
Showing posts from May, 2014

php - How to list all files in folders and sub-folders using scandir and display them as an option in select? -

I have a piece of code that I want to list all the files in folders and sub-folders in the current path I would like to modify. I have found many possible solutions I tried to implement them in reality, but nothing seemed to work, so I'm not sure whether they are actually working or it's just wrong Was implemented in Either way this is my current code: & lt ;? Php $ currentdir = 'C: / xampp / htdocs / test /'; // Change to your directory $ dir = opendir ($ currentdir); Echo '& lt; Select Name = "Exercise" & gt; '; $ File = preg_grep ('/^([^.])/', Scandinum ($ dir)); While ($ file = readdir ($ dir)) {if ($ file! = "." & Amp; $ file! = "..") {echo " This code currently shows the result: $ currentdir option 1 Option 2 Option 3 subfolder 1 subfolder 2 / Someone helps me and to write something like this in order to display files from folders and other sub-folders using the current one to show

Get PHP proc_open() to read a PhantomJS stream for as long as png is created -

मेरे पास एक PHP स्क्रिप्ट थी, जो shell_exec () पर निर्भर था और (परिणामस्वरूप) 99 काम किया था % समय की। स्क्रिप्ट ने एक फाँटमजीएस स्क्रिप्ट निष्पादित की जो एक छवि फ़ाइल का उत्पादन करती थी। फिर अधिक PHP का उपयोग करते हुए कि छवि फ़ाइल को एक निश्चित तरीके से संसाधित किया गया था। समस्या यह थी कि कभी कभी shell_exec () लटकाएगा और प्रयोज्यता वाले मुद्दों का कारण होगा। इसे पढ़ना मैंने सीखा है कि shell_exec () समस्या है और proc_open पर स्विचिंग फांसी को हल करेगा। समस्या यह है कि जब shell_exec निष्पादित कमांड के लिए proc_open को समाप्त करने के लिए इंतजार करता है, और इसलिए PHP आज्ञाओं का पालन करें और उत्पन्न छवि पर काम करना विफल हो जाता है क्योंकि छवि अभी भी तैयार की जा रही है मैं विंडोज पर काम कर रहा हूं, इसलिए pcntl_waitpid एक विकल्प नहीं है। मैं जो कुछ करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं, वह लगातार फैंटमजेएस आउटपुट (कुछ भी) है, ताकि proc_open < / कोड> इसे स्टडिन पाइप के माध्यम से पढ़ा जाएगा और इस तरह से मैं छवि प्रसंस्करण PHP फ़ंक्शंस को समय के साथ काम करना शुरू कर सकता हूं जै

php - Mysqli Segmentation fault -

आज मैंने एक्सडेबग, नेटबीन्स, नेटबीन्स क्रोम एक्सटेंशन इत्यादि स्थापित करने की कोशिश की है और अचानक मेरी पीएचपी स्क्रिप्ट जो नई माइस्कीली बनाता है ऑब्जेक्ट काम नहीं करता है: & lt;? Php $ connection = new mysqli ('localhost', 'root', 'mysqlsample पासवर्ड', 'test_Database'); ? & Gt; लॉगिन क्रेडेंशियल्स गलत हैं, मुझे उचित चेतावनी मिलती है, लेकिन जब वह ठीक वेब ब्राउज़र दिखाता है तो ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE त्रुटि दिखाती है apache.log में मैं पा सकते हैं: [गुरु जुला 31 20: 54: २४.६५८८४८ 2014] [मूल: नोटिस] [पीआईडी ​​9797] AH00051: बच्चे पीआईडी ​​9814 से बाहर निकलें संकेत विभाजन गलती (11) संभव coredump में / etc / apache2 इस मामले को कवर अन्य stackoverflow सवाल है, मैं gdb द्वारा backtracing था के आधार पर: (gdb) संलग्न 9797 ( ...) ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81 81 ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S पर __select_nocancel () में 0x00007ff3d584fc13: ऐसी कोई फ़ाइल या निर्देशिका (gdb) पश्व-अनुरेखन पूर्ण # नहीं है 0 0x00007ff3d584fc13 __se

batch file - Removing quotation marks from beginning and end of a string containing HTML -

I try to replace some placeholder tags in a HTML document using a windows batch file, with HTML formatted text I am here. Except that the batch works fine it includes quotation marks at the beginning of the replaced text Here's what I have so far:. setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion set INTEXTFILE off @echo = test.txt OUTTEXTFILE set = set test_out.txt SEARCHTEXT = placeholder set REPLACETEXT = "replaced & lt; a href =" http: // www. "target =" window "> Text on your head and tail"% 1, -1% set for OUTPUTLINE = / F "token = 1, * dellimus = ¶" a ( "type %%% INTEXTFILE% ') (sET string = %% a Setlokl EnableDelayedExpension sET = revised! = string:% SEARCHTEXT% =% REPLACETEXT%! set variable =! variable: ~ 1, -4!) & Gt; & Gt; % OUTTEXTFILE% echo (! Modified endlocal!) Dale% INTEXTFILE% rename% OUTTEXTFILE %% INTEXTFILE% The output looks like this: "It will take place Any ideas about how to ext

javascript - How to randomly iterate through an array once, and then repeatedly iterate in that order -

This is my array: arr = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] I randomly want to iterate for the first time and after that I want to repeat the same (random) order again. How will I do this? I can think that the only way to throw AR is to use it in some way and then it will be repeated gradually. For example: newArr = shif (arr); For (j = 0; j & lt; 5; j ++) {for (i = 0; i & lt; newArr.length; i ++)} I think Is there any easy, inline way, so that if the item is added to the array then I do not have to reshape (and every time a new array ) Create a second array. Next, populate the array with the random number (ranging from 0 to array.length ). Now make a loop to repeat through the secondary array. Each number in the array corresponds to an index in the array . Result: You can now randomly iterate without modifying the command through the array array . Later you can use the splice () function to add to the other array at random points (and push () main To add to the

javascript - Problems with ng-repeat and ajax-loaded content in directive -

I'm releasing some instructions that wrap the jCarousel plugin. Calling Directive in HTML: & lt; Div class = "jcarousel" date-carousel dates = "dates" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Where dates - Dynamically loaded array by AJAX through one of my services DirectX Directive template: & lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; (Ng-repeat = "dates in dates") {{date.format ("MMM D")}} & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; One square = "jcarousel-control-prev" & gt; & Lt; I class = "fa-angel-left" & gt; & Lt; / I & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; One class = "jcarousel-control-next" & gt; & Lt; I class = "fa-aeg-right" & gt; & Lt; / I & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; Therefore due to the dates is equal to the director inside [] (I think the Ajax load since the instructions Dates are rendered) My J

Adding together the elements of list in nested dictionary - python -

I have nested dictionaries, outputs from the code given below. I have thus far, which is exactly what kind of Need and want them. I am trying to add list elements of the second dictionary group of ID numbers; In relation to the first dictionary, every element has happened to achieve total events; Which is a specific date {'2014-06-14': {'205089113': [0, 1, 0, false, true], '268243219': [0, 1, [0, 0, 0, 0, false, true], '207018490': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, true], '207385741': [0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, true], '204059430': [0, 0, 0, false, true], '209169283': [0, 1, 0, false, true] is true], '204718647 ': [0, 1, 0, wrong, true],' 205438195 ': [0, 1, 0, wrong, true]},' 2014-06-20 ': {' 209989276 ': [1, 0, 0 , False, true], '209 9493 ': [1, 0, 0, false, true],' 207067397 ': [1, 0, 0, false, true],' 207919002 ': [1 , [1, 0, 0, false, true], '219797 ': [1, 0,

awk print not printing complete line with linefeed or carrigae return -

In the awk program, I have read a text value with some text that has a line line or a cartoon in the text, I check it an awk variable, name name str, length of _str and its exact length, but when I try to print it using "print", but this is the first linefeed o carriage Print the first part of the return and discard the remaining characters No idea why? And how do I fix this problem? your line or something Destruction in production for the first time run dos2unix on the file and then try again if it does not solve your problem, then update your question as @ghoti.

python - Modify a XML using ElementTree -

& lt; grandparent & gt; & LT; माता पिता & gt; & LT; बच्चे & gt; सैम / अंतरिक्ष यात्री & lt; / बच्चे & gt; & Lt; / माता-पिता & gt; & Lt; / दादा-दादी & gt; मैं माता पिता टैग के अंदर एक और बच्चे टैग जोड़कर उपरोक्त XML को संशोधित करना चाहता हूं। मैं इस तरह से कुछ कर रहा हूं .. पेड़ = ईटी। पार्स ("test.xml") ए = एट। एलेमेंट ('पेरेंट') बी = ईटी। एसबीईलेमेंट (ए, " बच्चा ") b.text =" Jay / Doctor "tree.write (" test.xml ") क्या यह XML फ़ाइल को संशोधित करने का सही तरीका है? कोई बेहतर तरीका है? या इसके बाद के कोड में मुझे और क्या ख्याल रखना चाहिए? आपका कोड एक नया पेड़ बनाता है और इसके बारे में जय कहते हैं आपको जय से मौजूदा पेड़ को जोड़ने की आवश्यकता है, न कि किसी नए के लिए। इसे आज़माएं: आयात करें xml.etree.ElementTree के रूप में ईटी वृक्ष = ईटी। "Test.xml") a = tree.find ('parent') # मौजूदा पेड़ से पैट्रिक नोड प्राप्त करें b = ET.SubElement (a, "child&quo

java - Lose Focus and Commit Edit on a JSpinner when clicking outside the spinner -

I have jetties, whose cell editors are JSpinners, I am using a custom cell editor class to accomplish this. . There are some other components in my jepinel. My problem occurs when the user is editing a single cell (i.e. focuses on a JSPP) and then first interacts with any component without first losing access or focus. without. I want to reduce the changes before immediately focusing on JSpinner and running the code associated with other components, but JSPP has retained its focus instead. Ideally, I would like JSPL to lose focus immediately, whenever the user clicks, but click inside himself within JSPN. Here is my custom editor class: Public class PhymappingTableCellEditor extends AbstractCellEditor TableCellEditor {Last JSpinner spinner = new JSpinner (); Public PhyMappingTableCellEditor (ArrayList & lt; string & gt; phys) {spinner.setModel (new spinner listmodel (physical)); Spinner.setBorder (new blank border (0,0,0,0,0,0)); } @ Override public component getTableC

sql - Getting a count while accounting for an attribute -

I have two tables, one for account information and one for customer information One account has many customers associated with it May be. All I want to do is catch all the active customers in the given month. However, I also want to create an account for those customers who have been active and bought in the previous months. account id IND_ID LAST_PURCHASE 1 101 2013-01-15 2 102 2013-03-20 2 103 2013-02-05 3 104 2013-07-25 4 105 2012-01-11 Customers ID Status 101A 102A 103A 104E 105A Select only active customers, this is not a problem because I can filter just on that column. However, how can I choose to count 'active' customers for the people purchased in the last 2 months? You can filter it by looking at the maximum purchase date and: Choose from customer C to add the account to = a.ind_id where c. Status = 'A' is group, maximum (last_punch) & gt; = Date_add (month, -2, meet ());

PowerShell - piping enumerable objects -

Specifically my example is with MSMQ queues, consider the following: add -Type system Messaging [System.Messaging.MessageQueue] :: GetPrivateQueuesByMachineName ('.') | GM Message is pipe is the message , not the MessageQueue objects themselves, like One can expect that I believe this because MessageQueue is enumerable. How can I force PowerShell to pipe MessageQueue objects and prevent them from enumerating them? You must be able to force PowerShell to preserve the form by prefixing the comma: < / P> , [System.Messaging.MessageQueue] :: GetPrivateQueuesByMachineName ('.') | Village

sails.js - How to update a hashed password with validation in Waterline? -

Waterline documents give an example of using beforeCreate to hash a password Works great unless you verify the password field and you try to update the record. Here's my snapped example: Type: {hasUpperCase: function} {return (/ [A-Z] /)! = -1; }, HasLowerCase: function (value) {return (/ [a-z] /)! = -1; }, Hanmar: function (value) {return (/ [0- 9] /)! = -1; }}, Attributes: {password: {type: 'string', minimalamper: 8, above case: true, halver case: true, hanumber: true}, salt: {type: 'string'}, //. .} First create: function (value, next) {// Encrypt password and record salt. Psalty.createHash (values.password). Then (function (psalt) {values.password = psalt.hash; values.salt = psalt.salt; Next ();}) .done (null, next); }, When I come to update the record, I get a verification error like something: {"password": [ { "rule": "hasUpperCase", "message": "\" hasUpperC

haskell - If MonadPlus is the "generator" class, then what is the "consumer" class? -

A pipe can be broken into two parts: generator Part ( yield ) and consumer section ( wait ) If you have pipes it uses only the generator, and returns only () (or never returns), then It can be displayed in the form of " ListT correct", it has come to know that MonadPlus can be used to represent anything correctly. Could. So my question is: what is double P> () (or never return), but the form of "dual to list" using awaiting Can be done in "Text"> I think the answer is "type generator" type-class, rather it's class / (> wait) / ( > pipe instead of expanding with a simple category example equals the class. Unfortunately, there is no way to manage type variables to satisfy all three types of classes ( MonadPlus , MonadTrans , and < Code> category ), so I will define a new type class: {- # LANGUAGE type sharing # -} Import control. Main import control Currency.

java - What do I need to change in my Eclipse setup to import and run javafx? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 8 जवाब इसमें एक उदाहरण है एक "हेलो वर्ल्ड" बटन का कहना है। मैं आयात कर रहा हूँ javafx त्रुटियों को हल नहीं किया जा सकता। import javafx.event.ActionEvent; आयात javafx.event.EventHandler; आयात javafx.scene.Scene; आयात javafx.scene.control.Button; आयात javafx.scene.layout.StackPane; आयात javafx.stage.Stage; मुझे चलाने के लिए मेरे एक्लिप्स कॉन्फ़िगरेशन में क्या बदलाव की आवश्यकता है? JavaFX 2 डाउनलोड करने और इंस्टॉल करने के लिए इस लिंक का उपयोग करें:

regex - Redirection of Director and all sublinks to a new subdomain -

1 - I am looking for redirects like this: to ... and I should also do this, even if you do the following (for all sublinks): 2 - I want to redirect, but with a slight difference: to Then, after connecting me to the right place, the redirect All the places that come afterwards have to be liked. Can anyone tell me in the right direction?

3d - Surfaces in Petrel 2010.1 in black and white -

When I am loading the surfaces it appears in black and white in the 3D window, but the 2D window Colors are present, how can the colors show up in the 3D window for the surface? This is your graphic card issue, it was usually done in the 3D window viewer. Yu was called Z- Will not be able to set the color in the form of value, it will appear as white surface. But if you choose a specific color, it helps that hope will appear similar to the color set in the info tab.

regex - How do I remove the colon from this capturing group in PCRE, while still capturing correctly? -

इस regex को देखते हुए ^ (? पी & lt; book & gt; [\ d]? \ मैं "अध्याय" समूह को गड़बड़ किए बिना बृहदान्त्र को कैद करने से कैसे रोकूं? अगर मैं बृहदान्त्र को "पद्य" समूह के बाईं तरफ डालता हूं, तो "1 जॉन 3" के रूप में पंजीकृत होता है ["book" = & gt; "1 जॉन", "अध्याय" = & gt; "", "कविता" = & gt; "3"] लेकिन "1 जॉन 3: 2" को कैप्चर किया गया है ["book" = & gt; "1 जॉन", "अध्याय" = & gt; "3", "पद्य" = & gt; मुझे बृहदान्त्र को बाहर करने के लिए कैप्चर करना चाहते हैं, क्योंकि यह एक बेवकूफ रीजेक्स को "ठीक" करने के लिए आवेदन का काम नहीं होना चाहिए। "": 2 "] । इच्छित परिणाम ["पुस्तक" = & gt; "1 जॉन", "अध्याय" = & gt; "3", "पद्य" = & gt; "2"] संपादित करें क्षमा करें, यह नहीं पता था कि उपरोक्त लिंक

processing - How to close the frame when I click the exit button? -

In my processing project, I create another frame with the following function: ExtraOptionsFrame addExtraOptionsFrame (string theName, int theWidth, int theHight) {extraOptionsFrame_parent_java_frame = New Frame (theName); Extra-OptsFrame ExtraAppsFrame = (This, The Wothth, the Height); ExtraOptionsFrame_parent_java_frame.add (s); Of.init (); ExtraOptionsFrame_parent_java_frame.setTitle (theName); ExtraOptionsFrame_parent_java_frame.setSize (of.w, of.h); ExtraOptionsFrame_parent_java_frame.setLocation (100, 100); ExtraOptionsFrame_parent_java_frame.setResizable (incorrect); ExtraOptionsFrame_parent_java_frame.setVisible (true); Return; } But when I click on the exit button on the new frame, I can not close it. I am surprised that I should add some code Someone please help me please thank you

meteor - Iron Router: pathFor: I want to generate a url from a map -

I have a navbar widget that is generating links for top level navigation. When the set of pages for leaders of coalition looks like iron-router paths: '/ coalition: alliance / players' 'player player: player id / list' Like regular iron-router paths for regular players by watching regular navigator: > I do not care what navbar is the route parameter. I just want a navbar template to map the values ​​ & lt; Template name = "navbar" & gt; & Lt; Nav class = "navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top" role = "navigation" & gt; & Lt ;! - - & gt; & Lt; Ul class = "admin-tabs" & gt; {{#each route}} & lt; Li class = "{{tabActiveClass}}" & gt; & Lt; A href = "{{pathFor PageName Data = Data}}" & gt; & Lt; I class = "glyphikon {{extraClass}}" & gt; & Lt; / I & gt; & Amp; Nbsp; {{DisplayName}} & lt; / A & gt; & Lt;

java - Can't find jar files in spring framework 4.0.6? -

Today, I'm unable to find Spring Framework 4.0.6 latest version but jar files, and I have also purchased the eclipse plugin for spring, here I am not getting anything and finding out how to add these jar files to eclipse, here is one. Some tutorial websites mention that in the lib folder but I can not see it, please help! It seems that the number of constraints to overcome: How to use Eclipse How to manage Java dependencies How to use Spring I'm not sure that your What is the level of experience, but you can consider using it as your IDE - it is a eclipse with an adapter plugin for the help of spring development. Is based. I also provide you the configuration to add dependency in both Spring Documents, I urge you to use Maen or Gradle to manage your dependency. I would recommend Maven as the starting point, because it is easy to experiment with little knowledge and is well-suited for small, standard projects While working - I 'Building Java Proj

c# - Using a custom editor template for list property -

I've almost done this, but I'm missing a short beta of knowledge This work, this is a quick fix, I know it. I am putting two ViewModels in one view: Public class major veem model {public iconging In a view like this: & lt; Snip & gt; @HTMLPartial ("_MajorParty") @HTMLPartial ("_minarpal") & lt; Snip & gt; Whose Looks: // Mipparartial @ Microsoft.AspNet.Identity @ model ClassPlannerMVC.ViewModels.MajorViewModel @using (Html ​​to use .BeginForm ()) {//@Html.EditorFor(m => M. Major) ?? I'm not able to use it) // "MyPerfectial" has been changed to "Minor" except "Major" and and then my view / share / editor templates / Major.cshtml and Minor.cshtml // Major.csthml @model ClassPlannerMVC.Models.Major @ Html.HiddenFor (m => m.ID) & lt; Div class = "form-group" & gt; @ Html.LabelFor (m = & gt; m.Name, new {@class = "col-md-2 control-label"}) & lt

node.js - How can you persist user data for command line tools? -

I am a front-end god who is node. Running in JS, especially for using small command line tools. My question: How do you keep data with the command line tool? For example, if I want to keep track of the size of certain files over time, I will need to keep records of changes (extra and extinction) in those files and relevant date / time information. On the Web, you store that type of data in a database on a server, and then the database needs it again. But how do you do this when you create a node module which is meant as a command line tool? Some normal direction is after all I am. I do not even know at this point It really depends on you that you But there is a simple way to save data, you want to continue any file because we are speaking node, store it in JSON format. Assume that you have some data: var data = [{File: '', size: 1234, Date: '2014-07- 31 00: 00: 00.000 '}, ...] (This is actually' unless it is JSON.stringifiy () d) Ma

c - AMQP RabbitMQ consumers blocking eachother? -

"itemprop =" text "> I have coded a C (RabbitMQ-C) worker application which is published by a linear Python script (pica) consumption. I have the following strange behavior that I can not seem to solve: Launching all the workers before the messages are published, the expected work 1 workers have been published as queue after the start of work However: after the start of additional workers means a worker has started taking from the queue That those workers (any message on the queue Do not see the message count = 0) and therefore just wait (there are still many messages in the queue due to the incident) The killing of the first worker will begin suddently messages all flown for waiting in all other (waiting) consumers. Any ideas what can be happening? I am sure that every consumer has its own channel (is it necessary?) But still the same behavior ... Consumers ( Worker) Here's the code for: conn = amqp_new_connection (); Sock = (amqp_socket_t

Row Referencing in R data.table package -

कहें कि मेरे पास निम्न नमूना डाटासेट है: आईरिस & lt; - data.table ( आईरिस) [सी (1: 5,51: 55,101: 105), सूची (आईडी =।, प्रजाति, अलग। लांघ)] तब कहें कि मैं निरपेक्ष गणना करना चाहता हूं समूह के भीतर पंक्तियों के बीच अंतर (इस मामले में, प्रजातियां )। आईरिस [, SL.Diff: = c (NA, abs (diff (Sepal.Length ))), = प्रजातियों के द्वारा इस बिंदु पर, मेरे पास एक डाटासेट है जो निम्न की तरह दिखता है: आईडी प्रजाति Sepal.Length SL डिफ 1: 1 सेटोसा 5.1 एनए 2: 2 सेटोसा 4.9 0.2 3: 3 सेटोसा 4.7 0.2 4: 4 सेटोसा 4.6 0.1 5: 5 सेटोसा 5.0 0.4 6: 6 वर्लिकोलॉर 7.0 एनए अब मैं SL.Diff 0.3 के थ्रेशोल्ड की तुलना में कम है, तो एक नई चर Sepal.Length2 की गणना करना चाहते हैं। < कोड> आईरिस [, Sepal.Length2: = इफेल (एसएल.डिफ & lt; 0.3, आईरिस [आईडी + 1] $ Sepal.Length, Sepal.Length)] यह जिस तरह से मैं चाहता हूँ यह काम करता है लेकिन अगर मैं समान तुलना करना चाहता हूं लेकिन अगली पंक्ति को लेने के बजाय, मैं पिछली पंक्ति के मूल्य को लेना चाहता हूं? आईरिस [, सेपोल। लांति 3: = ifelse

php - add_rewrite_rule wordpress with w3 total cache -

I want to rewrite the rule for SEO friendly. Here I have put my subject in function.php add_action ('init', 'add_my_rewrite_rule'); Function add_my_rewrite_rule () {add_rewrite_rule ('^ quiz / ([^ /] *) / ([^ /] *)?', 'Index.php? Pagename = quiz and quiztitle = $ matches [1] and quizid = $ matches [2] ',' top '); } Add_filter ('query_vars', 'set_quiz_query_var'); Function set_quiz_query_var ($ vars) {array_push ($ vars, 'quiztitle'); Array_press ($ Wars, 'quizad'); Return $ Wars; } Because this snippet was not working, I have also tried to rewrite the .htaccess rule. revised rule ^ quiz / ([^ /] +) / ([^ /] +) $ / index.fip? Penzem = Quiz Mail Extracts = $ 1 & quizid = $ 2 [nc, r = 301, l] I think this is due to the W3 total cache, I spent the whole night but could not understand it alone .... "post-text" itemprop = "text"> Flush the rules of rewriting - - Go to Setting

javascript - Why are my buttons not doing anything when clicked on? -

I am currently trying to create a site that has three buttons, one Facebook sharing one, one Twitter one and another Links for the second one video are classified as "Facebook", "Twitter" and "Play", however none of them goes to the link I wrote in my Javascript file. If this is anything wrong then this is my javascript file: $ (function () {var click = 0; $ ('button'). ('Click', function () {Click ++; var percentage = Math.Move (Math area (click / 3 * 100), 100); $ ('percent)' width (percent + '%'); $ ('number.'). Percent + '%');}); $ ('. Facebook'). ('Click', function () { (''); var w = 580 , H = 300, left = (screen.width / 2) - (w / 2), top = (screen.height / 2) - (h / 2), if ((screen.width> 480) || (Screen.height & lt; 480)) { ('', '', 'Toolbar =

docusignapi - When will the docusign api implement CORS or JSONP? -

My company is building a browser-javascript app. We provide a proxy server (to our customers in fact for additional proxy servers Without using the browser) you want to use the Doccin API via Javascript. So if you can apply CORS or JSONP to your API, then it will be very easy for our customers to understand how to buy and use Docuinsine. DocuSign does not support the Corus (cross-origin resource sharing) in its platform There are more potential safety risks and for Doku Sign, this is to maintain a very high level of security and certification compliance which can not support it.

python 2.7 - Error: No section: 'default' in Robot Framework using DatabaseLibrary -

I am using robot frameworks with database libraries to test database queries on the local host. I'm running it by XAMPP This is my test case: *** Settings *** Library Database Library *** Variable *** @ {db} RobotFramework Root \ localhost 3306 *** Test case *** connect to the database [tag] to connect to the database MySQLdb @ {dB} [0] @ {db} [1] @ {db} [2] {db} [3 ] @ {db} [4] @ {results} = query SELECT * is set MySQLDb to Tibian many log @ {result} I Python 2.7, however, when I use it Paibot a If I run, then it returns the error of return: Select from the database. FAIL | No address error: no section: 'default' Please help me solve this problem. Thank you. You should see the content of dbConfigFile. If you do not specify one, then default one. / Resources / db.cfg. The error says that when a dragon tries to parse that file, it can not get a segment by default, in the document it says: Note: specify dbapiModuleName, dbName dbUsername or dbPassword d

mysql - PHP script lagging my website -

Then I have this script (which is important for the website) and it runs every 3-5 minutes Actually, what is this script, it receives information from the API request and updates the table with new API requests. The problem is, it runs lots of API requests (about 500) because there are 500 entries in my table. And for that reason, my CPU Uses up to 100%. How can I avoid this? How can I limit the CPU usage of this script alone? header ('content-type: text / html; charset = UTF-8'); Date_default_timezone_set ('America / Los_Angeles'); Echo memory_get_usage () "\ N"; $ Con = mysqli_connect ("localhost", "***", "***", '***'); $ Result = mysqli_query ($ con, "SELECT * FROM ** _ stream"); While ($ row = mysqli_fetch_array ($ result)) {$ json_array = json_decode (file_get_contents (''rstrolower ($ line [' channel ']), true); If they are going to prevent v

java - Create a task that takes up a specific amount of CPU and RAM -

I am testing the software project of my company and want to see how it works in heavy load situations. . Is there any way to create a task that takes the CPU in large amounts and if I tell it, then only stops? If this program is not allowed, then what are the other options? As such software and input, can I get help with creating such a situation? thank you in advanced. This program can be done by. For Consumer CPU: A simple dead loop will not consume all CPUs because your CPU has several logical cores, so you have to create There are multiple threads required to do this here: DWORD WINAPI ConsumeSingleCore (LPVOID lpThreadParameter) {DWORD_PTR mask = 1 & lt; & Lt; (Int) lpThreadParameter; :: SetThreadAffinityMask (:: GetCurrentThread (), Masks); For (;;) {}} Bad Consumption AllCores () {SYSTEM_INFO systemInfo = {0}; :: GetSystemInfo (& systemInfo); (DWORD i = 0; i & lt; systemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors; ++ i) {:: CreateThread (Zero; 0, ConsumersLink, (

java - Google Map object returned as null on certain devices -

I am using the following code to start the Google Maps object: If (googleMap == faucet) {googleMap = (SupportMapFragment) getSupportFragmentManager () FindFragmentById ( GetMap (); } This works fine but on some devices, the GoogleMap object is shown as blank. How do I work around this? I broke the single line code in this form: / P> the Fergment Manager fmanager = getSupportFragmentManager (); Piece slice = fmanager.findFragmentById (; SupportMapFragment supportmapfragment = (SupportMapFragment) piece; Googlemap = supportmapfragment.getMap (); The last line supportmapfragment.getMap () is that which gives blank. My xml file: & lt; LinearLayout xmlns: Android = "" xmlns: tools = "" Android: layout_width = "Match_parent" android: layout_height = "Match_parent" Android: orientation = "vertical" & gt; & Lt; Tex

mysql - Create self join query -

I am trying to create the attendance system designed for check-in and check-out table below as < / P> (login) (login date) log_type [enum ('I', 'O')] fk_created_id example record here I want to check two separate fields and check out so that I can calculate the difference of the day or the total hours of the day. 7 2014 / 07-31 06:00:32 I 1 8 2014 / 07-31 09:10:32 o 19 2014 / 07-31 09:30:32 I 1 10 2014 / 07-31 12:00:32 o1 I'm trying to create a self-join query but here I do not know which two fields will be compared. How to ask yourself this question? And how to find out in this type of query Check it out if you can help < / P> Please note that the test and examples: Employees and managers here have an employee table from the database mysql> Choose from Employee *; + ---- + ------------ + ----------- + ------------ + | ID | First_name | Last_name Manager_id | + ---- + ------------ + ----------- + ------------ + | 1 | Hattie | Ho

ubuntu - Browser error ssl_error_rx_record_too_long (Firefox) and ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR (Chrome) -

With SSL Apache2.4, SSL errors can not be resolved. My local host on which Ubuntu Deep Stack seemed to shut down before working just a few days ago .. but does not work Firefox gives me SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG And Chrome gives me ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR After creating a new certificate, and they are set to the right domain, but it still fails & Lt; Want VirtualHost: .. 443 & gt; ServerAdmin Webmaster @ local host server name server of DocumentRoot /var/www/ < Code> SSLEngine on SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/apache.crt SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl/apache.key Errorlog $ {APACHE_LOG_DIR} /error.log CustomLog $ {APACHE_LOG_DIR} combined /access.log / etc / apache2 / Rules.conf & lt; / VirtualHost & gt; It's weird, and a little disappointing, thanks for the help. Edit: I looked at Access.log and found these errors: E - - [31 / July / 2014: 23: 07: 47.0700] "\

Hibernate Update giving java.lang.NullPointerException -

I am trying to code below, in fact I am trying to update a line in the database table by hibernate. ABCEntity obj = new ABCEntity (); Obj.setMetal (MetalEnum.valueOf (Metal)); Obj.setName (smelter_name); Obj.setSmelterId (smelter_id); Obj.setReferenceName (smelter_name); Obj.setId ((tall) 117806); Try {// Getting known smileter table transactions in tx = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession (). BeginTransaction (); . SessionFactory.getCurrentSession () update (obj); Tx.commit (); } Hold (exception e) { ("print object" + obj.toString ()); ("Error for updates:" + e.getMessage ()); } So I'm seeing error log: print object ABCEntity @ 447a43f7 [id = 117806 name = XYZ SMELTER smelterId = ABC001 metal = METAL_A Context name = XYZ SMELTER nextSteps = & lt; Null & gt; MyNames = & lt; Null & gt; MineLocation = & lt; Null & gt; Comment = & lt; Null & gt; ] and error for update: empty what's the mi

android - Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 87: create -

I'm new to Android development and I'm following the instructions given on this site: < P> I was trying to make my AVD but ran on this issue and could not solve it. Google Search did not really help either when I was trying to install some packages, this is the following error: Download the SDK platform Android L Preview, Modification 3 Download Interrupted Windows Sockets Error: 87: Downloading Android Support Repository, Modification 6 Download Interrupted: Unrecognized Windows Sockets Error: 87: 'Android TV ARM EAB v7a System Image, Rroid API el Amendment build touch 1 '; It depends on 'SDK Platform Android L Preview, Revision 3' which was not installed. 'Android TV Intel X86 Atom System Image, Android API L, Revision 1'; It depends on 'SDK Platform Android L Preview, Revision 3' which was not installed. Leaving 'ARM EAB v7a System Image, Android API L, Revision 1'; It depends on 'SDK Platform Android L Preview, Rev

LDAP authentication inh php -

I am trying to create a login page in php using LDAP authentication. For this I have installed phpldapadmin on a Linux machine (virtual machine). I am using WAMP on any other machine to develop the logging page, but do not know where to start from. Also, when I try to enable the atnantz_ladap module in vamp, the services are again Do not start. Please advise, how can I move forward and please forgive me because I do not have any information about it as it has to move on. Thanks in advance Sun

database - MySQL select/insert/update, does column order matter? -

In my mysql db, I have field id, name, email, age, city, phone If I say that do I speed Contrary to from the original order of code> select phone, city, name, id, age,> columns: Not only a small For a simple query (only one example), select ID, name, email, age, city, phone to tableline // worry 100,000 rows and multiple / advanced questions And also for loops No, it does not make any difference unless you select speed You can use the index to increase or just really select the column. When selecting, they will be returned to the order you have selected, you can also use the group to group the results of a particular column. "It will not make any difference. However, except for columns from the SELECT section it will have to run faster as it sends fewer data to the network." Source:

android - Two radio buttons getting selected in Radio Group -

रेडियो समूह में दो बटन चुने गए हैं। मुझे नहीं पता कि मुझे गलत कहां मिल रहा है कृपया मेरी मदद करें। अंतिम रेडियो समूह आरजी = नया रेडियो समूह (Survay_MainActivity.This); rg.clearCheck (); rg.setId (Integer.valueOf (entry1.getKey ())); लॉग। V ("आरजी मिलीड", "आरजी" + आरजी.गेटआईडी ()); के लिए (इंट I = 0; i.sit (); i ++) {// बटन बनाएं, अंतिम रेडियोबटन बीटीएन = नया रेडियोबटन (Survay_MainActivity.This); btn.setId (i); btn.setTextColor (Color.parseColor ( "# 000000")); btn.setBackgroundColor (Color.TRANSPARENT); btn.setGravity (Gravity.LEFT); btn.setText (values.get (i)); rg.addView (btn); btn.setLayoutParams (पैरामीटर); Btn.setOnClickListener (नया OnClickListener () {सार्वजनिक void onClick (देखें v) {JSONObject quesAns = new JSONObject (); स्ट्रिंग ans = btn.getText ()। ToString ()। Trim (); {quesAns.put (स्ट्रिंग। ValueOf (rg.getId ()),) कैच (जेसनएक्सएप्शन ई) {// TODO ऑटो-जेनरेट कैच ब्लॉक e.printStackTrace ();} jsonarray.put (quesAns); Log.v ("jso

java - How to get data from DB by trim spaces using Hibernate? -

मैंने एक नियंत्रक लिखा है जो कि @RequestMapping (value = "find / {RoleName} ", विधि = जीईटी) सार्वजनिक यूजररिल getByRoleName (@PathVariable (" भूमिकानाम ") स्ट्रिंग भूमिकानाम) {UserRole userRole = userRoleService.findByRoleName (भूमिकानाम); रिटर्न उपयोगकर्तारोल; } UserRole कुछ भी नहीं है लेकिन यह नीचे दिया गया है जैसा कि दिखाया गया है कि @ एंटीटी @Table (name = "uro_user_roles") सार्वजनिक वर्ग UserRole { / * गुण * / @ आईडी @ जनरेटेड वैल्यू (रणनीति = जेनरेशन टाइप। इंडीटीटी) @ कॉलम (नाम = "यूरो_ओल_आईडी") निजी पूर्णांक भूमिका आईडी; @ स्तंभ (नाम = "uro_role_name") निजी स्ट्रिंग भूमिकानाम; @ कॉलम (name = "uro_create_user") निजी स्ट्रिंग createUser; @ कॉलम (नाम = "यूरो_एक्टिव") निजी स्ट्रिंग बनाएंअक्टिव; / * अब जब मैं निम्न हाइबरनेट फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करके भूमिका नाम देता हूं तो डीबी डेटा प्राप्त होता है जैसे कि सार्वजनिक यूजररोल findByRoleName (स्ट्रिंग roleName) {UserRole userPermission = (UserRole) मापद

phpmyadmin - What is the issue with 10 digit mobile no data in mysql? -

I have created a table to store the user's contact records of my website. It also includes a 10 digit mobile number. The table structure is like this: create contact contact (id INT not pure AutoConnect primary key, contact INT (10)) The problem now is that if I allow 10 mobile numbers (eg 9 5958 9 1256) using phpmyadmin in the contact area, then it will insert some random value and "" but if I Insert a simple 10 digit number (for example 4561327894) then it works well and warns Minister does not appear. So please tell me that there is no one in this pillar of mobile? I am using mysql 5.1 on Ubuntu 11.04 and am using phpmyadmin. INT (10) does not mean 10 digits, it means a 10 digit display Width is Whether you have placed INT (2) or INT (10), MySQL still stores only one (unsigned, in this case) INT, whose maximum value is 42 9 49672 9 5. You can use BIGINT instead of INT, store it as a numeric, I do not recommend it, however, because it will not

jquery - Responsive bootstrap carousel multiple columns in item -

I was wondering how to make responsive layout with bootstrap carousel with multiple columns in each item To be obtained. / P> Demo: On mobile, I need all the columns to slide, but there may be only one column per item. Thank you, Zyour I think it's just anything with bootstrap Not possible, you have to write some custom javascript I am facing the same problem and I have found this booth which can help you because it helps me:

404 error while trying to call web api using jQuery AJAX -

I tried to create a simple web API and tried to use it in jQuery. But it throws a 404 error. Here is the web API code. Public Class Product Controller: API Controller {[http Post) Public Product GetProductDetail () {Product Product = New Product (); Product.ProductName = "Cricket bat"; Product.ProductPrice = "100"; Return product; }} And here is the jQuery Ajax code: $ (function () {$ .ajax ({type: 'GET', url: 'Controllers / Product Controller / GateProud Dipet', success: function (success) {console.log (success);}, error: function (error) {console.log (error);}});}); System.Web.Http Please try .vc public class ProductController: ApiController {[System.Web.Http.HttpGet] [System.Web.Http.AcceptVerbs ("GET", "POST")] PublicProductDetail () {Product product = new product (); Product.ProductName = "Cricket bat"; Product.ProductPrice = "100"; Return product; }} Then change your Ajax URL

c# - Windows Phone 8.1 app with 2 hub sections -

I have created a WP8.1 hub app with two hub sections. It produces sliding between two centers in a strange behavior. They do not "fly" in place like they are, it's more like a vertical scroll view. If I join the third hub section then everything works fine I uploaded a YouTube video about it: Is this a bug? Is there an alternative solution by adding a third dummy section? controls the hub This means Is that this is a feature, not a bug, not a bug.

How can I put a user input option in an if statement (Python/HTML) -

I am creating a form for a website and for one part I must add the last cost of the gift if the user selects Does it Check = form.getvalue ("giftwrap") I tried: elif total & gt; 150 and (B1 == "BC" or B1 == "BC" or B1 == "BC" or B1 == "BC") and checked: Print "& lt; p & gt; Taxes: $ ", tax3," & lt; / p & gt; " I also tried: Alif total & gt; 150 and (B1 == "BC" or B1 == "BC" or B1 == "BC" or B1 == "BC") and form.getvalue ( "Giftwrap"): Print " Tax: $", tax3, "& lt; / p & gt;" None of them work Any help? Thank you. Print your terms: Print Total & gt; 150, B. 1. () == 'BC', checked If prints true truth, then it works if at least one condition is wrong: See this condition first. If the output uninterrupted alif is not working (something 'if' first becomes true).

ios - Unable to find specific subclass of NSManagedObject -

I am working on developing an app with core data. When I made an example by using them: entity = NSEntityDescriptionkentityForName ( "user", Mennirmit object Contaks: appDelegate.managedObjectContext) User User (unit: body, insert Krenmaniejendtonsteks: appDelegate. managedObjectContext) / Code> received a warning for me logged: Kordeta: Warning: the unit is unable to load the name of 'user' 'category' class Not found, instead of the default NSManagedObject sub By doing yoga How can I fix this? And another question, how can I define an example method in the NSManagedObject subclass? Edit: I have specified the unit square in the following screenshot: update for Preepeding: class module name (Akskod 6 and the first beta release of Akskod 7) is no longer required. Apple documentation has been updated accordingly. the data model is now a unit inspector L The new "class" and "modules" two fields: When you cr

c++ - What does this line of code mean *((int*)(0))=1;? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 4 उत्तर तो कोड की लाइन प्रश्न यह है: * ((int *) (0)) = 1; क्योंकि मुझे सी / सी ++ के साथ बहुत कम अनुभव है और बहुत कठिन प्रयास नहीं किया है, मैं यह सरल अभिव्यक्ति नहीं समझता। इसका मतलब वास्तव में क्या होता है? यह प्रोग्राम को दुर्घटना का मतलब है, विशेष रूप से डीबगिंग के दौरान उपयोगी है। यह शून्य सूचक को अधिसूचना देगा और उस मेमोरी के लिए एक मान निर्दिष्ट करने का प्रयास करेगा, जो सैद्धांतिक रूप से सिर्फ अपरिभाषित व्यवहार है, लेकिन 99% सिस्टम पर पहुंच उल्लंघन अपवाद हो सकता है। आमतौर पर , जैसे मामलों में पाया गया है: यदि (! FileRead (importantFile)) {// यह कभी नहीं होना चाहिए, महत्वपूर्ण अपवाद * ((int *) (0)) = 1; }

Composer autoloading psr-4 not adding namespace to autoload_psr4.php -

I am using a custom repository in a project in github, which includes the set of my tools. The project correctly imports the package within the / vendor directory, but I can not use any category, because it is not automatically loading the contents of the package. My package composer.json file looks as follows: } e Instead of inside this project, composer. The JSON file looks as follows: "{{" ... "..." [...] ... "Magitroppo / Toolbox": "Dev-Master"}, "Repositories": [{"Type": "Package", "Package": {"Name": "Magitroppo / Toolbox", "Version": "Master", "Source": {"url": " After compiling the composer, the final autoload_psr4.php, the composer dumps: /mygitrepo/toolbox.git "," type ":" git "," references ":" master "}}}] Looks like the following: "Mynamespace&quo

string - Creating a Infinite While Loop Errors in Java -

I try to apply my word frequency to java < infinity while loop I'm Code The goal of this code was to create a program through the analysis of the main method JAVA was a piece text that was entered from a user. They do this by placing the text in a scanner, which is then analyzed by the program. Import java.util.Scanner; public class wordfac {public static zero main (string [] args) {scanner input = new scanner (; System.out.println ("Enter Text:"); String s; S = input.nextLine (); System.out.println ("" + s); String [] string = s.split (""); Int [] calculation = new int [6]; (Str.length () & lt; count.length) for calculation [str.length ()] + = 1; (Int i = 1; i & lt; count.length; i ++) System.out.println (i + "letter word:" + count [i]) for; Input.Close ();}} The user can re-enter a part of the text to re-analyze it again and I have this piece of code, It is infinite, but when I try to merge two then I

Local composer update fails with new heroku php buildpack -

When we run one in Roku, supported by our own PHP custom buildpack, then we are running into a problem. Harko us composer There is a need to add some extensions to the Jason "Need" section, but when you try to update locally, it fails because these packages are not present in the repo. Config file: <">" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" * "," Ext-memcached ": "*", "Aws / aws-sdk-php": "2. *", "rollbar / rollbar": "*", "yiisoft / yii": "1.1.15", "cludier / cloudifier": "1.0 ".11", "GOIP / GOIP": "v1.14", "Adridrid / ReaderGrid": "2.1.1", "Swift Mailer / Swift Mailer": "v5.2.1", "Crisu83 / yiistrap": "dev -bs3 "}," require-dev ": {" phpunit / phpunit ":" 3.7. * "," Phpunit / dbu

Monitoring Broker Redelivery with ActiveMQ -

We have configured our active MQ broker with this Broker Re-delivery plugin using this configuration. & lt; RedeliveryPlugin fallback-backed liter = "true" dispatch TODLqIfMaxRetriesExpecteded = "true" & gt; & Lt; RedeliveryPolicyMap & gt; & Lt; RedeliveryPolicyMap & gt; & Lt; RedeliveryPolicyEntries & gt; & Lt; / RedeliveryPolicyEntries & gt; & Lt ;! - Fallback policy for all other destinations - & gt; & Lt; DefaultEntry & gt; & Lt; Redelivery Policy Maximum Redeliveries = "15" UsageEnginebackbackoff = "True" Initial ReddivalireDial = "5000" UsageRightVision = "True" Backoffimultiplier = "5" Maximum Reddelivery = "93600000" /> & Lt; / DefaultEntry & gt; & Lt; / RedeliveryPolicyMap & gt; & Lt; / RedeliveryPolicyMap & gt; & Lt; / RedeliveryPlugin & gt; The plugin expects the removal of the unsuccessful me

github - Git - export archive with commit history -

मैं निर्दिष्ट प्रतिबद्ध इतिहास के साथ पर एक git repository निर्यात कैसे करूं? > जीआईटी संग्रह का प्रयोग --आउटपुट = 898a4ca फाइलों को निर्यात करता है, लेकिन कोई भी नहीं है, इसलिए कोई भी इतिहास या शाखाएं नहीं। असल में मैं चाहता हूं एक निश्चित समय पर एक निश्चित समय पर एक जीआईटी रेपो निर्यात करने में सक्षम होने के लिए - उस बिंदु पर कमिट इतिहास और शाखाएं शामिल हैं। यह ग्राहकों को उनके द्वारा दिए गए मील के पत्तों तक रिपॉ की प्रति देने के लिए उपयोगी है क्या यह संभव है? आप git बंडल का उपयोग कर सकते हैं ऐसा करने के लिए: git बंडल बनायें & lt; filename & gt; & Lt; आपसे प्रतिबद्ध करें & gt; अधिक विवरण के लिए प्रलेख देखें:

SQL Error:# 1064 when creating function in plsql using mysql -

यहाँ मेरी plsql कोड है फंक्शन calculate_hours (सोम varchar बनाएँ (20), वर्ष INT, INT) रिटर्न Varchar (10) एसडीएल डेटा READS आरंभ करें कॉल 1 varchar (10); DECLARE col2 varchar (10); DECLARE str1 varchar (30); DECLARE str2 varchar (30); SET str1 = 'CHR_MORNING' + i; SET str2 = 'CHR_EVENING' + i; चुनें str1, str2 से att_t_register WHERE CHR_MONTH = सोम और INT_YEAR = वर्ष; SET col1 = str1; SET col2 = str2; यदि (कॉल 1 = 'सून' और amp; col2 = 'एसएन') तो फिर 'एस'; यदि है तो (col1 = 'एचओएल' और amp; col2 = 'एचओएल') फिर वापसी 'एच'; यदि हां, तो (कॉल 1 = 'एल ई ए' और amp; कॉल 2 = 'एल ई ए') फिर 'एल'; यदि है तो (col1 = 'ABS' और amp; col2 = 'ABS') तो फिर '-'; यदि IF (col1 = 'NA' और amp; col2 = 'NA') तो फिर '-'; अगर अंत; रिटर्न '8'; समाप्त; जब मैं इस चल रहा था मुझे मिल गया जैसे त्रुटि .. एसक्यूएल कार्यान्वयन त्रुटि # 1064. प्रतिक्रिया डाटा बेस में आ

PERL Archive::Zip format error: bad signature -

I have a zip file created by zip command in Ubuntu and updated by the Archive Manager included in Ubuntu. I was trying to use PERL to read the members of that collection: Use strict; Use archive: zip qw (: ERROR_CODES: CONSTANTS); My $ zip = archive: zip- & gt; new (); Until ($ zip- & gt; read ('/home/mohamad/Desktop/VM/') == AZ_OK) {Dying 'Read Error'; } My @philos = $ zip- & gt; Username (); Print included ("\ n", @files). "\ N"; This zip file is about 12 GB and I know there is no limit to extending 4 GB in this module, but I am trying to see if its use Members of the AA + 4GB collection can be done at least. Here I am getting the error: at / usr / share / perl5 / archive / zip PM Line 477 Archive :: ZIP :: _ Reading authoring ('IO :: file = globe (0xb75ae8)', '/ home / mohamed / desktop / / mb /') which is called / usr / share / perl5 /Archive/Zip/ line 603 archive :: ZIP :: archi

mysql - Trying to Embed answer from SQL Query(PHP Variable) in XML doc -

Hi, this is my first posting, working on it for a few days, but there is no luck. Actually I ask a database in PHP, I am getting my answer, but I want to send this answer to an XML file for graph creation. Any help would be greatly appreciated $ result = mysqli_query ($ con, as SELECT COUNT (*) from FullCount to DailyShpm embedded here Is a part of PHP file with sql. WHERE ('1 2013-01-01' and now () - between 1 year) and (product = 'AE') "); While ($ line = mysqli_fetch_array ($ result)) {echo $ line ['fullcount']; Echo "& lt; - Complete results for total AE for 2013"; Echo "& lt; br & gt;"; Echo ['fullcount'] per line; Echo "& lt; br & gt;"; $ Files = "data.xml"; // Load XML object $ xml = Simple XMLload_file ($ files); // Assign value $ xml- & gt; Set-> Value = $ line ['fullcount']; // $ xml- & gt; Chart - & gt; Set = $ line ['fullcount']; Store the