Delphi rest client does not display special characters -

I am working with the rest of the client components and I have found that they do not display special characters correctly . For example, star character is a question mark ? and I was hoping that this could be an easy solution to fix this problem and would be grateful for any advice.

By requesting, I've added more information in an effort to make my original post more clear.

What am I doing here

1.) I put the TRestClient , TrustRestest and TRestResponse components on my form and in Object Inspector at design time Link them together.

2.) Then I will add the url which I want to ask at the design time of the trust client's design code at BaseURL .

3.) Finally, I right click on my form on the Trust RankEvent component and click on the execute ... action.

By doing the above I will check the burlar. The query is handed over to the Trustworthy component which processes the request and then provides the results of the request of the Trust Response component, in which the "Content Only" reading is the only property that holds the response from the server and keeping it with you The mouse on it at the time of design in the object inspector at the design time can be seen

The original JSON structure (which is encoded as 1252 ANSI - Latin I ) Something looks like what looks in my web browser (Firefox):

  {"id": 17, "title": "shooting star รข †", "episode": 13]  

When I change page encoding in Firefox to "Unicode" structure, it looks like this

  {"id": 17, "title ":" Shooting Star ☆ "," Episode ": 13]  

While I look at the reaction, though in the Object Inspector" Shooting Star. " Enter the character in a question mark ? is transformed into the character and I have been able to "

it against the original string using the UTF8ToUnicodeString function, but it is only possible if it Appears in your browser, when this page mode is set to Unicode, the original string is not untouched, but RestClient does not preserve these characters and instead conve them the mark mark ? Of the question

I think the question I should ask in this matter is that the "insulting constituents" have these characters in the first place?


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