
Showing posts from May, 2015

excel - VLOOKUP with Alphnumeric codes Failing even though they are equal. -

What am I trying to do, search for alphanumeric serial numbers in a range of data in another sheet I'm using VLOOKUP for However, it does not seem that this is a match when I know for a fact that there exists and that they are formatted in the same way. The values ​​I am working with look like this: FTX1724R3W2 I have run a = A1 = B2 function and it gives TRUE. I have copied and pasted each other to make sure that the formatting is the same, yet it still gives the #n / a goes wrong even by using matches I'm not sure What's happening, do I need to format alphanumeric code specifically so that they are "searchable"? I am using VLUUP ... = VLOOKUP (L2489, inventory_list! $ A $ 1: $ D $ 2176, 1, wrong ) My ultimate goal is to get it in another sheet and give value to the first indexed column, which is the name of the object object any help Would be appreciated. Thank you. VLOOKUP () searches for the first column of the indicated range, to effec

actionscript 3 - Scaling down a bitmap makes it look worse? -

I have this in AS3, which means take a screenshot of your webcam and display a timestamp on it var width = 196; Var Height = 147; Var Screenshot: Bitmapdata = New Bitmapdata (width, height, false); Var overlay: bitmapdata = new bitmap data (90,90, incorrect); Var m: matrix = new matrix (); Var M2: matrix = new matrix (); Var Scale: Number = 1; M.scale (width / (myCam.width), height / (myCam.height)); // scale m2.scale (scale, scale) for thumbnails; // scale overlay.draw (time group, m2) for time; Screenshot.draw (VD1, m); // A 400x300 image screenshot. Merge (overlay, new rectangle (0,0, timreck.width * scale, timeline.height * scale), new point (width- (timercreat width * scale) +1, height- (time -that heat * scale) +1, 256, 256, 256, 256); Because I deliberately scales a 400x300 image in 196x147, it looks normally worse, but it's trendy. However, if I see the scale variable, the overlay (timestamp) image that I'm merged with screenshots really looks bad. ov

jquery - JavaScript, Whats the difference between defining variables with $ and without? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 15 उत्तर क्या परिभाषित करने में कोई अंतर है चर: var p_tr1 = $ ('& lt; tr & gt; & lt; / tr & gt;') $ p_tr = $ ('& lt; tr & gt; & lt; / tr & gt;') मैं नेटबीन्स का उपयोग कर रहा हूं, और वेरिएबल्स में अलग-अलग हाइलाइटिंग है। मैंने एफएफ डीबगर के माध्यम से देखा और पाया कि वेरिएबल बराबर है $ चिन्ह केवल एक प्रतीक है जिसे चर नामों में इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है एक वैरिएबल a = 1 बनाना एक वैरिएबल $ a = 1 बनाने या एक अन्य चर a $ ap = 1 के रूप में सटीक एक वस्तु है। केवल एक चीज जो परिवर्तन करती है वह चर का नाम है आप a == a $ ap टाइप कर सकते हैं और यह आउटपुट true होगा।

jsf - fullPage layout with collapsible layoutUnits doesn't display the buttons used to collapse -

It's already showing a simple full page layout with each layout, and so on, but not any buttons . The XHTML page is as follows: & lt; F: visual content type = "text / html" & gt; & Lt; A: Body & gt; & Lt; P: layout fullpage = "true" & gt; & Lt; P: layout permission status = "answer" & gt; & Lt; H: form & gt; & Lt; P: Gurra ID = "Message" /> & Lt; P: Menuer model = "# {menuCategoriaMB.model}" /> & Lt; / H: form & gt; & Lt; / P: layoutUnit & gt; & Lt; P: layoutwise position = "west" size = "275" resizable = "true" closeable = "true" collapsible = "true" & gt; & Lt; H: form & gt; & Lt; Div id = "west" & gt; & Lt; Ui: Insert name = "west" & gt; & Lt; / UI: Insert & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / H: form & gt; & Lt; / P: layoutUnit &am

c++ - How to use LibVLC with Qt 5 -

I am trying to use LibVL in a QT5 program to open VLC examples and play a video. The following code is using Linux in I .pro: TEMPLATE = app TARGET = include projectLoic + =. VLC QT + = Widgets #Input Headers + Source = = Main CPP LIBS + = - lvlc Main: #include < Vlc / vlc.h> # Include & lt; QApplication & gt; Int main (int argc, char * argv []) {Q Application app (argc, argv); Libvlc_instance_t * inst; Libvlc_media_player_t * mp; Libvlc_media_t * m; // Load the VLC engine instantly = libvlc_new (0, NULL); // Create a new item m = libvlc_media_new_path (inst, "/ home / ****"); // Create a Media Player environment environment mp = libvlc_media_player_new_from_media (m); // play media_player libvlc_media_player_play (mp); Return app.exec (); } The compilation is okay. But when I create it (with the QT manufacturer) the program instantly crashes any thoughts? Many thanks to this issue, this issue can be the reason for this accident: Many thank

visual studio 2012 - How keep the memory clear in the C# applications (DataTable dispose)? -

Is the best way to set up a DataTable and clear all the RAM memory related to the C # application? I have a simple code using {vDT} {vDT} using {DataTable vDTsec = New DataTable ()): Private Zero Form 1_load (Object Sender, EventAgds E) {Datatale vDT = New DataTable ()). Columns.Add ('A'); VDT.Columns.Add ("B"); VDT.Columns.Add ("B_1"); VDTsec.Columns.Add ('A'); VDTsec.Columns.Add ("B"); VDTsec.Columns.Add ("e"); (Int x = 1; x & lt; = 1000000; x ++) {vDT.Rows.Add (New object [] {x, "B" + x.ToString (), "C" + x.ToString ()}); VDTsec.Rows.Add (new object [] {x, "B" + x.ToString (), "E" + x.ToString ()}); } VDT.Dispose (); VDTsec.Dispose (); } Gc. Compiler (); GC.WaitForFullGCApproach (100); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers (); } If I place a breakpoint before creating millions of rows then the application size is ~ 4MB: after the construction of the lines, there has been a huge inc

jquery - Replace several different text words each with a different image -

I do not have the access to convert these sites to HTML and I am not very knowledgeable with jQuery This is very possible. I have a table that contains many different user names & lt; Table id = "chat" & gt; & Lt; Td> Tim Burton & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td> Doretha Rose & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td> Selma Jeerik & lt; / Td> & Lt; / Table & gt; I would just like to search for each user's name within this table and change each name to the avatar of my selection. I looked at this script, but how has it been modified for my needs ("*"). Each (function () {if ($ (this) children () Length == 0) {var newHTML = $ (this) .html (). ('Basketball', '& lt; img src = "image.jpg" /> '); $ (This) .html (newHTML);}}); The following can do something like: var name = 'Tim Burton'; Filter (function () {return $ (this) .text () == name;}) .html ('& lt; img src = "

objective c - lines with thicker strokes in the middle with SpriteKit -

How can I attract lines using SpriteKit? They should be moderate and light on the edges. This method adds a line that combines two points of view ... - (zero) adlinkfirm: (CGPint) P1 Two point: (CP point) P2 with color: (SK Klolar) color {CGFloat dx = p2.x - p1.x; CGFloat dy = p2.y - p1.y; CGFloat angle = atan2 (dA, dx); CGFloat length = sqrt (dx * dx + dy * dy); SKShapeNode * size = [SKShapeNode node]; Shape. Pt = [Size with auto diamond: CGSizeMake (length, 2)]; Shape.lineWidth = 0.125; Shape.position = Sijeepiiaksmek (min (p 1 x, p 2.aks) + Fabs (DX) / 2, Min (P 1A, P 2kai) + Fabs (DI) / 2); Shape.fillColor = color; Shape. Stroke color = color; Shape. ZRotation = Angle; [Self linking child: shape]; } This method creates a diamond-shaped path ... - shaped with Diamond (Sijeepithfrank): (Sijisaisii) size {UIBezierPath * BezierPath = [UIBezierPath bezierPath]; [Bezirpath left to point: CG point make (- size quarter / 2, 0)]; [Bezierpath Adeline Towpoint: CG Pointsm

Use PrintWriter to recreate a text file in /res/raw/ with android? -

I am preparing an app where the configuration file needs to be rewritten on startup and to make it printware It has to be used. The problem is printWriter takes a file as a parameter. Is there a way to refer to a text document in / res / raw / to fit the parameters of PrintWriter? I do not know if this will help from that but here's some code to better my interpretation of the question: (This is the original idea but does not work ...) PrintWriter author = new print-author (new file ("res / raw / config.txt")); / * (I need to get my config file ... here) * / < P> You can not write to res / raw directory because it is part of your APK file. You must either save the configuration file priority by using the PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences , or write the file in your app personal directory. You can create a file like this: PrintWriter author = new Print Writer (context.openFileOutput ("config.txt", MODE_PRIVATE));

sql - What does PRIMARY KEY actually signify, and does my table need one? -

I have a PostgreSQL 9.3 database with a user table that stores the user names in their case-protected format . All questions will be insensitive, so I should have an indicator that supports it. In addition, the user should be unique, regardless of the case. This is what came with me: forums = & gt; \ D User table "public.users" column. Type | Modifier ------------ + -------------------------- + --------- --------------- Name | Character is changing (24). Null indexed: "users_lower_idx" UNIQUE, btree (short (name: text)) expressed in standard SQL syntax: create table users (Name varchar (24) not tap); Create unique index "users_lower_idx" on users (lower (name)); With this schema, I have satisfied all my hurdles, though without the primary key. The SQL standard does not support the functional primary key, so I can not promote the index: forums = & gt; Add user users_lower_idx to the optional table users using the primary key; Er

Android views one by one -

I want to add an image view in the layout with an arrelist, but when there are so many ideas, this is a little delay because it First loads each image and then it applies to the scene. I have to know that there is a way to add them one by one to avoid the delay. I am using this code. ArrayList & lt; String & gt; Pictures; Image view iv; Linear layout container; (Int i = 0; i & lt; pictures.size (); i ++) {layout} Parameters = New liner layout. Layout Paste (Linear Layout. LayoutPam. WRAP_CONTENT, Linear Lite LayoutsPartsWRAP_CONTENT); Iv = new image view (getActivity ()); Iv.setLayoutParams (parameter); Iv.setImageBitmap (pictures.get (i)); Container.addView (iv); } I recommend you to use drawables such as:

jquery - Accessing attributes of dynamically created elements using .on function and selector paramter -

I have elements that are dynamically created and after clicking on them, the properties of one of them I want to use. I want to identify these new hair elements based on the names of these squares. I think, to add a click handler to the original element I already use. Function should be used. For example, this dynamic element would be: & lt; Div id = "parent" & gt; & Lt; A class = "dynamic child" id = "123" /> & Lt; A class = "dynamic child" id = "124" /> & Lt; A class = "dynamic child" id = "125" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; And to add this one click handler function: $ ('# parent'). ('Click', '.dynamicChild', function (e) {}); My question is, in the above work, I want to use the ID of the child element that was clicked. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can do this? My guess was low, but it does not seem to work. Warning ($ (this) .id); webforms website stopped working in IE10 but works in chrome -

Websites developed through Windows authentication in do not work in IE 10. There was a power shutdown arrangement in the data center. The website works in Chrome and it first asks for credentials. I get an error: This page can not be displayed Make sure the web address is correct. / P> Does your IE11 have the same problem? Does it work fine with IE9? Older versions of NAT used a single-digit linear expression to identify the IE version and therefore can identify your browser as IE1. You can download the hotfix from .NET 4.

drop down menu - Dropdown based on previous dropdown using php class -

मेरे पास मेरे पृष्ठ में निम्न ड्रॉपडाउन है & lt; लेबल = "state" & Gt; राज्य: & lt; / लेबल & gt; & Lt; नाम चुनें = "राज्य" वर्ग = "ड्रॉपडाउन" & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "" चयनित & gt; कृपया चुनें & lt; / option & gt; & Lt;? Php गूंज $ states- & gt; GetStates (); ? & Gt; & Lt; / चयन & gt; ड्रॉपडाउन ही काम करता है और खुद को राज्यों में कोई समस्या नहीं आती है। लेकिन अब मैं इसे राज्य चुनने में सक्षम होना चाहता हूं और उस स्थिति के आधार पर शहर के ड्रॉपडाउन उस राज्य के संबंधित शहरों के साथ दिखाता है। नीचे मेरे पास वर्ग है मैं सिर्फ यह नहीं समझ सकता कि कैसे myclass के getCity फ़ंक्शन को कॉल करें और इसे राज्य ड्रॉपडाउन से चयनित मान पास करें। states.php class states {function Getstates () {$ success = false; {$ Con = नया पीडीओ (DB_DSN, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD) की कोशिश करें; $ कॉन- & gt; सेट एट्रिब्यूट (पीडीओ :: एटीटीआरआरएआरएमओडीई, पीडीओ :: ईआरएमएमएमडीएमएक्सईईपीईपीएस); $ Sql ​​=

hadoop - Multidimensional analysis in Hive/Impala -

I have a denormalized table that looks like a sale: Saleskie, Salesoffers, Salesoff Extracts , CostAufcel Some numerical measure Industry, country, state, sales area, device ID, customer ID, year of sale, month of sale and some more similar dimensions (total 12 dimensions) Such as a year, the total number of sales in the month, their total cost etc. Need to support Apart from this, these sets need to be filtered, i.e. like the total sales in 2013, XYZ is connected to the customer's manufacturing industry. I have the facts in these dimension tables and hive / ipala. I do not think I have made a cube on all the dimensions I've read a paper to see how to do the OLAP on many dimensions: Which basically small pieces Suggests execution of cubes and performs some sort of sequential calculation when the query expands to several cubes. I'm not sure how to implement this model in Hive / Empala. Any indication / suggestion would be horrible. Edit: I have about 10 mil

How to have an array of images side by side using css/html -

I am using CSS / html and trying to get the "array" similar to the same images. It: In the CSS file: #header_index {background: #FFFFFF url ('image1.jpg') Repeated x 10px 10px; Padding: 20px; Height: 240px; } In the html file: & lt; Div id = "header_index" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; This image 1. The Jpg side-by-side sticks horizontally. What I want is to show the same exact form, but with many images. How can I get an "array" or whatever from the images so that this image is 1.jpgimage2.jpgimage3.jpg without any limit. I tried to use tables and divas, but could not get rid of the limit and besides, I want to use the same approach that I'm already using (where the image is specified in the CSS file). Thank you. Assume that you want 4 images in each row, so there will be 4 columns and 25 in each column % Width will be. & lt; Div class = "col-1-4" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; &

parsing - Parse formatted string in Golang -

I am trying to parse a GNSS Rinx file using Golland. For example, here is the RINEX specification for line VERSION: + ------------------- - + ------------------------------------------ + ----- - ------ + | RINEX version / type | - Format version (2.11) | F 9.2, 11x, | | | - File type (for 'o' overview data). A1, 19, X, | | | - Satellite system: blank or 'g': GPS | A1, 19 x. | | 'R': GLONASS | | | | 'S': Geostationary | | | | Signal payload | | | | 'E': Galileo | | | | 'M': Mixed | | + -------------------- + ---------------------------- -------------- + ------------ + Each row has a fixed width in a RINEX file 80 ASCII character + "\ n". In this example, the first 9 letter version number (float) indicates. In Python I can use it: struct.unpack ("9s11s1s19s1s19s20s", line) 7 string I am new to going and trying to use fmt.Sscanf to read the formatted text: func main () {str: = "2.11 Inspectio

java - how do u read all doubles from txt file? -

It's easy when there is a file of all doubles, but when a non-double is somewhere in the middle, then I It does not enable it to catch all of them. For example: 604.2 609.2 6042 604.4 4234.324 312 gfsdgfreg 6043 604.3 Output: 604.2 609.2 6042.0 604.4 4234.324 312.0 Obviously, two pairs are missing, is there any way to catch them all , Which use the Hydicted Double ()? If thx in advance u do not receive a reply. I have seen somewhere that I can parse each of them for doubling the exception and catching, but I'm not really advanced What's here with me: import java util *. Import * *; Public Class Lab11 {Public static zero main (string [] args) FileNotFoundException throws {file nums = new file ("file.txt"); Int size = arrSize (nums); Double [] phonenum = copy (nums, size); (Int i = 0; I & lt; Phone no. Lamp; I ++) system. Out.printLN (phoneme [ii]); } Public static arrSize (file f) throws FileNotFoundException {int arrSize = 0;

oracle/sql Creating a sequence without triggering -

I created a sequence with the beginning value as 2. start sequence seq_ben with 2 increments by nocache noxile 1; When I asked to show the next two numbers of that sequence select seq_ben.nextval from double And after running this code twice to give the next two values, I was asked to show the next sequence without triggering to move the next number and to add new rows in the above sequence Use the next three values. Is this possible? How can this generate a next sequence without triggering? If you have provided a reference, you can use at least in the current session Once NXTVL . However, I believe that if you really want to know the next number in order, then something fundamentally wrong about your design. Sequences are such designs as NexusVil is a nuclear operation, and two sessions can get the same number. Or in other words, the growing unique identifier is the guarantee that gives you. With this design, asking for the next potential value of the sequen

Reading a page and parsing it with minidom.parse or minidom.parseString in Python? -

मेरे पास इनमें से कोड हैं: import urlib से xml.dom आयात minidom res = Urllib.urlopen ('') dom = minidom.parse (res) जो मुझे देता है त्रुटि xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError: वाक्यविन्यास त्रुटि: पंक्ति 1, कॉलम 0 या यह: import urllib से xml.dom आयात minidom res = urllib.urlopen ('') dom = minidom.parseString ( ()) जो मुझे एक ही त्रुटि देता है () ठीक पढ़ता है और एक स्ट्रिंग है। मैं बाद में कोड के माध्यम से पार्स करना चाहूंगा। मैं यह कैसे xml.dom.minidom ? का उपयोग करके कर सकता हूं आपको यह त्रुटि मिल रही है कि पृष्ठ मान्य XML नहीं है यह एचटीएमएल 5 है। शीर्ष पर स्थित doctype यह आपको बताता है, भले ही आप सामग्री प्रकार की उपेक्षा करते हैं आप एक XML पार्सर के साथ HTML को पार्स नहीं कर सकते। * यदि आप stdlib में हैं, तो आप (पायथन 3.x) / (2.x) का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। ** हालांकि, आप lxml (जैसे नाम के बावजूद, HTML को पार्स कर सकते हैं), ht

twitter bootstrap - bootstrap4xpages with IE9 in datepicker in edit mode ruins layout -

I am using the bootstrap4xpages extension library I am trying to use the application in IE 9. When there is a page in my reading mode, it looks okay, but when I use Detector in IE 9 and the page layout breaks down to edit the document and the layout is converted to a mobile page. Do I do with the layout to prevent this from happening? Can I disable feedback on the page? Can I stop reading the BSX libraries from a date picker? I think this should be a renderer because the dojo text box works fine. There is nothing to use with XPages, but for these browsers just bootstrap Support is about they do not fully support CSS3. I think review this page.

Using the HTML5 drag and drop API to create sortable table rows -

I have searched very extensively for an example, where someone uses HTML drag and drop API so that The rearrangement of table rows could be enabled. Element), but there does not seem to be any such thing. I have participated in some examples that look for the mouse cursor position, but of course it is not to take advantage of these new API incidents that seem very easy. To date, I have ever actually seen anyone posting the order and examples using unreserved listings and list elements. How it is used in the list of their own experiments implementing draggart, drawer and drop handlers, does not work like this. Has anyone managed to apply it to table elements, and is there an example of working with them? I know about jQuery's sorted plugin, but I'm particularly interested in the original JavaScript solution. I apply the HTML5 drag based on the tutorial and drop it from "pocket to rect" For several days: And it works quite well. Here's what happened t

PHP foreach and explode array code not functioning properly -

& lt; php $ string = file_get_contents ("csv.csv"); $ सरणी = विस्फोट (",", $ स्ट्रिंग); $ Q = स्ट्रॉल्वर ($ _ GET [q]); विदेशी मुद्रा ($ सरणी $ मान) {$ परिणाम = विस्फोट (":", $ value); अगर (एसआरपीओ ($ क्यू, $ का परिणाम [0])! == गलत) {$ आउटपुट = $ परिणाम [1]; }} $ आउटपुट गूंज; ? & Gt; यहां फ़ाइल csv.csv की सामग्री है, जो मैं स्ट्रिंग में बदल रहा हूं। हैलो: कैसे हैं यदि $ _ GET [q] (और $ q ) है, तो आप क्या कर रहे हैं, नमस्ते: आप क्या हैं, df: df कोड> हैलो , $ आउटपुट है आप कैसे कर रहे हैं । हालांकि, अगर यह नमस्ते है, तो मुझे आउटपुट नहीं मिलता है आप क्या हैं या अगर मैं df करता हूं मुझे नहीं मिलता । ऐसा क्यों होने वाला कोई कारण है? अपनी तरह की मदद के लिए आपको पहले से धन्यवाद। आप अल्पविराम द्वारा विस्फोट कर रहे हैं, लेकिन सच्चाई आपके पास है प्रत्येक मान को अल्पविराम प्लस लाइन ब्रेक से अलग कर दिया गया है। विस्फोट के बाद, आपका सरणी ["हैलो", "\ nhi ...", "\ ndf: ..." ], यही कारण है कि

php - var_dump() returns NULL somehow -

I have created an e-mail address to verify in vaidate and to check whether they match or not. But this does not work because when I got the var_dump () I got the value null like: NULL String (13) . Can you give me some advice to fix this? I'm completely trapped. function email_validate_n_match ($ value) {if ($ value == '') returns; If (preg_match ("/ ^ ([a-zA-Z0- 9]) + ([a-zA-Z0-9 \ ._-]) * @ ([a-zA-Z0-9 _-]) + ([A-zA-Z0-9 \ ._-] +) + $ / ", $ value) {static $ count = 0; If ($ count == 0) {$ value1 = $ value; } And if ($ count == 1) {$ value2 = $ value; } Var_dump ($ value2); // if ($ value1 == $ value2) {// return; //} else {// $ this-> Clear = false; // Return $ this- & gt; Tag_st 'does not match'. . $ This- & gt; Tag_ed; //} $ count ++; Return; } And {$ this- & gt; Clear = false; Return $ $-> Tag_st 'Find the correct email address.' . $ This- & gt; Tag_ed; }} Edit: Thanks for the reply.

java IBM portlet project - Where to put my css and jquery -

I have a simple portal that I have created with the following project structure. All Java scripts at this time And CSS is inline. I would like to add jquery and some css to this project, can someone tell me to put a css and js folder in the project structure to the right folder. Finding examples on the Net is difficult I do not want to use themes etc. I just want to try to do all this in the project. Is there any problem adding jquery to the project? Should it just work? Thanks - Solution resolution solution - Hi, So, according to your suggestion I Jquery tried to add some javascript to its own portfolio. Or module though the javascript link does not look right. I have in my JSP .. & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = '<% = renderResponse.encodeURL (renderRequest.getContextPath (+ + "/ js / jquery DataTables.min.js")% & gt; '& Gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script Type = "Text / JavaScript"

jquery - Refreshing javascript (.js page) not working as expected -

Every time Javascript is refreshed, a new news ticker is created. I just need to refresh the ticker and display it in the same box, it should not make a new news ticker, otherwise the page will be filled with news stickers In addition to this, I only end one loop Should set the fresh time after. After the end of a loop, fresh action should be performed. Is there any other way to refresh it? This is my code. (Ticker.js) $ ('document'). Ready (function init () {var jsonData1 = $ .ajax ({url: "/ restartSpringRestService / rest / color indicator", data type: "json", async: false}). Feedback text; var jsonObj1 = JSON.parse JsonData1); var size = 0; (jsonObj1 in var size card) {size ++;} var i = 1; var data array 1 = new array (size + 1); while (i & lt; size +1) { DataRay 1 [i] = New Array (); // DataAre [i] [1] = (JasonObj [I]. Site IndicatorColor); DataArray 1 [I] [0] = (Jason OOBJ 1 [I]. Buffer High) ; Data Aarere 1 [I] [1] = (JSONBJ1 [I]] Buff

ios - Transparent objects with visible textures(set alpha channel) -

I need to show transparent objects with alpha channel set texture using OpenGL ES 2.0 and I can show the object with texture on the iPhone but the alpha channel does not work. It is almost similar to the sample. How do I change the code? In ViewController.m: - (zero) glkView: (GLKView *) Draw to see: (CGRect) rect {// Clear buffers GlClearColor ( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); Gluclease (GL_Collo_B_BFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // Set Visual Matrix [Self Update Visual Matrix]; GlUniformMatrix4fv (_uniforms.u projection matrix, 1, 0, _projectionmatrix.m); GlUniformMatrix4fv (_uniforms.uModelViewMatrix, 1, 0, _modelViewMatrix.m); GlUniformMatrix3fv (_uniforms.u general matrix, 1, 0, _normalMatrix.m); // Make Texture glUniform1i (_uniforms.u fixtures, 0); // set mode mode glUniform1i (_uniforms.uMode, self.viewMode.selectedSegmentIndex); // Enable glEnableVertexAttribArray (_attributes.aVertex); GlEnableVertexAttribArray (_attributes.aNormal); GlEnableVert

java - what is the use of "$" in out.format of toString() and how toString() works? -

सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग toString () {स्ट्रिंगबफ़र परिणाम = नया स्ट्रिंगबफर (); फॉर्मर आउट = नई फॉर्मेटर (परिणाम); Out.format ("$% .2f% n% d डॉलर% n% d क्वार्टर% n" + "% d dimes% n% d पेनीज़% n", कुल, डॉलर, क्वार्टर, डाइम्स, पेनीज़); वापसी परिणाम। ToString (); } कोड के इस स्निपेट में, क्यों स्ट्रिंगबफर, फॉर्मेटर का उपयोग किया जाता है? और कैसे मुख्य रूप से कॉल करने के बिना स्वचालित रूप से क्लास में स्ट्रिंग () को कॉल किया जाता है? आप सही हैं कि कोड को अधिक संक्षिप्त रूप से लिखा जा सकता है वापसी स्ट्रिंग। प्रारूप ("$% .2f% n% d डॉलर% n% d क्वार्टर% n% d dimes% n% डी पैनीज़% n ", कुल, डॉलर, क्वार्टर, डाइम्स, पेनीज़); "$" का उपयोग क्या है इसका कोई विशेष अर्थ नहीं है (प्रारूप विनिर्देशक के रूप में)। यह सिर्फ एक शाब्दिक डॉलर का संकेत प्रिंट करता है तो आपको "$ 2.00" जैसे एक आउटपुट मिलेगा। और कैसे स्ट्रिंग () एक क्लास में स्वचालित रूप से इसे कॉल करने के लिए बिना मुख्य कॉल () पाठ आउटपुट (जैसे System.out.println) पैरामीटर

android - how to decrease and increase alpha of bitmap for every second -

After I want to increase the bitmap of alpha and please help each other with each other. I fade out in fade Want to create an animation like the bitmap on the canvas try this easy way < Code> public zero animateImage (context mContext, imageView imgSplash) {try {animation myFadeInAnimation = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation (mContext, R.anim.fade_in); ImgSplash.startAnimation (myFadeInAnimation); } Catch (Exception E) {}} Add this fade_in.xml in the race / anim folder & Lt; / Set & gt;

Cannot print System Local Time with use Time::localtime function in Perl -

I have written a Perl script to get specific information from the config file Time: Local time; My $ date_string = ctime (stat ($ filepath) - & gt; mtime); Print "$ date_string \ t"; The above code prints the last modified time and file date, but the problem is that I could not print the report generation time with the following function < Code> my $ time = local time; # Scaler reference print "successfully executed at $ time \ n"; I get the following error successfully executed on time: tm = ARRAY (0x336e048) The module overrides the default export core localtime () function, replacing it with the version that gives "Time :: TM" objects So if you want to use core pearl locality, type in this way: my $ time = CORE :: local time;

Lexical Scoping in javascript function, why is the code returning undefined -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 4 उत्तर var variable = "उच्चे स्तर का " ; फ़ंक्शन बाहरी () {सतर्क (चर); // यह चेतावनी क्यों अनिर्धारित देता है ?? Var वेरिएबल = "बाहर, बाहरी भीतर"; फ़ंक्शन इनर () {चेतावनी (चर); } भीतरी(); } बाहरी (); मैं समझता हूं कि लिक्सिकल स्कोपिंग की परिभाषा क्या है, फ़ंक्शन उसके दायरे में और उसके ऊपर सभी मानों का उपयोग कर सकता है i.e. उनके सामने परिभाषित सभी चीजें। तो पहले चेतावनी रिटर्न अनिर्धारित क्यों करता है? यह उत्थान के कारण है, आपके द्वारा फ़ंक्शन के अंदर घोषित किए गए वेरिएबल को ऊपर की तरफ फहराया गया है यह गुंजाइश है, इसलिए आपका कोड वास्तव में इस तरह दिखता है var variable = "top level"; फ़ंक्शन बाहरी () {var चर; // अपरिभाषित, एक नया स्थानीय चर घोषित किया गया है, लेकिन परिभाषित नहीं चेतावनी (चर); // अलर्ट अपरिभाषित, जैसा कि वैरिएबल वैरिएबल = "बाहरी भीतर, बाहरी भीतर" है; फ़ंक्शन इनर () {चेतावनी (चर); } भीतरी(); } बाहरी (); यदि आप बस बाहर चर को बदलना चाहते हैं, तो var

html - JEditorPane print dropping spaces -

मेरे पास एचटीएमएल जैसी एक जेडडरपैणन है: & lt; मजबूत & gt; फ़ाइल & lt का उपयोग करें ; / strong & gt; मेनू, & lt; मजबूत & gt; फ़ाइल खोलें & lt; / strong & gt; रूपांतरण चलाने के लिए इंटरैक्टिव विंडो में ऐसा लगता है कि मुझे क्या चाहिए: " फ़ाइल मेनू का उपयोग करें, चलाने के लिए फ़ाइल खोलें हालांकि, जब मैं इसे JEditorPane.print का उपयोग करके प्रिंट करता हूं: "मुझे रूपांतरण प्राप्त करने के लिए फ़ाइल मेनू, फ़ाइल खोलें का उपयोग करें", "रूपांतरण" " यानी यह 'the' और 'file' के बीच की जगह को छोड़ रहा है यह संभवतः एचटीएमएल फ़ाइल में यादृच्छिक रूप से हो रहा है, 'स्पैन', 'मजबूत', 'ए', और 'एम' टैग पर मैंने कोशिश की है। एचटीएमएल में लगभग आधे ऐसे टैग एक जगह छोड़ रहे हैं। उदाहरण के रूप में, यह एक पंक्ति में एक ऐसे टैग पर होगा, और अगले नहीं या वीजा-विपरीत अथवा दोनों। मैंने 'मजबूत' या 'ए' या अंदर और बाहर दोनों के अंदर जगह डालने की कोशिश की है, और इसमें कोई अंतर

java - book return in library management -

I am doing a library management project, this is the return book of this module. & lt; Form name = "book_return" method = "post" action = "return.jsp" & gt; & Lt;% // String position 1 = Request.Gate parameter ("position1"); // string com = "1 = 1"; // Connection Connection Connection Con = lm.Database.getConnection (); Prepared place PS = null; Results set rs = null; String Mid = Request Jupiter ("Mid"); // Description st = con.createStatement (); // ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery ("Choose from those issues where middle =?"); String query = "Choose from those problems where middle =?"; Ps = con.prepareStatement (query); Ps.setstring (1, middle); Rs = ps.executeQuery (); // ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery ("Choose from those problems where middle =" + middle); // System.out.println ("query ==" + query); // Place prepared ps = con.prepareStatement ("Choose from thos

django - Reloading python module in all threads -

I wrote some material management mechanism on Django. Users can create pages with different URLs. Page for the route, I'm default Django URL router mechanics: pages = CMSHelpers () includes get_available_pages () urlpatterns = patterns ( 'url (r' ^ $ ' ('', namespace = 'homepage')), URL (r 'search /', include ('app search search.', Namespace = 'search')), url (r '^ include Ajax /', the page in the pages ( '', namespace = 'ajax')),) + stable (settings.MEDIA_URL, DOCUMENT_ROOT = settings.MEDIA_ROOT): if Page.module .slug: try: urlpatterns + = pattern ('', url ('^% s /'% page.url.strip ('/'), included ('App.%'% page.module slug, name space = page.module.slug + '-' + page.module_params), kwargs = {'page_data': pages})) logging.debug ("Imported module% s for url% s"% ( ('/', page.m

android - Color.parseColor returns negative -

मैंने अभी ऐसा करने की कोशिश की है System.out.println ("color = = "+ रंग। परसेरॉलर (" # F5F5F5 ")); तब यह रिटर्न देता है रंग == -657931 कोई भी जानता है, कृपया क्यों? सबसे पहले parseColor विधि हेक्साडेसिमल < / Strong> F5F5F5 जो वास्तव में FFF5F5F5 + रंग की अस्पष्टता है। FFF5F5F5 का दशमलव मान < कोड> 429430 9365 जो फिर पूर्णांक में परिवर्तित हो जाता है जो इस प्रकार आपके ऋणात्मक संख्या को देता है। यहां उस अतिप्रवाह का एक उदाहरण है int i = (पूर्णांक) 4294309365L; // 429430 9 365 एल एफएफएफ 5 एफ 5 एफ 5 सिस्टम। आउट.प्रिंटएलएन (आई) के दशमलव प्रतिनिधित्व; // परिणाम: -657931

android - AWS app analytics data -

We are using Amazon Mobile Analytics to collect the usage of apps for Android using the Android Android SDK . Since our application is related to the business, we are tracking certain custom events. Now we want to show those custom event analytics on the Android device to the app user. Is there any way to get our app analytics data as web services, so that we can show data to our users on the Android app? I have posted the same question on the AWS forum, unfortunately I have no answer Amazon Mobile Analytics has recently released the" Auto Export "feature. This enables you to get your raw event in the S3 bucket. From there you can easily create a web service around it or just read the raw S3 file.

Youtube Data API v3 using Google service account java -

I am integrating the video upload feature in my website using the #google service account and I am using YouTube Data Ape 3 I am using the library. / P> When I run the code below, I run the time exception. Please help me .. thanks in advance .. This is my Java code .. package; Import; Import; Import; Import; Import; Import; Import; Import Actions; Import; Import; Import java.util.ArrayList; Import java.util.list; / ** * * * Author * Sunil * / Public Sector ServiceEightToken {Last Fixed HTTP Transport = New Net HTTPS Transport

python - Program hanging, probably socket-based -

That's why I have called for sending in the main host program on 'host server it went got .py file it waits to connect "mode that is fine and dandy, except that if you pull it back and then it goes back, the program would freeze. # # Imported from Host Oz, Seiz, Pagmem #Basic stuff of Pigame.Local import with #MempoShop module * #Fiddley bits data gaffex import sockets import letters, flickr, backbutton, flickrandler import config Import Import Threading Import * def net_srv () by importing data as: # I do not have to ask, it is called global sock, connected sock = socket.socket (socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.bind (('', Port) see sock.listen (1); Connect = Incorrect class host screen (): def __init __ (self): Enter DRAF pass (self, customer): conf.state = conf.STATE_HOSTING size = (width, height) = [640,480] screen = pygame.display set_mode (size) Dt = 0.0 clock = pygame.time.Clock () background = pygame.Surface (screen.get_size ()) backgro

php - how to generate dynamic pdf file where (Name, email, and Address are dynamically generated from database) -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 4 जवाब गतिशील पीडीएफ फाइल कैसे उत्पन्न करें जहां (नाम, ईमेल और पता डायनामिक रूप से डेटाबेस से उत्पन्न होता है)। मैं सामग्री के लिए tinymce संपादक का इस्तेमाल किया और XML फ़ाइल में इस सामग्री को बचाने। मैं चाहता हूं कि नाम, ईमेल, पता डायनामिक रूप से परिवर्तित हो और इन सामग्री के लिए पीडीएफ फाइल जेनरेट करें। मैं पीडीएफ उत्पन्न करने के लिए टीसीपीडीएफ इस्तेमाल किया मुझे लगता है कि आपको "एमपीडीएफ" के साथ जाना चाहिए, जो कि डेटाबेस से पीडीएफ जेनरेट करने के लिए html का समर्थन करता है। & lt;? Php $ html = '& lt; h1 & gt; & lt; एक नाम = "शीर्ष" & gt; & lt; / a & gt; mPDF & lt; / h1 & gt; & Lt; h2 & gt; मूलभूत HTML उदाहरण & lt; / h2 & gt; यह फ़ाइल HTML तत्वों के अधिकांश दर्शाती है & Lt; h3 & gt; शीर्षक 3 & lt; / h3 & gt; & Lt; h4 & gt; हैडिंग 4 & lt; / h4 & gt; & Lt; h5 & gt; हेडिंग 5 & lt; / h5 & gt; & Lt;

c# - Lucene.Net when to reindex my datatbase -

I am implementing Lucene.Net in my ecommerce application (Asp.Net Mvc3, Sql Server 2008) There is a big database. Therefore indexing products are getting very heavy operation. Now when I update, updating any product index for a particular product, then it should be updated accordingly. In addition to this, I have also implemented bulk updates for this. Products through excel sheet are being added, updating or removing a large number of products through this operation. As most of the products are not unchanged, it may not be a good idea to reindex all the products and increase the load on the server as . For my code indexing products foreach (var in products) {// Create a document object / object temp = p; Document document = new document (); Var Properties = p.GetType (). GetProperties (); Foreach (Property Properties in Property Properties) {// Our query populate the document with column name and value from var value = propertyInfo.GetValue (p, null); Doc.Add (new field

how to all Oracle Stored Proc in Package from Delphi -

A stored procedure (developed by third parties) has been given to me ... is the cux_ivr_task_assigupd_pkg for creating or changing the package body - private types of announcements process cux_update_task_assgnments (in p_task_number varchar2, p_pressed_number in number, x_err_code varchar2, x_err_message varchar2) and execute Trying to call this process with a Delphi program when calling with name cux_i Vr_task_assigupd_pkg.cux_update_task_assgnments I get the error [Oracle] [ODBC] [ORA] ORA-0664: Object CUX_YRIITPSA_ASSIIPIPDPKKKQQX_UPDDATS_ASSGNAMS ORA-06512: not present on SIS. DBMS_DESCRIBE ", line 117 ORA-06512: on Line 1 and if I use the name cux_update_task_assgnments, we get an error [Oracle] [ ODBC] [ORA] ORA-0650: Line 1, Column 7: PLS -0201: Identifier 'CUX_UPDDATTsK_ASSGNAMS' should be declared ORA-0650: Line 1, Column 7: PL / SQL: Statement ignored I do not have access to the database - I am just a customer who processes the process I sh

java - Maven compile multi-module project with cyclic dependencies -

I am working on my small OS S project, in which I am using Maven as a build tool. I split this project into smaller sub-projects to make development easier. Thus I have the structure: project + - main-module | | | + - pom.xml | + - submodule1 | | | + - pom.xml | + Pom.xml I believed that the interface should be provided to main module , which would be implemented to plug each application into a full application needed. Therefore context reference dependency references to submodule1 / pom.xml have main-module . In return, I should be able to test the whole application and thus include the test liability dependency reference for main-module / pom.xml for submodule1 . As a result, Maven denies compiling projects that they keep cyclical references. I believed Maven could compile the first main module because it does not require the time of any compilation, depending on any submodules, then it Using compiled squares of main module, , it can compile classes of submodul

regex - URL not rewriting correctly -

मेरे पास एक यूआरएल है जो है: /portfolio/project.html?project_name=test जो मुझे फिर से लिखना चाहते हैं: / पोर्टफोलियो / प्रोजेक्ट / टेस्ट यह वही है जो मैं कोशिश कर रहा हूं लेकिन मुझे 500 आंतरिक सर्वर त्रुटि मिलती है RewriteRule ^ portfolio / ([^ / ] *) /? $ / Portfolio /project.html?project_name=$1 [एल, क्यूएसए, एनसी] क्या ऐसा करने का एक बेहतर तरीका है? आपको 500 आंतरिक त्रुटि मिल रही है क्योंकि आपका नियम पाशन है इसे ठीक करने के लिए /NEW2014/portfolio/.htaccess में यह नियम है: विकल्प विकल्प - मल्टीमीडिया रीव्रैटइजइन रीव्रेटबेस पर / न्यू2014 / पोर्टफोलियो / पुनर्लेखन%% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! - डी RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -f रिवेराइटियम ^ प्रोजेक्ट /(.+?)/?$ project.html? Project_name = $ 1 [एल, क्यूएसए, एनसी]

mongodb - PHP Startup Unable to load dynamic library php_mongo.dll -

I am starting for this, I am trying to install mongodb driver on php. Platform: Windows 8.1 64 bit PHP 5.5.9 Apache / 2.4.7 Here followed the instructions: I have tried to do all php_mongo.dll file with VC11 and put it in the php / ext folder. And extension = php_mongo.dll was added to the php.ini file, but when I tried to start Apache in the XP controller, I got an error. Php startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C: \ xampp \ php \ ext \ php_mongo.dll' -% 1 is not a valid Win32 application < P> I have already checked my VC compiler version in phpinfo () and it has been called with MSVC11 with architecture: x86 . It would be nice if someone could help me thanks. Appreciate it. Make sure you download the correct DLL for your php installation. Good chance, if you are running Xpay x86, then download an x86 php_mongo.dll. Also, if you are running PHP as an Apache module, make sure that you select Thread Safe (TS) DLL type that matches the PHP v

java - Spring MVC validator annotation + custom validation -

I am working on Spring MVC application, where I need verification based on Spring MVC videor. For this I added an annotation to the class and setup controller in the first stage and it works fine and now I need to implement the custom verifier to execute complex arguments, but I want to use the existing annotation and just I would like to add additional checks. My user class: public class user {@NotEmpty private string name; @ Private entry is not logged; // should be unique} My validator: @Component public class UserValidator implementer verifier {@Autowired Private UserDAO userDAO; Support for @ Override Public Boolean (class My Controller: @ Controller Public Class UserController {@Autowired Private UserValidator validator; @InitBinder Secure Zero InitBender (Last WebDetBender Binder) {binder.setValidator (validator); } @RequestMapping (Value = "/ save") Public ModelAndView (@ Valid @ModelAttribute ("User") End User User, Binding Results Resu

Rails 4 : unknown attribute: shared_attachments_attributes for accepts_nested_attributes_for -

मॉडल / पार्टनर_टैक्टमेंट.आरबी वर्ग प्रतिभागी अटैचमेंट & lt; ActiveRecord :: बेस belongs_to: प्रतिभागी has_many: shared_attachments validates_presence_of: accepts_nested_attributes_for लगाव: shared_attachments, reject_if: all_blank, allow_destroy: सच अंत मॉडल / shared_attachment.rb < कोड> क्लास शेडएक्टैक्टमेंट & lt; ActiveRecord :: बेस belongs_to: प्रतिभागी belongs_to: participant_attachment अंत shared_attachment.html.haml % उल - @ participants.each करना | भागीदार | = Hidden_field_tag ​​'participant_attachments [shared_attachments_attributes] [] [participant_attachment_id]', @ बचाव नहीं के बराबर% ली% लेबल = participant.full_name = check_box_tag "participant_attachments [shared_attachments_attributes] [] [participant_id]",, @ shared_participants.include ( participant_attachments_controller.rb डीईएफ़ create_shared_participants shared_participants = (activity_params)

c++ - Boost log not showing custom TimeStamp -

I am working with the Boost Log Library (version 1.55) and am trying to customize the output format. Unfortunately I can not seem to create a custom format to show the timestamp attribute Example program, which is derived from examples in the Boost log documentation: #include & lt; Boost / log / trivial.hpp & gt; #include & lt; Boost / log / sinks.hpp & gt; # Include & lt; Boost / log / expressions.hpp & gt; #include & lt; Boost / log / support / date_time.hpp & gt; #include & lt; Boost / utility / empty_deleter.hpp & gt; Name locale logging = boost :: log; Namespace sync = Login :: Sync; Name space expr = logging :: expressions; Namespace = entrants = entry :: attributes; Int main () {text_sink = sinks :: synchronous_sink & lt; Sinks :: text_ostream_backend & gt; Auto Sync = Boost :: Make-Shed & lt; Text_sink & gt; (); // Add standard output to increase sync: shared_ptr & lt; Std :: ostream & gt; Stream (&

java html code genarating class -

I am developing a business application using Java. I want to give my manager permission to edit and send sample emails to the customer, seller, etc. I have to allow him to make an email in my application. My problem is that I have to generate the HTML code when it inserts the image, bolds a particular text, highlights the text, the link is inserted, and so on. I realized that it is not easy to code the HTML code generation according to the visual format. I want to know that there is a class or library to implement it? I can actually create a GI like the following image but I can not generate HTML code accordingly.

java - conflict two persistence.xml -

I have a conflict persistence.xml file, one of them is server configuration with filters and other test configurations when I run the test Sometimes the Nuts server uses the JPA configuration and ignores the test configuration. What is the solution in this case & lt; Build & gt; & Lt; FinalName & gt; Qwe & lt; / FinalName & gt; & Lt; Filter & gt; & Lt; Filter & gt; Conf.prop & lt; / Filter & gt; & Lt; / Filters & gt; & Lt; TestResources & gt; & Lt; TestResource & gt; & Lt; Directory & gt; Src / trial / resources & lt; / Directory & gt; & Lt; / TestResource & gt; & Lt; / TestResources & gt; & Lt; Resources & gt; & Lt; Resources & gt; & Lt; Directory & gt; Conf & lt; / Directory & gt; & Lt; Filtering & gt; True & lt; / Filtering & gt; & Lt; / Resources & gt; & Lt; / Resources & gt; & Lt; / Create & gt;

multithreading - Why is Java using more cores than I asked it to? -

I have a lot of java code I know that I am creating three threads. I have six cores, so I hope my CPU usage will increase from 0% to 50%. However, after adding some new, memory-intensive operations, I'm looking at CPU usage up to 100% - using all six cores of my machine. What's going on here? Is this a garbage collector at work? Due to its many long running threads, you must first have threads that have been running for a long time. Find out. You can easily take the thread dump. ps -fL will give you a list and check for LWP for time. After this walk, give it a hexadecimal value of the long lasting thread. The above is PID Java process ID. Hope this will help you solve the problem.

sql server - Incorrect syntax near 'RETURN'. when trying to return an image -

I am trying to return an image using this function: Create getDiverSignature Return (@IID Int) Return Image from Reverse Diver with Signal Diver WHERE diver_number = @id GO When I added this image to the diver table I was used : OpenRoseset (Bulk 'C: \' IIM Not that how the return works either You set a result (the position In the case you will only use select and you do not use return ), or you will have to return a single value, eg: Declare @ret image; select @ret = diver_signature ...; Return @ Root;

entity framework - Can I use claims to secure EF fields using PostSharp? -

This post is possible to use claims-based permissions to secure EF areas faster. We have a multi-tanda app which we are going to claim and also there are issues which can read / write which fields I have seen, but this role is based. As far as I can see it will be a matter of rewriting the irresistible part. We were hoping to be able to decorate an area with permission and silently ignore any writing if the user was not allowed. We also believed that if they read it then we can swap in other values ​​eg Read the salary and if you do not read any claim, return to 0. Did I ever have serious AOP to talk about these standard types, so I wanted a quick confirmation before mentioning it as an option. Yes, it is possible to use this case in the claims based on the examples given by poststop and rbac Must be very easy to convert. One thing to be considered is the display when the decorated field is often delivered during processing of a case-case (as read inside the loop), so