
Showing posts from May, 2011

html - Horizontal Schedule Bar for Website -

I am working on a personal website and so far, everything is running very well. I found the pages set with the original layout and everything like that, now I am trying to make it look more professional. I cut the weekend several weeks in the tournament a week. (Yes, I said bowl and yes, I consider it a game) What I would like to do is a schedule type bar at the top. (The example can be found by clicking on the link in this post) The problem is that I can not find any tutorials on how to do this because I do not know where this functionality is. Everything that I have tried to search has just brought horizontal navigation / scroll bar. Can anyone tell me in the tutorial or give me a starting point to get something like working on my website? This is actually a slider, which shows 15 slides at a time. - jQuery slider The slider above has several options that allow you to Max Slides - The total of the slides shown at a given time Slide slides - Number of slides Example

javascript - Meteor.js Twitter login when running on the Codio editor "page not available" -

I am using online IDE called Kodi which comes with internal hosting. Each code project was assigned a URL and a port for my meteor project, it was sent to < P> I tried to add an account-tweeter package, input the set up, input my API key and incognito, but I have a problem - when I certify in the pop-up and the callback redirect action takes me to a " This webpage is not available "error throws. / P> I checked the URL of the popup and it looks like http: // localhost: 3000 / _oauth / twitter? Close & amp; Trying to navigate to state = In my Twitter app settings, I have tried to do all this as a callback, but the end result remains the same: Twitter? About .. Has anyone faced this issue and how has this been removed from any thought? or lo

linux - Deviceinfo without scanning -

Do we know the BDREADS and RSCIs of all Billy equipments without continuous homosexuals? Since continuous lascan will consume more power and we are turning on active scanning in the background, we will still not be able to connect with the device. When we are disconnected - small "itemprop =" text "> Yes, you are right You are scanning for low energy devices and from central device The number of connectable devices can not be made completely by depending on the software stack you are using, like CC2540 for BLE, you can connect 3 devices at a time. According to Rssai and blues -4.101 stack for Bluetooth address you le_advertising_report refer to function.

PHP flush() function and content-type: text/event-stream -

What I think, this function - flush () - pushes the output to the browser. Suppose I have a code of 30 seamod lines and put a flush on the 15th row, the server will push the 14th line or explain the code for my browser? would it be? This question arises because I am trying to use HTML 5 SSE. It is an idea that when there is no need to send a request to the server, the server sends updates to the server to update the update.

c - CheckSum for a struct -

UInt16 चेकसमअपडेट (LOG_ENTRY_TYPE * पॉइंटर, UInt16 आकार) {UChar * डेटा; डेटा = सूचक; UInt16 chk = 0; जबकि (आकार -) {chk + = * डेटा ++; } वापसी chk; } // मेसेज डेटा स्ट्रक्चर टाइपिंगफेप टाइपएफेफ स्ट्रीट {TIMESTAMP_TYPE oTimeStamp; ASSERT_ID_TYPE ucAssertID; इंट 16 iData1; इंट 16 iData2; UInt16 UIChecksum; } LOG_ENTRY_TYPE; TIMESTAMP_TYPE एक संरचना है जिसमें एक 16 बिट मिलीसेकंड काउंटर और 32 बिट सेकंड काउंटर है और ASSERT_ID_TYPE केवल उन चीजों की एक एन्यूम सूची है, जिन्हें मैं ऑपरेशन में देखना चाहता हूं। तो इस प्रकार का काम करता है, लेकिन एक बार जब मूल्य 255 से अधिक हो जाता है तो कुछ बुरा हो रहा है। मुझे पता है कि एक अहस्ताक्षरित चार (UChar) 255 तक संख्या का प्रतिनिधित्व कर सकता है, लेकिन अगर मैं UChar को UInt16 में बदलता हूं तो मुझे सही उत्तर नहीं मिलता है क्या कोई मेरी समस्या को यहां बता सकता है? UInt32 chk = 0; Chk + = डेटा- & gt; iData1; Chk + = डेटा- & gt; iData2;

Python OpenCV (cv2) Unspecified error in NumpyAllocator::allocate -

I'm new to OpenCV and I'm using a dragon version to read the frame of the video so that I do Please do some analysis about them. I am reading MP4 video file and piping to like them via frames: import cv2 cv2Cap = cv2.VideoCapture (filepath) Frames = [] cnt = 0 while 1: # video rate to the next frame, frame = () cnt + = 1 print 'calculation:' + str (cnt) Get Route if not Rivet: Break # means the Writ was wrong, so loop cv2.imshow ('frames', frame) # Show the frame which was read to ensure that it is normal k = cv2.waitKey (1 ) & Amp; 0xff if k == 27: brake frame.append (frame) This code works most of the time, however, I have seen it break on some different video like: ", line 1, & lt; Module & gt; File "", line __int_self in the frame, own FPS, self NumFrames = self.getVideoInfo ("FileView") file "", line 57, getVideoInfo ret, frame = () Cv2.error: D: \ Build \

php - Storing user information in session or pull from mysql? -

विकल्प 1: लॉगिन पर, बुनियादी उपयोगकर्ताओं की जानकारी (नाम, यूजरआइड, खाता अनुमतियां, आदि) के साथ सत्र को पॉप्युलेट करें। प्रो: आम तौर पर उपयोगकर्ता जानकारी में से कोई भी परिवर्तन नहीं होता है, इसलिए डेटाबेस कॉल की कोई आवश्यकता नहीं है। चूंकि सत्र पहले से ही बुलाया जा रहा है, यह जानकारी के साथ ही वहां स्टोर कर सकता है। कोना: जब डेटाबेस में उपयोगकर्ता की जानकारी बदल जाती है, तो सत्र अद्यतन होना चाहिए < मजबूत> विकल्प 2: स्टोर करें केवल यूआईडी, हर बार जानकारी खींचें प्रो: सत्र अपडेट का कोई मुद्दा नहीं है सूचना हमेशा चालू होती है। Con: उपयोगकर्ता डेटा के लिए MySQL क्वेरी (उपयोगकर्ता मूल जानकारी, अनुमतियां, आदि) मैंने कुछ पोस्ट देखा है जो सत्र का दावा करते हैं विधि MySQL से भी तेज है (हालांकि मुझे संदेह है कि इससे कोई वास्तविक अंतर होगा)। प्रश्न: शायद जाने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका क्या है, और क्यों? मेरी प्रवृत्ति कहते हैं कि ... # 2 ... अपने डेटा को एक सत्र में लोड करें (अपने डेटाबेस को मारने में कोई बात नहीं ज्यादातर स्थैतिक जानकारी के लिए), और यदि डेटाबेस के लिए अ

html - Scaling images to 16:9 aspect ratio -

I have a background image which is scaling, but the problem is increasing Looking at the small proposals, the tricks are seen. .bcg {background-position: center center; Repeat Background: No Repetition; Background-attachment: fixed; Background size: cover; Height: 100%; Width: 100%; } / * Slide1 * / # slide -1 .BCG {background-image: url ('../ img / bcg_slide-1.png'); Background-size: 100% 100%} HTML markup & lt; Section id = "slide-1" class = "homeSlide" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "BCG" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "hsContainer" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "hsContent" & gt; & Lt; H2 & gt; Hello1 & lt; / H2 & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Section & gt; If I background-size: 100% auto; , then its the entire window is not fully fit . Resolutions and Size > Remove the background-size from your

javascript - read header cookie with Angularjs and Cordova/Phonegap -

I have a problem with my application Cordova / Fingerlings. I can log in to my API gives me a cookie: set-cookie: token = 654vze45ze566ze5; But I can not recover those values ​​and when I "GET" I can return them. I tried ngQQs but apparently cookies do not work on phonegrap, how can I read and retrieve the header set-cookie?

sql - Determine field's bytes in Redshift -

I'm taking a table from SQL Server to Redshift. I've exported the data and found it in the UTF-8 text file is. When trying to load Redshift, the CPI command fails, the data complaint is more than the width of the field. The destination Redshift table schema source matches the SQL Server table (i.e. varchar field width is the same). If I understand correctly, the size of the redshift's size is in the bytes, and not the character, such as the SQL server, the multi-byte characters are causing "very broad" problems. I want to know how much to increase my workaround field, but it does not seem to be the number of bytes for the string, only gives the number of characters in that string . How have others solved this problem? field type and result can be important in the field type redshift. Load sample data in the RedShift table with maximum field sizes. The sample should be as big as possible. With the negation of definitions in MSSQL server, you will be ab

java - Semaphore synchronized wait() and notify() -

I have the code: it is getting knowledge of Sikandra before code thread A b is waiting (calling) Thread sleeping), then inform, why the code has been synchronized here? If not, this unlawful Monteroaf XXXXXXXX exception. public class thread A {public static zero main (string [] args) {thread bb = new thread b (); B.start (); Synchronize (B) {try {System.out.println ("Waiting for B to be completed ..."); B.wait (); } Grip (Interrupted e) e.printStackTrace (); } System.out.println ("Total:" +; }}} Class ThreadB thread {int total; @ Override Public Wide Run () {synchronize (this) {for (int i = 0; i & lt; 100; i ++) {total + = i; } Notify(); }}} Edit: The answer is that the synchronization informs the current thread of the owner of the saccharoy () documents that show. You should only use the same as the last object monitor. This will save you some bugs. If your monitor is not created last, then it is always a chance that this w

python - Shadow a global variable with a modified copy -

Please note: this question about changing a global variable inside the function body is not . I understand the global keyword My script has a bunch of global configuration variables that I want to type in a function that is shadowed by one of those global variables in the local namespace (below modified_procedure ( ) And calls another function that refers to the configuration variable Ie, PARAMETER = 1 def process (): return parameter * 3 def modified_procedure (): parameter + = 1 Return Process () This fails because parameters O is in the body of modified_procedure () , interpreter considers it a local variable and does not appear in the global namespace. I do not try to change the global variable PARAMETER I am trying to do cinematography in modified_procedure () namespace I can think of some uncomfortable solutions: < Li> OOPify the script so that the configuration variables object attributes and Can I create a subclass with a new process () In

php - Populating Dropdown from static array -

How to populate Choose an element from the static array (at the panel / controller level)? Do you mean a Falcon form element? $ select = new selection ("telephone type", array ('h' => 'home', 'c' => gt; cell));

wso2 - Message Processor Deactivate After FAULT -

When there is a "flatten" and "max deliverity.Tits", then configured eleven process is processed and even then the manual intervention In "Message Processor On" is continued in the "Fault" logo in the following section, Is it being activated again? The fact is that "message processor" can not affect the readability of new messages in the unsupported JMS queue. Since the message store and the process of the story come first, first in the way of working out Is implemented, so it is not possible to leave the message, which passes in error and keeps the flow of the message. Yet a new release in the upcoming where you can leave the message from the queue after the X number of failed attempts. To understand more about reading on a given article To avoid this situation, you can use it to sample the processor and send back the message to the message. Immediately it will be removed from the queue and the process will be forwarded.

android - Invalid address passed to dlfree -

My app is crashing "randomly" and I can not understand why. Logcat shows the following error: A / libc (24298): Invalid address or address of corrupt block 0x78366c48 passed to dlfree A / libc (24298): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) on 0xdeadbaad (code = 1), thread 24322 (Asynchronous task # 5) Is this something I'm doing? Is there something wrong with Android? I'm not sure where to begin to find it. The person who is seeing this accident told me that they are "a bad SD card and Verizon telling me that I have to put a new one inside." It can be relevant or not is. This issue is not difficult to solve, what is a clue about the app, but Let me give you an idea of ​​what the cause of the problem might be, and hopefully it will take you in the right direction to solve this issue. The first is SIGSEGV , which is a divisional fault that in other words it means memory access violation, attempt to access memory, which you do not have permission to

javascript - Meteor.js i18n package does not work when deployed with MUP (meteor-up) -

एक उल्का ऐप नल-आईआईएलएन () और tap-i18n 's सेट लैंग्वेज फ़ंक्शन कार्य प्रणाली पर काम करता है हालांकि जब ऐप को mup का उपयोग कर उत्पादन सर्वर पर तैनात किया जाता है, तो tap-i18n पैकेज इंस्टॉल हो जाता है लेकिन जब भाषा setLanguage है उपयोग किया गया। तैनात वेबसाइट पर, आप TAPi18n.setLanguage ('एन') चला सकते हैं लेकिन भाषा बदलती नहीं है। अपने गिथब पेज पर, यह कहते हैं कि अतिरिक्त कदमों की तैनाती आवश्यक है। क्या यह समस्या हो सकती है? mup परिनियोजन या यहां तक ​​कि mup deploy प्रक्रिया के साथ काम करने के लिए उन चरणों को कैसे अनुकूलित किया जाना चाहिए? नल-आई 18 एन के v1.0.0 में जो कि नई उल्का पैकेजिंग सिस्टम में उपलब्ध है क्योंकि तैनाती के समय कुछ भी करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है

mysql - IN statement in Eloquent -

I am trying to execute these statements in the echo query. I tried to do this: $ id = urldecode ($ id); $ News = news :: whereHas (use 'newsCategories', function ($ q) ($ id) {$ q-> where (' category_id ',' IN ',' ('. $ Id.') ') - & gt; By command (' created ',' character ');}) - & gt; get (); But I get empty results When I switch IN to = and the array I pass a number instead, I get the result. I did something wrong? Then it works: $ id = 2; $ News = news :: whereHas ('newsCategories', function ($ q) ($ id) {$ q-> where ('category_id', '=', $ id) - & gt; orderBy ('created_at' 'Desc');}) - & gt; get (); You can enter where in with an array of your code Checking for ... $ news = news :: whereHas ('newscategories', use function ($ q) ($ array_of_ids) {$ q-> gt; ; Where in ('category_id', $ Array_of_ids) - & gt; orderbi

html - issues centering text in nav bar -

I'm having problems with focusing the text in my navigation bar, I try whatever I can think of Any assistance of Lee will be welcomed. I have my navigation bar here on HTML and CSS code. I have tried to focus on it and use other methods, but still stuck. hTML & lt; Div class = "content-outer" id = "top_nav" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "content-inner" & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Home & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Digital & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Film & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Timeline & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Contact

javascript - Re-rendering of Backbone.Marionette template on trigger event -

I am using backbone workmanship to render the layout on my page. However, after the initial rendering, I try to reproduce partial templates on the page after I issue a refund by the trigger ("Refhamdal: PARF"). Unfortunately, I end up with the following error: 'Uncaught TypeError: Property can not be read' after some debugging show 'undefined', it seems that I now have access to "that.totalRegion" totalRegion therefore be undefined The error goes ("that" still seems scope) Anyone can help with the way to access. "" Trigger of the third, fourth, on the second, etc. "totalRegion RefModal: PayRef "that would be awesome. I hope there is enough information to go to this. Regions: "# bb-" "Area", shippingRegion: "#bb- global shipping area"}, events: {"click on bb-cancel": "showCancelModal" "keypress #bb-cancel": "handleShowCancelModal"}, start: functi

OpenGL ES 2.0 displaying objects in opposite depth order using LibGDX -

I am using LibGDX and am designating some models. It expects that except "objects far away" objects are displayed "front" of "close" objects. In other words, for the order of depth I feel unlike what I intended for it. Strangely, the model is cut in the right order by the clipping plane (the distance objects first have disappeared) I have to enable GL_DEPTH_TEST Have tried, and I'm clearing GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT . Does anyone know what might be causing this? If this is always right, check that you have passed something meaningful by default Usually the sensible is GL_LESS ; Try GL_GREATER . If the order appears to be an order, then if you are issuing the Draw Call, check that you have a really deep buffer. It is difficult to be more specific without knowing the LibGDX backend you use, but unless the depth buffer is allocated, no matter what you do with the depth test, the buffer's There is no storage for. Correct answer, accor

php - Zend Framework - New module or just a controller -

I'm new to the Zend Framework. I know it may look like a stupid question, but I would like to clarify. Creating an application with a website with JPF, when best to create a module, or just a controller inside the module? thank you in advanced! Whether you should create a new module or not entirely based on your requirement. Some common examples are explained below: 1) Generally CMS websites are front and admin zones, so we create two modules. 2) Second Example: If we want to create a job portal website, then there are three types of users available on the site. Job seeker, employer and administrator, we therefore have to create three modules applicant , employer and admin So, when creating a module depends on your application, in addition, when we require separation between the facilities provided to different users, we generally use the module . Also see:

c++ - Can't add watches to variables declared inside namespaces. VS2013 -

I am currently unable to view declared variables on namespaces while debugging on Visual Studio 2013. If I want to click on the right variable, the clock windows say that namespace is not declared. Debugging the following program and Dave or Lara causes the function () to fail. #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; Nameshot Age {Nameshot Daughter} {int lara = 1; } Named place son {int dev = 3; } Int function () {int age_sum = Daughter :: Lara; Age_sum + = Son :: Dave; Return age_sum; }} Int main () {printf ("sum:% d \ r \ n", age :: work ()); } Here is a picture of Debugger, note that the result is correct but I add a clock.

linux - What is the maximum file size and filesystem size in a 32 bit system -

Question: What is the largest size of the files on the ext3 file system and ext3? Ext3 files can support up to 1TB The size of the file system with 2.4 kernel is limited by the maximum block device size, which is 2TB. Max 2.6 (32-bit CPU) border block device is 16TB, but ext3 only supports up to 4TB I read that the size of the area holding a maximum file Inod structure The size is determined by the variable. So on a 32 bit system it is 2 ^ 32 4294967296 which is 4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 => 4 GB. Does the 32-bit system have the maximum file size of 4 GB? The size of the file system can be calculated with the size of a block size of the inode blocks *. 12 + 1024 + 1024 * 1024 + 1024 * 1024 * 1024 => 12 + 1024 + 1048576 + 1073741824 => 1074791436 No. of ions. FS Size = Any ions * Block Size = 1 TB Is the maximum file size and file system size the same? In addition, the coolant understands this statement, "2.6 in the maximum (32-bit CPU) limit of the block devic

Using a jQuery variable in two different functions -

I'm having trouble using this variable two different functions. First, I have a window for the element I calculate the required offset above (the variable of the leaf). After this, I have two different functions for which it needs to be used, but I can not get it to work. jquery (.df) {$ (function () {var topbar_o_height = $ (".pro.hehear"). External height (); var nav_o_height = $ (" (NAV "). External HEIGHT; if (topbar_o_height> gt; 0) {if ($ ('. NAV'). Haclus ('menu-fixed topbar') {var spacing = 10;} else {var spacing = 30;}} else {var spacing = 10;} var extra_height = topbar_o_height + nav_o_height + spacing; var leaves = $ (this hash). Offset (top) - extra_height; // place empty place for top position} // End function $ (".link_scroll") (function (event) {event.preventDefault (); $ ('html, body') .mate ({scrollTop: leaves}, 'slow');}); (Document.location.href.indexOf ('#')> gt; -1 / / will also

javascript - Why isFinite(NaN) is false? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 5 जवाब चूंकि NaN कोई संख्या नहीं निर्धारित करता है तो यह न तो एक सीमित है और न ही एक अनंत मात्रा है, इसका जवाब अनिर्धारित या असत्यापित नहीं होना चाहिए या इसके बजाय झूठे की तरह कुछ भी हो सकता है? isFinite सबूत के लिए एक बूलियन प्रतिक्रिया, true रिमोट नंबर और false देता है। < / div>

javascript - Mouse over on iFrame -

The code is supposed to display the summary taken from an array when the user draft is on an inline frame with me all the time , But if the code was not correct then I would love to know why. function setupframe () {var allAreas = document.getElementsByTagName ("area"); For (i = 0; i & lt; allAreas.length; i ++) {All AREES [i] .index = [i]; AllAreas [i] .onmouseover = writeFrame (); AllAreas [i] .onmouseout = clearFrame (); }} Function writingframe () {var field index = this.index; Var framewine = Documents. Gate Element BIID ("Parts"); Var frame doc = framewain content window.document; FrameDoc.getElementById ("docTitle"). InnerHTML = Title [Area Index]. value; FrameDoc.getElementById ("docSummary"). InnerHTML = Summary [Area Index] .value; } Clear the functionframe () {var fieldIndex = this.index; Var framewine = Documents. Gate Element BIID ("Parts"); Var frame doc = framewain content window.document; FrameDoc.getElementBy

Rails 4 - Get Facebook cookies from Koala gem? -

I am making a Rail 4 site for Facebook Canvas using Koala Mani I tried to follow it, But always results in zero with facebook_token . Here's my controller (similar to the guide): # app / controller / application_controller.rb def facebook_cookies @facebook_cookies || = Koala :: Facebook :: Oath.Net.at_user_info_comica (cookies) and # ap / controller / photo_controllerrbbdefindex ... @access_token = facebook_cookies ['access_token'] @graph = Koala :: Facebook :: (@Asset_Token) ... end I have received this error call on line facebook_cookies undefined method ` ] 'For Nil: NilClass I think when I call .get_user_info_from_cookie (cookies) , cookies first Ever gho Damage is not done. The doctor does not mention anything about how to use that variable. Any help? Thanks I had only one problem Are not even set. To set cookies, you need later you need something in your JS: window.fbAsyncInit = function ( ) {Return FB.init ({

Java running external jar without IDE? -

I have written a Java program that reads an excel file with jxl.jar. It is currently working, but I have to use CMD to run the program. Double click jar file does not work. These commands are compiled I code and I used to run: javac -classpath C: /workspace/jxl.jar :. jar cvfm run.jar manifest.txt Main.class GUI.class GUI $ 1.class GUI $ 2.class GUI $ 3.class main $ 1MyCustomTableCellRenderer.class main $ 1YourTableCellRenderer.class main $ MyCustomTableCellRenderer.class Java -cp Run.jar main I'm not really sure why this is different from double clicking. I have compiled the jxl file in the run.jar file, so I do not know why this does not work? The an example directly from Java tutorial In his commentary as suggested by @MadProgrammer. We want to load classes in the code> MyUtils.jar in the class path for use in MyJar.jar . These two jar files are in the same directory To create a text file of the first name we have Manifest.txt wit

python: handling stderr stream when using createprocessasuser api in windows -

Debug this problem requires some help. I tried to find online and stack overflow but there was no solution for this. I am quite new to the Windows API. So in my ignorance, please forgive Actually, I'm trying to run a C ++ application that output the stdout of the dragon using a specific user and stderr is. For this purpose, I am using the binary API LogonUser and CreateProcessAsUser API and implement production and use of pipes to capture error streams. The code is mostly picked up from a demo code in Python Win32 module. However, for some reason when my process is dumping in the error stream, it is hung on WriteFile. By looking at the crash dump, I know that FileHandle2 (stderr) is there. Can anyone help me with this issue thanks in advance Here's the code snippet -? userToken = win32security.LogonUser (user, domain, password, win32con.LOGON32_LOGON_BATCH, win32con.LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT) secAttrs = win32security.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES () secAttrs.bInheritHandle =

javascript - Dont save item to array if 'input[type='hidden']:first' is undefined -

This code gets all the data lines in my table, however, I do not want to save the item on the first object if first hidden The input ("click", function () {var array = $ .map ($ ('table tr'), function (val, I) {var obj = {}, inputs = $ (val) .find (' Td input [type = 'hidden'], input [type = 'text'], selection '); obj [inputs.filter (' input [type = 'hidden']: first '). Val ()] = $ .map (inputs.not ('input [type =' hidden ': first'], function (val, i) {return val.value;}); return obj;}); var data = JSON.stringify (array) ;}); This is a sample result of my array: [["add": ["orange", "1", "yes"]} [{"": [" Note the other thing, it is empty (not "add"), I do not want to save my array. Try this: var array = $ .map ($ ('Table tr'), function (val, i) {var obj = {}, inputs = $ (val). Find ('td input [type = \' hidden \ '

php - POST values being lost from included page preventing session data from being created [SOLVED] -

I have a head page that includes the header page so that we can edit headers in a quick process in all pages. The issue I am running is that there is a search option on this header, and I want to save the search term in the session variable. It works fine if the header is on the page and is not included on any page, but as soon as I put the header in my file, the search function stops working as intended. This includes only the code: Here is the header.php code: & lt ;? Php if (! Isset ($ _ session)) {session_start (); } If $ {_SESSION ['query'] = $ _POST ['query' ((isset ($ _ POST ["search"])) & amp; amp; ($ _POST ["search"] == "1" ']; }? & Gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Form action = "& lt ;? php echo $ redirect action ;? & gt;" Method = "post" & gt; & Lt; Placeholder = "search" size = "20" value = "& lt ;? php

How to set an ACTIVE CSS Class using PHP based on the page you are viewing? -

Below is a very basic example of a very unaffected way of setting "active" CSS class on a menu item on which page you are viewing with PHP ... if ($ this-> currentPageName) === 'lead_records') {$ leadRecordsActiveMenu =' nav -tab active '; $ FollowUpLeadsActiveMenu = ''; $ MassAddLeadRecordsActiveMenu = ''; $ LeadRecordSettingsActiveMenu = ''; } If ($ this-> current page name) === 'follow_up_lead_records' {'Navi-tab-active'; $ Leadershaks ActiveMenu = ''; $ Follow-up updated activate menu = 'nav-tab-active'; $ MassAddLeadRecordsActiveMenu = ''; $ LeadRecordSettingsActiveMenu = ''; } If ($ this- & gt; current page name) === 'mass_add_lead_records') {$ leadRecordsActiveMenu = ''; $ FollowUpLeadsActiveMenu = ''; $ MassAddLeadRecordsActiveMenu = 'Navi-tab-active'; $ LeadRecordSettingsActiveMenu = ''; } If ($ this-> current page name

javascript - How to make div/table change their size? -

I have a div that contains 3 and 3 divs, and each of them is the table I want them to have the screen size On the basis of the need to resize your shape. The reason for this is because of me: If the page has been opened at 1366x768 resolution then the footer is taken with it and as a result, I am receiving the scrollbar because one of the tables already has the scrollbar itself, Another scrollbar looks ugly. Everything looks fine on the big resolution (except that the tables look small and there is a large amount of empty space below them). I have read that this CSS can be done with help, but will this sort of solution work on a different browser? (IE and Chrome for example). Give your code to max-width the external div < / Code> In which there are other DIVs and then use percent% for internal DIV Assuming you have a container div if If your container is 320px wide it will expand as 33.33% 960px as> 320 * 100 / 960 = 33.33%

c# - How to get value in textbox based on Radibutton Checked and how to get radibutton gets checked when value given in Textbox in GRIDVIEW in -

I have one task to do this ... in my gridview, there are QNO and Answers and Answers and Answers columns .. < / P> Here when I check the radioabutan, then automatically the value in the text box (value in the mean 1,2,3,4,5) and vice versa (when I read 1 or 2 in the text box My GridView Model is: & lt; ASP: Gridview id = "Gvquestions" runat = "server" CssClass = "Txt" ForeColor = "# 333333" c Redline = "workspace" cellpadding = "6" width = "720px" auto generated column = "false"> gt; & lt; ASP: boundfield header text = "question." Datafield = "membership ID "/> gt; & ATP: Boundfield header text =" question name "datafield =" subtype "/> & ATP: templatefiled header text =" see answer "> item theme & gt; ; & Lt; asp: RadioButtonList id = "rbtnanswerview" duplication direction = "horizontal&quo

c# - in visual studio 2013 default page -

दृश्य स्टूडियो 2013 में डिफ़ॉल्ट.aspx पृष्ठ नहीं है सुरक्षित शून्य पेज_लोड (ऑब्जेक्ट) प्रेषक, इवेंटआर्गेस ई) {प्रतिक्रिया। विइट ("हैलो"); } कृपया इसे हल करने के लिए मेरी मदद करें। पेज डायरेक्टिव्स में _ डिफॉल्ट आकृित है और दूसरे पृष्ठ का नाम दिखता है जैसे मेरे पृष्ठ रजिस्टर से विरासत में पंजीकृत है आपको विवरण की कमी है, लेकिन क्या कोई कारण है कि आप OnLoad को ओवरलोड नहीं कर रहे हैं?

javascript - dataTable page length change issue -

I'm using dataTable 1.10, everything works well, but I found the following status The datatable does not support this behavior. By default, I set the length of the page to 10, then I click on the next page, the items displayed in Table 11 to 20. Now I change the page length to 25, display the table item from 11 to 35. This is not my point. Whenever I change the length of the page, I want to display it from 1 item. Is it possible to handle page length change events in datatable and customize that function? Thanks for reading Hope you get help. var tableHDR = '& lt; Table cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "0" range = "0" square = "display" id = "alertlit" & gt; '+' & Lt; Thead & gt; & Lt; Tr & gt; + & Lt; Th & gt; Level & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Monitor name & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Alert message & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th &a

Dropwizard and jQuery ajax post json gives either 204 or 415 -

I am trying to find a solution that how to send json data to the dropwizard server with jQuery, but it seems mission Impossible. My Dod Wizard resource looks like this: Package resources; Import java.util.Arrays; Import java.util.list; Import javax.validation.Valid; Import; Import; Import; Import; Import; Import; Import; Import model Blog; Import com.yammer.metrics.annotation.Timed; Import Configuration Simple API configuration; @ Path ("/") @ product (mediatip.appleisation_jsn) public class index resource (personal finals simple API configuration conf; public index resource (simple API configuration conferens) {this.conf = conf; blog B = new blog ("day 12: OpenCV - face recognition for Java developers "," "); conf.addBlog (b

How to convert python timestamp to javascript YYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.302325 -

How can I change the dragon timestamp with javacript from 2014-07-28 T I tried to use the Biltin purse function from javascript, but it seems shaking things up to 1.6.2014 (20:45) from 20: 45: 04.271 9 35 Is .. outside = new date (reference); Out = out.getDay () + "." + Out.getMonth () + "." + Out.getFullYear () + "(" + out.getHours (+) + ":" + out.getMinutes () + ")"; If you work with date and time intensely in your application, then I Recommend you to use the library for painless conversions: moment ('2014-07-28 T20: 45: 04.271 935'). Format ('DMY YY (H: M)'); // Return "28.7.2014 (20:45)" moment ('2014-07-09 T 20: 45: 04.271 935'). Format ('DD.m.YYYYY (H: M)'); // Back to "09.07.2014 (20:45)" And if you only need to format the date and time in one place then just manually create the string As you did in your example code.

ruby - Test existance of a page using mechanize -

I want to check that a url exists before it is downloaded, I do it for agent = Mechanize.New page = agent.get ("") but want to instantly install that URL Or The only way to see if a page exists ( And that you can access through the internet To make a genuine request, you can first request an HTTP head request, which only requests the header, not the actual content: url = " / Atributes "agent = Start the form of the mechanize.New agent.head (Url) page_exists = true Rescue SocketError page_exists = false end if page_exists page = agent.get (url) # Do something with the page ... end But again, you can simply get rid of additional requests and defend against errors directly with gate requests: url = "www.s "agent = Mechanize.New page = agent.get (url) # Do something with the page ... the rescue socket array puts" no such page. " End

c# - Error Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: index in DataGridview Row Data Bound -

I got an error Description: An uncontrolled exception occurred during the execution of the current For more information about the web request error, review the stack trace and where it started in the code. Exception Description: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: The specified argument was outside the range of valid values ​​parameter name: index source error: < Code> if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) {LinkButton _singleClickButton = (LinkButton) e. Row.Cells [0] .Controls [2]; String _jsSingle = ClientScript.GetPostBackClientHyperLink (_singleClickButton, "$ Select + e.Row.RowIndex); E. Row Style [" Cursor "] =" Hands "; My code < / P> Protected Zero Page_load (object sender, event case e) {if (! This.IsPostBack) {DataTable dt = New DataTable (); New DataColumn (New Data Columns [3] (New "" Dataculation Dt.Rows.Add ("", "Data Id", "Data Type", Typef (String)), New Datacolm (

php - & (ampersand) char in $_SESSION() array on var_dump() -

मेरे पास index.php एक start_session (); फिर अगर आप किसी मेनू आइटम पर क्लिक करते हैं तो उसे शामिल करें (); पेज (पृष्ठ बी कहते हैं) कॉल करता है। कोई start_session () है, कि पेज के शीर्ष पर क्योंकि मैं क्योंकि इसके शामिल मैं इसे छोड़ सकते हैं इस पेज बी में वहाँ सोचा। पृष्ठ बी से संबंधित एक स्क्रिप्ट पृष्ठ पर कॉल करने के लिए एक AJAX कॉल है इस पृष्ठ पर मैं एक संग्रहीत $ _ सत्र (); वेरिएबल का उपयोग करना चाहता हूं जो कुछ चीज़ों के लिए उपयोगकर्ता नाम रखता है। मैं इस पृष्ठ के साथ शुरू करता हूँ ... यदि (session_id () == '') {session_start (); } जब मैं एक कर var_dump ($ वैश्विक); इस स्क्रिप्ट पृष्ठ पर उसमें शामिल < कोड> '_ सत्र' = & gt; & Amp; सरणी (आकार = 2) 'उपयोगकर्ता नाम' = & gt; स्ट्रिंग 'मो' (लंबाई = 2) 'व्यवस्थापक' = & gt; स्ट्रिंग '0' (लंबाई = 1) मेरा प्रश्न है, क्या एम्परसेंड & amp है;? के इस मामले में अर्थ वर्ण < ? मैं $ _ सत्र () का उपयोग कर सकते = "पाठ&

dom - PHP - Trying to display xml tag(tags with same name) nodevalue -

I am trying to display information from an XML file. I am using PHP and its DOMDocument class. I'm attaching the xml file and php code i have tried & lt ;? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Services & gt; & Lt; Services & gt; & Lt; Type & gt; Wash & lt; / Type & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Wash1 & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Content & gt; Full External Hand Wash & lt; / Content & gt; & Lt; Content & gt; Chamois dry, pressure clean wheels, all doors jazz & lt; / Content & gt; & Lt; Content & gt; Plus Free Type Gloss & lt; / Content & gt; & Lt; Price & gt; Hatch / sedan: $ 15 & lt; / Pricing & gt; & Lt; Price & gt; Other: $ 20 & lt; / Pricing & gt; & Lt; / Services & gt; & Lt; Services & gt; & Lt; Type & gt; Wash & lt; / Type & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Wash2 & lt; / Title &am

Android generate PDF using template -

I want to generate PDF data from a database in a preset PDF template. The question will be, do you think or is it possible to send this data or to make this template using the template on Android, or do you think it is best to send the data to the server and whether to generate a PDF instead of the server is? I know that Android can generate a PDF, but the big question will be that it can insert data into a layout template and then generate it? mvc - Export oData query server side -

सुप्रभात, मेरे पास एक केंडो यूआई डेटा स्रोत है जो मेरे ओडाटा अनुरोध को संभालने में है। डेटा स्रोत क्लाइंट साइड बैठा है और जैसा मैं इसे फ़िल्टर करता हूं, यह मेरे लिए आवश्यक कॉल करता है और मेरे पास कुछ कस्टम मार्कअप प्रदर्शित करने के परिणाम हैं I मेरे पास 10 रिकॉर्ड्स की सीमा है और यह ठीक काम कर रहा है। पीछे के अंत में मैं वेबएपी 4.0.30506.0 और ओडाटा 5.6 (हम नेट 4 के साथ जुड़ी हुई हैं) का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। यह अच्छी तरह से प्रश्नों को हल कर रहा है यहाँ कोई समस्या नहीं है। समस्या, ग्राहक अब फ़िल्टर किए गए डेटा निर्यात सर्वर साइड (डेटा अंततः एक पीडीएफ में जाने या रिपोर्ट उत्कृष्टता) के लिए चाहता है किसी को भी कैसे फिल्टर को पार करने पर किसी भी विचार है किसी अन्य कॉल पर सेटिंग। मुझे पूरी ODataQueryOptions को हर उपयोगकर्ता के लिए कैश में चकना देने में कुछ सफलता मिली है, लेकिन यह गंदे और अक्षम लगता है सभी विचारों का स्वागत करते हैं के बाद कुछ गंभीर गूगल मैं इस nuget पैकेज नहीं मिला कोसने: उदाहरण यहां हैं: अब मैं फिल्टर मान को एक स्ट्रिंग के रूप में खींच सकता हूं, जैसा

Dropdownlistfor MVC ASP.Net VB -

I send data to my dropdown list and I can select that data, but when I post it on the method Clicking on the button I get an error: An exception to the type of "SystemInvalidOperationException" type was in System.Web.Mvc.dll but the user was not in the code < P> Additional information: ViewData item key 'Selected item' type is of 'System.String', but should be 'IEnumerable' type. " My model code: My model code: Public I thought that the first value in the razor view is in the drop down list. Class Nupreses Index Public Property Name String Public Property As String Public Property As String Public Property Item As String Public Property Item IEnumerable (SelectListItem) End Class My determination Senior C Ode: & lt; HTTPGet & gt; Function AddNewProces () ActionResult Dim listBoxData = New NewProcessIndex {{. {= .Value = 1, with Value = {New SelectListItem ()). Text = "item 1"}, {.Value = 2, with new

visual studio 2013 - VS2013 - Coded UI Tests - how to disable logging -

After migrating my coded UI test from VS2012 to VS2013, I am facing a debug trace logging problem. What ever used configuration I'm still getting debug marks message !!! I have added the following configuration: & lt; System.diagnostics & gt; & Lt; Switch & gt; & Lt ;! - Trace settings for MTR - & gt; & Lt ;! - Change the value to change the level of tracing you want. You should use integral values ​​for "value" 0 ==> Closed, 1 ==> Error, 2 ==> Warning, 3 ==> Information, 4 ==> Verbose Note that each value is included in the past. - & gt; & Lt; Add name = "UITestTraceLevel" value = "0" /> & Lt; Add name = "EqtTraceLevel" value = "0" /> & Lt; Add name = "test management" value = "0" /> & Lt; Add name = "teambild" value = "0" /> & Lt; Add name = "team foundation sopproxy" value = "0" /> &a

c# - MEF. How can I make sure dll is composable -

I am adding a bunch of assemblies for the MEF catalog and throwing the exception when I try to get the export is. Update: How can I ensure that the assembly is composite (another way of saying MEF will stop) Update: / Strong> Here's my code: Total list list = new composite list (); Foreach (directoryInfo childDir directory.Get Directory ("*. *", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) {catalog.Catalogs.Add (new directory worker (childDir.FullName)); } Container = New Hosting. Commodity container (catalog); Var plugins = Container.GateXports Left and Lieutenant; Fonk & LT; Object, EventArgS & gt ;, IMIMDATA & gt; (); // I get an exception here. The first chance of type exceptions occurred in MyDll.dll 'System.TypeLoadException' Additional Information: Assembly 'YYY', version = 0.0. Could not load type 'XXX' from 0.0, culture = neutral, publicKeyToken = null '.

continuous integration - Mercurial bookmark to label failed TeamCity builds -

सेटअप है एक "केंद्रीय" hg रेपो और इसे से खींचने वाले devs। TeamCity सीआई सर्वर सेंट्रल रेपो के लिए धक्का द्वारा ट्रिगर किया गया है। 4 configs रात बनाया और रेपो टैग कर रहे हैं। हम चाहते हैं TortoiseHG के डीएजी के अंदर सीधे "इस परिवर्तनों के परिणामस्वरूप टीम सीटी में असफल सीआई बिल्ड" इस तरह, devs यह निर्धारित करने में सक्षम हैं कि कौन से परिवर्तनों को "एक अच्छा प्रारंभिक बिंदु" है, इसे टीमसिटी सर्वर पर देखे बिना। हम Mercurial Bookmarks में देख रहे हैं: उन्हें सीआई बिल्ड सफल होने पर अंतिम बिल्ड चरण में सेट करना। लाभ वे टोर्टोइज़ एचजी में खड़े हैं उन्हें जोड़ने या हटाने से इतिहास में वृद्धि नहीं होती है नुकसान: उन पर खींचने की गारंटी नहीं है वे चलती रहती हैं टैग एक विकल्प से कम: हम पहले से ही टैग हैं रात के निर्माण के दौरान 4 बार आईएनजी, ताकि नए टैग अव्यवस्था में जोड़ दें। इसके अलावा, हमें नहीं पता है कि टैगिंग (बढ़ती .hgtags फ़ाइल) अतिरिक्त टैग।

sed regex not matching as expected -

I am trying to manipulate a yum repofile with SAL and the file is not working as expected. Looks like this: [repo id] name = value name = value [repo id] name = value name = value this is the best way But I still want to understand why this does not work ... First I take a repo file and convert it to a big string: sed ': A; N; $! BA; S / \ n / ::: / g '$ repofile | Then, and this is the part that is not working , I want to match with a specific repo and trim the rest of the file. I am matching this opening [string in which there is the correct repo id. I want to match everything after this thing till the next opening [in the file: sed "s / ^ . * \ ([[$ {Repoid} \]. * \ [ Then I put the new lines back and later change with awk . sed '/ ::: / \ n / g ~ ~ / trimed_repo> ~ / expanded_repo My problem is that my Regex is omitting the next opening [in the file and the files to be added with $ repo I tried to use the "lazy quantifier&qu

excel - Divide the value of non-blank cells (in a column) amongst empty cells and repeat with vba -

I start with a sheet like this: colB: row1: 15 Row2: (empty) line 3: (empty) line 4: 60 line 5: (empty) row 6: 45 line 7: 88 line 8: (empty) row 9: 10 ... line: 56 < / Pre> I want to run the value of non-empty cells (for example, 15 in line 1) are empty in the number of the following cells, which means that, after the change, column B will look like this: colb: row1: 5 row2: 5 row3: 5 row4: 30 row5: 30 Nkti 6: 45 Line 7: 44 Row 8: 44 Row9: 10 ... rowN: 56 I have no idea that how to do it. Can anyone help me, PLS? So divide the number by the number of free space + 1? (15/3) Unless there is no empty space, then divide by 1? (45 = 45) It will anchor a filled chamber and look at its vertical offset and give it to the last cell in B, then re-anchor if one is not empty; Range set cell = range ("B1") Maximum = range ("B" and rows. End (xlpe) .ró I = I + 1 if (cell. Offset (i, 0) .value "") then range (cell, cell offset (i-1, 0)). Val

python - How do I call a function with a list of named arguments? -

Consider the following functions: def test (first, second = none, Third = I want to be able to call it with a list, which is ready with some arguments (none): First Print Second Print Third Test ('A 'Third =' ​​three ') Print I non-job pseudo code): argument = [' one '] argument .append (third =' ​​three ') exam (logic) < / Code> how to get it Awareness is? this arguments.append (third = 'three') Not possible. Use a dictionary: args = {"third": "three"} test ("one", ** args) Output: Edit one none three : I do not see any point in using a different structure for positional arguments. Unless there is only one argument, * ["one"] is less than "one" .

startup - Docker Container Failing To Start On Boot -

I am running an EC2 instance with a startup script which is called on the reboot. This startup script checks that the Docker Daemon is running before the container starts, but fails with error: post http: ///var/run/docker.sock/v1.13/containers/create : Dial Unix / Var / run / docker.sock: Any such file or directory startup script # That the Docker Daemon started sudo / usr / sbin / service start doc #container sudo / usr / bin / dokter run start -d 91b5261e2dc0 Please note that one of your EC2 examples The testing, where "sudo" does not require password entry. Crownbat entry: @reboot / bin / bash /home/ubuntu/ 2> /home/ubuntu/cron_errors.log Errors: Start: Job is already running: Docker 2014 / 08/01 09:45:48 Post http: ///var/run/docker.sock/v1.13/containers/create: Dial Unix /var/run/docker.sock: Any such file or directory Whenever I run the startup script manually, it works perfectly, which seems like an environment va

bash - shell script for awk print divide value with 1024 -

I am trying to do some arithmetic operations on the awk output process. My sample file contains a string and it is counting now that I am trying to make the count value in the MB format (defualt count will come in bytes.) Example: myfile.txt a 123455 b 34455566 C 10394934839 d 102445555 My script: cat myfile.txt | While reading the line; Name = $ line; Name = `echo $ fname | Awk '{print $ 1} ``; Cnt = 'echo $ fname | Awk '{print $ 1} ``; If [$ cnt -gt 1024]; Then echo "Value of $ name in important $ cnt"; Problem: I need to change the CNT value to MB (CNT / 1024/1024). There is no clue how to achieve this You can do this (Net bash): $ cat myfile.txt | While reading l; Repeat what $ $$ ((f / 1024/1024)); If [$ ((f / 1024/1024)) -gt 1024]; Then echo "$ l value in important"; Important D 97 in the first 0b 32 c 9913c value

javascript - Ractive expressions not working after a reset() -

My team is currently using Reactive to show a series of alerts every warning: Offers a view with Reactive Start Twitters widgets.js which manipulate DOM (to embed tweets) < Li> later changes the data in that view (when the user selects a different alert) Since the domain of the reactiv in the domain of Twitter Virtual Dome interferes, we currently use to reset dow after Twitter widgets.js ends - reset () to a whole bunch of DOM problems Prevents like Can not add a null child which may be because Twitter has tampered with it Dome behind the back of Reactive. However, after we run, ractive.reset () expressions now work. Is this the right way to handle other libraries that manipulate the DOM? How can I continue to express the expression after reset () ? Here's a quick demo - note that the expression works before reset () but not later: & lt; Body & gt; & Lt; H1 & gt; Trial & lt; / H1> & Lt; Div class = "bound&qu

javascript - Implementing recursive ajax call and stop it at one condition -

Looking for hours and trying, but as a newbie in things of AJAX, whatever I want, I have failed to get it. Here's one thing: 1. I have a page that takes the data of current date from DB, so I recite the Ajax function with setTimeOut () some 10 seconds I am calling the updated DB Records 2. I have failed here. I have a date picker, so as soon as the user selects a previous date from the jquery picker, I should stop the current Ajax process and get the data of that particular date Do to And I do not want to call it again because there is no change in previous data code for recursive thing function (Selected date) {$ (document) .ready (function () {$ ("# (" Trit "). $ (.); $ ($ GetDataservlet), {'selectedDate': selectedDate}, function (responseJson) { If (responseJson! = Null) {$ ("# datatable"). ("Tr: Gt (0)"). Remove (); var table 1 = $ ("# datatable"); $ .Ee (Reaction Jason, Function (key, value) {var rowNew = $ (&

python - What is happening when I use the @func_name.setter annotation and it does not change a variable? -

I do not think my title adequately tells what I'm talking about. Take this code for example: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Class D: ... x = None ... @property ... def hello (self): ... return yourself. X ... @ hello Setter ... def hello (self, text): .. Self.x = Text ... & gt; & Gt; & Gt; D = D () >> gt; & Gt; & Gt; D. Hello = 'Hello World' & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Print D. Hello hello world & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Print DX None Due to some reasons. Heilo and D.X do not return the same results. What's going on here D is an old style class and therefore does not support descriptors Is: d.hello = 'hello world' does not call setter; it just creates an example feature which will be used by the descriptor D.hello . Remove from object : class D (object): ...

r - Specifying multiple simultaneous output formats in knitr -

I want to be able to specify many output formats at the same time, for example html_document and a pdf_document. I know that it can be done with a lot of things --- output: [html_document, pdf_document] --- let me know something That syntax is off, but I can not get the documentation anywhere. I've recently discovered the knit-bootstrap and love it. I'm looking at this to be able to dynamically hide my code and output blocks. Unfortunately, by default, the YAML block is quite complex for knitted-bootstrap orientation and I do not know how to specify multiple outputs for it. I have seen the YAML fantasy and have tried a few different things but I am getting damaged. Below is my current YAML frontmaker. I would be very grateful for any help. Title: "Beta Regression Comparison" opset: Bootstrap Output: knitrBootstrap :: bootstrap_document: Title: "Beta Regression Comparison" Theme: Simple Highlights: Solarized - Lightweight theme.Cosa: Wrong Highlight