osx - Grails auto-compile on edit -

I am writing grails applications on Windows, and when I am editing and saving .groovy files, they Auto-compile applications are running and changes are available without restarting the app. This is not happening on OSX, neither is it in the interactive mode or in the application with Geral run-apt.

I could not find any reason for this online search, and I also know that other people working on OSX where this feature works

what is the reason for this Could?

Grails 2.3.7 OSX 10.9.4 Java 1.7.0_55

If you If you are not running in recovery mode, you will need to explicitly specify - reloading .

Starting at some point, the initial JVM is reloading and with a given specification, grails.project.fork = [...] in a new JVM < Code> in BuildConfig.groovy .

As an option to pass -reloading every time, you can modify the startgrails scripts included with the distribution and the following The option might be considered incorrect:


For me, startGrails script ~ / .gvm / grails / 2.3.11 / Bin / startGrails in the GVM directory.


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