
Showing posts from August, 2011

eclipse - Programmatically getting installed features -

I'm running the following code to iterate on the installed utility IBundleGroup [] Bundle Group = Platform.getBundleGroupProviders () [0] .getBundleGroups (); However, this code does not return features that were installed after the initial run of the product. I do not see these installed features under the "Features" tab in the Installation Details dialog (Help -> About -> Installation Details), but to see these features under the "Installed Software" tab Is there a separate API? Use a better P2 API for it. This is an example of how it can work ( Untested, but you will get this idea): set & lt; IInstallableUnit & gt; FindFeatures () ProvisionException throws {set & lt; IInstallableUnit & gt; Results = Sets.newHashSet (); // 1. Start the necessary P2 services BundleContext ctx = FrameworkUtil.getBundle (getClass ()). GetBundleContext (); ServiceReference & LT; IProvisioningAgentProvider & gt; Ref = ctx.getServiceRe mvc - Performing an async operation before every action in a controller -

निम्नलिखित पर विचार करें: सार्वजनिक वर्ग FooController: नियंत्रक {सार्वजनिक async टास्क & lt; ActionResult & gt; Foo () {DoSomethingAsync (इंतजार); ... वापसी देखें (); } सार्वजनिक async कार्य & lt; ActionResult & gt; बार () {DoSomethingAsync (इंतजार); ... वापसी देखें (); } ...} इस लाइन, इंतजार करें DoSomethingAsync (); नियंत्रक में प्रत्येक कार्रवाई के लिए दोहराया जाता है। ऐसा कुछ करने के लिए बहुत अच्छा होगा: सार्वजनिक ओवरराइड शून्य ऑनएक्शनएक्झीटिंग (एक्शन एक्सेप्टिंग कॉन्टैक्ट फ़िल्टरकांटेक्स्ट) {डोजसमिंगएसिंक () का इंतजार करना; } लेकिन, जाहिर है, आप एक तुल्यकालिक विधि में एक async op चला सकते हैं। मैं बस सिंक चलाने के लिए async op पर बल लगा सकता था, लेकिन फिर आप थ्रेड को अनावश्यक रूप से अवरुद्ध होने के साथ समाप्त कर देते हैं। इस सिंक चलाने के लिए कम, मेरे पास कौन से विकल्प हैं? दुर्भाग्य से, asp.NET MVC में नहीं है अतुल्यकालिक फिल्टर आज एएसपी.नेट वेबएपीआई के पास है, और एएसपीएनईटी वीएनईएफ़ (एमवीसी और वेबएपीआई के संयोजन में) उनके पास है। तो, आज

python - Import object from module of same name using __import__ -

मेरे पास निर्देशिका संरचना है जो निम्न प्रकार है: root / files / __init__ .py फ़ाइल के समान नाम के साथ प्रत्येक फ़ाइल में एक वस्तु है आप कल्पना कर सकते हैं कि रेखा foo = MyObj (1) फ़ूज़े में है और बार = मायऑज (2) में है, आदि। root / files / में प्रत्येक फ़ाइल से नामित ऑब्जेक्ट आयात करने के लिए मेरे पास root / files / __ init __। Py में निम्न कोड है: File_list में file_name के लिए रूट / फाइल / में फाइलों की सूची के साथ पॉपुलेटेड है: mod_name = file_name [: - 3] #chop '.py' obj_name = file_name [: -3] #remember, मैं चाहता हूँ कि ऑब्जेक्ट मॉड्यूल obj = __import __ (mod_name, globals = globals (), स्थानीय = स्थानीय (), fromlist = (obj_name), स्तर = 1) all_objects.append (obj) के रूप में एक ही नाम चाहिए यहां, obj फ़्यू, बार, ... आदि मॉड्यूल और उन मॉड्यूल में निहित वस्तुओं नहीं रखता है। प्रश्न: मैं अपने __ आयात __ इनवॉइस को कैसे बदल सकता हूँ जैसे कि वह मॉड्यूल में निहित वस्तु वापस करेगा और मॉड्यूल में ही नहीं?

PayPal Integrations - DoReferenceTransaction and DoAuthorization -

We have a requirement where we pay out automatic Payments for PayPal payment for next scheduled order with user contact Need to run We use AGREEMENTID by using this billing to get the user that we can process during the first transaction. My question is that we just need "DoReferenceTransactionReq" or even after that we need to do DoAuthorization. . 1.SetExpressCheckoutReq 2.GetExpressCheckoutDetailsReq 3.DoExpressCheckOutPaymentReq if you have gone through already express Checkout flow and there is made a sale or authorization transaction, then you need to do is process the new amount DoReferenceTransaction is in that transaction ID passes. DoAuthorization is just making a fresh authentication and is not necessary to run the reference transaction.

sql - Possible to play back table of inserts/deletes to get the current state? -

I have a table that stores the devices as a history of change, for example: Sample table section history (includes a numeric primary key): ID greater data set date (desired result) 1 I partA 1 2014-07-01 2 I get partB 1 2014-07-01 3 I partC 1 2014 -07-01 Parts A, B, C4D Part C 2014-07-03 Parts A, B5I Partged 3 2014-07-06 Parts A, B, Z6 D part 4 2014-07-20 7 D part 4 20 14-07-20 8 Eye Part C 2014-07-20 9 Eye Part 4 2014-07-20 Parts B, C, Q In each set, one or more I- (New device) D - Deleted (deleting device) valid data (no meaning to remove non-existent devices etc.) Is it possible to use this data SQL (not PL / SQL) as if I can get the position of the device on a specific date or set? For example: Select Data, Set, Date From (... Ninja SQL ...) Where Change Date = Date '2014 -07 -03 'Part A2 2014-07-03 Partba 2 2014-07-03 Select Data, Set, Date From (... Ninja SQL ...) Where Set = 4 Part 4 2014-07-20 Part 4 2014-07-20 Part 4 2014-07-20 If you have parts an

css - Bootstap combining media query mixins -

I am using Bootstrap 3 at least and am thinking that to attach several media query mixes in one category below Is the proper way? It seems to work, but I'm unsure because I'm still learning less. I normally write in my own breakpoint query in different CSS under my stylesheet. However, there are times when I need more granular control of things and I thought it could be a cleaner to do this while using BS. . Heading H1 {Text-Alignment: Center; Font-size: 30px; Font-weight: 400; @ Media (minimum-width: @ screen-sm-min) {font-size: 40px; } @ Media (minimum-width: @ screen-MD-min) {font-size: 40px; Align text: left; } @ Media (minimum-width: @ screen-LG-Min) {font-size: 50px; Align text: left; }} try it .title h1 {Text-align: center; Font-size: 30px; Font-weight: 400; } @ Media (minimum-width: @ screen-sm-min) {. Heading H1 {font-size: 40px; }} @ Media (minimum-width: @ screen-MD-min) {. Heading H1 {font-size: 40px; Align text: left; }} @ Media (minimum-width: @ s

SharePoint multi line rich text field not editable -

Has anyone ever done this in SP-2010? This happens when some users open NewForm.aspx, but this is not for me why this is happening? How can this be fixed? TIA < / Div> I will bet on browser related problems. Ensure that your user is using 32 bit IE and there is no error in console

python - Django - make a form remember its checkbox values -

मैं एक आधार सेटअप का उपयोग करके इस प्रश्न का समाधान करूंगा: # class MyModel (models.Model): required_field = models.CharField ("कुछ लेबल", max_length = 10) another_required_field = models.CharField ("कुछ लेबल", max_length = 10) चेकबॉक्स = मॉडल। BooleanField ("कुछ लेबल") # रूप .पी क्लास MyForm (forms.ModelForm): क्लास मेटा: मॉडल = MyModel # क्लास MyView (प्रपत्रदृश्य): form_class = MyForm template_name = 'some-template.html' अब मान लें कि मैं चेकबॉक्स को चेक करता हूं और केवल एक आवश्यक फ़ील्ड को भरता हूं। फॉर्म स्पष्ट रूप से सत्यापन नहीं पास करता है और त्रुटियों और सभी के साथ वापस आ जाता है। समस्या यह है कि चेकबॉक्स का मान वापस अनियंत्रित होता है यह सिर्फ एक बूलियन फिल्ड के साथ बड़ा सौदा नहीं है, लेकिन मैं एक परियोजना पर काम कर रहा हूं जहां मेरे पास बहुत से चेकबॉक्स हैं खरोंच से उन सभी की जांच करें बल्कि निराशा होती है इसलिए मुझे डीजेंगो के दस्तावेज पर एक जांच हुई और बोलेनफिल्ड के बारे में इस पैराग्राफ पर ठोकर खाई: चूं

javascript - angular - How can jQuery inside a custom directive respond to a $scope change? -

How can jQuery react to a $ scope change in a custom command? & lt; Div id = "wrapper" Scrolled Directive & gt; & Lt; Div id = "scroller" & gt; Hello this is a test & lt; Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Note: $ timeout is only instructed to push .scrollTop () at the end of the update cycle according to this thread myapp.directive ($ 'Timeout') {return: 'a', link: function (scope, element, ethers) {$ timeout (function () {$ (element) .scrollTop ('scalddiakiev', function (timeout), function ($ 'timeout') Scope.mytop);}, 1);}};}); And at the end, some $ scope codes I want to direct on $ scope.mytop = 500; $ Timeout (function () {$ scope.setPosition (50);}, 1000); $ Scope.setPosition = Function (Arg) {$ log.log ('=== & gt;', Arg); $ Scope.mytop = Arg; $ Scope $ apply () .; // ??? } Edit: This is a JSfield with all the minimum code to run. Unfortunately jsFiddle's UI adds

Using a PHP variable inside JavaScript -

I am very new, so be easy. I am using a session in PHP with some variables when I click on a button so I want to add two strings from my PHP session. I'm using JavaScript onclick to try and get it on. I have trouble accepting my javascript my PHP variable. Do I have any suggestions? PHP: $ _ session ['user1'] = $ _POST ['user']; $ _SESSION ['string3'] = $ _POST ['string1']; $ _SESSION ['string4'] = $ _POST ['string2']; Echo $ _SESSION ['user1']; $ _SESSION ['string3'] resonate; Copy $ _SESSION ['string4']; $ (Session = $ [session '[user1'])) {echo 'Welcome,' $ _ Session ['user1'] "." $ _ Session ['string3']. "And". $ _ Session [string4 ']; } Else {echo " JS: & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Function xy () {var x = "& lt ;? php $ _SESSION ['string3'];? & Gt;"; Var y = "&

javascript - Sharing code between AngularJS and Nodejs -

What is the best way to share code between frontend and backend using javascript Especially nodes: and angular world ? The thing is that we are using the same enums and constant values ​​ in both the backend and the frontend error code Now as we copy and paste each change in both platforms, which is not a good solution, there are some services that can be shared. I have seen libraries like browserify ; But that is not what I see. I am looking for a solution similar to Maven dependence in the same way as java . In java , libraries can be shared easily by using maven , while I do not find any way to do this in such a javascript Could. Is there a way to separate these services and use them as nodejs for npm and angularjs for bower Give it as at liberty? Or what are the ways to share the same code between the frontend and the backend? There are several ways to do this. First of all, you can create a new package, which is required for the front end co

c++ - Calculating amount of elements in an array with a template function -

I was looking for a way to create a template function that used to calculate the amount of elements in an array, But this is just an indicator and so I came up with this: template & lt; Typename T & gt; Long int calculation elements (t * few more) {returns (psychof (t) / psychoph (& some array); }; Now, my sense tells me that this should not work, but it does! I have an array with 10 integers T a int , so will be sizeof (T) 4 , someArray will be an indicator for an integer array, therefore sizeof (and someArray) 10 times the size of an integer ( 10 * size (T) ), which would be 40 function should return to 0, but it is not. Can anyone explain to me what I am doing? Thank you. This can work in the context of the array: template & Lt; Typename T, std :: size_t N & gt; Constexpr std :: size_t calculation elements (CONST T (& amp;) [N]) {return n; } . Currently you come back to the sizeof (T) / sizeof (T **) which is divided

multithreading - Java - synchronize individual elements in primitive array -

I have an array of so many ints, and I'm writing it a bit everywhere to store information . Similarly: public class myclass {int [] bitArray; // ways myclass public (bitArray = new int [200000000]; // 200 million ints} Public Zero Flag Bit (Int. Head index, Bit Index) {/ ** 10000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Bit index * / bitaray [arrayindex] | = (0x80000000 & gt; gt; & gt; Beatindex); }} Now, as you can see, this is a lot of data. So efficiency is important. However, I want to write data on this array in multiple threads (secured) at a time, unfortunately in Java, you can not do the following: public zero Flag bits (int. Head index, bitindex) {/ ** 10000000 0000000000000000000000 & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Bit index * / synchronize (bitaray [array index]) // wrong !!! The object must be synchronized! {Bitaray [array index] | = (0x80000000 & gt; & gt; BTIDX); }} So, I was wondering what is the most effective or bes

android - Filtering geolocation noise when receiving coordinated from device -

People This problem was made in the application on another day, which will update the server on location changes. Unfortunately, at least on Android, location updates were sometimes very noisy, the difference between the old and the new space was less than the accuracy margin. Therefore, regardless of filtering of these updates, provided for anyone. Bearing count: Distance between two integer latitudes angles roughly 110 Km The distance between the two intersected angles is varies with latitude, and about 110 km * cos (lat). .. The accuracy of 68% of Android's accuracy is used in the meter: noise_margin = accuracy / 110000; If ignored (new_lat-old_lat & lt; noise_margin || new_lon-old_lon & lt; (cod (new_lat) * noise_margin); Otherwise, proceed with the update. This may be taken to an additional 68% account, but it works properly. It probably does not make a great formatting, so if someone can help with that, then it will be appreciated!

How to read IHttpRequest to gain access to session in validation, on self-hosted ServiceStack? -

There are several posts on this. I am doing 3.9.71 on the way. First of all, @ Scott has been answered by. In general, you can not actually use the session using something similar to the service. SASAS <> Just because the service is executed before verification. Second, the answer is @PISCHPA. Here, there is a way to catch the session, even in the verification phase, technically we have cash client , which can be injected Validator The built-in request, which will be retrieved internally within SessionFeature.GetSessionKey () . Checking the method for the service stack's own IHttpRequest , if failing, will fall back to this on HttpContext.Current.Request . Of course, because we have goes to SessionFeature.GetSessionKey () whatever method of passing HttpContext.Current.Request , which is actually ASP.NET specific . Once you configure the service stack to self-host mode, it fails because we have HttpContext.Current.Request is not . The following is the

php - Excel exports CSV - what to do about HTML entities? -

I have an Excel spreadsheet that I am exporting to CSV as HTML entities to ? Is there a way to convert the spreadsheet into CSV and convert those HTML entities into a CSV compatible equivalent? My ultimate goal is to import CSV into a MySQL database using a PHP script. Consumers of data will mostly be using it within a web environment, but this is not necessarily true always. If your save as command is not working properly then Check that you have some encoding problems

php - Updating date by CURRENT_TIMESTAMP .. Why all Zeros? -

I am trying to update on the date of the update of any update, field type datetime < / Code> and I set the default value to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP . When the updated SQL is excuted the result is all zero! 0000-00-00 00:00:00 From the Insert $ sql = 'INTO product_shop_offers (ID, Utpad_aidi, Dukan_aidi value , Currency_ID, added, last_update) '. 'Values ​​(?,?,?,?,?,?,?) Key duplicate update ID =?, Shop_id =?, Value =?, Currency_id =?, Added_b =?, Last_update =?'; $ This- & gt; Db- & gt; Query ($ sql, array ($ storeInfoArray [ 'recordId'], $ productId, $ storeInfoArray [ 'storeNameNo'], $ storeInfoArray [ 'price'], $ storeInfoArray [ 'currency'], $ addedBy, 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ()' , $ storeInfoArray [ 'recordId'], $ storeInfoArray [ 'storeNameNo'], $ storeInfoArray [ 'price'], $ storeInfoArray [ 'currency'], $ addedBy, 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ()')) Note: I checked but I cou

c# - VLC ActiveX disable subtitles -

I have a windows studio window in a visual studio project that has the XVLCP Lugin 2 Element Active X plugin, with VLC Comes. It is working very well, but it automatically loads the subtitles and shows them that the * .sub and * .idx file exists. I will never need it and should completely disable subtitles for VLC ActiveX control. // In this way I load and play the video in the activeX element called "axVLCPlugin21" var converted = new URI ("C: \ SomeVideo.avi"). AbsoluteUri; AxVLCPlugin21.playlist.clear (); AxVLCPlugin21.playlist.add (convertedURI); (); I do not have videos with .idx files but try: if (axVLCPlugin21.subtitle.count> 0) axVLCPlugin21.subtitle.track = 0; When the video starts

c++ - std::transform producing strange output -

Today I was playing with some standard library functions .. And this strange output std :: transform () and std: : Back_inserter When using container (vector in this case) there are more than 2 elements. I do not understand this kind of behavior, anyone can help me ... Include # lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Algorithm & gt; #to & lt include, vector & gt; using namespace std; / * This version of the change works fine for me when I change the variable value to the variable variable ant (int n) {static int m = n; Return M * M; } * / Int change (int n) {return n * n; } Int main () {Vector & lt; Int & gt; V2 (3,3), v1; Transform (v2.begin (), v2.end (), back_inserter (v2), change); (Auto v: v2) {cout & lt; & Lt; V Most likely is that vector Loading when you specify it in the push_back elements (which in the back_insert_iterator results). This start and finished iterators have been passed to changes , and the subsequent assignm

Using Hadoop through a SOCKS proxy? -

Then our Hadoop cluster runs on some nodes and can only be reached from these nodes. You do SSH and your work. Since it is quite upset, but (obviously) nobody will be able to go to try to configure access control so that it is useful for some outside, I try the next best thing Use SSH to run a sock proxy in the cluster, i.e.: $ ssh -D localhost: 10000 the.gateway cat There are whispers of SOCKS support (naturally I have not received any document), and go Ira as it core-site.xml : & lt; Property & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; & lt; / Name & gt; & Lt; Price & gt; HDFS: //reachable.from.behind.proxy: 1234 / & lt; / Value & gt; & Lt; / Property & gt; & Lt; Property & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; Mapred.job.tracker & lt; / Name & gt; & Lt; Price & gt; Reachable.from.behind.proxy: 5678 & lt; / Value & gt; & Lt; / Property & gt; & Lt; Property & gt; & Lt; Name & gt;

groovy - When to use "<<" in Gradle task -

कभी-कभी मैं देख रहा हूँ: कार्य हे & lt; & lt; {Println "हैलो, ग्रेडल!" } दूसरी बार मैं देख रहा हूं: कार्य हे {println "हैलो, ग्रेडल!" " " का उपयोग कब करते हैं और जब आप (और क्यों नहीं) < Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> & lt; & lt; doLast के लिए लघुकथा है। आपके प्रश्न में कार्य समकक्ष नहीं हैं। यह कार्य: कार्य हे & lt; & lt; {Println "हैलो, ग्रेडल!" } इस कार्य के बराबर है: कार्य हे {doLast} {println "हैलो, ग्रेडले!" }} आपके दूसरे उदाहरण में कोड हर बार लिपि स्क्रिप्ट निष्पादित करता है, चाहे आप उस विशेष कार्य को चला रहे हों या नहीं। उदाहरण के लिए, यदि आपके पास निम्नलिखित कार्य थे और फिर अलविदा चला गया, तो आप दोनों "हैलो, विश्व!" देखेंगे और "अलविदा, विश्व!" भले ही आप केवल "अलविदा" कार्य निष्पादित कर रहे हैं: कार्य हैलो {println "हैलो, दुनिया!" } कार्य अलविदा {println "अलविदा, दुनिया!" }

php - filtering table by choosing in combobox -

I need to get a list of patient's diagnosis by choosing his name in the combo box, how can I do this ? This is my code. & lt; Select name = "pname" class = "textfields" id = "model" style = "width: 180px;" Onchange = "getVal1 ();" & Gt; & Lt; Option id = "0" & ​​gt; - Choose the patient's name - & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt ;? Php $ con = mysqli_connect ("localhost", "root", "", "dbnepecific"); If (mysqli_connect_errno ()) {echo "failed to connect to MySQL:". Mysqli_connect_error (); } $ Pnum = $ _GET ['Panam']; $ Query = mysqli_query ($ con, "SELECT * FROM tblnpatient"); While ($ line = mysqli_fetch_array ($ query)) {$ pnum = $ row ['pnum']; $ Pname = $ row ['pname']; $ Addr = $ row ['addr']; $ Complaints = $ line ['complaints']; ? & Gt; & Lt; Option id = "& lt ;? php ec

python - output html in terminal error -

After I am trying to print html content in the following manner: import lxml HTML import request URL from '=' page = requests.get (Url) print page.text then I execute python & gt; , and I found the following error: print UnicodeEncodeError page.text: 'ascii' codec character can not be encode in the '\ xa3' position 113,525: No Sortable range in (128) Can someone give me some ideas? I had this problem first, but I could not understand it. Thank you Your page.txt is not in your local encoding. Instead it's probably Unicode to print the contents of the page.text you expect the first encoding that encode them into stdout: import sys print page.text.encode (Sys.stdout.encoding)

How to save input data from text box to excel using pure/native JavaScript and html? -

Using the HTML and Pure / Basic Javascript, the data inputed from the text box created in the HTML tag in the excel file How to be saved? I have two input text boxes, data 1 and data 2, when the user inputs in that text box click on some more save button, the data / value entered in the existing Excel file will be saved. This Excel file has 2 columns, for data 1 and second, for Data 2. Please help me, I'm a newbie in javascript. I really appreciate your help. Thank you. Here's my small code HTML: gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; Data 2: & lt; Input type = "text" name = "PA" size = "75" /> gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Input type = "submit" value = "save new address" / & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; Sorry, I do not think this It is possible that only Javascript & amp; HTML : (

r - Perform grouping by order and value -

I need to assign a group of events going to one line. I explain by example: Incidents & lt; - c ('b', 'd', 'd', 'd', 'd', 'd', 'd', 'd', 'd', 'b', 'b', 'b' And I want to produce this result (group letter), 'E', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'D', 'D', 'D' / code> Going to one line): group <-c (1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4 , 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5) The obvious solution for me is: 1 + cumsum (cbind (c = events , N = c (NA_character_, rev (rev (events) [- 1]))), 1, function (x)! Na (x ["n"]) & amp; amp; amp; x ["c"]! = X ["n"])) Is there a more beautiful way to do this? Use factors if you do not really care about ordering levels, just do the following: Factors (events) It should be sufficient for most situations, although I do not know what you are planning to do next. If you

r - Create numbered sequence for occurrences of a given nesting variable -

I'm hoping to add data to a variable that sets a variable group variable. For example: id & lt; - c (Representative (1,4), Representative (2,6), Representative (3,2)) I want another variable which calculates the examples which appear on each ID Will do Creating vector like this: 1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2 Some of them are looking like this: ID count 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 3 4 1 4 5 2 1 6 2 2 7 2 3 8 2 4 9 2 5 10 2 6 11 3 1 12 3 2 Any thoughts? thanks a lot! I suggest that with ave seq_along id & lt; - c (Representative (1,4), Representative (2,6), Representative (3,2)) Count & lt; - Away (id, id, fune = (id, count) #IID number # [1,] 1 1 # [2,] 1 2 # [3,] 1 3 # [4,] 1 4 # [5,] 2 1 # [6,] 2 2 # [7,] 2 3 # [8,] 2 4 # [9,] 2 5 # [10,] 2 6 # [11,] 3 1 # [12,] 3 2

c++ - CMake -- Add all sources in subdirectory to cmake project -

Complying with this question: What is the best approach (perhaps using the FILE command ?) To select all .cpp and .h files in the subdirectory and add them to the defined SOURCE variable in the root directory? For example, above the answer to the question: set (source $ {source} $ {CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} /file1.cpp $ {CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR } /file2.cpp PARENT_SCOPE) set (header $ {header} $ {CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} / file1 .hpp $ {CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} /file2.hpp PARENT_SCOPE) to do something like this possible? file (GLOB SUB_SOURCES * CPP) set (source $ {source} $ {CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} / $ {SUB_SOURCES} PARENT_SCOPE) What is the best way I think what you're looking for is the aux_source_directory command. aux_source_directory Locate all source files in a directory. aux_source_directory () List of all source files included in the specified directory and the list provided in the store. This order is intended to be used by projec

java - Can I do remote debug of two different projects at the same time using intellij -

I have two Java projects, A (module A1, A2, A3) and B (module) B1, B2, B3, B4). Both of these projects have been packaged as jar file and deployed in the jebaus server. There are some API orientations between these two projects (using REST and EJB voice) I am able to debugging these projects separately (say, I am debugging project first, after A completely I can start debugging the other by using Intelligence. Now, I have a question - can I do remote debugging of two different Java projects at the same time using Intely? Please note that I have imported the projects in the form of Maven Projects in Involve. Considering what has been said in the comments, it seems that you can do the same in Jabes Examples of applications are deployed (That's why only one debug port is) Two possibilities: Your applications are in separate entreprise projects => Create debug configurations in each project (same host, same port) Your applications create the same intelligible project - ajax call using Jquery without method name in url -

What if the AJAX call contains only the Panjimm in the URL? Does he call the page_load method of that page? $ .ajax ({type: "POST", url: "PageName.aspx", // no method name data: "{}", ContentType: "app / jason; charset = UTF-8 ", datatype:" Jason ", success: work (message) {}}; If no method name is mentioned, is this a complete page similar to postback? An AJAX call bus is a HTTP GET / POST request for the provided url It does not have to be which recognizes the method name or web method and passes the call in a proper manner. If you do not specify the name of any method, then it will be similar to opening your new URL browser. The call page will go through the life cycle and will return the HTML provided or if you the response Write ("Hello") will end the response; Response.End (); Then only "Hello" will be returned by the server.

How to break out of for-loop using condition statement in batch file? -

I am processing a large number of files, and I found the files I am doing in the first 9. I tried this in a batch file and it does not work, it processes all the files, and does not stop at 9th place what have I done? setlocal set for file =% is doing in %% (* .doc) (works here ... set / single file + = 1 if "% fileCount < Code> The problem is that instead of the execution time of % filename% It is being expanded during pars-time, so it does not take into account the changes of fileCount during execution. So your for -loop is equivalent to: Do %% (* .doc) in (here) Rim the person ... set / one filename + = 1 if "0" == "9" exit) To fix this, you will be able to enable and delay You need to use instead of setlocal EnableDelayedExpension instead of setlocal , and instead of ! FileCount! % fileCount% < / Code>. Therefore: setlocal EnableDelayedExpension for set file %% i (* .doc) (Reef stuff is here ... set / single fileCou

angularjs - How can I add ui-router stateProvider configuration to my application with Typescript? -

Before I was using the typecript, I was adding information to my Yuri-Router in this way: App.config ('$ httpProvider', '$ locationProvider', '$ sceProvider', '$ state provider', appconfig]); function appconfig ($ httpProvider, $ locationProvider , $ SceProvider, $ state provider) {$ locationProvider.html5Mode (true); $ SceProvider.enabled (incorrect); var admin = {name: 'admin', url: '/ admin', view: {...}} ; Now I am using TypeScript I think that I How do I add a class to my app? I already have this code where I added a controller: var app = angular.module ('app') ', []). Controller (' App Controller ', app controller); I tried to add state information as .config but it appears that only the function As the argument. Can anyone tell me that I How can I add my state's information to the Yuri-Router in the app? You will not get the benefit from using a class here because you have this No need

filenames - SunOS. Find files that do not contain the substring 'foo' in the file name -

Now I extract the file from my extension Find / Export / Home /! \ (-name * .log -o -name * .out -o -name * .tmp \) But I also want to exclude a file containing some string 'foo' I am I can not use the GNU version, like some analog like "1 Foo% ' " (PL SQL) is required. Command "Find". You are very close: Search. / Export / home / -type f! \ (-name "* .log" -o -name "* .out" -o -name "* .tmp" -o -name "* foo *" \)

javascript - How to console the JSON.Stringify result -

& lt; स्क्रिप्ट & gt; $ .getJSON ('url / rest / 1', फ़ंक्शन (डेटा) {var mydata = JSON.stringify (डेटा);}); & Lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; यह मेरा कोड है Console.log (mydata) के लिए मेरा आउटपुट है: {"data": [{"orderid": "9", "ordercode": "TTG-13-06-3"} , "आदेश": "12", "ऑर्डर कोड": "टीटीजी-13-06-4"}, {"ऑर्डरिड": "15", "ऑर्डर कोड": "टीटीजी-13-06-5"}, { "आदेश": "20", "ऑर्डर कोड": "टीटीजी-13-06-6"}, {"ऑर्डरिड": "24", "ऑर्डर कोड": "टीटीजी-13-06-7"}, {"क्रमशः ":" 26 "," ऑर्डर कोड ":" टीटीजी-13-06-8 "}, {" ऑर्डरिड ":" 31 "," ऑर्डर कोड ":" टीटीजी-13-06- 9 "}, {" क्रम ": "36", "ऑर्डर कोड": "टीटीजी-13-06-10"}, {"ऑर्डरिड": "41"

sql server - C# SqlClient connection open in thread - SqlException not caught -

I implemented the function with the timeout parameter on SqlClient . This means, that () is in another thread and after the thread has started, I have passed the time. If the time had elapsed, the thread has been canceled and no one The connection has not been established. This thing is that if I grow up time periodically, the default () timeout, throws open () SqlException , which is not caught in my hold (SqlException) block. I am starting the process of connecting completely in the second thread: public zero connect () {thread connectTrad = new thread (waitoutout); ConnectThread.Start (); } Connecting the thread -> Timeout waits another thread to wait wait for public zeroTemplate () {connection = new SqlConnection ( ConnectString); Thread timestthread = new thread (open connection); TimeoutThread.Start (); Date time to leave time = date time.Now added mileyaseconds (timeout); While ( Exceptions are not open

c# - How to re-order data in memory to optimize cache access? -

मैं एक बड़ा डेटासेट (प्रकार list & lt; record & gt; ) को घसीटना चाहता हूं, फिर पुनरावृत्त करना यह कई बार आमतौर पर, एक सूची को फेरबदल करने से संदर्भों में बदलाव होता है, न कि डेटा। मेरे एल्गोरिदम का प्रदर्शन बहुत ही तेजी से (3x) भुगतना पड़ता है क्योंकि अक्सर कैश लापता होता है। मैं शफ़ल डेटा की गहरी प्रतिलिपि बनाने के लिए इसे कैश मैत्रीपूर्ण बनाने के लिए कर सकता हूं। हालांकि, यह मेमोरी उपयोग को दोगुना कर देगा। क्या डेटा फेरबदल या फिर से ऑर्डर करने के लिए कोई और अधिक स्मृति-कुशल तरीका है, ताकि बदतर डेटा कैश मैत्रीपूर्ण हो? विकल्प 1: बनाओ रिकॉर्ड a struct ताकि < तब या तो सीधे इसे सॉर्ट करें, या सीधे सूची को क्रमबद्ध करने के बजाय (यदि रिकॉर्ड बड़े होते हैं), सूचकांक की एक सरणी बनाएं () प्रारंभ में बस {0, 1, ..., n - 1} ) और फिर तुलनित्र के आधार पर सूचकांक को सॉर्ट करने वाले तत्वों की तुलना करें। आखिरकार अगर आपको सॉर्ट की गई सरणी की ज़रूरत होती है तो आप सूचकों को देखकर फेकड ऑर्डर में तत्वों की प्रतिलिपि बना सकते हैं। नोट करें कि यह संभवतः स्ट्रैक्ट्स को छाँ

Is the default ("automatic") ordering for factors a part of the R specification? Alphabetical? Same on all platforms? -

कभी-कभी हम कुछ डेटा x को आर उदाहरण के साथ पढ़ने योग्य , और फिर स्तर (x $ V1) & lt; - c (...) का उपयोग करके इसके स्तर को संशोधित करें। कॉलम मूल रूप से कारकों में आयात किए जाते हैं यदि हम विकल्प का उपयोग नहीं करते हैं और न ही निर्दिष्ट करते हैं colClasses = "character" । हम एक बड़े डेटाफ्रेम के सभी स्तंभों पर एक साथ स्तरों के परिवर्तन को ध्यान में रखते हुए सोच सकते हैं, लेकिन फिर हम यह सुनिश्चित करना चाहते हैं कि ये सभी कॉलम (जो कि हम यहां समान प्रकार के डेटा को सम्मिलित करने के लिए मानते हैं, जैसे समग्र स्तर) क्या क्या आर भाषा, तो क्या यह प्लेटफॉर्म स्वतंत्र है? क्या यह कुछ वर्णानुक्रमिक सॉर्टिंग है, और यदि हां, तो वर्णमाला के अनुसार? उदाहरण के लिए देखें: & gt; X = as.factor (c "3", "$$$ av", "1", "2", "^ ab", "^ ba", "3", "aba", "4", " -ब "," बीए ", '3', 'बीए')) & gt; एक्स [1] 3 $ $ $ ए वी 1 2 ^ एबी ^

extjs - how do I force render a chart on non-displayed tab to get svg data? -

To extract STVG data from an HTML element, excel charts should be presented. This chart is on tab 2 in my test app, with tab 1 being active tab. How can I force the user to see the chart without looking at it so that I can hold STVG data? added: BALLOUT: True, deferred render: Change wrong, layout on tab: true, default: {HideMode: 'offsets'} Basic tab of chart But not helped but What it does, the chart can be shown in the HTML node tree - although STVG data chart has a skeleton without description .... Switching to tab 2 is so strange that it shows the chart in its entire glory! The complete SVG data appears only in the HTML node paste after switching back and forward between only 2 tabs. About this, put the ATJs chart on the front tab and found around it so that it sang at the time , Where the chart is "offscreen" and can not be seen by the user. Using Layout: The 'Fit' only shows the top container, where I process the chart SVG data, and the r

objective c - m3u8 streaming just get audio when its playing iOS 7 -

Hello I am trying to run streaming Live Video HLS in xcode5 iOS 7.1 I ns URL * moviefile = [ns url youth string: @ ""]; Player = [[MPVVPlayer VUIUI Controller Alok] Init with Content URL: MovieFile]; [Self current movie player view controller: player]; [Player. Play Movie Player]; When I run it in the simulator, throw me this error 2014-08-01 02: 48: 23.598 streaming test [37 9: 4303] ] RTC Reporting: 2014-08-01 02: 48: 23.845 Dealing with Streaming Test [37 9: 60b] _itemFailedToPlayToEnd: {kind = 1; New = 2; Older = 0; If I run in my device it does not throw _itemFailedToPlayToEnd, but I only get the audio Anyone have an idea what was happening? Chairs

bash - grep - print next 10 lines if the line containing one word but not another in the same line -

I have a file that contains lines, such as: Here are some strings class = "Batch-2010" Here are some more strings here - click here & lt; About 20-30 links & gt; Here are some string class = "batch 2006" here are some more strings here - click here & lt; Approximately 20-30 links here & gt; Here are some string classes = "NA" here, some more strings click here - & lt; About 20-30 links & gt; Here are some string class = "batch-2010" here some more strings have been refused & lt; About 20-30 links & gt; I want to print that line in which: class = "batch2010" but not: Access denied Print the next 10 lines in the same line and then the file. Is there any other way, in addition to writing really long and complex shell scripts? This can be a solution: awk 'lines & Gt; 0 {print; --lines} / ass = "Batch 2010" / & amp; Amp; Output (not very relevant as many li

javascript - html readonly attribute not removable -

I want to delete the read only feature from the following input fields: Lt; Input id = "cno" name = "cno" type = "number" class = "form-control" read-only / & gt; & Lt; Button type = "button" id = "no-edit" class = "btn btn-warning" & gt; Edit & lt; / Button & gt; I tried to use jQuery (1.11) to remove the attribute on the click of a button. Click $ ("# no-edit") (function () {$ ("# cno"). RemoveProp ('readonly');}); And I also tried to use it: $ ("# edit"). Click (function () {$ ("# cno") .removeAttr ('readonly');}); Please help! I do not understand why this is unsuccessful. Try this: $ ("# edit") . Click (function () {$ ("# cno") .prop ('readable', incorrect);});

ios - every 4 block another background color in a uicollectionView -

मेरे पास collectionView cells की एक सूची है। प्रत्येक सेल में एक पृष्ठभूमि रंग है। तो यह ऐसा होना चाहिए। सेल 1 -> लाल रंग सेल 2 -> ग्रीन रंग सेल 3 -> ऑरेंज रंग सेल 4 -> पीला रंग सेल 5 -> लाल रंग सेल 6 -> ग्रीन रंग सेल 7 -> ऑरेंज रंग सेल 8 -> पीला रंग सेल 9 -> लाल रंग सेल 10 -> ग्रीन रंग सेल 11 -> ऑरेंज रंग सेल 12 -> पीला रंग फिलहाल मैं इसे इस तरह से कर रहा हूँ। मैंने निजी int मेरे ViewController में और मेरे cellForItemAtIndexPath में घोषित किया है, मैं यह करता हूं। - (UICollectionViewCell *) संग्रह देखें: (UICollectionView *) सीवी सेलफोरआईटीएमएटीआईएंडएक्सपैथ: (एनएसआईएनएक्सएपैथ *) इंडेक्सपेथ {// मैगज़ीनक्ल्यूविक्यूज सेल * सेल = (मैगज़ीनकॉल्यूशन दृश्यकेल *) [सीवी डेक्यूयूआरयूईबलकेलवाइट रीयूइजेंटिफ़ायर: इंडीएक्सपाथ के लिए @ "मैगज़ीन कॉलप्लेक्यूजसेल" indexPath]; ReisCategorieCell * सेल = [cv dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier: @ "ReisCategorieCell" forIndexPath: indexPath]; Cell.del

MySQL save INTO OUTFILE on Local Machine -

I have a SQL connection for a remote SQL server and would like to run a query where the results were stored in the outfile goes. The problem is that I want to save the file locally on my machine. How would I go about doing this? Run a query, store the result in an array and arrays in a text file on your machine.

jpa - JPA2.1 and Hibernate Validator 5.1.2 on Weblogic 12.1.3 -

I try to configure JPEG 2.1 on the weblog 12.1.3 with Hibernate Validator 5.1.2 to try to configure your project I am doing this, but when I try to deploy my project, then I am running in the issues. Weblogic was configured to use the manual method to use JpA 2.1 as tthis documentation for weblogic page 12.1.3: I used to have hibernate in my project I want to use VLator 5.1.2, which I have configured it like this: Maven dependence: & Lt; Version & gt; 5.1.2.Final & lt; / Edition & gt; & Lt; / Dependencies & gt; weblogic.xml container-discripter & gt; & Lt; Like-application-packages & gt; & Lt ;! - Hibernate valid 5.1.2 on HV 4.1 - & gt; & Lt; Package-name & gt; Javax.validation *. & Lt; / Package-name & gt; & Lt; Package-name & gt; Org.hibernate.validator *. & Lt; / Package-name & gt; & Lt ;! - Guava 13 - & gt; & Lt; Package-name & gt; *. & Lt; /

Is there a feature to maintain the cardinality of the sorted sets in redis a constant? -

Example, I need a key (sorted set) to store only 200 elements if a new element in the set (Always with highscore), one element with the lowest score in the set should be automatically removed; the cardinality of the set set should be maintained continuously. No, there is no such facility, but this is very easy to achieve. First of all, remember that members are unique, so there can be a situation (unless this is the case in case of your use) where adding new members with new (high) scores actually If the current score will be updated, then, after each of your ZADD , do this: c = redis.zcard ('key') if the response to jdcard is <200>, the difference to trim the set sorted by rank Use: if c & gt; 200: r.zremrangebyrank ('key', 0, c-200 -1) (BTW, if you are only adding one member, always from top one [lowest Rated member]

scala - How can I use `Class.forName()` to get classes defined in a `ToolBox`? -

मैं स्काला प्रतिबिंब (अर्थात् एक Toolbox ) का प्रयोग करने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं ताकि रनटाइम पर एक क्लास उत्पन्न हो सके क्या यह संभव है? मुझे उम्मीद थी कि यह काम करेगा (2.10.3 में मैक्रो स्वर्ग के साथ quasiquotes के लिए): import scala.reflect.runtime। {CurrentMirror = & gt; सीईएम} def cdef () = q "केस वर्ग MyClass (x: स्ट्रिंग)" def newc (csym: symbol) = q "" new $ {csym.asClass} ("हैलो") "" "val tb = cm MkToolBox () val csym = tb.define (cdef ()) val obj = tb.eval (newc (csym)) val cls = Class.forName ("MyClass") लेकिन वह एक त्रुटि देता है: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: myClass at $ ( ... (टूलबॉक्स आवरण में एक वर्ग लौटाता है, और इसलिए मैंने पूर्ण नाम का उपयोग करने की भी कोशिश की है, लेकिन कोई भाग्य नहीं।) और इसलिए मुझे संदेह है कि मुझे ये ग़लतफ़हमी है कि कैसे class.forName () के रूप में एक ही क्लासलोडर का उपयोग करने के लिए टूलबॉक्स का उपयोग क

ios - Magical Record relationship return empty objects -

My model has two types of objects - say children and parent . I get them in the JSON in the JSON server from the server like this: {"kids": [{"id": 1, "parent": [{"id" : {"Id": 1}, {"id": 2}]}]} As you can see, children have lots of related parents objects. I am using a magical record to store the date, and I have to be able to get the kid.parents object in the core data model. While getting them from the server, I am using this code: for (NSDIP + Kidict in Object) {NSN * OID = Childdict [ "Id"]; // I am using 'OID' in OBJE-C, when the 'id' keyword Kid * child = [Kid MR_FindFirstBitTribute: @ Value with OID] is required to be used; If (child == blue) {children = [Kid MR_sacket entity]; } [Child Update: Kiddict]; [Self Update ParentsFromArray: kidDict [@ "Parents"] Forkid: Children]; } [[NSMNEDAbjectActactMR_DefaultContacts] MR_SEVTOpercentStoreEquoice]; // ... + (ze

Java 8 Lambdas - equivalent of c# OfType -

I am now learning the features of the new Java 8, only 4 years later in the C # world, so for me the taller head But now I am struggling to find the equivalent of the "offtype" method of C #. I have a list in myronodes, I want to get a list out of it, where the node is an interface, and it is implementing the specific node. In C # this will be ILIST no exact Mail for in Java. OFTIP & lt; T & gt; () method, but you can use the filtering features of Java 8: IList & lt; INode & gt; MyNodes = New Arrestist & lt; INode & gt; (); MyNodes.add (new specificNode ()); MyNodes.add (new node (new)); & Lt; SpecificNode & gt; FilteredList = () .filter (x -> Examples of specific nodes) .map (n -> (specialnode) n) .collect (collectors list); If you want to get clear artists, you can: list & lt; Specific node & gt; FilteredList = () .filter (SpecificNode.class :: isInstance) .map (Specifi

javascript - Alternative for reduceSum in crossfilter and dc -

मेरे पास निम्न प्रकार का डेटासेट है: a: 5 b: 4 c : 3 डी: ए ए: 6 बी: 5 सी: 4 डी: ए एक: 7 बी: 6 सी: 5 डी: बी ए: 8 बी: 7 सी: 6 डी: बी ए: 9 बी: 8 सी: 7 D: C मुझे अपने crossfilter के लिए आयाम होना चाहिए और ग्राफ़ में वैल्यू लगाए जाने वाले मान (ए / बी) डेटासेट से है ऐसा करने के लिए, मैंने अपने डेटासेट में 'ई' (ए / बी) नामक एक अतिरिक्त फ़ील्ड जोड़ा और फिर इसे I / p को crossfilter के रूप में निम्न तरीके से पास किया: var facts = क्रॉसफ़िल्टर (जेएसएन); // json मेरे डेटासेट var pfmValue = facts.dimension (function (d) {return d.d;}) का नाम है; Var pfmValueGroupSum = ()। कमजोर (समारोह (डी) {वापसी + डी.ई;}); फिर मैंने बार चार्ट के Y- अक्ष पर आयाम और pfmValueGroupSum के रूप में pfmValue का उपयोग करके एक डीसी चार्ट की साजिश रची। लेकिन अब मुझे पता है कि यह वह नहीं है जो मैं साजिश करना चाहता था। अब, मैं निम्नलिखित अभिव्यक्ति के बराबर मूल्य दिखाते हुए तीन बार हैं: बार ए: (5/4) + (6/5) बार बी: (7/6) + (8/7) बार सी : (9/8) हालांकि मुझे क्या चाहिए: बार ए: (5

Git pull from github only php files giving 500 internal server error -

I have installed GIT on my VPS and I am able to clone a github repo in my web directory (I did it as a user). , but not as root but I tried with root and with the same problem before). But when I go to the url, I give 500 internal server errors, but only in php files, if I manually upload files, then it works fine. I have read that this may be a permissible issue, but I do not understand how to solve it. Clone folders and files are visible as 775 and 664. I am playing Santos on my VPS. This is the problem for anyone Once I did this, So the permission issue is raised and I do not get 500 errors. Set up a default UIS for the process You can set up UMAS in the / etc / bashrc or / etc / profile file for all users. . By default, most Linux disks set it at 0022 (022) or 0002 (002). Enter the open / etc / profile or ~ / .bashrc file: # vi / etc / profile or < Code> $ vi ~ / .bashrc To add a new Umask / add the following line: umask 022 Save the file and clos

ruby - Rake task which commit and push to repository -

Is there a way to create rack work that can make changes and push them into remote repositories? You can always do such a task yourself: tasks " Commit_and_push "= & gt; : The 'git commit -a -m' message of the environment '; Git push' end But the rake is really slow, the fastest way to create a shell script like this is: / P> #! / Bin / shGit commit -a -m "$ 1" git push

Pass in arguments from Jenkins to Gradle plugin -

How do I pass project parameters using the Gradient plugin on Jenkins? Do not find any parameter options? Gradle calls the 'switch' which is actually the option for one.

sip - Call SipJs to Asterisk 12 -

I am trying to call Asterisk 12 from SIPJ. My partner is here [6002]] type = friend secret = 6002 host = dynamic reference = public transport = ws avpf = yes icesupport = no encryption = no And my JSP code is here var configuration = {'ws_servers':' ws: // 8088 / ws', 'Yuri': 'SIP: 6002 @ ',' Password ':' 6002 '}; Var option = {'EventHolders': EventHandler, 'Media Consultants': {'Audio': True, 'Video': Incorrect}}; Function call () {quietphonecall ('sip: 6003@', option); } It is properly registered, but when I call "call" function asterisk logs this error secure without encryption details Rejecting Audio Stream: Audio 46421 RTP / SAVPF 111 103 104 0 8 106 105 13 126 JSSIp error is here Call failed with reason: Incompatible SDP Can someone help me? First of all, you will have to create a certificate for DTLS. Then enabl

c# - How to compare the updated webpage with the non-updated one automatically? -

Sorry for my bad english Let me update the details of the webpage as non-most, such as the location and size of all the elements. I use Google diff for the first time. If the html source is the same, then I'll use the Selenium WebDrive to compare the elements. P> Here is the code. IWebDriver d1 = New FirefoxDriver (); IWebDriver d2 = new firefox driver (); . D1.Navigate () GoToUrl (URL); . D2.Navigate () GoToUrl (URL); Comparison (); . D1.Navigate () GoToUrl (url2); . D2.Navigate () GoToUrl (url2); Comparison (); Compare Public Zero () {List & lt; IWebElement & gt; List1 = New list & lt; IWebElement & gt; (); Foreign currency (iWebElement e in d1.FindElements (by CCSE ("*"))) {list1.Add (e); } Foreach (iWebElement in d2.FindElements (By.CssSelector ("*"))) {list2.Add (e); } For (int i = 0; i & lt; list1.Count; i ++) {if (list1 [i] .ize.ToString ()! = List2 [i] .ize.ToString ()) {// Not equal size} if (list 1 [space] .tostring

excel - Multiple lines of text into one cell -

I am thinking how to move a line from different cells to different cells. For example My dog is brownish My dog ​​is brown < P> Is it possible? Thanks You can try this command: < = CONCATENATE (A1, A2, A3, A4) but it will produce "My Dog Sea Brown" If you have a white space cell "My" "dog" .... If you want to add a white spot, you can do this: = CONCATENATE (A1, "", A2, "", A3, "", A4) You can find more information.

How can i design a table column as BIGINT in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect? -

I am using Sparx Systems Entrify Architect 10.0. How can I tell EA how to design a table column in length or as a beginner? There is only one option for INTEGER and NUMBER. Everything you need to do is to ensure that you have set the correct database for your table element Simply double click it and set the database in the properties dialog If you think that the longer and begin are not yet available as the type of your column, then you can add them to the Database Datatize dialog: Settings> Database DataType Go and add them there.

reporting services - How to make a button in ssrs -

There is a report in 1000s of data pages. There is a way to create a button on the first page of the report, so if you click on the button, it goes to the end of the page. Is there any expression to write with code written? There is a button like SSRS (you can also type the page number in the box and press enter ):

c# - System.FormatException Decoding the Raw field of a Gmail message -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 3 जवाब मैं डीकोड करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं संदेश: इस तरह से रो फ़ील्ड: बाइट [] mailContent = Convert.FromBase64String (message.Raw); लेकिन मुझे एक < कोड> सिस्टम.फॉर्मेट अपवाद । मुझे यहाँ क्या याद आ रही है? कुछ अनिवार्य कदम क्या करना आवश्यक है? धन्यवाद। ** संपादित करें : ** संदेश। रॉ सामग्री यहां पोस्ट करने के लिए बहुत बड़ी है इसलिए मैंने अपलोड किया है। < P> message.Raw फ़ील्ड न केवल Base64 एन्कोडेड है, लेकिन यह भी यूआरएल-सुरक्षित एन्कोडेड। इस सवाल पर एक नज़र डालें: ऊपर दिए लिंक से लिया गया मूल कोड: /// & LT; सारांश & gt; यूआरऍफ़ -8 कैरेक्टर सेट का उपयोग करके यूआरएल और फाइलनाम सुरक्षित वर्णमाला के साथ / 64 आधार 64 एन्कोडिंग। /// & lt; / सारांश & gt; /// & lt; param name = "str" ​​& gt; मूल स्ट्रिंग & lt; / param & gt; /// & lt; रिटर्न & gt; बेस 64 एन्कोडेड स्ट्रिंग & lt; / रिटर्न & gt; सार्वजनिक स्थिर स्ट्रिंग Base64ForUrlEncode (स

python - Import Error - Pydev Eclipse -

I have written an existing code from an SVN repo which uses full import - by which I mean: -> ProjectDeir --------> Dira --------------> --------------> --------> dirb - -----------> Suppose imports a method from generally But I will just write: A2 import from xyz Here he has written it: Project_dir.dira.a2 import xyz from Iklipas How do Badlu again these imports? Actually I want to be able to open Ctrl + click and Open Declaration. I need to browse through this huge project and I can not do this as long as it works. PS: I have tried to add a projector to PythonPath I have tried to add each and every sub-directory to the PythonPath. I have an init in each folder -_- To work, you must have init .py under 'Project_Dir', 'Dira' and 'DiBb' and then set you as a source folder that is 'project_dir' (and itself project_dir No L is - and should also be set as

php - How to return the top 6 rows from a MySql databse -

I search for a SQL statement that will return the latest 6 items that were added to the table based on their ID. So if the ID is going to start with ID 1 and goes to 10, then I need a statement which will return 6 rows in the 5 to 10 with the ID. Like SELECT *> between you only ORDER and BY Need to add a location I is the correct query

Batch file / powershell: downloading and silent installing script -

I am trying to write a script that, ideally, .exe / .msi files for different programs , And they need to silently install these inputs, such as clicking next, or checking the radio button if I know what installation settings I want to run, then I would like to install these installations I want to run it How can new do, but quietly? Will using caching be simple to use batch programming or powershield? (I have a complete start up for both, so no preference. Suggestions will be highly appreciated). The script will ideally be packed in your own .exe file to run on any Windows computer. Downloading the installer This is a simple part. In PowerShell 3 or newer, you can download via: Ava-Websites '' -OutFile 'installer.exe' In previous versions, you can create a WebClient object and use its DownloadFile method: $ Client = New-Object System.Net. WebClient $ Client.DownloadFile ('http: //',