction:. (Id) this {zero (^ handler) (Ventransaction *, bool, NSError *) = ^ (VENTransaction * transaction, BOOL success, NSError * error) {if (error) {UIAlertView * alertView = [[UIAlertView alloc] InitWithTitle: error.localizedDescription message: error.localizedRecoverySuggestion Rep: AutoCodeButtonTitle: otherButtonTitles zero: @ "OK", not equal to]; AlertView.tapBlock = ^ (UIAlertView * alertView, NSInteger buttonIndex) {[alertView dismissWithClickedButtonIndex: animated buttonIndex: Yes]; }; [Show warning view]; } Else {if ([self.degregate respondsToSelector: @selector (paymentSuccesfull :)) {[self.delegate paymentSuccesfull: transaction.transactionID]; } [[Wenmo Share Instance] logout]; }}; [[Venmo sharedInstance] sendPaymentTo: self.phoneNumber Zodiac: self.amountTextField.text.floatValue * 100 note: self.noteTextField.text completionHandler: handler]; } It is actually a bug in sending error messages from SDK.  

I think the real issue is that you are sending an invalid amount (eg .01, the area of ​​the zodiac is already in St) I opened an issue here:


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