android - does the old facebook sdk stopped working -

I was using the old methods of Facebook SDK (without pieces) in my app and they were working fine But they are not behaving according to the expectations for some time. I can log in using Facebook but it no longer brings data, even the name of the user is not even The view of the web opens up to enter, but still nothing can be brought. Apart from this, I want to invite my FB friends to use the app, but the new process is longer and complex than the old one. So is it possible to use old methods rather than new methods? Here is the code that I am using to log in and get the user name -

  applies the public class profile_ fragment fragment OnClickListener {ImageView login_facebook; String facebook_user_name; TextView fb_user_name, record_motivational_message; See @ Override public Crete View (Leautinfletr Inflatr, View Group container, bundle saved Instensstet) {// Todo Auto-generated method stub views = inflater.inflate (R.layout.profile_layout, null, false); Init (see); SetListener (); SetData (); Return view; } Zero Init (see view) {login_facebook = (ImageView) view.findViewById (; Fb_user_name = (TextView) view.findViewById (; Record_motivational_message = (TextView) view.findViewById (; } Zero Set Elisner () {login_facebook.setOnClickListener (this); Record_motivational_message.setOnClickListener (this); } Zero SetData () {fb_user_name.setText (facebook_user_name); } @ Override Public Zero (see V) {// TODO Auto generated method stub switch (v.getId ()) {case facebookConnect (); break; Case Dialog_activation Alert = New Dialog_Fragment (); (getFragmentManager (), "Your Message"); Default: Break; Void facebookConnect () {session.openActiveSession (true), true, new session.StatusCallback () {// callback when session changes state override public zero call (session session, location of session, exception exception) { If (session .isOpened ()) / / / request me to request the API. NewMeRequest (session, new request. GraphUserCallback () {// User graphs with graphic API response after callback @ public overwrite blank (GraphUser user) , Feedback feedback) {Log.v ("facebook_user_name", "faceb ook_user_name "); if (user! = null) {log. V (" facebook_user_name ", facebook_user_name); facebook_user_name = user.getName (); log. V (" facebook_user_name ", facebook_user_name);}}}). ExecuteAsync () ;}}}); } @ Override Public Zero on Activitivolt (Int Requestcode, Inc as a result code, intent data) {super.onActivityResult (requestCode, resultCode, data); Session Gateactive session () OnActivityResult (getActivity (), requestCode, resultcode, data); }}  

The link mentioned below shows you the change & amp;

Reference Link:

Read this very carefully. They have all the points in it.


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