How do I expose a TaskExecutor over JMX in Spring Boot? -

Text after "

A similar question was asked and responded to spring forums when using XML configuration:

I want to avoid using XML I am using Spring Boot 1.1.4, and it includes Spring-Boot-Actuator. My application class looks like this:

  @Configuration @EnableAutoConfiguration @ComponentScan @EnableConfigurationProperties public class Application {// ... // This method preserved MBeanExporter mbeanExporter (@Bean) called {MBeanExporter Has never been exporter = new MBNXPorter (); Click the & lt; String, Object & gt; Bean = new hashmap & lt; & Gt; (); Beans.put ("org.springframework.boot: type = executor, name = taskExecutor", taskExecutor ()); Exporter.setBeans (beans); Return exporter; } @Bean AsyncTaskExecutor taskExecutor () {ThreadPoolTaskExecutor Examiner = New ThreadPoolTaskExecutor () remains secure; Executor.setCorePoolSize (5); Executor.setMaxPoolSize (200); Return executor; }}  

Perhaps another bean "mbeanExporter" said yours overriding. I think that the phrase is wrong anyway - this is one. What you probably need is a MBeanInfoAssembler (if you have a , even though MBeanExporter to plug with a different bean name)


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