java - how to print logback internal errors and status logs? -

I am using the logback API and my squared path has a logback.xml that looks like this

  & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" standalone = "no"? & Gt; & Lt; Configuration scan = "True" & gt; & Lt; ContextListener class = "ch.qos.logback.classic.jul.LevelChangePropagator" & gt; & Lt; ResetJUL & gt; True & lt; / ResetJUL & gt; & Lt; / ContextListener & gt; & Lt; Epander class = "ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender" name = "STDOUT" & gt; & Lt; Encoder & gt; & Lt; Pattern & gt;% d {HH: mm: ss.SSS} [% thread]% -5 level% logger {36} -% msg% n & lt; / Pattern & gt; & Lt; / Encoder & gt; & Lt; / Appender & gt; & Lt; Epander class = "ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender" name = "FILE" & gt; & Lt; File & gt; / $ {Path} /logs/application.log</file> & Lt; Rolling policy class = "ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy" & gt; & Lt; FileNamePattern & gt; / $ {Path} /logs/application.%i.log</fileNamePattern> & Lt; / RollingPolicy & gt; & Lt; Triggering policy category = "ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy" & gt; & Lt; MaxFileSize & gt; 50MB & lt; / MaxFileSize & gt; & Lt; / TriggeringPolicy & gt; & Lt; Encoder & gt; & Lt; Pattern & gt;% date% level [% thread]% logger {10} [% file:% line]% msg% n & lt; / Pattern & gt; & Lt; / Encoder & gt; & Lt; / Appender & gt; & Lt ;! - ~~~ Performance Tracking Logger Configuration (Use PERF4J) || END || ~~~ - & gt; & Lt; Logger name = "com.nucleus" & gt; & Lt; Level value = "DEBUG" /> & Lt ;! - & lt; Epander-Riff Ref = "STDOUT" /> - & gt; & Lt; Epander-Reef Ref = "FILE" /> & Lt; / Logger & gt; & Lt; Logger level = "DEBUG" name = "org.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransaction" /> & Lt; Logger level = "DEBUG" name = "org.hibernate.jdbc.ConnectionManager" /> & Lt; Logger level = "DEBUG" name = "org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaTransactionManager" /> & Lt ;! - & lt; Root level = "info" & gt; & Lt; Epander-Reef Ref = "FILE" /> & Lt; / Root & gt; - & gt; & Lt; / Configuration & gt;  

Now I have the rollback applied to not just working in the production environment. I want to debug it and so want a trace for this logbook API. Can someone suggest what I am doing or may be wrong or what should I do to solve this problem?

System property -Dlogback.debug = true to enable debugging of your lockback setup which will allow you to debug your configuration.


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