ios - iPhone is not discoverable over bluetooth low energy -

I am using the CoreBluetooth Framework I created a demo app to find Bluetooth low energy devices. As the iPhone 4S and above support Bluetooth low energy, Bluetooth is not able to find other iOS devices on low energy from my demo app.

My iPhone's iOS 7 is on.

My code is trying to find another iPhone from my iOS app. I have created a central demo app. Do I need to make another demo app for peripheral and put it on another iPhone Which I want to find.

  - (zero) viewDidoadload {[Super Watchdog]; // Setup an additional after loading the view, usually from a nib Self.centralManager = [[CBCentralManager alloc] initWithDelegate: self queue: zero]; } - (Zero) CentralManagerDiddepdate: (CBC Central Administrators) Central {// You should examine all the circumstances if (central .state == CBCentralManagerStateUnsupported) {return; } If (CentralState == CBCentralManagerStatePoweredOn) {// Scan for devices [auto. CentralManager scanForPeripheralsServices: zero option: zero]; NSLog (@ "Scanning Started"); Central Administration: (CBSE Central Manager *) Central Nedecsprofferal: (CBParyFerral *) Peripheral Adadata: (NSstratitude *) Advertising Data: RSSIN (NSNM *) RSSI {@% @% @ , Peripheral name, RSSI); }  


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