php - Creating Array for PDO Execute Statement -

I'm trying to dynamically create an array for the executable part of inserting the PDO. My working code includes this type of text:

  $ stmt-> Execute (': fname' = & gt; $ _POST ['fname'], ': lname' = & gt; $ _POST ['lname'], ': email' = & gt; $ _POST ['email ']));  

My first attempt to create an array:

  $ insert_execute = array (); Foreign currency ($ column = & gt; $ value as $ value) {array_push ($ insert_execute, ":". $ Column. "= =" "." ". $ Value" "''))} < / Code> 

But when I try to execute I get a PDO error:

  SQLSTATE [HY093]: Invalid parameter number: parameter is not defined  

And when I print the result, then there is an extra parameter:

  array ([0] => fname = & gt; ; 'Test Name' [1] = & gt; lname = & gt; Final Test '[2] = & gt; Email = & gt; ')  

How do I remove array_push to remove [0], [1], [2] etc. in the array?

You are looking more and more complex to the case. You already have an associative array for the values ​​of parameter names, so that you You can use that

  $ stmt- & gt; executed ($ value);  

The colon prefix ( : ) is optional. If it is not there, the PDO extension will automatically add it.


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