
Showing posts from April, 2012

node.js - Socket 1.0 repeating connect multiple times -

I am using Heroku + RedisToGo + Express 4.0 + 1.0.6. I have recently advanced from 0.9 to 1.0, and now half of it is working. I've hoped an app from the tutorial, but the socket I am lacking in understanding I, so I am taking a step back. My first question is that now socket.on ('connect') is happening frequently, without restriction, even when a connection is successful my client-side console.log is just going There is a client-side here: // Connect to user socket. On ('connect', function) {var currentUserId = '& lt;% = & Gt; '; // Add user to rediscovery Socket.emit ('login', {userID: currentUserId}); // Retrieve attendance information socket.emit ('presence');}); // Show attendance socket ('Appearance', function (data) {var userID = data.user; var appearance = datasource; if (presence) {$ ('# red-dot-' + userID) .css ("display", "any $ ('# Green-dot-' + use

How I concat 2 int columns ms-access -

मैं कैसे 2 पूर्णांक स्तंभों को दबाता हूं कॉलम 1: 3030 कॉलम 2: 1245 9 63 परिणाम: 3030-1245 9 63 कॉलम 1: 3030 धन्यवाद प्रयास करें: select column1 & amp; "-" & amp; कॉलम 2 को अपने फील्ड के रूप में ...

html - Javascript loop refuses to do a function -

My Javascript changes the internal HTML, but refuses to add delays for it. My goal is to create a menu that is a Moves the list item after the second, but it only works for the first two list items. I have used the internal HTML so that I can see if it touches them. I'm not sure that is not working. I did X [0], X [1] .. and so on and it worked. Also another question: D, how can I select all the elements with a tag name in a fixed ID? JS: var x = document getElementsByTagName ("LI"); Var delay = 0; (I = 0; i & lt; = x.length; i ++) for {x [i] .style.padding = "0 0 px 20px"; X [i]. Style Transcision = "1s" + Delay + "S! Important" x [i] .innerHTML = "Replace"; Delay + = "0.1"; } HTML: & lt; Header class = "mainHeader" & gt; & Lt; NAV & gt; & Lt; Ul id = "mainNav" & gt; & Lt; Li id = "search" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "img.png" &am

xml - XSLT beginner query -

I have some similar XML structures, which I want to be able to properly process in XSLT so that users see online Can first: & lt; Table Type TYPEABBRV = "MTHPRTSTS" TOTALINDICATOR = "N" & gt; & Lt; Category type = "DISABSTATUS" VALUE = "WDIS" /> & Lt; Status & gt; MET & lt; / Status & gt; & Lt; / TABLETYPE & gt; Next: & lt; TABLETYPE TYPEABBRV = "ELEMIDADNIND" & gt; & Lt; Status & gt; METADDIND & lt; / Status & gt; & Lt; / TABLETYPE & gt; What I have to do is to ensure that I do not get the value of both by examining the existence of "CATEGORY" when "status" is displayed. If "category" exists, then a block output of code. If not, then a separate block I know that I should use "XSL: Selection" and "XSL: When" but can not determine if "CATEGORY" exists or not. Thanks in advance for watching a

ios - iAd banner in a TableViewController -

I want to add an iAd banner to my UITableViewController. If I drag iAd into the TableViewController then the banner is above the cells. But the banner should be at the bottom of the screen (the banner should be shown that the user scrolls the tableview). If I run the app then the test banner comes but not below the screen. Does anyone know this solution? Import iAd to your view controller and set canDisplayBannerAds on your View Controller View the property true .

JSON of all Steam trading cards -

Is there any JSON file available for all Steam Trading Cards or all Steam items? Andy very well tells in the question how to get steam inventory content. I'm looking for something similar, but the user is not limited by inventory. I have not seen an official valve at the point where the API for the available trading cards, Has a list of all the cards whose bots have seen. (According to this post on August 1, 2014, this is 8060 unique card) You will need an API key, which can be found on their API page. After that, this<YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY> The case of calling is simple. With the key received from your API page & lt; YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY & gt; Change . Result has been returned: {"result" {"success": 1, "number_token": 8060, "sports": {"steam summer getaway" : {"Classical Medieval War": {"Type": "Steam Summer Business Card&qu

osx - Converting a vRef and dirID (from a FSSpec) to a CFURL/NSURL -

I am in the process of moving one application of my company to a 64-bit environment, and thus I do not have access There are some data structures in our file format that saved a vRefNum and dirID in the file from the old FSSpc format ... In the first we were able to use the carbon routine, from FSSPC to FSRF Going and finally for CFL, but FSSPC r Outines are available at 64 bit in all, and even dislike FSRF 10.9. Internally we are using CFURL / NSURL but would still like to support conversion to these old file formats, is there any way, non-excluded (or at least 64-bit compatible ) Can I get a CFR and can be found between vRefNum and dirID using routines? Many more thanks. This is not supported by Apple, but you can use the volfs file system to do this See the following documents from Apple: This is a function that creates CFRRF with volume ID and directory ID: Pre> create sefruurf URLFromVolumeID and directory id (dev_t) VolumeID, SInt32 directoryID) {CFString

javascript - Pass a variable to a function from inside an ajax call -

I tried to use this loop to read my url to read my modified time: Var arr = []; // ... fill ur with push for push (var e in arr) {nodename = arr [e]. Hostname; Node_json = "/ nodes /" + nodename; Html + = '& lt; A href = "'+ node_json +'" target = "_ blank" id = "host _ '+ node name +'" & gt; Data & lt; / A & gt; '; Xhr = $ .ajax ({url: node_json, success: (function (nn) {$ ('# host_' + nn) .append ("Last modified:" + xhr.getResponseHeader ("last-modified")); }) (Node name)}); It does some work already, I comment on the success line: I get calls on all node-files, and in firebug, I Many times in the header of different modified calls. At first I was closed, (see) and only me got the last line modified with all the results. So I try to take action in a different function. But it gives: Reference: xhr is not defined $ ('# host _' + Nn) .append ("Las

android - updating string list while typing in textview -

I need a list of strings that can be read from the server, in order to find tips in the autocompleteextext in that list The adapter will be given while the user is typing. To easily see how to use a textinelinster: TextWatcher tw = new textworther () {@ Overwrite public zero before @TextChanged (foursquences, int start, int count, Int] {// Todo auto-generated method stub} {// Todo auto-generated method stub} override {@TextChanged (on variables, int start, int int, int count) // TODO automatically generated method Stub} @TextChanged (editable) {// Override Public Zero} Todo Self Tip: Generate method stub toast. Make text (getBaseContext), "text has changed!", Toast. LNNHHLANG). Show (); // getlist () & lt; - It calls an AsyncTask example}}; As expected, when I type into a QWERTY keyboard, a key is pressed each time and it is OK. But what if the user has a soft keyboard, you have to press a key or two or three times to write a specific key, for example, if you wa

Convert a Java List of Lists to Scala without O(n) iteration? -

To do a good job while using Scala's Java converters to change a Java list in a Scala list, answer Unfortunately, I need to change the list of scala type lists in Java, and this solution does not work: // pseudocode java.util.List [java. Use.List [String]]. SSKL - & gt; Is there a way to do this conversion without the O (n) repetition on Java Octa? import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ val javaListOfLists = list (list ("one", "b", "c"). AsJava, list ("D", "E", "alternatively, you External list can convert a stream to a list [in the list] [T]], it will only apply the conversion cost, as you would each item Access val ScalaStreamOfLists = (_ as.Scala.toList) If you do not want to pay the conversion cost at all, then you have to go around java.util.List You can write cover which will give you a scala archive interface. It will be shot on a hard stack: def wrap [T] (J

internet explorer - AppCache doesn't work on IE over SSL -

We have a website hosted on SSL in IIS, and we are having problems in offline IE efforts Are there. / P> We have a landing page in IE 11, and we have the following IE Delete browsing history settings so that the temporary Internet files in IE do not get removed , Local storage and indexed DB (Protect Notice Notice .. checkbox is checked) on browser exit. When we use HTTP / From HTTP to page, IE is caching the website properly, and is making an indexed DB data store. We are experiencing the following problems: When we exit the browser The indexed DBB is cleaned up (both for HTTP / HTTP) Cached files (HTML, CSS, JS etc.) are present in the Temporary Internet Files folder. But IE is unable to load the website in offline mode when it can be accessed over HTTP. When I monitor network calls, I can see that the call is canceled on the landing page. Website loads offline when accessing HTTP is offline (offline data of off-course because indexed DB temporary solut

testing - Specific Android Phone and OS causing errors with my app -

I recently released my app for the Google Play Community. The team and I myself tested the app on Gingerbread, Jellybean, and KitKat. All were Samsung or Nexus Now we have an accident on Motorola Drode Bionic, Android version 4.1.2. My app requires WiFi (cell data) connection which is not possible with Erode emulator. I'm in the process of installing Android on VirtualBox but I do not know that it will allow me to identify the problem. Should I stay in this regard? This is my first app and I want to make sure that it works for everyone? This app is to control the home appliance, so I think we need to make sure that it works, but I'm not sure how to get accurate test results and error messages in fact. Do other developers correctly emulate specific phone and OS versions? Thanks for any advice and assistance. " crashes and ANRs for" " Play the Google Developer Console to get more information about your app's problem in / code> ".

c# 4.0 - Access C# anonymous type object returned from a method -

किसी ने एक विधि लिखा है जो ऑब्जेक्ट प्रकार को रिटर्न करता है। सार्वजनिक वस्तु GetProvider (दोहरी व्यक्ति आईडी) {// कुछ अन्य कोड यहां नए {FirstName = Convert.ToString (रीडर ["प्रथम नाम"]), LastName = Convert.ToString (रीडर [ अंतिम नाम"]) }; } कोड के अलग-अलग भाग में, हम इस पुस्तकालय विधि का उपयोग करते हैं। var d = GetProvider (123); स्ट्रिंग fName = d.GetType ()। GetProperty ("FirstName")। GetValue (डी, रिक्त) .ओस्ट्रिंग (); मैं इस कोड को कैसे सुधार सकता हूं या इसे सरल कर सकता हूं? मुझे लगता है कि उन्हें एक कक्षा बनानी चाहिए और ऑब्जेक्ट प्रकार के बजाय इसके एक ऑब्जेक्ट को लौटा दिया। इसके अलावा, मैंने कोड देखा है जो सी # 4 में गतिशील का उपयोग करता है मैंने कोशिश की, लेकिन यह ऑब्जेक्ट प्रकार के साथ अच्छी तरह से काम नहीं किया। कोई विचार? इस तरह गतिशील लागू करें: गतिशील d = GetProvider (123); स्ट्रिंग fName = d.FirstName; ऐसा लगता है कि यह हिस्सा मूल पोस्ट के लिए वास्तव में अप्रासंगिक है, क्योंकि ओपी को विधि के रिटर्न-प्रकार पर कोई न

How to make a a date sequence vector from given date to given another date? [R] -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 1 उत्तर Im एक अनुक्रम गणना करने की कोशिश कर रहा ऐसे समय के लिए आउटपुट पर है 2014-07-16 2014-07-18 2014-07-19 2014-07-20 कब मेरे पास इनपुट पर होगा 2014-07-16 2014-07-20 कोई भी विचार? यह ' यदि ये काम करता है तो यह सही होगा, लेकिन यह नहीं है: / seq (= "2014-07-16" से, = "2014-07-20", = "दिन" से) अग्रिम में मदद के लिए धन्यवाद! आर नहीं करता पता है कि "2014-07-16" एक तारीख है जब तक कि आप इसे ऐसा नहीं बताते हैं। seq (से = as.Date ("2014-07-16"), = as.Date ("2014-07-20"), द्वारा = "दिन")

snapshot - How do you rename a GCE persistent disk? -

It should be easy, but ... I work on a Google Compute Engine continuously disk I am calling the image I am calling utilserver , and basically now it needs to be rebuilt from scratch, but if there is a problem I may need to try some things, so I I would like to rename utilserver to utilserver-backup and then create a new utilserver , which is hopefully more accurate Will happen. However, for my project there is only one "Delete" button under the web console, there is no "Rename" button. It does not appear that there is a Change Order in gcutil > Utilserver and since then a new continuous disc called utilserver-backup , but when I did that the new disk would look like a completely new image - There was no place for my first installation job. Any ideas here? You can create a snapshot of your disk and create many disks with that snapshot. You will have a backup of your original disc by creating a snapshot. You can delete the original disc and cre

The right place to call .removeObserver for NSNotificationCenter = Swift deinit()? -

I've read a lot of suggestions for the right place to call. See the Review Observe for NAS Annotation because the DDU download is not an option. I was just thinking that the new decree (in SWIFT) would be a good option? - nick It really depends on the role of that class where you The NSN Station Center subscribes to the information. If you are subscribing to: UIView Then you should unsubscribe when the user is invisible. CPUs do not conserve resources and consume resources, while users do not see the view. UIViewController Here also you are performing the action in response to the notification if it is just a UI adjustment screen You should unsubscribe when the incoming controller disappears. You are right inside the app service layer here .removeObserver (). However here also I inform you that when you subscribe and you subscribe to the NSNotificationCenter notification and start and stop them from your service methods.

c++ - Very fast object allocator for small object of same size -

I have to write some code, which should be the best performance. Requirements: For the quick construction of the object, I need a fast object oscillator. There are only 3 pairs in my object. Allocation and delocution will generate an object at the same time. I did a lot of research and come up with: std: vector & lt; MyClass, Boost: fast_pool_allocator & lt; MyClass & gt; & Gt; I wonder (in 2014-07): Is STL something to promote: Fast: fast_pur_allocator? There is additional information to answer some comments: Code used to customize my algorithm For me: I need to improve the conversion of C # code in C or C ++. I should compete against other algorithms written in pure "C". I find that there are errors in my comparison chart in my article because I have tested against the code against the compiled code for X86-debug against the code. The "C" code is very fast in the X64-release (factor 4 to 5 times faster than x86-debug).

javascript - Isolated scope member updated within link/controller but is undefined when passed to controller -

मेरे पास निम्न कोड है: HTML: & lt ; शरीर एनजी-नियंत्रक = "मेनक्रूटन" & gt; & Lt; मुख्य-डायल डेटा = "डेटा" अद्यतन-नक्शा = "अपडेटमैप (डायटलैम्ब)" & gt; & lt; / main-dir & gt; & Lt; / body & gt; जेएस: app.directive ('mainDir', फ़ंक्शन () {फ़ंक्शन डेटासेट डायरेक्टिव () {var डायरेक्टिव = {}; निर्देशक.त्रित = "ई"; निर्देशक.रेले = झूठे; डायरेक्टिव.scope = {डेटा: "=", परअपडेट मैप: "& amp;"}; डायरेक्टिव.templateUrl = 'dataset.html'; directive.controller = फ़ंक्शन ($ गुंजाइश) {/ / कुछ तर्क के आधार पर दायरे पर "डेथैलेपल" सेट करें $ scope.datalength = $; console.log ($ scope);}; वापसी निर्देश;} वापसी डेटासेट डायरेक्टिव ();}); डेटासेट.html & lt; div & gt; & Lt; बटन एनजी-क्लिक = "onUpdateMap ()" & gt; मुझे & lt; / button & gt; क्लिक करें; & Lt; / div & gt; यहां है असल में, मैं एक सदस्य को निर्दे

css - Grayscale canvas based on percentage (In FireFox) -

I have a problem with working with grayscale with Firefox. I should be able to: $ (element). Css ('filter', 'grayscale (' + + + ''%) '); But I know that this is not going to happen Now I know that I can do some fancy stuff with SVG-based filter, but let me Should be able to control the percentage of grayscale filters to be fluidly specific, I am going to move the background of my page as you scroll downwards. Now it will be simpler simply, because I could only embed a grayscale copy of a SVG or overlay on my image at the top, but I was partly in the background as & lt; Canvas> Now from there, I could only apply a custom filter to the canvas, but it is being updated several times per second. Currently, I've been closest to: $ (element). CSS ('Filter', 'URL ("Data: Image / SVG + xml; UTF8, & lt; svg xmlns = \' http: // \ '& gt; & lt; Filter ID = \ 'Grayscale \' &

jquery - jqGrid: Multiple invocations of 'add' fails -

On the initial load, the built-in "add" function works as does not cancel relatively modal dialog for a long time. However, after canceling the invocation after the "add" result to be posted in an empty field for "paragraph" (in this case 'name'), jQuery (document) .ready (function JqGrid ({jsonReader: {root: "gridmodel"}, url: "jsonGridTag.action", datatype: "Jason", Maitip: "Post" Colnames: ['tag_id', 'name', 'usage count'], colmodel: [{name: 'id', index: 'id', sortable: true, search: false}, { name: 'name' Index: 'name', width: 400, editable: true, edittype: "text", sortable: true, search is true, searchoptions: {sopt: [ 'cn', 'eq ',' 'Name', index: 'count', formatter: "format link", sortable: true, search: true, searchoptions: {sopt: ['eq', 'bw', 'ew']}}, {name: ,

PHP mktime different results based on minutes calculation -

निम्न mktime अंतिम इको पर एक अलग परिणाम पैदा करता है। php> गूंज एमकेटाइम (7, 36, 0); 1406842560 पीएचपी & gt; गूंज एमकेटाइम (7, 60 * 0.6, 0); 1406842560 पीएचपी & gt; गूंज एमकेटाइम (7, 60 * (7.6 - 7.0), 0); 1406842500 यह मिनट पैरामीटर प्रत्येक एमकेटीआई के लिए 36 है, और मैंने (इंट) और अंतराल के साथ कास्टिंग करने की कोशिश की है, और डेटटाइम ऑब्जेक्ट के सेटटाइम फ़ंक्शन का भी इस्तेमाल किया है, लेकिन सटीक समान परिणाम। < / P> यह सिर्फ एक उदाहरण है, मुझे पिछले एमकेटीई संस्करण को पिछले दो के रूप में काम करने की ज़रूरत है, जैसा कि उम्मीद की जाएगी, ऊपर की संख्या में जगहों के आधार पर चर के माध्यम से की गई गणनाओं के कारण। कोई भी विचार? मेरे पास एक महान स्पष्टीकरण नहीं है कि यह मामला क्यों है - मुझे लगता है कि यह एक मूल्य के साथ करना है जो आप एक पूर्णांक के बजाय फ्लोट होने से गुजर रहे हैं, इसलिए संभवतः पृष्ठभूमि में चलने वाली एक सटीक समस्या है। निम्न ठीक से काम करने के लिए दिखाई देता है दूसरे पैरामीटर के चारों ओर गोल () फ़ंक्शन जोड़ना: गूंज mktime (7, गोल (60 *

amazon web services - Allow EC2 Security Group access from Beanstalk Security Group -

मेरे पास एक अमेज़ॅन बीनस्टॉक लोड बैलेंसर सेटअप है जो आवश्यकतानुसार ईसी 2 सर्वर को जोड़ता / हटाता है I इस लोड बैलेंसर के लिए सुरक्षा समूह को prod-sc कहा जाता है। मेरे पास सुरक्षा समूह लोचदार खोज- sc का उपयोग करते हुए एक अमेज़ॅन ईसी 2 उदाहरण है। prod-sc P> हालांकि हर बार मैं elasticsearch-sc में prod-sc समूह आईडी प्रदान करके इसे कॉन्फ़िगर करने का प्रयास करता हूं, मुझे एक त्रुटि कह रही है < कोड> आपके सुरक्षा समूह नियमों को अपडेट नहीं किया जा सकता है (कोई परिवर्तन नहीं किए गए थे): आप VPC समूह और गैर- VPC समूह के बीच नियम को परिभाषित नहीं कर सकते हैं। मैं prod-sc को कैसे पहुंच सकता हूँ < Code> elasticsearch-sc ? क्या आप elasticsearch-sc < / कोड> एक वीपीसी सुरक्षा समूह के रूप में? अधिक विवरण के लिए गाइड पढ़ें।

javascript - Ideas how to get a div to appear if AJAX request takes longer then x-ms? -

I have an AJAX call that I need to implement in every two seconds, usually around 25 mms in call But from time to time (maybe 10%) the call can be taken between 300 mms and 9 00 mms, what I wanted to do, if and then say ... 250 mms ended, one To be shown as "loading" for the original, for Div, which will disappear on the success of AXX Weri. Is it possible to do this? If so, how would such a complex be? If this helps, then this is my current AJAX call: $ .ajax ({type: "post", data type: "jason", url : ".. /PHP/mapParse.php", data: {account: sessionStorage.account, direction: DIRE}, success: generatemap,}); Thanks advance! Use window.setTimeout to set an expiry time after the desired delay. $ AJAX line Set the timeout before, and save the timeout id in the local variable. In the timeout handler, display your divisor. When the AJAX call is complete, cancel the timeout, hide the device or both. You can cancel a timeout with the wi

javascript - Node: css,images not working fine upon loading php script -

Hi, Tried some tutorials on running PHP on the node from this site, so I was able to load the page but the problem is that some images did not load and why CSS rules are not running any ideas? requires http = ("http"), path = is required ("path"), url = require ( "Url"), fs = is required ("fs"); Function sendError (errCode, errString, response) {response.writeHead (errCode, {"content-type": "text / plain"}); Response.write (errString + "\ n"); Response.end (); Return; } SendFile function (error, file, response) {If (mistake) send return air (500, mistake, response); Response.writeHead (200); reaction. Write (file, "binary"); Response.end (); } Function getFile (exists, response, locate) {If (! Is present) send back arrowroof (404, '404 not found', response); Fs.readFile (localpath, "binary", function (error, file) {sendFile (error, file, response);}); } GetFilename function (request

powershell - How to verify if CmdLet is present -

Is there any quick way to check whether CMDtl is available to me or not? I do not want to loop the loaded module and can check whether CMDlet is present or not. -command < Cmdlet name & gt;

android - If object reaches the edge of the canvas, open a new activity. How do I do this? -

This code is from the rest of the tutorial from the newboston website 128. Please view it as necessary. If the green ball kills the edges of the canvas, then I want it to open a new activity. How do I write this process? Public-class accelerating activity implementation sensor avenger listener { float x, y, sensor, sensor; Float alpha; Bitmap ball; Sensor Manager SAM; MyBeingbackForphs Our Surface View; Public Class MyBringBackSurface SurfaceView implements Runnable {SurfaceHolder ourHolder; Thread ourThread = null; Boolean isRunning = false; Public MyBringBackSurface (Reference Reference) {// TODO Automatically Generated Producer, Super (Reference); OurHolder = getHolder (); } Public Zero Break () {isRunning = false; While {true} {try {ourThread.join (); } Grip (Interrupted E) E. {// TODO Auto-Generated Catch Block e.printStackTrace (); } break; } OurThread = null; } Public resume from zero () {isRunning = true; Our thread = new thread (this); OurThread.start ()

PHP and HTML - Getting Values From Database And Display It In the Textbox -

Scenario: The user inputs on the reference number and its reference number, let me display it Should have equal space. SQL: need_once ('conn.php'); $ Refnum = (isset ($ _ POST ['refOff'])); // Set the name of the file $ query = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM pilot WHERE geo = $ refnum"); // Display query results ($ row = mysql_fetch_array ($ query)) {$ rname = $ row ['rname']; $ Pname = $ row ['pname']; $ Mname = $ row ['mname']; } HTML: & lt; Tr & gt; & Lt; Td width = "283" height = "32" & gt; Region: & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; Td width = "407" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" value = "& lt ;? php echo $ rname;? & Gt;" /> & Lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td width = "283" height = "32" & gt; Province: & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; /

osx - Cannot add more elements to NSSegmentedControl -

I have this built on the NSSegmentedControl interface builder and saved on a xib file. There are initially 4 sections in control. If I use it [self.myControl setSegmentCount: 6]; Increasing the number of segments to 6, programmatically, this will not work, but if I [self.myControl setSegmentCount: 2]; To reduce the number of segments, , it works. After that, I return the number of segments to 4, it works, but I can not pass it on the interface builder, the number of defined sections. Any clues? Select a segment in the interface builder and add the layout deficiency and the right hand side to prevent clipping Click on the small ruler in the sidebar

multithreading - Java JProgressBar does not show up by setVisible(true) -

मेरे पास नीचे की तरह एक विधि है। प्रोग्रेसवंडो एक उप वर्ग है JFrame वाले JProgressBar । addProgress () JProgressBar में एक मान बढ़ाता है। यदि मैं इस विधि को किसी अन्य वर्ग में एक विधि से कहते हैं, तो प्रोग्रेसवंडो का एक फ्रेम दिखाई देगा लेकिन JProgressBar और कुछ JLabels < / कोड> फ्रेम के अंदर वे अंतिम पंक्ति ( System.out.println ("finish") ) के बाद दिखाई देते हैं। अगर मैं इस पद्धति को इस विधि से युक्त वर्ग में एक मुख्य विधि में कॉल करता हूं, तब हर घटक (बार, लेबल ...) तुरंत दिखाई देता है। मैं विंडो को सही ढंग से दिखाने के लिए क्या कर सकता हूं? स्थिर शून्य खोज () {प्रगति विंडो विंडो = नई प्रगतिविंडो (); window.setVisible (सही); निष्पादक सेवा निष्पादन = निष्पादक। एनएफ़फिक्सथाथपूल (रनटाइम .getRuntime)। उपलब्ध प्रोसेसर ()); संग्रह के & lt; प्रतिदेय & LT; शून्य & gt; & gt; प्रक्रियाओं = नई लिंक्डलिस्ट & lt; & gt; (); {Int i = 0; i & lt; 100; i ++) {processes.add (नया कॉल करने योग्य & lt; शून्य & gt; () {@ ओवर

exception - System.NullReferenceException C# advice? -

I'm getting an exception when I'm trying to run my program .. I think it's well But I'm not seeing anything like this. Public Cord LettlandUtmxY (Double Latitude, Double Lan) {Coord co = new Coord (); = Math.Floor ((lon + 180.0) / 6) + 1; // double field = math Floor ((LAN + 180.0) / 6) + 1; MapLatLonToXY (Digotrade (latitude), Digotrade (loan), UTMTTrerel Meridien (Ko.John), K. Eusternt); / * Adjust the fulfillment and answer for the UTM system * / Co.eastNorth [0] = cum. Authorized [0] * UTMSCalactactor + 500000.0; Co.eastNorth [1] = co. Well, North [1] * UTM Cachefactor; If (co. East north [1] & lt; 0.0) co.eastNorth [1] = Ko.Austerson [1] + 10000000.0; Return cum; } I'm getting exceptions here ... Public Zero MapLatLonToXY (double FI, double lambda, double lambda 0, double [] xy) {// Exception for some previous code / xy [0] ....! Xy [0] = N * Math COS (FIE) * L + (N / 6.0 * Math Po (MathCoos (FI), 3.0) * L3 Couch * Math. Pov (L, 3.0)) +

bash - sed - print all lines before the nth occurrence of a string -

मान लें कि मेरे पास है: सामग्री पंक्ति 1 सामग्री पंक्ति 2 blabla * my_pattern_str * (1 घटना) ... सामग्री लाइन एक्स blabla * my_pattern_str * (nth घटना & lt; - मैं शुरुआत लाइन से यहाँ तक प्रिंट करना चाहता हूं) सामग्री लाइन y सामग्री पंक्ति y + 1 ... < P> मैं पहले सभी पंक्तियों को मुद्रित करना चाहूंगा और my_pattern_str के nth occurrence सहित मैं sed (या grep या awk जैसी कोई भी कमांड का उपयोग करके यह कैसे कर सकता / सकती हूं?) < Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> समायोजित करें 7 और my_pattern आवश्यकतानुसार। awk - V N = 7 '{print} / my_pattern / & amp; amp; amp; & amp; एन & lt; = 0 {exit}' अधिक क्रिप्टिक रूप से, निम्न भी कार्य करेगा: < पूर्व> awk -v N = 7 '1; / my_pattern / और amp; amp; & amp; एन & lt; = 0 {exit}' उपरोक्त दोनों वास्तव में पैटर्न की नौवीं घटना के बजाय पैटर्न वाले एनथ लाइन यदि आप पैटर्न की Nth घटना चाहते हैं: awk -v एन = 7-वी एम = my_pattern '1; (N-

javascript - google maps change cursor to image pick offset -

I have made Google Maps cursor my own image, this is a specific specific point of image. The website allows people to click anywhere on the map so that they can make markers when they are exact latitude / underlines. The problem is that since the image is a fixed point (the bottom center of the image), everyone thinks where that point is where the marker will go, instead the marker goes to the upper left of the image, and with the appropriate number of pixels Is closed What I need is a way of offset the image, when there is a click, it actually happens that the point of the image is instead of the point being automatically raised Which is on top left Is closed I have tried to close the image in Photoshop but it does not do this. I have seen through Google Maps API, but nothing has been done. Any ideas about how to accomplish this? You will get the basic formula for getting it PixelCurodinate = World Coordinate * 2 Click the zoom level , click the world, calculate pi

php - How to test license validation via REST API -

कृपया निम्न PHP कोड पर विचार करें स्थिर सार्वजनिक फ़ंक्शन IsLicenseValid ($ domain) {if (खाली ($ डोमेन)) {नया अपवाद फेंकना; } $ LicenseResponse = Curl :: पोस्ट (['होस्टनाम' = & gt; $ डोमेन]); $ Xml = नया XML (); $ XmlTree = $ Xml- & gt; XMLToTree ($ लाइसेंस रीस्पेंस); अगर ($ xmlTree ['is_valid'] == 'सच') {वापस सत्य; } } विवरण झूठा है; } मैं ऊपर विधि की जांच के लिए PHPUnit का उपयोग कर परीक्षण केस लिख रहा हूं। मैं एक मामले को छोड़कर सभी मामलों को कवर करने में सक्षम हूं जिसमें एक डोमेन लाइसेंस true में is_valid xml नोड को वापस करना चाहिए। REST एपीआई इतनी सुरक्षित है कि यह आईपी से अनुरोध स्वीकार नहीं करता जो कि उनके श्वेतसूची में सूचीबद्ध नहीं हैं। और अगर कोई गैर-श्वेतसूची वाले आईपी से अनुरोध कर रहा है तो एपीआई एक गलत मान is_valid देता है (और यह है कि मैं इस मामले को false के लिए कवर कर रहा हूं ) मुझे पता है कि यह एक नकली वस्तु का उपयोग करके किया जा सकता है लेकिन मुझे वाकई यकीन नहीं है कि एक नकली वस्तु कैसे लिखनी है, जिसमें वह

java - regex for simple mobile number(Scala Style) -

बस मुझे मोबाइल नंबर के लिए स्काला शैली में एक regex चाहिए। पूर्व: - +11234545745892 + सहित कुल अंक 6 से 18 < / Strong> (मुझे लगता है कि इसमें सभी मान्य संख्याएं निहित हैं) यदि संख्या मिलान regex देता है true else false । Pre> टाइप करें S = स्ट्रिंग डीआरपी parseMobile (संख्या: एस): बूलियन = {val phoneRx = "" "[+ \ d ()] {6,18}" "/ / बिल्कुल गलत regex number.matches ( फोनआरएक्स)} ऐसा कुछ ऐसा काम करना चाहिए: ^ \ +? \ घ {6,18} $ । इस regex मानता है कि प्लस वहाँ नहीं हो सकता है Regex पर अधिक जानकारी पाई जा सकती है। यदि आप विशेष रूप से + से मेल करना चाहते हैं, तो यह काम करेगा: ^ \ + \ d {5,17} $

How to send Server response in cakephp -

I have tried the following in the App Controller of the filter, it does not seem to be $ This- & gt; Feedback & gt; StatusCode (404); or header ('HTTP / 1.1 404 unauthorized', true, 404); Header ('HTTP / 1.1 404 not found'); or throw the new NotFoundException (); If I debug the response, the status is shown as 404, but the HTTP status checker is always 200. I do not know why the solution Found if (! Function_exists ('http_response_code')) {function http_response_code ($ newcode = NULL) {static $ code = 200; If ($ newcode! == faucet) {Header ('x-php-answer-code:'. $ New code, true, $ newcode); If (! Headers_sent ()) $ code = $ newcode; } return code; }}

jquery - how to use inArray() to find string in array element if string is surrounded by other characters -

How do I find an array using the value inArray () and return True even if that value is surrounded by other characters. Here I have the code ( med is my array, it is med [1-10] ): AlpariZolmog = $ INRRE ('Alpajolam', Made) & gt; -1; Xanaxlog = $ .inArray ('XX', Made) & gt; -1; If (alpazolmog == true) {$ ("# xanax"). CSS ("display", "block"); } And if (xanaxlog == true) {$ ("# xanax"). CSS ("display", "block"); } returns true if the array element is "xanax" or "alprazolam" but if a user accesses "xanax xr" or "alprazolam er" Will return the false if there is any way to search for the string "xanax" or "alprazolam" at any point in that particular array element, even if that particular array element contains other characters, And in this case to return true ? InArray () can not be used, it is looking for partial matches

osx - NSWindow beginSheet completionHandler not called -

I am showing a sheet in my main window. I present the sheet using this code: AddContactWindowController * addContact = [[AddContactWindowController alloc] initWithWindowNibName: @ "AddContactWindow"]; AddContact.currentViewController = myView; Self.addWindowController = addContact; [Self.view.window StartSuccess: addContact.window completionHandler: ^ (NSModalResponse returnCode) {NSLog (@ "Completed handler"); }]; AddContactWindowController is an NSWindowController subclass within which there is a view controller that has a "close" button inside the view that invites it: [[[ Self view] close the window]; This closes the window, but the completion does not start from the handler. This gives me problems down the road. Should we complete the NSWNWO sheet in a particular way so that the complete holder can be called successfully? <<< P> Thanks Instead of ordering it, you want to call on your window.

objective c - IOS switch view after FB login -

I use the storyboard, and the first view is FB login. I can successfully login the login (FB login) I want to see the navigation controller later. I do not know how to change the scene. I also use a button and push, but it is not working. Fahlanvian Controller Class: #import "Mobile View Controller." #import & lt; FacebookSDK / Facebook SDK j & gt; @ Interface LoginStat Week Controller () - (to be) toggleHiddenState: (BOOL); @end @implementation FBLoginViewController - (zero) ToggleHindState: (BOOL) must {self.lblUsername.hidden = shouldhide; Self.lblEmail.hidden = shouldhide; Self.profilePicture.hidden = shouldhide; } - (id) initWithNibName: (NSString *) nibNameOrNil bundle: (NSBundle *) nibBundleOrNil {self = [super initWithNibName: nibNameOrNil bundle: nibBundleOrNil]; If (self) {// custom initialization} back itself; } - (zero) login view: (FBLoginView *) loginwall handle error: (nserror *) error {nslog (@ "% @", [error localized description])

c# - Active Directory connection -

I need a little help. I am new to Active Directory. I want to connect with my Active Directory C # Here I have written the sample code. Public Zero GetConnection () {var username = "xxxx"; Var domain = "xxxx"; Var password = "xxxx"; Var path = "LDAP: // xxxx / CN = xx"; DirectoryEntry de = new directoryInterrary (SDM + "+", sDefaultOU, SU name, sServicePassword, authentication type. Serverworld); DirectorySearcher DS = New Directory Finder (D); // subtitle DS SearchScope = System Directory Services Protocol. SearchScope Subtree; Ds.Filter = "(and (objectClass = group))"; // Receive all entries that match the directory entry (domain) var sr = ds.FindAll (); If (sr! = Null) {MessageBox.Show ("Success"); } Other {MessageBox.Show ("Error"); }}} is an error: Can not change 'system.directoryservices.protocols.searchscope' from 'converted to system.directoryservices.searchscope'. A clea

ios - Proper way to logout and return to the rootViewController -

I have a logout mechanism in my iOS application when the user clicks on a button, the user is logged out. How can I properly redirect to the rootview controller? Do I just do this: [self current view controller: photo animated: yes complete: zero]; try it [self.navigationController popToRootViewControllerAnimated :Yes];

c# - Why is my WCF wshttpbinding client doesn't work at another computer? -

First of all, I host my wcf service in winform and I try to use wsHttpBinding. The My Client application works only in my development computer because my WCF wshttpbinding client does not work on another computer? This is my WCF winform host configuration (app.config): In another computer it is shown that "the caller was not authenticated by the service" Lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Configuration & gt; & Lt; Startup & gt; & Lt; Supported serial version = "v4.0" sku = ".NETFramework, version = v4.5" /> & Lt; / Startup & gt; & Lt; ConnectionStrings & gt; & Lt; Add name = "DBCS" connectionString = "data source = localhost; database = LatihanSP; integrated security = SSPI" provider name = "System.Data.SqlClient" /> & Lt; / ConnectionStrings & gt; & Lt; System.serviceModel & gt; & Lt; Behavior & gt; &a

Doxygen: Missing Call graph for internal functions -

I have started using Doxygen 1.8.7. I saw that the phone graphs are disappearing, when a deep function is located in the function. In the example below, the call graph for function1 () is absent. Is there any reliance on the parsing level? Zero function 1 (int CMD, int arg) {int ret = 0; Switch (CMD) {Case 1: if (RGE == 10) {rate = function2 (); } break; Case 2: If (RGE == 10) {ret = function3 (); } break; Case 3: If (RGE == 10) {ret = function4 (); } break; Default: ret = function5 (); } Return; }

php - Count Same Values On Mysql Table -

I want to count the maximum value on a table based on single field. I have an image_count field on my desk; This means that different images do not show different thumbnails with the same image. For example, I have an image named Stack.JPG and it has three thumbnails in different sizes. DB with images with the same image. Let's count the number in those files: 1. When I upload another image again with three thumbnail sizes; Images uploaded and resized should have image_count: 2. like this: id | Thumbnail | Image | Counting | ----------------------------------------------- 1. Short | Stack_small.jpg | 1 | 2 | Medium | Stack_medium.jpg | 1 | 3 | Big | Stack_big.jpg | 1 | 4 | Short | Overflow_smul.jpg | 2 | 5 | Medium | Overflu_midim JPG | 2 | 6 | Big | Overflw_big.jpg | 2 | ----------------------------------------------- When I want to add a new image for DB, the count area should be "3". 7 no. I think counting is to be a group, but I am using symfon

node.js - Node js in Linux Embedded -

Hi, I'm trying to install nodejs after installing (TI Sitara AM3354 ARM) code> Yokto Linux successfully. I do not know how to set the node inside I've tried to do opkg but this error is MiniCom shows: opkg_install_cmd: package can not be installed & lt; Packag name's & gt; I am a little disappointed and I do not know any page that can help me. Any help will be apreciated, Before creating an image in the easiest solution Includes nodejs. To include the node, when you, see the package and add the nodes. - The virtual path maps to another application, which is not allowed -

मेरे पास VS2013 SolutionProject वेब अनुप्रयोग 2> फ़ॉर्म फ़ोल्डर> Form1.aspx (& lt;% @ रजिस्टर TagPrefix = "uc" TagName वेब अनुप्रयोग 1> यूसी फ़ोल्डर> UserControl.ascx = "UcSelector" Src = "~ / SolutionProject / वेब अनुप्रयोग 1 / यूसी फ़ोल्डर / UserControl.ascx"%>) मैंने इस त्रुटि संदेश को "वर्चुअल पथ '/ सॉल्यूशन प्रॉजेक्ट / वेब एपलीकेशन 1 / यूसी फ़ोल्डर / यूजरकंट्रोल.सकैक्स' मैप्स को दूसरे एप करने के लिए मिला है, जो कि अनुमति नहीं है", जब मैं यूजरकंट्रोल को फॉर्म 1। "वेब अनुप्रयोग 2" के संदर्भ में "वेब अनुप्रयोग 2" "वेब अनुप्रयोग 2" "वेब अनुप्रयोग 2" धन्यवाद, जून P>

android - Record a video with preview generates bad quality -

I try to make a video that allows me to do video recording. My problem is that when I use the camera preview, the recording quality is very poor and without the preview, the quality is correct. Can anyone explain this result? To show a preview of the camera, I call this method: camera.setPreviewDisplay (holder); To better understand my problem, I create a screenshot of the result: In the case of A, I call the method camera.setPreviewDisplay (holder); In B, I delete the method Note: To download my project, click. I explained my solution here:

scipy - Stochastic Optimization in Python -

मैं उत्तल स्टेचस्टिक अनुकूलन समस्याओं को हल करने के लिए (एक अनुकूलन सॉल्वर) और (एक सैंपलर) को संयोजित करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं । P> दोनों पैकेज स्वतंत्र रूप से पूरी तरह से अच्छी तरह से काम करते हैं। cvxopt : # के साथ एक एल.पी. समस्या को हल करने का उदाहरण यहां दिया गया है कि cvxopt cvxopt आयात मैट्रिक्स से काम करता है, solvers # http: // cvxopt से उदाहरण .org / userguide / coneprog.html # linear-programming c = मैट्रिक्स ([- 4। -5।]) जी = मैट्रिक्स ([[2।, ​​1., -1, 0], [1., 2., 0., -1।]]) एच = मैट्रिक्स ([3।, 3., 0., 0.]) sol = solvers.lp (c, g, h) # समाधान sol ['x' ] सही है: (1,1) हालांकि, जब मैं इसे पीईएमसी के साथ प्रयोग करने की कोशिश करता हूं (उदाहरण के तौर पर एक गुणांक पर एक वितरण डालकर), पिपएमसी एक त्रुटि देता है: आयातक के रूप में आयात करें cvxopt c1 = pm.Normal ('c1', mu = -4, tau = .5 ** - 2) @ pm.deterministic def my_lp_solver (c1 = c1): c = मैट्रिक्स ([सी 1, -5।]) जी = मैट्रिक्स ([[2।, ​​1., -1, 0.], [1., 2., 0., -1]]) एच = मैट्रिक

delphi - Mute All Sound From a WebBrowser Component? -

How can I do this, I basically want to mute all the sound (video, music) from my webobor component Am I there any way to do it? I only want to mute the program's webbrower component, not my computer volume If you are using the default TWebBrowser I afriad you without the sound of your whole application without the brain Will not be able to do this. I suspect why this can not be done: The TWebBrowser component is actually the only one outfit for the Microsoft Internet Explorer interface that is received through the COM object. Now it is able to disable some sound in Internet Explorer through its settings, but I do not know whether Twibbroreser asks you to change those settings for your specific example. The webpage (music, video) can not be played from the browser, but these issues are not silenced by some plugins such as Flash Player, Shockwave Player etc. Do not change your Internet Explorer settings to run any media files. Anyway, I'm afraid that you will have

sql server - How to make tables in a database -

I am creating a database about the cars that go around a certain road, so I created a table which is a car ID And the day the car crosses the special road car can pass millions of times by road, I know that to keep all the dates I need to make another table but I am confused. Please help. How should the database be shown Without knowing what database you are using, I will assume that MS SQL Server / SQL Express should satisfy your requirements. - Create personalized personalized store details table (identification id identification (1,1) primary key, Registration varchar (10), varchar (20), model varchar (50) - any other field here Add) Go - place passes through a "known" car About each time create a store description table (ID int identity (1,1) Primary key, CarID int is not zero, obstruction Sightings_FK_Car foreign key (carid) Reference car ( ID), add any other field to the current time) Using the meaningless integer as the primary key on the tables is a per

matlab - How to make a loop over Integral Equation with limits -

I am trying to implement the loop on the integral "Ufluid equation". But I am unable to succeed. This is a big problem for using borders because the range is different in each step. Any body helps me to loop for these calculations. U = 3.888889 H = 0.25 r = linspace (-0.125, -0.0416); Ufluid1 = 1.5 * U * (1.0 - (2.0 * R / H). ^ 2); A1 = Yoga (Ufluid1,2) / ((- 0.125) - (- 0.0416)) R = Linspace (-0.0416, 0.0416); Ufluid2 = 1.5 * U * (1.0 - (2.0 * R / h). ^ 2); A2 = Yoga (Ufluid2,2) / ((- 0.0416) - (0.0416)) R = Linspace (0.0416, 0125); Ufluid3 = 1.5 * U * (1.0 - (2.0 * R / H). ^ 2); A3 = sum (Ufluid3,2) / ((0.0416) - (0125)) Thanks in advance If you want it as a loop then you can use a cell, however, the equation does not look like an integral, you should take into account the width of the integration elements . Also, I think there is a need to adjust the lympase. But about the loop, try: U = 3.888889 H = 0.25a = 0; R {1} = Lynxpace (-0.125, -0.0416); R {2} =

PHP MongoDB find with UTF-8 -

I have a text search with MongoDB that I use with PHP. It works fine except for special characters German language As the word "Tauran" then the letters "o", "ü", "Ä", "ß" can not be found and why I do not know. This Jason is to be generated for search: {"text": "Waypoints", "search": "t \ u00f6rn", "language": "De"} I tried utf8_encode (utf8_decode ($ search)); and mb_convert_encoding ($ is searched for, "UTF-8"); Yet none of them received the results. Search string in $ search , in this case "toran" will be saved. This is my order for Textchurch: $ cursor = $ it- & gt; DB- & gt; Command (array ("text" = & gt; "path points", 'search' => $ search, 'language' => gt; 'de')); How can I work with these characters correctly? I have the 'language' = &am

Permission denied error attempting to add event to button in CodenameOne UI designer -

The permission has been denied, which attempts to add an event to the button in the Codenamine UI designer ... I've added a button through a codenamed name, a Gmi Designer ..., a taboo taboo error, the app's app map goes ... Deleted projects, try again, same result .. Setup Netbeans option on GUI designer ... not sure What is to do .. But the problem is not solved ... Please help, try it and see it works :) Netbeans 8.0, Sausage Linux 13.1 ... Robbie Click File-> Setup Netbeen. When the File Selector dialog pops up, select the Netbeen executable (the binary that runs the Netbeam). Instead of doing this earlier, you chose a Java source file or something that we can not run the error.

image processing - Area of Bounding Box of an object matlab -

I have different sizes of objets and my purpose is to find the ratio between the object area and its bounding box area. There is no problem finding the object area but I did not find any way to get the bounding box area. Is there any way to calculate the bounding box area or any function in matlab? But, you know the bounding box? If you do not use it, then use it and you will get it. Once you have it, it's just easier to calculate the area of ​​one square. Regional property gives you the [xy] and [x_width y_width] will give. I am sure that you are able to calculate the area of ​​a square with the size of your side.

Not able to access SpringContext after integrate Atmosphere framwork with spring Mvc -

After As I type the heading spring MVC atmosphere structure I mentioned in the integrated>, I want to use the existing LoggedIn user with the help of SecurityContext (or authentication), but gives my null when I send ajax request from jsp page (client side). There is a problem with my code or some other problem below is my and jsp files MyController.Java @Controller public class MyController {@Autowired PartyManagementService partyManagementService; @RequestMapping (Value = "/ WebSockets", Method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody Public String Post (Last AtmosphereResource Event, @RequestBody String Message) JsonGenerationException, JsonMappingException, IOException {User User = (User) SecurityContextHolder.getContext () throws . . GetAuthentication () getPrincipal (); String Username = user.getUsername (); Person person = party management service. Gartersprom usernames (usernames); ("Message received for broadcast: {}&qu

cannot set text attribute of button in jquery -

I'm having trouble here, I can get ' text of the button Using ' val () ' in JQuery, but could not set 'text' in any way. I've tried ' attr ', ' prop ', ' val () ', ' text () 'And' html () 'Please help. JavaScript $ ("# & lt;% = hiddenButton.ClientID%>"). Attr ('text', 'hello'); Var sh = $ ("# & lt;% = hidden button. ClientID%>"). Val (); Warning (s); ASPX & lt; Asp: button id = "hidden button" runat = "server" onclick = "hidden button" text = "northeast celebration" /> The warning box still shows "Northeast Celebration". My HTML is inside a content placeholder, which is inside a form tag. To set the value to you instead of setting the attribute, .val () Need to use: $ ("# & lt;% = hiddenButton.ClientID%>"). Val ('hello');

c# - using a Lock on a log Writer to Prevent Errors -

I am downloading images from the web using a foreach and functions, and saving them to the local level. After doing this, I am saying the file name on the log name and then downloading. The problem is that I can try to write two work logs due to an error at the same time. I want to be able to lock the logs if any other work is writing on this, but I'm not sure how? So far I have: int files download = 0; Foreach (var filename in ListOfFileNames) {Tasks. Factor Lock startup ((=) = {// download file} {log} Virus line (string format ("downloaded file: {0}", f.FullName), log status.Success );} downloads ++;} do I need to lock the files downloaded variable, or it is a simple operation ++ Do not matter? Edit Static log class: Public Anonymous status {Info, Error, Success} Private Stable String Directory {get; set;} Public Static Zero CheckandCreateLogDirectory (string directoryPath) {if (!! System.IO.Directory.Exists (DirectoryPath)) {System.IO.Directory.C