c++ - SGS4 android 4.4.2 - OGL ES2 crashes -

Here I have an application published on Google Play. There was no ANR / crash after publication in more than 400 installations. But this week I got 3 new crashes. All 3 was on the same device, the same Android version. All 3 accidents are completely identical.

The device is: Samsung Galaxy S4 (JFLTVs) Here is a crash report

  Build fingerprint:. 'Verizon / jfltevzw / jfltevzw: 4.4.2 / KOT49H / I545VRUFNC5: user / release key amendments:' 11 'PID: 8444, TID: 8457, name: ###. Sports ### & gt; & Gt; & Gt; com. ###. Sports ### & lt; & Lt; & Lt; Signal 11 (Saijiiijiiar), code 1 (Sijivimapiarar), fault Acer 0000006 CR 0 0 0 0 0 9 6 9 R 1 76 D 47 A 94 R -2 0000006 CR 3 00000006 R 4 00000006 R5 0000006 CR 6 79 A 14818 R7 0000006 CR979914008 R900000001 SG0000006C FP00000000 IP00000000 SP 76D 47a38LR 7608A 95F PC 7608A 282 CPSR 60070030D-20000000000000000 d1 -0000000000000000 d2 -0000000000000000 d3 -0000000000000000 d3 -0000000000000000 d4 000000000f000008 d5 00000000ffff0400 d6 0000000044220000 d7 -0000000000000000 d8 3ea0000000000000 d9 3fe0000000000000 D10 -0000000000000000 D11 -0000000000000000 D12 -0000000000000000 D13 -0000000000000000 D14 -0000000000000000 D15 -0000000000000000 D16 3f8000003f800000 D17 3a020ce03f800000 D18 3acccccd00000000 D19 -00000000000 00000 D20 -0000000000000000 D21 000000003a032338 D22 3c5999c0bab60c00 D23 3f8000003e064324 D24 -0000000000000000 D25 -0000000000000000 D26 -0000000000000000 D27 -0000000000000000 D28 3fef8d75f3bcb1e2 D29 bfdffffffd0c5e81 D30 -0000000000000000 D31 -0000000000000000 scr 60,000,017 backtrace: # 00 pc 00,046,282 / system / vendor / lib / EGL / LibGL ESv2_adreno.so (neon_pld_min_max_16 + 5) # 01 pc 0004695b /system/vendor/lib/egl/libGLESv2_adreno.so (cache_vertex_elements + 80) # 02 pc 00049e61 /system/vendor/lib/egl/libGLESv2_adreno.so (core_glDrawElementsInstancedXXX + 328) # 03 PC 00049fd7 /system/vendor/lib/egl/libGLESv2_adreno.so (core_glDrawElements + 10) # 04 pc 00,039,767 /system/vendor/lib/egl/libGLESv2_adreno.so (glDrawElements + 28) # 05 PC 000e72b1 ## ## 06 PC 000d9567 ### # 07 PC 000bd857 ###  

Open OS2.0, VBO and application IBO uses intensive use.

I know that the problem lies between the bound index index buffer and the previous buffer offset index buffer (not indicator) between the glDrawElements.

Mistake addr 0000006c (and R7 0000006c ) is offset IBO object to the first index in the IBO has more than 2000 items and such crashes Illegal can not be done due to IBO.

I do not understand why a crash only appears on SGS 4 Can someone help me to understand this situation?

UPD: I use my own cross-platform format c ++, which runs games on Win / Mac / Nix / IOS / Android / Bada devices. The problem with OGL IOO and Adreno GPU only appears on the SGS4 model.

Note that if anyone wants to reach out to the unity, you can also refer to You can.

They narrowed down the issue on our project, but there is no solution yet. I'm sure they will welcome more source code for testing and retrieval though.


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