
Showing posts from May, 2013

actionscript 3 - Flash to mobile compatible video with variable data -

Looking for a solution to fly flash video on mobile accessible video? Objective, I am creating Flash Video which includes variable data through Action Script ... I am looking for a solution that will convert Swiff to demand / in-real on mobile / accessible video, from which Variables will maintain data within them. Is this possible?

vba - split a value into two different variable -

I thought I had a problem, but now I have to face another problem ... VBA It is very difficult. Last code for j = 2 for the last line for <= P> i = 2 LastCol '' * contains a lot of code in it ... * 'salk = sheets ("Sheets"). Room (i, j). Well Appearance = Worksheet Function. Select the case appearance (1 "D1 9") in the county (Range ("B1: D9"), Sawd arrOutput (2) Case 1 Sheets ("Sheetx"). Room (i, j). Value = salk & amp; "(2) ArrOutput (1) = GroupCol (salk) - arrOutput (0) arrOutput (2) =" 0 sheet ("SheetX"). Room (i, j). Value = salk & amp; "(& amp; arr.; ArrOutput (0) & amp;" - "& arrOutput (1) & amp;") "Case Other messagebox "error" end Select Next Next Next The above code I have been able to get this result: I am very satisfied with that code, which is an odd number two different Divides into numbers so I do not have to cut the half of

linux - Raspberry Pi javaFx Displaylink framebuffer -

I want to use my Raspberry P with a Java GUX on a USB displaylink display. I make my own kernel, which supports the displaylink framebuffer. When I start Raspberry, the display framebuffer becomes FB1 and the output of the JavaFX program is at FB0. How can I set the output of the javaFx program to the displaylink device? What is any other solution than copying the contents of FB1 from FB1? The X server has the option to start with the FB1 "FRAMEBUFFER = / dev / fb1 startx", there is only such a possible javaFx.

c# - Get two tooltip bubbles but only want one -

I have an image (orange circle) that shows a tooltip with a message (covered by red lines in the image Done): However , I only want black bubbles to display tooltips and not generic white bubbles below. I have the Javascript load tool on this page: $ ('# & lt;% = at (' title '),' atlar '( 'Title'), 'enter' and 'delay': 0}); HTML: & lt; I id = "alarmclips driver warning" runat = "server" class = "icon-exclamation-mark mark-big" style = "cursor: indicator; color: orange" & gt; & Lt; / I & gt; When a drop down item turns to the # edge, the title will change : alarmclasisdryting Warning.Attributes. Add ("Title", GetAlarmClipsDurationWarningToolTip ()); GetAlarmClipsDurationWarningToolTip () Just gives a string based on the drop down change I added if I tried to remove one: Alarm ClipsDriveWrite Warning a quality. Remove ("title"); Al

javascript - angularJS href route conflict -

Hello there is a normal navigation bar for all of my MVC pages. It is a MVC 4.0 app. This is a model of breadcrumbs: & lt; Div id = "nav" & gt; & Lt; Ul class = "brdcm" & gt; @ {Sample.models.bredcambes collectionCLN = vubag.breadcrumbs; If (I == 0) {& lt; Li class = "last" & gt; & Lt; A href = '@ CLN [i] .url' & gt; @cln [i] .text & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; } Other {& lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = '@ cln [i]. URL '& gt; @cln [i]. Text & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; }} & Lt; Li class = "before" & gt; & Lt; Img src ='@cln.IconUrl '/ & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; }} & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; The breadcrumb made in the view file is as follows: @using Sample.Models. Quotes; @ {ViewBag.Title = "Creation quote"; Layout = "~ / scene / share / _Layout.cshtml"; Sample.mod

visual studio 2012 - Using Team Foundation Server for QA / Testing -

I am playing with TFS (Team Foundation Server) on my Visual Studio 2012. I went to Work Item and I My Bugs , My Work , My Testing Cases < / Code> P> All are empty at the moment I want to know how can I do TFS> work items> How can I do my test case? Or add bugs to my worm. I have read somewhere - now you can remember - you can actually edit your test case screen for some of your test case criteria. Does anyone know about this or where can I start? Users with proper permission can edit them, but the changes will apply to the entire team. You can copy and paste them from my shared queries to my queries and work on them. The way they work, they are searching for any work item assigned to the viewer of the query (using a variable named @ mei in the filter), in which the bug / task / test The case works item type and is not closed. Here is an example of "My work" from my MSF Playful project: When you see the results, to get this view, th

c - How to create a program that reads the last commands exit status? -

In Linux C, how can you read the exit status from the last programs For example: true; $ Echo? Will show 0 for success. But I want to replace it with a C program: true; ./echo_exit_status How / where the final exit code is $? Is C program available? The exit command is not accessible for the last command executed later In the program (absent horrifying hacking - associated with parent shell with debugger or somatoscope). You can write a shell function or a helper that exports this value to the environment - but no solution is possible for which the shell's involvement is not required.

c++ - Null terminated string, is it really dictated by the standard? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 4 जवाब चर्चा < Ul> यह ज्ञात है कि सी ++ 11 से परे और std :: basic_string s को रिक्त वर्णों को आंतरिक भंडारण बफ़र्स समाप्त कर दिया जाता है। इस परिवर्तन का मुख्य कारण, दूसरों के बीच, यह था कि std :: basic_string की पिछली परिभाषा को केवल बहुत सीमित समवर्ती प्रवेश की अनुमति दी गई थी और इस प्रकार, बहु-थ्रेडेड अनुप्रयोगों के लिए सीमित प्रदर्शन ( std :: basic_string में परिवर्तनों के कारणों में और अधिक पढ़ा जा सकता है)। हालांकि, मानक पढ़ना मैं नहीं कर सकता एक उद्धरण प्राप्त करें जहां स्पष्ट रूप से कहा गया है कि std :: basic_string के पास एक रिक्त वर्ण का अंतराल आंतरिक भंडारण बफर होना चाहिए। केवल अंतर्निहित उद्धरण, Ve पाया गया है § / 1 & amp; 3 बुनियादी_स्ट्रार्ड एक्सेसर्स [string.accessors]: const charT * c_str () कॉन्स्ट नहीं किया जा सकता; const charT * डेटा () const nonexcept; 1 रिटर्न: एक सूचक p ऐसा p + i == और ऑपरेटर [] (i) प्रत्येक के लिए i में [0, आकार ()]

java - Need help setting up GUI featuring grid and clickable items -

To work for my comcom, I have to create a world whose graph is connected through the roads in the framework of objects Happened is the village object. Gnomes, each running their own thread using this world from one village to the other side using the shortest path. However, this whole thing needs to be a GUI. Actually I must have a grid with the villages on the intersections. In this way some (without numbers): The villages are connected to the roads. If this is not very difficult then the road should be removed, if they are not the only road connecting the village to the rest of the graph. It will be done by clicking There should also be an option to add villages by clicking on the graph, selecting the existing villages, removing them. Actually: < The graph data structure is translated into the GUI grid Roads and villages can be selected < Li> Selected items can be deleted Can you please tell me what I need for the GUI, what do I need for it? As the bes

html - Properly styling a spacer with paragraph and search elements in it -

jsfiddle - वह साइट जिसे मैं बंद कर रहा हूं - मैं फ्लोटिंग मार्ग चला गया, लेकिन यह पैरेंट कंटेनर के लेआउट को बर्बाद कर दिया और मैंने मार्जिन के साथ tinkered लेकिन मैं यह समझ नहीं पा रहा हूं कि यह कैसे करना मेरे दम पर करना है। मैं इसे स्टाइल करने के बारे में कैसे जाना होगा ताकि यह भाषा के उदाहरण के समान प्रदर्शित हो सके? HTML & lt; div id = "mainsearch" & gt; & Lt; div id = "mscontainer" & gt; & Lt; div id = "ms1" & gt; & Lt; p & gt; यहां मध्य पृष्ठ पर पाठ & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div id = "ms2" ​​& gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "खोज" & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; सीएसएस #mainsearch {पृष्ठभूमि रंग: ग्रे; चौड़ाई: 100%; } # एमएमएस कंटेनर {चौड़ाई: 90%; मार्जिन: 0 ऑटो; } # एमएस 1 {चौड़ाई: 55%; } # एमएस 1 पी {फ़ॉन्ट-परिवार: 'ओसवाल्ड', बिना-सेरिफ़; फ़ॉन्ट-आकार: 230%; पाठ संरेखित करें: बायां; प्रदर्शन: इनलाइन; } #

javascript - slideup after fading out function -

& lt; स्क्रिप्ट & gt; $ (फ़ंक्शन () {$ ('# त्रुटि')। देरी (1000)। फेडऑट (1000) .slideUp ();}); & Lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; मुझे इसमें काम करने का एक हिस्सा मिला है, हालांकि इसे समाप्त होने के बाद यह स्लाइड नहीं करता है। संपादित करें: मैं div के नीचे की सामग्री को स्लाइड करना चाहता हूं। {$ ('# त्रुटि')। देरी (3000)। फेडऑट (2000) .मेट ({अस्पष्टता: 0}, "धीमी", कार्य () {$ (this) .slideUp ();});}); यह अभी भी तेजी से ऊपर जा रहा है। आप पहली बार फीका कॉलबैक (जब फीका पूरा हो चुका है) से अधिक सजीव करें वाला तत्व, आप स्लाइडअप करते हैं। < ({अस्पष्टता: 0}, 100, "रैखिक", फ़ंक्शन () {$ ('#' ($ 1) त्रुटि ')। स्लाइडअप ();});}); उदाहरण:

express - jade loop not able to access variable in node.js file -

I am looking for this solution for days and would prefer any solutions or recommendations. I node According to JS, XP, and Mogo DB, I am creating a very simple blog. I am doing this as a practice to understand nodes better, because I do not know very well right now. I followed all the instructions, keeping in mind the differences in the accounts in the versions, and till I can not find the tutorial at the top, "A View to Kill", where I am in a Z file Send some dummy data. If I do not leave the code in my app js file, the z file is being passed in it: var authors = new ArticleProvider (); App.get ('/', function (Rick, Race) {articleProvider.findAll (function (error, docs) {res.send (docs);}}}}) app.listen (3000); I get a render of the data object. But when I sang in the Z file, I get an error: typeError: undefined ... Can not read the property 'length' ... which refers to each loop in my Z file (line 3), which is here: h1 = title # Ar

android - ScrollView Messes Up Everything on Phone Screen -

I'm having this problem with scrolling videod on the Android phone screen. My layout looks like it's on a tablet screen Want to keep However, when my editor is switched to the phone screen (the app also installs on my phone), I do the image button squeezed. What this looks like on a phone: My XML code is below I have read that I may need to create another layout of image buttons with different DPIS, But I have to know that there is no way to do this without it. & lt; ScrollView xmlns: android = "" Android: Layout_width = "Wrap_content" Android: Layout_height = "Wrap_content" android: orientation = "vertical" & gt; & Lt; LinearLayout xmlns: android = "Http://schemaskandroidkcom/apk/res/android" Android: Layout_width = "Match_parent" Android: Layout_height = "Match_parent" android: orientation = "vertical" android: weightSum = "4&qu

javascript - Animating multiple svg objects using snap.js -

I am trying to create an SVG animation but I am running into issues that make all the elements live together. Now every SVG element is animate individually, but I would like to capture all of the # 3 rectangles to capture the data-path-hover of my parents and animate together when I am # I'll hover over the grid. & lt; Section id = "grid" class = "grid cleanfix" & gt; & Lt; Span class = "top" data-path-hover = "M280.877,0H39.123C17.516,0,0,17.516,0,39.123v39.123H39.123H241.755H 320V23.123C 320,17.516,302.484, 0,280.877, 0z "& gt; & Lt; Svg view box = "0 0 320 80" preserveAspectRatio = "none" & gt; & Lt; Path D = "M280,0C299.5,0,56.245,0,39.123,0S0,0,0,0v78.245 H 13.123 H241 755H320V0C320,0,260.5,0,280,0z" /> & Lt; / Svg & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Section & gt; (Function () {function init () {var speed = 330, easing = mina.backout; []

Facebook Email field return null (even if the “email” permission is set and accepted) part 2 -

Here is a topic describing my primary problem. In short: The problem is that in some cases, facebook-graph-api does not return the user's email address Other Stackoverflow friends suggested using their Facebook email If it is the user's name (i.e. the username @ Facebook dot) which I have done but what to do if the Facebook user does not even have a "username" What would you recommend? Asked at his email address to reach the page? The Facebook API does not return the email address, there are several reasons for this. In the discussions such as the various solutions were proposed to handle this matter, but I think the Do not use / code> is a good solution, because it is not a valid email, and usernames can not be available either, and when you try to send an email to the user, Then it will fail to distribute, etc. Asking a user's email address is also not a good thing, because some users can refuse to provide their e

javascript - Guided Scrolling on web page -

How does this page complete the technique (guaging scrolling?) Between the two giants, where only one on the scroll pad Small shock takes you to the next element? If you want a library, I suggest it recently Used in a project and it used to do trick without any hassles.

python - Check if the url link is correct -

I want to open several URLs (I open a URL, search for all the links on this webstream and open them Am or downloading images etc.) So first I wanted to know whether the URL is correct or not, so if I used the if statement: if urlparse.urlparse (link) .netloc: Return 'broken' Url ' But I noticed that some values ​​do not pass this statement. When a link looks like this, I found a website: // , but I had an error: ValueError: unknown url type: // b. / 7pTYj4rOii6CkkEC.jpg , but if my statement does not capture it, if a URL works well then how can I see more accurately? If you are not specific about the library used, you can do the following : urlib2 import re def is_fully_alive (url, live_check = false): try: if urllib2.urlparse.urlparse (url) .netloc No: return false website = urllib2.urlopen (url ) Html = website read () if website. Code! = 200: Return all the links for the link in the

javascript - Kendo UI, how do you remove space before and after a bar chart? -

I am trying to delete the empty space before and after the Kindo UI chart with no fate, this interval and Is the transfer issue? My goal should only be with a row bar chart, with the gray on the right. Function All Families Bertchart YEAR ($ {"(# # Chart -7") Cando Chart ({title: {view: false}}, legend: {view: false,}, chartarria: {height: 90, padding: 0, margin: 0, background: "transparent"}, series default: {type: "Bar",}, series: [{difference: 0, // spacing: 0, // limit: {// width: 0 //}, / / ​​the height above the name above has been removed: "Month no. Line: {visible: wrong}, small grid lines: {visible: false}, key gridlines: {view: $ 506785}}, value: [Axis: {Max: 1000000, label: {visible: wrong} False}}, Category axis: {line: {visible: false}, small grid lines: {view: false}, key gridline: {view: false}}, tooltip: {view: wrong,}}); } If you hide the category axis instead of the grid lines, then it seems That I think you are describing

python - Converting tuple into list does not work -

I ask my SQL database to get the data from it. connector = Sqlite3.connect ("somedb.db") selecter = connector.cursor () for selector.execute row in selector ('select from somedb' ''): l = List (line) Print (l) Print (Type (L)) Then add the to something else I retrieve ("{}", attributeError: There is no attribute in the 'tuple' object 'format' / code> I also tried s = ". (Str (line (line)) l = list (line) for the statement, but it comes back with the same error and it seems That is, it converts all my 50 different selections into a string that I want. However, when I run it print (type (L ) or print (type (type)) This is a form of < Code> list or string I can convert Works, but .format it thinks because you do not take it that it is a tuple. How does it come? Change it to your detect.that line: < Pre> this = str (detect.that) ("{}", select, summ

jsp - mapping java servlet and action form -

I follow the tutorial in this. Instead of using Web.xml, I am using the annotation @ webserverlate ("/ coffee sauce"). However, I have trouble understanding servlet mapping between Form Action and Java Servlet. It's weird but sometimes, I can run the code successfully, but occasionally, I get 404 emails. If anybody can discuss some articles about sublet mapping, then I am very much appreciated (I did not find any good resources about this). If you are using a plain servlet, you will see one of the actions in the form & Lt; Url-pattern & gt; Defined for servlet ( / CoffeeSelect in your code). You can see that 404 errors are usually due to using relative URIs from nested pages in folder structure. Check out this link. It makes you a bit more complex when you use web framework like JSF, Straits etc., but this is a different story.

ios - how to do a compound query in pfquerytableviewcontroller -

I am using representative query for table method in my pfquerytableviewcontroller such as: - (PfQulator *) queryForrestable {Returns [find self]; } - (PFQulator *) getMyQuery {PFQuery * query = [Foller relation query]; [Query is where: @ "followers" equal: user]; NSArray * foundFollowers = [query search object]; NSMutableArray * follower = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; For (followers rehabilitation * foundFollowers in a passenger) {[AddObject: aFollower.user]; } PFQuery * query1 = [Gassetts query]; [Query1 where: @ "user" lies in: followers]; [Query 1 includes: @ "user"]; [Query1 Ordering Order: @ "Created"]; Return query1; } When I do a simple query: - (PFQuery *) queryForTable {PFQuery * query = [PFQuery query worldnamename: self.parseClassName]; [Queries include: @ "gaUser"]; If (self.objects.count == 0) {query.cachePolicy = kPFCachePolicyCacheThenNetwork; } [Query order bypassing: @ "created"]; Return query;

ios - Access JSON response before RestKit maps it -

I am using an API that is )}} ' .s. Safety measures E.g. response.body =)]}, [{"id": 13, "name": "demo company", "total_mount_du": 15714.2}] Reset can not map, so before mapping, I need to remove the first item from the reaction. What is the best way to do this? a migration surveillance category: @ Interface Majson Serialization: NSOBJack & lt; RKAreasisation & gt; @end @implementationMyJsonSerialization + (id) objectFromData: (NSData *) Data Error: (NSError **) Error {NSString * responseStr = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: data encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]; NSDT * Refined Data = Data; If ([Response SRT is: Prefix: @ "]]} '',"]] {NSRange Range = NSMKrange (5, Data. LONG-5); Refined Data = [Data SubDataWidtharan: Category]; } ID result = [NSJSNSRailization JSONObjectWithData: RifandData option: 0 error: error]; Return result; } + (NSDT *) Data FrameAmbact: (ID) Object Error: (NSEROR **) Erro

java - Printing a Calendar from Given Month/Year -

I am working on a Java assignment and after specifying the user's month and one year it includes a calendar printing is. I can not use calendar or Gregorian calendar classes My problem is that the calendar does not print correctly on a Saturday with its first day. I've seen my code for about an hour, and I'm not sure what I'm doing is using Zeiler's uniformity to find the first day of the month, which is indicated by "H". For example, the calendar looks like this in March 2008 (incorrectly): March 2008 su mo to v f f sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 This is my code: package calendar; Import java.util.Scanner; Public Class Calendar {Private Static Ent Counts = 0; Private Static In H = 0; Public stable boolean leap (int year) {if ((year% 4 == 0) & amp; (year% 100 == 0)) (year% 400 == 0)) {true; } Other {return false; }} Public static zero firstDayOfYear (int year) {int month = 13; year--;

javascript - Validation triggered by another control -

In ASP.NET webform, can I add a vendor to the dockdown list and the client verification only starts when a button is pressed, but when I change the selection in the dropdown list? As far as I can see, when the control set is set, any change in the list triggers the verification. I tried to set separate validation group values ​​for DropDownList and the verifier, I also set the reason for Validation = 'false' dropdown list, in both cases with no success, verification Still triggered by the list. If no better idea is found, here is a possible answer to my own question: a secret To store the boolean value in the field, to indicate that bypassing the verification (successful) or if it is done for real, this value will be used in the client verification function of a custom validator. I bypass validation by default, and when I click on the button, I will force the recognition.

ios - iAd restarts game when it pops up -

After "text" itemprop = "text"> You start my app again when it pops the iAd banner it will restart the game it will go normally so suddenly run Back to all the progress on the Start Title screen: This is my ViewController.h #import & lt; UIKit / UIKit.h & gt; #important & lt; Spritekit / Spritekit H & gt; The @interface ViewController: UIViewController @end And this ViewController.m #import "ViewController.h" #import "MyScene.h" # import & Lt; IAd / iAd.h & gt; @ Interface view controller () & lt; ADBannerViewDelegate & gt; @property (nonatomic, strong) ADBannerView * banner; @end @implementation ViewController - (minus) bannerView: (ADBannerView *) banner didFailToReceiveAdWithError: (NSError *) error {if (banner.isBannerLoaded) {[UIView beginAnimations: @ "animateAdBannerOff" context: nil]; // Assume that the banner is placed at the bottom of the screen. Banner.frame = cgffset (banner.

python - When and how should use multiple spiders in one Scrapy project -

I'm using Scrapy , this is great! To make a crawler, the number of fast web sites is increasing, new spiders need to be made, but these are the same type of web, all these spiders use the same items, pipelines, parsing process Contents of the project directory: test / ├── scrapy.cfg └── exam ├── ├ ├── ├ ── Settings Py ├── ├── └── Spider ├── ├── └── spi To reduce the source code, redundancy is a base spider MyBaseSpider in , it contains 95% The source code is inherited from all other spiders, if the spider has certain things, then override something class methods , in general, to create only a new spider, many lines have the source code Need to add Keep all the normal settings in , the special setting of a spider [Name of the spider] is in , like: Code>: Settings import * LOG_FILE = &

Rails 4 Search By Category -

I want to place search form on my homepage on # Home pages for itemprop = "text"> I want to find my model by category. I am unable to find a solution, where you are actually putting arguments on different controllers compared to those models that you are looking for. I was thinking that someone can help in syntax and where to go it. Here are my connections: vendor.rb class vendor & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base Confirms: Category_ID, Attendance: true true_to: end of range category.rb class Category & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base is_on: vendor end pages_controller.rb def home @ seller / vendor.You routes.rb root 'page # home' I'm trying To insert a search form at home.html.erb, which is under the page layout. I was hoping someone could help me how I could accomplish this. It seems (this seems) a simple type of discovery, I hope no gem should be used. Edit: Answer for those searches, thanks @Vla Vendors_controller. RB

hadoop - How to strip host information from an hdfs path -

मेरे पास एक hdfs पथ hdfs: // host1: 8899 / path / to / file है। मैं host1 को पट्टी करना चाहता हूं और प्रोग्राम को बंद करना चाहता हूं परिणामस्वरूप, यह hdfs: / path / tofile होना चाहिए। क्या कोई सहायक विधि ऐसा कर सकती है? "क्या कोई सहायक विधि ऐसा कर सकती है ? " वास्तव में अपना स्वयं का बनाने के लिए वास्तव में बहुत कुछ नहीं लेता है बस मूल स्ट्रिंग कक्षा उपयोगिता कार्यों का उपयोग करें जैसे कि split () , indexOf () , substring () , आदि ऐसा कुछ ऐसा होता है (जावा के साथ, हालांकि अधिकांश भाषाओं में उन विधियां हैं): सार्वजनिक वर्ग टेस्टपाथ {सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] आर्ग्स) अपवाद फेंकता {स्ट्रिंग पथ = "hdfs : // स्थानीय होस्ट: 9000 / path / to / फ़ाइल "; Println (getPathWithoutHostAndPort (पथ)); } सार्वजनिक स्थिर स्ट्रिंग getPathWithoutHostAndPort (स्ट्रिंग पथ) {स्ट्रिंग [] सरणी = path.split ("(//)"); इंट इंडेक्सऑफ़फर्स्टस्लाश = सरणी [1]। इंडेक्सऑफ़ ("/"); स्ट्रिंगबिल्ल्डर बिल्डर = नया स्ट्रिंगबिल्डर (); । Builder

javascript - Object literal as function argument with jQuery -

I have the script need to call the function from the following which is within the parameter object. Can say " open " is this possible? I tried calling it with " callIt " but it is not working how I can do it. & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Object with Agrimes & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Script src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body onload = "callIt ()" & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ .fn.myplugin = function (settings) {var options = jQuery.extend ({name: "MyPlugin", the target document, open: function () {at document.write ( 'open');}, close: Function () {}, on selection: function () {}}, settings); Document.write ( + '& lt; br / & gt;')} function callIt () {$ .fn.myPlugin.options.onOpen (); } & Lt; /

ms office - How to connect to EWS API? -

I have found that the EWS API is authenticated with OAuth 2.0. I want to call EWS's GetEvents API [1] It is a difficult part to understand how to get authorization from users for this action. Can someone tell me about registering an application and how to get a secret for client IDs and EWS in relevant documents. [1] - To use OAuth with EWS There is no MSDN documentation on special, though it is for that. In order to register an app that uses Exchange Online, you have to follow the steps given in the blog post, but the remaining steps have not been documented for EWS (rest). I can update this post when the document is written.

autonumber - How to change the auto numbering id field to serial type in PostgreSQL -

I have a database which is MSSQL to PostgreSQL (9.2) . This database contains 100+ tables, this is entered in the table Automotoring (primary key field), is an example for the table below create table company (company's The integer is not equal to the NAL default ('SEC_company_ID': Regclass), the character of the company is different (100), AD1 character different (100), AD2 character different (100), AD3 character different (100), phone Character Separate (30), Phoneras Character Segmentation (30) Co Certificate Gcompany_pkey Primary key (companyid)) Sample data INSERT (company, add1, add2, add3, phone, phone, phone ) VALUES ('company1', 'add1', 'add2', 'add3', '00, 055,544 ',' 7788,848 '); INSERT Company (Company, AD1, AD2, AD3, PhoneAff, PhoneRace) Value ('Company2', 'AD 9', 'AD5', 'AD2', '00088844', '7458844'); INSERT Company (Company, AD1, AD2, AD3, PhoneAf

java - A Play 1.x app randomly loses the reference to any of its view templates -

I am currently working with Play 1.x for almost 2 years, and this is the first time that I I am experiencing this way. My app is running on the server (in production mode), and after a certain period, it is just "hanged" When a particular path is called, then I receive an "internal error" message Appears. I have inspected the log, I found them all to be over following: No @ 6j3jc3f0p Internal Server Error (500) / 4343206 Template request for the GET / action (/ Applications / Controller / In the application. Line 206 around Java) template application / action.html does not exist. play.exceptions.TemplateNotFoundException: template not found on MyController / showDetails.html play.mvc.Controller.renderTemplate ( on play.mvc on play.mvc.Controller.renderTemplate ( On Controller.render controllers.MyController.showDetails ( ( play.mvc.ActionInvoker.invokeWithContinuation (Action

How to connect to Couchbase Lite REST API -

Couchbase Light Documentation (semi-docs!) Has mentioned this about connecting to the REST API: Provides native, object-oriented APIs for iOS and Android devices that are integrated with your app framework. These API maps can map documents in their own original object model, you work directly with JSON structures, or both. In addition, the applications made with Web Technologies can use the CouchBase Lite REST API (for example, JavaScript, C # or Python applications). Is it only in the context of phonegap and similar technology to make available to their own listeners, or is there any normal light server cover that can be used in any reference to CBL Rest API Can make it accessible?! (This is what is my guess) It is possible to say that it is possible for example that REST in any reference connected to CBL by Python (Available Libs / Course With the equipment), or is it not possible? (I understand the difference between CouchBase Light and Couchbase Server so that'

docker cp does not copy recursively -

मेरे पास निम्न कंटेनर हैं: »सूडो डॉकर पीएस- कन्टेनर आईडी इमेज कमान बनाया स्थिति बंदरगाहों नाम 753f4d01ae32 postgres: 9 / usr / src / postgres / कर 9 मिनट पहले 9 मिनट 5432 / टीसीपी postgres edfbfb3b0837 tutum / CouchDB: नवीनतम / 18 मिनट पहले ऊपर 18 मिनट> 5984 / टीसीपी couchdb2 4aa61e51d86f tutum / CouchDB: नवीनतम / 18 मिनट पहले ऊपर 18 मिनट>5984/tcp CouchDB कंटेनर मैं postgres के साथ काम कर रहा हूँ : CID = 753f4d01ae32 पीआईडी ​​= $ (sudo डोकर निरीक्षण --format {{.State.Pid}} $ सीआईडी) गूंज $ पीआईडी ​​13,949 »sudo nsenter --target $ पीआईडी ​​--mount --uts --ipc --net --pid / bin / bash root @ 753f4d01ae32: / # ls -l / var / lib / postgresql / घ एटीए / कुल 100-आरवाई ------- 1 पोस्टग्रेज पोस्टग्रेज 4 अगस्त 1 05:30 पीजी_विर्सियन डीडब्ल्यूएक्स ------ 5 पोस्ट्स पोस्टेज 4096 अगस्त 1 05:30 बेस डॉवएक्स ------ 2 पोस्ट्स पोस्ट्स 4096 अगस्त 1 05:30 वैश्विक डॉवक्स ------ 2 पोस्ट्स पोस्ट्स 4096 अगस्त 1 05:30 pg_clog -rw ------- 1 पोस्टग्रेज पो

php - compare products in magento -

Magenta has a functionality to compare our products. But according to the requirements of one of my projects, the products For example, the product in the mobile category should not be comparable to the products in the laptop category. But the current default functionality of the mags is compared to the products in any category. Suggestions are needed.

c++ - Would making a binary search tree out of a struct over a class node be bad? -

I'm not sure that I should .. or use any structure to build a binary search tree, The second option is to make the nodes out of a different node class with data, which is better than the left and right? And why? BST Template & lt; Typename T & gt; Class BST: Public Searches ADT & lt; T & gt; {Public: BST (zero) {head = null; Numbers = 0; } Virtual ~ BST (zero); Virtual int loadFromFile (string filename); Virtual Zero Clear (Zero); Virtual zero entry entry (t info); Virtual Zero Deletion Entry (T information); Is virtual bolt (t information); Virtual difference numbers (zero); // AVL Int BST and lieutenant; T & gt; :: Required to compare height (T_Node * TPTR); Protected: struct t_node {string data; T_Node * L; T_Node * R; }; Int numnodes; T_node * head; T_Node * CPR; // current pointer T_Node * PPTR; // Basic pointer T_Node * TPTR; // temporary pointer}; // Class BST End Better to create two sections, one BST And for the second node, they are two dif

git merge - How to show all logs including the merged branches in git-flow -

I took git-flow to do my work, but For example, when I finish the branch, I feature / support_vadp for example, I do not see that log in that branch now. 584c054 - Ignore (head, hotfix / fix_dropplet_partial_on_itimes): experimental seeding files (24 minutes ago) & lt; Poc7667 & gt; Bbff - (master) merge branch 'development' (31 minutes ago) & lt; Poc7667 & gt; 7bc6c17 - (development) merge branch '37 Features of feature / support_wid' (37 minutes ago) & lt; Poc7667 & gt; This will be a log of development branch, where you merged your facility branch. To view all branches: GIT logs - all - branches It also depends on whether you have git-flow How to use: For example, you will have the option to end and delete the branch: (In that case you will not be able to see the facility branch committees, even See more on a with git log --all --branches ) ""

java - new GestureDetector(new SwipeGestureDetector()) deprecated -

निजी जेस्चर डिटेक्टर इशारे डिटेक्टर; @ ओवरराइड संरक्षित शून्य को क्रिएट (बंडल सहेजा गया इन्स्टैंसस्टेट) {सुपर.नक्रेट (सहेजे गए इन्स्टेंसस्टेट); setContentView (R.layout.activity_main); इशारा डिटेक्टर = नया इशारे डिटेक्टर (नया स्वाइप गियरचर डिटेक्टर ()); } मैं जावा और एंड्रॉइड के लिए नया हूँ। इससे पहले कि मैं माता-पिता से मेल खाने के लिए माता-पिता को बदलकर लेआउट के संदर्भ में पदावनत का सामना करना पड़ता है। लेकिन इंटरनेट पर सभी खोज के बाद मुझे यह पता नहीं है। टीक

node.js - How to do asynchronous processing in nodejs -

I'm a newbie in node js and am trying to create a simple app for creating web pages from RSS feeds. http.get ('', function (ridge) {res.on ('data', function (piece) { ResLength + = Chunk.length; chunks.push (chuck);}); res.on ('end', function (chuck) {// all chunks and process feed XML.})}} Server response processing can go longer and can block the main thread. How can I create an async operation to process an intermediate server response and return the result Can I send? In nodes, you should not do any such stuff that uses a wider CPU time because it is a single threaded server (event loop). Do not block. Server keeps requesting and other things, when the request comes back (after millions of clock cycles), you can execute the callback, you are the only indicator for the callback. Now, you have asynchronous Also requests can not be processed in a wide range of CPU usage, all other requests work lik

java - StreamTokenizer.nextToken skipping too many tokens? -

I have the following code that should go through each token, and when it appears in the specified character sequence it means that A comment is either starting or ending I made the last statement to execute some code if the position is not between the comments. int commentFound = -1; Commented int commented = -1; Do {int token = st.nextToken (); Switch (token) {case streamTrokenizer. TT_EOF: System.out.println ("The file ended."); Eof = true; Default: if ((token == '& lt;')) {System.out.println (st.sval); If (st.nextToken () == '!') {System.out.println (st.sval); If (st.nextToken () == '-') {if (st.nextToken () == '-') {if (st.nextToken () == '-') {System.out.println ("Comment Found on line number: "+ st.lineno ()); Commentfoot = st.lineno (); }} And if ((token == '-')) {if (st.nextToken () == '-') {if (st.nextToken () == '-') {if (st NextToken () == '& gt;') {System.out.println

javascript - missing title window and border in Extjs -

Here I have created a form, I get all the fields, but I have 2 problems: 1.Buttons should be horizontal, but its appearance is vertical. 2. The missing title bar and boundary mean that it only has to show the field. Ext.onReady (function () {rendereTo: Ext .getBody (); var form = new Ext.form.Panel ({border: true, frame: true, title: 'login' , Field default: {LabelWeath: 60,}, item: [{xtype: 'fieldet', width: 400, title: 'CAS login', column wthith: 2, openable: incorrect, cls: 'text box-margin' , Default type: 'textfield', layout: 'anchor', default: {anchor: '100%',}, item: [{allowblank: false, xtype: 'textfield', width: 40, cls: 'textbox-margin ', Id:' txtuser ', field label:' user id ', name:' enter user id ', empty text:' attribute Enter the text id ', anchor:' 100% ',}, {allowBlank: false, xtype:' textfield ', width: 40, cls:' textbox-margin ',

how to expand list into pattern in Excel? -

I have a list like this: 1 2 3 4 5 I am dragging those numbers into a second spreadsheet, using vlookup. I want to create a new list or pattern, which looks like this: 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 .. Etc. How can I easily (my first list has 300 items, so After this plan: Use the formulas: c2 -> = A2C3 - & Gt; = Index (A: A, round down (ROO (G1) / $ B $ 2) +2; 0) and 'AutoComplete D2 -> = IF (ROUND UP (RAW (G1) / ($ B $ 2 + $ B $ 4); 0)) - (ROUNDDOWN (RAW (G1) / ($ B $ 2 + $ B $ 4)) ($ B $ 4 ) / $ B $ 2 $ B $ 4/10; 0)) = 1; Index (A: ROUNDDOWN (RAW (G1) / ($ B $ 2 + $ B $ 4)) + 2; 0) Columns D is relevant to replicate without any spaces, columns are D ; and "AutoComplete C This is relevant to replicate with spaces. Keeps the number of duplication B2 in the cells and puts the empty cell B4 in the cell. If you have more copies to use a column, the same code for each column ... If you only need the values ​​in the copy of

ios - How can I programmatically set dataSource of UITableView? -

I have a strange problem. I am trying to allocate a data source on a program basis. I have created a UITableView and an IBOuttlet in my ViewController using an interface builder for this. I have created a class that implements UITableViewDataSource . I set my table's dataSource to be an example of the data table error thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code = EXC_i386_GPFLT) and Class is executed in runtime. AppDelegate Define line is highlighted. View category Controller: UIViewController {@IBOutlet weak var table: UITableView! Override func viewDidLoad () {ds = MyData () table.dataSource = ds // & lt; ---- Runtime error table .reloadData () super.viewDidLoad ()} // // Other methods} class MyData: NSObject, UITableViewDataSource {func tableView (table view: UITableView!, NumberOfRowsInSection section: int) - & gt; Int {return 5} func tableView (Tableview: UITableView!, CellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath!) - & gt; UITableViewCell! {Cell = UITableVie

javascript - Obtaining textbox values from jquery modal popup which has repeater control within it -

I have a very strange problem that I do not understand. I have an ASP.NET Repeater Control which is built into a jquery modal. The code for control is here. & lt; Div id = "dialog" style = "display: none" & gt; & Lt; Asp: repeater id = "myprepier" run = "server" & gt; & Lt; HeaderTemplate & gt; & Lt; / HeaderTemplate & gt; & Lt; ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; Asp: text box id = "txtAnswer" texts = "multiline" column = "50" rows = "4" runat = "server" /> & Lt; / ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; FooterTemplate & gt; & Lt; / FooterTemplate & gt; & Lt; / ASP: Repeater & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; ASP: Button ID = "Button1" runat = "server" text = "button" style = "display: none" OnClick = "submit1" OnClientClick = "return valid input ()" /> I then cal

osx - brew install postgresql (upgrade) error, could not link - dead links to old non-existent version -

WARNING: Do not start by removing files manually in the terminal unless you try to do everything first Do not delete the program due to manual deletion, may cause the uninstall and installation. This is a QA style post, sharing your route to solving this issue. I'm sure there are better ways I picked up an old Mac wind and ruby And I wanted to set it up for the train training. During the upgrade, I had a problem installing postgrascape: ➜ ~ brew install postgresql .... == & gt; Install Postgresql == & gt; Download Already downloaded: / library / catches / homebrew / postgrescale-9.3.5.Mantan_Leon .Bottle Tar.gz == & gt; Podging PostgreSQL-9.3.5.Mantan_Leon.botti.tar.g == & gt; Warnings ... to reload postgresclall after upgrade: LaunchLatLLLoadLatLoadUnload ~ / Library / LaunchAgents / HomeBrayMXcl.PostGraceCLL.plist Launchat Load ~ / Library / LaunchAgents

Intersect on ArrayList with objects groovy -

I have two array lists with items of domain category 'user' a = [User: 35, User: 36] User: 37] b = [user: 32, user: 33] user: 34, user: 35, user: 36, user: 37] < P> When I do intersection ( java.util ), it returns an empty list. How can I get general objects in the array list? This is due to the fact that you map (with the same key in the list. [user4: 32], user 5: 33, user 6: 34, User 1: 35, User 2: 36, User 3: 37] ActorsAct (B) == [Users 1: 35, User 2: 36, User 3: 37] When you modify it to include the ID, it behaves as expected: def a = [35, 36, 37] def b = [ 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 3 7] An underlying pointer (B) == [35,36,37] See this?

C# Regex.Match exclude brackets -

I have to remove all the text inside and out of curly brackets. This is my template @ {test.html} bla bla bla @ {test.html} me test.html And va is the pattern I used \ @ [[AZA-Z.] *} < P> works fine but this curly bracket also returns. @ {test.html}, @ {test.html} How to raise them. The easiest way would be to use the group @ {([A-Za-z].] *)} If you do not want to do this (? & Lt; = @ {] [A-Za-z].] * (? =}) Greetings PS: Make sure you have everything in fact in your text to match any text - Group.

python - No access to top level elements with ijson? -

I am trying to parse a JSON file with Python's ijson library. It works when viewing second-tier elements or using a parser, but I like the convenience of watching the top-level elements directly. JSON is basically formatted like this: {"foo": {"one": 1, "b": 2}, "bar": { "C": 3, "D": 4}} Then, nothing what I would like to do fancy, through this, come again in such a way that "foo" / Code> and its value is generated by its value / "bar" and repetition copy. (As I was for this code.) My code is low - I know that it is not both going to be produced, I was just testing: f = open ('test') i = ijson.items (f, 'item') in j: print j item syntax ( ) is the function. However, oddly, the loop takes time, but it does not really output anything. (Even if I put any print 'qyx' in it, I do not know what it is doing.) If I type the item () function I modify the co

Ant fileset includes no classes -

I have a folder source with a subfolder be next Fileset should select all * .cls files under the yes folder, recursive! (Also the .cls files in subfolders of yes folder): & Lt; / Fileset & gt; Apparently the ant does not select a single file ... If I do this I & Lt; / Fileset & gt; Ant selects all .cls files. What is the difference between two snippets? folder structure: source be dirA dirB .cls Files DIRC .cls files They both copy the file in different ways Are there. Note that the "" directory root includes the first copy: ├── build.xml ├── sources │ └── be │ └── dirA │ ├── dirB │ │ ├── File1.cls │ │ └── file2.cls │ └── dirC │ └── file3.cls └── target ├── copy1 │ └── be │ └── DirA │ ├── dirB │ │ ├─ ─ file1.cls │ │ └── file2.cls │ └── dirC │ └── file3.cls └── copy2 └── dirA ├── dirB │ ├── File1.cls │ └── file2.cls └── dirC └─ ─ file3.cls build.xml & lt; Project name = "demo&quo

javascript - remove symbols from text field with jquery -

I have the function to remove symbols from text. How to keep commas and dots (.,) In the text field ? "Set up", "set up" (function), {setTimeout (jQuery.proxy (function ()} {/ b> this.val (this.val (). Substitution (/ [^ 0- 9] / g, ''));}, $ (this)), 0);}); try it this.val ( Change .val (). (/ [^ 0-9.] / G, ''));

java - Access private enum in legacy code in -

I have a legacy code where there is a personal command that requires another type of construction for the acceptance test, but I I am stuck because this Enum is private and it is not part of any class, it looks like the following: enum element {element1, ELEMENT2; Public static element [] value () {/ * compiled code * /} public static element element object (java.lang.String name) {/ * compiled code private entity () {/ * compiled code *}} < / Code> Are there ways to use this anman, highlight it with a legacy code, or how to duplicate it? Update: I know that I can read values ​​by reflection, but I have another class which is public and I need to use enum value in my constructor, this class element The public class Element Provider {The name of the element, the element element} Pre> One way to do this is to use Class.forName and load it by package + name. For example: class Then if everything is ok then you will have enum. Then with getEnumConstants

mongodb - How to understand "The shards are replica sets." -

When I jerked and set the replica together, I'm confused. The reference says what are the shards replica set? What are the shards set to copy? Can anyone give me a conceptual explanation? The replica set is a cluster of MongoDebii servers that implement the master-slave implementation. So, basically the same data is shared between multiple replication i.e master and slave (s) master is also called as primary node and slave (second) is considered as secondary nodes. It replicates your data on several Mongo examples to resolve / avoid unsuccessful overs. Whenever the primary node goes down, MongoDB automatically chooses the primary node between the secondary nodes. Sharding is used to store large data sets between many machines. So basically, if you want to compare only the conditional nodes / there can not be the same data, where the same data in the relayed nodes is there, the shondard has different objectives, large amounts of data sets Spread over many machines. Now,

classification - Is my Matlab code correct for applying PCA to data? -

I have the following code for calculating PCA in Matlab: train_out = Train '; Test_out = test '; Decrease the mean off for% each dimension mn = mean (train_out, 2); Train_out = train_out - repmat (mn, 1, train_size); Test_out = test_out - repmat (mn, 1, test_size); Calculation of% sympathetic matrix co-operation = 1 / (train_size -1) * train_out * train_out '; % Eigenvectors and eigenvalues ​​get [pc, v] = eig (co-type); Removing the diagonal of the matrix as Vector V = Dye (V); Variations in order decreasing [junk, rindices] = sort (-1 * v); V = rindices; PC = PC (:, rindices); % Project Basic Data Set = PC '* train_out; Train_out = out '; Out = PC '* test_out; Test_out = out '; The train and test matrix lines have a feature variable in observation and columns. When I classify the original data (without PCA), I get better results than PCA, even when I have all the dimensions. When I tried to straighten the PCA on the whole dataset (train + test) t

xml parsing - Android XML parser 3G issue: result string are splitted and duplicated -

I have to get data from XML received from webservice. I use the SAC parser, such as compliance: URL url = new URL (this.pUrl); SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance (); SAXParser sp = spf.newSAXParser (); XMLReader xr = sp.getXMLReader (); Product Handler Handler = New Product Handler (); Xr.setContentHandler (handler); Input source = new input source (url.openstream ()); Is.setEncoding ("ISO-8859-1"); Xr.parse (is); XML items: & lt; Products & gt; & Lt; Id_product & gt; 4548 & lt; / Id_product & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; Special Snack 30g Chocolate & lt; / Name & gt; & Lt; Price & gt; 15,00 & lt; / Pricing & gt; & Lt; / Products & gt; Handler snippet: .. else if (localName.equals ("name")) {this.in_nome = true; } .. else if (localName.equals ("name")) {this.in_nome = false; } .. and if (this.in_name) {xmlparsing.setNames (new string (ch, start, length)); } Whe

sql - position of conditional parameters does matter in execution time? -

I have a database table with more than 3.5 million lines, where I am active user ( bit Columns) where the name is in the AR first name column ( nvarchar (100) ). I have not applied over firstname to an index . I wrote a question like: Select * From the table where isActive = 1 and firstname '% ar%' taken Time: ~ 17s and the second one like this: Select from the table where the first name '% ar%' and isActive = 1 took the time: ~ 2s I do not get what's happening behind the curtain. Can you please tell me how does SQL Server 2008 R2 take it? When implementing such situations, should I keep in mind the other things?

regex - Get last segment IP address -

बैश में मैं एक आईपी पते के अंतिम खंड को $ A = "" $ प्रतिध्वनि $ {A ## *।} 46 क्या पेर्ल में कुछ समान आसान हो सकता है? आप मिलान संख्याओं से स्ट्रिंग के अंत तक अंतिम ओकटेट प्राप्त कर सकते हैं, मेरी $ ए = ""; प्रिंट $ 1 अगर $ ए = ~ / ([0- 9] +) $ /; या डॉट चार पर विभाजित करके और अंतिम सूची तत्व का चयन करके, मेरी $ num = (split /[.]/, $ A) [- 1];

http - Adding headers to django CBV -

I want to add a x-frames-option header to the Django CreateView. I need this because I will serve a form that will be loaded in iframe tags. The problem is that there are many ways in the dynamic class-based ideas that HPTPPSpacse objects return. All What is the method to add headers without reactions written to those methods? class MyView (CreateView): def find (auto, request, * args, ** kwargs): resp = super (MyView, self) .get (requests, * args, ** kwargs ) Resp ['x-frames-option'] = '' return resp # will go equally form_invalid, post, put, etc ... OK, I've decided to do it if you have to face the same problem, so how to do it in the above example code Similarly, the render_to_response method must be overwritten.

scalaz - Scala iterate over a set of objects -

I have a sealed feature that has been applied by 3 objects Seal attribute MyTract {. ..} Object extends A MyTrait {...} Object B extends MyTrait {...} Object C extends MyTrait {...} I am using Scalez's Verification Mechanism in which the methods of Object A, B and C can be reverted to a valid type. There is a logic in Objects A, B and C and I want to apply this argument sequentially, that is, I want to implement A first and the result of A and check on the basis of it, decide whether I just want to call B or just return valid results, I want to repeat it until I hit C, after which I just return whatever I get as a result of calling C Not. Currently I have a stable approach where I am saying first, check the utility method and results and then call B def applied (request : Request): Valid [result] = {val vResultA = run (request, a) val vResultB = if ((request, c) other vResultB} What a better way to do this (Request, br) Other vResultA if run (isResultOk (vResultB)