
Showing posts from March, 2015

c++ - Error blending two images in OpenCV -

I want to see two images in between for RGB and depth change, this is my program, Makes it very easy to understand using the original #include & lt; Ros / ros.h & gt; # Include & lt; Image_transport / image_transport.h & gt; #include & lt; Opencv / cv.h & gt; #include & lt; Opencv / highgui.h & gt; # Include & lt; Cv_bridge / cv_bridge.h & gt; #include & lt; Sensor_msgs / image_encodings.h & gt; Using namespace cv; Cv_bridge :: CvImagePtr cv_ptr_rgb; Zero imageCallbackrgb (static sensor_msgs :: ImageConstPtr & msg) {// cv_bridge :: CvImagePtr cv_ptr_rgb; Try {cv_ptr_rgb = cv_bridge :: toCvCopy (msg, sensor_msgs :: image_encodings :: MONO8); } Hold (cv_bridge :: exception & amp; A) {ROSS_ERROR ("CV_brivize exception:% s", e.w. ()); Return; } // cv :: imshow ("OpenCV Viewer Kinect RGB", cv_ptr_rgb-> Image); CvWaitKey (3); } Zero imageCallbackdepth (static sensor_msgs :: ImageConstPtr & amp; msg) {//

php - How can I return all combinations of a given string? (ex. 'foo bar' = bar, bar_foo, foo) -

यह प्रश्न ऊपर सुझाए गए प्रश्न का डुप्लिकेट नहीं है। शीर्षक ध्वनि हो सकता है समान है, लेकिन इसका उत्तर किसी भी तरह से नीचे दिए गए प्रश्न में वर्णित परिणाम को नहीं लेता है। मुझे एक अज्ञात लंबाई की सरणी तारों के अनूठे संयोजन बनाएं क्या आप मदद कर सकते हैं? लक्ष्य को foo bar की तरह एक स्ट्रिंग लेना है और इस स्ट्रिंग से अद्वितीय संयोजन बनाएं: foo bar bar_foo ( कार बार जोड़ें वापस आना चाहिए: जोड़ add_bar add_car add_bar_car bar bar_car कार यहां मेरी प्रगति है: फ़ंक्शन स्ट्रिंग_बिल्डर ($ लंबाई) {$ arrWords = array ('add' 'बार', 'कार', 'ओस', 'खाने', 'वसा', 'जिम', 'हे', 'स्याही', 'जेट', 'कुंजी', 'लोग इन', 'पागल', ' झपकी ',' अजीब ',' दोस्त ',' QAT ',' राम ',' देखा ',' तन ',' कलश ',' डॉक्टर ',' शादी ',' Xis ',' याप ',' चिड़ियाघर ' ); $ Arr = सरणी (); के लिए ($

python - How do you permenantly set number of lines shown in pdb? -

I show the l during run time to show more lines before and after the existing row Can be executed in PDB, but can we do it permanently in a script or by command line option? ywong: tmp ywong $ python & gt; /private/tmp/ (23) & lt; Module & gt; () - & gt; Unittest.main (PDB) L18 self.assertEqual (1,1) 19 20 If __name__ == "__main__": 21 import pdb 22 pdb.set_trace () 23 - & gt; Unittest.main (# 24) # unittest.main (testRunner = MyRunner) [EOF] (PDB) You can set yourself a function which creates a custom debuger by pdb.pdb instantiating the object and executing the list apply pdb < / Code> Interactive Prompt In this way you can create custom debugger invocation function: import pdb, cs def auto_list_debug (): create an example of # PDB class my_pdb = Pdb.Pdb () my_pdb.reset () #interactive quick My_pdb.cmdqueue.append ('l') # execute your list command before executing an interactive quick call with the

jquery - Datatables colVis use column name instead of index -

I'm using datatable 1.10 with the colavis extension. Instead of: ":" "exclusion": [17], "buttontext": "column"} I use the new datatable API I would like to do something like this: "clovis": {"exclude": [oTable.column ('priority: name'). Index ()], "button text": "column"} priority is the name of the column I want to hide. How does anyone know how to do this? After you start the table, you can solve this by adding the colVis to something like this ... & lt; Script & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {var table = $ ('# example'). Datatale (); var colvis = new $ .fn.dataTable.ColVis (table, {exclude: [table.column ('priority : Name '). Index ()], button text: "column"}); $ (colwitz.button). InsertAfter ('. SomeDiv ');}); & Lt; / Script & gt;

c# - Report rendering using ReportViewer web control with parameter: -

I'm using the code to submit the report below. ASPX: & lt; Div & gt; & Lt; AjaxToolkit: ToolkitScriptManager id = "ToolkitScriptManager1" runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; / AjaxToolkit: ToolkitScriptManager & gt; & Lt; Rsweb: ReportViewer id = "ReportViewer1" runat = "server" width = "654px" font-name = "verdana" font-size = "8pt" WaitMessageFont-name = "Verdana" WaitMessageFont size = "14pt" & gt; & Lt; / Rsweb: ReportViewer & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; codebehind: Protected Zero Page_Load (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {// Processing Mode Remote ReportViewer1.ProcessingMode to ReportViewer = SettingMode .Remote; ServerReports Server Report = Report Details 1 Server report; // set report server URL and report path serverReport.ReportServerUrl = new URI ("http: // localhost / ReportServer"); ServerReport.ReportPath = "/ test re

c# - SQL: How to add calculated column with the text being different than the value -

I have a column in the table that has the path to a file in my DB. I want to display this column in my ASP.NET web application, but I do not want to display the path in the gridview, I want to see only the columns in each column, "View Attachments", and when it is clicked I want to be able to get the actual data price of the specific column If I remember right then I have got it once with the Sangh, but it was very long ago, I really do not remember how it is done. Currently it is my SQL query before I calculate the column. SELECT id, CONVERT (NVARCHAR (19), updated) AS updateDate, status updates from tblproject WHERE ([id] = @id] My The path in which the column name contains the path, the path is called. You can always select 'View' Attachments' form of a fixed value for each line I'm not sure why you want to do it in SQL instead of C #, but ... Select Path, by typing 'View attachment' tblproject WHERE id = @id

php - md5 doesnt work with certain characters -

I have established the login / registration script for my website and I used MD5 to encrypt my password I'm just setting up a change password section above but it was seen that I can only change my password when it has alphanumerics. For example if my old password stack was 123 and I changed it to overflow 123 then it would work perfectly. But if I change it from stack 123 to stack! This will not happen and for this reason, this will not be guessed because of an exclamation mark in this case. Can anyone tell me why this happens? Do not use MD5 You should use new or better (if you have less) Less than PHP 5.5) To make the password more secure, use a different salt for every user (this is only a string filled with random characters) and it prevents passwords in the database. This is a function to generate a random string (the length of $ determines the length of the string returned): generated function ($ length) {$ Dummy = array_merge (category ('0', '9'

c# - Send or receive file or data over sockets simultanously -

My server sends ping every 10 seconds and disconnects the client if it expires in 20 seconds without the answer If I really want to send a bigger file to the customer from the client or vice versa, sending () or received () ways can be blocked for a long time, that the customer will end immediately after sending it is. Also when the sending method is running, then I can not use other threads to send other data to the same socket / or I am sending the stream and the file which I am sending (or I corrupt the file) Can I Corrupt Should I just connect the client to another socket and connect it on a separate port on my server for long time to send / receive? Edit: For example, the server sends a message Public Zero SendTo (System.Net.EndPoint toclient, byte [] data) {foreach (clientlist Customer Client) {if (client.s.RemoteEndPoint == toclient) {Lock (client.sendlock) {int size = data.Length; Byte [] shaped by bit = new byte [4]; Sizebytes = bit sign. Getbytes (size); Client

android - Message multiple platforms through AWS SNS with aws-ruby-sdk -

I am trying to use Amazon's Ruby SDK to send push notifications with additional features for different platforms. , I.e. APNS and GCM (apple and Android device), but I can not find any way to send document message structure using the SDK's API. To send a message with various payloads for GCM and APNS, {"APS": {"APS": {"WARNING": "Someone makes us bombs"}}, "GCM I hope that the SNS send platform-specific payloads properly on the right platform end points. Will give, but instead the message, for example, an Android device, includes the APNS payload - full message in it The body is covered. Here's how I am sending the message: sns = AWS :: SNS :: Client New S.publish (target_arring: endpoint_arrow, message : {GCM: ..., APNS: ...}. TO_JASON) For available documents, especially Ruby SDK, this does not seem to be detailed. Am I wrong in my assumption that payload should be delivered properly on the basis of endpoint platf

c++ - How to save content of the QSettings file on Android to make it readable after updating my app from Play Store? -

I have an application written in C ++, based on QT532 framework. I save the settings of my code with QSettings This works if I only restart my app but if I redistribute my app to Qt Creator or update it to Play Market Then Resetts QSettings in the initial state. I think removing the file associated with QSettings . I am creating QSettings with the following code: QSettings Settings (QStringLiteral ("Company"), QStringLiteral ("App"), Nullptr); Thanks! You can try to specify the location setting file in a writable location then Also exists, even if the application has been deleted: #include & lt; QSettings & gt; # Include & lt; QStandardPaths & gt; QString Path; QString file name; Path = QStandardPaths :: Written Place (QStandardPaths :: GenericDataLocation); File name = "config.ini"; Quitting Settings (Path + "/" + File Name, Quotes :: Informat); Here QStandardPaths :: GenericDataLocation gives a di

sql - Oracle multiple partition selection -

I have a query that selects from multiple partitions select * table Select * from Partition (P1), Table 2, Table 3, Table 4 Associations * All tables * Partition (P2), Table 2, Table 3, Table 4. * Select from Table Partition (P12), Table 2, Table 3, Table 4 * There are 30,331,246 entries in 12 sections in the table. To draw the result, I need to find a fast way (now it takes about 35 minutes) If I do not select from the table, the part of the partition will be more than 135min, but it is not what a query should look like. Can you help me find another way to do this?

Qt Creator toolbar doesn't appear -

I can not see file , edit , Create , debug , device , window and help in the QT IDE and I do not know Why is it Eyeglasses / Other: P> Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Genome Shell 3.10.4 In this way my ID looks like, as you see, there is no toolbar. What could be the problem ? Thanks in advance. I am using gnome3 as my window manager and this solution works for me sudo apt-get remove appmenu-qt5 sauce: Let me know that it works for you.

When would Cassandra not provide C, A, and P with W/R set to QUORUM? -

When both read and write sets on the quorum, I guarantee that the client is always updated during the reading The price will be found. I know this may be a newbie question, but I do not understand how this setup does not provide consistency, availability and division. With the quorum, you are unavailable (i.e. will not accept reading or writing) if available adequate replication Not available, you can choose to relax and read / write at lower stability level to provide availability, but then you will not be compatible. There is also a case on which a quorum reads and writes that the latest "written" data has been retrieved, however, if a coordinator is not aware of the necessary division (i.e. gossip2 Since 3 nodes have not been declared after the failure), then it will write 3 replicas [assuming the quorum stability on the replication factor of 3] will write a living node, and the second 2 will not be (they are below). There is a time of writing time (this does

Organize common item with uncommon item in a file using perl -

I have a file that contains data like 3 columns. I can have thousands of lines in column. A6:23 starts a 7:12 full b 9:14 starting b 10:21 full c 12:33 c start 13:44 full I like to use Perl First_col start_time end_time (3 column) A 6:23 7:12 b 9:14 10:21 c 12:33 13:44 < / Code> #! Use / usr / bin / perl -w hard; Use 5.014; My $ idxLine = 0; My @ call; My $ entry; While ( New ($ _); } And {$ Entry-> Set Group ($ _); Push (@col, $ entry); }} Printf ("% s% s% s \ n", $ _- & gt; {name}, $ _- & gt; {start}, $ _- & gt; {full}) foreach @coll; Package CENTRY; Strict use; Use 5.014; Sub new {my ($ square, $ name, $ start) = ($ _ [0], (partition (/ \ / s, $ _ [1])) [0,1]); Bless you Return ({name = & gt; $ name, start => $ start}, $ class); } Sub Set Group {my ($ self, $ full) = ($ _ [0], (partition (/ \ / s,, $ _ [1])) [1]); $ Self- & gt; {Completed} = $ complete; } Run : $ cat data starts a 6:23 a 7:12 full b 9:14 starting b 1

how to get session variable value in php? -

I can see a session within my code and once I printed that session, let me see the source Things got in Aarey ([time] => 1406983421 [timeout] => 10] [log in] => 1 [user] = Array ([user] = & gt; [[ID] => 424 [correspondence_email] => [rule] => Y [old_subbook] => [[old_tveter] = & gt; ; [Gmail_email] = & gt; [login_count] => 9 [ Then I found this line to get the value of "login_count" Tried resonance "value". $ This-> session-> ("login_count"); But I call it " Login_count "I can not see in echo. Only this result is getting in the thoughts. How do I access the" login_count "variable In a variable, I can get it. Without looking at the code written in the session, I doubt That this is what you are looking for: $ echo-> Session-> Read ('user.user.login_count');

Call code behind from JavaScript in c# -

I have a search page call "user" to show it when the user inputs the keyword and click on "search" Will call on some functions. Now, I created a simple dropdownlist in the companiesdatagrid.ascx file: & lt; ASP: UpdatePanel ID = "UpdatePanel1" runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; ContentTemplate & gt; & Lt; ASP: DropDownList ID = "DropDownList1" width = "200px" runat = "server" DataTextField = "ItemTypeName" DataValueField = "ItemTypeId" onchange = "CallServerMethod (it)" ValidationGroup = "vgLibItem" & gt; & Lt; / ASP: DropDownList & gt; & Lt; / ContentTemplate & gt; & Lt; Trigger & gt; & Lt; Asp: AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID = "DropDownList1" EventName = "Selected Index Changed" / & gt; & Lt; / Trigger & gt; I want to call it a javascript function which will call to work Public Zero

Excel Find Replace columns -

I'm not familiar with Excel formula. I need to find and replace something. I have excellence with the following data. ABCD 1 Retainer AMKOR Assessment 2 Assessment AROU Retainer 3 Registration Aerospace Compliance 4 Capital Consent Change 5 DLL Capitol 6 Compliance Change Dow Chemical Registration I I want to replace D with column A value. The result should be something like this. ABCD 1 Retainer AMKOR 2 2 Evaluation RROW 1 3 Registration Aerospace 6 4 Capital Concent 5 5 DLL 4 6 Compliance Dow Chemical 3 FIND / REPLACE would be rather difficult because each example would need to be treated differently, instead, I suggest, copy the E3 and below Done: = INDEX (A: A, match (D3, B: B, 0)) Copy ColumE, Paste Wish Delete the value and columns at the top ...

apache - htaccess for addon domain and CMS -

.htaccess is doing my head in Any help from resident experts will be greatly appreciated. Here's a folder structure (it is a CMS, so the folder does not exist, everything has been rewritten by name /index.php?it=fold); | --- Home | --- FOLDERONE | --- FOLDERTWO | --- subfolderA | --- subfolderB | --- subfolderC | --- folderThree | I want two domains and the following: should point to the root folder (home) that it does, Standard CMS Setup. (Aedian domains in cPanel, setup should also point root runs through the document / it also /index.php) / FOLDERTWO redirects should be URL, then again There should be something like writing /index.php?it=folderTwo Extra pages / folders should be accessed with two / subfolder A for example. I will consider the following: RewriteCond% {HTTP_HOST} domainTwo \ .com $ [NC] RewriteRule ^ $ /index.php?it= FolderTwo [L, QSA] #standard CMS Rewrite: (. *) RewriteRule ^ $ / Index .pp? This = $ 1 [L, QSA] It

jquery button to uncheck checkboxes -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 36 उत्तर हाय दोस्तों यह काम लग रहा था बहुत आसान हो सकता है, हालांकि मेरा कोड काम नहीं करता है। मेरे पास कुछ पंक्तियों के साथ तालिका है, प्रत्येक पंक्ति में एक चेकबॉक्स होता है, नीचे दिए गए बटन "सभी निकालें" चेकबॉक्स को अनचेक करने के लिए यह मेरा कोड है: $ ('# remove-button')। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {$ ('input: checked')। Prop ('checked', false); / /e.stopPropagation (); // मैं भी इस // $ ('input: checked') के साथ भी कोशिश की। RemoveAttr ('checked'); // या this syntax}); जब मैं बटन पर क्लिक करता हूं, सभी इनपुट अनियंत्रित होते हैं लेकिन यह मेरे कोड के कारण नहीं होता है क्योंकि जब मैं इस स्निपेट पर टिप्पणी करता हूं, तब भी होता है जब मैं बटन पर क्लिक करता हूं मैं यह भी देखता हूं कि जब मैं क्लिक करता हूं और इनपुट को अनचेक कर दिया जाता है तो मेरी वेबसाइट रीफ्रेश होने लगता है क्योंकि पेज स्क्रोल हो जाता है। मैं भी चेक किए गए इनपुट के लिए एक और बटन जोड़ता हूं: $ (' (ऐड

query while working with PDPageNode using pdfBox -

दस्तावेज़ = PDDocument.load (filePath); System.out.println ("पृष्ठ संख्या =" + document.getNumberOfPages ()); PDDocumentCatalog docCata = नया PDDocumentCatalog (दस्तावेज़); मानचित्र के & lt; स्ट्रिंग, पूर्णांक & gt; Pmap = document.getPageMap (); System.out.println ("count =" + pmap.size ()); // यह गिनती = 562 pnode = docCata.getPages () प्रिंट करता है; KidList = pnode.getKids (); System.out.println ("बच्चे की सूची का आकार =" + kidList.size ()); // यह बच्चे के आकार का भी छापता है = 0 // सिस्टम। आउट.प्रिंटलैनी(--------size= "+ pnode.getRotation ()) // नल सूचक अपवाद फेंकता नमस्ते मैंने ऊपर कोड के साथ काम करने की कोशिश की, हालांकि मैं बच्चों को pnode.getKids का उपयोग करने में सक्षम नहीं हूं। उपरोक्त निम्नलिखित आउटपुट देता है: पन्नों की गणना = 562 गिनती = 562 बच्चा सूची का आकार = 0 पीडीएफ के पन्नों पर भी जब बच्चे की आबादी नहीं आ रही है तो मुझे नहीं मिल रहा है कृपया इस संदर्भ में कुछ सहायता प्रदान करें। धन्यवाद। अधिकतर आप चाह

sql server - Estimate the size of a cube -

Does any disk space provide a way to estimate which cube will be captured? For example, I have found this Excel to calculate the size of an Excel I do you know the OLAP cube in a similar way? In the SQL Server Management Studio, right-click the database containing the cube and the "Report", "Standard Report", , Select "General." On this report it shows the estimated size in the bytes of the database. This is not the size of the cube in isolation, but as most of the databases have a cube, my guess is this is a real need.

display <li> line wise CSS -

I have several tags that have a different text size. How can I show this line wise? All Li-A tags are spread over one line so far and I want it in different lines. One line and should be able to handle multiple lines of text. & lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A & gt; AAAA & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A & gt; BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A & gt; CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A & gt; DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; should be displayed: AAAA BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD From now on: < Previous> AAAAAABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCDCDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD CSS

jquery - how to retrieve table rows into dialog box and edit -

मुझे इस तरह jquery है & lt; script type = "text / javascript" & gt ; $ (दस्तावेज़) .ready (function () {function fnOpenNormalDialog () {$ ("# dialog-editTweet")। Html ("ट्वीट संपादित करें बॉक्स"); // डायलॉग और उसके गुण परिभाषित करें। $ ("# Dialog- "हाँ": फ़ंक्शन () {$ (यह) .dialog ('close') (डायलॉग ({resizable: false, modal: true, शीर्षक: "मॉडल", ऊँचाई: 250, चौड़ाई: 400, बटन: कॉलबैक (सच्चे);}, "नहीं": फ़ंक्शन () {$ (यह) .dialog ('close'); कॉलबैक (गलत);}}})}} $ ('.btn ओपन डिआलिओग')। FnOpenNormalDialog) फ़ंक्शन कॉलबैक (मान) {यदि (मान) {चेतावनी ("कलरव संपादित");} और {चेतावनी ("अस्वीकृत")}}}}); मेरे पास ऐसा तालिका है & lt; fieldet id = "alltweets" & gt; & Lt; तालिका कोशिकाएं = "20" वर्ग = "ट्वीट टेबल" & gt; & LT; शीर्षक & gt; ट्वीट्स & lt; / शीर्षक & gt; & Lt;% जबकि (rsnext ()) {% & gt; &

jsf 2 - Accented character as watermark -

I have the & lt; P: watermarks & gt; , I'm facing the problem being displayed, the character pronounced in the form of watermark is correct as the watermark for this English character. This is working well for: & lt; F: visual contentType = "text / html; charset = utf-8" encoding = "UTF-8" & gt; & Lt; H: top & gt; & Lt; / H: top & gt; & Lt; A: Body & gt; & Lt; H: form prependId = "false" & gt; & Lt; P: Input Text id = "iddd" & gt; & Lt; / P: InputText & gt; & Lt; P: = watermark for "iddd" = "activity type" & gt; & Lt; / P: Watermarks & gt; & Lt; / H: form & gt; & Lt; / H: Body & gt; & Lt; / Ch: view & gt; But if I type value with and watermark> with "type d'activité" Can not change the waiter and there is an error on the browser console. I am using PF 3.5 with User 2.1. Any suggesti

How turn off autosave in Android Studio? -

I'm using Android Studio version 0.8.2 (on Windows 7). It is very annoying that when I change some files, it is automatically saved. As I closed settings like below (in general, but it does not work. What it is something else to get it right? I'm not sure if you can stop closing yourself, but when you want to change something back you can use local history (right click -> local history -> show history)

android - Re-sizing of slate in Drawing app -

In my project, I've integrated Google's marker app, it's working fine. It is that the slate size of the app should be fit for the size of the image because the user loads an image on it so that it does not have to draw anything other than the image. For example, if I am a user, and I load an image in the drawing app and make some changes in the image. The modifications should not go beyond the image to change the size of the slate. How to do this Sample image of the current app Required

String class in java -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 21 उत्तर Java स्ट्रिंग में एक वर्ग है और यह अनुरुप है ताकि हम इसके मान को परिवर्तित नहीं कर सकें। निम्नलिखित कोड में यह बिना किसी त्रुटि के अन्य स्ट्रिंग्स को समझाएगा। .मैं यह पूछना चाहता हूं कि यदि यह अपरिवर्तनीय है तो स्ट्रिंग के निम्न कोड मूल्य में क्यों बदल दिया गया है ?? import java.util। *; पब्लिक क्लास कॉन्सेंट {सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग एजीआर []) {स्ट्रिंग ए = "शीतल"; एक = एक + "गा"; Println ( "परिणाम:" + एक); }} आपके द्वारा दिखाए गए कोड में, आपने मूल < कोड> स्ट्रिंग ऑब्जेक्ट। इसके बजाय, आपने एक नया स्ट्रिंग ऑब्जेक्ट बनाया है, जो a + "Ga" का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है, और उसके बाद उसे संदर्भ में पुनः सौंपा गया चर एक ध्यान दें कि इसके अलावा जावा में सभी चर संदर्भ हैं।

user interface - How to create a tablet UI with multiple ContentPages on one screen at the same time with Xamarin.Forms? -

मैं टेबलेट के लिए एक UI डिजाइन करना चाहता हूं ( Android & amp; आईओएस ) के साथ Xamarin.Forms जहां मुझे एक स्क्रीन पर एकाधिक ContentPages रखना है। मुझे पता है कि Android के लिए टुकड़े ( iOS यह UISplitViewController के लिए afaik) का उपयोग करके इसे कैसे प्राप्त करें। मैं इसे Xamarin.Forms से कैसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं? पीएस मैं निश्चित रूप से TabbedPage ! जहाँ तक मुझे पता है आप स्क्रीन पर एक से अधिक सामग्री पृष्ठ आइटम नहीं डाल सकते, कम-से-कम- एक्स-द-बॉक्स एक्सएमरीन के भीतर। फ़ॉर्म्स। आप स्क्रीन पर एक से अधिक सामग्री दृश्य आइटम डाल सकते हैं और आप ContentView आइटम को अकेले खड़े पृष्ठों में भी पुनः उपयोग करें। मूलतः आप वर्णन कर सकते हैं कि आप कंटेंटव्यू के रूप में एक पृष्ठ पर क्या देखना चाहते हैं और फिर उस पृष्ठ को बनाते हैं जो उसमें शामिल है PhotoItem.xaml: & lt; ContentView & gt; & LT; ग्रिड & gt; & Lt; छवि स्रोत = "{बाध्यकारी MyImageSource}" / & gt; & Lt; / ग्रिड & gt; & Lt; / contentView & gt;

node.js - Text encoding problems in JSON.stringified() object -

I have index.html, which sends a text to a PHP code This is a node by PHP pdf (curl) JS redirects again to the server, which is inserted in JSON message (UTF 8-encoded) // Node.js server file (APJS) - - Get JSN and it A & lt; Script & gt; To save it in the client JS render (index, {json: {string: "mystring"}} / Template to render (index.ejs) var data = & lt;% = JSON.stringify (json)% & Gt;; so that I can pass those variables into data in JSON. JSON is a big way out of here, I only wrote a part that creates a bug: The string present here creates "Inwald character" JS bug. What should I do ? Which encoding / decoding / escaping should I use? I have UTF-8 everywhere, because all my other strings work, even with German or Arabic characters. In this special case, it is "mystring" below which breaks the app: If I remove characters in red circles then it works. Here's the string I got in the JSON: "Otto \ nTheate

.net - incorrect overload signature -

I'm running on one stop issue and I do not know if some of my setup is wrong or if there is a bigger new network Continue with the signature for credentials. A short history ago, I have an application that I wrote in .NET Framework 2 which sends an email via smtp. To send email it uses Active Directory credentials to authenticate with the server. I just had the setup as below: smtp.Credentials = New Net.NetworkCredential (domain and "\" and user name, password) It works fine until I update the application to run in .NET Framework 4, where I got an error: "The mailbox is unavailable, the server response was 5.7.1, allowing the client to send this sender is not." I was seen all around and found that for some reason this was not working correctly in .NET Framework 4 and to specify the domain to use for a surcharge. I tried the first time: smtp.Credentials = New Net Networks Credentials (username, password, domain) Who gave this too, even thoug

javascript - After some specified character extracting the value -

मेरे पास एक जावास्क्रिप्ट चर हो सकता है 'आइस क्रीम *** *** * फ़्रॉस्टी '; आइस क्रीम *** शंकु मुझे अंतिम संस्कार के बाद * ** पहले मामले में मुझे फ्रॉस्टी और दूसरे मामले में, मुझे कोन / बस substr () और lastIndexOf () का उपयोग करें विधि नमूना फ़ंक्शन निकालेंसभी कुछ बाद (मान, सेपरेटर) {return value.substr (value.lastIndexOf (सेपरेटर) + seperator.length)} अलर्ट (निकालेंसभी कुछ (बाद 'आइसक्रीम *** शंकु *** ठंढा', '***')); सचेत (निकालेंसभी कुछ ('आइसक्रीम *** शंकु', '***'));

java - Create Web Enabled Image workflow step. Is it possible to add multiple rendition sizes? -

I want that create a web enabled image workflow step generates 3 different sizes. I do not understand how to set it up, I am trying to do my picture, but after that I see the number format expansion in the log. Write the width I: 50 Height: 50 I am looking for the following in my crx: This way the CQ adds 50x50 singing + 1280x1280 to my default. I want to add some renditions (30x30 and 40x40) and I do not want to see 1280x1280 by default. Is it possible to configure?

c++ - converting std::string back to cv::Mat which was generated with std::stringstream << cv::Mat -

I am saving the subscription data for stereo-visions, rather than the YAML data given from opencv in special data-format - The architecture which allows me more flexibility. For that reason I am using little hack to convert cv :: mat to std :: string: cv: mat mat; // some code std :: stringstream sstrMat; SstrMat & lt; & Lt; Mat; SaveFoo (sstrMat.str ()); // something like this to save the matrix as output I get from sstrMat.str () : All data that I want: [2316.74172 9 37253, 0, 418.0432610206069; 0, 2316.74172 9 37253, 253.5597342849773; 0, 0, 1] My problem is its reverse operation: converting this std :: string back into CV :: MET. I have tried the code like this: cv :: mat mat; Std :: stringstream sstrStr; SstrStr & lt; & Lt; GetFoo () // Some such saved matrix sstrtrtr & gt; & Gt; Mat; // Idea-1: Compilation error mat generated & lt; & Lt; SstrStr; // Idea-2: Also generates compile error All of my attempts have failed, so I

php - How to get the array values which the array created in function? -

When I think about the function of the array and I tried to create an array and in the form of a store clock in the function Works but how can the array value get out of the function? function theClock ($ a, $ b, $ c) {$ time ['hour'] = $ a; $ Time ['min'] = $ b; $ Time ['seconds'] = $ c; Return time; } // How can I call the values ​​of that array that is stored at $ time? I am starting PHP and I want to improve my concept, if anybody can help, I am so grateful! Sorry, I forgot to mention this as the table, I would like to use foreach () to show array values. $ show1 = '& lt; Table range = "1" & gt; '; Forex currency ($ ck = & gt; $ tk as $ time) {$ show1 = '& Lt; Tr & gt; & Lt; Td> . $ CK '& lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; . $ Vaccine '& lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; '; } $ Show1 = '& Lt; / Table & gt; '; $ Show2 = '& lt; Table ran

c# - Inherit multiple base classes with the same inherited method-name -

Note: I am fairly new to the C # NET MVC and entity framework, and I am working on an existing project. In this project I have the following category: Public category MyDbContext: DbContext, IMyDbContext {Public MyDbContext (): Base ("name = SQLAzureConnection") {} ... // Some IDbSet properties ... // some methods} and the following interface: Public Interface IMyDbContext {... // Some properties ... // something Revoke methods (); } I use one of my methods: using (using db = mvcApplication.dbContext (IMyDbContext)) { // usingDB} / code> ( MvcApplication.dbContext ()) to be a representative (funk), which is instantaneously in my MvcApplication` like this: Public class MvcApplication: System.Web.HttpApplication {// to create a new IMyDbContext example public static Func & lt; IMyDbContext & gt; dbContext; public static MyDbContext dbContextInit () {new MyDbContext () ;} ... // Some other fields protected void Applica Tion_Start () {... dbCo

php - Magento Soap client is not working on https -

मुझे Magento soap api कनेक्शन पर समस्या का सामना करना पड़ता है जब भी https को सुरक्षित यूआरएल के रूप में इस्तेमाल करने का प्रयास होता है । < / P> मेरा मैजेंटा सिस्टम संस्करण CE 1.7 और साबुन संस्करण 1 । सिस्टम यूआरएल सेटअप है सुरक्षित यूआरएल https: // असुरक्षित जब मुझे सुरक्षित रूप से https को सुरक्षित कर दिया गया हो) फिर साबुन क्लाइंट ठीक से काम कर रहा है। इसके अलावा, जब सुरक्षित है, यह नीचे त्रुटि डालता है: SOAP- त्रुटि: पार्सिंग WSDL: Can 'Https://' से लोड नहीं है: बाहरी इकाई लोड करने में विफल " / साबुन / अनुक्रमणिका /? Wsdl मेरा कोड है try {$ cli = new SoapClient (' Index.php / api / soap / index /? Wsdl '); $ सत्र = $ cli- & gt; लॉगिन (' marketplace_usr ',' ezvendorplus '); $ परिणाम = $ cli- & gt; कॉल ($ सत्र,' catalog_product। जानका

java - Intermittent issue with jsch while trying to run a shell script -

I am trying to execute a shell script (which is in a separate UNIX server) Now I have noticed that sometimes this script was unable to execute. Since that script takes a lot of time to execute, I can not wait / read / wait for the output. Just wanted to make sure that the script ran every time. JSch jsch = new JSch (); String CMD = "CD / Blackdock / TFS / TFS Connector; ./runTFSConnector_web; Session = jsch.get session (" UserID ", Host IP, 22); session.Set UsernameInfo (New SSHISINInfo (" password "); session. Connect (); channel = session.onpanel ("f"); ((xxxx xxx channel) .set comand (cmd); channel.connect; while ((! Channel.icclosed ()) {thread.sleep (3000 );} I have closed the loop so that the channel is closed. Please give some solution. Suggestions will be very commendable.

google map like search on wordpress site -

Should I find such a way on my WordPress site? Anyone have any ideas about this? I am using wpestate wordpress theme ?? Perfect ... any plugin or custom code ??? Or js, jquery ?? How do I embed this kind of search in my WordPress site ??

java - Parent have list of child or Child have a parent reference -

I am preparing the database I am using the hibernate I have two types of class hierarchy Episode 1: class guardian {name of private long id private string; } Classroom Children {Personal Parents parentId; The name of the private string; } Episode 2: class guardian {name of private long id private string; Private listing & lt; Child & gt; children; } Class child {private string name; } What is my better view of my question? It depends on how you handle your parents' relationship and Want to use. The case 1 is good if you want to access only the parents with the child and the owner of the child guardian. Case 2 If you want to reach the list of children from parents then it is good, but there is no reference to parents in the individual child. This time the parents become the owner of the child and you can control the cascading as if you remove your parents, then you can remove all the children associated with it. I personally like a case 3 which i

graphing - Is it possible to represent a formula in SVG? -

Is it possible to represent a formula in SVG? For example, y = x ^ 2 should be deepened as parabola. I have created something like this using a graphical tool, but when I saved SVG and checked the file, it was a & lt; Path & gt; is created with many, many points, which defeated the idea of ​​using vectors; It's more like pixel encoding. No, SVG has not supported the way with an arbitrary formula. It only supports cubic and quadratic beijing curves, and elliptical oscillations. The quadratic beige curve permits the drawing of the subdivision blocks, but it is specific that a graphing calculator type program will not take advantage of it.

java - Remove item from "Android Private Libraries" grayed out. Cannot remove jar -

I have an eclipse project and I am trying to update a library in a new jar file. Although the eclipse project will not let me remove the old library? I closed the eclipse and removed it manually from the folder and tried to capture it but it still will not let me compile because the old "jar file is missing" < P> Any ideas? Image Update: I had the same question and the following solution works for me. In the Orders and Exports tab, click the Android Private Libraries checkbox and click OK to save. Reopen this property page and you will find that the old library has been updated. I do not know that this is only a bug in Eclipse Hope it helps!

amazon web services - Error when taking snapshot of volume -

I want to create a sanpshot of a volumne, but get an error Error: : - Local_Action: Module: ec2_snapshot volume_id: vol-3bca8f4d Description: Volume snapshot I execute it as executable-playbook Am My responsive version 1.6.5 What's wrong with this yml file ?? When you use local_action: , you can modify the module name The first parameter is called (without "module") and continue with each parameter as if you were writing it in the normal way. - local_action: module param1 = first param2 = second in your case: - local_profile: ec2_snapshot Volume_id = vol-3bca8f4d descript ion = "snapshot of volume" Or, if you prefer multi-level: - local_action: ec2_snapshot volume_id = Vol-3bca8f4d Description = "Snapshot of Volume" If you do not want to remember the difference between the syntax, you can do this: - ec2_snapshot: volume_id = vol-3bca8f4d description = "snapshot of volume" copy Idi_ to:

vba - Outlook 2010 Running Rules on Outlook Data File -

I have used Thunderbird and now Outlook is running in 2010, PC is a Windows 7 Professional, 64 bit machine, but I use 32. Bit office 2010. I have 8 email addresses, including 4 email addresses: all IMAPs are not an exchange server. I believe that with IMAP, running email from the account inbox means that they are no longer on the server, so other devices can not see them anymore - to be corrected on this. P> Thunderbird I do not copy all the emails to the local folder inbox, after that I have a folder structure under that local folder inbox, I click on a run rule button and it will be relevant to the sub folder (Not copies). As a result, in addition to spam and legal emails without a rule, the Inbox folder is emptied. Outlook2010 I have a VBA routine that executes all the rules in the place and it works fine, I also have to trigger the button. I created my Thunderbird set up by creating my folder structure under the Outlook Data File Inbox. I have created a rule for each

php - search mutidimension arrays -

मेरे पास एक सरणी है जो $ arr = array (array ('contents) '= & Gt; "कोई भी मान",' टैग '= & gt;' & lt; th & gt; '), सरणी (' सामग्री '= & gt; "कोई मान",' टैग '= & gt; "& lt; th & gt;") ...); मैं सूचकांक "सामग्री" का मान गूंजना चाहता हूं इस का प्रयोग करें (लेकिन आपको एरे के बारे में अपने ज्ञान को बेहतर बनाने के लिए दस्तावेज़ों की जांच करनी चाहिए): $ arr = array (array ('contents' = & gt; "कोई मान", 'टैग' = & Gt; '& lt; th & gt;'), सरणी ('सामग्री' = & gt; "कोई मान", 'टैग' = & gt; "& lt; th & gt;")); विदेशी मुद्रा ($ एआर $ टोकन के रूप में) {गूंज $ टोकन ['सामग्री']; }

android - How to draw rounded rectangle shape items in a listview -

How to draw round rectangular shapes in the list view for each item You Size . It can be easily done through XML, set Android: Background = "@ Drawable / Rounded_Rose" in your view. rounded_rows.xml & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Size xmlns: Android = "" Android: Shape = "Rectangle" & gt; & Lt ;! - View background color - & gt; & Lt; Solid Android: Color = "@Android: Color / White" & gt; & Lt; / Solid & gt; & Lt ;! - Here is the corner radius - & gt; & Lt; Corners Android: Radius = "10dp" & gt; & Lt; / Corners & gt;

javascript - Off-canvas mobile navigation with minimal side effects -

problem I'm looking for a JS (jQuery) library that provides closed canvas navigation The mobile device is compatible with the original-like UX, with the minimal impact on the current page and many mobile browsers (FF, Chrome, Android defaults, Dolphin, iOS, ...). It should be as light as possible. Inspiration The script provides a generic JS menu for almost 50 different sites. The only way I can influence their HTML is by using JS (these sites Just add the administrator to & lt; script src = "http: //somewhere_else.xx / ... ). I have a large manipulator with my existing HTML, I go into compatibility issues. / P> Whatever solutions I have made (Too many dom manipers required (poor compatibility) See these, Let's try and make them easy and consistent. http: //www.berriart. Com / sidr / pure CSS solution

ruby - how to pass cookies to another Savon client -

I have two savings clients, where another requires a cookie, such as earlier cookies. I have something like that but the other client's call fails with a 302 error, probably because the cookie is not correct or not set ... client1 = Savon.client (wsdl: "Http: //") response1 = (: authenticate_user, login = & gt; login, passwd = & gt; password) response1_cookies = response1.http.cookies client2 = Savannah Client (wsdl: "") response2 = (: get_user_info, cookies: response1_cookies) How to get me any ideas Should this work get? Savan gem version 2.6.0 httpi gem version 2.2.4

javascript - How can I trim an input element's width to the size of the initial text? -

Should I be sufficiently large enough to determine the initial width of an input element Initial Text for? Example of what I want to get: I tried to set the property width but it does not give me what I want: I get either more white space or the text is truncated. Is this possible? I'm targeting HTML5 browsers only (IE9 +, Chrome, FF), so the css3 solution will be OK. Javascript solutions are also welcomed. Thanks I think the easiest solution is to use the width set To jQuery: $ Each ($ ('input'), function () {$ (this) .css ('width', (($ (this) .val (). Length) * 6 + 'px'));}; Multiply by 6 seemed the best with default font. If you have used custom fonts for input, you may need to adjust it Demo:

ios - Presenting view controller response touch events when modal view controller is presented -

यहां कोड है: UIStoryboard * myStoryboard = [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName: @ "स्टोरीबोर्डनाम "बंडल: शून्य]; UIViewController * प्रस्तुत ViewController = [myStoryboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier: @ "पहचानकर्तानाम"]; प्रस्तुत ViewController.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationFormSheet; PresentViewController presentViewController: प्रस्तुतविज़ुअल नियंत्रक एनिमेटेड: पूर्ण नहीं: शून्य]; प्रस्तुत करने के दृश्य VController किसी भी स्पर्श घटना का जवाब नहीं होगा, लेकिन मैं चाहता हूं कि यह स्पर्श इवेंट ले, मुझे क्या करना चाहिए? किसी भी सुझाव के लिए सराहना! यह अपेक्षित व्यवहार है और आपको सबसे एप्लिकेशन में क्या देखना चाहिए। एप्पल के ऐप स्टोर ऐप आपको इसे खारिज करने के लिए मॉडल फॉर्म शीट के बाहर टैप करने की अनुमति देता है, हालांकि, कुछ खास तरीके से इसे स्वीकार्य है, सीमित तरीके से। यदि आपकी डिज़ाइन पूरी तरह से इसकी आवश्यकता है, तो प्रस्तुत विचार नियंत्रक में एक खिड़की-आधारित इशारे के पहचानकर्ता को सेट अप और फाड़ डालें। उदाहरण के लिए, नल-आ

javascript - Custom directive in angular js -

Why this custom instruction in angular JS is not working for me. I am only receiving users: Users passed in the UserInfo Custom Directory Tags user_directive_index.html file: & lt; Html ng-app = 'app' & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; User Directive & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Div ng-model = 'first controller' & gt; & Lt; Userinfo user = "royalties" & gt; & Lt; / Userinfo & gt; & Lt; / Br & gt; & Lt; Userinfo user = "suede" & gt; & Lt; / Userinfo & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "../ js / angular.min.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = 'app.js' & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; App.js file

ruby - Rails internationalization: %{record} is not being translated -

मेरे पास यह मेरे रेल पर है.पीटीआर- BR.yml: br: त्रुटियाँ : प्रारूप:! '% {Attribute}% {message}' संदेश: restrict_dependent_destroy: एक: "यह नहीं है कि रजिस्ट्रार को पता चला है कि% {record} dependente पर निर्भर है" बहुत से: "अब कोई भी रजिस्ट्रार मौजूद नहीं है जो कि% {record} dependents" / Code> मेरे मॉडल में, मेरे पास यह है: has_many: संस्थाएं, आश्रित: प्रतिबंधित_विरोधी जब भी restrict_dependent_destroy है ट्रिगर,% {record} अंग्रेजी में मॉडल का नाम (बहुवचन) दिखा रहा है, और इसका अनुवाद नहीं किया जा रहा है: "यह किसी भी प्रकार के रजिस्ट्रार को किसी अस्तित्व के आधार पर निर्भर करता है"। मेरे पास एक और फ़ाइल है जिसमें अनुवाद के लिए अनुवाद शामिल हैं: संस्थाएं br: activerecord: मॉडल: संस्थाएं: 'entidades' ? क्या मुझे यहाँ कुछ याद आ रहा है? धन्यवाद अग्रिम! यह एक बग है : limit_with_error संदेश ()। एक वैकल्पिक हल के रूप में आप इसका उपयोग कर सकते हैं: br: activrecord: attributes: entity: # होना चाहिए माता-पिता वर्ग ज

Install MySQL package in R -

I have tried to install a MySQL package in RIS but is unable to install the package properly. I used the code here install.packages ('RMySQL', type = 'source') I'm having an error In the package 'C: / Users / Touchren / Documents / R / Vernary Library / 3.1' (as' Lib 'is not specified) the URL to' Try to download /cran/src/contrib/RMySQL_0.9-3.tar.gz 'content type' application / x-gzip 'length 165363 bytes (161kb) URL Downloaded Download 161 KB * Source * Package *' RMySQL 'Installed ... ** Package' RmYSQ L'successfully Warning examined unexpected and MD5 sums: running command 'sh. Config.confin 'has a status of 127 error: package' RMYSLL 'for configuration * * delete' C: / user / techline / document / r / 'library / 3.1 / rmiosQL' downloaded source package 'C: \ users tacchin / AppData \ Local temp \ rtmp8ihcf \ download_package 'warning message: 1

Android: Get size of Wallpaper -

I have to keep the default size of the wallpaper for the crop intent, because then the user can crop the image to the right size for the wallpaper . I tried it with wallpaper. GetApplicationContext ()). GetMinimumHeight () for GetDrawable () width; // width or for WallpaperManager.testence (getApplicationContext ()). GetDesiredMinimumHeight (); // the same width but it says 960x960 on Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini and can not happen. In my HTC One V it says 960x800 may be it, but I think it's not perfect. Do you know any way to find the size of the wallpaper? This screen is not enough for the dimension, because eg My HTC Wallpaper is larger than the screen because the wallpaper wipes left or right, because the wallpaper runs. You can try to convert your wallpaper into a picture and then width and height from it You can get: WallpaperManager wpm = WallpaperManager.getInstance (getApplicationContext ()); Dry D = wpm.getDrawable (); Int width = d.getIntrinsicWidth

java - Running Gradle appplication with parameters in NetBeans -

I want to run the Gradle application in my netbense with my own parameters. Example: java-jar nameOfJarFile -MyParametere valueOfParameter and what to do to run my application with that parameter needed? Right click your project> Property> Play in LHS Panel> in the Arguments Textfield - with spaces Enter the parameter in between.

javascript - Cocos2d-js EditBox zOrder not working -

मेरी परत पर एक एडिट बॉक्स है। var ebox = new cc.editbox ( सीसीपी (200, 30)); Ebox.setPosition (आकार। विथ / 2 - 50, आकार। हैइट / 2); ebox.setPlaceHolder ( "पासवर्ड"); ebox.setInputFlag (cc.EDITBOX_INPUT_FLAG_PASSWORD); ebox.setDelegate (this); Ebox.setFontColor ({"r": 0, "g": 0, "b": 0}); ebox.setFontSize (20); Ebox.initWithBackgroundColor (cc.size (200, 30), {"r": 0, "g": 255, "b": 0}); ebox.init (); This.addChild (ईबॉक्स, 1); // यह - एक मुख्य परत है फिर मुझे मुख्य परत पर कुछ प्रकार का ओवरले प्रदर्शित करना है this.getParent ()। AddChild ( ओवरले लेटर, 100); ओवरले लेयर - परत रंग से भर गया यह बात यह है कि संपादन बॉक्स ओवरले के ऊपर हमेशा रहता है। ZOrder संपादन कोड के साथ क्यों नहीं है ?? मुझे आपके कोड के साथ एक ही समस्या है मेरा समाधान एक वैकल्पिक हल है आप पृष्ठभूमि के रूप में sprites का उपयोग कर सकते हैं फिर यह काम करता है। var ebox = cc.EditBox.create (cc.size (170, 50), cc.Scale9Sprite.create

Remove reminders using NSPredicate iOS -

I am trying to remove the reminder using NSPddicates, but they are not being removed is my code: < / p> NSPredicate * predicate = [eventStore predicateForIncompleteRemindersWithDueDateStarting: ending [datepicker1 date]: [datepicker2 date] calendar: zero] [eventStore fetchRemindersMatchingPredicate: predicate completion: ^ (NSArray * reminder) for the { (EK Reminders * Reminder in Reminder) {[Reminder for Removing Eventstore: Reminder Commit: Yes Error: Shun E]; }}]; You must also specify the calendar parameter EKESTSTOR * EventStore = [[EKESTSTOR ALLOW] INIT]; NSArray * calendarArray = [NSArray arrayWithObject: [EventStore default calendarForm new events]]; NSPredicate * predicate = [eventStore predicateForIncompleteRemindersWithDueDateStarting: [datepicker1 date] ending: [datepicker2 date] calendars: calendarArray] [eventStore fetchRemindersMatchingPredicate: predicate completion: ^ (Reminder for Reminder * Reminder) {[eventStore removerReminder : Reminder Commit

How to change dns setting using powershell -

I am really confused from where I will populate only two fields in the network adapter settings. Those two fields are preferred DNS and optional DNS, IPs will be dynamically allocated using DHCP. At present, I fill in two fields manually, but I want a power script to do this. I searched the internet but its really misleading. You can try with somebody: Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter "IPEnabled = true" $ Card.EnableStatic ('', '') $ carte.SetGateways ('') $ carte.SetDNServerSearchOrder (@ ('', ' '))

actionscript 3 - How to set limited no of character in a line of textArea in flex -

I want to set 40 characters for each line in textarea. The user should enter the next line after entering 40 characters. I think there is no direct way to do this, you change Event or textInput will listen to the event, and check the number of characters, when the user reaches the limit you need, then you can add new row

XHTML in Outlook, no go? -

I am trying to display the following: & lt ;; Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt ;! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "- // W3C // DTD XHTML 1.0 Stronger // N" ""> & Lt; Html xmlns = "" lang = "en" & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Document title & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Table style = "Background color: #FFFFF; Text-line: center; boundary = 0; cells = 1; cellpadding = 1" & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td style = "background-color: #FFFF; text-align: center;" & Gt; Blabla & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; However, this word displays "blubala" without any background color, it is only in the a

python - Renaming countries in list -

I have a text file, which is formatted with the file name, rating score, and country of origin, which by tab Location on each line is separated: <3p> "3: 0RRBB RTE" (1971) 6.8 West Germany "3K check in" (2002) 4.3 Federal Republic Yugoslavia "3 Mw: Rivers (2008) 7.9 UK "3y" (2008) 8.2 USA "Sun of Three Rock" (1996) 7.8 United States "Third and Bird" (2008) 7.8 UK "3satfestival" (2000) 6.7 Germany My goal is to calculate the average rating score of each country, which works with the code given below, however, I want to change the names of some countries, such as' West Germany 'to' Germany 'so that their rating scores can be combined together, but I have a code that does not work. Rating score for' West Germany 'and' Germany 'are still calculated separately Can i change MovieRating = collections.namedtuple ('MovieRating', ['countryorigin', 'Ratingcore'])

ZEND 2. Union . Add Limit to UNION query -

I have a SQL query like below and I would like to create it in Zend Framework 2. (from the ID ID from the exp_personal_data ORDER city) by select ID ID (select ID id from PD_ unregister) I would like to be a union and add to this limit , By order $ this -> _ select-> Coalition ($ selectPdContest, 'union all'); When I type queries in this way $ this -> _ select-> ($ selectPdContest, 'union all') -> boundary ('10); The query looks like this: (SELECT id as exp_personal_data ORDER based on city limit 10) Union Pd_unregister) Limit only choose firs. I want such a limit will be added. (ID from SEND id as EX_personal_data ORDER from city) UNION (pd_unregister by selecting ID id) LIMIT 10 How to do this in Zend Framework 2 is? Add these lines will work, $ select1 = select new one ( ); $ Select1-> Coalition ($ selectPdContest, 'union all'); $ select3 = Select new (); $ OneTwo = $ select3-> (['sub'

javascript - issue with jquery toggle open/clos -

I have a small beam system and use the button to toggle the message on or off if someone If the message is not open, click on the button 'Lazen' button, opens this message and the text changes occur in 'Shlissen'. I can open the eve message, but can not close them, because the message is closed and once again Opens but shows buttontext, nevertheless' LeZe "I do hope that I think I tried to explain what :) This is my code: This will set the reading to open the message database. & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Function set read ($ id) {$. Ajax ({type: "POST", url: "update_pm_status.php", data: {id: $ id}}); } This message will open or close. & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Function toggle openclose (id) {$ ('# message -' + ID). Slide Toggle ("Sharp"); If (document.getElementById (id) .innerHTML === "Legion") {document.getElementById (id