
Showing posts from June, 2014

c# - Redirect to new page with ActionResult from ActionLink -

I have tried several ways, which have no luck ... I need a way out of here. Here is my verb link: @ Ajax.exeLink ("remove all", "empty", new ajax option () {HttpMethod = "POST", onbin = String.format ("Please confirm ('Are you certain that you want to permanently delete the item?')) {{Return false;}}", see bag total items), on command = " Location.reload () ",} And my action, I have tried to comment on all the returns: public operations are empty (empty ) {// w Pasi Jason (new // // // redirectUrl = Url ("index", "home"), // isRedirect = true //}) // return redirect toronto (new {controller = "home", action = " Index "}); // Return Redirect (" http: // "); Retro RD Direct Reaction (" Index "," Home "); // Return new Jason result () {data = new {redirectURL} = "/"}}}} Still I can not get it to redirect to a new page: / Any

ssl certificate - IBM Worklight: Self-signed CA implementation in Testing environment with Load Balancer -

मेरे पास परीक्षण वातावरण में निम्नलिखित कार्यान्वयन है, फ्रंट-एंड सर्वर [आईबीएम HTTP सर्वर + आईबीएम वेबस्पेयर प्लगइन], WLServer1 [आईबीएम वर्कलाइट 6.2 + आईबीएम डीबी 2 10.1+ लिबर्टी फार्म] और डब्ल्यूएलएसर्वर 2 [आईबीएम वर्कलाइट 6.2 + आईबीएम डीबी 2 10.1+ लिबर्टी फार्म]। plugin-cfg.xml प्रत्येक वर्कलाइट सर्वर से उत्पन्न हो गया है और विलय कर दिया गया है। अनुरोध [http] मर्ज किए गए प्लगइन- cfg.xml को फ़्रंट-एंड सर्वर के आईबीएम वेबस्पेयर प्लगइन में तैनात किए जाने के बाद कई उपकरणों से वर्कलाइट सर्वर के वैकल्पिक रूप से निर्देशित किया गया है। मैं कैसे लागू कर सकता हूं और साथ ही मैंने वर्कलाइट मॉड्यूल से "UserCertificateAuthenticationProject" कार्यान्वित किया है जो डिवाइस [ HTTPS ] को सीधे वर्कलाइट सर्वर से जोड़ता है। < P> नोट इसे एंड्रॉइड पर ही टेस्ट किया गया। मुझे समझने में सहायता करें, हो मैं आईएचएस के माध्यम से टेस्ट माहौल में एचटीटीपीएस प्राप्त कर सकता हूँ। उत्पादन वातावरण में क्या प्रक्रिया होनी चाहिए? नोट आईबीएम वर्कलाइट 6.2

jms - How Can I Configure ActiveMQ In Geronimo To Use MySQL Persistence? -

I was able to configure it very easily, but could not find a reference that describes how to configure Can anyone help to use mysql instead of resource adapter default? (part internal activated MQ broker with JDBC firmness) < / Html>

python - Passing web data into Beautiful Soup - Empty list -

I have re-examined my code and opened the URL for comparable web data to the beautiful soup for any reason My code does not just return anything, though it is in the right form: gt; & Gt; Beautiful from the BS 4 import & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Urllib3 Import From Poolmanager & gt; & Gt; & Gt; ConnectBuilder = poolmanager.PoolManager () & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Content = connectBuilder.urlopen ('GET', '') & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Content & lt; Urllib3.response.HTTPResponse object 0x00000000032EC390 & gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; Soup = beautiful soup (content)> & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Soup.title & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Traceback (the most recent call final): The file "& lt; stdin>", line 1, & lt; Module & gt; AttributeError: There is no attribute 'name' in the 'NoneType' object & gt; & Gt; & Gt

php - JavaScript variable doesn't work in Laravel -

All the pages of my website have the same title. I have implemented this: extended ('') Now in some pages, send me a successful message and not a page in the other I implemented it like this: back ....- & gt; (Array (sucessfulMessage = & gt; 'asdf')); Please note that I am not only in some pages. Now I want to use that variable in javascript. I did it in layout. Main: & lt; Head & gt; {{HTML :: Script ('/ JS / Jquery-2.1.1.JS')}} @ if (continued (successful message)) < Script & gt; Var successful message = "{{$ successful message}}"; & Lt; / Script & gt; @endif {{HTML :: script ('/ js / myPopupScript.js')}} & lt; / Head & gt; and then myPopupScript.js I did this: $ (document) .ready (function () {if (! Type of successful message === 'undefined') {warning (successful message);} and {warning ("test");}}); My problem Warning always test even if

jquery - how to get <td> value from the closest different <tr> -

I'm closest & lt; Tr & gt; I'm trying to get the third text from which contains only one & lt; Td> The text specified in one of the and text from the nearest / previous and lt; Tr & gt; The "cat" text is in . & lt; Table class = "animals" & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Cat & lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; Dogs & lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; Tiger & lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Dog-1 & lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; Dog-2 & lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; Dog-3 & lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" square = "drop"> Click 1 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Cat & lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; Mouse & lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; Horses & lt; / Td

android - Find objects in SQL database that match a value in a certain column -

मेरे पास ऐसा डेटाबेस है: id | स्तर | पाठ 1 | 1 | ब्लाह 2 | 1 | Blah2 3 | 1 | Blah3 4 | 2 | नमस्ते 5 | 2 | नमस्कार मेरे पास एक ऐसा तरीका है, जहां मैं स्तर 1 में मौजूद वस्तुओं की एक सूची वापस करना चाहता हूं कर्सर कर्सर = db.query (TABLE_NAME, रिक्त, रिक्त, रिक्त, ????, रिक्त, ऑर्डर बीवाई); If (cursor.moveToFirst ()) {करना {पाठ टी = नया पाठ (); t.setId (String.valueOf (cursor.getString (0))); t.setLevel (String.valueOf (cursor.getString (1))); t.setText (cursor.getString (2)); list.add (टी); } जबकि (कर्सर.मॉवटेओनेक्स्ट ()); } वापसी सूची; मैं केवल उन वस्तुओं को अलग करने के लिए क्वेरी पैरामीटर में क्या डालूं जो स्तर 1 में हैं ?? कर्सर कर्सर = db.query (TABLE_NAME, रिक्त," स्तर = 1 ", रिक्त, रिक्त, रिक्त, ऑर्डर बीवाई); आपको WHERE शर्त का उपयोग करके इसे फ़िल्टर करना होगा!

Format XML string in VBScript -

Hey a quick question at the end of a long day. I have a string of unformatted XML (no whitespacing) and I want to create a VBScript function that accepts it as its parameter and create XML format with string tabs and new-rows I have taken a good look around the net and have come close with this Because 'MSXML2.DomDocument' does not support writing for a string from the object what I can tell Did not work. Ive tried to use different properties of the object (tried to 'XML', 'no benefit text', and 'xml.text') all. Simply put, I need a string of dirty XML, and a string of formatted XML outdoors All credits go to Robert McMurray; I recreated my script in the function: clear the options' ******************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************** **** ***************************************************************************

How to use global variables in C to use the same variable in different functions -

I'm new to C, and I'm trying to explain how to use global variables. If I mainly define one then the variables come in undefined form in other functions, but if I define it outside of all the functions, all variables that I want to global are undefined. Any tips about how to use them correctly? Stdio.h & gt; Int foo; four times; Zero changeIN (int neww); Int main (int argc, char ** argv) {foo = 0; ChangeInt (5); Printf ("foo is now% d \ n", foo); Return 0; } Zero changeInt (int newValue) {foo = newValue; } On the one hand, it is not the best practice to use globals, especially in multi-threaded accessories. This is absolutely fine in some applications, but there is always a right way. To be more appropriate, you can declare your variables that you require in the main, then give the function, in which a pointer is modified. Meaning zero changeInt (int * ToChange, int newValue); Int main (int argc, char ** argv) {int foo = 0; ChangeInt (& amp; f

Get ASCII Results in MySql cli Queries -

I am trying to put the following value in mysql table: lT ~ : Uc9% 7 4M ?; ~ = 0 = ^ So I: update table set field = 'lt ~: uc9% 7 \ 04M? ; ~ = 0 = ^ 'where id =' 1 '; When I select I: choose from the table where id = '1'; Result: lt ~: uc9% 7 4m ?; ~ = 0 = ^ I know this is because \ 0 is interpreted as a place. How can i get around this. I need to get the actual value \ < if you want to get value lt ~: uc9% 7 \ 04M ?; ~ = 0 = ^ > Update your table set field = 'lt ~: uc9% 7 \\ 04M ?; ~ = 0 = ^ 'where id =' 1 '; Because backslash is the escape character of MySQL, see Escape sequence | Character shown by sequence --------------------------------------------- - ------ \ 0 | An ASCII NUL (0x00) character \\ | Backslash ("\") character Therefore \ 0 is not interpreted as a location if you want to use a location in a string , Then just use one location.

keyboard - Batch menu with function keys -

Is it possible to use function keys as an option for the batch command input menu F1 - app1 f2 - app2 f3 - app3 I do not think this standard windows It is possible with commands and console applications. A third-party console application will be required which waits for a function key and sets an environment variable in which the strings "F1", "F2", ... or the key of the function key Code, or which extends from the main code of value 1, 2, ... or the function key that is assigned to environment variable ERRORLEVEL . This type of device will be easy to code for example C , but my approach is a waste of time because keys 1, 2, 3 can also be used A batch file and no additional equipment are necessary. @echo off cls echo echo to select the application to run with the proper key: echo echo 1 ... echo echo application 2 ... application echo echo 3 ... Exit the application Z echo echo to run any other key results without any application. Echo Setup /

algorithm - Given a 2D character array find all paths from the top left to the the bottom right -

Look for all possible paths in the lower right corner of the top left corner given a 2D character array. I have the following recursive solutions, can anyone explain how? Apart from this, what is a more optimal solution? I am not familiar with dynamic programming, but I think it can be used to solve this problem in any way. Public array list & lt; ArrayList & lt; Character & gt; & Gt; GetPaths (four [] [] grids) {Return getPaths (grid, 0, 0, new arrelisted & lt; character & gt; ()); } Public Array List & Lieutenant; Outerst & lieutenant; Character & gt; & Gt; GetPaths (four [] [] grids, int x, int y, arrayList & lt; character & gt; path) {ArrayList & lt; ArrayList & lt; Character & gt; & Gt; Allpaths = new arreelists & lt; ArrayList & lt; Character & gt; & Gt; (); Path.add (grid [x] [y]); ArrayList & LT; Character & gt; Path 1 = new arreelist & lt; Character & gt; (Path); ArrayList &a

c# - passing strongly typed list as parameter of generic function -

सूची & lt; redemption & gt; आर = छूट। जाओ (); सार्वजनिक शून्य कन्वर्ट (सूची & lt; T & gt; सूची) {} बोलो में रिडम्प्शन व्यावसायिक ऑब्जेक्ट की सूची है, वहां पास करने के लिए जेनेरिक का उपयोग करने का एक तरीका है प्रसंस्करण के लिए सामान्य समारोह में सूची? कारण मुझे जेनेरिक की आवश्यकता है क्योंकि यह सदस्यों जैसे अन्य प्रकार की सूची को संसाधित करने में सक्षम होना चाहिए। आप यह कोशिश कर सकते हैं: सार्वजनिक शून्य परिवर्तित & lt; T & gt; (सूची & lt; T & gt; सूची) {} यह अब एक सामान्य विधि है इसके बारे में अधिक जानकारी के लिए, कृपया एक नज़र डालें।

javascript - Fotorama - different captions based on if element has attribute -

I am trying to create a custom photo caption caption, depending on whether IMG has a data-title attribute or not. Right now, it is currently being displayed as "undefined", but I would like to completely leave that feature if it is not there. I tried to use the statements / else and tried to verify whether the IMG element has this feature or not, but to no avail. I'm not able to use the "div" floatma approach because I need the gallery and accordingly the size images How does this look like my image tag: & lt; Img src = "images / whatever.jpg" data-caption = "brief description goes here." Data-writer = "additional details here" data-title = "" range = "0" & ​​gt; The code I'm using to create this custom character format is: $ ('. Fotorama') .on ('fotorama: show ', Function (E, FORTAMA) {FONTMA. $ Caption = PHOTARMA. $ Caption || $ (this) .NEWXT ('

javascript - JQuery calling the function -

I am very new to JavaScript / JQuery and I am going through a colleague's code. He has created a very common "FAQ" list on a website, where the answer is not displayed immediately, only then the question shows the answer until the user clicks on the arrow. I'm trying to explain how it worked to get it, I understand all HTML and CSS (it looks okay), but I can not seem to understand how the jacquery will work. Or users will press the arrow on the question to answer the user. / P> The code that is using it is down. Once again, all HTML and CSS are connected, so I think this is just a matter of using the code. If anyone can give any help then he will be appreciated. <("click", "div", function () {return $ (this) .next (). Toggle () .close ("li"). ToggleClass ("arrow_up") Let me annotate my code for you. It uses some short stories which can be a little confusing for beginners. // Select the element with the id

Get referring site IP address in PHP -

I want to implement a referral program for my SaaS product. The partner's link will be on their website which will send their user to my signup form: Being a member id from the partner "201030" I have to make sure that the page request came from my partner site, I know that I have a $ _ server ['HTTP_REFERER'] but which is not secure. Is there a way that I can see the IP address of the site in the context of my webpage with PHP? Post-less "itemprop =" text "> When do you need high security? For example, And can make sure that only the Certified Clients can access the API. When? A referral program can be used like this Security is not required. You have more traffic, better for you. You do not care where it is from Coming when I send my partner program link from someone via Messenger, even there is not even an HTTP_REFERER. Is it possible? It It is very difficult Using the stabl

multithreading - mechanism apart from locking(spin lock, sempahore) for Synchronization -

itemprop = "text"> I know for synchronization in C that there are many mechanisms like spin lock, semaphore, seq lock, conditional variables etc. This is an interview question, "Is there any other way different?" By locking for synchronization "I have said that we can use constraints or use it for our own wait, but it can be useful, in some situations there is no such situation So there is no mechanism other than locking (spin lock, semaphore) for synchronization? Locking in the kernel is expensive except for the above mentioned SAS RCU: Reed-copy-update which separates the update and reclamation information, where both readers and writers can avoid completely locking. The above is not a complete option because it Depending on the matter, what you are trying to serialize. You may also consider using per-CPU data structures and avoiding global expensive locks, it is still synchronized with ISR. It needs to be done, while preepation should be

javascript - HTML Dynamic/Responsive Element Positioning -

I am creating a web app in The page uses a master and he has only two things 1. Gridview below 2. A DIV at the top which I will develop In this view, the top devil or header was frozen This is what I have done so far & lt; Div class = 'fixed header' & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt;% - & lt; Div squares = 'fixed sides' & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; -% & gt; & Lt; Div class = 'scrollable' & gt; & Lt; Asp: GridView id = "GridView1" runat = "server" AllowPaging = "True" AllowSorting = "True" AutoGenerateColumns = "False" DataKeyNames = "RecordID" datasource id = "history" & gt; & Lt; Columns & gt; & Lt; / Column & gt; & Lt; / ASP: GridView & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; css .scrollable {height: 100%; Width: 100%; Margin: 10% auto 0 auto; Border: 1px dashed black; Status: Relative; } Fixed {status: fix

Understanding the difference between FHIR String_ vs String -

I'm trying to understand separately between the use of setText () / setLabel vs. SetTextSimple / setLabelSimple in FHIR reference implementation. Will usage cases require the use of the String_ primitive type rather than the plain old setLabelSimple () approach? I have tried to look at many examples of usage, and I can really see why I support one another, as far as I can see, both do exactly the same way, and the value of the string_ object is a plain old The Java string object is also assigned anyway ... What is the preferred method to use, which someone would suggest? And if so, why? The FHER string has an extension and a XML id: & Lt; Text value = "[text value]" id = "[id]" & gt; & Lt; Extension url = "[url]" & gt; & Lt; Value [x] ... /> & Lt; / Extension & gt; & Lt; / Text & gt; String_ getText () gets a type in which there is a getValue (), and a getXmlId (), and a getExtension () that giv

php - Zend_Http_Client - Response Error- Boolean Invalid -

I am trying to figure out why I got an invalid boolean error while posting to a URL? The error and code is below. Thoughts will be highly appreciated, I can also provide more information. error response: Array ([error] => Array [error code] => 1008 [error type] => validation [error message ] = & Gt; Invalid Boolean Value [obj] => CollectionOn Delivery) [Data] = & gt;) Code: $ Client = new Zend_Http_Client ($ url); $ Customer & gt; SetMethod (Zend_Http_Client :: post); $ Client- & gt; Set header ('host', ''); $ Client- & gt; Set header (Zend_Http_Client :: CONTENT_TYPE, 'application / json'); $ Client- & gt; Set header ('accept', 'app / jason'); $ Client- & gt; Set header ('content-length', strollon ($ payload)); $ Client- & gt; SetParameterPost (array ('collection on delivery' = & gt; wrong, 'job id' = & gt; null, 'invoice' = & gt;

docker - Create a remote private registry -

We are quite new to Doc, but are capable of installing dockers on CentOS 6.4, created images, created containers , And even built a private local registry Our question is regarding the local registry well ... really ... about a remote registry we want to be able to create a registry on a different server and all in one place Nothing is there We have installed a Doker on another VM and run it, but there is a problem finding documentation on how to access the registry remotely. Just looking for some directions or URLs that will show how a remote registry will work. Take a look at the repo - this is a separate project to dock. Their Readme. MD should be enough to get you started.

operators - In php why is it the case that 10 & 10 == 10 returns 0? -

I am messing with PHP operators and I do not understand why < Code> 10 & amp; 10 == 10 Returns 0. It should be 10 to 10 which is right? Comparison operator is from bitwise operators, so that expression can be evaluated: < Pre> 10 & amp; (10 == 10) 10 == 10 evaluates the correct, so you get the 10 & amp; True . Bitwise turns and to true to 1 , so you'll see the 10 & amp; 1 which is 0 . Note that 11 & amp; 10 == 10 result in 1 , because 11 & amp; 1 === 1 .

javascript - Phonegap Timing Issues -

मुझे jQuery मोबाइल और setTimeout के साथ फोनगैप का उपयोग करते हुए समय के साथ समस्या हो रही है। मेरे कंप्यूटर पर चलाए जाने पर सब कुछ पूरी तरह से सुचारू रूप से काम करता है, लेकिन जब मैं इसे अपने डिवाइस पर परीक्षण करने के लिए लगाता हूं, तब समय के लिए समाप्त होने के समय के बीच एक महत्वपूर्ण विलंब प्रतीत होता है और जो कार्रवाई होती है इसमें सबसे बुनियादी रूप में, निम्न टाइमर को 8 सेकंड के बाद चेतावनी बनाना चाहिए क्योंकि यह कंप्यूटर ब्राउज़र में करता है। मुझे लगता है कि यह मेरी आकाशगंगा s5 पर 9.9 सेकंड ले रहा है, जो कि मेरे आवेदन के लिए महत्वपूर्ण अंतर है, विशेषकर जब बड़े मूल्यों का उपयोग करते हैं जैसे कि 60 सेकंड यह या संभावित समाधान का कारण क्या है इसका कोई भी विचार? टाइमर = सेटटाइमआउट (फ़ंक्शन () {अलर्ट ("समय समाप्त हो गया है");}, 8000);

php - Creating Array for PDO Execute Statement -

I'm trying to dynamically create an array for the executable part of inserting the PDO. My working code includes this type of text: $ stmt-> Execute (': fname' = & gt; $ _POST ['fname'], ': lname' = & gt; $ _POST ['lname'], ': email' = & gt; $ _POST ['email '])); My first attempt to create an array: $ insert_execute = array (); Foreign currency ($ column = & gt; $ value as $ value) {array_push ($ insert_execute, ":". $ Column. "= =" "." ". $ Value" "''))} < / Code> But when I try to execute I get a PDO error: SQLSTATE [HY093]: Invalid parameter number: parameter is not defined And when I print the result, then there is an extra parameter: array ([0] => fname = & gt; ; 'Test Name' [1] = & gt; lname = & gt; Final Test '[2] = & gt; Email = & gt; ') How do I remove array_push to remov

ios - SDWebImage images loading out of order -

My images are not loaded in the correct order, even load the first app list. If I'm doing something wrong here, tell me? - (Vistartab Drishykel *) Talikadrishy: (UITableView *) Table View Selforrautindappath: (NSIndexPath *) indexPath {DetailTableViewCell * cell = (Vivrntab Drishykel *) [Talikadrishy dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier: @ "QueueCell"] ; Cell.textLabel.text = _tracks [indexPath.row] [@ "title"]; If (_ thumbnail count & gt; Indekspathkro) {[cell.imageView sd_setImageWithURL: [Ansuar URLWithString: _ thumbnail [Indekspethkro]]]; } Cell.upVoteButton.tag = indexPath.row; Cell.downVoteButton.tag = indexPath.row; NSString * Rating = _tracks [indexPath.row] [@ "Usurating"]; If (! (Rating == (ID) [NSNull null] || rating. Cross == 0)) {if ([Retingijheltostring: @ "1"]) {Selkapvibetbutnkimej Viaiuai = [Uaimej enrolled Image: @ "UpArrowColor"]; Cell.downVoteButton.imageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed: @ "Daunar

objective c - Setting Mac OSX Volume Programatically using XCode -

There aim is no way to set the Mac system volume using C? An output device AudioDeviceSetProperty ([[self class kAudioDevicePropertyVolumeScalar] defaultOutputDeviceID], need not zero, // time stamp 0, // Channel 0 Master channel is false, // I Try to use, size (float 32), and volume); But it went after OSX 10.6 excluded; Is there a better way to do this? Or I have to compromise for application quantity. Here is some sample code as your code context allows AudioObjectPropertyAddress propertyAddress = {kAudioHardwareServiceDeviceProperty_VirtualMasterVolume, kAudioDevicePropertyScopeOutput, kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster}; AudioHardwareServiceSetPropertyData ([self.class defaultOutputDeviceID], and property Akadre, 0, zero, size (float 32), and volume); - C# Inline expression -

मैं कोड के निम्नलिखित भाग का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। & lt; asp: GridView आईडी = "GrdMapsDrive" runat = "server" AutoGenerateColumn = "false" width = "90%" अनुमति देंरेटिंग = "सही" ग्रिडलाइन = "क्षैतिज" पंक्ति स्तरीय-ऊँचाई = "20px" बॉर्डरविड्थ = "0" डेटाकी नाम = "आईडी" खालीडेटा टेक्स्ट = "नहीं मानचित्र मिला। " शैली = "टेक्स्ट-संरेखित करें: केंद्र; ऊर्ध्वाधर-संरेखण: मध्यम;" OnRowDataBound = "grdMapsDrive_RowDataBound" & gt; मैं EmptyDataText = "कोई नक्शा नहीं मिला" सेट करना चाहते हैं। यदि txtMapView.Text = "कोई मैप्स नहीं" । इसके अलावा, मैं EmptyDataText = "कोई डेटा नहीं" सेट करना चाहता हूं। अगर txtMapView.Text = "Data" । txtMapView एक पाठ बॉक्स है। मैंने इनलाइन कोड अभिव्यक्तियों का उपयोग करने के लिए कई तरीकों की कोशिश की लेकिन सफल नहीं हो सकता कोई मुझे सी # में सही अभिव्यक्ति के साथ मदद कर सकता है। धन्यवाद

stress testing - Maintaining http request in jmeter for certain amount of time -

I would like to say that 1000+ users log in / stuff / etc and ask them to stay in the system, logging out 5 minutes ago / Doing something else while they are 1000+, I send it through 1000+ users and so on - like trying to trick as many users as possible on the server and keep them there for more cramming . Is it possible to do something like this? I have seen something, and jmeter has a pipeline option, but when does it last time? There is no substitute for input how long I want it. Also, for the time delay (eg constant timer), I do not think what I'm trying to do, which will do the right thing? Ever since the first time (or am I using it wrong?) I am saying that At the beginning of the "one user = one thread" design, this assumption helps to simplify things (you can change later, you have a lot of users). Therefore, your requirement changes in "I want to add as many threads as possible". You can do this by using the Rampap Time (Standard Threads Co

javascript - What is the best way to extract the numbers out of this text -

P1W2DT6H21M32S is the best way to get numbers out of here . w = weekd = day h = hourm = min s = sec something like this works for M and S, and so on Looks like I'm not doing it right. var time = "PT44M7S"; Var minute = time. Substring (2, time.indexOf ("M")); Var seconds = time.split ("M") [1]. Asbestring (0, time.spitit ("M") [1] .indexOf ("S")); You can split on letters, although you get leading and trailing spaces in Array will: 'P1W2DT6H21M32S'.split (/ [AZ] /)

github - Is it safe to delete branch file under .git/refs/remotes/origin/ which is already deleted on remote? -

I have a branch test in local, and then press it in the butt. git push -u original exam Then merge into the branch master and delete Github's branch by administrator is. Then I delete this local branch git branch -d test , but it is still in branch -va in remotes / origin / Test , and can not be removed by git push -u origin --delete test . How can I not show it in branch -va ? Can this be done by removing guit / rifs / remote / original / test, and is it safe in my case? The general thing is that: git remote prune origin < / Code> that should clean the entire business.

vba - Excel sort and filter to make a chart -

I am trying to create a program through Excel which will sort through the list of names and once it get a name has to sort a certain type, once this is done, that has to be sorted on the ID, then find the name of the type and hours of time on the basis of ID and me a lot of time Must have to ... Create a chart then the best Receive what is before I have never used VBA? As suggested, you can use PivotTable for this. Check tutorial If you want to learn VBA, you can Czech. Is to record your actions as another useful way macro and view auto-generated code.

r - random combination of vectors -

How can I add two vectors to R? For example, Individuals & lt; - Representative (1:24) Treatment & lt; - c ("T1", "T2", "T3") How I can treat randomly for one person (treatment from 1 to 24 persons) While doing so that I want 3 people for treatment, I say, a matrix with a combination between individuals and treatments This is not an elegant solution, but it will work. I'm assuming that you wanted at least 3 people per treatment, because a complete balanced design would give you 8 people per person. Individuals & lt; - Representative (1:24) Treatment & lt; - ("T1", "T2", "T3") while (length (treatment [treatment == "T1"]) & lt; = 3 | length (treatment [treatment == "T2"] ) (Treatment, Length (person), Location = TRUE) Print ("Retry") & lt; = 3 | Length (treatment [treatment == "T3"]) & lt; = 3) ) Flush. Console ()} DF & lt; - cbind (in

SQLcipher Android: Multiple databases -

I want to create multiple databases in my program, how do I do this with my own password? With ATTACH command? Does the database have to be connected with each other? Or are they just different? Or what encoding sculptor causes DBS? I am currently using the code. Does anybody provide code that shows how this will work in a simple example? Let's say we wanted to start with the ConstantShare app, and how would we modify it with two types of databases, different passcodes? Is each database specified by an URI in that instance? Like the CONTENT_URI feature? When you can use the ATTACH command in another database To add, you may just want to manage different connections from another database.

visual studio 2013 - can't compile php 5.5.13 with zlib (MVS) -

I have put zlib_a.lib on deps / lib and whenever I configure it back to me: Checking for library zlib_a.lib ... zlib.lib ... Warning: zlib support can not be enabled, zlib is unavailable What do I need for PHP compilation with Zlib? I am using Visual Studio 2013 I have placed zlib_a.lib under Diff / Live I only - with- additional- libs = deps \ lib - plus-additional-include = deps \ include I put zlib_a.lib in deps \ lib and added to the deprecated I put zlib.h

coffeescript - is do without parameters superfluous? -

I am new to coffeeclip, and I am learning by studying someone else's coffee code code. I do not need to do because it does not capture do @mymethod any New variable, because there is no criteria in it, am I right? To mark this question as a reply: Class C mymethod = - & gt; Console.log "mymethod" with_do = - & gt; _with_ Do_myis method = - & gt; This.mymethod () with_at = - & gt; @mymethod () Methods with three will compile exact same JavaScript code.

html - there is an odd css issue, the text inside a div did not move with the div -

People I have a simple page with a strange problem even two senior front Why do not find the developers here, the code is very simple and easy to understand & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Style type = "text / css" & gt; Body {padding-left: 250px; } # Box 1 {width: 150px; Height: 150px; Background color: # 063; Margin-bottom: 10px; Text-align: center; Line-height: 150px; Swim left; } # Box 2 {width: 150px; Height: 150px; Background color: # 00F; Margin-down: 15px; Text-align: center; Line-height: 150px; } # Box 3 {width: 150px; Height: 150px; Background color: # FC3; Text-align: center; Line-height: 150px; } & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div id = "box1" & gt; Box 1 green & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "box2" & gt; Box 2 blue & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "box3" & gt; Box 3 yellow & lt; / Div & gt; &a

java - SwipeRefreshLayout only shows one item? -

I have tried to implement a SwipeRefreshLayout to an existing ListView, but when I run this program, It only refreshes me by dragging one item when I discover it. Fresh animation works, though. Here is the relevant code: Find item = (list view )UbiID (R.D.Malic); Adapter = new adapter (CTX); Adapter.setTextKey ("myItem"); //adapter.setImageKey("image "); Items.setAdapter (adapter); Adapter.loadObjects (); Last SwipeRefreshLayout swipeView = (SwipeRefreshLayout) findViewById (; Swipeview.setEnabled (wrong); SwipeViewksetOnRefreshListener (New SwipeRefreshLayout.OnRefreshListener () {@Override public void onRefresh () {swipeView.setRefreshing (right) ;. (new handler ()) PostDelayed (new Runnable () {@Override public void run () {swipeView. SetRefreshing (wrong);}}, 3000);}}); Override Public Zero (AbsListView absListView, int i) {} Override public zeros on @Scroll {Items in AbsoluteView, int firstVisibleItem, int visibleItemCount, int totalItemCount

c++ - Convert array<String^>^ to std::vector<std::string> -

मैं एक प्रबंधित सरणी & lt; स्ट्रिंग ^ & gt; ^ से std: : वेक्टर & LT; std :: स्ट्रिंग & gt; । निम्नलिखित कोड संकलित नहीं होता है और मुझे पता नहीं क्यों अजीब बात है, अगर मैं उदाहरण के लिए एक इंट का उपयोग करता हूं तो यह ठीक काम करता है। पहले से धन्यवाद: std :: vector & lt; std :: string & gt; कनवर्टऑन मैनेजेटेड (सरणी & lt; स्ट्रिंग ^ & gt; ^ ar) {सिस्टम :: IntPtr; सिस्टम :: रनटाइम :: इंटरऑप सर्विसेज :: मार्शल का उपयोग कर; std :: वेक्टर & LT; std :: स्ट्रिंग & gt; वेक्टर (AR- & gt; लंबाई); मार्शल :: कॉपी (एआर, 0, आईटीपीटीआर (& amp; वेक्टर [0]), आर-> gt; लंबाई;); वापसी वेक्टर; } मार्शल :: कॉपी का कोई अधिभार नहीं है स्ट्रिंग पैरामीटर के सरणी के साथ। सरणी तत्व पर फेरबदल करना और एक-एक-एक काम को परिवर्तित करना। #include & lt; msclr / marshal_cppstd.h & gt; std :: वेक्टर & LT; std :: स्ट्रिंग & gt; कनवर्टऑन मैनेजेटेड (सरणी & lt; स्ट्रिंग ^ & gt; ^ ar) {std :: vector & lt; std :: string & gt;

symfony - Recommended nginx setup for AngularJS as front end and Symfony2 as back end -

मैं Symfony2 का उपयोग एक REST API और AngularJS को सामने वाले अंत के रूप में उपयोग करें। 2 पूरी तरह से अलग हैं यानी सिम्फनी 2 कुछ भी रेंडर नहीं करेगा, यह सिर्फ जेसनएस डेटा को अंगुल्यजीएस को भेज देगी। मुझे अपने वेब सर्वर (एनजीएनएक्स) को कॉन्फ़िगर करने के तरीके पर यकीन नहीं है। / Strong> लेकिन यह एक ऐसी साइट के लिए लक्षित है जो केवल सिम्फनी का उपयोग करता है, और इसलिए / वेब / फ़ोल्डर के बाहर सब कुछ सुलभ नहीं है। I कई संभावनाएं देख सकते हैं: 2 विभिन्न निर्देशिकाएं (जैसे / path / frontend और / path / backend ) और इसी वेबसाइट के लिए बनाएं दोनों। मेरे पास फ्रंट एंड तक पहुंचने के लिए 2 भिन्न पते होंगे (जैसे और )। मुझे लगता है कि समस्या यह है कि शायद मैं सीधे AngularJS में AJAX कॉल का उपयोग नहीं कर सकूंगा। 2 भिन्न निर्देशिका बनाएं (जैसे / website / frontend और / वेबसाइट / बैकेंड ) और केवल एक ही वेबसाइट। फिर मुझे संभवत: सामने के अंत और बैक एंड को और जैसे कुछ

sql - Oracle Recursive Join - Many to Many Relationship -

I have been trying for hours without success, to myself constantly connecting to a table. This is probably the easiest to see the problem in SQL Friedalle, instead trying to explain the connection of adding me: In the above example, the actual data Nesting up to 5 layers can be deep, maybe more I would like to write a query that is found in many layers. From some searches, it seems that it is possible to consistently engage in data with previously linked data, and other methods. I am not able to work it :( If one of you can show me how to do this, then it will be horrible. In order to copy your table from SQL Flood to others to see that the external link is invalid in the future: * DEVICE TABLE DEVICEID DEVICENAME ----------------- 1 Device 1 2 Device 2 3 Device 3 4 Device 4 5 Devices 5 6 Devices 6 7 Devices 7 8 Devices 9 9 Devices 9 10 D Vice 10 * Connection table known IDBIL --------- ------- 1 2 3 4 4 6 6 7 7 8 4 8 4 8 5 9 I do not know what data you want to che

How does data: {} or whatever work in Ajax? -

फंक्शन Autobuy (id, price) {$ .ajax ({type: "GET", url: "http : // assetid = "+ id +" & amp; टाइप करें = रोबॉक्स और उम्मीद की गई कीमत = "+ कीमत, सफलता: कार्य (डेटा) {var link =" http: //m.roblox .com / Catalog / VerifyPurchase? Assetid = "+ id +" & amp; टाइप = रॉबक्स & amp; अपेक्षित मूल्य = "+ मूल्य var रेगेक्स = / __ अनुरोध विन्यासटोकन" प्रकार = "छिपा" मान = "(। +)" \ / & Gt; / var Verify = Data.match (Regex) [1] $। एजेक्स ({प्रकार: "POST", url: "", डेटा: // idk यहां क्या करना है आंतरिक 500 सर्व त्रुटि को रोकने __RequestVerificationToken: Verify, CurrencyType: 1, AssetID: id, ExpectedPrice: price})}}})}} आप डेटा का उपयोग कैसे करते हैं: $ .jax के साथ ({})? अगर मैं उपयोग नहीं करता डेटा: तब यह मेरे द्वारा किए गए फ़ंक्शन में एक त्रुटि देता है। यह आपके प्राप्त करें अनुरोध, वास्तव में इसमे

regex - Byte error in regexp -

तो, यहां कोड है: #! / Usr / bin / python sys से आयात निकास आयात urllib.request answer = urllib.request.urlopen ("") .read () def डीबग (txt): प्रिंट (txt) बाहर निकलें (0) def parse_answer (उत्तर): '' अनुरोध के एचटीएमएल परिणाम को पार्स करने के लिए 'सिंपल फंक्शन' में आईपी को खोजने के लिए। रनटाइम उठाएं यदि परिणाम में कोई आईपी और आईपी अन्य नहीं। '' 'पुनः आयात करें पैटर्न = "^ \ w + (\ d {1,3} \। \ D {1,3} \। \ D {1,3} \। \ D {1,3}) \ w + $ "Regexp = re.compile (pattern) अगर regexp.match (regexp, उत्तर): m = (regexp, answer) ip = (0) आईपी आइए वापसी: रनटाइम बढ़ाएं कोशिश: ip = parse_answer (उत्तर ) RuntimeError को छोड़कर: प्रिंट ("त्रुटि, अपने नेटवर्क कॉन्फ़िगरेशन की जांच करें") प्रिंट ("निरस्त करना ..") बाहर निकलें (1) प्रिंट ("आईपी:", आईपी) मैंने लिखा था उस। यह कोड आपको अपना सार्वजनिक आईपी एड्रेस देना है। ट्रेसबैक (सबसे हाल ही में कॉल अंतिम): फ़ाइल "./ippub&qu

linux - AWK file multiline command not working -

मेरे पास एक awk फ़ाइल है get_PV_sql_from_file.awk : #! / Bin / awk -f /^CREATE.*VIEW.*PV_/ {inside_create = 1; प्रिंट "दृश्य मिला"} {if (inside_create == 1) {print $ 0}} /.*;$/ {if (inside_create == 1) {inside_create = 0; }} और जब मैं इसे चलाने: awk -f get_PV_sql_from_file.awk test_PV_sql.txt मैं मिल गया है प्रत्येक पंक्ति में वाक्यांश "दृश्य पाया": दृश्य पाया बल देखें "POSC" बनाएँ "P3V_SEC_TREES_V" ( "BSASC_ID", "BSASC_S", "LV0_K", "LV0_V",। "LV1_K", दृश्य के रूप में "LV1_V", "LV2_K", "LV2_V", "LV3_K", "LV3_V", "LV4_K", "LV4_V", "LV5_K", "LV5_V") पाया चयन विशिष्ट दृश्य पाया B1.BSASC_ID देखने B2.BSASC_S पाया, देखने R_SEC_TREES.LV0_K पाया, देखने R_SEC_TREES.LV0_V पाया, ... आदि लेकिन अगर मैं एक पंक्ति पर awk फ़ाइल में प्रत्येक आदेश लिखें: #! / Bin / awk -f /^CREATE.*VIEW.*PV_/ {inside_

android - Last Item of ListView cannot be displayed -

I have a list of items and EditText ListView , in my list There are 5 items, only 4 items are displayed on the program run below: if (position == 0) {view = View.inflate (getActivity (), R.Lightout.it_search , Blank); Last Edited Test at_reserve = (Editing Text) view.findViewById (; Return view; } Item items = items Get (position -1); Log.i (tag, "position =" + position + ", item.image () =" + items.size () + ", list.getCount () =" + list.getCount ()); ..... In this case only 4 items are displayed, and I have also logged the output: : position = 1, Item size () = 5, list.getCount () = 6: condition = 2, item.image () = 5, list.getCount () = 6: condition = 3, items.size () = 5, list GetCount () = 6: position = 4, item. (Size =), from the list .getCount () = 6 From the output we can see that it is 4x loops and also For the position- 1 (0 to 3) it does not go to the next item, if someone knows what the problem is, please repl

Fetch users who has checked in at particular location or page from Facebook Graph API -

I would like to receive a list of users from Facebook Graph API 2.0, which has checked in a particular place or page. I tried to use this like this: But it does not provide that information. Is this a privacy issue? Is there any way that if I am the page administrator of this place, where people check people, can I get the User ID of those users? Any help or guidance will be highly appreciated. Regards This is not possible IMHO, because the user's check-in access Are bound to restrictions, which means that each user must allow their app to allow their data. As you already do the restructuring, the page itself does not have the edge to check:

php - converting json to associative array in laravel? -

I want to send user permission (sentry) on a blade page. User permission is a Jason object (as I know). This is the control code: $ user = Sentry :: findUserByID ($ id); $ Gr = Sentry :: findGroupByName ('Administrators'); $ Permissions = $ gr- & gt; Permissions; $ Per = json_decode ($ permissions); Return Redirect :: Way ('admin_permit_user') - & gt; ('Per', $ per); But he gave me this error: json_decode () parameter 1 expects string to be done, array OK and when I send json_decode $ permissions before changing it I get an error: Symphony \ Component \ HTTKarnel \ exception \ NotFoundHttpException and in the URL I am looking for something like this: / admin / user / permission /% 7bid% 7d Is there even json file to convert to array? Or what's wrong with me? Thanks for the time. Depending on how the route is defined, but the first thing to do the repair: Redirect :: Route ('admin_permit_user', $ Ultimate);

javascript - typeof Float32Array With Ternary Operator Syntax -

I am trying to understand code and one of the first lines is confusing me: < Pre> FSS.Array = typeof Float32Array === 'function'? Float 32 Oops: Array; What happens above this line? I believe: In the end it is saying "if something float is equal to 32 arrays, and equal is equal". But I do not think what kind of float 32 array === 'function' works, is it saying that the type float 32 array is equal to string 'function'? I do not understand this. The code is being checked for browser support for the javascript function Float32Array Ternary Expression Is similar to: if (float32Array == "type of function") {FSS.Array = Float32Array; } Else {FSS.Array = Array; } Type type returns only the type of variable, in this case the variable "Float32Array" are types of documents: docs Here are some other examples from: // Type of number 37 === 'number'; Type 3.14 === 'number'; Type of monastery

c++ - windows programming , how to create a function in dll which can take all datatypes as input? -

I want to do a general task that can take any data type as a logic and in that data type only Results can be applied how to implement it through DLL. It seems that you have a templated function in DLL, without specifying its type. You can not do this because the collection of templates is resolved over time (hence the code is ready). As mentioned by @mslaters, you may not have an infinitely big template. If you have a predefined data type, you can force them to be institute in your DLL code. If you want to talk about the most common thing, then you can only getResult * (zero * InputPameter) * < P> But unfortunately, you do not know how memory is mapped for the object (so little profit, if you ask me more of the pain).

Wait till the file Save complete in C# -

I have the process of uploading files in an c # application. I am using the code below to save the browse file on the path: this.fupUploadImage.SaveAs ("filepath"); I have to wait for execution until the rescue process is over. Can any body suggest a good attitude? Thanks in advance. is a zero method so that you wrap the call and return a value when it ends < / P> int SaveFile {string filepath} {if (! System.IO.File.Exists (filePath)} {try {FileUpload1} .SaveAs (savePath); return1;} hold {} return 0 ;}} Then you can capture it like this if (savefile (@ "myPath / test.txt") & gt; 0) Save it properly! This is a contemporary approach to your problem. Wait for the end of the program savings process If you want to execute it in any other work in the background, you can call Task T = ((=) & Gt; SaveFile (@ "Mypath / Test."). Finish ((I) => gt; i & gt; 0? "SaveOc": "Saved");

javascript - Why is this Bit.Ly script not working? -

I'm trying to use the API to automatically shorten URLs for my blog But this code is not working & lt; Script & gt; GetShortUrl: function (url, callback) {var url = '********************************************************************************** **** & amp; LongUrl = http% 3A% 2F% '; $ .getJSON (url, {}, function (response) {if (callback) callback (;}); }, & Lt; / Script & gt; Is there a quick and easy way to get short URLs from this script in the input box? It seems that you are using it in an object. Here is the code var app = {getShortUrl: function (url, callback) {$ .getJSON (url, {}, function (feedback) {if (callback) callback (response);} ); }} App.getShortUrl ('************************************************************************************** **********************************

Groovy : Find the date of the previous Monday -

In the following code, I want to search on the last Monday date. For this, I have two variables: startday = today - 7 days stop days = today - 1 day (tomorrow) And I have a function that lists all the dates between "starti" and "stoppage", and find these dates that match on Monday. This works fine when I have two dates: startday = 2014-07-20 stop DAY = 2014-07- 29 But, when the decade of the two changes, code ends with an error: startday = 2014-07-29 Stops = 2014-07-30 Error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Incompatible string for category: string # next ( ) Will not reach the expected value Code: def search command = {start, stop> (Start .. Stop) .FindAll {Date.parse ("yyyy-MM-dd", "$ {it}") Format ("U") == "1"}} def startDay = new java.text format (new date () - 7) def stopDay = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat ("yyyy-MM-dd") format (new Date () - 1) def dateOfTheDay =

Drupal user redirected to MoneyScript checkout page after registration -

We are registering users in our Drupal system through third-party system through REST service call. What happens is that the user is redirected to "MS / Checkout" after registration and a 403-prohibited message is received and any ideas about why this can be fixed: The issue of this permission may go to the permissions page and allow the unique user to access the cart, checkout page Please give it.

Using Google Analytics to build user data in website -

I have recently established some good detailed reporting in Google Analytics on an ecommerce website, and for e-commerce for Google Analytics I'm using extra. I am trying to do this work about how I can get the following information about each user of this data: Unique identifier Order history Add to the history of the basket I have a history of all orders and baskets in analytics, but some how I do this data against each user Need to create some kind of database with I can personalize your website Ratyek user. Can someone tell me in the right direction to start this process. If I understand you correctly, then you can drag data from Google Analytics into your app. And then can show content accordingly? For my knowledge, it is not possible to get data from analytics about specific users in this way. To display content / promotions based on your previous purchase, you have to take this data directly from your application, because the user data is already in

android - How to add ImageView to layout programmatically -

I have a problem adding the ImageView to the layout. These are my codes: Protected void crate (bundle saved instenstate) {super.onCreate (savedInstanceState); RequestWindowFeature (Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); SetContentView (R.layout.activity_main); Find Relative Layout Layout = (Relative Layout) VVBIID (RID. ImageView Photo = New ImageView (this); Picture.setImageResource (R.drawable.picture1); Layout.addView (picture); } There are no errors shown in Eclipse, but when I run it on my device, the program crashes. You are getting NPE as your piece for relative layout. So please get it in onCreateView of this type of piece: @ override public view creatives (layoutInfleter Inflator, View Group container, bundle savedinstenstate) {see View = inflater.inflate (rl.place_holder_framement, container, false); Relative layout layout = (relative layout) view.findViewById (RID .relative); ImageView Photo = New ImageView (this); Picture.setImageResource (R.drawable.picture1); Layou

path - bash expand cd with shortcuts like zsh -

क्या ऐसा कुछ संभव है जैसे सीडी / यू / लो / बी & lt; हिट टैब & gt; से cd / usr / local / bin क्षमा करें, मैं पहले पोस्ट नहीं कर सका, मुझे काम पर रखा गया था, और बाँध फ़ंक्शंस मेरे मुकाबले ज्यादा समस्या थी। पहले सोचा। यह है कि मैं किसके साथ आया हूं: निम्न स्क्रिप्ट से बाइंड करें: #! / Bin / bash # $ HOME / .bashrc.d / autocomplete_wrapper () {बेस = "$ {READLINE_LINE% *}" # हम आखिरी तर्क को छोड़कर रेखा को बचाएं [["$ BASE" == "$ READLINE_LINE"]] & amp; amp; आधार = ""; # यदि पंक्ति में केवल 1 तर्क है, तो हम बेस को रिक्त एक्सपेन्सियन = ($ (स्वत: पूर्णतया "$ {READLINE_LINE ## *}") सेट कर रहे हैं) [[$ {# EXPANSION [@]} -gt 1]] & amp; amp ; गूंज "$ {EXPANSION [@]: 1}" #if 1 से अधिक मैच है, हम उन्हें गूंजते हैं READLINE_LINE = "$ BASE $ {EXPANSION [0]}" # वर्तमान पंक्ति अब आधार + पहला तत्व READLINE_POINT है = $ {# READLINE_LINE} # हम वर्तमान कर्सर के अंत में हमारे कर्सर को

html - Javascript: Remove last occurence of comma in span tag -

I object key result > And separated them with a comma, but I can not remove the last time of comma in the text. Results: & lt; Span class = "result" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; Javascript: (key in obj) {$ ("result"). Attached (key + ","); } Therefore, for example, instead of 1,2,3, it would be 1,2,3

ubuntu - Aegir install fails on hostmaster installation -

I am trying to manually install Ubuntu 14.04 VPS with Nginx and MariaDB. I have followed the following: and modify the last command: Dash hostmaster-installed \ --aegir_host = " "\ - Http_service_type =" nginx "\ --aegir_db_user =" root "\ --aegir_db_pass =" dbadmin "\ --aegir_db_port = 3306 \ --aegir_db_host =" localhost "\ --client_email =" " However, seems to fail from the draw in connecting to the DB: Dryer was not able to start Drupal database (bootstrap) [error] Hint: this may be when trying to dry Doing: * a site boots Rap that has not been installed or is not configured database. In this situation you can select another site with a working database setup by specifying the URI to use with the --uri parameter on the command line. For details see 'Dash Topic Docks-Alias' * The database connection may be incorrect by connecting the database via a soc

c# - An Example about XNA UnloadContent -

When I use XNA to create a game, I see zero unload content, but how do I use it Can someone give me an example of unload content and can show it in the last game? Thanks a lot. If you are loading in any resources that need to be settled, you will do so For example, in the unload content , you have a file that you want to keep it open after you load it. Private filestream _myFileStream; Private zero load content () {_myFileStream = File.Open ("myLevelDataThatIKeepOpen.lvl", FileMode.Append); } Private zero unload content () {if (_myFileStream! = Null) {_myFileStream.Close (); _myFileStream.Dispose (); }} Specifically, it is for content that you manage outside the Content Manager.

c# - Linq error: Unable to create a constant value of type -

I am trying to execute the following linq query: result = (to Users in the context. VwUsers join board on board in the board on the board. National equivalent to any board, select any user). List (); But I'm getting the following exception: System.NotSupportedException: Unable to create a constant value of 'DataAccessLayer.User' type. More info: Board Member is the result of follow-up Linq query: Var board member = (from the context of the apartment group where complex.grpId == complex ID select complex). first (). the user; I am trying to get a list of vwUsers from DB, and trying to do my code below: 1. List Receive user from db (this type is user .) 2. Convert the previous list to vwUser s list. try it, var boardMembers = (on campus premises Select apartment group where complex.grpId == complexId.Custom) .FirstOrDefault () user; - Do this for the required result var result = c.wwUsers in context where boardMember. Selection (

eclipse - Starting Android Learning -

Recently I started Android training, and I got two problems below. Eclipse was already installed in my desktop, and while trying to import an Android plug-in, I was getting some error, so I bought Android package android package android The developers downloaded from the website and I copied it to my programs on the file folder where Java is installed and when I open it, it tells me an error that Java is not found, then SE Through the earlier posts on the website, I have tried below. -vm \ Adding Java Path But it was not working for me, so I had installed the same package in my laptop (my There is no other eclipse on the laptop). And it started working fine. I write a program on my laptop in the eclipse + Android package and when I Android Virtual Device Manager , it would make me an AVD Says, and when I have filled out the entire data here, then the OK button is still deepened down to the screenshot. its Besides, I tried to make it even with the device defini

facebook - Insert rails values into Open Graph meta tags -

I am trying to supply Facebook information through the OpenGraph API, but I do not have the following Can be found to use # {} in double quotation marks when I look at the output HTML, instead of inserting rail values, is seen below. & lt; Meta property = "og: title" content = "# {[, @]. ('By')} /> META property = "OG: url" content = "# {request.original_url}" /> & lt; Meta property = "OG: image" content = "# {@ Try (: thumb)} "/> : & meta property = "OG: title" content = "& lt;% = [@,] .join ('by') % & Gt; "/> & lt; Meta Property =" Og: Type "content =" website "/> & lt; Meta Q Palti = "ogg: url" content = "<% = request.original_url%>" /> & lt; meta property = "og: image" content = &quo

android - OneDrive - How to retrieve authorization access data? -

I develop an Android application that uses the OneDrive API. When I connect to OneDrive, I ask to authorize and show the authorization page (with permission to access my data on the cloud). My problem is this: Every time I upload data to the cloud, the application shows me the authorization page, I should not see this page every time, how can we see that it is already recorded ? Thanks a lot! When using LiveSDK for Andriod, use the application to maintain this flow The time user is authenticated at all times, we ask LiveAuthClient.initialize (...) to upgrade user credentials (without any user input) or LiveAuthClient.login (...) with an interactive login ( To call the user name / password). In the LiveSDK sample application, we call it Startup Activity Here are the relevant excerpts of renewing muted credentials: protected void onStart () {super. Onstart (); MAuthClient.initialize (Arrays.asList (Config.SCOPES), New LiveAuthListener () {@Override p

jquery - What does $(function() {}) mean in javascript -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 5 जवाब मैं फ्लोट पुस्तकालय का उपयोग कर रहा हूं भूखंड बनाने के लिए वेबसाइट पर दी गई सभी उदाहरणों में इस तरह लिखा गया अपना जावास्क्रिप्ट कोड है: & lt; script & gt; $ (फ़ंक्शन () {... ... ... साजिश ...}); & Lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; $ (फ़ंक्शन () {}) बिट का क्या अर्थ है? यह दस्तावेज तैयार हैंडलर है $ (दस्तावेज़) .ready (function () {// हैंडलर के लिए .ready () कहा जाता है।}); यह दस्तावेज़ लोड हो रहा है (तैयार है) से पहले चलने से किसी भी jQuery कोड को रोकने के लिए है। के बराबर है $ (फ़ंक्शन () {// हैंडलर के लिए .ready () कहा जाता है।}); अगर। () को डीओएम शुरू करने के बाद कहा जाता है, तो नए हेन्डलर को तत्काल निष्पादित कर दिया जाएगा। यहां कुछ ऐसे कार्य हैं जो कर सकते हैं विफल यदि दस्तावेज़ पूरी तरह लोड होने से पहले विधियां चलायी जाती हैं: 1. एक तत्व को छुपाने की कोशिश कर रहा है जो अभी तक तैयार नहीं है 2. एक छवि का आकार प्राप्त करने की कोशिश कर रहा है अभी तक लोड नहीं किया गया है jQuery