ember.js - Error : "The URL '/index.html' did not match any routes in your application" -

An amber-clear app is trying to use an amber build to create and create i. But when the page loads I am running in an error:

Error: Entry failed: URL '/index.html' error on error (origin) does not match any of the routes in your application .EmberError (file: ///Users/me/Work/lunch-picker/dist/assets/vendor.js: 26504: 23) at Object.Ember.assert (file: /// user / my / work / afternoon Food Picker T / property / vendor. JS: 16791: 15) In file: ///Users/me/Work/lunch-picker/dist/assets/vendor.js: 37 9 49: 17 at trycatch (file: /// User /me/Work/lunch-picker/dist/assets/vendor.jsitter8376:20) Click on Call (file: ///Users/me/Work/lunch-picker/dist/assets/vendor.js: 58385 : 21) Publish (file: ///Users/me/Work/lunch-picker/dist/assets/vendor.js: 58363: 17) on Publish (file: /// user / me / work / afternoon Food / Yellow / District /assets/vendor.js:58314:9) In file: ///Users/me/Work/lunch-picker/dist/assets/vendor.js: 41 939: 9

This is my router j.j. Looks like

  this.resource ('lunches', {path: '/'}, function () {this.route ('unserved'); this.route ('served') ;}); This.route ('Login');  

I have no problem using the Amber service, which shows me as the next debug log in the console:

Route: Application. ..................................... Lunch-picker / app / root

I am using amber-cli 0.0.39; And config / environment.js

baseURL: 'user / m / work / afternoon picker / delivery /',

and access it Through Browser:

File: ///Users/me/Work/lunch-picker/dist/index.html

Not sure at all That's how to debug

Thanks! With the location option set to

auto , your app is based on history-based routing. You can read more about history-based routing. In essence, you probably want to set your location option to hash , so you do not have to make any server side changes.


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