Add warning messages to ILineBreakpoint in Eclipse -

I wrote a custom remote debugger for a specific environment, however, the remote environment makes many customizations that move the fragment of the original code Or delete it and therefore it can not accept all breakpoints. Before the debugger session starts up and connecting to the remote runtime, we can not predict which breakpoints can not be set. I would like to put these breakpoints because they are set in the editor, but when the debugger starts, it should tell the user somehow that some breakpoints are invalid I think this breakpoint should look differently, but I want to API methods are not found for the purpose. I tried to set up IMarker features like IMarker.PROBLEM and IMarker.EVERITY, but this did not help, what is the best way to do this?

This code snippet from the Eclipse Debugger Guide is probably what you are looking for:

  Public PDALineBreakpoint (IRsource resource, int lineNumber) throws CoreException {IMarker marker = resource.createMarker ("org.eclipse.debug.examples.core.pda.lineBreakpoint.marker"); SetMarker (marker); SetEnabled (true); Make sure marker (). SetAttribute (IMarker. LINE_NUMBER, line number); Make sure marker (). SetAttribute (IBreakpoint ID, IPDConstant.IDAPDADUUMMODLL); }  


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