c++ - compile error with parallel package -

itemprop = "text">

The environment is Ubuntu 12, I tried to compile a pnnet-read-only package, as shown in this link: < / P>

  mkdir build cd build cmake ..  

I have this problem:

  - Boost version: 1.53.0 - Found the following Boost libraries: - Thread - Serialization - Adding files to create a library - Adding files to create a library CMake error: The following variables are used in this project But they are set to tell the note, please set them or make sure they set the right set in the seamkey files and check the following: Boost_SERIALIZATION_LIBRARY (Advanced) Target / pub / Link / Home / Bone / Pnet-read-only by "target" in "pann-shit" directory / pn-read / only / src / pannnet-read-only / src / pann-shit Boost_THREAD_LIBRARY (advanced) linked by link to pann Linked to "pann" in / src / pann Has been done in the "shit" directory / home / bon / pnnet-read-only / src / pann-shit  


I have libboost1.54-dev After setting -Product target goal [85%] Built-in target Pann-shit [89%] Built-in goal gnuplot-cpp linking CSF Exposable rpcsrv ../../pann/libpann.a(Net.cpp.o): Function In `Promotion: thread_group :: ~ thread_group () ': Net.cpp :(. Text._ZN5boost12thread_groupD2Ev [_ZN5boost12thread_groupD5Ev] + 0x47): `Promotion: Unread reference to 'thread: ~ thread' () '../../pann/libpann.a(N Et.cpp.o): In the function` Prompt: Thread_Group :: included_all () ': .Net.cpp :(. Text._ZN5boost12thread_group8join_allEv [_ZN5boost12thread_group8join_allEv] + 0x59):' Undefined reference to promote: thread :: included () '../../ Pann / libpann.a (Net.cpp.o): function in the 'boost :: thread :: thread & lieutenant; Zero (*) (Pan :: Net :: Run Direction, Promotion :: Share_Pit & lt; pann :: Runner & gt ;, pann :: Net *, unsigned int, boost :: interrupt *), pan :: Net: : Redirection, Promotion :: share_pit & lt; Pann :: runner & gt ;, pann :: net *, unsigned int, boost :: interrupt * & gt; (Zero (*) (page :: Net :: routine, boost :: shared APTR & lt; pann :: runner & gt; pann :: net *, unsigned int, boost :: interrupt *), pan :: net :: RunDirection, Promote :: Shared_ptr> Pann :: Runner & gt ;, Pann :: Net *, unsigned int, promote: hurdle *) ': Net.cpp :( text._ZN5boost6threadC2IPFvN4pann3Net12RunDirectionENS_10shared_ptrINS2_6RunnerEEEPS3_jPNS_7barrierEES4_S7_S8_jSA_EET_T0_T1_T2_T3_T4 _ [_ ZN5boost6threadC5IPFvN4pann3Net12RunDirectionENS_10shared_ptrINS2_6RunnerEEEPS3_jPNS_7barrierEES4_S7_S8_jSA_EET_T0_T1_T2_T3_T4 _] 0x9a): `boost :: thread :: start_thread () undefined reference to 'Collection 2: Error: LD 1 is made to exit the position [2] : *** [Apps / hybrid / rpcsrv] Error 1 [1]: *** [Apis / Hybrid / CMKfile / RPCSR DIR / All] Error 2 Make: *** [All] Error 2 < / Pre>


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