PHP XML losing attributes -

I have a problem when I load the XML string in simple XML (I also tried it with DOCDocument but the result is same is). I have the following in XML:

  & lt; Define Name & gt; & Lt; Defined name name = "name1" id = "1" hidden = "1" & gt; NAME_TEST & lt; / DefinedName & gt; & Lt; Defined name name = "name2" id = "4" hidden = "1" & gt; NAME_TEST_2 & lt; / DefinedName & gt; & Lt; / DefinedNames & gt;  

Now I need access to specific tags using the 'name' attribute. But always when I try print_r, var_dump or smth other I always see all other attributes, But when I

  [0] = & gt; NAME_TEST, [1] = & gt; NAME_TEST_2  

I also tried xpath, but whenever I refer to the properties, I get an empty table.

So now I tried: xpath, simplexmldom, docdocument but the result is always the same - the empty array any clue?


  $ xl-> LoadTemplate ('# xl / workbook.xml'); If (isset ($ workbook) and & is_array ($ workbook) & calculation ($ workbook & gt; 0)) {$ dom = new DOMDocument (); $ Dom- & gt; LoadXML ($ xl- & gt; source); $ Xpath = new DOMXpath ($ dom); Forex Currency ($ xpath-> Evaluate ('// defined name') $ as defined name) {echo $ define-name-> GetAttribute ('name'); }} And {$ TBS- & gt; Source = preg_rele ('~ \ & lt; defined name' gt; * \ & lt; \ / defined name & gt; ~ ',' ', $ TBS- & gt; source); }  

@ edit2 - xml

  & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" standalone = "yes"? & Gt; & Lt; Workbook xmlns = "" xmlns: r = "" xmlns: MC = "http: // "MC: Ignorable =" x15 "xmlns: x15 =" "& gt; & Lt; DefinedNames & gt; & Lt; Defined name name = "name1" id = "1" hidden = "1" & gt; NAME_TEST & lt; / DefinedName & gt; & Lt; Defined name name = "name2" id = "4" hidden = "1" & gt; NAME_TEST_2 & lt; / DefinedName & gt; & Lt; / DefinedNames & gt; & Lt; / Workbook & gt;  

I know that is like smth but I've already tried:

  $ xpath-> Evaluate ('// workbook / definedNames / definedName [*]')  


  $ xpath- & gt; Rate ( "
= "Post-text" itemprop = "text">

With DOMDocument, you use Xpath to fetch values ​​or nodes.

Load XML in a document and make a DOMXpath example for it:

  $ dom = new DOMDocument (); $ Dom- & gt; LoadXml ($ XML); $ Xpath = new DOMXpath ($ dom);  

Get a node value in the form of a string:

  var_dump ($ xpath-> evaluate ('string (// defined name [ @ Name = "name1"]])););  


  string (9) "NAME_TEST"  

All defined name element data in an array Fetch:

$ Dahrenam = []; Forex Currency ($ xpath-> Evaluate ('// defined name') $ as defined name) {name by $ [] = ['name' = & gt; $ Define name- & gt; GetAttribute ('name'), 'id' = & gt; $ Define name- & gt; GetAttribute ('id'), 'hidden' = & gt; $ Define name- & gt; GetAttribute ('hidden'), 'text' = & gt; $ Define name- & gt; Nodevalue]; } Var_dump ($ byName);


  array (2) {[0] = & gt; Array (4) {["name"] = & gt; String (5) "name1" ["id"] = & gt; String (1) "1" ["hidden"] = & gt; String (1) "1" ["text"] = & gt; String (9) "NAME_TEST"} [1] = & gt; Array (4) {["name"] = & gt; String (5) "name2" ["id"] = & gt; String (1) "4" ["hidden"] = & gt; String (1) "1" ["text"] = & gt; String (11) "NAME_TEST_2"}}  


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