PHP MongoDB find with UTF-8 -

I have a text search with MongoDB that I use with PHP.

It works fine except for special characters German language As the word "Tauran"

then the letters "o", "ü", "Ä", "ß" can not be found and why I do not know.

This Jason is to be generated for search:

  {"text": "Waypoints", "search": "t \ u00f6rn", "language": "De"}  

I tried

  utf8_encode (utf8_decode ($ search));  


  mb_convert_encoding ($ is searched for, "UTF-8");  

Yet none of them received the results. Search string in $ search , in this case "toran" will be saved.

This is my order for Textchurch:

  $ cursor = $ it- & gt; DB- & gt; Command (array ("text" = & gt; "path points", 'search' => $ search, 'language' => gt; 'de'));  

How can I work with these characters correctly?

I have the 'language' = & gt; Removed 'd' part of the command, now it is working!

But I am not able to give a reason because the language parameter slips this query.


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