r - Specifying multiple simultaneous output formats in knitr -

I want to be able to specify many output formats at the same time, for example html_document and a pdf_document. I know that it can be done with a lot of things

  --- output: [html_document, pdf_document] ---  

let me know something That syntax is off, but I can not get the documentation anywhere. I've recently discovered the knit-bootstrap and love it. I'm looking at this to be able to dynamically hide my code and output blocks. Unfortunately, by default, the YAML block is quite complex for knitted-bootstrap orientation and I do not know how to specify multiple outputs for it. I have seen the YAML fantasy and have tried a few different things but I am getting damaged. Below is my current YAML frontmaker. I would be very grateful for any help. Title: "Beta Regression Comparison" opset: Bootstrap Output: knitrBootstrap :: bootstrap_document: Title: "Beta Regression Comparison" Theme: Simple Highlights: Solarized - Lightweight theme.Cosa: Wrong Highlight.Cosar: Incorrect menu: Wrong pdf_document ---

resolution pdf_document to replace pdf_document: default . I unfortunately can not find a reference for this syntax in official documents. If you open a RMarkdown document in the recent version of RStudio, then click on Knit HTML and then Knit PDF , this : default syntax

The syntax is:

  --- output: html_document: keep_md: yes pdf_document: default ---  


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