
Showing posts from April, 2014

python - django-jenkins emits coverage for models only -

I am currently using the Django-Jenkins version 0.16.2 in my Django application. My Apps src Module 1 Model test Shaik_modul Menu when I execute python Django-adminkpy Jenkins module 1 - Enabled-Coverage The coverage report is generated, but it is only the report of coverage for modules 1. Models and nothing else. I did not set the variable PROJECT_APPS in Dijengo-Jenkins like for Jenkins configuration: INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes',' django.contrib. sessions ',' django.contrib.sites ',' Dijengo. Contrib.messages ', #' django.contrib.staticfiles ',' django.contrib.admin ',' django.contrib.admindocs ',' django_extensions ',' django_jenkins Yes, yes, it is in the form of a bug folder with 0.16.3. Try upgrading

android - Excessive memory use and CPU load when using Banner and Interstitial Ads -

मेमोरी मेरा ऐप चलाते समय और इसे स्मृति उपयोग को देखते हुए यह 20MB के आसपास का उपयोग करता है, जब मैं अपने बैनर विज्ञापनों को सक्षम करता हूँ, स्मृति उपयोग लगभग 28MB पर शुरू होता है और 50MB । 80 एमबी एक्सेलस डीडीएमएस (सिस्टम सूचना टैब) में देखने के रूप में CPU लोड < / मजबूत> एक्लिप्स में, अगर मैं सीपीयू भार को विज्ञापन के बिना देखता हूं, तो विज्ञापनों के साथ 20% विज्ञापन सक्षम है (दोनों बैनर और अंतरालीय ), CPU उपयोग लगभग 36% तक जा रहा है I अधिक अनुभवी डेवलपर्स से जानना चाहूंगा अगर यह सामान्य है - मैं मेमोरी और सीपीयू बढ़ाने की उम्मीद करता हूं, लेकिन मैं यह अत्यधिक लगता है।

sql - Oracle column number increase -

I know that to increase the row number in column 1 in column 1, when the column 2 value changes in oracle What I'm looking for: COL1 COL2 COL3 | 1 2000 xx 1 2000 xy | 1 2000 xyz 2 3020 x | 2 3020 xiii | 3 5666666 UAU Any ideas? I think you are looking for a window function: Choose from row_number () over_table in form of col1, col2, col3 (col2 by col2 order split by);

c# - Sort Dictionary based on values in a list of integers -

I'm having trouble sorting a dictionary based on the sum of 1s in the list of integers inside the same dictionary, so first I want to count 1s in each list and then sort the dictionary based on the result. I have found some solutions in StackVareflow but they do not answer my question. The dictionary looks like the following: dictionary & lt; Int, list & lt; Int & gt; & Gt; ; MyDic = New Dictionary & lt; Int, list & lt; Int & gt; & Gt; (); & Lt; Integer & gt; MyList = new list & lt; Int & gt; (); MyList = new list & lt; Int & gt; (); // The third myList should show. Add (0); MyList.Add (0); MyList.Add (1); MyDic.Add (0, myList); MyList = new list & lt; Int & gt; (); // second myList.Add (1); MyList.Add (1); MyList.Add (0); MyDic.Add (1, myList); MyList = new list & lt; Int & gt; (); // should show my list first Add (1); MyList.Add (1); MyList.Add (1); MyDic.Add (2, myList); I tried this code but it

javascript - Change li/a tag text on click event of Url.Action -

रायर व्यू में निम्नलिखित HTML है: `& lt; li id ​​=" Myli "& gt; & lt; a href =" @ Url.Action (MyAction, नया {आईडी = ViewBag.Id}) "& gt; टेस्ट & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; मैं इसे किसी भी तरह से बदल नहीं सकता। कुछ प्रकार की "कृपया प्रतीक्षा करें" सूचक को प्रदर्शित करने की आवश्यकता है, जबकि MyAction प्रसंस्करण में है। मैंने कई तरीकों की कोशिश की है, जो कि बहुत सरल से शुरू हो रहा है: $ ('# myli') में "कृपया प्रतीक्षा करें" के लिए लिंक का पाठ बदलें। ईवेंट को क्लिक करें लेकिन पाठ परिवर्तन केवल नियंत्रक कार्रवाई से वापस आने के बाद ही होता है। @section scripts {& lt; script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ ('# Myli') क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {event.preventDefault (); $ (this) .text ("कृपया प्रतीक्षा करें"); // केवल नियंत्रक कार्रवाई नींद से वापसी के बाद प्रदर्शित (2000);)}; फ़ंक्शन नींद (मिलीसेकंड्स) {var start = new date ()। GetTime (); के लिए (var i = 0; i &am

c# - What are the touch-centric development benefits of moving a windows WPF desktop application to a Windows Store app? -

I have a WPF / MVVM application that runs on Windows 7. Most of my users have Windows 7 machines but I would like to develop an advanced touch-enabled version for windows, but need to keep Windows 7 version up to date. The app currently works as it happens on Window 8, which acts as a click. The ability to run on an RT tablet is also not included, how will this rewrite benefit me? The purpose for expansion is to take an application with a repetitive click and to make it more efficient and less stressful on long-term users. The application will never need to run on the tablet because it requires many screen spaces and visual inspection of many images. For example, are there specific gestures like pinch and zoom which are easy to store in apps compared to WPF to apply in windows? I have struggled to ask this question, so if I remember the proper title, then I will be happy to change it to make it clear. my 2c WinRT / XAML benefits Controls designed for you to get touc

javascript - Disable Google Maps scrolling on mobile layout -

I'm trying a way to disable Google Maps that scrolls over the mobile layout. function InitMap () {var is Draaggable = $ (document). Wide ()> 480? right wrong; // If the document (your website) is more than 480px, is the draggable = true, and the user can start zooming when scrolling the draggable = false var mapopts = {draggable: draggable, scroll whale: falls, // page Prevent I .. Option Option Option}; } I tried this code, it looks good but it does not work for me. Do I need to add more options? I have read other topics in the forum, nothing really helped for the mobile layout, not changing the width of the mobile to the desktop browser. Any thoughts? Url: ----- Edit: & lt; Script & gt; Google.maps.event.addDomListener (window, 'load', int); Function init () {var is draggable = $ (document). Width () & gt; 480? right wrong; Var mapOptions = {draggable: isDraggable, scrollwheel: false, zoom: 11, center: new google.maps.LatLng (40.6700, -73.9

ruby on rails - Tried Webscraping with XPATH, Nokogiri, Mechanize -

I am trying to parse some information from a secure web site and it is getting to work. If I can get the first value, then I can customize it to get relief ... This example is returned to careers entity type should return next source: = MC_MX & amp; query_string = 733709 mechanization w / Hpricot require the need to require 'rubygems' is 'mechanization' Hpricot 'agent = page = agent.get (' http: //safer.fmcsa? / Query.asp search = any & amp; QUERY_TYPE = queryCarrierSnapshot & amp; query_param = MC_MX & amp; QUERY_STRING = 733,709 ') @response = page.content Dock = Hpricot (@response) a = (doc / "/ html / Body / P / table / tbody / tr [2] / td / table / tbody / tr [2] / td / center [1] / table / tbody / tr [2] / td ") [0]. WinnerHTML A Notchory requir e 'nokogiri' is requir

php - Error with sessions in my website -

I am using PHP 5.4 and I am getting this error: [28-Jul-2014 13:40:33] PHP Fatal Error: Call Undefined Function session_is_registered () Here's my code: & Lt ;? Php if ($ _SESSION ['session_chat'] & amp; $ _SESSION ['session_admin'] & $ _SESSION ['session_setup']) session_start (); Include_once ("../web/conf-init.php"); $ DOCUMENT_ROOT = Actual Path (preg_replace ("/ http: /", "", $ DOCUMENT_ROOT)); Include_once ("$ DOCUMENT_ROOT / API / UTIITI.FPP"); $ Transcript = ""; $ Text = (isset ($ _GET ['text']))? $ _GET ['Text']: ""; $ Requestid = (isset ($ _GET ['request']))? $ _GET ['Request']: ""; $ Sid = (isset ($ _GET ['sid']))? $ _GET ['sid']: ""; $ Action = (isset ($ _GET ['action']))? $ _GET ['Action']: ""; $ Admin_id = (isset ($ _GET ['admin_id']))? $ _GET ['admin_id

version control - How to move files from a subdirectory into parent directory in mercurial -

मेरे पास इस तरह एक नेस्टेड निर्देशिका है ... dir1 dir2 file1.txt file2 .txt file3.txt मैं सभी फाइलों को dir2 से dir1 के अंदर ले जाना चाहूंगा, जैसे ... dir1 file1.txt file2। Txt file3.txt यह करने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका क्या है? मुझे मर्क्यूरीअल प्रलेखन में कुछ भी नहीं मिल सका। एचजी सहायता चाल पढ़ें और सभी पाठ hg move dir1 / dir2 / file1.txt dir1 / dir2 / file2.txt dir1 / dir2 / file3.txt dir1 / पढ़ने के बाद उपयोग करें

objective c - Touch event forwarding in iOS -

I have a UI component that I display in my application, in this way that any touch event at all They want to dismiss it (though touching the component will give it a different result touching it out). My current solution is a Custom UIWindow subclass that handles the touch properly and sits above the entire screen. However, I do not want to be intuitive to touch, but rather to forward any UI elements (ie I want to speed up something within the touch window, but still want the event with ideas behind the window Are). By the way I had tried to forward touch events - [MyWindow sendEvent:]: NSUInteger superWindowIndex = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] .windows indexOfObject: Self]; If (supervindoundx == 0+ supervaindexx == nsnoutfound) {[super send event: event]; } Else {[[UIApplication sharedApplication] .windows [superWindowIndex - 1] sendEvent: Event]; } However, that did not work as I had hoped. What is the best way to achieve what I am trying to do? Is UI window th

samsung mobile - - Choosing a Category? -

How can I choose a category when submitting a new app in I see "main category" or "galaxy special" When I select the main category, I do not get a submenu and it will not let me submit the game < P> If I'm a Galaxy Special \ Other, it tells me: registered binary options for the Galaxy Special Do not meet the terms of the Galaxy special category only then be chosen when at least one binary Galaxy examine special supports supported Galaxy Special options' binary & gt; Advanced mode & gt; Binary details'. So, how can I submit a game? This answer works for me. Changes are made, if you only upload APK such that Google will throw this error in the Play Store, "Do not meet the category requirements for the Registered Binaries Galaxy Special. The Galaxy Special category can be selected only when at least one Binary Galaxy Sp You can go to 'Binary', select 'Binary details' to check the 'A

Summation of entries with the same date in Excel -

I have two columns with data (several thousand rows), one with dates and one with duration (hh : Time in ss) However, there are several records for each day based on the date, any way to add them, and what is the method of getting one entry per day? Below is a picture showing a subset of a spreadsheet: I think what could be useful to you consolidated will be the function. If you click on the data tab, on the menu bar, a button on the middle-right is consolidated. Steps to Success: Select a border next to your existing values, if you are the same picture then I will suggest column C, and D Press Integrate with highlighting on the column. For selecting Sum for the function, highlight the data in column A, and for reference B. Make sure to check label in left column Dates are formatted properly, and timely formatted time such as this should be the sum of all the time given for a particular date. Tell me if it works for you, if

Bootstrap pills - show pills if mobile device else show all content (responsive) -

I am trying to understand how to show tablets if the screen is the XS layout (bootstrap) if it is a large device So I want to show all the content if the device is bigger then the phone-screen / bootstrap xs? Now it will show only the active tab-pane, in which there is a way to remove the "tab-content" class on the content, including the contents of tablets if I'm on a large device, if I work on a phone size I use. The question is if I'm on a small device, am I on a big device and tablets? & lt; Div id = "content" & gt; & Lt; H1 & gt; Test Pills & lt; / H1> & Lt; Ul id = "pills" class = "navbar-toggle nav-new-bullets" data-tab = "tablets" & gt; & Lt; Li class = "active" & gt; & Lt; A href = "# red" data-toggle = "tab" & gt; Red & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "# Orange" data

servlets - java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: despite having the JAR in the Apache server -

Read many posts about the same error on StackHowflow but I still get the following error (stacktrace): 31 Julai 2014 3:08:54 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass to org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve call: Servlet.service () ( : 1680) threw servlet TEST_Authenticate on org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass (WebappClassLoader exception java.lang.ClassNotFoundException Java: 1526) TEST_Authenticate.doGet ( Javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service ( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service On Su ( org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter ( org.apache on org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter ( on catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke (StandardWrapperValve.java3333) nvoke on org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextVa

merge - Merging a data frame and a lookup table in r, retaining all records from data frame -

Do I have 59720 object data frame it looks like down I assign a MARKETNAME for each observation lookup table Want to & gt; Data (a) day this hour Lead Row.Count DATE iTime Homephone City State ZIPCODE ZONENAME 1 Monday 13:00 1 9430 2013/07/01 13:42:51 Fort Lauderdale FL 33315 68 2 Monday 13:00 1 9432 7/1/2013 13:43:50 PLEASANT GROVE al xxxxx9802x 35127 82 3 Monday 13:00 1 9434 7/1/2013 13:46:18 5xxxx85x10 Oro Valley, AZ 85737 54 4 Monday 0:00 1 9435 7/1/2013 0:04:34 50xxxx1x364 Spokane WA 99204 211 5 Monday 11:00 1 9436 7/1/2013 11:45:43 951xxxxx20 RIVERSIDE CA 92507 31 6 Monday 11:00 1 9437 2013/07/01 11:46:26 760xxxxx679 Vista CA 92081 539 I have a lookup table of zip codes with 43126 looks like this is the unique PIN code: & gt; ; Data (b) MARKETNAME ZIPCODE New York 00501 New York 00544 Springfield-Holyoke 01001 Springfield-Holyoke 01002 Springfield-Holyoke 01003 Springfield-Holyoke 01004 I just wanted to assign MARKETNAME to my dataset "a"

Roslyn workspace.OpenSolutionAsync().Projects always empty? -

I'm trying to create a self-hosted WebAPI 2.0 project that lets you open / explore / build .sln solutions Allows an API to open. Here is the code within one of my controllers, which is the list of projects. The SLN is given a path: public async Tasks & lt; IHttpActionResult & gt; GetProjects (string slnPath = "") {var workspace = MSBuildWorkspace.Create (); Var solution = awaiting workstation. OpenSolutionSync (SLNPath); Var projects = solution. Project; } I hope to keep projects in solutions, but according to Debugger, solution.Projects and solution.ProjectIds Always appears empty. I have tried to do this with multiple .sln files, all I can open in Visual Studio and see that they have projects. I have seen, but my project does not add to the visual studio, it is a library called a command line application. In general, in the order of equality, one of the few things is: You have lost copies of Microsoft CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Workspaces.d

string - How to Get Form Input as Float64 in Go -

I have a webform created using Go, when users enter a number, then I do some math on that number is required. It seems like all methods of using the HP package use string as the output. How can I do simple math on user input? Here I have the basic code: func init () {http. HandleFunc ("/", root) http.HandleFunc ("/ results", result)} // root url handle func root (w http.ResponseWriter, r * http.Request) {fmt.Fprint (w, inputForm)} // root url html const input = `<& lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Form action = "/ results" method = "post" & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; Number between 0 and 1 & lt; Input type = "text" name = "arrow" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; `Fink result (w http.ResponseWriter, r * http.Request) {input: = r.FormValue (" anar ") // Form-value is always string / add nu

java - NullPointerException being thrown, but is clearly not null -

I have this method, which gets all the elements of the tag name in a loaded XML document, which is in the form Here's what one of the following is: ... ArrayList & lt; Nodel & gt; NLists = New Arrestist & lt; Nodel & gt; (); Node list nList = helpergatenodelist (reference gatesset) open ("feed.xml"), "item"); NLists.add (nList); // NullPointerException is being thrown out of this line ... Helper.Java . .. public static nodelist millennialist (inputstream file, string node name) {dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance (); Try {dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder (); } Hold (parser configuration exception e) {e.printStackTrace (); } {Document document = try dBuilder.parse (file); Doc.getDocumentElement () Normal () .; Return doc.getElementsByTagName (nodename); } Catch (SAXException e) {e.printStackTrace (); } Hold (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace (); } Return tap; } ... feed.xml & lt;

ios - UICollectionView hiding my supplementary view, why? -

So I am creating a UISegmentedControl , which I'm putting in a supplemental view for archiving Am I Rai I am then using a fragmented control on it through a representative on my UICollectionViewController , which appropriately sets a BOOL type property on the changes in data being sent out of a stream To IBAction , other to It all starts to work, like when I tap on the second tab after loading the archive tab (which loads with the first tab, and the right data for the first tab), the correct data is displayed, but My supplementary view goes away! (UICollectionView *) collectionView layout: (UICollectionViewLayout *) collectionViewLayout referenceSizeForHeaderInSection: (NSInteger) section : It's funny> This method is being called properly, and I am setting the size of my supplemental view properly, and I can see in my simulator because my data is in the shape of my supplemental view Is offset. (UICollectionView *) collectionView viewForSupplementaryElementOfKind

concurrency - Geoserver is unable to accept concurrent requests when processing files -

I'm trying to install Geoserver as a backend for our MVC app. Giorver works great ... except that I only have one thing to do one thing at a time. If I am processing a size file, the rest of the interface and the GUI are locked until the work is done processing. I know that the cluster has the option of clustering a geographic configuration, but it will only be load balancing, so instead of just a reading / writing process, I will have two instead ... but we This requires that at least 20 concurrent tasks at one time raise it. The context I talked about locking down the number of concurrent connections is seen on the Internet, but only 1 full time is allowed all of them. Obviously GeoServer is used in production at the same time having more than one requesting environment I am just stumped about how it is happening. A few weeks ago, my colleague sent this email to Geoserver Development Team, the problem was described as a configuration lock ... and the variable we can r

shell - sed command replacing string that contains special character is not working -

I want to change a particular string inside file.txt. My string is like this: old string tech = / lsf / dfg / avi, / ldf / fgh / vv -> New string technology = $ var I have tried the following sed -i 's / tech P> Sed -i's #technology = / lsf / dfg / avi, / ldf / '#' (or else another character which Not in the string) with CAD Replace the delimiter '/' for the expression. You are trying to match and change).

javascript - Unit testing with an API involved -

I'm a little newbie for unit testing, so be easy for me I have some modules that ask for a Resipple API is. I think in every test suite, I'm using some lines of code to spin a simple ExpressJS web server to use some routes which I can call with my tests. This can be the old writing in every test suite. There should be a better way of doing this. Any suggestions? My code is running on all javascript in my nodejs and browser btw UPDATE: I am not sure if I have explained well in my original comment, then here is something Description ("person", function () (this ( "(Rest Person = New Person (); // Person is posted on" / api / person / " (function () {Hope (person._id) (" id "); Generally I will create a small express server with the following route: App post ("/ Api / person / *", function (req), res) {res.send (200, {data: 0123})}); But it seems to me that I'm stinking to do this for every test

iolanguage - Io Language: Exception: Sequence does not respond to 'openForReading' -

I read "seven languages" in seven weeks. On the Io charpter, I failed with the following example exception. OperationTableAddinOperator (":", "atPutNumber") curly brackets: = method (R: = map clone call message logic foreach (arg, r doMessage (ARG)) R. ) Put the map on the map: = Method (remove "\"), the appropriate printfix ("\"), the call evalArgAt (1)), mountable (call on the self (call as "Evil Egret" (0) s: = file ("Phonebook.txt" openForReading content) Phone number: = doString (s) phone number key println phone points println phonebook.txt {"Bob Smith": Troubleshooting message: Exception: 'OpenForReading' does not answer --- ------- Seacons Unfold readings Phonebook.O with 16 file- 16CLI doFile Z_CLI .io 140 - Run CLI IoState_runCLI () 1 and phonebook.txt in the same folder. < "Post-text" itemprop = "text"> Compare th

Return Value from Dropdown with Python -

So I have a drop down address when I load the webpage form fills I already selected value I want to return and allocate it to Python variables. I'm getting this error: TypeError: get_attribute () that takes 2 arguments (given 1) HTML: & lt; Select id = "timezone" name = "time zoneable" size = "1" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "EST" & gt; Eastern Standard Time & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "central" & gt; Central Time & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "Mountain" & gt; Mountain Time & lt; / Option & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; Pithon: selenium.webdriver.common.keys import key selenium imports Vebdraivr driver = webdriver.Firefox () driver.get ( 'the someurl. Com ') driver.get_element_by_ID value = driver.find_element_by_name ("timezonetable"). Get_attribute () print value driver.find_element_by_name ( &qu

python - Split Text into paragraphs NLTK - usage of nltk.tokenize.texttiling? -

I was looking at ways to divide documents into paragraphs and I was told a possible way of doing this. Here's my attempt to use it, however, I do not understand how to work with output. I appreciate your help t = unidecode (doclist [0] .decode ('utf-8', 'ignore')) nltk.tokenize.texttiling.TextTilingTokenizer (t) < / Code> Output: & lt; 0x11e9c6350 on nltk.tokenize.texttiling.TextTilingTokenizer & gt; I'm just hanging out with this one for the same reason and so on There was a question that you did not do so that it is wrong. I liked the best to pass on what I know ... :) I am not sure yet, but I would like to illustrate the use of TextTilingTokenizer in the bug report: alice = nltk.corpus.gutenberg.raw ('carroll-alice.txt') tttt = nltk.tokenize.TextTilingTokenizer () tiles = tt.tokenize (alice [14030 9:]) It appears that you want to feed your text to the tokenize method on TextTilingTokenizer

Mongodb: Trying to find all documents with specific subdocument field, why is my query not working? -

Here is an example of a document from the collection that I ask Meteor: primary & Gt; Db.research.findOne ({_ id: 'Z2zzA7dx6unkzKiSn'}) "": "Z2zzA7dx6unkzKiSn", "_userId": "NtE3ANq2b2PbWSEqu", "affiliate": [{"userId": "aTPzFad8DdFXxRrX4"}], "name "" new "," pending ": {" associate ": []}} I have all the documents within this collection either _userId: 'aTPzFad8DdFXxRrX4' or find partners I array, userId: 'aTPzFad8DdFXxRrX4' that's why I want to see the collection go and if _userId field 'aTPzFad8DdFXxRrX4' If not then check the associate array on the document and check whether the user id: 'aTPzFad8DdFXxRrX4' Is an object with Aँ I'm trying to use the query: db.research.find ({$ or: [[_userId: 'aTPzFad8DdFXxRrX4'}, {associate in the {$: [{ userId: 'the aTPzFad8DdFXxRrX4'}]}}}}} it does not h

javascript - Three.js - Using PlaneGeometry to generate hills -

I'm looking for an easy way to generate no-uniform hills in three.js I am able to make a hill effect using particles and position them using a sine wave algorithm (roughly) x = Math.random () * 1000 Y = Math.sin (X / freq) * amp = z = Math.random () * 1000 However, this method seems to be hacked, and the height of the hills is the same. I was thinking of using plain gymetry , but I'm not sure that this is a good way. Any idea will be helpful. I think you are trying to generate a random field. Then, using the monastery, using the monastery. Random provides a very good face in exchange for the shape of the shape of the round. The effect that you are trying to achieve ("mountain of natural shape") can be used simply by simplifying the library. like. A full chapter in the book "Three.js Essential" is covering this exact topic.

javascript - Scroll position bug on one page website -

I am having a problem with which the scroll position is not going to the same section of the page when the external link . For example, when attempting to access this raw URL, then the page of that section will be considered for loading. Although what happens, it scrolls in between the Gormamsan and the gift section. This works perfectly when a similar link is used from website side navigation, for example, then click on RSVP menu item and you will see that it actually goes to the related section . I have checked to see if there are any JS or other errors on the page, but Thank you in advance. Leo == ================================= ================================================== = code example jQuery (document) .ready (function ($) { function single () {/ * ---- ------------------------------------------------ -------------------------- --- * / / * Smooth Scroll / * Thanks for: / JQuery-One-Page-Nav / * ----------------- ---------

c# - Overloaded routes in MVC -

मुझे निम्न यूआरएल उत्पन्न करना है मार्ग / ए और और इस लागू करने के लिए, मैं Global.asax फ़ाइल routes.MapRoute ( "मार्गों", // मार्ग नाम "मार्गों / {routeName के दो मार्गों को शामिल किया है } ", // मापदंडों के साथ यूआरएल नया {controller =" busroute ", एक्शन =" सिंगलआरआउट "} // पैरामीटर चूक); routes.MapRoute ( "alpharoutes", // मार्ग नाम "मार्गों / {alphRoute}", // नई मानकों के साथ URL {नियंत्रक = "busroute", कार्रवाई = "AlphabetRoute"} // पैरामीटर चूक); हालांकि, यह उद्देश्य के रूप में काम नहीं करता है लिंक पर क्लिक करें मुझे केवल पंजीकृत कार्रवाई में ले जाता है। कृपया इस कार्यान्वयन में क्या गलत है, कृपया सूचित करें। आप एक मार्ग बाधा की जरूरत है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग SingleCharacterConstraint: IRouteConstraint {सार्वजनिक bool मैच (HttpContextBase HttpContext, मार्ग मार्ग, स्ट्रिंग parameterName, RouteValueDictionary मूल्यो

c++ - SGS4 android 4.4.2 - OGL ES2 crashes -

Here I have an application published on Google Play. There was no ANR / crash after publication in more than 400 installations. But this week I got 3 new crashes. All 3 was on the same device, the same Android version. All 3 accidents are completely identical. The device is: Samsung Galaxy S4 (JFLTVs) Here is a crash report Build fingerprint:. 'Verizon / jfltevzw / jfltevzw: 4.4.2 / KOT49H / I545VRUFNC5: user / release key amendments:' 11 'PID: 8444, TID: 8457, name: ###. Sports ### & gt; & Gt; & Gt; com. ###. Sports ### & lt; & Lt; & Lt; Signal 11 (Saijiiijiiar), code 1 (Sijivimapiarar), fault Acer 0000006 CR 0 0 0 0 0 9 6 9 R 1 76 D 47 A 94 R -2 0000006 CR 3 00000006 R 4 00000006 R5 0000006 CR 6 79 A 14818 R7 0000006 CR979914008 R900000001 SG0000006C FP00000000 IP00000000 SP 76D 47a38LR 7608A 95F PC 7608A 282 CPSR 60070030D-20000000000000000 d1 -0000000000000000 d2 -0000000000000000 d3 -0000000000000000 d3 -0000000000000000 d4 000000000f00

python 2.7 - zipping a list of lists according to index? -

How can I use zip to zip a list of lists by index? ? i i i (a, b, c) print zip (k) in print zip [a, b, c] > zip (a, b, c) print [('f', 'h', 's'), ('o', 'e', ​​'t' ), This is what I need to do ('u', 'l', 'a'), ('r', 'p', 'k')] however zip (k) print [(['f', 'o', 'u', 'r'],), (['h' , 'E', 'L', 'P'],), (['s,' t ',' a ',' k '],)] does not do. Is there a list int " brake up " Is this a separate piece for zip function? I need a list, this is a simple example, for unknown quantities in Kashmir, where I am using it. Try the following code: zip (* [lists. .]) You can put any number of lists in there (can easily be generated using list comprehension)

bash - regex and grep match only string with valid port in an if loop -

I am trying to check in a bass script if I am getting a curl response then give me a valid IANA port If it is, then I want to break the loop and continue. If this does not give me a port, then I want to delete it and try again after a sleepy period. My problem is grep and regex query. I'm still learning regex and not sure if I got this right. Can anyone verify it. (Or offer an easy solution to the same problem.) port_forwarding_assignment = / home / user / port_forwarding_assignment.txt while [! -f "$ port_forwarding_assignment"]; Sudo Curl- "Post_datastast" Https: // website / port_forward_assignment -o "/home/user/port_forwarding_assignment.txt" if [grep -q '^ port (6553 [0-5] | 655 [0-2] \ d | 65 [0-4] \ D \ d | 6 [0-4] \ d {3} | [1-5] \ d {4} | [1- 9] \ d {0,3} | 0) $ '' $ port_forwarding_assignment]] ; Then fire RM-F / Home / User / Port / Forwarding_signment. End TST 30 < Some comments on P> code: < / P> [

solr - how to crawl a website by specifying depth -

I am using nutch 2.x. So I'm trying to use the nutch command with deeper options $: nutch Injection ./urls/seed.txt -depth 5 To execute this order After receiving messages like Unrecognized Arg-Deep So when I failed on this, I tried to use the nutch crawl $: Nutch crawl ./urls/seed.txt -depth 5 is being like an error The command crawl has been deprecated, please use bin / crawl instead. e So I tried to use the crawl command to crawl the URL in the CRP. In that case the depth option is asking for solr but I am not using solr so my question is My question is, what do you do by crawling the page Want and list it in SORR Do not smoke? Answer your question: If you want to use Nutch crawler and you want to list it in SOLR, remove the following piece of code from the crawl script. Answer to another question: Be sure to get HTML content for all links that have been crawled by nach (this link ): This will definitely solve your issue.

how to encode and decode emoji in android? -

I use the library in my application when I pass a static unicode string in my code then the emoji is visible, But if I send emoji to the php server using a similar service and withdraw the string then it is showing the Unicode string in my application. If I compare, then both the static and the server recovered strings are the same. Can anyone tell me what I did wrong in my application? The same application has been developed in iOS and what they have done for the first time they send the string to ASCII> UTF-8 on the server while encoding. Then they are decoding the string as they send it. Can someone suggest me if it will be compatible with Android, if so, how can I do this? We use Commons-Lang (Commons-Lang-2.5.jar) for the encoding and decoding of Unicode characters. You can use the library. Download jar file or use gradle: compile 'org.apache.commons: commons-lang3: 3.4' . For encoding use - StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava (string text) this Android EditTe

c# - Load a controller depending on a value in a dropdownlist -

I'm coding a C # MVC5 view, and want some help loading a specific controller drop down list . Here is my current code: @ html.ActionLink ("create new", "create", ** some code here **, new {MapLocationId = model} .MapLocationId}, empty) & lt; Div class = "form-group" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-md-10" & gt; @ Html.DropDownList ("ItemTypes", New SelectList (Model.mapLocationItemTypes), New {@class = "control-label col-md-2"}) & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; mapLocationItemTypes contains the following values: Item 1 Item 2 How is this the best way to code? Do I Need To Use Javascript? Is there a specific HTML MVC view attribute that can be used? Thanks in advance

c++ - Difference between is_same and mpl::same_as in boost -

मुझे boost :: is_same और boost :: के बीच का अंतर देख नहीं सकता एमपीएल :: same_as । क्या कोई शायद इन्हें बताता है और जहां केवल विशिष्ट प्रकार का उपयोग किया जा सकता है। प्रभावी रूप से, कुछ भी नहीं। यदि आप वास्तव में mpl :: same_as को देखते हैं, इसमें is_same शामिल होता है और फिर इसे सीधे उपयोग करता है ध्यान दें कि & lt; type_traits & gt; सी ++ 11 के रूप में मानक पुस्तकालय का हिस्सा है, और इसमें std :: is_same शामिल है (जो वास्तव में कार्य करता है को बढ़ावा देने में उपर्युक्त दो फ़ंक्शन की तरह)।

statistics - Using Python to run SPSS analyses and retrieve values (Python -> Spss -> Python) -

I have spent a few days of SPSS and spaceoffs module - which are great resources. Although I think I have not got some conceptual understanding because I can do basic things like recovering value labels via Spiceux. ; & Gt; {U'1 ': u'Niutral', u'0 ': u'Disagree', u'2 ': u'Agree'} or dataset = spssDataset () variable_list = dataet.varList print variable_list [2] & gt; & Gt; & Gt; However, I am struggling to find out how to get value for real data. I I am having trouble analyzing how to recover the analyzers' values ​​and use them in Python Please. Right now I am running an analysis using spss.Submit (), but I suspect that this feeding value is limited to feed back the meaning and significance values ​​for Python (i.e., which is again used in Python Can be judgments). If you have any suggestions for ideas, please note that I need to work within the Python environment because this data retr

Xampp Ports openning without administrator rights -

I am developing a web application offline using Xampp. I am working offline for this, which is with the administrator's rights with a machine. I tried to run it on my work machine but due to Apache and SQL ports, I will not start. What authority do I need from an administrator user to access this program from time to time? (I need to go to the IT desk and ask them to do it, so I need to do one thing) It was a simple fix after all. I asked the IT staff to enter the administrator and gave permission for the XMPP folder for all. It does not end company policy.

mysql - Simple SQL Queries used in Ecommerce -

There are two tables: purchase collection, which includes audited, orderdate, user-side Purchase_Details in which itemid Itemized [item in this area] "Books", "Music" is the name of the category, which is for the item) Item Payment [This field has been paid for that particular item] < P> The column names themselves are interpretive, for a single order many can be idless. Question 1: As an output we need a list of all orders and their payments [Remember that the payment of the order will be the amount of payment for all items of that order] < P> Question 2: As an output we need a list of all user-side and total payment received by them in 2013. Question 3: We need a list of all the users, who have bought more than 10,000 rupees in 2012, but have not been bought at all in 2013. Question4: As an output we need a list of all the users who are in the year 2013, which are purchased from the category called "Books", called category "Music

python - Cloning Django models or add a differentiating field in the second model? -

I have to store live streaming 'test' data and training data in a MySQL database. I need to create a Django model for this. Now the structure of the data is exactly like i.e. time, value, label . The only difference between the two models will be used for training data and the other will keep alive test data (production data). Which way would be a better way to create models in terms of performance: Create two models, TrenadiaDial and TestData models. Create a single model 'data' and 'training' by adding a boolean field to say whether data is part of a test / train dataset. Now, training will be done in the initial steps and will be much smaller in size than test data; Additionally, the amount of test data will be very high (~ 20-30 GB) Processing data involves running classification algorithm based on data collected. In my special case, training data must be accessed repeatedly for each classification work. For the first case, I have to ask

c# - MVC5 Calling function on MapRoute -

In our site we are doing something like "GodMode", when this mode is enabled, we want data Display data differently For regular public websites, for example, if a user visits, http: // domain / home / index He'll see the regular public page But if in the same browser / session, go to http: // domain / godmode / home / index then we want to show other information . For this, I will create a static boolean variable that I set to set the wish when we will find out that is the godmode , so I see a way to do this I am here. Any idea how can I set this variable? Or what is the best place to set it, so both URLs can run in the same session without interrupting each other. I know that for the Global.asax application level in the Application_BeginRequest , url request is not requested, I did not get any relevant replacement for it. Can someone please give a suggestion or if we can call the function in MVC MapRoute function? What about an action filter?

amazon web services - How can we generate individual billings for customers according to there usage in AWS? -

I have a single AdWords account. I have many clients who have AVS services such as AC2 example, abb, auto scaling, etc. are using it. How can I create personal bills according to the use of a single customer? Note: I can not create more than one sub account in ADS. Any other suggestions ?? You can all specify and use the cost allocation tag for resource allocation. For each billing entity a tag should probably do what you want. You can use the cost allocation tag to classify and track your AWS costs. When you apply tags in your AWS resources (such as Amazon EC2 example or Amazon S3 bucket), AWS prepares a cost allocation report in the form of CoP-Separated Value (CSV file), which will be used by you Costs collected by your tags. You can apply tags that represent business categories (such as cost center, application name or owner) to organize your costs. >

php - How to know when an array pointer has reached the end where's there are no items -

I'm using end () to get the last array object, but I do not want it I want to know that when there are no items and starts with the beginning of the array. $ current = $ _SESSION ['current_sang']; $ Song_are = explosion (',', $ _SESSION ['song_aray']); $ Nextkey = array_search ($ current, $ song_array) + 1; $ Last_song = end ($ song_array); If ($ next key == calculation ($ song_array)) {$ nextkey == 0; } $ Next = $ song_array [$ nextkey]; If ($ next == $ last_song) {$ sid = $ song_array [0]; } And {$ sid = $ next; ($ Element = current ($ song_array)) {/ code> For, as long as we do not reach the end of Sir / // print_r ($ element) and see what you have ... // When finished, go to the next element next ($ song_array); } // Reset pointer in the beginning, if you like reset ($ song_array);

How to run Z3 using Xcode -

Can anyone tell me how to run G3 using the exode on Mac? I tried to include all the files in the project but in the errors it was said that the symbols are undefined. If your linker says that the symbols are unavailable, it is very likely that they do not have libz3.dylib Found it, or it got it and it did not like it for any other reason. In your project settings, you need to tell the linker that link (with the -l options), and where they can be found ( -L option).

sql server - how to implement import and export to xml file in grails application -

I have two grails application, one runs in SQL Server 2008 Gilles version 1.2 and postgrasskale grails verison 2.3.8 another application. Now I want to import some data from the old application to apply for a new ATO application. I mean that when the user is in a new application, to be able to switch to the old app, you can import some data from the list and import it to new applications or create XLM and import new ones application. How can anybody do this in advance thanks in advance.

Facebook Graph API v1.0 token iOS SDK -

I have a registered Facebook application which uses the FB Graph API in version 1. There are permissions for the following things: user_friends I use its API key in my iOS application so that the user is logged in. I read the user token as [[session accessTokenData] accesstooken]] , but when I use this token, I The list of friends can not be found. The only messages I receive are friends who use this app a lot, when I use API v2.0. How to get a token that allows me to use the FB Graph API version 1? We have resolved that by enabling v1 API compatibility: [FBSettings enablePlatformCompatibility: Yes]; Docs:

r - How to apply splom() function in order to create multiple correlation pairwise plots? -

I have already asked to create the following shape: I was suggested to use the SPOM () function but I do not know how to implement it on my data. I saw that the example of the polyio () function has been seen, but due to my low programming skills I am not able to implement it. I have 24 times the series, which is related to 4 independent groups (4 Peer) correlation plot) 4 groups: 1) frequency = 1 with minimum, timed series: AAPL_1m, MSFT_1m, INTC_1m, FB_1m, MU_1m, IBM_1m 2) Frequency = 2 with minimum, timed series: AAPL_2 M, MSFTI2M, INTC_2M, FB_2M, MU_2M, IBMMMM. 3) Frequency = 5 with minimum, timed series: AAPL5M, MSFTI5M, INTICIRMMM, FBIIMMM, MUINMM, IBBMMMM. 4) Frequency = 10 with minimum, timed series: AAPL_10M, MSFTATM, INTC_10M, FB_10M, MU_10M, IBM_10M. In each partner conspiracy, the relationship between the time series should be shown in each group. To create the conspiracy of each individual pair I used the following functions: added (cbind (AAPL_1m, MSFT_1m, I

c# - Predicting process end time -

I have a simple problem that I'm having more trouble than myself. It's pretty straight forward: I have started the process once _start time , and the current time. I also have the total number of records that need to be processed by _records , and the current record number _current . How do I get a simple linear prophecy of the end times? I have ended up in different racks holes of tax and goods, but I think I am using some simple date time or timespace trickery, Timespain Delta = DateTime. Now - _starttime; Float progress = (float) _Record / (float) _current; Hmm actually looks pretty simple TimeSpain timetancensoper = DateTime.Now - _start time; Double percentage dossoform = (double) _current / (double) _records; Timespace timetectingtital = TimetableEfar / PercentageSoffar; Date Timeout Time = _start Time Add (to take time); This should work. Updates: According to MSDN, you can not split timepoints, but in that case you can use ticks: (I have

flip view not responding for swipe gesture emilsjolander/android-FlipView implementing Gridview/listview -

I am implementing Gridview in a flip page using emilsjolander / android-flipview, < P> My issues are unable to go to the next page or the previous, randomly swipes this works in 5 I know that this is due to touching the blocking issue, which is not promoting Flippew from Gridview. Any fix will be appreciated. GridView inside flip view: I have the same problem, but gridwish By making it non-mutually solved, you have written your own class that expanded the gridview like this, import android.content.Context; Import android.util.AttributeSet; Import android.view.MotionEvent; Import android.widget.GridView; Public Category NotifierTable Grid Gridview {Extends the Public Notetric Grid (Reference Reference, AttributeSet Attrs) {Super (References, ethers); } @ Override Public Boolean On IntraCaptive Event (Motion Avenes Eve) {Boolean Rate = Super. In Intercept Touch Avent (Eve); If (ret) getParent (). RequestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent (wrong); Return writ; } @ Override P

java - Android ExpandedListView want SwipeToDismiss to only work on Groups -

I have found here that is the real fact of swipodisz implementation. And it works great though, I am using it on an extendedlistview and I would prefer only to sack the groups. There can be two places where I can interfere and do not allow to be dismissed, in the Touch Alicher event: mListView.setOnTouchListener (New View.OnTouchListener () {@Override Public Boolean onTouch (see, MotionEvent motionEvent) {if not // returning unrealistic return to a group ??????? Return mSwipeDismissTouchListener.OnTouch (see, motionEvent); .. Or in SwipeSystem LIVE V Touch Listener Event: mSwipeDismissTouchListener = New Swipe Dismiss ListUpout List of public voidDismiss (ListView list) on list, list of list (LISTView, New SwipeDist ListView Touch Listener.Disemal Callback () {Public Bully CanDismiss (Ent State) {// Return false if not on a group ???????} [] Reverse-sated posts) {}}); but I can not tell what is CL TIA. You need to adopt your adapter class, but with some modif

android - Reading json from java application with python -

I am working on a project with my colleague. We have a dragon api, jquery web interface + java android interface In fact, the Web and Android should send data in Jason format and my API should read it and process it. Python has no problem with reading the variables from the request of the post from jquery through CGI. Here's the snippet (without headers and accessories) that works just fine: Importing CGI storage = CGFildStorage () Print (storage) < P> Return value is (as expected): fieldstodge (none, none, [minifined storage ('command', 'xi'), minifield storage ('additional ',' 168 ')]) With it, I can easily call storage ["command"] Unfortunately, when sending a single request from Java, I did not get the expected results. At this time we use a snippet. HTTP client httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient (); Http post httppost = new HTTP post (LOGIN_URL); JSONObject json = faucet; {Json = New JSONObject ("{\&qu

Getting an empty JavaScript Array in Java (Selenium test) -

मुझे जावा चर में जावास्क्रिप्ट स्क्रिप्ट में घोषित एक रिक्त अरणी प्राप्त करने की आवश्यकता है। जावास्क्रिप्ट सरणी को एक वेब पेज पर घोषित किया जाता है: tc_vars ["products"] = नया अर्रे (); (मुझे केवल उत्पादों की सरणी की आवश्यकता है, न कि tc_vars एक)। यह है मैं जावा में इस चर को कैसे प्राप्त करने की कोशिश करता हूं: वस्तु [] मान = (ऑब्जेक्ट []) js.executeScript ("return tc_vars ['products'];"); (जहां जेएस एक सेलेनियम WebDriver से संबद्ध एक जावास्क्रिप्ट एक्सक्लूसेटर है)। < P> मुझे आमतौर पर स्ट्रिंग प्राप्त करने के लिए इस पद्धति का उपयोग करने में कोई परेशानी नहीं हुई है, लेकिन ऐसा लगता है कि यह खाली ऐरे के लिए काम नहीं करेगा। इसके अलावा, मेरे पास कोई त्रुटि संदेश नहीं है, वेब ड्रिवर बस क्रैश करता है। executeScript विधि एक ऑब्जेक्ट चर देता है यह एक स्ट्रिंग (जब जेएस चर एक स्ट्रिंग है) में कास्ट करता है, लेकिन यह खाली ऐरे को स्ट्रिंग [] या ऑब्जेक्ट में कास्ट करने में कोई मौका नहीं था [] । जैसा कि मैंने अपनी टिप्प