android - ExifInterface - can't open '/storage/emulated/.../102214.jpg'" -

I'm trying to get orientation information from an image with the camera app installed on an Android phone.

When I call

  ExifInterface exif = new ExifInterface (fileUri.getPath (.) ToString ());  

I'm getting

  can not open / storage / insert / image / MacMera app / IMG_20140801_102214.jpg '  

I set WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission, can it be a problem with the KitKat version of Android?

BTW., Among other things, file yuri is used,

  file mediaStorageDir = new file (EnvironmentalGetEstinestSTorporical Directory (environment. DIRECTORY_PICTURES), "MacMarape ");    

& lt; Use-permission Android: name = "Try to add Android permission. READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> .


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