javascript - How to update markerClusterer count show on Clusterer using Gmap4Rails in rails -

I have the filter marker based on the code below

  filters = [ 'Office', 'home'] $ .eec (, function (i, marker) {if (filter.lambi and lt; 1) { (marker);} and if (filter Indexoff (Marker .type) & gt; -1) { Marker (Marker);} and { (Marker);}});  

This code hides that marker, but the clusterer count is not updated on its map.

How to update Clusterer count on the map

Enter image details here </ P> </ div> <p> <div class =

Please try with this code

  handler = ('Google'); Handler.buildMap ({Provider: {}, Internal: {id: 'map'}}, function () {markers_json = & lt;% = raw @ json.to_json%>; Gmaps.markers = ( Markers_json, function (marker_season) {marker = marker (marker_jsan); _extension (marker, marker_jason); return marker;}) handler.bounds.exthanth (GMAPS) markers; handler. Special metatbots ( );});  

Try this code to handle events

  handler.clusterer.clear (); $ .eE (GMAP.markers, Function (I, Marker) {If (filter.lambi and lt; 1) { (); handler.cluster.edmark (marker)} and if (filter index Type)) & gt; -1) {handler.cluster. Ed marker); ();} f {marker.hide (); Handler.cluster .removeMarker (marker);}});  


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