c# - VLC ActiveX disable subtitles -

I have a windows studio window in a visual studio project that has the XVLCP Lugin 2 Element Active X plugin, with VLC Comes. It is working very well, but it automatically loads the subtitles and shows them that the * .sub and * .idx file exists. I will never need it and should completely disable subtitles for VLC ActiveX control.

  // In this way I load and play the video in the activeX element called "axVLCPlugin21" var converted = new URI ("C: \ SomeVideo.avi"). AbsoluteUri; AxVLCPlugin21.playlist.clear (); AxVLCPlugin21.playlist.add (convertedURI); AxVLCPlugin21.playlist.play ();  

I do not have videos with .idx files but try:

  if (axVLCPlugin21.subtitle.count> 0) axVLCPlugin21.subtitle.track = 0;  

When the video starts


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