why Android (cordova) webview reloads on relaunching the activity from other application? -

I'm new to Cordova programming, loading the webview and navigating to the third page (single page app) and this app goes back to the background and background. Other applications such as

  UriMedleave custom Yuri = Uri I am trying to bring the PRS ("MDLE: // mehost / VCE? Result = thanks"); URILaunchIntent = new intent (intent.ACTION_VIEW, mdliveCustomUri); StartActivity (URILaunchIntent);  

But my webview is reloaded in the first screen. Anyone can tell me how to avoid webview reload and I tried this solution but I'm getting app crash (using three activities)

  android: launchMode = "Single instance" android: alwaysRetainTaskState = "true" / code>  

Exception log

  08-01 12: 11: 34.694: E / Android Random (11681): Fatal exception: Main 08-01 12: 11: 34.694: E / AndroidRuntime (11681): Process: com.mdlive.mobile, PID: 11681 08-01 Dec: 11: 34.694: E / AndroidRuntime (11681): java.lang .RuntimeException: ResultInfo results failing which Shankat =, Request = 3000, Result = 0, Data = Nulled} {Activity com.mdlive.mobile/com.mdlive.mobile.MDLIVEMain} to: java.lang.NullPointerException 8-1 Dec: 11: 34.694: E / AndroidRuntime (11,681): 11 :: 34.694: E / AndroidRuntime (11,681): android.app.ActivityThread.handleSendResult (ActivityThread.java3596) on 08-01 android.app.ActivityThread.deliverResults (ActivityThread.java:3553) 08- 12 12 at 12: 11: 34.694: E / Android Random (11681): Android. App ActiveTrade.X $ 1300 (ActivityThread.java.11) 08-01 12: 11: 34.694: E / Android Random (11681): Android. App ActivateThread $ H. Holland Message (Activity: Java.1369) 08-01 12: 11: 34.694: E / AndroidRuntime (11,681): android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage (Handler.java:110) 08-01 12: 11: 34.694: E / AndroidRuntime (11,681): android.os.Looper.loop (at Looper.java: 193) 08-01 12: 11: 34.694: E / Android Random (11681): Android. App ActivateTrade.Mine (ActivityTrad.Java TS2292) 08-01 12: 11: 34.694: E / Android Time (11681): but Java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative (native method) 08-01 12: 11: 34.694: E / AndroidTime (11681): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (method.java T-1515) 08-01 12: 11: 34.694: E / AndroidRuntime (11,681): com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit $ 8/1 December: 11: 34.694: E / AndroidRuntime (11681) in MethodAndArgsCaller.run (ZygoteInit.java:824): Com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main (ZygoteInit.java:640) 08-01 12 : 11: 34.694: E / Android Time (11681): On Dalvik.system.NativeStart.main (Basic Method) 08-01 12: 11: 34.694: E / AndroidRuntime (11681): java.lang.NullPointerException 08-01 12: : 11: 34.694: E / AndroidRuntime (11,681): com.mdlive.mobile.MDLIVEMain.onActivityResult (due to MDLIVEMain.Java: 622) 08-01 12: 11: 34.694: E / Android Random (11681): Android. App Active Dispatch Attachment Result (Activity. Java Squire) 08-01 12: 11: 34.694: E / Androindertime (11681): At android.app.ActivityThread.deliverResults (ActivityThread.java:3549)  
< / Div>


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