
Showing posts from August, 2015

rpm spec - Are RPM change logs about the RPM or the software it contains? -

I am currently playing with RPM and using the % changelog section . When a software update is applied, then I update the version and add that the changes I made in the change log section in my efforts to continue my understanding of the RPM SPEC file, I said stumble on the site Ditch: % changelog: Changes to the package. Use the format format after this Do not change the software's changelog here. This changelog is only for RPM. Am I misusing the% change section? Should it contain information related to changes in sections such as% PRP or% install, rather than install content related to change log information ()? I am convinced that the material can follow the guidelines for the target RPM, but I want to confirm this perception. It does not specify the type of content required. The answer seems (from example on that wiki page) and one of the few packages on my CentOS 5 system Quick check, this is for a change in packaging, which means that the underlying software

Facebook php-sdk v4 get friends ID -

How do I get friend ID with SDK V4? Not working below ... $ buddies = (New FacebookRequest ($ session, 'GET', '/ me / friends')) - & Gt; Execution () - & gt; GetGraphObject () - & gt; AsArray (); Foreign exchange ($ friend ['data'] as $ friend) {echo 'name:'. $ Buddy ['name'] '& lt; Br / & gt; '; Re: 'ID:' $ buddy ['id'] '& lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Br /> ';; $ Counter ++; } With the new graph API v2.0, you have user-friend In addition to receiving friend's information for permission, this method no longer returns to all the user's friends. It only gives a list of friends who also use the same application.

Rails JSON API: add top level element to get by id API -

मेरे पास JSON API है जो ऑब्जेक्ट्स का संग्रह देता है, एपीआई to_json और एक्टिवमोडेल :: सेरिलाइज़र जेएसओएन उत्पन्न करने के लिए मैं JSON को संरचना के साथ मिलता हूं जो इस तरह दिखता है: {"ऑब्जेक्ट्स": [{"id": 1, "key1": 2}, {"id": 2, "key2" : 3}]} मैं एक ही संरचना को "आईडी से प्राप्त करें" एपीआई रखना चाहता हूं जो एकल ऑब्जेक्ट देता है। वर्तमान में JSON संरचना के पीछे आईडी रिटर्न प्राप्त करें: {"id": 1, "key1": 2} रूट एडीआई में आईडी एपीआई द्वारा प्राप्त करने के लिए JSON? मैं JSON संरचना को इस तरह दिखना चाहता हूं: {"ऑब्जेक्ट्स": {"id": 1, "key1": 2}} आपने अपने कार्यान्वयन के विवरण के बारे में बहुत कुछ साझा नहीं किया है, लेकिन मैं jbuilder GEM पर गौर करने का सुझाव दूंगा। यह आमतौर पर रेल के साथ "बॉक्स से बाहर" की तुलना में एपीआई डिजाइन के साथ थोड़ी अधिक लचीलेपन प्रदान करता है:

utf 8 - training file language_id.txt for Google Prediction API unusable -

मैं Google Prediction API का अनुसरण कर रहा हूं। दुर्भाग्य से प्रशिक्षण फ़ाइल को किसी तरह भ्रष्ट लगता है? मैंने Google क्रोम और फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स का उपयोग करके इसे डाउनलोड करने का परीक्षण किया है, एक ही परिणाम, स्क्रीनशॉट देखें: मुझे लगता है, इसलिए मेरे परीक्षण काम नहीं करते हैं और मैं हमेशा अंग्रेजी 1.0 Muy Bueno उदाहरण स्ट्रिंग के लिए स्कोर के रूप में वापस मिलता है। / P> ... {"label": "अंग्रेज़ी", "स्कोर": "1.000000"}, ... मुझे कहां से से एक प्रयोग करने योग्य language_id.txt परीक्षण फ़ाइल प्राप्त करें या क्या मैं कुछ भी कर सकता हूं? संपादित करें : मेरा अनुमान है, फाइल को यूटीएफ में संग्रहीत नहीं किया गया है Google सर्वर पर -8 प्रारूप? फ़ाइल UTF-8 में है, लेकिन यह नहीं है एक एन्कोडिंग घोषित करें, इसलिए किसी ब्राउज़र में इसे देखने से डिफ़ॉल्ट HTTP वर्णसेट, आईएसओ -8859-1 मानता है। मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि आपको वास्तव में एक दूषित प्रति क्यों मिल रहा है (अगर मैं इसे क्रोम में देखता हूं) , यह भ्रष्ट प्रतीत होता है, लेकिन इस

docusignapi - Docusign - How to ExportAuthoritativeCopy of a signed envelope using REST API -

I need to export an authoritative copy of a signed envelope to be able to delete it later in PHP Thanks for using DocuSign REST API v2.0 Thanks. I do not believe that it is currently possible to do this with DocuSign REST API - instead, you See the documentation starting with "ExportAuthoritativeCopy" on page 168 where you will need to use the DocuSign SOAP API.

c++ - Extract parameters from string, included quoted regions, in Qt -

I have a Qt5 / C ++ program which receives a program name and possibly a parameter with a parameter. I need to split this QString into multiple stars, for example, string / tmp / myprog - at least 1 - prefix 2 = 2 - prefix 3 = "1 2 3 "- p 4 [2] = - param2 = 2 list [3] = - the ultimate 3 =" 1 2 3 "list [4] = - P4 < / Pre> My first thought was to use the "partition" method on space, but it will be broken which will be broken up to the 3 which is cited. As the parameter 4 does not have: or between = -p and 4 Is there an easy way to do this? I suspect that it is impossible to split P4 easily because there is no way to know that 2 items get together at the same time. But is there a division / reggae / other way for the above partition? (If we ignore the -p 4 then is it possible?) Update: Is the same function string split-without split or -p is? Therefore a string of abc "aa" "bbb" will be created list [0]

java - After changing JLabel text it will not reposition -

I have JDialog with a title written on top I call it for two separate cases and if it is the default If not, then I change the text to something else. It works fine but the situation is far too far to correct. I have tried several methods like: TitleText.setText ("edit fuse"); TitleText.setAlignmentY (JLabel.CENTER_ALIGNMENT); //TitleText.setHorizontalAlignment (JDialog). //TitleText.setLayout (New Flow Layout (Flow Layouts. LEFT)); None of them even transfers the text. I am using a free design layout for full jedialogy. If I want to make just one more gelable and hide / hide, but I thought it would be easy, do anyone know how to do this? I am using a free design layout for JDialog full Do not do that if you want to be the title and focus of JLABL to stay on top. Instead, the main JPN of the ZDIA has used the border layout, and JAlabel has been added to the border layout. PAGE_START, also known as the border layout. The main JPanel again likely to be t

c++ - How to override exit(), perhaps by throwing exception -

We have a third party library which was kept in mind without multithreading or exception handling. Our main performance is usable and uses exceptions. The third party library uses the exit () to cancel the program for a serious problem (such as "the driver was not started" or "the file was not found" ). Calling exit () does not allow a multithreaded application, because this formula does not shut down correctly; Besides, I do not want to ever exit the main application because it is a server application , And in many cases, can do active things to recover from the main program error. I want to change the essentially provided system exit (int status) with my function, i.e. class exit_exception : Public runtime_error {public: exit_exception (int position): runtime_error ("Exit from position" + to_string (position)) {}}; Extern "C" Exit zero (int position) {exit_exception (position); } And grab the exception in my code. It seems t

javascript - If I delete a document does it still need a recycle? -

In Javascript I am running through an array of UNID and get a notes document by UNID, doctor. "post-text" itemprop = "text" > The short answer is yes . For new ones, Java Objects and C ++ objects are referenced in Notes Objects in Java. So when you become a Java object blank (or worthless), the garbage collector will clear the memory space after a certain amount. However, C ++ handles will continue because of which we are recycling objects to destroy C ++ object references. The page has a good explanation. On the other hand, doc.remove () can be considered as a state change. In addition, if your database has soft extinction enabled, then this document will also not remove it, only mark it as a marked icon (you . RemovePermanently (must call)) to make it hard-deletion). C ++ object reference will be in memory. Therefore, the removal method will not trigger the recycle for the object. Recycle is triggered by the object itself or its origin - pass in extra parameters to Web API 2 method -

I have found a web API2 method like this: [root (" API / Notifications / {username} ")] // Feature routing, new // [HTTPGATE] Public INMMerable in web API2 & lt; Notification & gt; GetNewNotifications (string username) {return Notification.GetNewNotifications (username); } ... which I use in javascript w / jquery like this: $ GetJSON ('/ api / notifications /' + username) What works fine but what is the correct way to pass extra arguments? I have seen different answers and it is unclear to me. I do not think that I want to pass them through the forward slash because they are not hierarchical in nature generally I do this w / querystring parameter, but I Do not know how to take them in server-side. Thank you! / api / notifications / {username}? Posted = class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> true & amp; Received = Incorrect The query string parameter is handled just like the postal parameters when it comes

c# - no row at position zero after loop -

Text after " I need help with the following: foreach (dt.rows in DataRow Dr.) {Preparation Document (Dr.); } // Try updating table table entries {string constring = "........"; String query = @ "updated processed set OnSiteWorkTx = 1 where VisitNumber = @company and processed = 0"; (Using SqlConnection conDatabase = new SqlConnection (constring)) (SqlCommand cmdDatabase = New SqlCommand (query, conDatabase)) {cmdDatabase.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@ Company", MyVariable); ConDatabase.Open (); CmdDatabase.ExecuteNonQuery (); }} Hold (Exception preceded by) {Response.Write (ex.Message); } inside PrepareDocument I have the following: Private Zero PrepareDocument (DataRow Dr.) {string connectWrk = ".. ......... "; Using (SqlConnection connWrk = New SqlConnection (connectWrk)) {string queryWrk = '+ MyVarible + "" OnSiteWorkTx where VisitNumber = Select Workdone' '; SqlCommand cmdWrk = New SqlCommand (queryWrk,

php - Wordpress: open page at bottom of parent page -

I am struggling with this for a few days and can not think now. I have created a template for a particular page for the event menu and within that page I have a sub menu. This sub menu has an Event menu for example purposes: Item 1, Item 2 And item 3 These menu items are their own pages. The submenu should open pages in this template. Example of the page layout below: Header main navigation banner image content (item 1 | item 2 | item 3) for event event menu menu content footer Content switches by clicking menu item, but the content remains constant for the event. I am currently working on adding $ _GET variable at the end of the link, but I've hard-coded the menu. I do not want this because then the client can not change their menu and edit their menu. (The quantity of changes so far has become ridiculous.) I've put the event menu and menu content in another nested loop, theoretically it reacts within the loop, though with it The initial tests have failed.

Javascript DOMParser and XMLSerialier removes XML entities -

I am trying to preserve some XML entities while parsing XML files in Javascript. The following code snippet shows the problem. Is there a way to create round trip paras and maintain XML entities (HTML)? This happens in Chrome FF and IE10 at aaa = '. & Lt; Root & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Amp; # 160; A & amp; # 160; Two & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Root & gt; 'Dock' = New DOMParser () parseFromString (AAA 'application / xml') New XmlSerializer () serializeToString (doc). "& Lt; root> gt; div & gt; one to two & lt; / div & gt; & lt; / root & gt;" The problem is that I'm taking some parts out of HTML and storing them in XML, and then when I am doing, I want to get back the space in the XML. Edit it:. on str1 = new XmlSerializer () serializeToString: As donations and other people have pointed out, parser ascii code is 160, which looks like a simple space but for my eyes It changes (doc)

javascript - AngularJS - Angular way of binding on parent to trigger child -

मेरे पास निम्न मार्कअप है: & lt; div class = "parent" & gt; & Lt; div class = "child" & gt; और मेरे पास दो निर्देश हैं, एक अभिभावक और बच्चे के लिए एक है। अब, माता पिता पर एक घटना (क्लिक करें) पर, मुझे child पर कुछ होने चाहिए (कहना है कि एक क्लिक हो) ऐसा करने का jQuery का तरीका होगा: app.directive ('parent', function () {return {restrict: 'c', link: function ( दायरा, तत्व, एटर्स) {element.bind ('click', function () {element.find ('। Child')। क्लिक करें ();})}}}} और अगर मैं ग़लत नहीं हूँ, तो काइवर का रास्ता, मूल में एक गुंजाइश बदल सकता है, और बच्चे में इसके लिए $ watch : App.directive ('parent', function () {return {restrict: 'c', link: function (scope, element, attrs) {scope.childEvent = false; element.bind ('click', function)) Scope.childEvent = true;});}}} एप्लिकेशन डायरेक्टिव ('बच्चे', फ़ंक्शन) {वापसी {प्रतिबंधित करें: 'सी', लिंक: फ़ंक्शन (स्कोप,

for loop - Batch File - Delimiter for multiple spaces -

I am trying to isolate each token from a txt document, and echo out every word is the problem Each token has a different amount between them. For example: Administrators ____________ user 1 ________________ Guest "_" represent each one place, formerly. There are 12 locations between 1 user and user between administrator and user of 1 and 16 spaces. How can I use a batch script to separate each one of these if: 1) The file is "C: \ Usernames.txt" 2) They are all on the first line of the txt file I have tried: FOR / F "Delims ="% A IN (C: \ Usernames.txt) IOO % A And whatever I get is "Admin" resonates. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks! EDIT: Due to throwing the loop in the loop, I could get a little closer. My code was FOR / F "delims ="% A IN (C: \ Usernames.txt)% B IN (% A) DO ECHO% B This allows me to echo in 4 parts, although I need three. I got it: admin, user, 1, guest How can I create thi

c++ - Can I switch from glDrawArrays to using Vertex Buffer Objects? -

I have an OpenGL 1.1 ES2D phantom engine, which is based on a GL-TRIANGLE_FAN per phantom. The main presentation code that is called per-phant is per-frame as follows: Zero draw (bitmap image * image, low * corner, float * texas, color mark and colormap, Tint xdev, tint yDest, tint aalpha) {glPushMatrix (); GlLoadIdentity (); Globinated (GL_TEXTURE_2D, textured ID); GlVertexPointer (3, GL_SHORT, 0, corner); GlTexCoordPointer (2, GL_FLOAT, 0, Texas); GlColorPointer (RGBA_BYTES, GL_UnSIGNED_BYTE, 0, colorMap.GetMap ()); TFloat scaleX, scaleY; IIMAG-> GetScale (Scale X, Scaly); GlTranslatef (float) xDest, (float) yDest, 0.0f); GlScalef (scaleX, scaleY, 1.0f); GlRotatef (target-> getRotAngle (), 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); Glaudrares (GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4); GlPopMatrix (); } I am told that switching to Vertex buffer objects (VBO) will increase the rendering performance significantly, so I want to do this. Thus far my research motivates me with many examples showing how to set up di

Need help porting jQuery to Magento -

I went to the same issue in the post below, I do not understand why it is not a conflict problem Any sign would be great. My website (function () {$ .fn.infiniteCarousel = function () {function repeat (Str, n) {Back New Array (N + 1) .Joy (ARR);} Please return this refund (function () {var $ wrapper = $ ('& gt; div', this) .css ('overflow', ('' hidden ''), $ Slider = $ coverfind ('' gt; ul '). Width (9999), $ items = $ slider.find (' & gt; li '), $ single = $ items.filter ( ': First') SingleWind = $ single.outerWidth (), Visible = Math.Syl ($ items.innerWidth () / Single Width), Current page = 1, Pages = Math.ceil ($ items.length / visible); if ($ Item .length% visible! = 0) {// pad $ slider.append (Repeat ('& lt; li class = " $ Items.length% visible); $ items = $ slider.find ('& gt; li');} $ items.filter (': first'). ($ Items.slice (-visible) .clone () AddClass ('clone&#

Scaling Graphite -

After I have been trying to get the graphite to scale for the past few hours and for some reason it seems that Carbon Relay is Not Passing Data to My Carbon Cash Endpoints I send data via any idea, to run carbon caches on each host and those ports work as expected everything. Clear for the exemption:? I can ssh between the hosts on the relevant ports carbon.conf [cache] LINE_RECEIVER_INTERFACE = LINE_RECEIVER_PORT = 2013 PICKLE_RECEIVER_INTERFACE = PICKLE_RECEIVER_PORT = 2014 [Riley] LINE_RECEIVER_INTERFACE = LINE_RECEIVER_PORT = 2003 PICKLE_RECEIVER_INTERFACE = PICKLE_RECEIVER_PORT = 2004 DESTINATIONS =, MA014,, MA014, relay-control.conf default = true destinations =, 2014,, 20101, On each host I do: / opt / graphite /bin/ start up on each host B Sending data to Dargah 2013 works personally, which means that everything is created under the whisper

javascript - Show/hide multiple Divs with checkbox without using ID's only class names -

Hello, I need help to show "show / hide div" below and when you want any one of the checkboxes Click on the section I am planning to make several sections and the number is unknown, so it will not be possible to use the id. So I was searching for a normal method if one area is clicked on "show / hide" a checkbox Appears in that area I know that you can get it by typing individual code and assigning an ID to each section, but is it a way to do this Is it that I am constantly looking at avoiding updating code? and lieutenant ;! - Section 1 - & gt; Section 1 & lieutenant; Div class = "showHideDiv" & gt; Show / this div / lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "custom-input" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "checkbox" & gt; & Lt; Input class = "" id = "" name = "" type = "checkbox" & gt; & Lt; Label class = "" = "" & gt; E-mail & lt; /

c# - ManualResetEvent.WaitOne() returning false without timeout? -

इसके अलावा मैनुअल रीसेट एवेन्यू.वेटऑन () के कारण false वापस आएगा एक समय समाप्त? हमारे पास WaitOne (3600000) को कॉल है जो कि false के साथ लगभग पांच मिनट के बाद लौट रहा है। यह व्यवहार केवल 300 में से एक सर्वर पर देखा जाता है। हम उस विशेष सर्वर के बारे में अभी तक अलग नहीं हुए हैं। कॉल एक विंडोज़ सेवा में है जो .NET 4.0 का उपयोग करता है। जिस कोड पर हम कॉल का उपयोग करते हैं वह मूल रूप से इस तरह दिखता है: if (tracker.WaitOne (timeout)) {लॉग ("सफलता"); वापसी; लॉग ("टाइम आउट"); नया अपवाद फेंक (...); हमें लगभग पांच मिनट (बिल्कुल नहीं) के बाद "समयबद्ध" लॉग प्राप्त होता है। ध्यान दें कि समय-समय पर सामान्यतः एक घंटा नहीं होता है। हमने परीक्षण के लिए समय-सीमा बढ़ा दी है क्योंकि यह अपेक्षित से पहले का समय था आम तौर पर समयबाह्य दस मिनट के लिए कॉन्फ़िगर किया गया है। अधिकतर रनों में ट्रैकर एक सेकेंड से कम में सेट () है, हालांकि शायद ही कभी इसे कुछ मिनट लग सकते हैं। मैंने यह भी देखा कि क्या कुछ निपटान हो सकता है प्रतीक्षा संभाल लेकिन यह एकमात्र

C# foreach loop between 2 values -

How can I use a foreach statement to loop between the 2 values ​​given by the user Am I I am creating an application that scans for ports, so I want to specify the user which port to find; Here are some example codes that do not work, but you should help understand what I'm looking for: int port1 = Int32.Parse (TextBox1.Text); Int port2 = Int32.Parse (Textbox2.Text); Foreach (int between port1 and port2) {// do something} Any suggestions on how I can do this? No, the foreach for iterate over a collection is for the loop that you want. int port1 = Int32.Parse (Textbox1.Text); Int port2 = Int32.Parse (Textbox2.Text); (Var i = port1; i & lt; = port2; i ++) {// something}

javascript - why is that an array is having a "_ractive" property? -

I've found that every array which is tolerant of data for ractive, is a passive property ... this thing , This array looks like an executable: the object that is a key: the value combination, and it is not considered in the arrays So I added a screenshot about the Chrome Inspection so that the point is clear. Can someone help me understand better? As part of the tracking array explanation in detail in the Reactive array revision docs, array methods are wrapped up And: Adds the reactative array to a non-enamelable (in modern browsers), which contains information about which relies on reactive instances, arrays, and the keypath Has been assigned. You can prevent array modification by using modified array: false , but then you need to call ractive yourself, Or You can use the reactive array modification methods such as ractive.push (array, item) (An added advantage is that it returns the call when it is promised Any transition will be completed, if it is rele

javascript - jquery swapping image on div rollover -

I am trying to gain a simple swapping effect on Div rollover, but it is not working. LIT here and gt; Id id = "main 1" & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "picture / plane 1.jpg" id = "image1" style = "margin: 0 4px; margin-left: 0;" /> & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Div class = "flex-caption" & gt; & Lt; H3 & gt; Hollywood & lt; / H3 & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; and jQuery $ (function () {$ ('# main1'). Hover (function () {$ ('# image1') .src = "images / img01.jpg";}, function () {$ ('# image1'). Src = "picture / plane 1.jpg";});}); & nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp; Is There A Better Way? Without JS Why? If you use JS , you must wait for a new server request for a new image on the hover, so ... you will have enough professional res

html - Tabindex not working for button -

I am using a button to submit my form, but the tabindex works on everything but the button I can not get the button to highlight everyone by using the tab key. & lt; Button type = "submit" class = "button" tabindex = "11" & gt; Submit & lt; / Button & gt; Any ideas? I just tried to make this issue but my example works. & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; & Lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" tabindex = "1" /> & Lt; Input type = "text" tabindex = "2" /> & Lt; Input type = "text" tabindex = "3" /> & Lt; Input type = "text" tabindex = "4" /> & Lt; Button type = "submit" tabindex = "5" & gt; Submit & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt;

ios - UIActivityIndicatorView Swift stopanimation -

An action indicator declared in my view controller is when I click on a UIButton, the pointer starts. However, when the code is completed I can not see this indicator in my other class to prevent this. Any help would be appreciated. @Iboutlet spinner again: UIActivityIndicatorView! // & lt; --- IBAction func sendClick (sender: UIButton) {spinner.startAnimating () var msg = message () msg.send ()} < P> Take a look at your scopes and access control! If two classes are not within the same module, you have to declare the object as a public if the object is declared as private, then you can not see it from any other file class. . For more information about access control, read this article from Apple's Swift Blog: Or in the document here:

java - How is javac -sourcepath relating to the path of the file specified? -

मेरे पास यह जावा स्रोत फ़ाइल है सी: \ crp \ dfdf \ src \ oata \ मैं इसे संकलित कर सकता हूँ सी: \ crp \ dfdf & gt; javac -sourcepath c: \ crp \ dfdf -d build \ classes Src \ oata \ HelloWorld.j ava में सी: \ crp \ dfdf \ build \ classes \ oata \ HelloWorld.class लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि (उसी निर्देशिका को रखते हुए और ऊपर के समान अन्य मापदंडों को रखते हुए) जो भी स्रोतपथ है, यह अभी भी काम करता है सी: \ crp \ dfdf & gt; ; Javac -sourcepath c: \ sdklsdlewrrblahthisdirdoesnotexist -d build \ classes src \ oata \ C: \ crp \ dfdf & gt; और अगर मैं स्रोतपथ को सही करता हूं (इसलिए, वापस c: \ crp \ dfdf \ src पर) एक अलग निर्देशिका में स्थानांतरित करें, फिर यह नहीं है काम सी: \ & gt; javac -sourcepath c: \ crp \ dfdf \ src -d निर्माण \ classes src \ oata \ javac: फ़ाइल नहीं मिली: src \ oata \ HelloWorld .java उपयोग: javac & lt; विकल्प & gt; & Lt; स्रोत फ़ाइलें & gt; संभव विकल्पों की सूची के

c++ - How do I start MFC with empty project? -

I'm learning about MFCs. Now I want to develop simple GUI applications, but a problem First of all, how can I create an empty MFC project? Visual Studio 2013 always gives me a sample project, but I do not want this. I do not want to understand the sample code and edit it. I just want to write myself a simple project code from the hello world. Secondly, is there any difference in starting with an empty MFC project, which starts with a WIN32 application mode? Thirdly, I want to develop a program with custom UI design, then I can not use 'dialog-based mode'? Someone has told me that "in the communication-based mode, using custom design is difficult" is it really? A completely empty MFC project will be in vain for some reason because you have to add back the things which the sample For example, each MFC program has a CW-ed-divide class and usually has any type of main window class (regardless of dialog or frame window). Learning from the framework can

java - Dynamically changing field size in a pdf form using itext -

I am using PDFStamper to populate a PDF form file. PDF forms have labels and fields where you can enter prices. The size of this field has been fixed and when I try to programmatically input it in input values ​​it closes all the data that eliminates the size of these areas. Is there a way to change the size of the fields using the Java API? The PS does not help in setting up a floating form for a lie.

ios - Stopping an infinite while loop inside dispatch_async from another View Controller -

I that I have a NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest I make a simple chatroom app: vote a la Long send requests to a server. I have a stream that constantly updates while running in the background while wanting to show chat feeds for my users. My app also allows users to change their chatrooms, from which I need another need to close and open an NSURLConnection. Related Feeds My current implementation is as follows: ViewController.m // in dispatch_queue_t concurrentQueue = dispatch_get_global_queue (DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0); dispatch_async (concurrentQueue, ^ {while (longPollBOOL) {NSArray * MSG = [self.currentChatFeed longPoll] ;! // infinitely longPoll method dispatch_sync (dispatch_get_main_queue (), ^ {if (MSG.count = 0) // if longPoll call method Gives a non-empty array, it sticks in the message feed on the device. {{Self.messages addObject: element]; [self-completionReceivingMessage];}}}};}}); I am trying to kill the loop by setting my name = but it is

c# - CustomPropertyDrawer in unity3d for inherited classes -

I'm trying to do something that I think is relatively simple, but maybe I'm away from the base. I do not know. I have a class that comes from ScriptableObject, such as: using UnityEngine; Class Automobile: Scriptable Object {{SerializedField} Personal Int _baseCost = 0; Public integer BaseCost {{return returned _baseCost;} set {_baseCost = value;}} // more areas and arguments zero onValidate () {BaseCost = _baseCost; }} So I have a class that inherits from automobile, like this: public class car: automobile {} This class is really empty, later logic can be added, now I just keep cars separate from trucks, motorcycles, and who knows what else I will think. I used it to create a bunch of asset files for cars separately from Unity Wiki. All the \ resources are located under the \ cars \ folder so I can load them on the runtime I'm a player class that includes an array of cars (and trucks, but for brevity, Excluding) Using Unity Engine; Public class player:

java - How to serialize json string using GSON and extract key and value from it? -

I am trying to use my JSON string using GSOn and Attract Key: add value to a simple Jason string and Load it map So far, I'm using org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser to do this. Now I am trying to use GSOn. <">" Hello World "" hostname. ":" "," "IPADDRESS": "100.671.1921.219", "hostid": "/ tt / rt / v2 / DC3 / 111", "FILE_TIMESTAMP": "Now I have to serial the above JSON string and with Jason String Need to remove it below the field and put it in it. "" "" Software "" "" "v13", "commit_hash": "abcdefg"} key code pair In the map, it should mean that the description is in the map Code> key and in the form of the Hello World value, similarly for others. Public stable last set ; MAPPING_FIELDS = New hashset & lt; string & gt; (Arrays.asList ("description", &q

c# - Creating User specified table in sql server database -

I have a table in a SQL Server database and gridview receives the result of that table. First of all the values, this table is 0 , but when a user is logged in, he can edit the gridview so that the table will be updated. But if there are two different users, how can they create and view their updated data in Gridview? . This table looks like I'm just asking for logic, I've just added one more column which has been named Userid . Any help appreciated? Thanks The U Application ("") can use something like a version in the object. When the user logs in and loads the data, he saves the current number in the application object. You can then make a Javascript call for a web service to ensure that the number is the same. If the page is not reloaded with the new page, If the data is related to every user, then you can pick one of two answers ... good luck If you need help, answer it

sql - Cascade Update Oracle -

मेरे पास निम्न तालियां हैं: बनाएँ टेबल सप्लायर (supplier_id संख्यात्मक (10) नहीं शून्य, आपूर्तिकर्ता_नाम varchar2 (50), contact_name varchar2 (50), कॉन्ट्रैक्ट आपूर्तिकर्ता_पैक प्राथमिक कुंजी (सप्लायर_आईडी)); तालिका उत्पादों (उत्पाद_आईडी संख्यात्मक (10) नल, सप्लायर_आईडी संख्यात्मक (10), कॉन्ट्रैक्ट एफक_एपीपीएलियर विदेशी कुंजी (सप्लायर_आइडी) संदर्भ बनाएँ सप्लायर सप्लायर (सप्लायर_आईडी) डिलीटे सेट नल पर); मुझे 'आपूर्तिकर्ता' में प्राथमिक कुंजी को अद्यतन करने के लिए झरना चाहिए और इसलिए 'उत्पादों' में विदेशी कुंजी। मैं चाइल्ड टेबल को अपडेट करने के लिए एक ट्रिगर के साथ एक कर्सर की सोच रहा हूं, लेकिन यह समझ नहीं सकता कि यह कैसे हो सकता है आम तौर पर, आप अपने डेटा मॉडल की संरचना कर सकते हैं जैसे कि प्राथमिक कुंजी को पहली जगह में समस्या से बचने के लिए अपरिवर्तनीय होते हैं। यदि आप को कैस्केडडिंग अपडेट की अनुमति देने की आवश्यकता है, तो आप शायद टॉम का उपयोग करना चाहते हैं Kyte's है प्रत्येक तालिका के लिए, यह गतिशील रूप से एक पैकेज और तीन ट्रिगर (पहले बयान, पंक्त

ajax - How can I add enctype in my jquery post method -

I tried to add it to my code but it does not appear to be working, it's serialized all my form values And has been posted via eZAX submission, but I am unable to post my filename because it requires an attachment type. submitHandler: function () {$ .post 'Abc.php', 'Encipiepe: Multipart / Form-Data', $ ('Form # Job Seker_off'). Serialize (), function (data) {alerts (data. Mgg);}, "jsnu"); } You can not upload files using AJAX. You need to use a plugin that uploads the file for you without retrieving the page and returns you the filename. You can then store the return filename in the hidden fields in your form and submit the data using the serialize method. Check this link for the file upload plugin using AJAX.

Format string Spring MVC -

Text after "div class =" itemprop = "text"> Need some help with string formatting. Users can resume / paste the texture from the document, which can be done, PDF, text and submit. May restart bullet or some special characters The application uses the Spring MVC and I like the error as well as its submission Debug am looking for: org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils - a property editor [java.lang.IntegerEditor] editor 'suffix convention debug according types JavaklangkInteger: org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils - a property editor [java .lang.StringEditor] got to Java type. To 'Editor' suffix convention debug according lang.String: org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet - Can anyone give a suggestion to this problem Resolve or transform it into plain text. Thank you According to its directly related to the missing jar, the code below You are missing the jar in your classroom way it's inclucde. catch (ClassNotFoun

caching - Couchbase Test Running Failed -

I have installed the couchbase and tried to test its caching. URL localhost: 8091 / index shows everything most (statistics, server information etc.). When I tell the telnet localhost 8091 terminal show is trying to ... connected to localhost. Escape character '^]' is Then I tried to get the position with the command stats . In addition, I tried setting a value that both commands provide the same error: HTTP / 1.1 400 Bed Request Server: Mochi Web / 1.0 (Any of you got white?) Date: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 05:28:31 GMT Content-Length: 0 Is this a problem in my installation or is not a well-run Couchbase? Is Couchbase dependent on heavy hardware specifications? (This more core server asks for more memory) You are trying to telnet in the HTTP Administrator (UI) Port 8090, anytime Use port 11211 to issue test commands in ASCII (like statistics ) (Legacy ASCII Memkesh Proxy, connect to Moxi for).

oracle11g - Install Oracle Database Extensions for .NET into VS2013 -

ओएसएसी के लिए ओएसएसी डाटाबेस एक्सटेंशन को कैसे स्थापित करें। हर बार मैं इस इंस्टॉलर को चलाता हूं, यह हमेशा .NET के लिए ओरेकल डाटाबेस एक्सटेंशन को बाहर करता है। पैकेज इंस्टॉलर के विवरण में केवल उन्नयन के लिए का एक अनुस्मारक है। .NET 4 के लिए ओरेकल डाटाबेस एक्सटेंशन - केवल अपग्रेड के लिए ओरेकल डाटाबेस एक्सटेंशंस .नेट 2.0 के लिए - केवल नवीनीकरण के लिए तो मुझे ओरेकल डाटाबेस एक्सटेंशन के लिए इंस्टॉलर कहां प्राप्त करना चाहिए? वर्तमान में मैं वीएस2013 व्यावसायिक और ओरेकल डाटाबेस सर्वर 11 जी 64 बिट्स का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। मुझे Oracle परिनियोजन विज़ार्ड का उपयोग करके एक .NET संग्रहित प्रक्रिया का विकास और तैनाती की आवश्यकता है। इस वेबसाइट के अंदर, आप VS2010 संस्करण के लिए ट्यूटोरियल देख सकते हैं। अतिरिक्त : मुझे VS2013 और इकाई फ़्रेमवर्क के कारण ओरेकल 12c क्लाइंट 32bits का उपयोग करना होगा। अतिरिक्त : मैंने 64 बिट्स को तौला दिया है, लेकिन मेरे VS2013 अभी भी तैनाती विकल्प नहीं है ठीक है, यह अनुमान लग रहा है: ओरेकल 10 जी ओडीएसी और ओरेक

What are the reason jQuery uploader does not work on live server? -

used I have jquery file uploader that it works on my localhost, but he does not work on live servers Does it? What is probably the reason that it does not work on live servers I have downloaded the URL of the plug-in form there is not enough to note my reputation, my check, to check whether the right to save Dist directory files to the web application, it is common cause that problem only production server.

geo - Algorithm to search area on planet -

I have some place defined on earth. I have geographical coordinates of each of them I need to show them at a specific distance. I have got the exact distance calculation algorithm but it takes time. In this way I want to filter those which are not enough and I'm stacking it with I was trying to use algorithms but it does not work with geographical coordinates. Will I translate them into geographical coordinates - can not I lose the idea of ​​precision and problem of calculation? Maybe there is another algorithm for that matter (i.e. packing shapes in circles with specified center point and radius) Thanks in advance for any word of comment. Spatially enabled database all the functionality you are describing is encapsulated. What you need to do is store your shapes in the form of a geographical data type in a table, create an index on that column, and then search by distance. The most popular databases offer spatial features, including MS SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, etc

richfaces - Resizing option for inputText component JSF -

मैं JSF2 और RichFaces का उपयोग करता हूं 4. मैं resizable और lt; h: inputText / & gt; जब कोई भी प्रतीकों को छुपाया जाएगा, तो कौन-सा विचित्र गतिशील रूप से खुद का आकार बदल सकता है "post-text" itemprop = "text"> आपको इसके लिए कुछ जावास्क्रिप्ट लिखना है, कुछ ऐसा $ ('# text1')। कुंजी (फ़ंक्शन () {$ (this)। वाइड ($ ('# text1')। चौड़ाई () + 5);}); और अपने टेक्स्टबॉक्स के लिए आईडी सेट करें & lt; h: इनपुट टेक्स्ट id = "text1" / & gt; एक अन्य समाधान इस तरह के मौजूदा समाधान का उपयोग करना है जिसे आप एक उदाहरण के रूप में विवरण में jsfiddle देख सकते हैं

get already loggedin user information form facebook in android -

I want to fetch information form facebook I know that this can be easily done using Facebook SDK but I have a list that uses the intended choice and if the user clicks on Facebook and they are already logged in from that popup, then from there I want to bring the user's information, form device, to bring information Want to Am. to do this? Edit I have already received the User Email ID from the Account Manager but how do I want to correct the user's name? Edit Account Manager Manager = (Account Manager) getSystemService (ACCOUNT_SERVICE); Account [] list = manager.getAccounts (); Logs. V ("tag", "data is" + list); Possible string email = ""; Try {possibleEmail + = "Gmail account \ n \ n"; Account [] accounts = account-manager.get (this) .etxchangebytip (""); (Account account: accounts) {possibleEmail + = "-" + + ":" + account.type + ", \ n"; PossibleEmail + = &quo

c++ - How can I get the name of the file I'm currently visiting with Clang? -

When I'm going, we say, a declaration ( Decl in the Clang library), How can I get the name of this file, where is it written DCL ? is a class, but I can not find any other class, so that I get this file data You can ask the Source File Manager for FileEntry from SourceManager. For example, in a Mater Callback: Zero MyMatcher :: run (const MatchFinder :: MatchResult and results) {ASTContext * Context = Result.Context; If (Const Deckl * D = Result. Nodes.GetnodeAS ("MyDisk")) {Sourmemezer & amp; SrcMgr = Reference- & gt; GetSourceManager (); Const. File Entry * Entry = SrcMgr.getFileEntryForID (SrcMgr.getFileID (D.getcaret Location ()); Const char * FileName = Entry-> Getenem (); }}

c++ - array to bipartite graph in a fastest way -

I have an array in the file input.txt, its elements are '*' and '.' It is possible. I have to make a bilateral graph from this. I have created the int array m to store the elements. Now I am reading the number of lines and the number of rows in lines, then I read lines 1 to 1 and int array m if I put 1 in the array '*' in line and -3 if I have '.' ' In this line again I go through the array M and connects all the corners (black and white) and then I go through the array again and all the elements Looks like, looks like mas [i] [j] (j) (i + j)% 2 == 1 I took one of these elements and see whether it was the neighbors (Element Mass [I-1] [J], Mess [I] [J-1], Mass [I] [J + 1], MAS [ I +1] [J] ). If this element gives me the vector & lt; Vector & lt; Int & gt; & Gt; G as ji [mas [i] [j]]. Push_back (neighboring) . If the elements are not neighbors, then I delete it (I do not need such elements in my problem) How

jquery - What does this code wrapping in brackets do within a class atributte? -

This is the first time I have seen this code: & lt; Div id = "extruder left" square = "{title: 'our network', url: 'parts / extrusor lift' 0}} & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "extruder left1" class = "a {title: 'leandanda', url: 'parts / extrusor left 1.html'}" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; is a jquery plugin, I'm sure it's an HTML constructor, the plugin is called here: & lt; Script & gt; $ ("# ExtruderLeft1") BuildMbExtruder ({status: "left", width: 300, extruder opacity: .8, on a single open: function () {}, on ext content load: function () {}, on excl.: Function () {}}); & Lt; / Script & gt; Is this a good practice? Thanks a lot! As you are specifying an example of the plugin, you should go through it, this HTML Constructor is.

postgresql - Sails.js : Compile native database functions/procedures on sails lift -

I am using sails.js with postgres as database. Although most of the tasks can easily be controlled through the waterway ORM, in some cases I prefer to use native questions, and sometimes the original stored functions of PostGrace, however, the challenge with stored work is that they Code comes with overhead of maintenance. In my project repo, I have created a directory SQL that contains all the SQL functions. Currently, I have to make sure that whenever I make some changes to the function, I need to compile it on the database. I need to configure it whenever I Restart the server, like all models are rebuilt, is it possible and how? There is no built-in support for compilation of sales postsgrace stored procedures, but for this you have a Grunting can work. Take a look at this when you pick up (and in some cases, when some files are changed) they run every time. A quick Google package was found, which can help you on your way.

javascript - Is it possible to set colors per single event within events: [] in FullCalendar? -

I am using FullCalendar I am creating an event: [] List using PHP: & lt ;? Php $ dbh = new PDO ('mysql: host = local host; dbname = calendar', 'user', 'pass'); $ Stmt = $ dbh- & gt; Prepare ("Choose from Vacations"); $ Stmt- & gt; Executed (); $ Return_array = array (); $ Event_array; While ($ line = $ stmt-> fetch (PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC)) {$ event_array = array (); $ Event_array ['id'] = $ line ['id']; $ Event_arre ['title'] = $ line ['id'] "-" $ line ['first name'] "" $ line ['alias']; $ Event_array ['Start'] = $ line ['Start']; $ Event_arre ['end'] = $ line ['and']; $ Event_array ['allDay'] = true; // What do I do ($ line ['department'] == 'UK') {$ event_array ['color'] = '# 000000'; }; If ($ line ['department'] == 'US') {$ event_array ['color'] = '# 000000'

php - Problems with view rendering -

I have a page with users list in the admin panel, it has a view with a bootstrap table (user list). Today I came to know that it only provides half or a small number of users. The point at which it closes after the page is refreshed is a different user (can be up to 250 users or 1000). Data from the controller is complete and solid, I have checked it with the printing user array. Here's a picture to finish the scene: More table Code inside: & Lt; Strong & gt; & Lt ;? = $ Item- & gt; Id; ? & Gt; & Lt; / Strong> & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt ;? = $ Item- & gt; User name? & Gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt ;? = $ Item- & gt; Name? & Gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt ;? = $ Item- & gt; E-mail? & Gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt ;? = $ Item- & gt; Phone? & Gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; &a

c++ - How to increase speed of code in VS 2008 -

I have a piece of code that is called a lot of time, how can I increase it? #define SUM_ (p0, p1, p2, p3, offset) ((p0) [offset] - (p1) [offset] - (p2) [offset] + (p 3) [Offset]) Inline at Calc :: Compute (int offset) const {int b = SUM (p [5], p [6], p [9], p [10] offset); Int a1 = SUM (...); Int a2 = SUM (...); .... return (uchar) (((a1> = b) = b) = B) & lt; 5) | ((a4> = b) & lt; 4) | ((a5> = b) & lt; 3) | ((a6> = B) & lt; & lt; 2) | ((A7 = B =) = B)); } Thanks. I get 3 possible opportunities here: Code> # defined SUM_ (array, offset) - array [offset + 1] - array [Offset + 2] + array [offset + 3]) .... make sure all p0, p1, ... in pArray value int a1 = SUM (pRR, offset); The price is always stable Going: uint8_t bitmask = 0; If (A1> = B) bitmask. = 0x80; If (A2> = B) bitmask = 0x40; ... Try to make sure that the SIMD instructions are being used in it involving dumping the assembly and see if the

licensing - QTP Consurrent License Usage Information -

We have 10 QTP concurrent licenses for our team The KTP software was installed in 20 machines. The problem is that we can not fully track the use of the QPP software. People will use the QTP tool and they will not use it many times. Thanksgiving Advance: QTP Tool is used to track QTP tool usage in any of their ways, such as QPP in the machine, in each machine (current, passive, closed, open, etc.) ) Use the 'WLMAdmin.exe' tool. See under the "How to manage concurrent license servers" section explains how to get it.

select - Selecting a particular jQuery datatable column value programatically -

Can anyone tell me how to get special columns of a particular line in the jQuery data table? Eg var column_value = tablename.row (x) .column (y); There are lots of examples for selecting line data in an onclick event, but the one I am requesting is clicking a line and column on a particular line There is a way to choose as a program without doing. I think the examples are focused on the most common use, such as a special line on the click Working on, which also shows how to use basically you can use string, object, node etc., such as table. Tale ('t tr: nth-child (7) td: nth child (2)'); Table.cell (this); Table.cell ($ ('# column')); But this is a very bad document that you can actually use even var column_value = table .cell (6,1) .data (); Looks who you are searching for. Keep in mind that the cell (line, call) return value from the built-in HTML table, unlike cell (selector) , return value from the dynamic table, such as sorting and fi

image - function like imread() in R -

Can someone tell me that function like a imread with matlab applied in some packages in RAP Yes or No ? I would like to read an image in R and then remove RGB color at specific places from the picture. imreads explains that the function A = imread (filename, fmt) A will return an x-by-y-by-3 matrix Where x and y are the number of pixels in the height and width of the dimensions, and the third dimension includes red, green and blue values ​​for each given pixel. It seems to me what to do It depends on whether you want to read png or jpeg file Are there. You can call the appropriate library. For example PNG, Library (png) img library (JPEG) IMG & lt; - readJPEG / Code> System.file ("img", "Rlogo.jpg", package = "JPEG")) Edit: img & lt; - readPNG "Rplot05.png")

angularjs - Angular-nvd3-directives adjust height of the chart according to the width of the chart -

मैं कोणीतरी-एनवीडी 3-निर्देशों का उपयोग कर एक लाइन चार्ट बनाने का प्रयास कर रहा / रही हूं। इसे अच्छी तरह से देखने के लिए मुझे ऊंचाई विशेषता को "250" पर सेट करने की आवश्यकता है, जो अच्छा बड़े और मध्यम स्क्रीन दिखता है। लेकिन, छोटी स्क्रीन पर यह अजीब दिखाई देगा क्योंकि ऊँचाई तय हो गई है, और चौड़ाई वैल्यू बहुत छोटा होगी, फिर ऊंचाई यदि मूल्य के लिए ऊंचाई की विशेषता सेट न करें, तो यह बहुत व्यापक होगा मैं चाहता हूँ कि y- अक्ष की ऊंचाई चार्ट के चौड़ाई के समान मूल्य के समान हो। क्या यह संभव है? या फिर इसका समाधान करने का कोई अन्य तरीका क्या है? यहां एक ऐसा प्लंकर है जो समस्या को दर्शाता है HTML & Lt; div वर्ग = "कंटेनर" & gt; & Lt; div id = "topgraph" वर्ग = "पंक्ति अच्छी तरह से" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "col-md-6" & gt; & Lt; div ng-controller = "report" & gt; & Lt; nvd3-line-chart डेटा = "चार्टडाटा" id = "report3" showXAxis = "true" showYXx = "true&q

html5 - Using createjs, preoloading and caching, why is my canvas still so slow? -

I'm trying to create a small RPG for the square I create a bitmap image, I cache it, and Then every time I need the same bitmap, I clone it, and finally add them to the stage. However, despite my efforts, my canvas is still very slow because I am portraying all these shrubs. I will put them in the container, however, I need to know the position of X and Y as the way I know that the player is trying to step on its borders. Here's my job: Parsum: function (map object, room, obje, image) {var letter = 'X'; // var object = ob; Var object = null; Var img = new creates.bitmap (image); (Var m = 0; m & lt; mapObject.length; m ++) {for (var j = 0; j & lt; map object [m]. Length; j ++) {letter = mapObject [j] [ I]; Switch (letter) {case 'X': // nothing break; Case 'O': // object = this.createObject (); //object.image = img.clone (); Img.cache (); Object = img.clone (); Cell.Adobstakal (object, M, J); break; }}}} And this is my job when I actu

PHP MySQL - Function -

I wrote a PHP function but it is nothing at a specific point. New to Php and my english, bad, sorry for that . & Lt ;? Php function SQLwriteRecent ($ id, $ title, $ link) {$ thief = mysqli_connect ("localhost", "", "", ""); // Check connection if (mysqli_connect_errno ()) {echo "failed to connect to MySQL:". Mysqli_connect_error (); } $ Count = mysqli_query ($ con, "SELECT count fROM recently WHERE sc_stream = '$ id'"); If (! Isset ($ count)) {{mysqli_query ($ con, "INSERT I" (title, link, sc_stream, count) VALUES ('$ title', '$ link', '$ id', $ count) "); Mysqli_close ($ thief); Return 1; } Hold (exception $ E) {return 0; }} And {try {// ------ show here !!!! ------------ // mysqli_query ($ con, "recent SET calculation = $ count WHERE sc_stream = '$ id'" update); Mysqli_close ($ thief); Return 2; } Hold (exception $ E) {return 0; }}}? & Gt; The