c# - Redirect to new page with ActionResult from ActionLink -

I have tried several ways, which have no luck ... I need a way out of here.

Here is my verb link:

  @ Ajax.exeLink ("remove all", "empty", new ajax option () {HttpMethod = "POST", onbin = String.format ("Please confirm ('Are you certain that you want to permanently delete the item?')) {{Return false;}}", see bag total items), on command = " Location.reload () ",}  

And my action, I have tried to comment on all the returns:

  public operations are empty (empty ) {// w Pasi Jason (new // // // redirectUrl = Url ("index", "home"), // isRedirect = true //}) // return redirect toronto (new {controller = "home", action = " Index "}); // Return Redirect (" http: //google.ca "); Retro RD Direct Reaction (" Index "," Home "); // Return new Jason result () {data = new {redirectURL} = "/"}}}}  

Still I can not get it to redirect to a new page: /

Any help or Direction is appreciated ...

Edit: Mu Sector must note that I basically recently when trying to do everything, then to not use the "full range".

There is a rough way to fulfill your requirement:

empty function Replace Redirect Action in:

  var redirectUrl = new UrlHelper (Request.RequestContext). Action ("index", "home"); Return Jason (new {url = redirectUrl});  

In your Javascript, complete

  = "location.reload ()", & lt; - This extra comma should be removed  

  onsuccess = "onAjaxSuccess"  

then javascript Add a function to

  function on auxexuse (data) {window.location.href = data.Url; }  


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