java - DBUtils cannot convert string to date -

I am using apache dbutils in it is an object with a java.util.Date attribute I when I use the following code If I execute, it fails for SQL

select the name, start with myTable

  try {QueryRunner run; Run = new queryman (); ResultSetHandler H = new BeanListHandler (clazz); ArrayList & LT; T & gt; result ; Result = (Arrielist) run.query (Connection, SQL, H); Return result; } Grip (before eclipsection) {LoggerGetLogger (AbribbetaDataMar.clash.GetNanam ()). Logs (level. SESEE, ANNEL, X); Throw New App Abuse ("SQL Fetch Fail:" + Esquilla, East); }}  

I saw the code and found that the beanprocessor is going through all the properties with the exception of the process column date. For the date, this is saying rs.getObject (index). This gives ACC my debugger string and causes the set to fail. any idea?

Change the driver? I am using 1.25 jtds. What should be the date for getObject method?

I tried to change the jtds driver version, it was not working. Once I have changed the data type from datetime, then started working without any problem. I have also tried datetime2 to see that it will work. Nobody ... if anybody runs on this issue ... backend is a SQLServer 2008R2 DB.


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