
Showing posts from February, 2013

three.js - ThreeJS CSS3DRenderer / CSS Animation Issue -

I was looking for a way to display plain text (2D or 3D) in a three JS view, And to apply some CSS effects to them, I looked around for a while and I came across, maybe what I would like. Now the problem is that when I know an Anonymous CSS (CSS Animation Library) very well ) Go to HTML Elements, so my CSS3D object The condition is reset and flipped (why not explain it) '' Note: -I think this code example shows very well what I'm trying to do, apply CSS text effect in WebGL view (I have all camera movements and tweaking needed). I first three The text tried Gemetrees, but I wanted to keep the text in a language other than English and change the font right somewhere (displayed in all my tests '??????') and next to it, I have been using CSS conversion for some time and I am very comfortable with them, and working with them is very easy for me. Overall, the main reason I'm using threeJS camera is The Oln ability me that I used

ColdFusion 9 : View SOAP XML before processing it -

Before trying to control access to web service methods by blocking the request in application.cfm / cfc It is processed by the CFC Web Service Code Actually, I want to see which method is being requested and if necessary, cancel the request immediately. For lush connections, I can see the URL and form scope, which method is being called but for the SOAP requests, the method requested is embedded in the XML SOAP message and I It seems that SOAP requests are not able to access it without using getHttpRequestData ()! I tried to getPageContext () .getRequest () ... but could not get the SOAP message to reach anyway. Is there any other way to view XML SOAP messages or to determine which web service method is being called? Try P> () Event handler in application.cfc. In the case of usage, you describe the sounds like onCFCRequest () is your handler If it does not solve your problem, then getSOAPRequestHeader () < See the documentation for the / code> function. This

c# - Find index of last occurrence of each distinct zipcode in collection -

एक वर्ग को देखते हुए: सार्वजनिक वर्ग डेटा {सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग नाम {get; सेट; } सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग लिंग {प्राप्त; सेट; } सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग ज़िपकोड {प्राप्त; सेट; }} और नीचे दी गई सूची दी है जहां तीन अलग-अलग ज़िपकोड हैं: ["21112", "21046", "21075"] < पूर्व> var आइटम = नई सूची & lt; डेटा & gt; नया डेटा {name = "bob", gender = "male", zipcode = "21112"} नया डेटा {name = "sarah", लिंग = "महिला", ज़िपकोड = "21046"} नया डेटा {name = "steven नया डेटा {name = "karen", gender = "female"}, नया डेटा {name = "joe", gender = "male", zipcode = "21046"}, नया डेटा {name = "male", zipcode = "21112"} ज़िप कोड = "21075"}} अगर मैं सूची को ज़िपकोड से ऑर्डर करता हूं, तो कैसे मैं पिछले घटना के सूचकांक (संग्रह में किसी वस्तु का शून्य-आधारित सूचकांक) पा सकते हैं प्रत्येक विशिष्ट ज़िपकोड: items.OrderBy (i

c# - How to use .RemoveAll in here? -

Here's a simple question, but it is trying to work on this work ... < P> I have a class, which is called classification . I have a property called WebName , I want to get a list of classification classes, and want to use . Remove all WebName.ToLower () or "n / a" or "Other" to remove any classification. With the list within WebName is the property type string. This is what I have tried to do so far: list & lt; Classification & gt; The NewsBirds = New List & lt; Classification & gt; (); Classification around = Gaticach niibbertechnikon (); // Returns the parental classification = neighborhood = one city. children. List (); // This gives me a list of classification classes How can I change the "code" Only select values ​​that are not "non / single" or " Are not "in each webname property in the classification ? theNighborhoods = aNeighborhood.Children.ToList (). Remove All (a =>

javascript - Click linked image to close / hide div -

It has so far to me. I have tried various solutions, but I am missing something: ( This is my html: & gt; Lt; a class = "close-x" href = "#" & gt; & lt; img src = "x-close.png" alt = "x-close" width = "30" height = "30" /> < P> Here's my CSS: .container {width: 333px; display: block; position: fixed; top: 30%; left: 0;} .box {background: RGBA ( 255, 255, 255, 0.8);} a.close-x {position: absolute; top: -15px; right: -15 PX;} < Use other window load instead of document preparation event. Here's how you can do it: $ (function () {// short way to write document. $ $ ('DivContainer a.close-x'). Click (function (e) {e.preventDefault (); var div = $ (This) .next ('.box') .lideToggle ();});});

ios - UICollectionView with only 1 vertical 'column' still flowing into 2 columns -

I have made those who thought that the basic UICollectionView xCode 5, IOS 7, storyboard, autolayout of me funny Getting the result. I was hoping to create a single "column" - ie, all cells have to stand up, no one Tebldrishy) for Side-by-Side (example: | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 | | 5 | However, I'm getting 2 columns like this (which I can only see if I scroll horizontally): | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 | | 5 | My collection view is the same width as my cells, 1 section, any inset, no header, scroll direction = vertical, layout = flow. Edit: I cells through the storyboard tried to add 5 and they are right to stand in the same way as I would like, but when the line programmatically is not added ... EDIT2: I FYI, I can get another UICollectionView which works fine - the only difference is how the 4x4 I'm single column layout? See implementation - (CGSize) collectionView: Leautः size ForItemAtIndexPath: UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout <

c# - KinectBackgroundRemoval180_32/64.dll -

I was reading this example, I have two background removal DLLs in the project, one for 32 bit computers and 64 For a bit computer they are not listed in the context though. My question is, what is the meaning of small blue icon In the lower right corner of the DLL icon, and what is the correct way to use these two DLSs? Thanks in advance. Small blue symbol means that the dll is a link in the Add this dialog box as "Link" Add "option. This means that it is not a literal file in your project, but there is a link to a file that is elsewhere. You can use this project to share a file in two projects or to add a file to your project, while storing it in an external location, you can see what it does if you Right-click on it and select Properties, Properties window will appear. Take a look at "full path" and you will see where the file is. Compare another file in your project and note that the path is right inside your project. DLL files are "o

python - Cannot close wxPython window on Mac -

I am now struggling in what I realize is that many different dragon accidents and / or applications are hanging out Because I try to integrate vtk into it, a wxPython GUI I have a different one that works with a stand-alone VTK example. During the window closure process, I got a square of problems around proper erosion of vtk objects. However, pursuing those issues, I have found out that I can not even clean a simple wx. Frame! The following simple examples (provided as part of the answer of some other) fails to close me with Mac (running Mac OSX 1.48.1975 on 10.9.4) but my The windows run and stop at VM (the same canopy version is running). Specifically, clicking the red "close" dot or "close" wx.button controls the integrated python prompt in canopy, but the window does not go away. With the "close" button I see the print statement, such as the control passes through the on-close function. In either case, restarting the Python kernel (Run -> &

python - Django no such column error -

मेरे पास मेरे फ़ाइल में निम्न कोड है: django.db से आयात मॉडल django.db.models से आयात स्थायी लिंक वर्ग पृष्ठ (models.Model): नाम = models.CharField (MAX_LENGTH = 100, db_index = सच, अद्वितीय = सच) स्लग = models.SlugField (MAX_LENGTH = 100, db_index = सच, अद्वितीय = सच) डीईएफ़ __unicode __ (स्वयं): वापसी '% s'% वर्ग श्रेणी (models.Model): नाम = models.CharField (MAX_LENGTH = 100, db_index = सच, अद्वितीय = सच) स्लग = models.SlugField (MAX_LENGTH = 100, db_index = सच, अद्वितीय = सच) डीईएफ़ __unicode __ (स्वयं): वापसी '% s'% वर्ग पोस्ट (models.Model): title = models.CharField (MAX_LENGTH = 100, अद्वितीय = सच, db_index = सच) शरीर = models.TextField () POST_DATE = models.DateField (db_index = सच, auto_now_add = सच) श्रेणी = models.ForeignKey ( 'board.Category') पेज = models.ForeignKey ( 'board.Page') डीईएफ़ __unicode __ (स्वयं): रिटर्न '% s'% self.t जब मैं व्यवस्थापक पृष्ठ में एक पोस्ट वस्तु जोड़ने की कोशिश करता हू

python - Get last record of a day using joins in Flask-SQLAlchemy -

I have a timestamp and a table of data for some values ​​where I want to get the last value of each day. / P> In the raw SQL I will do this: select strftime ('% y-% m-% d', a1.created_at) created_at, a1.my_value My_table a1 zone (as SELECT max (id) from mytable group maxtime as strftime ('% y-% m-% d', created_at) = a2.MAX on a1; I am working on a flask application where I want to use the flask-SQLL extension and sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session or not raw SQL . The defined model looks like this: class MyModel (surrogate PK, model): __tablename__ = 'my_table' id = column (db.Integer (), nullable = false, primary_key = true) created_at = Columns (db.DateTime (), nullable = False, default = dt.datetime.utcnow) my_value = Columns (db.Integer (), nullable = true) I have so far What is: External query: MyModel.query.with_entities (MyModel.created_at, MyModel.my_value) ... < P> Inner query: MyModel.query.with_entities (

java - How do i make a Dialog box show up when a person has failed to put the correct password? -

OK this is my code, which I need to work on, the rest I think is probably irrelevant. Private zeros jButton1ActionPerformed (java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {int failT = 1; String Answer = Pass.get Text (); If (answer.equals (password)) {System.out.println ("right !!"); Pass.setText (""); } Else {failT = + 1; Pass.setText (""); If (unsuccessful> = 3) {Joppanpan. Shomosez dylog (empty, "Sorry, you have failed 3 times times"); }}}} I think you should replace FailT = + 1; With failT + = 1;

javascript - Is it possible to override CSS in js -

I am using a link generated from an RSS converter (, which at the end of a JavaScript tag My HTML needs to convert an RSS feed to HTML to display me on some digital signage. It works great, except that I'm having trouble overriding my default styles. I can change .i and .a styles in body or HTML tags, but can not make font size. I have looked for a solution everywhere and tried to use it in my CSS but it is not working. I would like to use an external style sheet and it will have to override all the styles in JS tags at the end of my HTML. Is this possible? I'm new to this and got stuck, please help! It is possible that they are setting some styles inline such as on elements & lt; Span style = "font-size: 12px" & gt; Content & lt; / Span & gt; If JS is using JS itself, there is no way to override it with CSS. You have to use JS to override your styles.

scala - How can a parallel array be reused? -

I am trying to use a parallel archive of Scala to send some computations in parallel. Because there are so many input data, I am using volatile arrays to store data to avoid GC issues. This is the initial approach that I took: // Reusable input data structure for Wal-InData = New Array [Array [int]] (Runtime.Getterant.weelprocessors * Chunksage) (i & Lt; - InputDataLabel up to 0) {InputData (i) = New Array [int] (array)} // Inputing the process (hamorInput ()) {// Read the input - Must be sequential! (Array_index.length) for {array & lt; -0.0} {array for array (index up to 0) {array (index) = deserializeFromExternalSource ()}} // data map in parallel / note that input data is not LongRuningProcess val results = (array & lt; - inputData.par) yield {longRunningProcess (array)} // should use the results - sequential and should be ordered as input (for results & lt; - results.toArray) {useResult (as a result) Given that the inclusion of a parallel file Array is

android - Why is every activity suddenly giving me errors? -

I restarted Android studio and now nothing works and there are errors everywhere. It says: [2014-07-31 23:46:15 - Kmermap] C: \ Users \ Gabri \ Workspace \ EpacaPat_V 7 \ Res \ Value \ attrs.xml: 207: Error: Attribute "Home Layout" has already been defined [2014 -07-31 23:46:15 - KeyMemaps] C: \ Users \ Gabri \ Workspace \ EpacaPatWin \ Res \ Value \ attrs.xml: 209 : Error: The feature "Progressive Style" is already defined [2014-07-31 23: 46: 15 - Carianmaps] C: \ Users \ Gabri \ Workspace \ Epcarpat_v7 \ Res \ Value \ attrs.xml: 211: Error: The attribute "indefinable progress" is already defined [2014-07-31 23:46:15 - Kieranmaps] C: \ users \ gabby \ workspace \ appcompat_v7 \ res \ Values ​​\ attrs.xml: 213: Error: The feature "progress increment padding" is already defined [2014-07-31 23:46:15 - kieranmaps] C: \ user \ gabby \ workspace \ appcompat_v7 \ res \ Values ​​\ attrs.xml: 216: Error: The feature "item padding" has a

python 3.x - endless container iterator with backward\forward movement support -

Support for endless forward / backward movement in standaround library containers, such as itertools.cycle? Or how to implement a one-liner for this? Current code (): def __init __ (self, ...): self .__ weapon = [weapon () ("blaster"), weapon ("Laser"), weapon () ("UM")] self .__ weapon = self .__ weapon [0] ... def next_weapon (self): ind = self.__ weapon.index (self .__ weapon ) If the end of the lieutenant; Lane (self .__ weapon) - 1: self .__ weapon = self .__ weapon [IND + 1] others: self .__ weapon = self .__ weapon [0] and About the same code I <> I have decided that the list is the best solution to expand. class InfList ("list"): "" "infinite container" "def __int___ (auto, * algs, ** quorz): super () .__ init__ (* args, * * Kwargs) self._index = 0 def current (self): return self [self._index] def next (self): self._index = (self._index + 1)% len (self) return itself [self._index]

jquery - Click to Delete html and javascript -

I have to keep two divs side by side, the first one contains a table of information in which two buttons are deleted in the other And edit the first division I want to be 100% of the screen, the second time the screen will start to stop, once I click on the first device with the table, the second slide will go and first press the div and delete and edit button & lt; Div id = "div1" & gt; & Lt; Table & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td> Some information & lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "div2" & gt; & Lt; Button ID = "Delete" & gt; & Lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; Button ID = "edit" & gt; & Lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; // JavaScript code & lt; Script & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ('# div1'). Click (function {// slide div2 out and div1 to the left and edit button

c - Navigating through files using dirent.h? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 2 जवाब मैं यह जानना चाहूंगा कि कैसे मैं सीडी में कोड के माध्यम से फ़ोल्डर्स और फाइलों को नेविगेट और संपादित कर सकता हूं। मैंने पुस्तकालय dirent.h देख लिया है, लेकिन मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि कौन से फ़ंक्शंस डायरेक्टरीज़ से गुजरने के लिए उपयोग की जाती हैं क्या मैं इस मामले के लिए सही लाइब्रेरी का भी उपयोग कर रहा हूं, और यदि हां, तो क्या आप मौलिक कार्यों में से कुछ के संक्षिप्त विवरण दे सकते हैं, मुझे फ़ोल्डरों के चारों ओर घूमने और फाइल बदलने की आवश्यकता होगी इसके अलावा, क्या मुझे इस बात का ट्रैक रखने के लिए किसी प्रकार के एक सूचक का उपयोग करना होगा कि मैं वर्तमान में किस निर्देशिका में हूं, जैसे कि मैं एक लिंक्ड सूची के साथ होता हूं? संकेतक को इंगित करने के लिए कुछ ऐसा करने के लिए मुझे द्विआधारी पेड़ बनाने की आवश्यकता होगी? सबसे महत्वपूर्ण कार्य हैं: opendir (const char * ) - एक निर्देशिका को खोलता है और एक प्रकार की वस्तु डीआईआर देता है readdir (डीआईआर *) - एक निर्देशिका की सामग्री को पढ़ता है और एक ऑब्जेक्ट प्रकार di

regex - Need explanation of tcl regexp inline example in the man page please -

While looking at the regexp and --inline usage, looked at this example but did not understand how to Works. Link to the man page: In this, under the --line option, this example was given: regexp -inline - {\ w (\ w)} "Inline" = & gt; {In}} regexp -all -inline - {\ w (\ w)} "inline" = & gt; {In n li i ne e} How do "{\ w (\ w)}" yield "{in}}"? Can anyone please explain thanks If -inline < / Code> but not -all is given, regexp returns a list corresponding to a value for a whole field and each receipt (captured by parentheses) Fields) gives a value for it. To see what the whole match is, ignore the parenthesis: the pattern is now {\ w \ w} , matching the two first word characters in the string ( in ) Accounts. If you exclude a word character (outside of brackets \ w ) and then capture the character of the next word ( \ w inside brackets), you get The first ridge is with. , Getting n If both of -inline

unity3d - Unity 2D | How To Make A Character Respawn? -

I'm using Unity 2D, not 3D, and I'm wondering why my current script is not working Will do It is not destroying the object and it is giving relief. Keep in mind that I am using Integration 2D and 2D Physics. Can anyone help? #pragma Strict class players: GameAbject; Var spawnPoint: conversion; Function OnTriggerEnter (other: collider) {deleted (other. GameObject); Var P: Game Object = Institution (Player, SpawnPoint.Status, Quattrocount., Privacy); } this problem itself, OK: function OnTriggerEnter2D (Other object: Collider 2D) { 2D and 3D commands are different really bothered.

perl - How to `local` multiple array elements at once? -

I rely on variables passing in some Pearl Sabratin Global. So I'm trying to wrap Substrin after getting the argument, Local In Wars. But looping on logic, each element is extracted in different code blocks. Are I local in one of these elements in the code block? I want to pass the following test script: #! Use / usr / bin / perl strict; Use warnings; Test :: Use more; Our $ foo = 'foo'; Our $ bar = 'bar'; Our $ buz = 'buz'; My% arg = (foo = & gt; 'foo', bar = & gt; 'bar', buzz = & gt; 'buz',); Subtext test 1 = & gt; Sub [no rigid; Note that 'I need' local 'some variables'; Local $ {":: foo"} = 'FOO'; Local $ {":: bar"} = 'bar'; Local $ {":: buz"} = 'buzz'; $ Foo is 'FOO'; $ Bar, 'bar'; $ Buzz is 'buzz'; }; Subtext test 2 = & gt; Sub [no rigid; Note 'These variables are in% arg'; Note 'so I tried

SQL connection works in VBA but not in Python -

I have a code that reads from a SQL server whose parameters are set as follows. global console my_db = "driver = {SQL server}; server = my_server; initial catalog = my_catalog; uid = user; pwd = opensesame;" However, translating into Python does not work for me: import _mysql db = _mysql.connect (host = "my_server", user me Received error traceback (most recent call final) : File ". \", line 6, in the & Gt; Db = _mysql.connect (host = "my_server", user = "user", passwd = "opensesame", db = "my_db") file "C: \ python27 \ lib \ site-packages \ MySQLdb \ __ init__ .py ", line 81, the connect return return connection (* args, ** kwargs) in the file" C: \ python27 \ lib \ site-packages \ MySQLdb \ ", line 187, __init__ in super The connection can not be connected to the MySQL server at the "MyServer" (10061)) .__ / init __ (* Args, ** kwargs2) _my

How to ADD Decimal to Time in MS Excel? -

Is it possible to create a formula that will take a price from the column which is the time format and the decimal from the other Column which will evaluate in a new time format? How is that? For example: _________________________________________________ | A. B C. -------------------------------------------------- 1 | Departure time. Hour period Arrival time 2 | 7:00 AM | 2.78 | = SUM (A2 + B2). 3 | 7:00 AM | 1.33 | = SUM (A3 + B3). 4 | 7:00 AM | 6.98 | = SUM (A4 + B4). 5 | 7:00 AM | 2.50 | 9:30 pm | The above hours are in column format format and in the timing format of departures and arrival (h: mm am / pm). In line 5, the duration of the hour is "2.50", which is 2 hours and 30 minutes (not 2 hours and 50 minutes) - then (7:00 AM + 2.50) should be the result of 9: 30 PM. In the above example, formulas do not work in column C, but hopefully what I am thinking to meet the expectations. For example C2 = A2 + B2/24 and format in C2 in time format.

ruby on rails - Bootstrap carousel with carrierwave -

I am trying to create a slideshow using many photos by the uploaded user through the carrier. This is my post / show.html.erb and I do not understand the list of slides per slide: (It's still listing all the photos that I want to scroll to: ( You are enforcing active category for all photos used div Class = "item active" but it should be div class = "item" and it should be Add to your Javascript $ ('.item: first') .addClass ('active');

javascript - How can I click on one image and enlarge it and hide the remaining two images with jquery? -

यह मेरा html है: & lt; div class = "album1" & gt; & LT; ul & gt; & Lt; li वर्ग = "pic1" & gt; & lt; a href = "" & gt; & lt; img src = "#" alt = "" & gt; & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li वर्ग = "pic2" & gt; & lt; a href = "" & gt; & lt; img src = "#" alt = "" & gt; & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li वर्ग = "pic3" & gt; & lt; a href = "" & gt; & lt; img src = "#" alt = "" & gt; & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; / ul & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; मैं यह कैसे बना सकता हूं कि जब मैं किसी एक छवि पर क्लिक करता हूं, वह इमेज बढ़ता है और दूसरी दो छवियां गायब हो जाती हैं और फिर जब मैं छवि पर क्लिक करता हूं तो यह नियमित आकार पर वापस जाता है और अन्य दो छवियां दिखाई दे रही हैं? मेरा जेएस: $ (&

Unicode literals in Visual C++ -

निम्न कोड पर विचार करें: #include & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; fstream & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; iomanip & gt; Int main () {std :: string s = "\ xe2 \ x82 \ xac \ u20ac"; Std :: ऑफस्ट्रीम आउट ("test.txt"); बाहर & lt; & lt; S.length () & lt; & lt; ":" & Lt; & lt; S & lt; & lt; std :: endl; बाहर & lt; & lt; std :: endl; out.close (); } लिनक्स पर जीसीसी 4.8 के तहत (उबंटु 14.04), फ़ाइल test.txt इसमें शामिल है: 6: € € विंडोज के अंतर्गत दृश्य सी ++ 2013 में, इसमें यह शामिल है: 4: € \ x80 ( '\ X80' का मतलब है कि एक 8-बिट वर्ण 0x80)। मैं या तो कंपाइलर को € को std का उपयोग करके आउटपुट करने में असमर्थ हूँ :: wstring । दो प्रश्न: माइक्रोसॉफ्ट कंपाइलर को लगता है कि यह char * के साथ क्या कर रहा है? स्पष्ट रूप से यह सांकेतिक शब्दों में बदलना करने के लिए कुछ कर रहा है, लेकिन जो स्पष्ट नहीं है। std :: wstring और std :: का उपयोग करके उपरोक्त कोड को फिर

YouTube button for the website -

I went to create a YouTube subscription button, but for some reasons I could choose that I selected the gray box and there I can not show any code. Please help thanks root Code, check it on your web page: & lt; Script src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Div class = "g-ytsubscribe" data-channel = "GoogleDevelopers" data-layout = "default" data-count = "default" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt;

Android: Variable columns for gridview? -

I want to create a gridview with the variable column, say, line 1, column 2 Line 2, 3 Columns Line 3, 2 Columns Line 4, ... And I can also find them Have a single vertical / horizontal position I give it a font but it does not fit my requirement How can I do such a gridview layout? Thank you.

Eclipse Luna Freezes during Google Play Services Android -

I'm trying to use Google Play services in my app because I need Google Maps, but eclipse work Not doing freeze and blocks, like some storage piles I am using eclipse Juno. Thank you. I talk about it's experience, and after solving I've edited the file eclipse Ini - Launcher. XMX Lighting System Size 1024m -Shopplash org.eclipse.platform - Launcher. XMXPrescher 1024M - Launcher. Default Action OpenFile - Launcher .appendVmargs -vmargs -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion = 1.6-Xms512m -Xmx1024m

c# - DateTime? to string yyyy-mm-dd -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 14 जवाब मेरे पास एक विधि है जो DateTime? > यह हासिल करने का सबसे अच्छा इष्टतम तरीका क्या है? मान लें dateParameter यदि प्रकार के दिनांकटाइम , जैसा आपने कहा: dateParameter.ToString ("yyyy-mm-dd"); संपादित करें: चूंकि आपने अपनी पोस्ट को नल योग्य दिनांकटाइम पर संपादित किया है, यहां एक संपादन है: dateParameter.Value.ToString ("yyyy-mm-dd");

php - CakePHP: Paginate on Contained Array -

I have a lot of code associated with categories but a product There is only one category. In my category view, I have a list of all the products specified in that particular category and the output is in the table. I am attempting to endorse this table because it can easily grow in size My Controller, View Action: Public function admin_view ($ id = null) {If (! $ Id) {$ this- & gt; Redirect ('/ admin / categories');} $ range = $ this- & gt; Category-> Find ('first', array ('conditions' => array ('' = & gt; $ id), 'contain' = & gt; array ('product')); If (! $ Range) {$ this- & gt; Redirect ('/ admin / categories'); } And {$ this- & gt; Set ('category', $ range); Category model: many = array in public $ ('product'); Product model: is related to public $ = 'category'; It outputs data with a range array with all product data and all the products

c# - How to Clear web config file This error? -

Getting bthis error in my local database web configuration I can not open the requested database "BelenZyTib" Login failed. Anyone knows this error is logged failed. This means, you need to allow the database that is mentioned in your question. Follow the instructions: => Open SQL Server => Go => Find the Security tab => login => click on new login => Enter the name 'ARBSWell IUSR_ARABSWELL' as the login name => And then click on usermapping from the left tab => Choose your database name from the list in the right side. => Then you want to provide the role to your database. Actually you should select public, डेट्राডার, and डेट्रॉस्ट्रटर. => Finally, click OK and restart the SQL Server. Run your application now. You will find your way. Note: The above instructions are verified in SQL Server 2008. This concept is similar to all servers, but the process may vary depending on the IDE.

unit testing - Stubbing vs Mocking in Python -

I want to duplicate or stub the function for testing. I am convinced that if I have the correct vocabulary, then correct me Let me say if I am wrong, but I use a joke library to make a counterfeit thing as a fake and hope that what criteria it will get and what it will be, etc. I think that I want to have a little bit of ridicule for everyone, this is a good / stubbed method to do, a fixed price is returned. I think the answer to 'joke without library' What I can see, this is what I need. It's light and simple and you do not have to roam with all the fun options for ordinary cases. My question is, Is it safe to do this? The above question seems to overwrite the memory representation of a law, and it does not seem right that it has been accepted by the dragon community? Or is it encouraged to use the proper joke library all the time? Edit If you do not reassign the method in the block at the end, what kind of frightening things are said in the answer connected?

sql - How to show different rows of same column as two columns in Select statement? -

हमारे पास एक मेज है, जैसे 'टाइमकीपर' id | प्रविष्टि_देट ------------------ 1 | 1406864087263 1 1406864087268 एंट्री_डेट कॉलम में और बाहर समय दर्शाता है। इसके अंदर और बाहर के लिए दो कॉलम लगाए जाने के बजाय हम एक स्तंभ का उपयोग करते थे। यह गलत डिजाइन है मैं स्वीकार करता हूं। लेकिन मेरी ज़रूरत है कि मैं उत्पादन की तरह उत्पादन की तरह क्वेरी का चयन करना चाहता हूं, id | In_time | आउट_टाइम 1 | 1406864087263 | 1406864087268 अर्थात्, चुनें स्तंभ में दो स्तंभों के समान कॉलम दिखाएं। क्या यह संभव है? मान लेता है कि आप हमेशा बाहर निकलने से पहले ही प्रवेश करें और केवल एक आईडी दर्ज करें और आईडी से बाहर निकलें। SELECT id, min (entry_time)

reporting services - SSRS hidden column creates extra blank page -

I have a report with a table where I want this almost full page width "Gross Pay" based on a parameter Whether it is visible or not. I have also added an empty column on the left side which has visibility vis-a-vis "Gross Pay" for the fact that I can not change the tabular width of the dynamically, so the entire table remains in the same width . It's all right and works, but an additional page is excluded while saving the PDF. The reason for this is that the width of my body is more than 21cm, the bottom is tabile, the red line is where the end of the page is. to this hidden area In order to adjust, my body width should be 24 centimeters in design, but at the end, always under 21cm will be displayed, what can be the width of the body in the designer compared to the page size? Alternative solutions will also be appreciated. Thank you! I ended up using empty columns and expression for all fields only on the "Gross Pay" column While doi

c# - Refactoring .asmx file in Visual studio -

I created my first ASP web service in Visual Studio 2012, for which the code now looks like this (this file is TestService.asmx.cs ): using the system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.Linq; Using System.Web; Using System.Web.Services; Namespace MyWS [(namespace = "") [WebSusbyBing (CONForceTwo = WSprofile.basicprofile1_1)] [Systems.CommentNameModel. Toiletbox Itam (fake)] Public Sector WS1: System. Web. Services WebService {[WebMethod] Public string hello () {return "Hello world"; }}} what I would like to do now say WS1 more informative, say, HelloWorldService . For this, I have assumed that the Visual Studio's Rifcocort capabilities should be more than enough, so I chose the WS1 , clicked the refactor and changed the name of the class. However, when the webservice is running, a server error error attempt Parser error message: Could not create type 'MyWS.WS1'. From which I conclude that still a par

java - nested filter query in apache solr -

I have indexed data from the problem to apacheresolar, problem I am not able to query it here, Sharing code parameters.set ("q", "*: *"); Parameters.set ("fl", "id, property name, area, hotel"); Parameters.set ("fq", "cityname: \" "+ city name +" \ ""); Parameters.set ("wt", "json"); Parameters.set ("Rows", "600"); Parameters.set ("Indent", true); If I use another filter query such as parameters.set ("fq", "hotel: \" "+ hotel +" \ "") ; shows its overwritten city and only hotels, need to show hotels from the city I had a similar problem and here is the solution that I have applied to solve this issue: parameters.addFilterQuery ("Hotel: "" + Hotel + "\" "," cityName: "+ cityName); Example: parameters.addFilterQuery ("Hotel: \" "+ Marriott

JQuery - hiding a column table -

As you can see on this jfiddle, I have a simple table here: < Code> & lt; Table id = "mytable" & gt; & Lt; Tbody & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Column 1 & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Column 2 & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Column 3 & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Column 4 & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; ... & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; ... & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt; Input type = "button" name = "mybutton" value = "mybutton" /> gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; ... & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; ... & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; ... & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt; Input type = "button" name = "mybutton" valu

javascript - Opening Popup From Server Side -

I am adding a check to verify the size of the imported file in my web application. If the file size is greater than 4 MB, then I need to show a confirmation pop, even if a user wants to upload the file. If the user chooses a yes then the default functionality occurs and the upload is canceled. I am trying to open a confirmation page Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript (typeof (nudocument), "valuedatefile size", "& lt; script & gt; ; Valid file size () & lt; / scripts & gt; "); Where valid file size () is a JavaScript function that shows the confirmation box. But the problem is that, control of the page before I use the hidden variable to set the result of the confirmation and use it in the ' if-else ' condition. So the server side moves forward. Therefore, I am unable to read the values ​​of hidden variables and leave the uploading code on the server side. I'm using the concept of hidden variables in the form of javas

command line interface - Cordova install version disparity -

मैंने सीएलआई कोड की इस पंक्ति (मैक OSX पर) चलाया: sudo npm install -गो कॉर्डोवा मैंने यह भी किया: sudo npm install -g cordova@3.5.0-0.2.6 फिर यह एक: कॉर्डोबा - संस्करण "3.5.0" या "3.5.0-0.2" देखने की अपेक्षा 6 "। नहीं: 3.0.3 मुझे उपयोग करने के लिए कुछ प्लगइन्स के लिए मुझे कम से कम 3.1.0 की आवश्यकता है। लोग क्या कहते हैं?

java - Jersey: cannot inject custom parameter annotation -

I created a custom annotation to inject the query parameter into sections generated by my JACB: Public Finish QueriesProviderProviderProviderAvTualFinderProvider {@ Inject private service locator locator; @ Sittington Static Final Class Injection Rollover ParamInjectionResolver Expanded & lt; Projects Aqua Para & gt; {Public Injection Resolver () {Super (ProjectsCamparmValifenerProver class); }} Private Finite Static Class Projects Paramval Factor Abstractantentaruse Value Value Factory & lt; Projects & gt; {Private Final Servers Locator; Private last parameter parameter; Pvt ProjectsclideParamValiner (ServiceLicator Locator, Parameter Parameter) {this.locator = locator; this. Parameter = parameter; } @ Override Public Projectsclasification () {// Tudo Auto-Generated Method Stub Returns New Projects (); }} [@ Injected Public Projektsclaveparamvalufainrprowaider (Maltivillepirmetraktektrakpraivr MPP, Srvislaoketr locator Source] compatible source) {super (MPP, Eu

php - How to insert the current date to database then retrieve it? -

$ query = mysql_query ('pm टाइमस्टैम्प मानों में डालें ("। Strtotime (" अब ")।' ")" डेटाबेस में टाइमस्टैम्प "& lt; td & gt;" तिथि ('डीएमवाई एच: आई: एस', $ तारीख 3) गूंज। > आईएनटी (11) मुझे आज की तिथि प्राप्त करने में सक्षम है लेकिन मैं वर्तमान समय नहीं पा सकता हूं। कृपया धन्यवाद धन्यवाद! < / Div> समय (); यूनिक्स में वर्तमान दिनांक और समय देता है प्रारूप - टाइमस्टैम्प $ query = mysql_query ('pm टाइमस्टैम्प मानों में डालें ('। समय ()। '') ') और उसके बाद कि जब आप फील्ड्स वैल को var $ date3 में वापस लेते हैं, तो जैसे ही आपने किया गूंज "& lt; td & gt;" दिनांक ('डीएमवाय एच: आई: एस', $ दिनांक 3)। " & Lt; / td & gt; ";

jquery - Accordion effect on many tables and just the first and last element -

मैं इस jQuery स्क्रिप्ट का उपयोग करता हूं: $ (function () {$ (" $ ("। Accordionjquery tr: प्रथम-बच्चा")। शो (); $ ("। Accordionjquery tr.lineclic")। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {$ (यह) .nextAll ("tr")। FadeToggle (100);})। Eq (0)। Trigger ('click');}); मेरी एचटीएमएल स्क्रिप्ट: & lt; तालिका वर्ग = "accordionjquery" & gt; & Lt; tr class = "lineclic" & gt; & Lt; th & gt; प्रथम तालिका & lt; / th & gt; & LT; वें & gt; & lt; / वें & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; HIDE1 & lt; / टीडी & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; & lt; / टीडी & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; HIDE2 & lt; / टीडी & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; & lt; / टीडी & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; HIDE3 & lt; / टीडी & gt; & LT; टी

performance - Efficient way to validate a Connect Four game -

I'm scanning four games connected with opencv as in a data structure. Originally, it uses 7 x 7 (with only zero in the top row) for each player, so that the winner is not checked by using most bitsoft operators and any loops. There are very good algorithms to check a winner, but I did not know whether the board represents a valid position. These are the criteria for a valid status, which are written in this way: "If the total number of classes occupied in a situation is odd, then white The number of men is more than the number of black men. If the total occupied intersections are even, then these numbers are the same. " > "Also, if there is a blank square in any column, then all the squares are also empty than this class." "If there are four connected men in one situation, then the situation ends in one game. The game is over in the last move, at least one of the group connected to the group has the highest If this is not the case, or both

php - Storing data from custom module form into content type -

I am looking for a way to save data collected by a form (This form is being generated from the module On). I would like to save the data to a content type that I also created. Is this possible? I am looking for a way to do this and I have not found any easy way to do this. I am currently working on Drupal 7. My code is: function drupalform_menu () {$ items ['drupalform / form1'] = array ('type' => MENU_CALLBACK, '' Access logic '= & gt; array (' access content '),' page callback '= & gt;' drupal_get_form ',' page logic '=> array (' drupalform_form1 ')); Return $ item; } Function drupalform_form1 () {$ form = array (); Array ('Form' = ' M '' Shree ',' MME ')); $ Form ['nom'] = array ('#type' => gtk; 'textfield', '# title' = & gt; t ('entrance water name'),); $ Form ['email'] = array ('#type' = & gt;

objective c - Is this combination of inheritance and protocols correct? -

In this scenario, I want a class whose purpose is to direct some subclases, keeping in mind the need for implementation of the original class Base behavior I thought: Protocol @protocol TheProtocol @required - (NSString *) Some properties; - (zero) Some method: (NSString *) parameter; Base view controller @interface BaseViewController: UIViewController @end @implementation BaseViewController - (zero) viewDidLoad { Super Viewedload]; NSSart ([Self Conflict Protocol: @ Protocol (The Protocol)], @ "This view controller has to be compatible with TheProtocol."); } - (Zero) ViewVillagePower: (BOOL) Animated {[Super Viewer: Animated]; BaseViewController & LT; TheProtocol & gt; * CastedController = (BaseViewController & lt; theProtocol & gt; *) itself; NSString * Some Properties = [Some Developers Property]; NSLog (@ "% @", some properties); [Caste Communicator Some Method: @ "Hello Subclasses!"]; } TheProtocol & gt; @e

c# - I created one master page which having header.In header section there are some links..i want to highlight that links without affecting master page -

I am creating the web application project In this I have created a master page with headers and footers. There are some links in the header section..I click on the link which links to its own aspx file. All ASPX files are created using the master page ... when we go to that page every Masterpage content can highlight how links This is my code: (The link I enter is the link) For example, you have pages: Home. Espx, Vavodo.aspx .. Your Menu Le 0: Home.aspx, li1: What Wido.aspx .. You can use Global JavaScript in the master page if (location.href Setindex ("home.aspx" 1) You can try your own code Hope for this help with me

c# - What is "ITextViewLine.Top" property? -

The definition of top asset in MSDN is as follows: Top position text rendering coordination system In the edge of this line Definitions are a bit unclear when I consider the value returned by the top property of TextView in the Visual Studio Editor as negative, how to interpret the "top" value ? Is there a reference point from where the "top" property value is calculated for each line? ITextViewLine.Top this ITextView.ViewportTop Is the situation related to. When it can be negative for later signals: The value can either be positive or negative when the viewport layout is only partially replaced, the viewportort is enhanced or the number of pixels Moves up or down so that the scene has been scrolled. When the viewport layout changes completely (such that all the lines in the previous layout change), the viewportstop is reset to 0.0. In fact, you should understand that there is an abstract coordination system which is a part of all the lines.

PHP XML losing attributes -

I have a problem when I load the XML string in simple XML (I also tried it with DOCDocument but the result is same is). I have the following in XML: & lt; Define Name & gt; & Lt; Defined name name = "name1" id = "1" hidden = "1" & gt; NAME_TEST & lt; / DefinedName & gt; & Lt; Defined name name = "name2" id = "4" hidden = "1" & gt; NAME_TEST_2 & lt; / DefinedName & gt; & Lt; / DefinedNames & gt; Now I need access to specific tags using the 'name' attribute. But always when I try print_r, var_dump or smth other I always see all other attributes, But when I [0] = & gt; NAME_TEST, [1] = & gt; NAME_TEST_2 I also tried xpath, but whenever I refer to the properties, I get an empty table. So now I tried: xpath, simplexmldom, docdocument but the result is always the same - the empty array any clue? @edit $ xl-> LoadTemplate ('# xl / workbook.x

ios - table view scrolling issue.I just want to display a large amount of images ; but it slows down table scrolling.How can it perform better? -

ग्रांड सेंट्रल डिस्पैच dispatch_async (dispatch_get_global_queue (DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^ {url_Img1 = @ "Http://"; url_Img2 = userObj.event_dpURL; url_Img_FULL = [url_Img1 स्ट्रिंगबैपिंगपैडकंपनेेंट: url_Img2]; [एआर addObject: url_Img_FULL]; NSUserDefaults * userDefault = [यूजर डीफॉल्ट सेट ऑब्जेक्ट: यूज़रऑबीज। एवेनटी डीडब्ल्यूपीआरएल के लिए केए: @ "डीपीआरएलएल"]; [यूजरडीफॉल्ट सिंक्रनाइज़]; रिजल्ट = [यूज़रडीफॉल्ट ऑब्जेक्टफोरकी: @ "डीपीURL"]; डिस्पैच_असिनक (डिस्पैच_जेट_मैं_क्यूउ) (), ^ {[टेबलडेटा एडऑब्जेक्टफ्रमअरे: पुनःप्राप्तडेटा ]; [टेबल पुनः लोडडेटा];});}); } आप वेब से फास्ट लोडिंग छवि के लिए AFNetworking लाइब्रेरी का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। आप इस पुस्तकालय को लिंक से प्राप्त कर सकते हैं

java - Retrieving bitmap from internal memory fails on newer android versions -

I am developing an Android project with Google Maps and has a custom image for markers in Google Map. But instead of downloading it, the images are downloaded to the internal memory for the first time, for the first time the marker images are downloaded from the second time, I check that the images have been downloaded and then they are obtained from the storage. But the code is my phone (Android version 2.6.3), but when I tried to get the code reverse tap to reverse the bitmap image downloaded on new devices (Android 4 and above). has downloaded the images or not, the code to check it: public void Cheksnketmaijej (available) {path_file = MainActivity.this.getFilesDir (). GetAbsolutePath (); For (Int i = 0; i & lt; catprearr.size (); i ++) {file = new File (Pth_fail + file. Separator + Katpirrarkget (i) + ". Png"); If (file.exists ()) {} else {DownloadFile (URL_image + catprearr.get (i) + 'png. ", Path_file + File.separator + catprearr.get (i) +' png.&

How to get path from a Content file from Helpers in C#/.net -

यह वीएस 2012 समाधान एक्सप्लोरर में मेरे समाधान की संरचना है: abcWeb - गुण - संदर्भ - सेवा संदर्भ - App_Data - क्षेत्र - -एबीसीएरिया - - - कंट्रोलर्स - - - - एबीसीकंट्रोलर - - - देखेंमोडल्स - - - - एबीसीवीयू मॉडल - - - दृश्य - - - - एबीसीव्यू - सामग्री - - सीएसएस - - चित्र - - फोंट - - स्क्रिप्ट - - टेम्पलेट - - - abc.html - ग्लोबल - हेल्पर्स - - abcHelper.cs। । । मेरा प्रश्न यह है: मेरे पास abcHelper में एक ईमेल भेजने का एक तरीका है और इस विधि से abc.html फ़ाइल पढ़ी गई है सामग्री / टेम्पलेट, ईमेल के शरीर के रूप में शामिल करने के लिए System.IO.File.ReadAllText (...) function? में एक पैरामीटर के रूप में पास करने के लिए पथ क्या है? विधि यहाँ है: सार्वजनिक शून्य SendWelcomeTemplate () {string templatePath = @ "..// सामग्री / टेम्पलेट / abc.html"; // यह काम नहीं करता! Var emailBody = System.IO.File.ReadAllText (templatePath); SendEmail (strToEmailAddress, strEmailSubject, emailBody); } मैं बहुत मदद की सराहना करता हूं। इसे आज़माएं ; स्ट्रिंग template - Unexpected control flow while using "On Error GoTo" , compare it with "Try.... Catch" -

दोनों "try .... catch " और " त्रुटि पर जाओ "VB.NET में अपवाद हैंडलिंग तंत्र हैं तो उनके बीच क्या फर्क है? निम्नलिखित के लिए क्या कारण हैं? एक ब्लॉक कई try.Catch या एकाधिक त्रुटि गोतो पर लेकिन दोनों को एक ही ब्लॉक में अनुमति नहीं होगी। निम्न कोड के लिए: निजी उप चेक_किक (सिस्टम के रूप में उप प्रेषक। ऑब्जेक्ट, सिस्टम के रूप में ई-एजेंट और एवेन्टएआरजी) जांच संभालता है। त्रुटि गोटो पर क्लिक करें त्रुटि 1 पर जाओ GoTo l2 rt.LoadFile ("e: \ new \ Me.txt ") l1: पाठ बॉक्स 1। टेक्स्ट =" नहीं मिला "l2: पाठ बॉक्स 1। पाठ =" नहीं मिला "समाप्ति उप क्यों l2 को पहले निष्पादित किया जाता है एल 1 निष्पादित करता है, यदि पथ नहीं मिला है? त्रुटि GoTo पर निर्माण है केवल विरासत कोड के लिए रखा एकमात्र कारण है कि यह VB के बाद के संस्करणों में मौजूद है, यह है कि न्यूनतम परिवर्तनों के साथ पुराने (लेकिन परीक्षण और काम) कोड का उपयोग करना आसान हो जाता है। पुराने प्रकार के मिश्रण को कोई कारण नहीं है अपवाद हैंडलिंग के साथ त्रुट