Permission denied error attempting to add event to button in CodenameOne UI designer -

The permission has been denied, which attempts to add an event to the button in the Codenamine UI designer ...

I've added a button through a codenamed name, a Gmi Designer ..., a taboo taboo error, the app's app map goes ...

Deleted projects, try again, same result ..

Setup Netbeans option on GUI designer ... not sure What is to do .. But the problem is not solved ...

Please help, try it and see it works :)

Netbeans 8.0, Sausage Linux 13.1 ...


Click File-> Setup Netbeen.

When the File Selector dialog pops up, select the Netbeen executable (the binary that runs the Netbeam). Instead of doing this earlier, you chose a Java source file or something that we can not run the error.


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