node.js - Text encoding problems in JSON.stringified() object -

I have index.html, which sends a text to a PHP code This is a node by PHP pdf (curl) JS redirects again to the server, which is inserted in JSON message (UTF 8-encoded)

  // Node.js server file (APJS) - - Get JSN and it A & lt; Script & gt; To save it in the client JS render (index, {json: {string: "mystring"}} / Template to render (index.ejs) var data = & lt;% = JSON.stringify (json)% & Gt;;  

so that I can pass those variables into data in JSON. JSON is a big way out of here, I only wrote a part that creates a bug: The string present here creates "Inwald character" JS bug. What should I do ? Which encoding / decoding / escaping should I use?

I have UTF-8 everywhere, because all my other strings work, even with German or Arabic characters. In this special case, it is "mystring" below which breaks the app:

If I remove characters in red circles then it works.

Here's the string I got in the JSON:

  "Otto \ nTheater-, Konzert- und Gpb \ n \ u2028 \ u2028 Restore \ u00dfe 20 \ U2028 \ n51065 \ u00f6ln \ n \ nNote: 0000-000000-0 \ u2028 \ n Telefax: 0000-000000 \ n \ nEmail: \ u2028 " 

Because this is the text entered by the user, I should handle it, like the characters I do not have access to the PHP part of the code, only for nodes and client js. How can I find and remove these characters in JS?

  <% - JSON .stringify (data) .replace (/ [\ u0000 \ U00ad \ u0600- \ u0604 \ u070f \ u17b4 \ u17b5 \ u200c- \ u200f \ u2028- \ u202f \ u2060- \ u206f \ ufeff \ ufff0- \ uffff] / g, "\\ n")% & gt;  

I have replaced invalid unicode characters (which are valid for JSON but not in JS code) with line breaks. This fixes the problem


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