
Showing posts from March, 2010

git - How to merge only a few change to another branch -

I cloned Moodle and I made local changes to customize the code. Now, I want to update to the latest version of Moodle (2.7) and I want to merge my changes. There are so many changes in Moodle, so I want to do it as much as possible. Therefore, by default, I want official version, except 4 files from Moodle repo. I have only 3 drawbacks in the previous version You want, "Take all these changes and pretend that they really This is committed, instead of " .

Cordova doesn't load photos in iOS emulator -

I have tried to load a photo from an example Cordova application. I have copied the full example code from Cordoba's website and entered the permission in the config.xml file: & Lt; Feature name = "camera" & gt; & Lt; Param name = "ios-package" value = "CDVCamera" /> & Lt; / Feature & gt; ... I uploaded a video about my problem: Update: Here is the content of the Cordova_Plugin.js file: Cordova.define ('Cordova / Plugin_list', function (required, export, module) {module.exports = [{"file": "plugins / org.apache.cordova.console / www / console-via- Logger.js "," Id ":" org.apache.cordova.console.console "," clobbers ": [" console "]}, {" file ":" plugins / org.apache.cordova.console / www / Logger.js "," Id ":" org.apache.cordova.console.logger "," clovers ": [" cordova.logger "]}, {&quo

ios - Wrong cells update in UITableView while scrolling -

I have a simple app that shows public transportation on the map. There is a facility to enable / disable specific specific transport routes on the map. This is a list in UITableView , in each cell there is a name of the path and there is a check signal that shows that a route is enabled or disabled. The problem occurs when I tap on the cell below the list I'm (so, the check mark appears, so the route is enabled), and then I scroll up and down the list several times, after that the check sign on the first tape cell disappears, I know No why but why The check mark disappeared, the proper route is enabled, its problem is known, it seems that the problem is in my receipt of the tableView: cellForRowAtIndexPath: my UITableViewController method of the preferred category . Here it is: - (UITableViewCell *) TableView: (UITableView *) Table View CellForAind Pound: (NSIndexPath *) index path {NSString * cellIdentifier = @ "cell"; FilterTableViewCell * cell = [tableView

node.js - Can't access view -

व्यवस्थापक कंसोल में यह मेरा दृश्य है: var query = cb.view ('_design / dev_user /', 'नाम से'); console.log (क्वेरी); Query.query (फ़ंक्शन (त्रुटि, परिणाम) {console.log (err);}); यह आउटपुट है: {_cb: {queryhosts: null, mchosts: '', srvhost: null, होस्ट: 'लोकलहोस्ट: 8091' , _cb: {_handleRestResponse: [फ़ंक्शन]}, जुड़ा हुआ: गलत}, ddoc: '_design / dev_user', नाम: 'by_name', q: {}} {[त्रुटि: बाकी त्रुटि: bad_request ] कोड: 4104, कारण: 'संलग्नक को काउचबेस में समर्थित नहीं है'} कोई भी विचार जो मैं गलत कर रहा हूं? आप इस तरह से कॉल को कॉल कर सकते हैं: cb.view ("dev_user", "by_name", {stale: false}) .query (कार्य (त्रुटि, परिणाम) {console.log (err);});

ios - objective-c get PfUser object and related object -

I am trying to get objects related to my user object. I have tried many ways ... This receives a user object but I do not get the prestige object. PFuserProfile = [PFQuery getUserObjectWithId: userObj]; PFuserRep = PFuserProfile [@ "Prestige"]; This is an error on the last line I have. PFQuery * query = [PFUser query]; [Query is where: @ "objectID" equal to: userObj]; [TestQuery includes: @ "reputation"]; NSArray * wtf = [query search object]; PFuserProfile = [wtf index off object: 0]; I have tried some other methods, but it is not certain that the best one is, I can not get any of them to work ... here is the last one Profile where I get an error in the setting. [Where the query is: @ "Object ID" equals: userObj]; [Queries include: @ "reputation"]; [Query findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock: ^ (NSArray * objects, NSError * error) {if (error!) {PFuserProfile = [objects indexOf object: Objects. FirstObject]; }}]; Tha

ios - Issue Sorting Arrays With New Xcode Beta 4 In Swift -

I am using Xcode 6 Beta 2 and I have a custom class (show) with custom string variable is . I want to sort by a specific class string (show name) and I had to work it properly: currentShowsArray = sort (currentShowsArray) {$ 0.showName & lt; $ 1.showName} Now it does not work anymore and I think that '()' '[[Show]]' is not convertible for an error. P> i can not be able to find new syntax Beta 4 release notes : code function now changes its first argument, and a new sorted function always returns a new archive. then either currentShowsArray = sorted (currentShowsArray) {$ 0.showName & lt; $ 1.showName} Or, if the array is shaky, sort (& show show showr) {$ 0.showName & lt; $ 1.showName}

lua - Notepad++ inserts text on enter -

I may have accidentally turned on a strange setting within Notepad ++ when I log in after some lines , Then it automatically fills the weird text Has anyone ever seen such a thing? Restarting Notepad does not fix it. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks I will reset the configuration, or view it manually . It should be below: % APPDATA% \ Notepad ++ You can copy the folder so that you have Back up, then move the files one by one until you know what kind of degrading settings in that file, then narrow it down.

Use Groovy To Search A File And Grab Contents Below A String -

I'm trying to use Groovy to open a file to search for a specific substring, and then down One of the first things I get hold of is a different object. For example, I'm searching the substring "Charger is enabled. Checking the charging parameters ..." and if it is found that I want to get a special string that happens later is. Is this the best way to do this is to read the file in memory and discover the first string index? // Java import with; Import; Import; Def locale directory = ""; Def fileName = ""; Def Search = "Charger is Enabled. Checking Charging Criteria"; Deff Search 2 = ""; Def error message = ""; Flamerdid Frey; Bufrederer br; {Try File F1 = New File (Local Directory + "/" + Filename); Fr = new FileReader (f1); Br = new buffed reader (FR); Def keyfound = false; Go line line via line // line; While ((line = br.readLine ())! = N

Javascript: how to pass parameters to function dynamically -

I am trying to extract a way to pass the parameters of separate function from commas, not the object. I know how to complete this: var executeClout = function execute callback (callback) {var args = []; If (type opts [callback] === 'function') {Array.prototype.push.apply (args, arguments); If (arguments.length & gt; 1) {args.shift (); } // opts: A variable opts [callback] (args) outside this function; }}; Executable callback ('Foo Callback', [1, 2, 3], 'Bar'); But I would really like to pass the algues for my ops object because I am normally, for example: opts [callback ] (Arg1, arg2); Why? What is the way to do this in a bi-monthly way? Very bound. / Div>

javascript - Add Controller to index.html in an Angular SPA -

मेरा कोणीय ऐप में कई दृश्य हैं index.html फ़ाइल जिसमें & lt; div ng-view & gt; & lt; / div & gt; भी एक हेडर / नेविबार है जिसमें इन प्रत्येक दृश्य के लिंक हैं। < / P> $ routeProvider संबंधित दृश्य और उनके नियंत्रकों को लोड करने के लिए कॉन्फ़िगर किया गया है। इस सेटअप को ध्यान में रखते हुए, जहां प्रत्येक दृश्य का अपना नियंत्रक है, मैं कैसे अतिरिक्त जानकारी। मैंने जोड़ा गया है एनजी-क्लिक = "set_page_id (x)" और एनजी-वर्ग = {सक्रिय: active_page_id === x} लिंक पर और एहसास हुआ कि अनुक्रमणिका से कोई नियंत्रक नहीं है .html । मैंने ईवेंट को क्लिक करके इस कार्य को बनाने के लिए एक jQuery फ़ंक्शन लिखा था लेकिन जब कोई दृश्य दूसरे दृश्य को कॉल करता है, तो यह काम नहीं करता है। मुझे आश्चर्य है कि अगर कोई बेहतर, कोणीय तरीका है। आपके पास कुछ के साथ अपना मुख्य या एनएवी नियंत्रक है: app.controller ('mainCtrl', फ़ंक्शन ($ दायरा, $ रूटस्स्कोप, $ स्थान) {$ = [[लेबल: 'होम', मार्ग: '/'}, {लेबल: 'के बारे में

ember.js - Error : "The URL '/index.html' did not match any routes in your application" -

An amber-clear app is trying to use an amber build to create and create i. But when the page loads I am running in an error: Error: Entry failed: URL '/index.html' error on error (origin) does not match any of the routes in your application .EmberError (file: ///Users/me/Work/lunch-picker/dist/assets/vendor.js: 26504: 23) at Object.Ember.assert (file: /// user / my / work / afternoon Food Picker T / property / vendor. JS: 16791: 15) In file: ///Users/me/Work/lunch-picker/dist/assets/vendor.js: 37 9 49: 17 at trycatch (file: /// User /me/Work/lunch-picker/dist/assets/vendor.jsitter8376:20) Click on Call (file: ///Users/me/Work/lunch-picker/dist/assets/vendor.js: 58385 : 21) Publish (file: ///Users/me/Work/lunch-picker/dist/assets/vendor.js: 58363: 17) on Publish (file: /// user / me / work / afternoon Food / Yellow / District /assets/vendor.js:58314:9) In file: ///Users/me/Work/lunch-picker/dist/assets/vendor.js: 41 939: 9 This is my router j.j. Looks like this.reso

javascript - Angular ui-router fails to load let alone resolve factory dependencies [SOLVED] -

कारखाने की परिभाषा में खाली स्ट्रिंग समस्या थी। हालांकि ढांचे को परिभाषित करना चाहिए इस मामले के लिए त्रुटि के रूप में यह नए comers मदद करेंगे धन्यवाद सिल्वेस्टर & amp; जवाब के लिए Marplesoft। UI रूटर ठीक तब तक काम करता है जब तक मैं हल नहीं का उपयोग नहीं कर रहा हूँ मैं चाल को समझने में विफल रहता हूं मैं समस्या को समझने में आपकी मदद की सराहना करता हूं। निम्नलिखित कोड है। var myApp = angular.module ('myApp', ['ui.router']); यूआई राउटर कार्रवाई में [कार्य नहीं करना] - कंसोल कुछ भी प्रिंट नहीं करता है। myApp.config ([' $ StateProvider ',' $ urlRouterProvider ', फ़ंक्शन ($ राज्य प्रदाता, $ urlRouterProvider) {$ stateProvider.state (' state1 ', {url:' / ', हल करें: {param1: function (RandomFactory) {console.log (' test '); RandomFactory ();}}, नियंत्रक:' RandomController ',}); $ urlRouterProvider। अन्यथा ("/");}]); UI राउटर [वर्किंग] - कंसोल प्रिंट। myApp.config (['$ stateProvider

python - How can I increase the frequency of xticks/ labels for dates on a bar plot? -

I'm trying to increase the xtick and label frequency on the barlot, currently it labels every 2 months, And I extend it every month. I have a code that is so far: fig = plt.figure () ax = plt.subplot (1,1,1 ) Plot.subplots_adjust (left = 0.125, bottom = 0.1, right = 0.9, top = 0.9, wspace = 0.2, hspace = 0.35), defined plot spacing around # bar plot = bar1 = (date, clim [ Hand for loc = [] #,:], label = 'climate (1981 - 2013)' , Color = 'darkgray', width = width_arr [,], linewidth = 0, alpha = 0.5) handles.append (bar1) bar2 = (date, chirps [I, loc,:], label = str (year) 1), color = 'blue', width = width_ar [,], linewidth = 0, alpha = 0.45) handle .plend tick labels for tick in .append (bar2) # tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks .label.set_fontsize (10) (): ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks () tick.label.set_fontsize (10) ax.set_ylabel ("rain", fontsize = 10) # plot plot plot space plt.legend (loc = 'upper The stories within the lef

javascript - Angular orderby with custom function + array for multiple values -

I am using a custom function with a coaler order. It looks like: Object: $ scope.array = [{'field1': some_value, 'field2': some_ value, ... 'field10': some_value }, ... {'field1': some_value, ... 'field10': some_value} // region may be more in future] Controller: <( Field), 'field 2', 'field 3', 'result', 'field 1', 'field 1', 'field4', 'field5', ..., 'field10']); But this is not beautiful & amp; The area may be more in the future. I try to string to reduce the code size. var fieldString = ['field1', 'field2', ... 'field10']; $ Scope.array = $ filter ('orderby') ($ scope.array, [function (item)) Return custom order function (item);}, fieldString.join ()]); But does it give an error orderby with any possible way to achieve it? Or what is the possible way to do this with javascript ?

php - Laravel Eloquent Model adequate to Database Model -

I have a MySQL DB table on display and code organization in my web application: The user (id, un, pass), author (ID, signature ...), reader (id, description), where users The ID column corresponds to the ID in both tables. This DB model comes from ER model, where user is a super class of both of them in my app Author or Reader to To get data from the user , then my first question is, can I do some sort of succession to make this effortlessly in a well-known model? My current setup is that I create two views: the author joins ( user and author ) and readers ( gets < / Strong> users and reader ) and I plan to use them with lectures with WHERE sections, is it bad for performance? I know that MySQL uses merge algorithms, so those questions will be translated into an SQL command, but if someone has a proposal then what is the best way to do so, please answer. Thanks! You have to set ER in both models. As an example, your User.php model should be a me

java - javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: unexpected element WTH? -

Can some please tell me how I go to the trouble of this stupid namespace and right?! Parsing XML should not be difficult! JASAB unmerchanting exception; Nested exception javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: Unexpected element (uri: "", city: "getRecordsResponse") are required elements:}getRecords < P> Here is the janoteated class by JAXB2 and Maven. @XmlAccessorType (XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType (name = "", propOrder = { "getRecordsResult"}) @ XmlRootElement (name = "getRecordsResponse") public class GetRecordsResponse { How do I tell JAXB2 to add the correct namespace?

go - Golang template ignore if no match -

I am trying to change a Golgma template, and ignore if the match is not found. Is this possible? Package main import ("bytes" "FMT" text / template) Type person structure {name string age int} type information strat {name {{.name}} } "P: = person {name:" John ", age: 24} i: = info {name} {{.}} {Name} name:" none ", id: 5} T: = template. "My template") T, _ = T. purse (msg) buf: = new (bytes.buffer) t.exeit (buff, p) fmt.printlon (buff string) buf = new (bytes buffer) T.Excute (buff, i) fmt.println (buf.String ())} < / Pre> I like If you want to print only this name, when it is not an empty string: "hello { {{If}}} {{.Name}} {{end}} " Otherwise, if you want to print something else: "Hello {{IID}}" {{E Nd}} " - See also for HTML / templates and text / templates.

ios - UITabBarController with conditional UIViewController -

Once the item is pressed, then I would like to choose that the UIViewController contains a P> There are two ways < / P> - tabBarController: shouldSelectViewController: - TabBarController: didSelectViewController: So every time you click on a tab bar, these representatives will be called and you Can do all the tasks.

css - Transparent text inside opaque box -

I have to put a transparent text in the following state for the menu item in this dropdown which is highlighted. In the example given below, what I want to achieve is that the foot will appear in the 'Choir' color, and the grass will appear in 'EMENTS' To be transparent you can make the background of the 'Tech Requirements' text.

c# - The Select Method must return one of "IQueryable" or "IEnumerable" -

After After I upgrade to Microsoft Owin Authentication / OpenAuth2 from Dotnet.OpenAuth, when I try to access the login page that I This error is detected. The selection method should return one of "IQueryable" or "IEnumerable" or "Microsoft.AspNet.Membership.OpenAuth.ProviderDetails" when the itemtype is set to "Microsoft.AspNet.Membership.OpenAuth .ProviderDetails ". Visual Studio 2013 ASP.NET C # What could cause this error? This is the line that throws an error from OpenAuthProviders.ascx.cs: public IEnumerable & lt; String & gt; GetProviderNames () return to {Context.GetOwinContext () select Authentication.GetExternalAuthenticationTypes () (t = & gt; t.AuthenticationType). } is OpenAuthProvider.ascx <% @ control language = "C #" AutoEventWireup = "true "CodeBehind =" OpenAuthProviders.ascx.cs "Inheritance =" quote.account.openoffprovider "%> & Lt; Fieldet

removing tag from a line in Python -

मेरे पास एक पाठ है जिसमें निम्नलिखित स्कीमा है: word1: word2 & lt; br / & gt; शब्द 3: शब्द 4 & lt; br / & gt; ... मैं आखिरी भाग को निकालना चाहूंगा , और मेरे परिणाम दूसरे फाइल में संग्रहीत करें I मैंने निम्नलिखित की कोशिश की है (अपने परिणाम को अन्य फाइल में सहेजे बिना): def main (): fileR = fileR = open ("test.txt", "r") पंक्ति में fileR: यदि line.endswith ('& lt; br / & gt;'): रेखा = पंक्ति [: - 6] प्रिंट लाइन लेकिन जब मैं इसे चलाता हूं, यह कुछ भी प्रिंट नहीं करता है। क्या गलत है? धन्यवाद ऐसा इसलिए है क्योंकि प्रत्येक पंक्ति को नए वर्ण के साथ समाप्त होता है ( S)। आप इसे इस तरह ठीक कर सकते हैं (और स्वचालित रूप से फाइल को बंद कर सकते हैं): डीईफ़ मुख्य (): खुला ("test.txt", "r ") के रूप में फ़ाइल आर: फ़ाइल में पंक्ति के लिए पंक्ति में (line.rstrip () के लिए): यदि line.endswith ('& lt; br / & gt;'): रेखा = पंक्ति [: - 6] प्रिंट लाइन < / प्री> mvc - Azure, Databases and Uploading Documents -

I am trying to figure out how to add some functionality to an EZUR / DB site that does not know Where to start. / P> I have a table in my database which is called a tool in which the construction and model names of different types are included. I have the essence of the assets with a column that links to the tool table (the foreign key Both of these tables have ID fields. What I would like to do is to upload one or more documents against user's item Allows to be enabled. As it may be more, a document for any device record I was considering making another table, with a foreign key for the instrument table, there is some simple information about the doctor and a link to the document . The end game is that there will be a list of documents for the property type of that property in the expansion scene (MVC) of a property. I know how to make the last bit (document list) but I do not know how to store and access docs in Azure, upload users to them and create records in each

c# - DirectX End-User Runtimes Redistributable Exit Codes -

Will someone tell me in the list of accessing codes for DirectX End-User Runtime (exclusively June 2010 edition) Cases)? I apologize in advance if this is a simple matter (it should be), but apparently my Google skills are subpara because I am unable to find them. For bonus points: I'm trying to use InstallShield LE to create an installer for a game, which I'm working on. I have downloaded DirectX End-User Redirectabrerabble (June 2010). This redistributable user expects the user to install / remove DX files in a location that users specify with the candidate that the user will automatically run the DXSETUP.exe that is to be removed at that location. I handle it with a single location in a custom action that I have specified (later with the intent of clearing these files in custom action). From here, I would like to run DXSETUP.exe from the place that I have specified and responds properly to any errors (which displays the message to the user who has their specific Wi

javascript - is returning Error invoking Method 'addToMenu': Internal server error [500] -

I am new to the meteor and using () to push an object into the array in my collection I am trying to . This is my code. My Template Event Map Click '.seave': Function (Event, Template) {var mealId = session.get ('selected'); Var range = template.find ("Category"). value; Var dish = ("dish"). value; If (category.length and dish.length) {addToMenu ({Category: Category, dish: dish}); and my model in shared model. J., addToMenu = function (options) {var id = (); ('addToMenu', _extension ({_id: id}, options)); Return id; }; Meteor.methods ({createMeal: function (options) {check, (date: string, time: string, alley: string, city: string, state: string, zipcode: string, _id: match, optional (string)} ); If (options.street.length> 100) throw new meteors error (413, 'street address is too long'); if (> 25) throw new meteor error (error) 413, 'The city na

apache - Can PHP easily open file outside the WWW on a Unix filesystem? -

I have a web app where my php reads the file from the windows file system $ File = file_get_contents ("C: /windows/blah.ini"); No permission or whatever is necessary, it works perfectly I will soon be using my app on a Unix OS (now for Ubuntu) And I was thinking that it could also work well or I have to do W / work after some work is done. I am using a file outside of the WWW directory and in the OS directory. Thanks for all come Will deal with it. Your best bet is to install Ubuntu and give it a whirl. Web developers should have some knowledge of Linux anyway. It can not be taught, it is learned.

Accessing Fields in a Class in Java -

I apologize for the mistakes because this is my first post. This is a basic question, but whatever I have seen I can not understand. In the following Java code: public class RAPVAR_XDATA_TYPE {public class datacfg {public int datacfg_len; Public float dataf_val; } Public class numdata {public ent numdata_len; Public float numdata_val; } Public class strdata {public int strdata_len; Public string strdata_val; }} Why can not I get numdata_len in the following functions: RAPVAR_XDATA_TYPE.numdata.numdata_len = 1; RAPVAR_XDATA_TYPE rxt = new RAPVAR_XDATA_TYPE (); Rxt.numdata.numdata_len = 1; I have been trying to create a data structure to copy the same structure I did in C ++ some time ago. You will need to make internal classes and static to work for them, but Before you do this, do not try to create C ++ structures with Java because it is not a Java path, and will inspire for poorly created Java programs. Instead, a good on OOP and Java The book "Thinking in J

html - Changes doesn't take effect unless I put " !important " tag. Why? -

I am creating simple navigation bars in CSS. The following changes are not effective in my custom style sheet (style.css) I used bootstrap in HTML markup: ul.nav li a : Hover {background: # 2E9AFE; Do not work in / * Style.css * / color: white; / * Do not work in style.css * /} But when I put the Important tag, it works because it does not work on the previous one Does it? ul Nav li a: Hover {Background: # 2E 9FFE! Important; / * It works * / Color: White! Important; / * This works * /} Try .ur-nomivore-specifc-divname ul.nav li a: hover {background: # 2E9AFE! Important; / * This will work * / Color: White! Important; / * This will work * /} Any other CSS file assets (bootstrap.css in ur case) or to ride the plugin! You need to use a more specific parent selector to target and override the properties.

Correct redirect URI for Google API and oauth 2.0 for both www and without? -

क्या मुझे के लिए प्रविष्टियां बनाना है और ? क्योंकि जब मेरे पास केवल एक है ( कहते हैं), तो उदाहरण से लॉगिन प्रयास करें मैं दोनों प्रविष्टियों को ठीक कर सकता हूं, लेकिन यह ग्राहक आईडी, गुप्त साझा करने के लिए ठीक है .. < / Code>? क्योंकि ये क्लाइंट, जो और से आ रहे हैं के लिए अलग-अलग प्रमाणीकरण जानकारी का उपयोग करने के लिए परेशानी होगी। ठीक है ... आप JAVASCRIPT ORIGINS और रीडायरेक्ट यूआरआईएस । बस प्रत्येक पंक्ति में एक डालें .... क्यों वे बस इसे वहाँ नहीं कह सकते ... < / P>

ruby - Got error from devise user and wicked rails gem -

After the I got an error from the browser after signing up with email and password. class UserStepsController & lt; ApplicationController step: private def show @user = current_user render_wizard end def update @user = current_user @ user.update_attributes (user_params) render_wizard @user end def finish_wizard_path flash [: notice] = ". You have registered successfully with Wizard" user_path (current_user ) end private def user_params params.require (: user) .permit (: first_name ,: last_name ,: degree_level ,: role ,: email ,: password) end end Registration Controller & lt; Developers :: Registration Controller Class Registration Controller & lt; Will :: RegistrationsController def new super end def super end def protected (Resources) make after_sign_up_path_for '/ user_steps' end end I allready added routes Resources: user_steps, devise_for: The users ,: controller = the> {: Registration => "Registration"} my will /

Understanding Javascript generated by Typescript compiler -

अगर मैं यह साधारण टाइप कीट कोड टाइप करता हूँ: class Point2D {constructor (public x: संख्या, सार्वजनिक वाई: नंबर) {}} और जे जेएस को देखें: var पॉइंट 2 डी = (फ़ंक्शन () {फ़ंक्शन बिंदु 2 डी (x) , Y) {this.x = x; this.y = y;} बिंदु 2D;}) (); मेरा प्रश्न: इसके ऊपर कैसे भिन्न होता है: फ़ंक्शन बिंदु 2D (x, y) {this.x = x; यह। Y = y; } यदि कोई अंतर नहीं है, तो ऊपर बहुत सरल है आप जो देख रहे हैं डिज़ाइन पैटर्न - मॉड्यूल (बेन चेरी द्वारा लिखित) एक उद्धरण: मॉड्यूल निर्यात कभी-कभी आप वैश्विक उपयोग नहीं करना चाहते हैं, लेकिन आप उन्हें घोषित करना चाहते हैं। हम अनाम फ़ंक्शन के रिटर्न वैल्यू का उपयोग करते हुए हम उन्हें निर्यात करके आसानी से ऐसा कर सकते हैं। ऐसा करने से मूल मॉड्यूल पैटर्न पूरा हो जाएगा, इसलिए यह एक पूर्ण उदाहरण है: var मॉड्यूल = (फ़ंक्शन () {var my = {}, privateVariable = 1; फ़ंक्शन privateMethod ( ) {// ...} my.moduleProperty = 1; my.moduleMethod = फ़ंक्शन () {// ...}; वापस मेरी;} ()); ध्यान दें कि हमने दो सार्वजनिक गुणों के साथ मॉड

Get the selected option's text field in controller in Ruby -

I know how to get the value of the selected option in the dropdown in the controller. My question is to select this type & Lt; Select name = "category_id" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "0" & ​​gt; New & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "1" & gt; Sub-category 1 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "2" & gt; Sub-category 2 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "3" & gt; Sub-category 3 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; How can I get the selected text even after the admin is posted after the request? So if the user selects option 1, then I also need "0" and "new". @ Shirya @ shirya, not sure why you want to value the text from a form post. Do you want to class = class? Can you see the values ​​in ['Categories'] config?

Mangage Customer edit display blank in magento admin panel -

हमने यह कोड जोड़ा है "ini_set ('display_errors', 1);" Index.php में लेकिन कोई त्रुटि नहीं है कृपया मुझे दूसरा समाधान बताएं डेटाबेस या सर्वर समस्या में कोई समस्या है? index.php से डेवलपर मोड को सक्षम करने का प्रयास करें और जांचें कि त्रुटि क्या है डिस्प्ले।

android - Error parsing unbound prefix when trying to integrate AdMob -

I have tried to find an answer to this problem everywhere and have not solved anything. I'm sure this is something very simple, but nothing worked. When I try to run the app, I get this error: Error parsing XML: unbound prefix Here's what I have: < / P> & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; LinearLayout xmlns: Android = "" xmlns: tool = "" xmlns: ad = "http: // schemas. "android: id =" @ + id / LinearLayout "Android: Layout_width =" Fill_parent "Android: Layout_height =" Fill_parent "android: orientation =" vertical "& gt; & Lt; Button android: id = "@ + id / Button1" Android: Layout_width = "Match_parent" Android: Layout_height = "Wrap_content" android: onClick = "beginYourTask" andr

java - There are no main classes found -

When I run it in NETBEANS IDE 8.0 it keeps saying that no main square Is I already added the main category? Do not understand the need for help PS If I remove the static in magic () then it blocks the magic () in the main (). Package Fibios; Import java.util.Scanner; Public Category Fibellel {Public Static Ent Fibo (Intra Control, Intu CurrentValue, Intu Price) {If (Control & Lt; 2) {return current current; } Return Phibbo (Control - 1, Current Value + Previous Value, Current View); } Public static zero magic () {string cCharacter; Do {System.out.println ("input here:"); Int Some = New Scanner ( .nextInt (); For (int i = 1; fibro (i, 0, 1) & lt; = some; i ++) {System.out.println (fibo (i, 0, 1)); } Tax {system.out.println ("Do you want to try again?"); CCharacter = New Scanner ( .next (); } CCharacter.equals ("y") || cCharacter.equals ("Y") || cCharacter.equals ("N") || cCharacter.equals ("n

winforms - Devexpress. How to get crosshair label text -

I am using the Devexpress chart for winforms. I am using SwiftPlotSeriesView for preformance, but since that type For hittesting is off I can not get the clicked point on the chart, the reason is that I want to get the text value from the crosshairs label so that I can know that the user clicked in my series. I do not think my explanation is quite good :) someone Also help? After a few hours of work, we have concluded that it is not possible in Devxpress SwiftPhotosidge.

javascript - Field shown as autofilled by browser, is blank when accessed with js -

I have a login form that is automatically filled with the username and password by the browser. I'm seeing this issue on Chrome - where the password field is shown as auto-fill in the browser, but when I use its value via javascript, it's empty. Does anyone press this issue? The values ​​are most likely to be filled in. After the page, the page is sung completely. I can not tell you how or how you are trying to get the values ​​through your javascript, but if you do this without loading the full page, then you will not get any results. To reach the field, window.load - Try inventing at the bottom of the body. Example: & lt; Script & gt; // page loaded after window.onload = getPasswordFunc; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt;

java - Cassandra JDBC preparedstatment error -

मेरे पास चाबियाँ "केमडीबी" में परिभाषित निम्न कैसेंड्रा टेबल "उपयोगकर्ता" है बनाएं टैबिल उपयोगकर्ता (यूजरआइड पाठ प्राथमिक कुंजी, पासवड पाठ, एफएनए पाठ, लिन पाठ, सृजनशील टाइमस्टैम्प, निष्क्रिय पाठ); Jdbc का उपयोग करके jsp के साथ jsp को जोड़ने के लिए मैंने एक जावा वर्ग बनाया है: पैकेज dbclasses; आयात java.sql। *; आयात java.lang। *; Import * *; सार्वजनिक वर्ग JDBConnec {सार्वजनिक वक्तव्य stmt = null; सार्वजनिक परिणाम rs = null; सार्वजनिक कनेक्शन con = नल; सार्वजनिक तैयार की गई स्थिति pstmt = null; सार्वजनिक JDBConnec () {try {class.forName ("org.apache.cassandra.cql.jdbc.CassandraDriver"); Con = DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc: cassandra: // 9160 / केमडीबी", "ओक्केकक", "12345"); } पकड़ (अपवाद पूर्व) {System.out.println (ex.getMessage ()); }}} उपरोक्त वर्ग सफलतापूर्वक संकलन कर रहा है। हालांकि मेरी जेएसपी फ़ाइल में, जब मैं तैयार किए गए नियमों का उपयोग करके डेटाबेस से रिकॉर्ड का चय

xml - Add a custom field to joomla contact form -

I am trying to add a custom selection field to the contact form. I am editing the /components/com_contact/models/forms/contact.xml file and the fields are in the following format: & lt; Field name = "contact_subject" type = "text" id = "contact-emailmsg" size = "60" Description = "COM_CONTACT_CONTACT_MESSAGE_SUBJECT_DESC" label = "COM_CONTACT_CONTACT_MESSAGE_SUBJECT_LABEL" filter = "string" = "string" = "contactemailsubject" required = "true" / & Gt; & Lt; Field name = "contact_message" type = "textarea" cols = "50" rows = "10" id = "contact-message" description = "COM_CONTACT_CONTACT_ENTER_MESSAGE_DESC" label = "COM_CONTACT_CONTACT_ENTER_MESSAGE_LABEL" filter = "safehim" valid = "contact email message" Essential = "true" /> & Lt; Field name = "contact_email_

c++ - NSIS: How ExecWait handles exe's that otherwise crash -

I have an exe that needs to run vc ++ environment and otherwise crash is. If I run it in a non VC ++ environment, from the command line or from the C ++ function, it crashes clearly and the system error message is shown as below But when I click it in the NSIS script < Code> ExecWait , I'm executing it now. Exe should still crash, but it is not showing an error message If I am correct ExecWait as well as CreateProcess function internal form Why does this difference from uses again? Is there a need to pass to get this behavior in the CreateProcess function? NSIS does not pass any special flag: StartUp .cb = sizeof (startup); If (! CreateProcess (NULL, cmd, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, & amp; Startup, & amp; ProcInfo)) ... But before that It gets on SetErrorMode (SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX | SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS); which can affect things. The second thing is that the SetOutPath directive in an NISIS script also changes the meth

android - BroadcastReceiver onReceive not firing -

I am currently trying to make phone number verification when registering on my Android app. Thanks for your help to read my long post! Here is my clear file with other activities & Lt; Usage-permission Android: name = "android.permission.INTERNET" /> & Lt; Usage-permission Android: name = "android.permission.SEND_SMS" /> & Lt; Usage-permission Android: name = "android.permission.READ_SMS" /> & Lt; Usage-permission Android: name = "android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS" /> Android: Android: Android: Android: Theme = "@ Style / Aaptim" & gt; Android: Android: Android: Android: Android: Android: Android: & lt; Receiver Android: name = ". SMSReceiver" & gt; & Lt; Intentional-Filters Android: Priority = "2147483647" & gt; & Lt; Action Android: name = "android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED" & gt; & Lt; / Action> & Lt; / Intent-Filter & gt

php - Nginx and Aegir installation on Ubuntu fails -

I am installing Nginx with Agier on vanilla Ubuntu 14.04 VPS the following: At the very end During AICER installation, I get the following error: '/var/aegir/config/server_master/nginx/subdir.d' to 'aegir @' RSIIN could not be made [Error] /var/aegir/config/server_master/nginx/subdir.d could not be synchronized to remote server Changes may not be available [error] until it has been done. (Error: ssh: hostname could not be resolved name or service do not know rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes so far) [sender] rsync error: feel free to error at io.c (Code 255)) [sender = 3.1.0]) The server domain is and this server resolves the IP correctly, so what's wrong?

c# - Temporarily set DbContext's CommandTimeout -

I know that for some queries, I can set some command timeout of DBCTNX like this: Public category YourContext: DbContext {public: Get your ObjectContext related to Base ("YourConnectionString") {// this DbContext var objectContext = (as in this IObjectContextAdapter). Objectcontext; // sets the command timeout for all commands that default 30 seconds object contact. Comma timeout = 120; }} However, I want to keep default 30 seconds, except for a single method, which takes a little longer time. I question this single question? I tried to use: There was another reason to use public zero doSomething () {//, but in this case also it is using the / dbContext While doing (IMIDBCTXTA = Representative DBCCTX) (using (IOBJxtTextAdapter) DD) Object Contex Comma timeout = 120; ... // myQuery}} Everything works perfectly, as long as I have my Doc-DB restrict (and yes, I duplicate my representative - Code> InvalidCastException returns: System.InvalidCastException:

java - socket.sendUrgentData doesn't work in android -

I use a thread for testing that the socket connects every 5 seconds but sendUrgentData does not work. Code is class CheckSocketThread extension of thread {public zero run () {boolean SocketConnect = true; While (socket connect) {try {mSocket.sendUrgentData (0xFF); System.out.println ("Socket still connected"); Thread Sleep (5 * 1000); } Hold (IOException e) {System.out.println ("Socket Disconnect"); SocketConnect = false; break; } Grip (Interrupted e) e.printStackTrace (); Logkat socket will still be connected every 5 s when I star on the activity and client activity But when I come down from the server, it still will not show socket still connected every 5 s will not show socket disconnect , my What's wrong with the code?

java - Get content of a file inside a directory -

I want to get the contents of a file into a directory: / sys / Block / sda / device / model I use this code to get content: string content = new string (files .readlbites (Path. ("/ Sys / block / sda / device / model"))); But in some cases, I have such cases: / sys / block / sda / device / model / sys / block / sdb / device sd * and how to update all the directories starting with the print I / v> file / Code>? Can you show me some examples for Java 8 with filters? This is an example of how to use Java 8 features: function & lt; Path, byte []> Uncheck: Read = P -> {Try files back. ReadAllBytes (P); } Grip (IOException pre) {new antiquarian (pre); }}; (Stream & Lt; Path & gt; s = Files.find (Path ("/ Sys / block"), 1, (P, A) - & gt; p.getName (p.getNameCount () - 1) ToString () .marks ("sd")) { (p-> p.resolve ("device / model")). Map (uncheck read) .map (string :: new) .forEa

c# - Dynamically Create TextBlock and TextBox in XAML WPF -

मेरा प्रश्न क्या मेरे पास एक ग्रिड है जहां की संख्या TextBlock और TextBox कॉम्बो बॉक्स चयनित आईटम के अनुसार अलग-अलग होंगे, तो मुझे जो चाहिए वह है कि मैंने टेक्स्टब्लॉक और टेक्स्ट बॉक्स । सी # फ़ंक्शन सार्वजनिक शून्य GetAdditionalAttributes () {का उपयोग करके ( संस्थाएं = नई संस्थाएं ()) {var attributeAll = (_ citations_inities.AdditionalAttributeValues ​​में c.DeviceID == 35 नए एट्रिब्यूट्स क्लास का चयन करें (एट्रिब्यूट वैल्यू = सी। अतिरिक्त विशेषताव्यू 1, एट्रिब्यूटनाम = सी.अतिरिक्त विशेषता .नाम})। ToList (); DeviceAttributes = नया अवलोकन योग्य कलेक्शन & lt; विशेषताएँ क्लास & gt; (विशेषता सभी); अब एक्सएएमएल में मैं कोशिश कर रहा था: शैली x: key = "अतिरिक्त विशेषता प्रदर्शन" targetType = "grid" x: name = "अतिरिक्त अटूट प्रदर्शन" & gt; & LT; Style.Resources & gt; & Lt; शैली TargetType = "ItemsControl" & gt; & Lt; सेटर संपत्ती = "आइटमस्सोर्स" मान = "{बाध्यकारी डिवाइसअतियां}&

windows - Consecutive interface function IDs -

I have a COM object interface such as interface interface: IDispatch {[id (1)] HRESULT FunA (...); [ID (2)] HRESULT FunB (...); [ID (3)] Hairsault Funk (...); } Should the ID be consistent? Or can I define it as interface interface name: IDispatch {[id (1)] HRESULT FunA (...); [ID (3)] HRESULT FunB (...); [ID (5)] Hirselt Funk (...); } It seems ok to compile the second version, but can there be any problems at runtime? The actual ID values ​​are arbitrary numbers; they do not need to be consistent; They just have to be unique, by hypnosis, there are zero and negative values, besides, there is no rule.

php - Zf2 Callback Validator not passing all form values -

Currently set up a form using ZF2. Based on the comparison of the prices of 2 different elements on the form, I want to be able to validate the verification for the form. In the past, I used the callback verifier to pass in the values ​​of all forms, it seems that in my current scenario, only the value of the element can be validated to me. How do I set up my form here public function __ composition ($$$) {$ this- & gt; Setdi ($ di); Parents :: __ Construction (); $ Inputfilter = $ this- & gt; GetInputFilter (); $ This- & gt; Adjustment (Select Date: Class, ['label' = & gt; 'purchase date'], ['name' = & gt; 'buy_date', 'required' => 'true']); $ [This- & gt; Adelament (Select :: Class, ['Labels' = & gt; 'Which Card you used to make a purchase', 'Value_Voice' = & gt; ['' = & gt; '', 'credit' = '' Credit ',' debit '= & gt;&

c# - Calculate value from subgrid in CRM -

I need to create a plugin to re-calculate all opportunity products as an opportunity for my subgrid. New logic: I added 2 new custom fields to the products: Once the fees & amp; The return fee will appear on the subgred products on these occasions. I have to know how to get the value of the column should start. I jscript and I'm familiar with the Net (CSRAP) but this would be my first plugin for CRM, because I do not know how it works. Thanks

javascript - Contact Form - AJAX being ignored -

Hello friends, I can not make a JS field, I can see a problem in this AJAX form, I used this code before And it is this work like ASF, the website is not reading Ajax code and I've spent hours working on it. AJX: & lt ; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ("# submit_button"). Click (function (event) {event.preventDefault (); // Cancel name of name name var name = $ ("# name"). Val (); Var company = $ ("# company"). Val (); var Comment = $ ("# comments"). Val (); if (name! = '' & Amp; Company! = '' & Amp; amp; comments: = '') {$ .ajax ({url: "review.php", type: "post", data: {name: name, company: company, comments: comments} success: work (data ) You can say that the message sent to the user should show that the form is successful $ ('# Contact Form'). CSS ({'Opacity': 0.4}); $ ("# Success Message").

eclipse - Create Android Archive Library(AAR) with maven only -

I am developing a library project which I would like to distribute to other developers. There have been many discussions on this topic on the Internet, people have suggested to create a distributed version library project which contains only the jar of my library project & amp; other resources. It feels good Then, suddenly I found that people have suggested to make the AdWords Archive Library (AAR). But they all use a device called Gradle I am using Elysee Meway for my Android Library Project. My question is, is it possible to get AAR without using my Android Library Project Gradat , but only with Maven? if so, how? The Android-Maven plugin allows a package to be packaged as an AR-file. From your documents: Production of an AR If you have a bunch of Java code that you want to share, then the best The solution is to create a Java project and publish it as a plain Java storage (i.e. jar). But if you have code and Android resources that you want to share, then

How to rollback all open PostgreSQL transactions -

How do I open all postgres transactions for a specific database? Can I do this by adding some of these 2 statements? - Get transaction identifier from pg_prepared_xacts to select gid where database = 'mydb'; - Rollback transaction prepared by identifier rollback 'GID'; rollback made only two-step commit transactions Affects. It does not have any effect on the normal transaction. If you really mean that you want to rollback all created transactions , then you will see it as although you can do with a loop on pg_prepared_xacts , because rollback is designed can not run within a transaction, you'll need an external client app. I recommend doing this only on a debug / test system, keep in mind about the data; otherwise, after making sure to rollback the different transactions with hand they are not important 2PC usually when Data is important, and a prepaid transaction is equivalent to a real COMMIT , as far as most apps are concerned - the

eclipse plugin - How can I add a "Go to Line" Action to a SourceViewer -

I have implemented an Eclipse plugin which uses the source viewer in the viewer itself to present some code. In this scenario, I want to make a "go to to line" action. I can apply my own action (resp. Command) and add it to the menu bar but I think it would be better to reuse the existing function if possible. My question: Is it possible to use the standard navigable menu option in a source view and how can I enable them? Goto line action has been added to navigate in your EditorActionBarContributributor class Menu by individual editor so you can not reuse it. There is a standard 'command' with id org.eclipse.ui.edit. Textgoto.line for the goto line with the binding key for Ctrl + L

c - Swap two items in GList (GLib) -

I find it difficult to figure out how to swap two objects in a glow I want to swap two items in the list It is necessary to change their order during rendering. For example, I want to work in gtktreeview to move objects up or down. I try this to proceed: typedef struct settings settings; Structure Settings {GList * l; }; Typedef structure preset preset; Structure preset {char * title; Float freak; }; Settings sts; Zero move_up_button (GtkWidget * widget, gpointer (data)) {predetermined * ps; Int * row, pos; ..................................... line = gtk_tree_path_get_indices (path); Ps = g_list_nth_data (sts.l, * line); G_assert (ps); Pos = g_list_index (sts.l, (gpointer) ps); Pos--; Sts.l = g_list_remove (sts.l, (gpointer) ps); Sts.l = g_list_insert (sts.l, (gpointer) ps, pos); .......................................} How can it simplify the use of extracting unused usage and inserting glist function? thanks I think you constantly Talking about the elements In

salt stack - Saltstack create user : password is not set -

I am trying to automate my users with the salta stack. I created a column: User: Homer: Full Name: Homer Simpson UID: 1007 GID: 1007 Group: - Sudo - Ed Crypt: $ 6H7kNJefhBeY pub_ssh_keys: - ssh -rsa ... And in my state I use the following: % for username, details in pillar.get ('user', {}). Item ()%} {{user name}}: group: - current - name: {{username}} - gid: {{details.get ('gid', '')}} user: - present - full name: { {Details.get ('fullname', '')}} - Name: {{username}} - shell: / bin / bash - home: / home / {{username}} - UID: {{details.get ( '{}}} - Gid: {{details.get (' gid ',' ')}} - Password: {{details.get (' crypt ',' ')}} {% if' details In group '%} - group: {% for details.get for group (' group ', [])%} - {{group}} {% endfor%} {% Endif%} {% if details in' pub_ssh_keys '}% Ssh_auth: - current - user: {{username}} - name: {% pub_ssh_key requires details.get (' pub_s

ruby on rails - NoMethodError: undefined method `add_a_file' for Testmethod:Class -

What is the reason for this error? It does not matter that self is specified. Class Testmethod & lt; ApplicationController def add_a_file (files, next 1, f) true end next1 = 0 files = Dir.chdir ("db / testdir") Dir ["*. Xls *"] Every do F | Self.add_a_file (Files, Next 1, f) # Error thrown here. Next 1 + = 1 end Dir ["* .csv *"]. Do each. F | Self.add_a_file (files, next 1, f) next 1 + = 1 end sfiles = files.sort {| First, second. First [1] & lt; = & Gt; Second [1]} # finishes sfiles.inspect by MDT by ASC Instead of an example, call the add_a_file method Testmethod class ( Testmethod.add_a_file ), or you should make an example of this class: example = or add_a_file a single method (class method): def self.add_a_file (files, next 1, f) true end

PHP WebSocket Client Library -

I have a websitet server that is built using Python. I would like to know if there is a library that allows me to create a websacet client using PHP 5.3.1 and connect it to the server I created? I have gone through the Symbian WebSocket client library and the Gabriel WebSocket client library but the issue is that they require PHP 5.3.9 or higher, but I am using PHP 5.3.1 . Please advise me of any such library available to me. Thanks in advance.

emacs - How to ignore .svn subdirectories when using dired -

I need to change the string in many files in the directory tree. To find all the files that are with (with % g ) and then using the Q to use the string to change the string. . I use cubic meter to show all the subdirectories in the tree. The problem is that it also shows the .svn directory, and I do not want to put them in. Is there a way to tell about ignoring a given directory (or generally hidden directories)? I am using Imax 23.1.1. You can specify the .svn extension by dired-omit-files < / Code> with: (setq dired-omit-files (concat dired-omit-files "\\ | \\. SVN $")) See also for more information. However, note that you can force them ( dired-hide-dir , $ and tired-hide All are tied to , M - $ ). According to: Ordinary dird commands never accept files inside a hidden subdirectory. For example, the commands running on the marked files ignore the files in the hidden directories, even if they are marked as you used to hide the

java - Prase string and save it as key value pair -

I want to parse this string and get value based on value such as application_id key and 123456 value Please help in java code string teststring = "\" application_id \ ": \" 123456 \ ", \" application_name \ ": \" Shitanshu / train ticket book \ ", \ "AppStore_ID \": \ "89 \", \ "Google Play Store \", \ "version \": \ "1.1 \", \ "Rating \": \ "5 \", \ "title \": \ "Empty \", \ "Comment \": \ "Really Recharging ... En The words are also fast ... \ ", \" user \ ": \" narasimham sai \ ", \" date \ ": \" 2014-07-29 \ ", \" time \ ": \" 20: 53:34 \ ", \" iso_code \ ": \" weak \ ", \" COUNTRY_NAME \ ": \" weak \ ", \" label \ ": \" [] \ ""; Divide the string on , , split the pair < Code>: : Maps

Customize Django ContentType -

मेरे पास ऐसा मॉडल है: वर्ग अवरुद्धित मॉडल (मॉडल.मॉडेल): नाम = Models.CharField (max_length = 244) content_type = models.ForeignKey (ContentType) object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField () content_object = generic.GenericForeignKey ('content_type', 'object_id') def __unicode __ (स्वयं): return डीजेंजो व्यवस्थापक में, content_type सभी मॉडलों को प्राप्त करें क्या मैं content_type में object_id में केवल वांछित मॉडलों को दे सकता / सकती हूं, इसके बजाय सूची से चुनने का कोई तरीका है object_id दर्ज करें पहले से धन्यवाद यदि आप content_type में केवल कुछ मॉडल चाहते हैं तो आप limit_choices = models.Q (app_label = 'myapp', मॉडल = 'मायमोल्ड') का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। Models.Q (app_label = 'myotherapp', model = 'MyModelOtherModel')) content_type = models.ForeignKey (ContentType, limit_choices_to = limit_choices)

sql - Pivoting in SSRS -

I am very new to SSRS / SQL I'm breaking my head on this but again I did not even find a solution, I want to present it as something. I have it: Crust. Type | CUSTDOC | Cr. Date | LN Knight | Volume | Local Payable | CORD0001 | May 14 - 14. 8 | 33 | 16-May-14 Local | CDSP 0001 | May 15-May 14. 5 | 25 | 16-May-14 Local | CINV0001 | 16-May-14. 5 | 25 | 16-May-14 Local | CDSP 00011 | May 19-May 14. 2 | 5 | 19 May 14 Local | CINV0001 / 1 | May 19-May 14. 2 | 5 | 19 May 14 Local | CDSP 0001/2 | May 25-May 14. 1 | 3 | 25-May-14 Local | CINV0001 / 2. May 25-May 14. 1 | 3 | 25-May-14 Local | SINV2234 | Local | CRED8384 | Int | CORD0002 | 30th June-14 | 5 | 15 | 12-Jul-14 Int | CDSP 20002. 11-Jul-14. 5 | 15 | 12-July -14 I would like to arrange it by serial number crust. Type | Order number order. Date | Order c. Disp. Disp.Due | | Local etc. 0001 | May 14 - 14. 16-May-14. May 15, 14. 16-May-14. Etc. I am using SSRS 2012 Express. Can someone give me a hand here? Than