sip - Call SipJs to Asterisk 12 -

I am trying to call Asterisk 12 from SIPJ. My partner is here

  [6002]] type = friend secret = 6002 host = dynamic reference = public transport = ws avpf = yes icesupport = no encryption = no  

And my JSP code is here

  var configuration = {'ws_servers':' ws: // 8088 / ws', 'Yuri': 'SIP: 6002 @ ',' Password ':' 6002 '}; Var option = {'EventHolders': EventHandler, 'Media Consultants': {'Audio': True, 'Video': Incorrect}}; Function call () {quietphonecall ('sip: 6003@', option); }  

It is properly registered, but when I call "call" function asterisk logs this error

  secure without encryption details Rejecting Audio Stream: Audio 46421 RTP / SAVPF 111 103 104 0 8 106 105 13 126  

JSSIp error is here

Call failed with reason: Incompatible SDP

Can someone help me?

First of all, you will have to create a certificate for DTLS. Then enable DTLS from each of your colleagues.

Use the following command to create a certificate. (Change XXXX with your Exchange Server IP)

  mkdir / etc / asterisk / keys cd $ {ASTERISKSOURCE_PATH} / contrib / scripts / ./st_tls_cert-C XXXX -O "My super company "-d / etc / asterisk / keys  

Then add the following key to your colleagues:

  dtlsenable = yes; To enable DTLS for this peer, tell esteris dtlsverify = no; Tell Asteris to not verify your DTLS serates dtlscertfile = / etc / asterisk / keys / asterisk.pem; Tell Asterisk where your DTLS certificate file is dtlsprivatekey = / etc / asterisk / keys / asterisk.pem; Tell Asteris where your DTLS Private key is dtlssetup = actpass; When using Setting up DTLS  
, tell Appreciate to use Actpass SDP Parameters


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