ios - How to fill a CGPathRef overlap like this? -

I want to create a single path, which can overlap myself What do I want to have a picture on the bottom side Is:

Enter image details here

Do I have to Can I fill a single CGPathRef on iOS?

I made two paths, one gray and red one below:

 Enter image details here

There are two overlaps on the gray line, one for the same and red line. Red overlap, you can see it clearly, gray (above or below) is one but gray overlap has just been merged.

Moves trace line is a single line, probably not implemented by a single path or by a stroke.

Here's my code:

  [[UIColor colorWithWhite: 0.0 alpha: 0.3] setStroke]; CGFloat Lineview = 10.0; UIBezierPath * Path = [UIBezierPath bezierPath]; Path.lineWidth = lineWidth; [Path-driven point: CGPXMake (300, 50)]; [PathAdlineTotpoint: CGPointMake (20, 400)]; [Path adline tape point: CG pointmake (300, 400)]; [Path Adeline Totpoint: CG PointMake (20, 50)]; [Path stroke]; [[UIColor color vithrid: 1.0 green: 0.5 blue: 0.5 alpha: 0.5] setstroke]; UIBezierPath * anotherPath = [UIBezierPath bezierPath]; AnotherPath.lineWidth = lineWidth; [Latha HillToint: CGPointMake (160, 50)]; [Other Path Adeline TapePoint: CG Pointsmake (300, 200)]; [Second path stroke];  


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