samsung mobile - - Choosing a Category? -

How can I choose a category when submitting a new app in

I see "main category" or "galaxy special"

When I select the main category, I do not get a submenu and it will not let me submit the game

< P> If I'm a Galaxy Special \ Other, it tells me:

  registered binary options for the Galaxy Special Do not meet the terms of the Galaxy special category only then be chosen when at least one binary Galaxy examine special supports supported Galaxy Special options' binary & gt; Advanced mode & gt; Binary details'.  

So, how can I submit a game?

This answer works for me.

Changes are made, if you only upload APK such that Google will throw this error in the Play Store, "Do not meet the category requirements for the Registered Binaries Galaxy Special. The Galaxy Special category can be selected only when at least one Binary Galaxy Sp You can go to 'Binary', select 'Binary details' to check the 'Advanced mode' supported Galaxy Special options. There is no substitute for disabling the Galaxy Special in the seller's office, The simple and easy way to fix this problem is to add permission to your manifest file. I & lt; use-permission android: name = "" /> APK release mode Export and upload it to the Samsung Vendor Office, a confirmation message appears, just confirm this now APK will be successfully uploaded to the Samsung App Store.


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