
Showing posts from July, 2014

c++ - How to get output from other command line interface programs? -

OK I did some research and I could not change anything useful. I am trying to write a program that will receive input from iwconfig (on linux machine). It will then sort through the input, sorting some calculation and output into a database, sorting through input and output is not an issue (either I really hope that it does not happen) but I'm going to use another command line I am reading input from the program, I am struggling with it. I now have a base Hello World program: #include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Cstdlib & gt; using namespace std; Int main () {int numbr = 0; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Hello world!" & Lt; & Lt; Endl; Cin & gt; & Gt; Numbr; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Number is" & lt; & Lt; Numbr; Cout & lt; & Lt; System ("iwconfig"); Return 0; } While running the program, it's all Hello World production, ask for my random input and output it again. This output does not o

javascript - make facebook page post -

I am not using javascript SDK because it is client-side whereas I am making server-side calls. I want to post a page so that I can make an ad creative with it. I can call perfectly right in the Graph API Explorer tool, but I can not do with javascript with the same call (with the same long access token which continues to work in graph explorer). Here's my code: tok = & lt; Valid and ending user token & gt;; Var pg_tok = & lt; Legitimate and never ending page token & gt ;; Var act_id = & lt; Account_id & gt ;; Var pg_id = & lt; Page_ id & gt ;; Var call_to_action = 'INSTALL_MOBILE_APP'; Var fb_app_url = ''; Var Message = 'Test Creative, or Watch'; Var pic_url = '< path_to_my_image' gt; '; Var ROOT = ''; Var pagepost_endpoint = Root + pg_id + '/ feed'; Console.log (pagepost_endpoint); Var pagepos

laravel - parameter mismatch,pattern is a string while replacement is an array -

A login user is trying to send again via their mail. What I want to do after the user clicks on the Forgot Password link, requesting your email to request a form is posted. Email has been posted after, I check that the Email user matches the email in the table and sends the details. Here's my controller: Public work postResendPassword () {$ posted = input :: get (); $ Email = $ Posted ['Email']; $ User = User :: where ('email', '=', $ email) - & gt; first (); $ User_password = $ user- & gt; Password_confirmation; $ User_username = $ user- & gt; User name; $ User_email = $ user- & gt; E-mail; $ From = $ user- & gt; E-mail; $ Theme = "login details request"; $ Message = & lt; H3 & gt; Login details & lt; / H3 & gt; Email: $ user_email login password: $ user_password; Mail ($ $, $ theme, $ message); } How do I go about this and fix this error

C++ Pointers, Linked List Confusion -

I'm trying to create a linked list in C ++. I understand that the code I created is a You should create a node and then progressively link 4 more at the end. Unfortunately, when I see "12 123 1234 12345" as "12 123 1234 12345", I'm seeing "12 12 12 12" and in my main I am unable to cross the list - this bus Crashes. I have the following code: struct listNode {int val; ListNode * Next; }; Int nodeCount = 0; ListNode * addToEnd (listNode * node) {listNode * newNode = new listNode; NewNode-> Val = ++ nodecount; NewNode-> Next = null; If (node ​​== faucet) {newNode return; } ListNode * Current = Node; The court's & lt; & Lt; "\ N \ n"; {If (current-> next == NULL) {current-> next = newNode; } Cout & lt; & Lt; Current-> Val & lt; & Lt; "\ N"; Current = current-> next; } While (current-> next! = Null); The court's & lt; & Lt; Current- & gt; The & lt; & L

python - pygame issue: sprite running over trees -

I'm making a game where you can find an area, always random & amp; The computer generated player, which is a phantom, is supposed to be run on the grass block only, and it should not run in the trees. In other words, the player can only run on the grass. However, despite a few hours of debugging, the player can still walk on the trees, which is quite upset. Clock = pygame.time.Clock () create_world () # Make a map of the world while walking: clock.tick (30) hit = pygame.sprite.spritecollide (player, block, wrong) location = player. Correct.centerx # Tree # Player is defined as the place of return in the case of the player. Player example, Block is a block of all block # blocks. Block class is a feature called 'type'; Grass = 'block' for tree in Pygame.event.get () # tree = 'tree': If E. Type == pygame.QUIT: run = wrong if E. Type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if e.key = = Pygame.K_UP: speed = [-30, 0] #hit [0]. Type == Tree: #Hi

android - Is it possible to apply CLEAR_TOP flag for activity in manifest? -

I have an activity that clears the top (clear = true), whenever that activity starts I intend to do now that I have to start the activity from everywhere and manually add the activity flag ( syntax) to the intent: intent.AddFlags (ActivityFlags.ClearTop) ; Please keep this behavior in the manifest / attribute Attribute Android: Launchmode = "SingleTop" for your Activity More info

xslt - XslCompiledTransform not Resolving import in Powershell -

Using Powershell, I am trying to load an XSLT file in memory, trying to modify it and use it in transforming, but I keep running "XSLT Compilation Errors" being XSLT File is imported (xsl: import href), when I made the path complete, it started working, however, it is not ideal. All files are in the same directory. $ processor = new object system. Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform; $ Settings = New-Object System.Xml.Xsl.XsltSettings; $ Resolver = New Object System Xml.XmlUrlResolver; [Xml] $ xsltdoc = Get-content "transformMe.xslt" # Some XML manipulates ... $ processor. Load ($ xsltdoc, $ settings, $ resolvar); # I left some things to keep the code simple, but there was an error at load ()

c - How to detect the character encoding of command line arguments in mingw -

Is it safe to believe that they are ISO-8859-15 (windows-1252?), Or are there any functions Call it to ask? The ultimate goal is to convert to UTF-8. Background: The cause of the problem arises because XMLStarlet assumes that its command line arguments are UTF-8, under Windows it seems that they are actually ISO-8859 -15 (windows-1252?), Or at the beginning of the main , do the following things: Things work: four ** utf8argv = Malloc (size * (four *) * (argc + 1)); Utf8argv [argc] = null; {Iconv_t windows2utf8 = iconv_open ("UTF-8", "ISO-8859-15"); Int i; For (i = 0; i & lt; argc; i ++) {const char * arg = argv [i]; Size_t len ​​= strlen (arg); Size_t outlen = len * 2 + 1; Four * utfarg = malloc (outlen); Char * out = utfarg; Size_t ret = iconv (windows2utf8, & arg, & lan; & amp; ou, & amp; outlen;); If (rate at lieutenant; 0) {mirror ("iconv"); Utf8argv [i] = null; to continue; } Outside [0] = '\ 0'; Utf8argv [i] =

bash - How can I match a string with brackets and apostrophes in sed? -

I am trying to match and replace the following string: & lt ;% = Host_env% & Gt; & Lt;% = host_entant_id% & gt; & Lt;% = domain_name% & gt; / & Lt;% = products ['as'] ['server_context_worker']%> Any ideas? I have tried: & lt;% = host_env% & gt; & Lt;% = host_entant_id% & gt; \. & Lt;% = domain_name% & gt; \ '\' ['Server_context_worker' \]% & gt; as \ / & lt;% = products \ [' And there are many differences in it, but I have not had any success. You can use class squares (i.e. square brackets themselves) in sed Can match the bracket. In your example, you can do this: $ sed -e's / [[] * []] / {Something new} / '& lt; Sedbrackets.txt & lt;% = host_env% & gt; & Lt;% = host_entant_id% & gt; & Lt;% = domain_name% & gt; / & Lt;% = Products {Something New}% & gt; Leave a comment if it is not the replacement you are looking fo

go - Google App Engine Golang datastore.Query.GetAll not working locally -

I'm new to Google App Engine and meet some problems with datastore. I continue to have a test wrote the datastore.Query.GetAll method below see .go package to test GaeDatastore_test import ( "fmt" "test" " app engine / Aetest "" app engine / datastore ") fake struct {name string} write function TestAll (T * testing.T) {ctx, _: = aetest.NewContext (zero) to suspend ctx.Close () d = & Amp; Fake { "Hello",} fmt.Println (datastore.Put (ctx, data store .NewIncompleteKey (ctx, "test", nil), d)) fmt.Println (datastore.Put (ctx, datastore.NewIncompleteKey ( ctx, "test", nil), d)) fmt.Println (datastore.Put (ctx, datastore.NewIncompleteKey (ctx, "test", nil), d)) q: = datastore.NewQuery ( " Test ") MS [] Fake q.GetAll (ctx, & amp; ms) fmt.printf ("% # V ", ms)} When I If I run a test file using blockquote> goapp test it is not return 3N I have stored the datastore

ios - CALayer zPosition ordering with extremely large values -

I have attended an issue where the core animation appears to be zPosition for my values Ignoring the values ​​become larger. example It can be easily replicated CGFloat largeZPosition = 1000000000; CALayer * topLayer = ... CALayer * bottomLayer = ... belowLeather.frame = CGFFetset (toplinerframe, 50, 50); TopLayer.zPosition = Big ZPosition + 1; Downlayer ZPosition = Large ZPosition; // Sort arithmetic array in wrong order RootLayer.sublayers = @ [header, bottom letter]; With small values ​​for z-position, this function, as expected, even if the sub-column array is not sorted correctly, the bottom side is displayed on the top side Such as: However, the examples shown above , The result is as follows: Obviously this is not right. Question I'm unable to classify manual inventory for my needs, so I'm relying on zPosition to perform as expected So my question is: How do I work around this problem? Thank you. That's because Quartzcore has been

Avoid ServiceStack creating multiple UserAuth with the same email address -

How can I not create multiple user names with the same email address in the service stack? I do the following: Create an account using credentials (user + pass) & amp; Log in Log in Sign in using Facebook (The email address used in the credentials) This is a new UserAuth And therefore the new user Is it possible to tell the user who is trying to sign in to use Facebook that an account with an email address already exists? I looked at the FacebookAuthProvider subclassing and override the authentication but I do not have access to email yet there is another way from Facebook that I need to override? A similar question is here, but is not it the solution? Service stacks now confirm e-mail returned by OAuth providers , Where now a userAuth with an existing email authentication is already unsuccessful and with error message token (HTML / for web browser requests) is redirected: / otherwise if they already have a If authenticated with existing email, then Faceb

How to initialize the starting path in Qt treeview? -

I want to initialize the early pioneers in QT Trywuv the User Home on Linux Ubuntu. I tried this code But that does not work. QString spath = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx"; Dirmodel = New QFileSystemModel (this); Dirodel-> Set filter (QDir :: NoDotAndDotDot | QDir :: AllDirs); Dirmodel- & gt; SetRootPath (sPath); UI- & gt; TreeView-> SetModel (dirmodel); I have tested spath: / home / $ {HOME} / home / Kaspr / Music Nobody does anything. = [ How to solve this? Thank you for your help. model setRootIndex Calling is required: ui-> treeView-> SetRootIndex (dirmodel-> Index ("/ home / Casper")); or for any home directory (also works on Windows, OSX, etc.): ui- & gt; Tree view-> Setter Index (Darmodel-> Index (QDir :: HOMEPATH ());

C# string passed as an function argument -

स्ट्रिंग माइस्ट्रिंग; शून्य लिस्टस्ट्रिंग (स्ट्रिंग मायस्ट्रिंग) // यह माइस्ट्रिंग कॉपी की गई है। {// मेरीस्ट्रिंग के लिए लेखन माइस्ट्रिंग [0] = 'बी'; // इसे बदलना सिर्फ कॉपी बदल रहा है} शून्य रीडस्ट्रिंग (स्ट्रिंग मायस्ट्रिंग) // क्या यह मैस्ट्रिंग कॉपी हुआ है, क्या मैं बिल्कुल नहीं लिख रहा हूं? {If (mystring [0] == 'a') // केवल स्ट्रिंग DebugConsole में संपत्ति मिलती है। लिखें ("मैं सिर्फ अपना स्ट्रिंग पढ़ता हूं और पहला अक्षर 'a'"); } हैलो मुझे आश्चर्य है कि, ऊपर दिए गए मामले में, संकलक दो फ़ंक्शन को भेद करेगा और MyString को फ़ंक्शन के रूप में संदर्भ या इनलाइनिंग के द्वारा रीस्टस्ट्रिंग फ़ंक्शन को अनुकूलित करने का प्रयास करेगा। यदि यह मामला नहीं है, तो क्या करना चाहिए यदि मेरीस्ट्रिंग को बहुत ही नकल की उपेक्षा करना बहुत बड़ा है? धन्यवाद। कंपाइलर के ऑप्टिमाइज़ेशन के बावजूद (जो, नहीं, जो भी वैसे भी एक अंतर नहीं होता है), string टाइप करें सी # में हमेशा संदर्भ से पारित किया जाता है । इसके अलावा, स्ट्रिंग संदर्भ अपरिवर्तनीय है। इसका

knockout.js - how can I make a nested foreach with child foreach is base in parent id in knockoutjs? -

यह नमूना html है: & lt; div class = "order" डेटा- बाँध = "foreach: आदेश" & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "चेकबॉक्स" आईडी = "ऑर्डर" & gt; & lt; h3 class = "merchant_name" डेटा-बाइंड = "टेक्स्ट: मर्चेंटनाम" & gt; & lt; / h3 & gt; & LT; घंटा & gt; & Lt;! - ko foreach: विवरण (पैरेंट आईडी में परम यहां आधार) - & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "आइटम" & gt; & Lt; a href = "#" & gt; & Lt; img alt = "img" डेटा-बाइंड = "attr: {src: Image}" / & gt; & Lt; / a & gt; & Lt; p class = "hide" & gt; & lt; a href = "#" डेटा-बाइंड = "क्लिक करें: $ parent.RemoveOrder" & gt; & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; p class = "संपादित करें tm-modal" & gt; & lt; a href = "# edititem_1" डेटा-बाइंड = "क्लिक करें: $ parent.EditOrder" & gt; &

c++ - Do boost ASIO sockets automatically use multiple network interfaces? Efficiently? If not, how? -

I am trying to determine whether the promotions would be done by the customer & amp; Server Endpoint will automatically use all available network interfaces I have read both of them that I have found on this topic, and it seems that this is, but which interface is chosen, if it is? Can the server end the connection on all the interfaces to accept the connection? Whether a client endpoint automatically wants the best connection, for example, where an internet connection is connected to a local area, the geographically closest nodes are available through a device, but so far on the Internet Better connectivity devices to the rest of the world? If they do not use all available interfaces automatically, how can they be made to do this? Can a server closepoint accept connections on all interfaces? Yes. Whether a client endpoint is automatically available for example, where an internet connection is connected to a local area, the geographically closest nodes are ava

visual foxpro - word image watermark automation -

The word teamwork 2010, I need to keep the image watermark on all pages I went to record macros and accurate ActiveDocument.Sections (1) .Range.Select ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.SeekView = wdSeekCurrentPageHeader want to know Selection.HeaderFooter.Shapes.AddPicture (filename: = "Image.jpg", LinkToFile: = False, SaveWithDocument: = True). Select the selection. ShapeRange.Name = "WordPictureWatermark11907540" selection. ShapeRange.PictureFormat.Brightness = 0.85 Selection ShapeRange.PictureFormat.Contrast = 0.15 selection. ShapeRange.LockAspectRatio = True selection. ShapeRange.Height = CentimetersToPoints (20.32) Selection. ShapeRange.Width = CentimetersToPoints (27.09) Selection ShapeRange.WrapFormat.AllowOverlap = True Selection.ShapeRange.WrapFormat.Side = wdWrapNone Selection ShapeRange.WrapFormat.Type = 3 Selection ShapeRange.RelativeHorizontalPosition = wdRelativeVerticalPositionMargin Selection.ShapeRange.RelativeVerticalPosition = wdRelativeVertical

javascript - Resize text simultaneously while resizing textarea -

Resizing the texture, resizing the text simultaneously. Below is my code below is my jQuery, what do I have to do with the click function is different? Not sure though that I would like some advice in deciding this. JSField: (JSFIDID was not allowed to post here, here it is that http: // $ ("# ATx"). Click (function () {$ ("# dvtx"). Enclosed ('& lt; textarea rows = "3" id = "ateext"> type here & lt; / textarea & gt;');} ); Var diagonal SCL; Var txSiz; Resizeable ({resizeable}: $ {function () (resizeable) (resize) ('resize', '#text', function: (Event, UI) {DIAGONAL SCL = DIRCANSWITS (); TxSIS = ParsInt ($ ("#text" ) .css ("font-size");}, resize: function (E, UI) {var diagon SCLN = dicard squares (); var proportion = diagonal SCLY / diagonal SCL; $ ("#ttext"). ("Font-size", txsys + proportion * 3);}});}); Function Diagonal Sw

ruby on rails - How to rename index path in routes file? -

index पथ का नाम कैसे बदला जाए? मार्ग आरबी संसाधन: कार्यों, = को छोड़कर & gt; [: बनाएँ] करो संग्रह करते हैं .............. अंत सदस्य करते हैं ............. एंड एंड / कार्य के बजाय URL मुझे / ट्रिगर या यहां तक ​​कि / tasks / trigger की आवश्यकता होगी, im < कोड> रेल 3 । मैंने कोशिश की 1। संग्रह करें '/', के लिए: 'कार्य # ट्रिगर' अंत और 2। संसाधन: कार्यों, = को छोड़कर & gt; [: बनाने] को '/ कार्य' प्राप्त करें: 'कार्य # ट्रिगर', जैसा कि: task_index end दोनों को त्रुटियों फेंक दो। कोई भी विचार? URL के लिए '/ ट्रिगर' जैसे मार्गों में जोड़ें। Rb: प्राप्त करें 'ट्रिगर' = & gt; 'कार्य # इंडेक्स' यूआरएल के लिए जैसे '/ tasks / trigger' modifies routes.rb: संसाधन: कार्य, except = & gt; [: बनाना] कलेक्शन करते हैं 'ट्रिगर' = & gt; 'कार्य # इंडेक्स' एंड एंड यदि ट्रिगर, 'कार्य # इंडेक्स' के रूप में नामित कार्य के नियंत्रक में आप

javascript - what is the difference between require and require -

What is the difference between the two without almonds? is required (requires 'module' (['module']); edited Which are nested: defined (function () {requires ('module');} < P> define (function () {required (['module'])}} returns a needjs error (which suggests using the ladder) . The reason I am asking, I file: principium.js > / ** * The main module which provides Defines, / / ​​defines the public interface for piimo (function (requirement) {convert = needed ('principium / convert'); // return module value. Return {convert: convert};} ); The Library Module gives the main module. File: lib / main.js Define (function () {// use special top-level almonds, get synchronous // to get the last module value When required, and export it as a public // value. Requires return ('Principium'); }); In this example, it uses almonds for the requirement of principium ( returns required ('pri

ruby - Creating new Tags -

Just wondering whether it is possible to create a new GIT tag using rugged. If so, one example would be greatly appreciated. I am basically trying to create / move / delete tags on Oud. You can see some examples in: @repo = sandbox_init ("Testrepo.git") @tag = @ repo.tags.create ('annotated_tag', '5b5b025afb0b4c913b4c338a42934a3863bf3644', {: message = & gt; "test tag message \ n" ,: tagger => gt; {: name = & Gt; 'Scott' ,: Email = & gt; '',: time => time.nah}}) To delete, see: tag = @ repo.tags ["test"] @ Repo.references.delete (tag) @ repo.references.exists? >

npm - How do i grab the dependencies in my bower.json file after i clone the repo? -

I have a project set up with Bootstrap, Bras, Hirsute, Compass, NPM, and all things. I am keeping it on the repo in beatbuck. I have cloned the repo, got all the files, but now I do not remember for my life how I was in Bover. I take the dependency from the JS file. I'm looking to install "node module" and "sliced ​​components" directory, and dependency in them. I'm googling like crazy but all im looking at stuff "setting up stuff" I thought it was 'bower init' but thats not doing it Thank you so much people install bower Code> bower.json file will install dependencies. Bover follows the same conventions that most CLI applications do, where you can add - help flag to your order to get more information. ➜ ~ bower --help ---------------------------------- ------- Update available: 1.3.7 (currently 1.2.8) Run NMP Update - To update G -------------------- --------- ----------- Use: Interest & lt; Command & gt

error while trying to connect to Oracle database 11g using groovy scripting in soapui -

आयात करें java.sql.कनेक्शन आयात groovy.sql.Sql connectionString = "jdbc: oracle: thin: / user / Pwd @ mshist "def driverClassName =" oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver "; Sql = sql.newInstance (connectionString, driverClassName); Def पंक्ति = sql.execute ("PROCESS_ORDER से चुनें"); //java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver:error पर लाइन: 7 < P> आपको अपने एचीटेक्चर के लिए जेडीबीसी (जावा डाटाबेस कनेक्टर) प्रदान करना होगा। बस Google "ओरेकल जेडीबीसी", या आप अपने डेवलपर्स से एक यह पूछने के लिए कह सकते हैं - उन्हें सबसे अधिक निश्चित रूप से यह होगा। इसे SOAPUI_HOME / bin / ext में रखें और फिर से प्रयास करें। एक बार जब आप पिछले हो जाते हैं, तो आप जिस संस्करण का उपयोग कर रहे हैं, उसके आधार पर आपको निम्न की आवश्यकता हो सकती है: ("oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver")

how to split a *.pptx file into multiple slide in visual studio 2013 by the help of C#? -

I am able to split a file when using the extension ".ppt" to Text "itemprop =" text "> You * .pptx file can be converted to * .ppt file before splitting it into * .ppt file. Some sample code for your reference: System Using; System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using PowerPoint = Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint; using Microsoft.Office.Core; Maspace pptxTOppt {class program {static zero main (string [] args) {PowerPoint.Application app = New PowerPoint.Application (); String source Pptx = @ "c: \ test.pptx"; String Target Ppt = @ "c: \ Test.ppt "; Object Missing = Type.Missing; PowerPoint.Presentation pptx = app.Presentations.Open (sourcePptx, MsoTriState.MsoTrue, MsoTriState.MsoTrue, MsoTriState.msoTrue); Pptx.SaveAs (targetPpt, PowerPoint.PpSaveAsFileType.ppSaveAsPowerPoint4 ); App.Quit (); }}} Referred to the link given below:

sql - How should a stored proc creation script look like for db2 9.5 w/o compat vector? -

Any "alternate process" or "if it does not exist" data Studio and clp / control Center statement terminator change individual signal helpmeet many overloaded version of SP can go. have to leave all of them There is no built-in SP to leave another SP, correct me if I'm wrong I compound statement dynamic SQL can not execute, so you need a temporary process All these short results are very heavy script headers: - & lt; Script Option Description Terminator = "^" /> - # Set terminator ^ crazy processed db2 instantip_m_drop_prodes () BEGIN announcement @STMT VARCHAR (10000); Select V1 where syscat.procedures the SPECIFICNAME PROCSCHEMA = 'D22INST1' and PROCNAME = 'CREATE_OR_UPDATE_ARCH' SET @STMT = 'DROP SPECIFIC PROCEDURE DB2INST1.' || SPECIFICNAME; EXSTUTE Instant @STMT; For the end; END ^ CALL db2inst1.tmp_my_drop_procs () ^ drop process Db2inst1.tmp_my_drop_procs ^ Create process db2inst1.CREATE_O

java - how to print logback internal errors and status logs? -

I am using the logback API and my squared path has a logback.xml that looks like this & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" standalone = "no"? & Gt; & Lt; Configuration scan = "True" & gt; & Lt; ContextListener class = "ch.qos.logback.classic.jul.LevelChangePropagator" & gt; & Lt; ResetJUL & gt; True & lt; / ResetJUL & gt; & Lt; / ContextListener & gt; & Lt; Epander class = "ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender" name = "STDOUT" & gt; & Lt; Encoder & gt; & Lt; Pattern & gt;% d {HH: mm: ss.SSS} [% thread]% -5 level% logger {36} -% msg% n & lt; / Pattern & gt; & Lt; / Encoder & gt; & Lt; / Appender & gt; & Lt; Epander class = "ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender" name = "FILE" & gt; & Lt; File & gt; / $ {Path} /logs/application.log</file> & Lt; Rolling p

Add warning messages to ILineBreakpoint in Eclipse -

I wrote a custom remote debugger for a specific environment, however, the remote environment makes many customizations that move the fragment of the original code Or delete it and therefore it can not accept all breakpoints. Before the debugger session starts up and connecting to the remote runtime, we can not predict which breakpoints can not be set. I would like to put these breakpoints because they are set in the editor, but when the debugger starts, it should tell the user somehow that some breakpoints are invalid I think this breakpoint should look differently, but I want to API methods are not found for the purpose. I tried to set up IMarker features like IMarker.PROBLEM and IMarker.EVERITY, but this did not help, what is the best way to do this? This code snippet from the Eclipse Debugger Guide is probably what you are looking for: Public PDALineBreakpoint (IRsource resource, int lineNumber) throws CoreException {IMarker marker = resource.createMarker ("org.ecli

php - Automatic indentation of HTML output? -

I want to automatically point out the output HTML via PHP scripts. I take the HTML Purifiers for internal textbox input form verification, and HTMLTidy in mind, however, since HTML depends on pure HTML clean, which has not been actively developed and has many bugs in it. Reported, I was looking for something else. I have found: Is this a good option? - Is there any way to process another script or output? As I am indenting in a fairly laborious way, for example (the part of the function that takes the indentation argument): Repeat str_repeat (" \ T ", $ indentation). "& Lt; ul & gt; \ n"; Foreign currency ($ value as $ value) {echo str_repeat ("\ t", $ indentation) "\ t . Datetime_converter ($ value ["date"]). "-" $ value ["paragraph"] "& lt; / li & gt; \ n"; } Echo str_repeat ("\ t", $ indentation) "& lt; / ul & gt;"; Thanks! This is my inde

Retrieve system default Android contact picture path (address) -

/ P> content: // However, that path does not work on all devices, for example, The above default image path is different in Samsung Galaxy S4 . I could not find the correct answer by searching. For example, the same question I am facing does not solve the problem. The following image has two types of profile images, one is default and the other is custom: Then, how to get contact profile default image path from each device? I had only one problem in the past. The best and simplest solution is to add your own default contact. Edit Edit: This Android default contact is quite easy for PGG image search And add it to your own docs folder by placing it in your contact layout. Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" Android: src = "@draubable / default image" /> & lt; QuickContactBadge Android: AD = "@ + ID / Contacts"

.net - MVC 5 HTML custom helper with content -

Is it possible to write a custom HTML helper, which contains some content, its body similar to BeginForm? I want to write a helper which only shows a section when the user has a special role like this: @ html.DisplayForRoles ("Users, Manager ") {& lt; Div & gt; You can either admin or manager & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; Other accessories & lt; / Div & gt; } Yes, yes it is. What you want to do to create an HTML helper extension, there are several good guides, which I will not reproduce here, such as or

sql server - Could not allocate a new page for database because of insufficient disk space in filegroup -

I am getting this error in the log when running a program in SAS included in SQL Server 2008: Execute Error: ICommand :: Execute Failed. : The statement has been terminated: Due to insufficient disk space in the file group 'CURRENT01', a new page could not be allocated for the database 'databse'. Make the necessary space by excluding objects in the file group, adding additional files to the file group, or setting the autogrowth for the existing files in the file group. I am looking for similar problems and I can not really see the solution. I am pretty sure there is enough room in our database. Can this be anything related to the work? I am quite new to SQL Server For your help, thanks in advance, Check the settings for the data file in that file group. Most likely that the upper limit of their upper limit has been fulfilled, where you have an empty space, no matter what the situation is. You can find these settings from the management studio: Click Dat

javascript - How to update markerClusterer count show on Clusterer using Gmap4Rails in rails -

I have the filter marker based on the code below filters = [ 'Office', 'home'] $ .eec (, function (i, marker) {if (filter.lambi and lt; 1) { (marker);} and if (filter Indexoff (Marker .type) & gt; -1) { Marker (Marker);} and { (Marker);}}); This code hides that marker, but the clusterer count is not updated on its map. How to update Clusterer count on the map Please try with this code handler = ('Google'); Handler.buildMap ({Provider: {}, Internal: {id: 'map'}}, function () {markers_json = & lt;% = raw @ json.to_json%>; Gmaps.markers = ( Markers_json, function (marker_season) {marker = marker (marker_jsan); _extension (marker, marker_jason); return marker;}) handler.bounds.exthanth (GMAPS) markers; handler. Special metatbots ( );}); Try this code to handle events handler.clusterer.clear (); $ .eE (GMAP.markers, Function (

oracle11g - PL/SQL wrapper for c# .net example -

After I have AC # dll and I've imported it into Oracle database. or replace "$ ORACLE_HOME \ bin \ clr \ test_dll" Library Test_dll; Testing of execution _dell executed; How to create a function for each method? This object is a C example with the external language C name "C_InBodyOld" reference parameters (references, X INT, Y, STRING, z OCIDATE) in the form of process plsToC_InBodyOld_proc Library SomeLib (BINARY_INTEGER, Y VARCHAR2, Z, DATE x); How does it look like for C # .net? using C #, you either use PL / SQL, or Java, or C As I am aware, you can call classes of your dll using classes through either OCI or OCCI interface and it is impossible to write stored procedures, check for more information. UPDATE This is not true. As @ Stephen Drew wrote in the comment that you can write stored procedure

html - jquery ui resizable() not working -

लिंक HTML & lt; div class = " खाली UI विजेट सामग्री "& gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "सेटिंग्स-मेनू" & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; सीएसएस .empty {ऊंचाई: 50px; प्रदर्शन क्षेत्र; बाईंओर तैरना; स्थिति: रिश्तेदार; मार्जिन: 6 पीएक्स 0; चौड़ाई: 100%; पृष्ठभूमि: ग्रे; } JS $ ('खाली')। Resizable (); क्यों, ओह ऐसा बुनियादी सामान क्यों होता है? समस्या jQuery और jQuery UI के संस्करण है। jQuery के संस्करण 1.9 के रूप में ब्राउज़र () विधि को हटा दिया गया है। समस्या को ठीक करने के लिए आप पुस्तकालयों के भिन्न / पुराने संस्करणों का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। jQuery.browser () विधि jQuery 1.3 के बाद से पदावनत की गई है और इसे 1.9 में हटा दिया गया है। यदि आवश्यक हो, तो यह jQuery के माइग्रेट प्लगइन के भाग के रूप में उपलब्ध है। हम एक पुस्तकालय जैसे मॉडर्निज्र के साथ सुविधा का पता लगाने का सुझाव देते हैं। या शायद अगर आप प्लगइन के पुराने संस्करण का उपयोग नहीं करना चाहते हैं, तो उपयोग करें।

grails - Dc crossfilter hide particular selection -

Working on a grails application, in which I am using a DC-cross filter which is a 5 times graph that Are connected to. / P> Now, I want to do a simple thing here: 14 times for my first time in the graph (X sections and 1 "all" graph) The problem here is that the presence of " all " in the article actually spoils every other In the form they are very few (the sum of all X numbers of all departments), so each department number is so low that it is clearly not even clear. However, loading data is very important for "all" , since all the remaining 4 times the chart is filtered for "All" is. So, is there a way to do that, how can I do this before loading the data even after hiding "all" in the graph? Is this also possible? There should be some simple steps to do this. All approaches / suggestions are most welcome. Update: Code: This is the part where I define groups and dimensions var DevValue = facts.dimens

Condition in for loop of C -

I have created a typo today, and then the code below can be compiled successfully: < Pre> # include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; Int main () {int i; For (i = 0; 1,2,3,4,5; i ++) printf ("% d \ n", i); } I can not understand why 1,2,3,4,5 may be Is it considered as a condition? You are using Comma operator 1, 2 , The value of 3, 4, 5 is 5. More commonly, the value of a, b is b . In addition, the value of f (), g () is of g () , but both subexpressions f () and G () is evaluated, so both functions are called.

java - Is it necessary to instantiate an object of the outer class when only the inner class object is needed? -

मेरे भीतर का एक वर्ग है जो मेरी कक्षा में Runnable का कार्यान्वयन है I जैसा कि मैंने अपने आवेदन को डिबग कर रहा था मैंने देखा कि मेरे भीतर के वर्ग के किसी वस्तु का तात्पर्य भी बाहरी के कन्स्ट्रक्टर को आह्वान करता है। अच्छा, यह तब होना चाहिए जब से मैं इस तरह के ऑब्जेक्ट को तत्काल प्रदान कर रहा हूं: नया बाहरी क्लास ()। नया इनरक्लास (...) और यह स्पष्ट है कि कॉल OuterClass () । मेरा कटौती यह है कि प्रत्येक InnerClass ऑब्जेक्ट के लिए OuterClass का एक नया ऑब्जेक्ट बनाया गया है। तो मेरा सवाल यह है कि हर बार एक नया बाहरी क्लास ऑब्जेक्ट बनाना जरूरी है? क्या बाहरी कक्षा के ऑब्जेक्ट का निर्माण नहीं करने के लिए ऊपर के बगल में कोई अन्य तरीका है? मेरी बाहरी कक्षा में केवल स्थिर सदस्य हैं, इसलिए मुझे लगता है कि इन्हें ओवरहेड लगता है ऑब्जेक्ट सृजन छोटा है, लेकिन सवाल बाकी है? पीएस 1 प्रयोग के बाद मैंने पाया कि मैं 1 बाहरी कक्षा ऑब्जेक्ट के साथ कई आंतरिक कक्षा ऑब्जेक्ट बना सकता हूँ। तो क्या बेहतर है कि सिर्फ एक "डमी" बाहरी वर्ग ऑब्जेक्ट बनाएं और वहां से अंदरूनी क

datetime - The same Parsing-Pattern for String to Date works once and the other time it fails? -

I download my emails and want them sorted by ACC. To date, some of them are forwarded so that the date of the email is forwarding date, but the original date should be skipped. Here are the parts of the forwarded email: + OK 5522 octet return path: ... id lg7sm19095682wjb.9.2014. ... cipher = ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA bits = 128/128); ... Friday, 01 Aug 2014 01:02:00 -0700 (PDT) Message ID: ... Date: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 10:02:04 + 0200 : ... Content-type: text / plain; Charset = UTF-8; Format = streamed communication-transfer-encoding: 8 bit -------- origin-nashrich -------- ..... Data: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 18:18:18 +0200 (CeSt) von: ... If I try to catch the date of the original email (< Strong> Date: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 10:02:04 ) This match and paras work perfectly! # ** Date of sending actual email **: Date: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 10:02:04 +0200 if ($ match-match 'date: \ w [e-ja -Z] + \ W + (\ d +. + \ \ D \) [w] \ {$ a = [Datetime] :: Parsexact ($ m

PHP, Magento, issue with overriding file -

I want to override the core file (core / Maggie / catalog / product / Suchi.afpi) it app / code / In the local, the company name should look like / overlapping path. Name / extensionName / ?. Let's say you are going to override the file - App \ code \ Core \ Dana \ Catalogs \ block \ Products \ List.php or you can override it by copying it App \ code \ local \ Dana \ catalogs \ block \ Products \ List.php the path or you can override it using the rewrite in config.xml and it App \ code hope it is \ local \ COMPANYNAME \ EXTENSIONNAME \ block \ Products \ List.php helps.

Cannot restart haproxy -

I'm trying to restart haproxy when I type Haproxy -f / etc / haproxy / haproxy.cfg I get the following error: [ALERT] 212/124840 (9060): proxy mysql - Start the cluster: can not bind the socket if I type /etc/init.d/haproxy restart < / Pre> Nothing happens. two options: You are not running as root; Possibly you need a pseudo in front of your command to start it on the command line if you are not running as root (check with whoami). Another process, possibly another example of proxy, is already limited to those ports. Check with Netstat -apn.

c# - Get RadGrid row value through a button column in the grid -

I have a button with a button in my redridge, I want to be able to click the button and get its values The row in which the button is located. This line should be done without choosing, I remember that my friend has seen a part of the code in which he used something similar to get the line from ". Parent" or button column. When you click on any button in RadGrid's GridButtonColumn, you can press the button Row and line values ​​can be accessed: In the definition of GridButtonColumn, set its command name with something like CommandName = "Test". . Now add below to access whatever you want for your code-back. In my sample code given below, I get the value in the "whatever" column: protected zero RadGrid1_ItemCommand (Object Sender, GridCommandEventArgs e) {if (e.CommandName == "Test") {GridDataItem Item = (GridDataItem) e.Item; String column whats wav = item ["whatever"]. Text; }}

salesforce - How to import a javascript file in Visualforce Markup? -

How to import a file into VisualForce markup? I am trying to refer to a stable resource in Salesforce with the URL form function. The following script works & lt; Top: Page & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; H1 & gt; My first JavaScript & lt; / H1> & Lt; P & gt; Click the date to display the current day, date and time. & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; Button type = "button" onclick = "myfunction ()" & gt; Date & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; P id = "demo" & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; Function myFunction () {document.getElementById ("Demo"). InnerHTML = Date (); } & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; & Lt; / Supreme: Page & gt; However, I use VisualForce & lt; Top: Page & gt; Refer to the function within and want to implement the following. & Lt; Html & gt; &

javascript - Bootstrap Tour Select First Child Only -

I've added the bootstrap tour to a dynamically created page that uses a loop to create a list in one place. Does. This clearly produces a selector for each element in the loop - a data attribute in my case. The problem is that when there are many examples in a tour element, then the tour popup shows all the elements in the list. I have tried the following but it does not seem to work ...... .... {element: '* [data-bootstrap_tour = "tour-1-1 "]: First child, Placement:" Below ", Title:" My Title ", Content:" My Content Blow Blah Blow "} .... It still has all the elements Selects Data Attribute Tour-1-1

Add element in post array using php -

I have an $ _POST array and I would like to add a key at the very end. So what am I doing, array_push ($ _ POST ['ques_15'], ''); This works but I'm getting a warning Warning: array_push () parameter 1 is array, zero given How can I remove this warning without closing performance errors? I think you just want to: $ _ POST ['ques_15'] = ''; Add this end to $ _POST array value '' key ques_15

Youtube data API version 3 pagination -

I understand that YouTube has next and previous page token in response and we want them to go to the previous and next page Can be used. / P> Example: {key} and part = snippets and maximum results = 20 & Amp; ; Order = viewcount & amp; Q = abc & amp; Type = Video & amp; Videiodurebil = long & amp; Video Type = Film & amp; PageToken = CD323A My question is how do I n page of special search? Please note that some people can see that this is impossible, but I have applied some site to it. YouTube API provides only NextPageToken and previous page talk , is it, sorry: see the document here: You can still take points on one page, but you have to implement the URL by calling it multiple times next page- Each time in your request, and caching results as the token as PageToken . By the way, this question has already been answered here (see 1 point answer of 1): Referring to them

winforms - C# WMPlib Media Player doesn't start -

I create a small #free app to capture random music from my music folder and run it in Windows Media Player I am trying. The following basic tutorials I have implemented the WMPLib Library, such as: public WMPLib.IWMPMedia temp; Private WMPLib Windows Media Player Media Player = New WMPLB Windows Media Player (); Private WMPLib.IWMPPlaylist playlist; I have a bit of long lyrics that needs to be selected with the algorithm that ends with: playlist = mediaplayer Playlist Edit.New Playlist ("Random Playlist"); Playlist.clear (); For (int i = 0; i However, I can not get the program to start playing selected songs. If I go to the playlist manually in WMP, then I can see the generated playlist, and I can run them manually, no problem, but the last two lines can only be ignored, some The playlist is not selected as the present and nothing starts playing. I process it without Start also has tried for the line and it does not open WMP as if WMPLib.WindowsMediaPlay

Issues with Filters in Coherence 3.7 -

I am in the process of implementing the filter in my Co-operation application. Although filter results were read "(Renp) to obtain the object failed: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:" exception public static void main (String [] Arges) {named cache movies = Kasfarencr. Metacas ("movies"); Movie One, Two, Three; A = new movie (XXXX); Two = new movie (YYYY); Three = New Movie (ZWZ); Movies.put ("KKHA", a); Movies.put ("PYAA", two); Movies.put ("KHIL", three); Value Extractor Extractor = New Reflection Actuator ("Dictation"); Filter myFilter = New AxFilter (Extractor, 2.5); Set up & lt; Map.Entry & gt; Set = movies.entrySet (myFilter, null); Any pointers will be appreciated. The code snapshot It looks like you're having trouble with ordering Having been unable to find classes for deserializing engagement. Can you also share the pop file and serializers? (Not 5o digits, so can not add it as a comment)

java - Hadoop is not starting any datanode on windows 7 -

I create a hood on win7-x64. I configured the hoop and when I used to hoop, then it failed to start the detonode. This shows the following error This is turning off Daytonode How can I fix this error? . Thanks 14/08/01 07:36:23 Fatal datanode.DataNode: Start block pool blocks block & lt; Entered & gt; Incompatible clusterIDs in C: (Datanode UUID not assigned) service / 127.0.0 to local host.1: 9000 \ Hadoop \ data \ DFS \ datanode: nam enode cluster id = cid-72 be3471- E6d9-4c1a-9d2c- d66938de8c93; Datanode clusterID = CID-0000641d-13c0-41cd-ad5b-fd5854906ad0 at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.DataStorage.doTransition (Detars on org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode on org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.DataStorage.recoverTransitionR ead ( on Org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.DataNode DataStorage.recoverTransitionR ead (Detastorejkjawa some 25) .initstorage (DataNode. Java: 929) on org.apache.had

python - Regex in Django template tag matches only once -

मेरे पास एक टेम्पलेट टैग है: @ register.filter (name = ' Bknz ') def bknz (text): pattern = re.compile (r "(? पी & lt; start & gt;। *) \ (Bkz: (? पी & lt; bkz & gt;। *) \) (? पी & lt; end & gt;। *) ") लिंक = आर '\ जी एंड एलटी; प्रारंभ & gt; (बीकेज़: & lt; a href =" / baslik / \ g & lt; bkz & gt; "शीर्षक ="% \ g & lt; bkz & gt; खोज ट्विटर "& gt; \ g & lt; bkz & gt; & lt; / एक & gt;) \ छ & LT; अंत & gt; ' Text = pattern.sub (लिंक, पाठ) वापसी mark_safe (text) यह (bkz: कुछ) लिंक करने के लिए बदलता है (bkz: कुछ)। यह ठीक काम करता है लेकिन केवल एक बार। जब मैंने अपने ऑब्जेक्ट में कुछ (बीकेज़: एसटीएच) डाल दिया यह केवल ऑब्जेक्ट में पिछले एक को परिवर्तित संस्करण के रूप में प्रदान करता है। मैं इसे उतना आवश्यक कैसे चला सकता हूं? धन्यवाद। प्रारंभ और समापन समूहों को बाहर निकालें। उनको आवश्यक नहीं है; गैर-लालची मिलान का उपयोग करें ए । कोड> एक regex में एक स mvc - Get current logged in username -

I want to get the user name of the current logged in user. I am using code below but it returns to the user who is identified in the IIS application pool identity. I MVC website is posted on a server I String User ID = System Security Principal. Windows Identity GetCurrent () Name.ToString (); string userid = Environment.UserName; string userid = System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.UserPrincipal.Current.GivenName.ToString (); string userid = system. Web. HTTPPTX.Corrent.USArIndentityNameString () But I do not feel anything to answer the correct answer. I need to get the user name in the constructor of HomeController . Below on my web. Config & lt; Authentication mode = "Windows" /> & Lt; Authority & gt; & Lt; Allow users = "*" /> & Lt; / Authorization & gt; instead of just string userid = system .Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name.ToString () Use it, it will work properly str

How do I convert a string into hash in Ruby? -

I have a file with a value separated by location: Paul Smith 12345678 John doe 23456789 and it needs to be changed to a hash like this: {"Paul Smith" => "12345678", "Louis S. Elena Blisset 34567890 "23456789", "Lucy S. Alana Blisset" => "34567890"} I can follow for CSV but stumped with little CST and new line characters. Thanks for any help! s = & lt; & Lt; _ Paul Smith 12345678 John Alex du 23456789 Lucy S. Alana Blisset 34567890 _ s.scan (/ (. +) (. +) /) To_h Result: {"Paul Smith" => "12345678", "John Alex Do" = gt; "23456789", "Lucy S. Alana Blisset" => "34567890"}

javascript - writestream and express for json object? -

I should be out of depth, but I really want something to work I think a write / read stream Both issues will solve, but I have not understood the syntax or what is necessary to do the work. I read the booklet and thought that I understand some of the basic things, but when I try to apply it in my situation it starts breaking down. Currently, this is the root cause of my knowledge. read the function (x) {console.log ("read" + x [6] + "and top half sent in the cache"); Jf.readFile ("Loadedport / Top" + X [6], 'UTF 8', Function (Error, Data) {resT = Data}); }; I am using the Jsonfile plugin for the node, which basically reduces fs.write and instead of typing, write and read the blocks for fs.write and Makes easy to read Anyway, I want to implement a stream here but I am not sure what will happen to my express end and how to get the object. I suppose because its a stream does not express anything object until it does not receive? Or sho

jquery - Send JSON to Server (ASP.NET MVC4) -

मेरे पास JSON है: [{"id": 1, "user_id": "8", "PROJECT_ID": "1", "मोड": 3}, { "id": 1, "user_id": "8", "PROJECT_ID": "2", "मोड": 1} { "आईडी": 1, "user_id": "8", "project_id": "3", "मोड": 1}] इसलिए, मैं इसे सर्वर पर भेजने का प्रयास करता हूं: $। एजेक्स ({url: "उपयोगकर्ता / अनुमतियाँ_सेट", डेटाप्रकार: 'जेसन', प्रकार: 'पोस्ट', डेटा: JSON.स्ट्रिन्गेईज़ (अनुमतियां_जेएसओएन), सफलता: फ़ंक्शन (डेटा) {Console.log (डेटा);}}}; {/ Code> सर्वर पर: [एचटीटीपी पोस्ट] सार्वजनिक शून्य अनुमतियां_सेट (सूची & lt; अनुमति & gt; अनुमतियां_जेएसओएन) {foreach (अनुमतियाँ_जेएसओएन में विभिन्न अनुमति_प्रकाश_दृश्य) {var permission_from_db = db .Permissions.Where (prm = & gt; prm.project_id == अनुमति_फ्रेम_प्रोफिक्स_id & amp; amp; amp; prm.user_id == अनुमति_फ्रेम_उसेर_आईडी) .FirstOr

xcode - How to load gif image and control that in ios? -

In my application, I want to load GIF images in my scene and also prevents and keeps animating. < / P> Please follow the tutorial below that can help you. Step 1: Download the Library below the URL and add it to your project. Https:// Step 2: Import the file to your "viewController" .h "like below // gifImage // #import" SCGIFImageView.h "// gifImage // Step 3: your" viewController Please make the given item below. " // gifImage // IBOutlet SCGIFImageView * _gifImageView; IBOutlet UIButton * _button; // gifImage // Step 4: Create an account on your "viewController" // gifImage // - (IBAction) Control Antim: (ID ) Sender; // gifImage // Step 5: Add the following code You wanted to use gif image // gifImage // // Load url gif Image ns URL * imageURL = [NSURL URLWithString: @ ""]; NSDTA * I

javascript - jQuery event.stopPropagation() and event issues -

I am creating a jQuery script that adds a pin to a map on the click event, the problem is that I It is necessary that only for his son to work on the map .. This is my code: $ ("div # map"). Click (function (e) {$ ('' div class = "pin"> ''). Css ({left: a_valable, top: one more_varai}). This is; $ (""). Another problem is that under this code I have something like this: function (e) {e.stopPropagation ()}} $ ("") .Musudown (function (e) {if (e.which == 1) {console.log ("bottom"); moving = True; $ (this) .addClass ("moving");} and if (e.j ==3) {console.log ("true");}}); Is this script even built after load? JSField: